ULPT request: Neighbor’s been renting out my driveway without asking
Posted by dekrpz@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 294 comments
I’ve been out of town for a few weeks, and another neighbor just told me they’ve noticed random cars parked in my driveway. Turns out, the neighbor next door listed it on some parking app and has been renting it out without my permission. I’m pissed, but I don’t want to confront them or take legal action because I don’t want bad blood. How can I subtly make this backfire on them or make it so annoying they stop? Bonus if the renters also learn not to park there.
What is it with the rise of people being too snowflake to solve their problems like an adult and take the hardest and least effective way out of a situation. Like dude, all you have to say is they need to stop, call them out, or call a tow truck. The bad blood is there. Making a post like this may be a telling reason why they feel they can and are getting away with this. I just can't fathom how being direct and wrought forward is something to cower from here.
Ragebait? Also, others have called it, this is an ad and op's name is the app backwards
I think I shall go bomb it with negative reviews then 😇
I agree with this to a point but with the widespread use of home security cameras, we get to see a lot more of neighbors behaving badly. Like the couple that got into it with their neighbor over snow shoveling and the neighbor comes back and executes the couple on the street.
Are a majority of people going to react that way? Of course not. Have I seen it enough to be wary? You betcha lol
Pitiful person posts pitiful scenario posting as pitifully weak-willed persona to create pitiful ad for pitifully desperate parking company.
And, if it’s not an ad and this is genuine—i.e. this full-grown person can’t say to the douche next door to stop selling OPs own property; or can’t report trespassing by every damn car over that period; or report this abuse of his property to that parking company or whatever legal options exist; or put up a simply a NO PRKD PRCKS PLS sign directing people to park in the douche’s driveway instead—even more fucking pitiful!
Figure out what hours they work and then rent there's out for one hour after they leave so it's available up until one hour after they return so they'll have a random car in their spot.
If they figure out it's you doing this just tell them it was fine in their book so you assumed it's fine too. They're making money off your property, it's only fair you make money from theirs.
Tow company. Problem solved, problem staying solved. Let the person has to pay for the tow take it up with the neighbor.
Yeah this is the obvious and perfect solution. Someone has parked on your property without permission. It’s not even unethical.
You don’t need a sign.
That definitely depends on location. In PA you need a sign.
You need a sign to prevent people from parking on property you own?
Wow, Big Sign must have a hell of a lobby in PA.
In some places you dont need a sign but to use a tow company you do as some of the tow companies have to be a member of an industry code of practice to keep their license.
Theres no way its just free reign to park in any PA driveway that doesn't have a sign - that would be chaos.
Usually you only need a sign for a commercial property, for private residences you don't.
No fucking way.
For private property?
Except it belongs in r/TotallyEthicalLifeTips
A lot of tow truck companies are very unethical, however.
I had to get a tow and minor repair once and ended up having to wait in their waiting room/office. The owner took a call and then began discussing it with the driver that had towed me in, who had made an inappropriate remark to me on the ride. I guess they both thought I was too stupid to understand that they were discussing exactly how they were going to lie and rip that customer off right in front of me, but I wasn't. So I just kept looking at my phone and didn't respond to anything they said. When the time came to leave, my bill was about $400 and I gave them a sob story about 'I only have $50 and I have to go to work and I live half a mile from here and I'll come back and pay you the rest tomorrow night, I swear' - the one and only time in my life that I've ever done that - and to my slight surprise they Bought It and let me take my car. Then I moved two states away two days later, as I had already planned, because fuck them LOL I had the money to pay them but if you assume I'm too stupid to understand what you're saying, and what you're saying right in front of my face is that you are trash who rips off your customers, I'll prove to you that I'm not too stupid to understand it and you might not like how I do it haha.
Great, now shit in their mailbox and call BBB
Nah. I moved away and ripped them off for $400 instead of the other way around. I'll call it even.
It was $400 that you didn’t owe them anyway lol 🤷🏻♂️ glad you didn’t put up with their bullshit though
Oh, so maybe get the owners car towed from their own driveway, “sorry must have got the wrong house governor.”
