Can I have a “who hates who” in former Yugoslavia? 😄

Posted by lingeringneutrophil@reddit | AskBalkans | View on Reddit | 92 comments

I’m professionally involved with both locals and expats from the area and I need a “who hates who” guide to the former Yugoslavia offspring:

my understanding is Kosovars hate Serbians.

Croats hate Serbians . Serbians hate Kosovars.

Slovenes hate Croats if I remember correctly? Or is the border thing no longer an issue? Do they hate Serbians now?

Who do Bosnians hate again? Was it Kosovars or am I muddling it up?

Do you all collectively hate Russia now and it’s all good, or is Serbia ruining it again?

Dear former Yugoslav friends, if you could guide us, uninvolved parties, into the intricacies of your mutual antipathies so that we don’t commit an atrocious faux-pas when making connections and sharing, it would be tremendously appreciated. Peace and love to you all 💙