ULPT Request: How to get fired without underperforming so I can receive unemployment?
Posted by RowPhysical1625@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 68 comments
I am highly valued at my current job, and even if I underperformed consistently it would take a while for my company to let me go.
I don’t want to underperform in order to get fired as to not ruin my reputation, but I do not want to resign because I won’t get unemployment/benefits coverage. Gross misconduct disqualifies you for these benefits as well.
Just start asking a lot of questions about unionizing. That should speed things up.
Can u get fired in the us when you don‘t work unpaid overtime?
You can get fired in the U.S because a bee Stung a cow 3 states away on a Tuesday at noon. Look up right to work and At will employment.
The more I learn about the US, the more I think I would live in a constant state of distress as a citizen.
and we do!
It is a constant state of distress no matter what side you are on in this country. It is the one thing we all have in common.
Why do you think we keep buying guns!
And you have to leave that same day/hour
Better Call Saul taught me to stop flushing after using the toilet.
I used to work with a guy who didn’t flush. We marveled at the giant turds
Before getting fired you might want to check your local job listings. Ain’t pretty out there right now bro.
Go get hurt on the job and milk the light duty easy paychecks.
Depends on the field/skill level. That is a very blanket statement you made.
Checking what’s locally available before quitting is pretty universal bub.
I was referring to "Ain't pretty out there right now bro." Everybody is hiring electricians where I'm at, so your blanket statement isn't true for everywhere. No need to be pessimistic.
Okay, we still don’t know what op does. Hence the suggestion to check it out themselves before ending employment.
Way to turn a tip into something negative.
Everybody wants to blame "the job market" but nobody can blame themselves for being unmarketable...
Get a grip bro
My job market is pretty, since yours isn't you should work on improving yourself.
Who said mine isn’t?
I’m also in the trades bud. 6 figures and a felon. I have no problem marketing myself.
The advice as for OP. Not some twat who somehow got offended lol
I assumed yours isn't because you said the job market is scary, hence it would be hard to find a job. I assumed you said that from personal experience. Definitely not offended, just pointing out your negative outlook on the job market isn't actually representative of the job market.
Looking at what’s available before trying to get fired is isn’t negative advice…
It doesn’t take a genius to be aware of layoffs are going around in tech, finance, manufacturing, and retail. Or to follow other subs on Reddit that are job related.
You’re making a lot of assumptions off “ain’t pretty out there right now”. Scroll up bro, told op to check his LOCAL job listings. You’re taking “see what’s available first” and turning it into “omg it’s scary out there everywhere”
FMLA + Short Term Disability + doctors note recommending you work no more than 60% of your normal hours.
Optional to take it as intermittent FMLA and disability so that you are working at let’s say 25 hours. After the 12 week period they may reassess and if you can’t work more than 25 they may see that as reasonable grounds for letting you go
I'm still "technically' employed by an employer from 7 years ago. Workplace accident, filed an injury report. They didn't want to do workers comp, so they paid for my MRI. Then as SOON as the mri results came back, they tried some fuckery. Grabbed a workers comp lawyer, got the vp of the president involved directly(I had his number), got put on FMLA. Took STD, morphed into LTD, and workers comp payments for 2 years. Once the workers comp was done, they never fired me. My login info still works, my company credit card is still active. They won't return my phone calls or emails lmao.
Been with my new employer in the same industry for 5 years, and the GM hates my previous company and told me to milk that for all it's worth.
I don't really get it. What are you "milking" from your previous employer? Surely they're not letting you charge the card and just paying it off?
Employer paid health insurance.
Uhm. How do you have an active credit card from 7+ years?
They sent me one 4 years ago?
Do you receive a pay cheque still? Or just the credit card
Just the card. The company issued cell phone from that employer is tied to that card, but the phone is still active and the card gets charged every month. The phones sitting in a Faraday bag cause those fuckers aren't gonna track me if they aren't paying me.
Yeah this is best of both worlds. Some HR are too scared to fire and will let you milk it
Go on STD, then LTD for mental health issues. Keep collecting those paychecks before they terminate you and then you can go on EI, too.
