Holding arms still?
Posted by toasterbath_2301@reddit | Firearms | View on Reddit | 14 comments
I have a bit of an issue. When I shoot rifles and shotguns I have little issue holding the gun still however when I and shooting a hand gun my arms are pretty shaky so my shooting is pretty awful with handguns. Any tips to help with this? Maybe exercises I could do?
Are they shaking cause you're gripping too hard, or shaking on their own like Parkinson's
toasterbath_2301@reddit (OP)
it’s like when i hold them out my arms begin shaking on their own. this is even without a gun. it’s been this way my whole life.
Hmm, do they shake on their own when your arms aren't held out/ at rest? I'm wondering if it's like a medical condition or something where you can train your muscles with exercise.
toasterbath_2301@reddit (OP)
when they are at my side they aren’t shaking
What everyone else said. In addition, check your caffeine intake. I used to get the shakes when looking through a scope, turns out a week without caffeine was the solution.
toasterbath_2301@reddit (OP)
I am very dependent on caffeine right now so I will try to cut back and maybe that will help:))
Lift weights, specifically farmer carry (strengthens core for steadier shooting) and bicep curls to overhead press. Or practice lifting and holding 5-10lb weights from a low ready position to a shooting position (assuming you shoot isosceles or modified weaver.)
Direct forearm/hand training can be very beneficial as well in my opinion
Good on you op for looking to grow and improve yourself and your training I wish you the best and hope you succeed in your endeavors
I'm going to mention something noone else will, I had this issue when I was younger and didn't figure out what it was until I was 30 and that was almost 8 years ago. Most will reccomend lifting weights and being fit. I'd reccomend getting your blood pressure checked, not necessarily just rifles, but handguns were hard for me to shoot too, people don't think about shooting and blood pressure together. I got on medicine and kept working at it and I'm so much better now, I'm a monster on a rifle compared to what I was before, and my groups tightened with pistols a ton.
It depends on a lot on WHY you are shaky (age, issues with your nerves, etc..). Building strength is good, but also try using some gentle dynamic tension, such as pushing forwards with your primary hand, and pulling back with your support hand. Not with a lot of force, just a gentle tension. For me this helps stabilize things.
Lift bro... Make gains.. No, really, your arms sound to be a bit noodly, and if you do some work on a bench press, and with some barbells it will eliminate the problem. Eventually with enough reps and time holding up a pistol will become effortless. If you don't want to go to the expense of buying weights or a gym pass, get yourself a 10lb sack of flour. Triple bag it at the store, then when you get home begin lifting that sack by the handles as if you are drawing a pistol (slowly) and holding it arm fully extended (do both arms alternating). Stop and hold it at full extension on each rep for a few seconds. A few weeks of, and a lot of reps of that and you'll be in better condition to hold a handgun on target.
Avoid elevator shafts.
Try not to grip too hard