Find the worse tow company in your area so the offending car owner gets dragged over the coals.
It isn't the person who parked on the driveway's fault they were scammed. I would never even imagine that someone would fraudulently rent out someone else's driveway....
Don't bring ethics into this. Where do you think you are?
They do become collateral damage, which is unfortunate though fittingly unethical, but the idea is now the shitty neighbor is getting fucked with bad reviews and likely having to pay the tow charge and probably ending up booted from the app entirely, if the app is any good (though I doubt that part so probably just bad reviews).
I was just responding to the comment saying that they should get a crappy tow company that will fuck up the car.
Worst idea in this thread. This is gonna hurt the vehicle owner and not the driver. And will cause bad blood between OP and his neighbor which he wants to avoid.
just get a doorbell cam that covers the driveway and get it to alert you when someone parks there.
This is clearly the way. I hate that Reddit doesn’t show me the response with the most upvotes first; the first one it shows me is always wildly and unnecessarily complicated and won’t get a good result.
I thought too, but the person renting didn't know and didn't do anything, that'd be real shitty for them when neighbor was the ass
Yeah it does solve the problem but this really hurts the car owner, who thinks they parking legitimately and legally. Gonna be a huge headache for them and potential money pit.
This is a great answer, but I feel like OP is actually entitled to the money made while he was gone too.. but I’d be willing to overlook that (if it were me) if it meant there was a shit show going on in the front yard between the the person who parked and the neighbor responsible. I always enjoy a good show.
Best response
So.... after all that advice, what eventually happened? 🍿🍿🍿
Are we sure this isn't an ad for the app?
This is absolutely an ad. Saw it on r/passive income and their post got flagged and they got destroyed in the comments. OP Stop trying to make your app happen. It's never going to happen.
I believe this but goddamn is it a terrible ad. "hey guys, come download Prkd, it's so poorly run that you can just rent out anyone's shit and we won't stop you!"
Like shit, worst way to generate interest ever. It's like if Uber were trying to get off the ground posting about being sexually assaulted by a driver.
Lol not to mention OP's user name is Prked backwards,🤣
Good call, i love it though, free ads, beautiful
Doh, so it is
Yeah, this is extremely light evidence, but OP posted a thread in r/sanfrancisco about renting out their driveway using Prked a couple of hours ago and the LinkedIn for the CEO of Prked has their location as San Francisco. Obv lots of people there but interesting that they keep mentioning Prked by name and live in the same city as the CEO.
Yeah. The OP’s deleted post history on pushpull makes me think they’re the single Parkd host recruiter. And that this is a tactic that….well, at least brings awareness because I’d never heard of the app before this.
I would tow every car that parks there.
I assume you are still out of town. So for now, just have a friend go over there and block the driveway with their car. Bonus points if they block someone in. The neighbor will get terrible reviews, probably have to issue refunds and if he says anything just have your friend tell him that he is house sitting.
Better to have a friend go over and just park in the spot so the next person that comes by that paid for it can’t park. Then act all innocent like “what? This is my buddy’s drive, I’m watching his house. You must be mistaken because renting another’s property would be illegal.”
Or get the mate to pretend he's the owner and say the price has doubled, try to extort them. Pretend you're the "seller" the whole time. Shit in the neighbour's mailbox.
Something about your username makes me hard, and scared, and hungry simultaneously. I think I could love you, but I fear you may never reciprocate.
I vote that we add "shit in the mailbox" to the list of default responses.
It’s a classic with the piss disk so of course
Shit piss disks in his mail box?
Not sure how you’d make that but yes sounds lovely
Lots of miralax
Depends on what type of mailbox it is, really. If it's on that's along the road you should just be able to just open it up and do your business. If it's one that's mounted on the house its going to be a little more difficult. Those are usually up pretty high you'll probably need a ladder or something to make it.
I approve except the shitting in mailbox. Use the newspaper slot if they have one but avoid mail. That shits too dicey felony wise. Maybe rent out the neighbors drive in response?
Satan is this your burner account?
No it's not
It takes a lot for me to laugh with Felon47 ruining everything but you did it with the mailbox comment. 🏆
This subreddit's values have always been important to me.
