111$ left in Budget for PC
Posted by Ninja__53@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 32 comments
I have been tasked for building a Budget PC, specifically for "Minecraft Java mods, Roblox, and Google" Current system is a laptop so (almost) anything is an improvement.
Can find and assemble current system with Micro center Bundle of 7600x, B650m-a, and flare x5 16gb ram for 300, and after CPU cooler (Assassin X120 Refined SE), case (Masterbox Q300L), case fans, PSU (Kyber 650W), and 1TB gen4x4 m.2, I still have 111$ left in the budget.
due to Minecraft/ROBLOX being CPU intensive, I have chosen to prioritize CPU over GPU, thus why its yet to be picked. that being said, if it wasnt for the "mods" I honestly wouldn't worry about the GPU. as far as I'm a ware they only plan to do 1080p gaming.
I was given a Budget of $600, on one hand, want to give sufficient performance, on the other, want to make a little money still. an tips/tricks would be appreciated! thank you!
You could see if Zotac refurbished cards will ship to you:
Or check eBay, but eBay seems cursed at the moment.
Ninja__53@reddit (OP)
brilliant! thank you so much!
Up the ram to 32GB
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've heard Minecraft mods are RAM sponges. I remember hearing that a lit of the Minecraft mod community use 64gb or 128gb.
I don’t think so, I have 32 gigs of ram, have played the likes of Vault Hunters, BMC, FTB Evo and never allocate more than 8192MB of RAM to the game itself. From what I’ve read allocating more causes issues. I also host on a separate dedicated server with 64 Gigs of RAM and same deal, I allocate 8192MB of it to the server.
Ahhh ok.
Look on used markets for an RX 5700/5700 XT. Good gpus for last gen games, no RT though, 8gb VRAM. But in terms of fps performance at 1080p, quiet a good gpu comparable to a 3060 or 6600XT.
Ninja__53@reddit (OP)
thank you! Ill definitely look into that!
Just to add, the gpu lacks mesh shaders which means some of the newer games simply will not run on it. It's very much a gpu that is unfortunately becoming obselete for that reason despite still having respectable performance.
You're realistically gonna have to cut back on something here. Probably a slightly lower range CPU and PSU in order to make space for a decent GPU.
It's probably also worth looking second hand for good value deals
Smaller PSU, Yes. Cheaper, NO. Do NOT skimp out.
A real bro would bump up to the 7700x bundle with 32gb ram for $70 more, then buy a pizza with the rest and have a fun night building it. 16gb ram is a disservice imo.
Ninja__53@reddit (OP)
you make a fair point. I haven't considered "just" going with Integrated graphics yet...
I think the bundle has an upgrade path for 10$, so I might end up doing that.
If there’s a +$10 option for more ram that gives you room for at least a 1030 with 4gb for $99. That puts you +- $1 within budget.
Ninja__53@reddit (OP)
turns out thats only for the 32gb stick deals. that being said, I see 2 possible options here;
1) 9600x 16GB + clone stick (32GB total) for 375 (bumps total to \~570) (proabbly going with this one)
2) 7700x 32GB for 370. (bumps case to fullsize, save on casefan[included]) (Bumps total to \~567)
Again, this is assuming lack of GPU.
Customer is a friend and his hypefixation fell on TTRPG's, not PC's so he has little to no knowledge of the PC space, thus why such a small budget while looking for a dorm PC.
also based on "https://youtu.be/y5ih3Z0qwg0?t=31m43s" as long as he stays to Minecraft, even with the 5600x easily 120+FPS's (this is why i'm still considering no GPU)
Then maybe overthink the relationship to your ''customer'' dawg if that guy is not worth it to, again, not take the chump change thats coming out of this
That guy gave you not a small budget, that is a solid budget for a 1080p build that could potentially play AAA games in medium - high settings 60-80fps, but you want to make possibly 50$ and leave that guy without a GPU. What the fuck? Seriously, so fucking stupid and absolute nonsense, my brain can't comprehend it.
''As long as he stays with Minecraft'', but what if he doesn't? Then he has no GPU. What if he, at some point, doesn't wanna play Roblox and Minecraft anymore? Then what? He has no option, buy a GPU it is then. And delivering a PC case without a GPU, man I would feel like the dumbest motherfucker on earth.
You are ripping this guy off. And if you seriously consider making a business out of this, then maybe, just maybe build him something solid and perhaps through word of mouth you might get actual clients, and not friends that trust you with their money
100% what I think couldn't have said it better.
32 GB DDR5, RX 6600 and a 7600 and that guy will have enough to power Minecraft, Roblox and Googool
Fuck the chump change
This. Assuming that it is CPU intensive, and you want to skimp them out of a graphics card by using integrated graphics (which is pretty shitty imo), then this is the way.
111€ left and you don't have a gpu? Yeah, this build is not happening with that budget...
Ninja__53@reddit (OP)
it might, it just may be with Integrated Graphics.
that and If I dont force the GPU in now, they have that much a stronger system for when they are ready/willing to move on to greater things than Minecraft. -_-
Integrated gpu build for 600€ sounds insane. Either get them to strech the budget, or change the build
I'd probably build on AM4 at that budget. A lot of people here seem to think that buying AM4 is insane since it's a platform but the barrier to entry on AM5 is so high it's just not worth it for low or even some mid end builds.
(having access to a Micro Center does help a lot, but it could still be worth considering)
Ninja__53@reddit (OP)
the bundles are why the build (started as) is still in AM5 territory.
How much is being spent on each component?
Ninja__53@reddit (OP)
rsen 7600x, B650m-a, and flare x5 16gb ram for 300 all together. so \~100$ each. (ecasue thats how that math is supposed to be done.)
after some further digging, im more leaning to 5 9600X, B650M-A, X5 Series 16GB bundle + clone stick for a total of $375 (total build adjusts to 570, opposed to the 490 of before.)
before you freak out completely, the 5 7600 can run 1080 easily at 120+ fps
okay, now you can freak out.
Ninja__53@reddit (OP)
according to this, its still easily 120+fps at 1080 (namely for Minecraft, definitely not meant for AAA Modern games.)
You won't make any money if you want to provide sufficient performance with that budget, unless you buy parts used. 110$ and no GPU is hard. I would get a RX 6600, I learned today that they go for 130$ aprox. in the US so just pay the difference and keep the change.
Go for a 20 series, or save 100$ more and get a cheap 8gb 3060 (or hopefully a 12gb 3060, they nice)
You didnt say what gpu it has
Ninja__53@reddit (OP)
thats why I came here. I've gone as low as I can and the budget has 111$ left over.
go on ebay or fb market place for a used 5700xt/6600/1080(ti)