The Trump Administration may be preparing to invoke the Insurrection Act (possibly in April)
Posted by Huey_Freeman2025@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 258 comments
hey all,
I've tried posting this to several subreddits in order to draw attention to an article in the San Francisco Chronicle (published on the 5th March) titled: "Is Trump preparing to invoke the Insurrection Act? Signs are pointing that way". You are welcome to read the article, but for the most part I am repeating much of it here and have tried to expand on it where reasonably possible.
The reason for believing this is the case is that on Trumps' first day in office, January 20th, he signed an executive order "Declaring a National Emergency at the Southern Border of the United States". Section 6b reads as follows:
(b) Within 90 days of the date of this proclamation, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit a joint report to the President about the conditions at the southern border of the United States and any recommendations regarding additional actions that may be necessary to obtain complete operational control of the southern border, including whether to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807.
Having signed this on his first day, the 90-day period would end on Sunday 20th April (which is co-incidentally both Easter Sunday and Adolf Hitler's Birthday). Taken at face value, this means that the Secretary of Defence and the Secretary of Homeland Security will compile a joint report, submit it to President's Trump consideration and then discuss whether to invoke the Insurrection Act within that time frame.
The Insurrection Act "empowers the president of the United States to deploy the U.S. military and federalised National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection or rebellion." This act provides an exemption to the Posse Comitatus Act "which limits the use of military personnel under federal command for law enforcement purposes within the United States." In order to use the insurrection act, the President is required to publish a proclamation ordering the 'insurgents' to disperse. Hypothetically, this might take the form of a televised national address, which might be the first time the public actually becomes aware of the danger this presents.
Using the Insurrection Act is slightly different to declaring martial law, as martial law is constitutionally a power that is reserved to Congress (in order to protect the right of habeas corpus as the right to a hearing and trial on lawful imprisonment, or more broadly, the supervision of law enforcement by the courts). However, acting alone without Congress, the Insurrection Act is as close as any President can get to declaring martial law, by having the military and federalised national guard units serve as law enforcement.
This is obviously very dangerous, as currently the Vice President, the Cabinet and both chambers of Congress are under Republican control, meaning they're unlikely to serve as effective legal checks to the President's authority. Furthermore, Trump fired much of america's highest ranking military leadership in February, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the head of the Navy and the judge advocates general in the army, navy and airforce. These are the kind of people who would ordinarily be in a position to challenge the President should he order the armed forces to do something illegal or unconstitutional. Given that the Supreme Court has given the President "absolute immunity for official acts", basically without defining with what those official acts are, isn't not clear how this would affect a President should they decide to deploy the armed forces within the united states, treating them as their own personal private army, to suppress protesters or occupy major cities as Trump has repeatedly threatened to do. Without any of these check and limit to his authority, it may ultimately be unclear if, when or how the state of emergency would ever be brought to an end if a President is unwilling to do so.
Based on search engine results, the story is getting limited attention from some media outlets, such as on, the New York Times (behind a paywall), '', Blavity and The Mary Sue. But this isn't much in the grand scheme of things and, if this is what is going to happen, the public probably won't be aware until it's actually in progress. It's possible the story is getting suppressed, but I can't tell you that for certain. Please feel free to do your own research until you are satisfied and confident that these conclusions are correct and please share this information whenever you can, as it may be the best way of preparing people to oppose this if it does come to pass. I have set up a subreddit ( r/preserveprotectdefend) with the aim of working to remove Trump from office and protect the U.S. Constition. But realistically, in such a short time frame it's going to be up to more established organisations with the resources, manpower and networks to share this information and give the American people a chance to act on it and to defend their rights and their country.
So, in closing, I hope I've got this wrong and I am somehow mistaken. But, if this is right, and the fact that the President included a reference to the insurrection act in an executive order alone should suggest its being seriously considered as a possibility, you'll be able to watch and live through the collapse of the United States and it's Constitution in real time. I wish I could do or say more that might change this, but I'll leave you with this: Take care of yourselves and best of luck.
My birthday is cursed...