No, no, no. What you want to do is have a friend take their car and put it in the driveway instead. Even better if a "customer's" car is already there. Everyone will be pissed at the neighbor and he'll be forced to give their money back. If the neighbor confronts your friend, the friend can claim he's taking care of the house while OP is away.
Seems way too complicated. Why not just have an acquaintance park there and claim to be housesitting? If you're lucky, maybe they'll even block one of the renters in who might leave a bad review or something.
Nah nah you guys are overcomplicating this , one could easily just ask a favour from one of his buddies, asking him to position his own vehicle in the driveway that is being usurped by the next door neighbor, that way, the clientele of the usurping neighbor will be dismayed by the poor quality of parking service when they find a car already parked there, moreover so if one were to position this car there whilst the usurping client is already there , in a manner so to prevent the exit of the client , who will then surely demand reimbursements from the neighbor
You’re overthinking this. One could simply ask a friend to park their own car in the driveway that the neighbor is taking over. This way, the neighbor’s customers will be frustrated by the lack of parking when they see the spot is already occupied. Even better, if the car is parked while a customer is still there, blocking their exit, the customer will likely demand a refund from the neighbor.
Wow you guys are over thinking this.
Just shit in the neighbours mailbox!
This is almost the exact thing the person I replied to said. I came up with a simpler less hassle free option and you went back to the more difficult process. Causing more of a confrontation which OP said they were trying to avoid.
Careful with this - lawn damage could occur with impatient drivers not willing to stay trapped.
I don't think they want OP's friend to block someone in. They want them to stop new people from reaching the driveway in the first place.
The comment says "Bonus points if they block someone in"
ULPT- don't waste time reading the entire comment, you can skip most of it and still do alright.
Yeah? Well I think Steven was right and the dog shouldn't wear his underwear! I'm not sure what we're talking about though, I can't read :(
You think Steven Stayner was right? What the hell is wrong with you?
Lawn damage is expensive and presumably the renter is on file. Pretty easy lawsuit there.
Then you can sue the neighbor for the damaged property. If it goes to the customer, then they can eat the damages, too.
Have the friend call and have the renter towed.
It'll be even more expensive for the neighbor, refund plus reimbursement of towing fees!
Nah they'll never do the tow without proof of ownership of the property
Sure a friend could block the driveway with their car. But then what happens when the friend comes back to their car and the windows are busted out and the panels are dented in from a baseball bat?
The cops happen?
At least where I live, it's not legal to block a driveway, even your own. The neighbor could call and get the friend's car towed. Check local laws
Organic glitter
You're an idiot
Use the same app to rent out your neighbor’s parking spot. Bonus point if you sign up on the app using his name and contact information, but your bank account.
You could get any Wi-Fi enabled camera, something like a ring or something way cheaper. Place a small but reasonable sign at the end of your driveway indicating that it is a private drive or there is no public parking.
Once you have done both of those things, you just need to contact the parking app and try to register your address. When there is a conflict, I am reasonably confident you can prove that you live there. If anyone parks there again while you are out of town, you will see it on your cameras and you could have them towed. In most states, you can have someone towed from your private property without any legal liability. Putting the sign at the end of your driveway just reinforces this. The bonus with the cameras is that if your neighbor decides to remove or obscure the signs it does not make you liable and you would have them on camera doing so.
Also, because this is UL PT, I would also suggest getting your hands on a large amount of Windex or ideally the Windex outdoor concentrate, freezing this into discs, and tossing these onto his roof, it is bushes, or otherwise around the property as close to the house as possible. Then, use things like local PD Facebook pages to anonymously report your neighbor is acting erratically, often exhibiting paranoid or violent tendencies, and their house smells like Windex. You just described a meth addict. Most likely, they won't find anything, but if there are consistent complaints and the house really does smell like Windex when they show up, they are very likely to have a long conversation with him that could be very embarrassing.
Boot the cars
You can usually add parking bollards to your driveway without planning permission, as long as you’re the landowner. You can get one that retracts and has a lock key for about $500.
