New liveries, Korean Air and EL AL
Posted by Hazey_Dreams4658@reddit | aviation | View on Reddit | 19 comments
Korean and ELAL unveiled their new liveries. I kinda like the new Korean one but I’m not sure about the new elal livery yet.
" I kinda like the new Korean one"
Hazey_Dreams4658@reddit (OP)
It seemed modern but I guess it’s actually a little bland
I like the El Al livery (new and old), but Korean’s was a swing and a miss
Poor KAL. Pepsi vs.Walmart Brand Pepsi.
Korean one is a pile of trash
Where is Pepsi airlines?
I think picture of Korean air above is like first one being the worst photo of old design and the second one being the best photo of new design.
Important thing is old design looks even better without any references of other pictures..
Everything about the KE livery is trash.
No contrast between the letters, logo, and background blue. All brand identity thrown out the window with generic font. What on earth are they thinking?
Sometimes there just no need to update a classic and timeless livery, like KE, SQ
The El Al one is just fine, I imagine many won't even notice that the livery changed since other than the tail they're so similar.
The Korean one though... Actually if it had flashes of red and the font wasn't so ugly, it would have been decent. Not as good as the old livery of course, but it would be better than what we got. I get that Korean Air's old font was outdated, but they could have gone for something evolutionary like Air France's livery instead of... this.
They both look cheap and low effort.
I don't mind the new EL AL livery, although I will miss the refreshed livery that was introduced with the B787. It was a subtle but pleasant change.
I just know my old graphic design professor is having an aneurysm at the new KAL livery. The pixel pinch plague marches on...
The blue text on blue background is still puzzling me. As these night shots show, they're not good for visibility, and makes nothing "pop out" at a glance. It's like they realized halfway through that they were copying KLM a little too much and had to scramble for a compromise (which ironically took the worst of both liveries IMO).
In fact, why not add the [small darker stripe KLM has on theirs]( at that point? Even better, why not *make it red?*
Wonder how much money this cost?
The new El Al one looks lit; the Korean one looks like a Pepsi Cola that lost all its fizz. v_v
RIP KAL livery, you will be missed.
LY looks alright.
KE is a steaming pile or horsesh*t.