Quick fix for Poison Ivy and Poison Oak. I have tried this over 20 times now and it works every time.

Posted by PabstyLoudmouth@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 27 comments

Use really hot running water and scrub the area open (you have to scrub really hard) and it usually feels really good anyway so scratch that shit open. Next dry off with a towel that you will be washing immediately. Then get out the bleach and use a q-tip and apply it to the affected area. yes this is going to hurt, but the bleach will kill the PE and PO almost instantly. You may be allergic to bleach but you would know that by now as you would not be able to go in a swimming pool.

DO NOT DO THIS ANYWHERE NEAR YOUR FACE, ASSHOLE, OR GENITALS as you will find me and kill me for telling you to do this. If you do get it in those areas just let it run it's course while using a drying agent such as calimine lotion or washing it with regular soap often (as soap drys your skin and stops the spread).

If you feel my information is not well founded I would like to hear why.