List their driveway on the parking app back
dekrpz@reddit (OP)
Oooo good idea😂 Downloading prked now
This thread felt like an ad and this comment isn’t helping lmfao
OP’s username is “z prked”, ie the name of the app backwards with a z. Definitely an ad.
It is. His username backwards is “z prked”. His only other post is also about the app.
“Use our app and end up collateral damage in a war between neighbors” would not be the greatest way to advertise, I think.
Have you heard of this app before? If not, the ad worked!
Their post history doesn't help either.
I was thinking the exact same thing. If this what real it would be "they use some app to rent it", not mention it by name lol
Not necessarily. They might name the app just to give more information that might be useful for an answer.
There's no such thing as bad publicity
You might be right. This is the third time I’ve read something about this app on Reddit in two days
This is an ad isn’t it
Let him manage it around your schedule and give you a cut.
Why wouldn't op just do that in his own time, from his own account? Why is the neighbor getting control of this still?
No bad blood right? Riiiight?
I'd find out how much he roughly made and just start borrowing shit from.him without giving it back. When he eventually asks tell him he can have his stuff back for the money he made renting your property.
You can probably report it to that company and get the neighbor blocked since he’s actually being unethical and renting something he has no right to.
Or just list your own.
Or give the neighbour who gave you the heads up permission to list yours.
You could probably get the shitty neighbour booted off the app this way.
The driveway also doesn’t belong to Prkd.
If their driveway is big enough, rent the space behind where they park, put something about how their car either isn’t drivable or is a spare car they don’t use much so is fine to park in.
This is the way
Is it possible to get the parked car towed?
If you were out of town and the driveway was not damaged.... what is the issue? Just let it be.
Your neighbor made a few bucks, some person got a place to park, parked car made robbers think someone was home and left your place alone. It's a win win.
Take the tires off. You thought your friend dropped it off for you to remove the tires.
Start having cars towed.
Cameras… they are cheap, and apparently so is your neighbor. Towing contractors are readily available at a moment’s notice, just saying
Piss disc's
go get all that money he made doing that in civil court. Slam dunk lawsuit.
Send a tow truck
This is really bad and you are under reacting
If something happens on your property you can be held liable, especially if you knew about your neighbor doing this it and still didn’t stop it
Yep. This is actually a time you call the police and have the car towed. The LIABILITY... it makes my butthole pucker for you.
Yeah, this is not time for "how can I screw over my neighbor", it's immediate cease and desist to protect yourself, and then figure out if you want to take further action (lawsuit, etc).
This thread needs more comments and up votes. It is the way.
I replied the same thing. OP needs to protect himself, and also sue for any money the neighbor has made from his driveway. I wouldn’t do anything unethical here, OP has all the cards.
Yeah. If the parker slips and falls in your driveway you are the one who will get sued.
Start having your other neighbor report to you when cars are parked there, then call a towing company with photos and tell them what’s happening and that you want them off your property. Have your friend park there all crooked so nobody else can get in and let it be known to the neighbors that you know what they are doing. It’s up to you to press charges. I would t be worried about bad blood when they obviously don’t give a damn about you anyway.
Put up. A sign that says unauthorized parking will have wheels removed and towed at owner's expense
Do something of he’ll take your wife next…
What's wrong with ya'll. Tow the offending cars. Let the chips fall wherever.
Get a camera that links to your phone installed asap.
Call & have the cars towed every time you see them there.
Have them towed.
Did you report through the app?
I suggest contact a towing company and tell them any car they find in this address from x date to x date, they can tow and collect on. Maybe ask the friendly neighbor to post a tow away zone sign? But not required.
Tow truck
Lmao! Hang a notice on your neighbors door with an invoice stating there is a fine for parking on your private property without prior written contractual authorization and liability insurance and the fine is $1,000 per hour per car for every violation noted, that you have evidence of the neighbor profiting off your private property - that the assumed contractual obligation required to run a business off your private property without commercial contracts/rents/insurance and appropriate business licenses in place that and the attached invoice for $350,000 for damages, fines, and illegal business operation is due payable within 10 days or you will take action to put a lien on his properties and will take immediate further legal action regarding his illegal unauthorized business operations. You also post a copy of this notice on every vehicle parked illegally.
