What is your thoughts on claiming unemployment benefits?
Posted by Less_Temporary_2883@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 39 comments
I’ve been applying and interviewing for jobs for roughly 2 months and have come up with nothing I originally had about 2k saved and now have just under 0.5k (I’m only 20). If I apply what should I expect. What will people think if I apply. Will they reach out to my landlord. Will they let future employers know. Any faqs please lmk and give answers
Apply for the benefits. That's what they are there for
What has this country has become (not aimed at you op but at the people who have made others feel ashamed of being in need). Somebody who is in need of benefits is terrified to actually claim them in fear of what others think. They are there for situations like yours. Don’t worry.
And furthermore, look what else the government has spent billions and billions on. Think about 2008, when they bailed their rich pals out with hundreds of billions. A nuclear deterrent we can't fire. Aircraft carriers with no planes. Billions to covid PPE thieves. Claim, feel no shame.
It's not just become that, it's been that way for decades. You always had that stigma back in the dole days, you had those TV shows with ridiculous titles like benefit Britain, broken Britain, benefits cheats, life on the dole and they usually only showed people who abused the system and didn't want to work, this all created a negative view of being on benefits.
It's a trap.
Less_Temporary_2883@reddit (OP)
That's the way I saw it when I was on the bones of my arse. Inviting some miserable jobcenter person to poke their nose into my life and start with the demands of x amount of job applications per week etc etc - more hassle than it's worth.
If you need it claim it,
Do be prepared though to likely get put through the wringer mentally by the jobcentre though it's often not a very pleasant place
On universal credit you are expected to attend a weekly appointment for the first 13 weeks then fortnightly after that. Appointments last 10 or 20 minutes apart from the first one which is 30. It's hardly being put through the wringer. Someone isn't working, giving up 20 minutes a week is hardly a massive inconvenience.
Don’t let people shame you…or even shame yourself. It’s there as a safety net. It’s nobody’s business but yours
They exist for a reason and you should have applied straight away, your savings may have lasted a little longer.
If you're entitled claim, that's what it is for. Had the same attitude from my youngest step-daughter she insisted on burning through her small savings. I claimed the day I lost my job, the money is pants but is better than FA and you NI gets paid..
If you have no job, you MUST claim benefits.
It's expected. Employers know that anyone sensible person will claim benefits which between jobs.
I was made redundant in mid March 2007 and I found a job in mid April 2007. I made damn sure I claimed benefits for those 4 weeks I didn't work.
That's the way the world works. Not claiming benefits while you're eligible is irresponsible and stupid. Employers will think your crazy if you spend your savings instead of claiming benefits.
I think your getting confused with benefit cheats. People who claim when they shouldn't be.
If you don't claim benefits you might lose out on NI credits which could cause problems further down the line: https://www.gov.uk/national-insurance-credits
Less_Temporary_2883@reddit (OP)
I don’t think I get what you mean?
You get less pension if you don’t take unemployment benefits. It isn’t fair but he is right it’s time to claim unemployment benefit. Do employers care no if it’s less than one year.
Basically free additions to your UK pension.
And eligibility for other benefits you may claim in the future.
Yes, you should always claim to keep your NI contributions up to date.
If you claim benefits, these are equalised for pension, as long as you keep searching. If you don't claim benefits, you create gaps in employment counting towards pension.
There is no shame in claiming benefits, you have contributed to it, you have a right to use it.
You are entitled. That's all there is to it.
Don't let people with anger issues dictate what you can or can't have.
I wouldn’t think twice. Haven’t claimed unemployment benefits but do claim benefits for my child and disability.
If you’re entitled to it claim it, you never know what’s round the corner and with your savings running out you need an income to live.
Also someone did mention about national insurance credits which is something to consider.
Please claim
They may give you help with job hunting.
definitely claim
The benefits system is fucked.
It's too slow and too little when you fall on hard times but sustains the underclass quite nicely when topped up with the other array of benefits on offer.
Claim what you can from the gov; it will be a pittance.
I, also 20, am claiming.
I haven't had a job in 2 years despite my constant searching. People are always gonna call you a benifit scrounger unfortunately. I've been told countless times that all I do is sit on my arse and steal peoples tax money when in reality I do nothing but job search.
You get used to it. It's fun to annoy those types of people now lmao. But being on UC has given me alot of financial liberty. I've been claiming since September and have about £275 saved up for when I want to learn to drive.
I'm not sure if theyll reach out to your landlord as idk your living situation. I'm still with my parents but I want asked their contact info. And there's a slight chance they'll help you get a job so your next employer will most likely know
This country has a habit of trying to villainize anyone who claims benefits as "being lazy" or "sponging off hardworking people"
In reality, benefits are there to >HELP< (key word) people who are in hard times, unemployment benefits are there to try and help tide you over until you gain employment.
Do not listen to what some middle aged dickhead has to say about benefit claimants living a life of luxury off the backs of working people, you need assistance, you should get assistance.
Claim what you're entitled to. That's what they're there for.
This is exactly what job seekers was created for. This is why we have this help, the stigma comes from the people who abuse the system. The people that spend their entire adult lives claiming as much as possible.
Rule number 1, “sign-on” on the first day of unemployment. This is to ensure there is no break in the NI contribution to one’s state pension.
Depending on the employment termination condition, such as payment in lieu of notice period, etc, there may be a qualifying/delay period before unemployment benefits will actually be paid out
No, they won't reach out to future employers/landlords/your mother.
You'll be expected to spend a significant time searching for full time employment but you're doing that anyway, right?
It's not unknown for DWP to contact a landlord when someone puts in a benefits claim, to 'confirm the housing situation'.
Been the landlord when my lodger signed on, and got letters from them. Just as well I already knew they were claiming - neither of us had expected I'd be asked for info.
But for OP - sign on anyway. As my dad said when I had to sign on for a bit, "at least some of my taxes will be doing something useful".
Some old style benefits they contacted landlords, with universal credit they don't unless the claimant requests the rent is paid direct to the landlord or if it's social housing then they contact the housing association.
Less_Temporary_2883@reddit (OP)
Yeah I’m looking all the time. Thanks
Honestly, if you're worried about your landlord's opinion, don't you think they're more likely to object when you stop paying the rent?
Nobody (worth caring about) would knock you for legally avoiding tax and benefits are no different.
If you're "entitled" to it, absolutely claim it.
You get PAID to do exactly what you're doing. You'll be absolutely fine on it. Don't worry about the stigma.
You're literally wasting all your savings when you could be getting support. It's literally what they're there for!
They won’t contact anyone. It will remain your business
Why wouldn't you if you are unemployed. It's there to help people that need it, no shame in it. It would be universal credit you claim, no they don't contact future employers or contact your landlord. You will if you want help with your rent need to provide a tenancy agreement and proof of address like a utility bill. Savings aren't an issue if under 6k
You will have weekly appointments with them at the jobcentre to stay eligible, if you don't attend and don't have a good reason for missing the appointment they can sanction you, they can help with doing your CV, interview prep etc. it's not a lot, standard allowance for your age is £311 a month, rent help depends on what you pay and your local authorities rates but in a lot of cases can cover all of it.
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