Huey_Freeman2025@reddit (OP)
Lol. I hope it's ok for me to wish you a 'Happy Birthday' in advance. It would be a shame for something like this to spoil it.
Perhaps if you decide to treat yourself, you could have a sudden, inexplicable desire to travel overseas. Go see the world! Surprise yourself and try something new. It looks great out there. Just leave the U.S. for a bit. That sounds like a nice, enjoyable way to spend your day, doesn't it?
You know... just in case of.....err...."stuff happening". ;)
Haha I appreciate it. Wish I could just up and leave, but for now I'll just hold onto hope :)
There is a reason why state governors are being very quiet re: the federal govt.
I think this is what they're waiting on. They're trying to see if the feds will use the insurrection act to federalize the national guard and invade
invade blue states? what do you mean? they are already a part of the union.
Maybe I'm daft, but invade them to what end? What value or gain is in that please?
2028 is the year a bunch of unions have set their contracts to expire on.
That kind of movement takes years to build.
It’s also pretty clear that we have <5 years left to immediately switch to 100% renewables and massively decrease global (but especially Western) power & resource demand or the next few decades will see global collapse. With the AMOC collapse, the threat of reaching 2c in potentially less than a decade, Trump’s promises to drill and frack even more than Biden (and boy he sure did approve a lot of extraction), plus the ramifications of two major wars and multiple environmental catastrophes on the ecosphere - the time is ticking to prevent the worst possible climate crisis.
Sooner or later, we know that message will sink in and people are going to panic. They know it, too.
Haha bro it sounds like you haven’t accepted that it’s already 40 years too late no matter what we do in the next 5 years.
Eh, it’s either pointless hope and I die trying to build a better world, or it’s cynicism and I die having lived a bitter & miserable life, admitting defeat before the bell rings, always sure of my impending doom.
Or a secret third thing, that actually it’s possible to still save some of humanity and that human beings are capable of unbelievable feats of resistance & survival - if we act now and take control of the means to build a better world out of whatever becomes of this one. And I die happy, and maybe even old.
Either way, even it’s the same result, it’s a better life lived with hope than doom, and maybe I’ll have helped a few people experience a better life along the way.
Just because we’re driving into a brick wall at top speed right now doesn’t mean it’s pointless to tap the breaks. Won’t stop the collision, but who knows, maybe it can alleviate even a little bit of pain.
My thoughts exactly. We’re headed for the crisis, that’s for certain, but the severity of crisis is still within our control - if we treat what’s driving our unsustainable way of life the same way we treated the Divine Right of Kings, and fast
I love the optimism - I believe human beings are at their best when united & looking brightly toward a common future - however, you have all been sold a pack of lies.
I don’t blame you; I blame the abysmally poor education systems.
You guys, here is the scientific reality:
There is NO SUCH THING as a “2•C” warmer world!
That is simply not how thermodynamics function.
Through the feedback loops we have begun to activate, more & more severe reactions will be triggered as the world continues to warm.
This means that 2 degrees over baseline will eventually & irreversibly lead to 3, then to 4, 5, 6 etc etc
This is because runaway climate change is a matter of exponential gains.
There is literally no way to remove the gigatons of CO2 we have injected into our atmosphere over centuries without spending gigatons more to power the removal of it - this is the real bind of the situation we are in.
The ultra wealthy understand the reality of the hard times ahead.
How can we tell?
It’s simple:
Rather than attempting to mitigate longterm effects of climate change, they by & large have been spending millions in personal wealth to construct elaborate luxury survival bunkers in isolated locales.
The worst among us have accepted the reality laid out before us - you would do well to catch up & pay the same heed while you still can, because that’s the other thing: the warmer & more polluted it gets, the dumber we all become.
We will have lost the ability to deal with the problem rationally long before it hits +8-10•C over baseline, not to mention the ability to reproduce.
Optimism is great, & certainly has its place - but please don't let it blind you to the cold hard facts of incoming reality.
I spend a ton of my free time converting my property into a native garden for pollinators and other creatures. I won’t stop the apocalypse, but I will go out knowing my little corner of the world was doing the right thing. I’m content with that - and who knows, maybe others will see and like and do it too.