Utterly unenforceable.
No judge is going to go along with that.
The point about property owner liability may be the key to getting it enforced.
Probably not?
You can't just charge a random amount, without prior notice, and expect it to be enforced.
You can, depending on the jurisdiction, get it towed off your property. The vehicle owner would then have to recoup costs from the neighbor.
That's about the limit to what you can do. It may not sound as satisfying as charging hundreds of thousands of dollars, but it's realistic.
You're hired!
Report him to the rental site.
You say you don’t way “bad blood” but what’s next for the neighbor? Are they going to use your water and electricity? Who’s liable if one of the drivers destroys your property? In this day and age you’re putting yourself in a dangerous position of liability by not taking action.
Seriously, if your neighbor is comfortable profiting off of your empty driveway - there aren’t a lot of boundaries including identity theft.
It’s stunningly brazen.
A no parking sign should suffice
You don’t want bad blood. Your neighbor has been making money by renting out your property as their own. If that’s not bad blood, what is it?
The obvious solution: Contact the parking app company and tell them what happened. Threaten them with legal action if they don’t take the listing down immediately
The ULPT solution: I’m assuming you told him when you would be gone, otherwise how would he have known?
Tell him you’re going to be gone again, check the site for the listing and watch for the availability to change (this should tell you when it’s booked.)
On a day you know it’s rented, park your car somewhere else, uber back home, see the car, get all angry, call the police and have the car towed.
If anyone knocks on your door, ignore it. It’s not your problem.
Eventually the owner will show up and wonder where the car is. If they knock on your door, ignore it. They’ll call the app and/or neighbor. There will be a yelling match outside, ignore that too.
When it’s all over with, go get your car.
Wouldn't the app just claim that, under section 230, they are not responsible for the actions of persons using their platform. Many more horrible offenses than this have not been shut down using that rationale.
They can claim that, but if that hasn't been tested in court, they may want to avoid legal action.
Especially an legal action that requires a legal precedent.
I don't think section 230 applies here. Section 230 only applies to speech protections, not business transactions.
There was a guy who had a date go wrong on Grindr. The other person started a campaign of harassment that included sending dates to the person's home and place of business, stating that person #1 was into some really dark stuff. It went on for months and really mess up his life. His complaint was dismissed out of hand immediately by the judge on those grounds.
I'm not sure what the replacement would be, but section 230 allows some really horrible things to occur, in the name of free speech.
Yeah but the big difference here is that they're using the app to facilitate a transaction that the app would be a party to.
Basically the grinder case is covering speech of a user, but Parker is covering a company profiting off of a known illegal transaction
So I guess that would fall under fraud of some type. Maybe wire fraud? In that case, I wonder if the company would be on the hook, or just have to identify the crook?
When you complain to the company, the trick is to complain that they are improperly sharing your personal information without your consent. Under GDPR they are required to remove your information within a set period of time, although most remove it immediately.
So while you are correct that they may not be legally responsible for content posted by other users (although this certainly violates their TOS), but they are responsible legally for complying with GDPR take down requests.
They would only claim that if OP was trying to find them liable. This would be something they’d simply address as it’s a clear violation of their TOS.
Rent out their driveway
Personally I'd just ask them to give me half the proceeds then politely but firmly tell them not to do it again without my permission first.
Get a ring camera for outside and call tow trucks when you see a car parked there.
You put your own driveway on the app and make money while you’re not using it
Hold him down and shit in his mouth
Reach out to the app, they should have their account banned for life and money returned.
Spread nails on your driveway.
Rent out your driveway yourself for 10 times the going rate.
Figure out roughly how much they earned. Send an invoice for 50% and a contract for further rentals on dates with future permission from you.
dekrpz@reddit (OP)
Honestly I’m surprised they got people to pay to start with. Maybe they could run my property like parking lot when I’m out of time and I get a cut😂
Why make enemies when you can make business partners?
Which rule of acquisition is that?
