distro a grandpa can use?

Posted by fixedfury505@reddit | linux | View on Reddit | 32 comments

hi, a freind of mines grandpa came to me telling me how his laptop is too slow and cant do shit. hes got a acer one. its a total piece of junk. when i got home to get a better look, it had so much random bloatware. he had nothing he wanted so i formatted it and installed pale moon on his computer. i havent given it back to him yet. its only a 28gb emmc and it still lags on windows 10. hes an old guy who can barely use windows, but a fresh windows 10 install probably wont cut it for long. what is the absolute most simpliest distro an old fart can use? all he really needs is something that doesnt require a "sudo apt update" every day and an internet browser.

this is probably an impossible case but i figured its worth asking