Just had the new mobile site inflicted on me, worst reddit update (so far)

Posted by trolldatroll@reddit | RedditAlternatives | View on Reddit | 33 comments

Front pages are now formatted in that weird way they were if you scrolled past the comments on posts, making it never feel like you're actually on the top page of a sub. Everything is infinite scroll now. Long posts are now a sideways scroll box, absolutely deranged! You can no longer click on the image/video thumbnail to expand it to get around the NSFW block. You can't change sort order logged out. You can't change settings logged out. The number of recent subs you've visited has been cut in half. Every post opens in a new tab, which I keep being reminded of when the browser complains about hitting 99 tabs. Page font size has reached it's old man yelling at clouds phase.

Every single change, of which there are many, is worse.