As Europe Criminalizes Environmental Protest, Some Activists Turn to Sabotage
Posted by Nastyfaction@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 40 comments
Posted by Nastyfaction@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 40 comments
If they will jail you for speech, you may as well act.
just watched "number 24" on netflix, based on a true story about a norwegian resistance agent in WW2. extremely cool and interesting story, shows a lot of direct action. highly recommend.
Governments' message to the people regarding the destruction of our environment: "just lie back and let it happen."
They even whine and cry if you abstain from having children to prevent them from becoming victims of collapse. "Waaah, why won't you create more victims of collapse. Waaah!"
That's because nothing we do will ever be good enough for them. They hate us. We're an inconvenience they have to manage because we are the means of production.
All I'm waiting for is Trump to legalized forced pregnancies. Its going in that direction by the look of things.
Microplastics have entered the chat.
Get sterilized while you still can folks!
You know all government will do about it is just increase police and military spending to kill or arrest enough activists to intimidate the others to the point where no one dare to protest or sabotage anymore, right?
“We vow to wage a campaign of sabotage targeting the tools, property and machinery of those most responsible for global warming, escalating until they accept our demands for an end to all support for fossil fuel expansion.”
This is just idiotic. Sabotage is not protest and it is illegal in almost all countries. No one is going to accept your demand as long as normal people want cheap gas. All you are getting is hate and jail-time.
Heck, we voted for drill baby drill in the US. What are you going to do? Blow up SUVs in the suburbs? Or China is also increasing their co2 emissions (despite they build some, but obviously not enough, green power). I dare anyone to sabotage anything in Beijiing.
Do you see a world where normal people EVER do not want cheap gas? The average person is an idiot, waiting for their approval mean extinction.
You can't fight against the masses and win anyway. Either way it is moot. You can go to jail for nothing, or accept and make peace. It is up to you.
I cannot make peace with the intentional destruction of the entire natural world. I'd rather kill myself.
Then don't make peace. What is not going to happen is that we will address climate change as the US, the #2 co2 emitter on the planet, just voted for "drill baby drill".
But all you are doing is live in anguish, and may be lashing out. But you won't change the world just because you are angry. I suspect you already know this.
I loathe the mentality that change is impossible. If enough people lash out it can cause a major difference. Eventually when mass deaths events are occuring, people are going to wake up and change will occur. There must be ways to accelerate this mentality.
I also loathe the idea that we SHOULD be happy or at peace in these conditions. "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society"; encouraging everyone to find peace is in effect encouraging mass complacency.
You can loathe it as much as you want and it does not make it less true. Do you want to make a bet?
You just said "Do you see a world where normal people EVER do not want cheap gas? The average person is an idiot, waiting for their approval mean extinction."
Clearly not enough people are going to lash out, just by your own logic. And if you want to look at facts and history, we just voted for "drill baby drill".
So I guess you will be loathing the world for the rest of your life. Pretty miserable to me, but it is your prerogative of how to live your life.
Even if it is hopeless, there is light to be found in fighting for the right cause regardless.
If all the cheap gas production gets blown up it won't matter what people want anymore.
I'd rather be miserable and have some semblance of meaning than drift around on a false sense of inner peace.
"Even if it is hopeless, there is light to be found in fighting for the right cause regardless."
That is just BS touchy feeling hot air that means nothing.
"If all the cheap gas production gets blown up it won't matter what people want anymore."
The operating word is "all the". I bet you can't even damage a small fraction. I bet cheap gas is still available a week from now, a month from now and a year from now. Care to put some money on the wager?
Call it what you want, it's the only reason I'm still alive. What's the value of life with no dreams for the future?
With the number of factories burning down at the moment in China it is evident that people are actively sabotaging things. It's just that the motivation is probably purely financial rather than having anything to do with the environment. ie. Workers who haven't been paid taking out their frustrations or factory owners doing it to try and claim on the insurance due to the companies facing financial collapse.
So what? None of those sabotage resulted in any policy or systematic social changes, which is the goal here.
Some criminals acting out on selfish incentives just lead to more enforcement.
I will never understand the use of the word ‘radical’ in the cases where people are literally fighting against extinction…. Battling for survival is now ‘radical’…. This world is fucked
Radical comes from the word root.
TIL :) thanks
I agree.
Or just reframe it- “totally rad”
Nastyfaction@reddit (OP)
"Now, with climate breakdown worsening and fossil fuel emissions showing no signs of peaking, let alone abating, some of them say it is time to escalate the campaign of disruption, by carrying out clandestine acts of sabotage against the corporations they see as responsible for the destruction of the climate."
With the failure of peaceful protest and reform through the system to shift society in a positive direction, we are likely to see an increasing level of radical actions by various causes as a means of fighting back as an unresponsive system that is unconcerned with the plight of the planet and it's people.
If non-violent civic protest, a cornerstone of freedom and democracy, is met with the same harsh penalties as violent attacks against infrastructure, it will certainly dissuade people from committing non-violent acts.
About fucking time.
This is the way.
With all things. Direct action is the way.
If you'll go to jail for peaceful civil disobedience, might as well go out big.
Qefp jxv yb zlkpfaboba x sflibkq qbuq, pl F'j dlfkd ql bkzlab fq fk x sbov pfjmib txv.
F qefkh dlfkd xcqbo fkproxkzb zljmxkfbp fp mlfkqibpp. Qebob xob mfmbifkbp, qebob xob lfi zljmxkfbp, qebob xob lfi ZBLp. Fc vlr'ob tfiifkd ql yb xk bzl qboolofpq, vlr jfdeq xp tbii al pljbqefkd xdxfkpq qeb drvp tel hfiiba rp xii, ybzxrpb vlr'ob dlfkd ql bka rm tfqe qeb pxjb zexodbp xdxfkpq vlr.
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Monkey Wrench Gang
Well yea, corporations have a responsibility to make money for their shareholders. Consequences be damned.
The only thing they understand is their bottom line. Hurt it and they will have a fiduciary duty to change how they do business.
Expecting more resources to be spent on protecting the unsustainable status quo and revoking an ever growing amount of public liberties.
Criminalising peaceful protest just takes away the incentive to not be extreme. If you’re going to jail for waving a sign and marching down the street, well, fuck it.. might as well do something that really turns heads.
Very, very, very nice to hear :]]
Godspeed to all of you _\\//
I feel like a prophet.. From sabotage to ecoterrorism or whatever the right word is. If talks don't work...
Praise the lurdd 🍊 🇺🇸
The following submission statement was provided by /u/Nastyfaction:
"Now, with climate breakdown worsening and fossil fuel emissions showing no signs of peaking, let alone abating, some of them say it is time to escalate the campaign of disruption, by carrying out clandestine acts of sabotage against the corporations they see as responsible for the destruction of the climate."
With the failure of peaceful protest and reform through the system to shift society in a positive direction, we are likely to see an increasing level of radical actions by various causes as a means of fighting back as an unresponsive system that is unconcerned with the plight of the planet and it's people.
Please reply to OP's comment here: