SHTF for women preppers and access to contraception

Posted by Unusual_Priority6242@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 164 comments

Hello everyone! I am a lifetime prepper and lurker on this forum. I want to thank you all for your excellent tips and tricks.

I have what might be a controversial question for all my fellow female preppers out there- How do you feel about stockpiled contraceptive/"termination" medication? I'm not debating the ethics of having or not having access to it; I'm simply wondering what are your thoughts on having it available in the case of SHTF? Do you think it is a good idea? I feel like everyone thinks to prep items like food, fuel, and water, but rarely consider medications, especially these kinds.

I know this is a dark scenario, but if "S" truly "HTF", then I would assume the chances of "grape" and SA would skyrocket, especially for vulnerable women who don't have access to firearms and other forms of protection. Furthermore, such violence that results in pregnancy could literally spell a slow death sentence for a woman if the grid is down or there is a lack of access to comprehensive medical care for the mother and infant. Maybe I'm just delusional, but I can't think of a worse time to be pregnant than during a grid-down/doomsday scenario. What do you guys think?