Boxed classic flavor Mac and Cheese cooked with a little salted sweet cream butter, milk, one beyond burger that I shredded up, and one can on unsalted green beans. Topped with light garnish of Parmesan and heavy drizzle of Crystal hot sauce. Yes, I was born and raised in the south.
Posted by Yungwhippersnappa@reddit | shittyfoodporn | View on Reddit | 9 comments

It surprisingly tastes delicious and just like a good vegetarian casserole but much quicker to prepare. I eat about 3-4,000 calories a day due to being tall and having a fast metabolism so maybe not the healthiest however.
I was with you until green beans entered into it.
Yungwhippersnappa@reddit (OP)
The green beans are hot because they are cooked with everything else. They actually somehow make it taste even better because they are unsalted so balance out the saltiness/richness of everything else. It would be even better as a casserole though and would look visually more appealing.
I’m with you on the green beans, they are the same shape as the macaroni and the taste is the perfect combination, they’ve just always gone along with it as far as I’m concerned.
Yungwhippersnappa@reddit (OP)
Yep. You can also at least feel slightly healthier by adding them and they add some color.
How do your folks feel
About the beyond burger
As men of the South?
Yungwhippersnappa@reddit (OP)
I was born and raised vegetarian since my dad went to art school in the south for his undergrad which should explain everything ….. I’ve never eaten meat before. I tried oysters and jellyfish a couple times before interestingly enough. I love accidentally vegetarian southern food like ambrosia, angel eggs (some call them deviled eggs), cooked collard greens, biscuits, baked mac and cheese, cornbread, etc. and of course Milos or homemade sweet tea. I’m basically the least strict vegetarian ever partially as a result of growing up in the south. I’ll eat something as long as it visibly doesn’t appear to have meat in it or is a dish I know to have meat in it, however I don’t flip out or am even bother when I unsuspectingly eat something yummy that was cooked with a little lard or fish oil. I only have an issue with accidentally ingesting meat if a meat eater tries to purposely trick me into eating something with meat then doesn’t tell me that it does. That has happened on one occasion and he admitted to very purposely tricking me then not saying anything until I had ingested a fair bit of meat while super hungry then realized it tasted funny after slowing down my chewing….
That is pretty cool.
I didn’t know Southern food
Was so veg-friendly.
I do quite enjoy,
Beyond burgers here and there.
They’re just so pricy ;-;
How do your folks feel
About the beyond burger
As men of the South?
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