Nah fuck that rent it yourself and cut them out. They’re just taking money from you.
50%? It’s their driveway lol
150% or a lawsuit
Or be like the RIAA and sue for 100,000% with the option to avoid costly litigation for 10,000%.
I'd say 80, give them 20% for admin and assuming all other liability lol. It's not their driveway
Depends on the end goal. If you just want to scare and stop them, 80% and a contract or 100% and a warning. If you want them to continue so you can profit, 50%.
100% and no police report.
When a car is parked there, have it towed. Don’t say anything to anyone else. Just have it towed.
Go on vacation again and have all the cars towed
Bro go confront your neighbor the fact that you’re too scared to do anything is the exact reason why they’re doing shit like this
idk man I would let them keep doing it but then feign ignorance and then "eventually find out," and take him to court for all the money he made off of you and also any sort of "damage" you found on your property like gas leaks or tire marks.
Do you have a camera? If you do just get them towed.
Book the listing then sue him and the company, time for early retirement.
Have your friend put spike strips down
Have your friend go to the house to “bring your mail in”. They see a strange car in the driveway, suspect it is an intruder and call the cops.
I Second having a friend block the driveway, if you can message the neighbor and just say "btw, my friends gonna park in front of my drive for a bit while I'm away, just in case you're wondering who the weird people outside my house are" that way they can't try to have them towed.
Just say “Hey, good on you making some money. Unfortunately I’m back, how about next time we share the profits, or ya done!”
Contact them and ask for a split.
There’s already “bad blood”, your neighbor is unconcerned about your access to your house. Do what you have to do to get this stopped.
There’s an app to rent parking spaces now? wtf
Buy a prepaid credit card.Use all but a couple of bucks on it. Use the card to sign up for this app, and book your driveway from now till you get back.
Have sex with his dad or piss disk
Ask for your cut
I wonder where their post is in this sub asking how they can take advantage of their neighbor being gone for a few weeks
That was my thought
Start having every illegally parked car towed. Let your neighbor fight with their “customers”.
Adverse possession is a thing. You’re a fool if you do something unethical here, you MUST protect yourself from his unauthorized use of your driveway.
There are also other legal problems like him running an uninsured business on your property.
Then there is the issue of him making profit from his unauthorized use of your driveway.
I’d sit down with a lawyer and see how many lawsuits we could pepper the neighbor with on this.
I mean you wanna stay cool with the dude? Just tell him. Hey I seen you do this shit. Stop. Please and thank you. Moving on.
Idk why you would want to do that tho. He doesn’t give a shit about you. Why should you care?
Just tell them you know about their side hustle and want 80%
Bologna slices
You can always have the cars towed. The owner will take it up with the neighbor that rented out your driveway illegally. If it gets escalated, the rentee can probably sue your neighbor and that would presumably get all the money he gained garnished. Plus he'd have to pay all the legal fees.
Stop being a wuss and do something about it. And contact an attorney because there’s this little thing called adverse possession, the rules are different in each state and you need to prevent them from applying.
Put up a no parking sign with a tow warning and have the car towed
what is wrong with people?.. dude has no shame wtf
Demand the neighbor gives you the money they made renting your property.
If you do not need a deposit, book every day for the next year, and then wait...
This subreddit attracts so many doormats with problems.
Right? I stop caring the moment I realize they’re passive and afraid
People like tbis actually spend their whole lives getting walked all over in every aspect. It's pathetic.
Reddit is 90% people who are afraid of everything, and need the hive mind to give them a pep talk to stand up for themselves.
Except the hive mind is, by and large, inexperienced and emotionally disregulated. Sometimes I think I should start an advice sub where you need to prove you have friends and life experience in order to answer
That's who the neighbor had the audacity to do this. They know OP won't do shit about it.
Have someone you know rent a car. Choose the insurance option where they aren't at fault no matter what. Have them rent the space and park it there. Have it towed by the worst car company around. Let the insurance company go after him
If you have neighbors contact info tell them you know what they been up to and it needs to stop now. You have people watching and any vehicle in your driveway that’s not approved by you gets towed at owners expense.
