Adam walks into a bar.

Posted by AbhishekT1wari@reddit | Jokes | View on Reddit | 0 comments

The dimly lit bar was cloaked in a soft amber glow, casting long shadows across the polished mahogany tables. A haze of cigar smoke hung heavy in the air, blending with the faint murmur of voices. In the corner, the gentle notes of a piano floated through the room, soft yet magnetic, drawing the attention of the patrons. But the real marvel was the source of the music was a rat, perched on the piano keys, its tiny paws moving with deft precision, playing a tune that seemed far too sophisticated for a creature so small.

Adam noticed it the moment he walked in. Tall, broad-shouldered, and impeccably dressed in a suit tailored to perfection, he cut an imposing figure. The kind of man who thrived in boardrooms and commanded attention wherever he went. But this was something he hadn’t seen before. His eyes narrowed with interest as he took in the scene. a scruffy-looking man seated next to the piano, nursing a drink, with a jar of bills piled high beside the rat.

Adam’s heart raced. Years in the entertainment industry had taught him to recognize potential, and this was the kind of novelty that could turn heads in Hollywood. He approached the man casually, but his gaze remained fixed on the rat.

That’s incredible. Adam said, his voice low but unmistakably charged with excitement. I’ve seen a lot in this business, but never anything like this. Listen, I’m in the movie industry, and I know talent when I see it. Let me borrow your rat, just for a little while, and I’ll give you a hundred thousand dollars. We’ll make a fortune.

The man at the piano took a slow sip of his drink, his eyes wandering lazily to the rat, as though weighing the offer. He scratched his chin and shrugged, seeming unfazed by the staggering sum. A hundred grand, huh? I dunno… I like the rat. He’s got a good thing going here, y’know? I don’t think I can let him go.

Adam’s smile faltered for a moment. He wasn’t used to rejection, especially not when he had this much money to offer. But he wasn’t about to give up. His mind worked quickly, calculating the next move. He nodded once, then turned back to the bar, ordering a drink to cool his frustration.

As he sipped his whiskey, he watched the man at the piano, who casually reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out something new. A frog. He set it on the piano, right next to the rat. Adam raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. Then, without warning, the frog began to sing. Not just any song, either, its voice was flawless, clear as crystal, a sound that could easily bring down the house in any concert hall.

Adam’s heart leaped. If the rat had been an opportunity, the frog was a goldmine.

He wasted no time. Striding back to the piano, he leaned in closer, his eyes gleaming with the certainty of a man who had just struck oil. Alright, let’s forget the rat for a moment. Adam said, his voice tight with urgency. The frog, that’s the real star. I’ll give you half a million for the frog. Cash. Right now.

The man glanced down at the frog, then back at Adam. His shoulders relaxed, as though the weight of the decision had lifted. He hesitated for just a second, then nodded slowly. Alright, deal.

Adam wasted no time scribbling out the check, a grin spreading across his face as he handed it over. He scooped up the frog, cradling it carefully, and headed for the door. His mind was already racing with visions of fame, fortune, and exclusive Hollywood contracts. He barely heard the bar door swing shut behind him as he disappeared into the night.

The man at the piano sat still for a moment, his hand resting on the keys, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. Then, ever so slightly, the rat turned its head toward him and smirked.

"How many more of these suckers do you think we’re going to fool with my ventriloquism act?"