We are planting a lot of natives too... given ppls behavior i have sometimes wondered if next owners of property just plow it under asphalt or something... but we at least get to experience some of nature's depth and experience these precious beautiful plants and animals
I’ve been reforesting my property and planting dozens of native species trying to do the same. It’s heartbreaking when my seedlings are killed in heat bubbles, but I joke with my wife that I’ll plant cactus if that’s what it takes. I’ve planted thousands of things since 2019, and I’ll continue to throw things at the property to increase the odds of something surviving. Everything I plant is a little prayer to future, in hopes that everything I’m doing will make the world just that little bit better. The rest of the world can be burning down, but if I can create a refugium here, I will have succeeded.
Well said.
Unfortunately we seem to be stuck in the car with a bunch of folks who think flooring it is the painless way to go.
Maybe it will alleviate the pain, or maybe it will prolong the suffering.
What if we go underground...
Some of us are already planned & prepared to do just that.
However, it is not those who most of us would prefer to survive & continue writing the human story.
There's a lot more options than just those two. Such as 'brace for impact', try to adapt to the incoming extinction events, and most importantly build a culture around continuously adapting since it will be an ongoing adaptation struggle for the next 1000 years.
The way you frame it as "either be optimist or be cynic and admit defeat" makes me think that 1) you're just choosing the feel-good option of blind optimism, and 2) you'll fold as soon as shit is taking dark turns (which will be nonstop).
People like those whom you are replying rarely want to change their way of life. So they always see it as a foregone conclusion. And yeah, most pollution comes from the ultra-wealthy, but if culturally a good percentage of the western world shifted away from consumer culture and overconsumption, and focused on local products, we'd be in a way better world. Both politically and environmentally.
Shit will definitely get bad, but we can still control the fallout to a degree, to a point.
Kind of what I was thinking. That was some first rate hopium.
Even with zero humans on earth tomorrow, It's going to keep getting hotter
Spot on. I heard it described by a climate scientist as "imagine we are on a speeding train with climate change. If we pulled the brake and did ALL emissions to 0, basically zero humans, it would take 35-40 years for the train to stop."
For sure. But it’s going to get hotter significantly slower if we put our collective resources towards survival and mitigation, like immediately switching completely to clean(er) energy and massively cutting power demand & resource extraction. And a hell of a lot more of us will live lives that aren’t absolute hell at every turn.
Some of us (like me) have been saying that for over two decades and we're no closer now to any kind of massive energy switch than we were when I started. I agree we need to do what we can while we can, but there's really no reason to be optimistic that anyone in power is going suddenly and immediately begin the massive overhaul that's required to make any real dent in what's coming. In fact, there's every reason to believe that the people in charge know the ship's going down and their only plans are to loot what they can now and then retreat to their bunkers while the rest of us burn.
Oh, there’s no way those in power decide willingly to give up their fundamentally unsustainable way of life. You are correct, the people in power are building bunkers and rocket ships for them & their mates - they aren’t coming to save us.
But that’s the history of humanity, it’s true of all change we’ve ever experienced, from the abolition of slavery, to civil rights, to LGBTQIA+ rights, to the weekend and unlocked fire exits. It only comes from the people, uniting, and posing a threat to the profit and control of the ruling class.
We’re fractured right now, but the future isn’t written. We either unite, or we die, and that’s an incredibly convincing tagline for a global movement - a tagline only getting exponentially more proven in the coming decade.
And even if the technologies existed to replace all fossil fuel uses (they don't), and even if we had universal political agreement and an unlimited budget, I don't think it would even be physically possible to build anywhere near enough substitutes in five years.
We don’t need to replace all uses. We’re past that point. The capitalist economy could’ve continued without interruption had they listened to the scientists and transitioned - about 50 years ago. They didn’t, because it was more profitable to continue full steam ahead.
It’s too late now. Now, our only focus is survival, not lines on a graph. Will the ruling class accept that reality willingly? Lol, no, but we outnumber them, so they’ll accept it, or they won’t have the power to reject it. And can survival be run on clean energy? 100%.