Or just call the tow company and have them put up a sign that all unauthorized vehicles will be towed and let them handle it. lol.
Small claims court if they made under $10,000, just file a claim and if they don't show, you automatically win. Towing company is another good option. Put the car on blocks and steal the wheels and tires, things will work themselves out.
Have them towed.
Report them from trespassing to the police first , and then sue him in small claims court for all the money that he rented it out for if you can make an estimate.
Use the same app to list their driveway
Given the nature of the sub. Hire a local kid to deflate the tires of anyone parked in the driveway.
Also have him egg the cars. It damages the paint.
You are getting fucked over and don’t want to cause bad blood?
You’re a damn doormat. The neighbor knows it, Mr Milktoast. 😂
bro it's your money, you tell him to pay up
Just tell him you want half.
Bad blood? You are letting someone run all over you?
Have them towed and then have a neighbor park there. Let him know you know what’s going on. You are opening yourself up to liability id someone gets hurt on your property.
Don’t be such a doormat.
Have a few free loads of wood chips dropped off to your driveway, just be sure you don't accidentally put in your neighbors address. https://getchipdrop.com/
Can we evwntually get an update on this one?
But isn’t having someone park in your driveway make it look like there’s someone home? We would park in our neighbors driveway if they were out of town for an extended period of time. Although the neighbor making money off of it is another story.
You absolutely need to pursue this and fuck giving a shit about bad blood. Someone who’s willing to do this sort of thing is willing to do all kinds of things to the people in your neighborhood. You need to get rid of this person and drive them away from you and your neighbors.
And piss discs… obviously.
Absolutely confront them WTF are they thinking?
Get someone to up motion sprinkles aimed right at the your drive so when people get out they get sprayed.
Start your own towing company. Tow the illegally parked cars. Charge the owners. Make some $. What's the issue here?
Wait a minute! You don't want bad blood?
That dickhead is the one who is illegally putting you and your property at risk by renting out YOUR driveway.
WTF - bad blood has already been spilled!
Send your neighbor a letter demanding they: 1) Cease and desist immediately
2) Give you all of the money he made
3) If #1 and #2 are not done immediately you will take him to small claims court.
burn their house down.
You’re a pussy. Beat the shit out of him.
Call and have the car towed. It's your property. Don't say anything to them, just call a tow company and say there's a vehicle illegally parked on your property and you need it removed. If they ask you, just play dumb - tell them you bad a friend watching the place and didn't expect anyone to be there so they thought someone was trying to establish squatting rights or dumped a stolen vehicle something and had it removed to be safe. Let it bite them directly in the ass with no legal ground to stand, and see if they have the balls to admit they were pulling this dishonest nonsense.
Contact the app and show them you're the rightful owner of the property and you want the payout for the rental your neighbour listed.
This is the way
Wait…. He’s been using your property to make money, you’re “pissed”, but you don’t want bad blood?!
How fucking spineless are you?
Wheel lock it. Cut out the tow fee and risk of damage. Remove it for a fee. Add mandatory charge for p8%$ disc.
Everyone saying to tow or block in the innocent person who would not know has room temperature IQ.
Bro if she cheated with someone in her apartment building, it was not the first time.
You are going to have to confront them. That has to be the first step
rent it out yourself.
There already is bad blood. Now go stand up for yourself. Running from conflict is not going to serve you well in life.
Sometimes a little conflict in a respectful way is important.
rent a dumpster and have it delivered to the end of your driveway. the big kind, not the kind on wheels.
Why do I feel like this is secretly a creative promo for the prked app 😎
Before you leave put caltrops on your driveway
Get a couple of posts and a chain and block the driveway. If the neighbors ask, say there was strange people parking there and you wanted to make sure they didn't.
Stop being a pussy and talk to your neighbor. Get any car towed that isn't yours.
Have the cars towed. They will get sied and kicked off the app
Ring doorbell camera with alerts and a remote controlled sprinkler. As soon as the cat door opens spray them.
Get a buddy to buy a cheap beater car and block the driveway
Then I guess they're going to keep doing it.
