joining Emirates aviation pilot programme

Posted by Forklore@reddit | aviation | View on Reddit | 27 comments

tbh i don’t know what is even the point of this post. If i help one person i can say this was a success

ok so right of the bat alright so this isn’t going to be professional or anything. i just want for people to get an idea on the joining process and help if needed. unfortunately this is only limited to emiratis for now as it is strictly for them until the foreseeable future.

the full course is about 2 years and 8~ months without english, and about 3 years and 4~ months with english. so pass the english test

quick facts about myself. - i’m currently in the 9th month of the program at the time of writing this -skipped english part of program as shown in my amazing post writing skills - i didn’t want to be a pilot until like 2 months b4 applying - pretty much it i guess

applying is a lengthy process and you should be aware that if you failed any exam you could apply again but they will delay you a lot as i know a guy who applied and failed an exam so they made him wait like 6 months and they still haven’t accepted him so he is still waiting.

the process is written in their website but not much detail is written about each different exam. i don’t remember the full joining process but this is most of it 1. you start with the math and physics exams which are really easy tbh. you just need like a grade 10 understanding of maths and physics i mean like American or British system schools

  1. after you finish math and physics you will then do the TOEFL which in my opinion is easier than the IELTS. to skip the English course get a score higher than 530. i got 615 i believe give or take 10. its really basic english.

  2. then you do the psychometric and psychomotor test which is basically like a game where you need to keep the plane in between two lines with a joystick. and they also give you this short term memory number game.

  3. interview - i think this is the most important part of the joining process. be prepared for some weird questions even if you didn’t know what to say think smart and take your time, be confident. one example is “what animal are you?”. act professional in your interview and make a solid CV/Resume to hell you as well. i was nervous af in the interview but i knew what he was going to ask. don’t answer like everyone, like if he asks you “when did you want to become a pilot” don’t say “all my life” be creative but be seriousish.

i didn’t proof read this post or anything so i know it is hard to read. but my intentions are as pure as ..... i couldn’t think of anything atm

so if you have any questions feel free to email me at || (anything account dont judge me) or comment here and i will do my best to answer

EDIT: so i completely forgot talking about student life. so you have like a rec room which has billiards, darts and some board games. it does get repetitive after like a month or two.

you have to stay in the uni 5 days a week, yes even girls. it does get really boring after 3 months but you need to deal with it. after all you will be an emirates pilot.

there are like 15~ people in each class.

there is also a gym and a pool.

you cant leave the academy even after you finish classes but its really not that bad. its aight i guess, a bit boring but hey it’s a sacrifice you should be able to take if you are serious about being a pilot.

if you want that university feel. sorry you won’t get that here. its like school and the timings are strict (obviously). its from 8:30am to 4pm

If i forgot anything comment or msg me and i will see to it