Is CS worth to study in 2025
Posted by Electrical-Flan6187@reddit | learnprogramming | View on Reddit | 43 comments
Ive been hearing a lot of things about how it’s a risky field to study in todays world due to ai and shit like that.
Study it if you enjoy it. If not, there are other lucrative fields.
what other lucrative fields?
Engineering, medicine, physics, statistics, data science and the list goes on
Lots of MINT studies, medicine, law?
Those who’re saying that it’s a risky field can be categorized into three
They don’t know much about software engineering and related fields.
They’re selling AI products.
They’re repeating what YouTubers are saying, a.k.a parrots 🦜
thank you, the exact answer I was looking for, so I don’t have to type in exactly the same.
Its so strange to see how some people think AI is going to replace the only field that can develop AI systems. I would be way more scared about my position as a painter, factory worker, storage worker etc than someone who actually needs to use logical thinking to find the right solution for specific scenario.
Exactly.. My evaluation is that it's macroeconomics more than it is anything fundamentally changing due to AI. I think as an industry we're really just in a bit of a hangover from the high that was the post-covid boom. There certainly will be a period where new grads who can barely code are getting hired left and right again, but only time will tell when that is.
Don't worry AI won't be taking over programming. Try asking Chat GPT to count the r's in a strawberry.
How many times do you count the r's in strawberry when programming.
Instead, ask it to write you a python script to count the r's in strawberry. See how that goes.
Now try asking it to write a python script for something non-trivial
Sure, but try asking any AI model this prompt:
Write a Python program that shows a ball bouncing inside a spinning hexagon. The ball should be affected by gravity and friction, and it must bounce off the rotating walls realistically.
Now that's a lot, the requirements aren't specific and the LLM will suck at the positional stuff.
Leave out the hexagon and just go with a square and the ball with gravity and you'd have something pretty quickly.
Getting the spinning hexagon to work right, I can see the AI failing a lot. It's still gonna be a useful tool though.
Also, to make my opinion clear, I believe programmers should absorb and use AI in their daily lives. For example, at the company where I work, we use AI
Most of those video are referring to the software engineering portion of cs. They’re so many more fields you can break into with that degree
What are some examples of fields other than SWE?
Can you break into those same fields with a BS SWE? Or do people just call it a cs degree on their resume at that point?
SWE is more focused than CS, but there’s not as much separation as some might think.
There is a clear distinction between SWE and CS, SWE focuses on a mix of hardware and software and how to engineer a product or service. CS focuses on algorithms and the more technical computer science topics.
Both degrees intersect at some point where an SWE is learning CS topics but CS doesn't learn much from SWE(in my experience anyway)
As a CS major and working as a software engineer, I've learned A LOT about engineering software that was never taught to me in my degree.
This is false. My truth table told me so ;)
Fair points. I was mainly speaking in terms of degrees rather than real-world experience. From what I’ve seen, SWE degrees are usually CS degrees without the math, but with more focus development and programming.
No you should work at mcdonalds instead
That's sure xxddd
What do you think of those people who study art or philosophy? Most of them probably won't do either. But they can still have careers. If your goal is "I need a well-paying job from a CS degree", then that's a much higher goal. If you're willing to be flexible or pick up new things, then the CS degree might be fine.
If you need a sure thing, well, there's not one. What else were you thinking of doing?
Hey there! I totally get where you're coming from. I had my doubts about studying CS too, but let me share a personal experience. I struggled with staying on track until I started using SPA-RE AI. The reminders kept me focused, and the AI-generated flashcards were a game-changer. It really helped me grasp concepts better. By the way, I'm the developer of the app. Give it a try
No, make a boat instead.
So, this same question is going to be asked almost every day?
I wouldn't. I would do healthcare instead.
I think it's a very good skill to have.
Are these types of questions worth asking in 2025? Yes, but please spend time searching previous posts in the sub.
AI just regurgitates existing solutions to existing problems. And it's currently not very good at it. LLMs can help you write code, but it doesn't help you solve problems.
A CS degree can still be worth it, but you need a 5-10 year plan. In the past you could just get the degree and expect a job, but that's not the case anymore. You have to optimize for something and know what classes, internships, and skills you'll need.
I talked about this on reddit before, but I recommend going into interdisciplinary careers to make yourself more competitive and stand out. Specifically I recommend focusing one one hard technical/engineering skill like chemistry, computer science, mechanical engineering, or math/stats (though pure math generally has lower salaries compared to the others). Then pairing it with a domain that requires a lot of background knowledge. Something like biology, medicine, law, economics. It's hard to find people with strong technical skills, but also a good understanding of the background material and if you're someone who has both, you can really stand out.
a mechatronics engineering degree would be the best IMHO!
EarPersonal3025@reddit, you can use this for challenging yourself in the first 2 months of learning, and Microsoft is just a gold mine for c#
Yes. If you intend to get a job in tech it's almost a minimum requirement. In terms of AI taking over, there will always be human oversight. In fact, AI is creating quite a lot of job opportunities and demand for AI specialists
ymmv with this but my experience is ANY degree is a minimum requirement.. What gets you hired is some sort of experience or portfolio
good luck competing with those asian kids learning python in the womb
Risky? Ai isn’t going to replace it.
People who think CS/IT is only coding think AI will replace it.
People who know that CS/IT isnt just coding realize why the human element in everything is important and will continue to exist.
AI is a tool to be used, not a replacement for the person using the tool.
Well I have started doing cs50 and all AI I used to help me explain smth and check the code made some pretty major mistakes. I have no prior experience but I am pretty sure these are the basics and it got it wrong. One example would be that it couldnt figure out how to get every second number from a 16 number sequence (problem set for week 1 called Credit) and it kept saying my approach would not give a correct result and I had to explain that it would (which confused the hell out of me). As someone who has been hearing how its not worth it to study this stuff bcs of AI, that was pretty telling to me that it needs people who know what they are doing and its just a tool to help you work faster and understand things. And that is just one example, I am a compete beginner and I use AI to better understand what I am doing and why. So far it made 3 major mistakes and that was one of them.
Well there are other risks too. AI is the least of concerns if you suck at programming, lose interest or your area’s job market is bad. Just make the call and swap if necessary.
I got my degree over 15 years ago and it was (and still is) one of the best career choices I've made. Once you get a few years into any corporate job you'll see that there's alot that developers are expected to do that A.I. can't do right now. Most small to mid-sized companies also aren't keeping up with the latest AI trends and still hire human developers.
It will be worth studying if the job market gets better in 4 years, which is something nobody really knows. I would suggest looking at something that piques your interest while making decent money.
Just get good enough to make AI?
Bro how are we supposed to kno?