Get a security cam you can access mobile so you know in the future. Tow company usually wants a fee to remove a vehicle. But tell them to take it to their yard where they charge a fee to store it and if they don't pay they don't get their vehicle. This may cost you up front, however the message is very clear and the neighbor who rented your driveway will be liable for any charges as there is a contract involved. Sadly we live in a society where people exploit others for their gain. Doing nothing could mean you don't mind and the behavior will continue.
Road spikes.
They have already done that to you.
First and foremost: get a camera that shows what's happening in your driveway. I wouldn't want to leave town without being able to know/see that my house is doing fine without me. Aside from doorbell cameras and one that faces my driveway, I have another in the basement of my house to make sure that I have enough heating oil and that there aren't any spills/leaks/etc.
Then tow any car that parks in your driveway. It doesn't matter if you're abroad or one town away, tow that shit.
Use Google and find out who his mother is. Then list her driveway.
Weird euphemism, but yes list her driveway all night long.
Id list his dad's driveway with direct unwavering eye contact. Assert dominance
While would’ve he just walk away while you lost his dads driveway? What would make him stay, maintaining the eye contact??
If you marry their mom, then their dads driveways is now yours. Who knows, maybe it’s a real nice driveway to rent
Get a Ring doorbell camera and check it from time to time. When someone parks in your driveway, call the police tow truck.
Police tow truck won’t do anything. You need to find the tow company online with the worst ratings. They’ll get the job done.
AAA or repressive assistance will often tow a car from your home as long as you’re the owner and policy holder. I’ve used AAA to tow away an ex’s car multiple times! Fun every time
I laughed
Handful of tek screws tossed on their driveway every now and then when you walk past.
Put their home up on Airbnb offer the master bedroom up.
Piss discs - on the illegally parked cars and on your neighbor’s property…
Man fucking finally. The rest of this thread is really bent out of shape. Mail your neighbor a box of piss
even better if you're sending a box of 'franzia' (piss) wine.
Took entirely way too much scrolling to get to this
Why are you annoyed? Why not get some advantage for yourself?
Tell your neighbour you want half of what they are getting, or you will apply one of the ULPTs here.
Way to underreact!
Tow truck
You’re taking this too lightly.
Start parking your car at odd angles or in the middle of the driveway so no one else can use it. Or leave random items like traffic cones or trash bins in the driveway. You could also put up a sign that says "Private Property - No Parking. Violators will be towed." without mentioning your neighbor. This way, it’ll become too inconvenient for them to keep renting it out.
Late stage capitalism.
Big sign: This driveway is private property, the owner of this property is aware of the app but is NOT the one renting this space. Any trespassers will be towed at you expense.
This is an ad for the parking app how can y’all not see that
you could complain to the app to get their account banned, or block your address from being listed again
What!! That’s so out of pocket
Top tier ad...I'm legit impressed....taking notes.
Get the cars towed.
Start some wood projects in your garage(?) apartment(?). The project doesn't have to be anything big, but it must require that you use screws or nails. Should you accidentally spill some nails/ screws in your driveway and forget to pick them up until later, that would be quite unfortunate for the next few parkers! If someone else picks them up for you, it would be important to drop another box or two as needed. Eventually there will be enough complaints that the neighbor may remove the listing
send him the listing and ask him if he knows which neighbor has been doing this.
Clever. It stops the action but gives the neighbor a chance to save face.
How did he know you were going to be gone?
dekrpz@reddit (OP)
I travel a lot. I’m probably gone a total of half the year
Yep, time for a doorbell cam.
Let everyone know you’re leaving for the weekend, set semi hidden camera for driveway motion, allow notifications, call police to tow.
Cover your driveway with sod when you’re gone so the renters don’t know where to park and get upset
I would race home and boot every car.
This guy figured out a solution to people parking where they shouldn’t: https://youtu.be/W2f3bM4rM_M
Put up a sign and start towing cars.
You don’t want bad blood lmao there already is bad blood they think literally nothing of you
Chain your driveway when you're gone.
you dont want bad blood? are they sketchy people? i would lose my fucking mind on them.
Maybe spread some used syringes around? Used condoms too