In the meantime, most Western countries already have enough housing and food to provide for everyone, and most of the infrastructure to rapidly provide that elsewhere. We can just do that. There’s no actual need for the billions of jobs that don’t actually provide much to society - they simply serve to create profit for the ruling class, and any social benefits they cause can be replicated far more successfully by a climate jobs program.
We actually do have an unlimited budget. There’s trillions in wealth and resources being hoarded by the global ruling class.
Anyway, money is fake! It’s meaningless, it has value because we ascribe it value, the only thing of worth it provides is the necessities it can be traded for - but if we eliminate the need for that trade, what good is money? We need to move past such primitive ideas as “money” if we’re to survive what’s coming. We have resources, we have people, we need only put them together and act as an interdependent species facing extinction. Do you think if monkeys or cavemen were facing extinction, they’d fret about their meaningless credit system? No, they’d get to work on preparing their environment, and I refuse to believe we’ve managed to evolve out of common sense.
I know it’s easier to conceive of apocalypse than humanity uniting for genuine change, but that’s how the ruling class wins, and I’m not interested in letting them win until the bell is rung.
Based on cherry-picked “best case scenario” models, which have proven to be utterly wrong time and again.
We’re already fucked, there’s no stopping the environmental collapse. Hell, mitigating the damage might also be too late…
Fuck me! And they wonder why we day drink.
Gotta switch to some day smoke instead. Your body will thank you considering how often you’ll need to consume to cope with the devastation we’re facing.
Wake and Bake
Every fucking day.
This is part of their plan too. They sell it as the solution to a class war, but then charge $40 a glass to keep us broke, and cannabis still being illegal keeps us divided.
I’m 276 days sober and don’t miss it. I have healthier hobbies now and less anxiety to speak up when I see atrocities occurring.
Cannabis... the new alcohol. Lol. Guess we weren't paying attention. What you are saying is the same thing they did with alcohol. And then Tobacco. Just before? WW1 and WW2. So what's the problem? Alcohol? Tobacco? Cannabis? Or people? Stop blaming the government for your squabbles over making things legal that have known harmful and detrimental side effects to a large percentage of people who engage in using it. I would say "way to a mole hill into a mountain." But this is more "way to turn a bottomless pit into a mountain." Because that's just substituting one controlled substance for another.
It's all starting to make more and more sense why the parents and scientists were freaking out over psychopathy directly linked to lack of discipline. Yall cannot be told "no you're just wrong," and cannot understand what the problem is or how your decisions and choices affects others!
Glad you kicked alcohol though. Good for you. Nasty habit if it is controlling you. Keep it up.
But I'm still going to have Call of Duty III, right? RIGHT?!
Sure you will, you may even get to experience it first hand in real life.
I fear you are correct
Hey now, cheer up, and enjoy your chocolate and your coffee before they go the way of the Dodo! Be happy that you were sacrificed in the glorious and noble pursuit of greater corporate shareholder profit margins!
(Unless, of course, we don’t just sheepishly accept our fates, but that’s just preposterous thinking, I’m sure we have a Planet B somewhere)
I don’t drink anymore but this is hilariously on point.
They've figured ways to reduce carbon like putting into concrete that we pour at the same time they take concrete production from a carbon producer to a carbon reducer.
Yeah, there’s lots of good marketing out there. Carbon capture is the best of the best at it.
We physically couldn’t pour enough concrete to capture the carbon we need to capture in time, even if that technology could easily be scaled within 5 years, which it won’t be. We’re looking at carbon doubling when the permafrost thaws - after it already doubled since the industrial revolution.
At best, carbon capture may give us a few years. It’s like a plaster over a gaping, festering wound infested with maggots - if that plaster also simultaneously made the infection worse (do you actually think the ecosphere needs more concrete?)
Until we address the reality that it’s always going to be more profitable to the people who literally only care about money to burn the planet and all of us with it, and remove their ability to profit from destruction, no fancy tech is going to offer anything more than a small buffer until they overload that, too.
