I remember reading a knockoff that came later - it was way harder as there was only one ending that didn’t result in death. Once you made a bad choice, death was inevitable but you wouldn’t know until a few choices - so you couldn’t bookmark all your choices with your fingers if you weren’t sure.
Seemed like a fad - did they make a lot more past our age group?
Started getting a bunch of these when i was around 8 and they really got me into reading. If i kept my finger on the page i could go back and pick another path unless Mom saw.
Master of Mazes by Carol Gaskin was my favourite choose your own adventure. I remember being so scared and excited, even after choosing every path and reading it 50 times over.
I miss those books. They were the best. Someone needs to make a pdf collection.
Not quite a PDF, but the Open Library (free to join) has a collection of these books.
Awesome. Gotta love technology.
Loved them!
This is actually a great game. Loved these books!
The original save scum. Flip to the page and then hurry back because it doesn’t count yet.
I'd have like 3 fingers on different spots in the book marking different pages to turn back to...
I got this game for my kids it’s fun. I actually never read these books I remember the goosebumps ones though.
I’ve never been able to complete mystery of the maya.
I will one day.
Buttttttt… Keep a finger in your current page. 🤣
A year or so I received an Oregon Trail Choose Your Own Adventure.
For anyone interested, there are a couple recent Choose Your Own Adventure board games: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamefamily/56939/books-choose-your-own-adventure
It seems the more you liked the books, the more you'll like the games.
I have some and a game on my bookshelf.
Those were the best books
I loved the “you be the jury” series.
The Mystery of Chimney Rock was my all-time favorite of these books.
Inside UFO 54-40 was mine
By Balloon to the Sahara.
Third Planet From Altair stans, represent!
These were the best!
I remember reading a knockoff that came later - it was way harder as there was only one ending that didn’t result in death. Once you made a bad choice, death was inevitable but you wouldn’t know until a few choices - so you couldn’t bookmark all your choices with your fingers if you weren’t sure.
Seemed like a fad - did they make a lot more past our age group?
There were a fair amount at the time: Twist-a-Plot, Find Your Fate, gamebooks like Lone Wolf and Super Mario…
If you were a real gambler you did not keep your finger on the page that sent you there to chose the other option
I loved these when I was a kid. When I got a little older, I graduated to Lone Wolf books. The covers had some fantastic art too.
Loved these books. Just bought a bunch for my son.
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
I appreciate they still exist in our world
I was surprised actually. We have one tiny Barnes n nobles left in my county. Went there during the holidays and there they were.
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
I love Powells used bookstore in Portland Oregon for that reason. Every shelf is a surprise of out of print and rare books.
Who else cheated when they flipped to a page and saw THE END at the bottom? So they picked a different page?
Inside UFO 54-50 was creepy as fuck
I loved that Knives Out referenced Who Killed Harlow Thombey
I loved that Knives Out referenced Who Killed Harlow Thombey
Stayed up late with a flashlight under the covers reading through these. 🥰
Started getting a bunch of these when i was around 8 and they really got me into reading. If i kept my finger on the page i could go back and pick another path unless Mom saw.
Master of Mazes by Carol Gaskin was my favourite choose your own adventure. I remember being so scared and excited, even after choosing every path and reading it 50 times over.
I never read the books but I bought the game at good will and I want to give it a try, is it fun?
I still have a bunch of the D&D ones
OkPie8905@reddit (OP)
They were what allowed my mom my gateway into AD&D eventually. She had to agree I hadn’t summoned Satan by choosing page 666 or something
My brain is desperately trying to figure out how to turn to page 26 on the iPhone Reddit app now…