Anyone know how much David Lloyd gym membership is?
Posted by Trick-Paper-6016@reddit | miltonkeynes | View on Reddit | 16 comments
Hey guys! I was hoping to join but I’m seeing different prices online? Are the prices negotiable or is it based on location? Has anyone here got a referral?
Can someone give me a referral for avid Lloyds in Dublin?
I have platinum and I just got quoted £219 for diamond. I cancelled my membership on the spot.
I made an enquiry a few months ago and it was going to be £117 for just me on a standard membership that doesn’t include racket sports or discount at cafe etc. I used to work there some years ago and had a free membership then and honestly it’s not worth the money. Full of stuck up dickheads who think they are posh, and there’s better gyms around Milton Keynes you can go to. The best thing about David Lloyd is it’s outdoor pool. Even that in the summer is full of kids though so you can barely swim a length.
I went as a guest to the Luton location last week and I was shocked at the condition of the gym for the cost of membership. I've been to nicer Planet Fitness gyms, so that's really saying something. Almost every machine had rust (??) and looked worn out. Had a seat collapse on me because the bracket was worn down. Damaged floor panels, I tripped twice in some deeper divots. The whole gym felt incredibly cramped for space, I'm talking bumping elbows with your machine neighbor if you aren't careful. Full gym of people and didn't see a single person wipe a machine down, that part was crazy to me. No hand sanitizer anywhere either, just one bottle of spray. My hands turned black and grimy from one of the lat pull downs. Locker rooms looked dated and weren't clean either, a pile of toilet paper in the bathroom stalls was still there 1.5 hours later. These are all things I would expect from a £30 gym. Not triple digits, no way.
You should come to the one in Bristol pal 😂😂
Seems like such a single person surcharge. Went in today to MK. For a single platinum membership, it is £239. For a couple it is 179. Utterly unfair Why is life so expensive for us single people?
I’m sales in David lloyd.
The prices differ in every club as there’s different facilities and offerings. Your best option is to pop into the club and they can show you all the packages and explain the differences. Average rate for an individual is £70-130
Why is it cheaper to join as a couple?
It’s just one of those things which is abit of a sales tactic really. It helps you as it’s cheaper in the long run and encourages you to do more together too. The more of you that join on a package the better rates you get. Kinda like buying in bulk works.
What if you are a couple but you don’t live at the same address ? Does that make a difference ? Thanks in advance ❤️
Just went in for a tour, individual diamond membership was 194 per month, no platinum on offer at MK. There was also a £75 joining fee (reduced from 150) 😂
Yeah, this is correct. That’s round about how much I’m paying, I pay £189 for platinum
It varies by membership type, plus discounts for paying up front and for couples. I think platinum is about £100 per person for a couple's membership.
It’s £189 now for platinum. The one below is £169 which is (full membership) but you can’t use the spa with that
I pay £56 for an off peak membership which means I can only swipe in from 11:00 til 16:00 mon-Fri and then 14:00-close sat and Sunday. Shift work allows me to go during quieter times thankfully
That’s pretty good. I doubt I’ll get anything like it when I try 😂