What does this mean?
Posted by ChampionAdventurous1@reddit | Firearms | View on Reddit | 40 comments
There is 245g inscribed on the metal in 2 places from i presume the previous owner maybe? It's a zastava m88a 9mm imported to Georgia Vermont. Located now in oklahoma anyone have any clues what it means?
With you - some sort of inventory control number- question is - how did it get out 🤣🤣
milsurp sale
This is the answer
Every milsurp I’ve had has been hand engraved somewhere. I’m sure some exist without it, but it seems pretty common.
Speaking of…. Remember when Mosins were like 40-100$? I bought a full (semi-sealed) crate when I was in my early 20s. Should have bought 50 (they had and endless supply back then…) One of the easiest investment misses I will always regret.
ChampionAdventurous1@reddit (OP)
Thank you actually seems pretty reasonable, although I do have a ww2 arisaka without the engravings those are the only 2 milsurps I have though
Probably a spoil of war and not a milsurp import, but it’s always possible they didn’t do it for some reason I suppose :-)
I was joking about where it came from bud - anyone up to no good wouldn’t bother asking about it
ChampionAdventurous1@reddit (OP)
Imported into the country during the 90s i do believe by c.a.i.
ChampionAdventurous1@reddit (OP)
That's probably the best answer I think as I'm almost certain I have the serial number
Electro Pencil'd tracking number. A lot of surplus "Arsenal Refurbished" guns have them. It's a way for the arsenal to track work orders and inventory.
My guess is that it was electro penciled on those parts to ensure that they remain together during assembly at the factory.
^^^ This is the correct answer.
I’d have said 2459, but anyway it is not rare to find armorers marks inside imported guns. Sometimes you can decode them, sometimes not.
ChampionAdventurous1@reddit (OP)
Any chance you might know of someone that could possibly help? Or if you possibly could? If it is an armorer mark
I doubt anybody except for the armorers where it actually came from would know anything about it, after all it’s just their own system to keep track of their guns. Who knows how widespread it was.
That number is how many bodied it has on it
What is OP supposed to do if they add to it?
Is it the frame of a sig p245?
Yeah, those are actually just rebranded tokarevs.
It’s how much weed it cost the original owner
My ZPAPM70 has markings underneath the rear sight. Must be a zastava thing.
ChampionAdventurous1@reddit (OP)
Are they like handwriting or engraved? Mine is like handwriting i think
It’s called an electro pencil and it’s a very common way to make quick notations in metal (a bit old school). Hell I’m pretty sure my Zastava AK has some.
Unfortunately it was somewhat common for people to electro pencil their god damned SSN into the frames for some kind of fudd reason. I have one of those too on a revolver but at least they did it under the grip (not all did).
It’s just slightly more than 2458.
Someone was selling 2500 firearms and this was 2459 in pencil as all were numbered
The numbers, Mason. What do they mean?!
They finished making it at 24:59 at night
ChampionAdventurous1@reddit (OP)
How foolish of me
work order/assembly number. They used sequential numbers for refurb rather than serial numbers which were random. Easier to track and organize.
I agree with the armory number, particularly given that it’s also on the FCU. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s in the slide someplace too, so that they can more easily keep track of which gun each part came from.
Maybe it was a rental at a range? I know my RangeUSA writes 4 digit numbers on all their rentals
ChampionAdventurous1@reddit (OP)
The serial number on mine is on the frames right side
Not the frames serial but the inventory serial.
If it doesn't match the visible serial number it's a manufacturer lot/batch number, so they could track the parts as they went through the assembly process.
ChampionAdventurous1@reddit (OP)
It's not the serial number I know what that is atleast 90% sure
Serial number.
serial number?
Is this a Model 41?