A successful baker decided to hire an assistant...

Posted by SlashCo80@reddit | Jokes | View on Reddit | 7 comments

So he hired a pretty young lady to work the counter. This particular gal had the tendency to wear short skirts as well. On the day she started, a gentleman came in and asked for raisin bread, which happened to be on the top shelf. So she had to climb up a ladder to get it.

In the meantime other guys were coming in, noticing what was going on, and asking for raisin bread as well. The poor young lady was getting a bit tired, climbing up and down all the time.

Just as she's busy serving the guys, a little old man walks into the shop. When it's his turn, she asks "let me guess. Is it raisin for you as well?"

"Not yet, missy" he says. "But it's a-quiverin' "