Can we just admit already that there isn't a good reddit alternative?

Posted by Lifeisblue444@reddit | RedditAlternatives | View on Reddit | 97 comments

Yea I know. Go ahead downvote me, ban me, slander me, etc. But I feel like down the line this is something that needs to be addressed. I've been around on reddit with multiple accounts, and I've followed this sub for a long time. It's amazing that there still isn't a viable alternative nor solution for many users.

I'm sorry to say this but I don't see a future for most alternatives. Whatever alts that do exist are just going to remain small with nothing going on. It's funny, I remember about what year or over a year ago someone had finally said how shitty the situation was and that the majority of alternatives sucked ass.

Any centralized site is gonna end up shit because the devs are a multitude of things. 1. Dumb and inexperienced. 2. Are assholes. 3. End up not being trustworthy. People keep suggesting that fediverse is gonna somehow be the answer when we all know damn well a majority of people aren't even gonna use it at all.

The truth is what nobody wants to that there isn't a ship to jump to. No other sites have the amount content, information, education, and entertainment that the main sites such as Reddit, YouTube, Tumblr, etc. Have and will continue to have.

Idk...I've browsed this sub long enough for too long. I think I'm just going to touch grass more often like I've been doing.