I'm so tired of people saying that GIMP is a competent alternative to Photoshop

Posted by IdkWhatToCallMe123@reddit | linux | View on Reddit | 232 comments

I'm not trying to be an Adobe shill or say that Windows or macOS is much better because of the Adobe apps. Nor am I in any Thissense a professional who makes money in the graphics business. I'm just trying to get people to understand this.

I started out image manipulation/designing using GIMP as I'm simply too poor (😭) to bother paying for Photoshop. I truly believed those people on the internet that said that GIMP can do 90% of what Photoshop does and that those 10% that GIMP couldn't do are just rare edge-case scenarios that only actual professionals might come across

I slowly learned how to use GIMP over a couple of years by poking around in the software and trying out what the different buttons do. Now this also means that my GIMP skills are nowhere complete and I might've missed a lot of stuff or simply not understand some things.

But I started using Photoshop when I got into photography school and immediately discovered how limited GIMP truly is.

One absolutely HUGE feature missing in GIMP is to be able to do color adjustment in layers. This means you can (for example) adjust contrast in one layer, and then brightness in another. If you decide later on that you don't want one of them, you can just delete the individual layer, and it will never actually modify the original image until you export.

Another one is the super limited selection tools in GIMP. Photoshop has a selection of super-powerful tools to intelligently select certain objects in a picture. GIMP kind of has some (namely scissors and fuzzy select), but they are extremely fuzzy and nowhere NEAR the level of what Photoshop can do.

I feel like both of these features are pretty basic and they are probably some of the tools you use the most in a photo editor. While the gap in powerful-ness might not be a problem for a lot of simpler edits, an if you are doing anything slightly more advanced the time required to perform edits get exponentially higher extremely quickly.

Like seriously, a task that takes 10 seconds in Photoshop can take multiple MINUTES to do in GIMP. I wouldn't say that GIMP is 90% of Photoshop, it's more barely 60%, and I feel that the person who originally said that haven't tried using Photoshop for anything more than making memes

Again, I learned GIMP to by playing around with it, not by reading a 200-page PDF, so might skills might be the problem. But even searching online I see people complaining over the same thing.

Just so I'm clear, I mostly use Linux as my primary OS, and I absolutely loathe using Windows (Mac I don't have a lot of experience with), and GIMP is a really impressive FOSS project, and also what got me interested in the graphic-photography topic.

But going forward when someone who wants move to Linux, and asks for a good Photoshop alternative that works on Linux, it's probably best to tell them that it's not really worth bothering, and that the best choice is probably to stick to what they are already using.