Regret getting Tannus Armor again
Posted by Kingofdiamonds72@reddit | ebikes | View on Reddit | 64 comments
This is the Second Time Ive bought Tannus Armor still ended up with a flat. I figured "you know what I got a new bike let me give Tannus another chance". Same thing as last time didn't do no better than my regular tire liner I usually use. If anything a nail is a nail which we'll rarely run over, but we really only need liner against thorns aka goat heads mostly, $75 for 1 wheel by the way
Don’t know a tube or tire on the planet that will save you from that…it’s not tannus’s fault, it’s where you ride/how much you oh attention.
Tubeless and you won't notice until you get home and see the slime traces
That fucker wouldn’t killed a tubeless tire and likely the wheel too.
Also, like 90% of the bikes posted on here arent worth building wheels to make it tubeless.
Sorry, but this is not accurate, I have literally pulled screws twice the width of this out of tubeless tyres that have been changed when balding.
If you have tubeless setup that won't seal a 3mm hole, with the object still in place, you either didn't have enough sealant or used rubbish sealant in the first place.
Not to mention, there are literally whole communities of MTB riders that will have similar stories.
I have been tubeless for 2 years and get 3 flats that wouldn't seal, all of which were sidewall damage.
I've been riding slimetubes for 6 years and only have had 5 flats that wouldn't seal. Seems like my anecdotal evidence is better than yours and slimetubes are #1.
I've pulled 3.5 inch decking screws out of my Tannus and tpu shielded tire without a puncture, and I've pulled those 1 inch self tapping roofing screws out with puncture. Same when I ran tubeless, which is actually why I stopped running tubeless and went back to cheapo motorcycle tubes for the Ebike.
Honestly, sometimes tires just pop and there's no realistic answer as to why one puncture did and one puncture didn't.
It wouldn't have killed my tires it wouldn't have punctured. Schwabee Marathon pluses.
I see more posts of issues with tubeless tires than any with tubes. It’s a gimmick for people wanting to save on a tiny bit of weight as far as I’m concerned.
Ok so don't.
Had it for years. Can do roadside repair in 60 seconds with a plug.
I haven’t had to do any roadside repair in years and over thousands of miles. So I won’t.
Yeah it's more of mtb thing.
Kingofdiamonds72@reddit (OP)
I didn't say it was Tannus fault I'm just stating that it doesn't make a difference if you use it or use regular tire liner
As someone who had habitual flats prior to installing Tannus, I gotta disagree. I have yet to get a flat since installing them. I went from 3-4 flats a year to zero in like the past year and a half. Not saying they're perfect, but I've ridden tubeless and tried other liners, and I'm sticking w/ Tannus, for my ebike anyway. They suck to install, and they're heavy as hell, but they work.
Kingofdiamonds72@reddit (OP)
Have you hit a nail like I have?
flatout is literally the ONLY thing that will help with punctures on a real-world level
anything else is just a snake oil sale, and won’t do shit. i rode an industrial road for 8 miles and popped like 6-10 tubes a week, flatout (off road version) is a fkn GODSEND
pls upvote this comment so OP can stop dealing with the hassle
Swap out the tires for thicker ones the HEB Allscape.
And please cut your fingernails. No woman wants those claws anywhere near their parts.
I didn't notice they're dirty too. Ewwww
He’s working on a bicycle…
He rides an ebike... what makes you think he's even interested in women?
I doubt any man would want those paws near their privates either.
😂😂 exactly
Schwaulbe Marathon pluses stop me from getting flats. Got a pair of brand new for $80 off eBay two months ago. Best bicycle tires I've ever had
buy flat out/slime on amazon for next day delivery
fill flat tire
spin flat tire a few times
put air back in tire
Enjoy no more flats
Ever since I went tubeless I never went back to tubes. Never had flats again even in the Colorado trails with all the goatheads.
The fun thought experiment here is wondering how many flats it DID prevent that you didn't notice because you didn't get a flat in the first place.
Kingofdiamonds72@reddit (OP)
Just as much as a regular tire liner instead Tannus armour this time hit a nail didn't last 4 days
Okay. Save yourself some time, money, stress and get some flatout. Haven't had a flat in 3 years now.
When I started riding, I had 5 flats in 4 months and after the first flat I invested in Tannus liners. I too had major lessons learned from Tannus and they are not the end-all-be-all answer. Lesson 1: Trim the liners especially around the valve stem as this was one failure mode. 2. When riding on the road don't drive in or near the gutter as that is where the trash collects. 3. Go with a thicker/denser tire - I used a Hycline all-terrain and after removing the Tannus liner, the bead set beautifully, I increased pressure, and no flat tire since. Today I am on the road 99% of the time, I ride on thicker "road" tires, I run higher pressure, and I stay away from the gutter. Knocking on wood, it seems to be working.
There's only so much phyicical barriers can protect against not like it was the standard thorns it's a bloody nail not much will protect from that. You won't know all the things it has stopped as you rode along which is the issue.
Well thanks for letting me know lol I was interested because my town got nails everywhere and even a little tiny staple gives my tires a flat I guess I’ll continue carry spare tubes with slime even though slime never works after removing the glass or staple and pumping air lol
The only time I’ve had slime fail me is when I pulled a goats head out and then didn’t rotate the tire right away.