Convert to islam and start praying five times a day. Maybe they'll fire you and you can sue them for discrimination.
There are actually 6 daily prayers in Islam, but the sixth is optional in the Sunni strain. The Shia strain considers 3 optional.
Shia is like the Mormon version of Islam lol
Pretty much!
here's an instructional video:
Teach your other colleagues how to do your job. Spread your skills it over several colleagues and then explain to your boss how you are no longer needed
Look your boss straight in the eye with big smile and loudly shit yourself. Repeat until goal achieved.
I got laid off because of "Reduction in Workforce " every day I reported a safety issue they couldn't fix because they were being cheap. It's been 3 months and I still get unemployment.
Mutual Separation Agreement
Microwave fish for lunch every single day.
OP works from home
If your boss or anyone in mgt mentions relationship issues or asks for advice about ‘what to get my wife for her birthday’ the answer is always ‘suggest a threesome’
are you sure it will be easy to seek alternative employment?
Have sex with your boss’s dad
Maybe start talking about politics/ the other divisive issues going on right now loudly with coworkers
This one is so easy. Just start talking to all of your coworkers about starting a union. You will be fired without cause immediately!
When someone threatens to sue the company, don’t immediately tell them you can’t speak with them, they have to go through the companies lawyers. Continue talking with them, go for lunch break, come back lose job.
And that’s how I learned to never cover for the receptionist
What the fuck
Invent a family or health problem and ask them to lay you off.
Liquid ass every time you visit the restroom for a week. Next week spray it on the bottoms of your shoes then walk around the whole office. Piss disc in the copier at the end of the day. Escalate as desired.
Second option: stage a psychotic break. Strip down and smear yourself with Vaseline. Put on pig nose and ears. Hit an important meeting full speed on all fours. Once they get you to the emergency department, claim stress from work made you crack up. Immediately claim disability, ptsd, and possible frotteurism.
Demand to work from home full time. Do your job and get things done, but do it in a way that’s difficult to handle. Disappear for hours a day and do the work after hours. Adopt eye-rolling as your standard reaction to everything. Basically, have a lousy attitude. Don’t give management anything they can point to as a task you haven’t accomplished or anything you’ve actually done wrong. You won’t get severance, but you’ll get unemployment.
Before you do all that, be very sure that this is what you want. The economy is tanking and it may not be easy to find a new job. Also, if the company does layoffs you might get turned loose with a severance package and still get unemployment.
Fuck your boss’s wife
This is real easy. Tell your boss you have some ideas to improve efficiency and accountability. And you plan to discuss them with his boss and the CEO.
Not what you want to hear but what the fuck? Just fucking loon for another job and resign AFTER securing anew job. You're highly valued. I'm sure you're gonna get a pay bump at another company. Unemployment on the other hand will give you lower than what you're getting presently.
Also, use your boss as a reference . He may just fire you anyway after an HR person contacts him.
The completely unethical thing to do is get another job...and then resign. Really show them how much happier and better paid you will be.
reported, rule 1
And the real world, this would be the morale logical thing to do, but under this climate Him resigning, get in a better paying job. Is virtually impossible
Take your boss's daughter to a strip club. Hit on his wife on Facebook off hours.
Leave without telling anyone at an inconvenient time (for them) and call your boss from the car saying you're sick and have to go home. If they fire you then you can appeal their decision to not pay unemployment and have a decent shot at winning. I did this
did someone say sexual harassment?
You won’t get unemployment with that…
You may become POTUS though
That also requires a small loan I think
Easy just call out 2-3 times a week and be an hour late the days you are there lol. If anyone asks what’s going on just say you’re having family issues. Who cares about your reputation? You’ll never see the majority of those people again
Set up a tip jar on your desk with a sign that says, ‘For putting up with this bullshit.’ Maintain eye contact with your boss every time you add a dollar to it. You’ll be fired, but they’ll be too unsettled to call it misconduct.
Back to back to back to bank Maternity Leave! You’ll be fired even quicker for paternity leave
Write a message making fun of the company president. Do it on work email or chat.