Tannus armour is awesome, despite what this post implies.
Nothing could've saved this person from their puncture from that nail. But the tannus works against 99% of other causes of punctures and OP would've no doubt already had multiple other punctures if it weren't for the armour.
Kingofdiamonds72@reddit (OP)
The thing is though regular tire liner will do just about a good job. I've used ultraverse tire liner rode for 1500 miles hit multiple thorns ran over glass a few times even did off roading no flats. The only time I got one was with a nail like I did with Tannus and mind you this is the 2nd time I've bought it and this has happened.
I've sold a lot of tannus to riders who were coming in a couple of times a week with flats.
Did I never see them again? No... But it was maybe once a month instead of every couple of days.
I would still recommend the product
Me too!
I work as a mechanic for a company providing E-Bikes to couriers.
I have 1 particular customer who used to come in with punctures at least twice per week.
One day, I fitted some tannus inserts just to see if they would help.
I didn't see him with a flat tyre for 6 months after that!
And even that puncture had nothing to do with road debris. It was a spoke that snapped and had rammed through the inside of the tube.
I don't particularly like the road feel when using them, but god damn are they good at preventing punctures!
Kingofdiamonds72@reddit (OP)
They recommend you use flat out instead of slime on the fat tires, and also to save you money on your tubes so you don't go through too many, buy glueless patches so that way if your hole is too big then you can use the spare tube
God this sub needs a psa.. Buy flat out!!
I've had I swear I my life 7 nails in the last year I just pull them out and flat out seals it up.
I have tannus armor as well but nails still get through that is just good for glass and thorns and small nails
Or just buy the slime tubes.
slime isn't one10th as effective as FlatOut it's too thin and doesn't actually repair the holes in the rubber of an inner tube, flatout seals the holes with kevlar from the inside of the tube. I:ve only had Flatout fail once on me, and that was a sharp metal shard i ran over that ripped a 3/4 inch hole in the side of my tire on my H8. I've pulled numerous screws and nails out , added a tiny bit of air and kept right on going
I’m genuinely not even joking, try spraying the inside of the tire with flex seal and let it dry. I’ve seen it work as makeshift gasket sealer before and get up to 500 degrees. Cletus McFarland used it on a high power motor as head gasket and it worked.
Even with Liners you need to put FlatOut insde your tubes to prevent flats.
2 months ago I got a pair of schwabee marathon plus tires for my evike instead of getting tannis armor. I've put a lot of miles on since then and the tread hasn't even gone down! Not only that but there's a road I wouldn't ride on because you always get flats on it even though it's quicker. I ride it now no problems. I was on the way to work the other day and there was a car wreck I guess because there was broken glass and a big piece of metal on the bike path. By the time I saw it it was too late so I ran it all over and my back tire made the big piece of metal go flying off the side of the road. No flat these tires are boss. My neighbor who said I paid too much for them got a new set of tires when I got these and they're already halfway worn down. No regrets you do get what you pay for.
Flat out is far more efficient
I run over staples and get flats constantly, I don't know which idiots is throwing them out but I've gotten like 5 in my scooter and took a ride yesterday just over 30km on my newly built ebike and got a flat by a staple.
Never gotten a flat from a nail tho
I absolutely hated the tannus inserts. A nightmare to size and install, a nightmare to balance…
I have anti puncture tread tires and flat out inside the tube, so far no flats whatsoever. Maybe flat out would have eventually sealed that hole too
I feel you fam. Pulled this out in the dead of winter. It was not a fun time.
Tannus is a scam that wastes money and then time.
Get the Aither tyres from Tannus, they're fully solid and never puncture
Anything larger than the 23mm 700C is too soft. They feel under inflated. I cut them off and tossed them. The road bike tires are equivalent to 110 psi and ride ok..
I’m not sure this is installed correctly. It needs to be within the rim so your tire bead sits in the rim and from the second pic it looks untrimmed. Could be wrong though.
There crap them best getting the puncture proof tyres without tube far more reliable
Luckily we have street sweepers in my town.
tannus is not made to stop this, nothing stops this. I mean how can you not see this on the road, did you ride at night?
Kingofdiamonds72@reddit (OP)
Most of the time nails will blend in with the asphalt regardless of day or night, had plenty go into a tire in the past during the day
FlatOut >>>>>>
Yea, tannus is a waste of money. Just get a spare tube.
Kingofdiamonds72@reddit (OP)
Yea I keep a spare just in case the hole is huge, but I also got clueless patches as well
I used to have Tannus Armor, still got long nails/screws flats. I put FlatOut in my tubes and have been really happy with the results.
I run Tannus Armour and tube Slime, I have pulled a razor blade out of my tire hefore, works well for me. The Tannus is mostly for glass and thorn protection..
Tannus is foam not tpu or Kevlar that is puncture resistant tpu i feel has better stretch and didn't give me flats get tpu fat tire liners. Or see if there is solid fat tire rubber wheels if not mod them to the biggest size support like 26in 2in width.