A complete cultural and industrial shift in such a short timeframe, without the infrastructure to support it, is a pipe dream at best. I'm sure they're [those in REAL power] are looking at much darker machinations.
Every cultural and economic shift in history was, at first, a pipe dream with no infrastructure to support it.
The infrastructure is there for us, though. More than at any point in human history. We have the means and technology to provide the essentials for survival for everyone, right now, at a minuscule fraction of our emissions. What else ought there be? Worse odds have been beat.
True. Though, even then, it took a mass crisis/collapse to enact that shift. People have a hard enough time handling their own hierarchy of needs; they don't have the privilege to zoom out to bigger pictures.
On infrastructure, only the cities have that. There are large swaths of the world that are very undeveloped when compared to first world city life. This also doesn't take into effect the amount of mining that must occur for battery production or the building of Nuclear Plants.
Want to campaign on change, try fighting consumerism. The world, the infrastructure, even our food sources are currently dependent on fossil fuels just to maintain a population.
That’s not exactly unlikely to happen anytime soon. The Spanish heatwaves & floods were just the start. And as soon as America is too occupied with their civil war, the rest of the world, free from American interventionism, will react a whole lot more decisively to disasters like that, especially when their leaders stop getting killed & jailed as much - often because of America.
For survival and sustainability, yes, we’ll have to condense into cities, but many rural places across the globe can easily be transitioned to solar within 3 years, if we abolished money, made building renewables a war-like effort, and focused on survival over profit. Only a tiny fraction of people are living so remote intentionally, many are forced or stuck there by socioeconomic policies (and would happily move under the right circumstances), and the people choosing to stay remote for cultural/historic/religious/food production reasons can & should be supported. The “Just Transition” movement talks a lot about this.
There’s two counters to this point. First, we won’t need anywhere near as many batteries if we actually address the root problem: there’s too much energy demand, and that’s because billions of people are spending their waking hours on total bullshit jobs that don’t exist to address a fundamental need in society, instead they exist to create profit for the ruling class - and then they use the scraps they are fed by the ruling class to buy more bullshit they are manipulated to believe will change their life, and fix the gaping void of enjoyment that way of life leads. Would so many people be consumerist zombies if they weren’t spending 8-12 hours a day on pointless bullshit they know, deep down, is a total waste of their time and potential?
Second point is that, without profit (or corporate interventionism, like buying up patents and IP) determining what tech does and doesn’t make it to mass production, there’s no telling where battery tech will end up. Recycled materials are more than capable of storing energy, but because it’s more profitable to mine (for the same reason it’s still more profitable to produce oil & gas than renewables), that’s the technology we’re stuck with atm. If we had a war-like push for sustainable renewable tech process, though? With fully-funded accessible education training up scientists who’d otherwise be slaving away for minimum wage in the service industry?
Consumerism is the fruit of a rotten tree. We can address it all we want, without consumerism capitalism will completely crumble and, as usual, its meagre safety nets will collapse - and we end up in the same place, with unfathomable amounts of death. We need a different tree, that isn’t fundamentally and inherently incompatible with a healthy planet. That’s what a successful global movement has to focus on: not incrementalist reform, a complete paradigm shift.
Winner winner chicken dinner!
Yes! The people will be compliant and work at full productivity under martial law.
You don't know how lucky you are boy Back in the U.S. Back in the U.S. Back in the U.S.S.R.!
Newsom is also tacking to the right to run for president.
Ironically guaranteeing he will lose a presidential election (if he even gets to run in one, which he won’t)
Just want the Democratic voter base asked for, an anti-trans and anti-homeless candidate (the bad kind of anti-homeless...)!
Typical Dem clown thinking of how it used to work. He'll be in a camp before he gets to run and in any case, there will be no more running. Especially not for Democrats.
JB Pritzker isn't keeping quiet, that's for sure.
I hope Bernie Sanders has a good security detail. They're going to want to silence him soon after all the rallies he's been doing in red cities.
Sanders? He's one of them....piped piper of the democratic party.
You argue about his effectiveness, but it's silly to suggest he's one of the "them" we must fight against.
It's widely known that corporate lobbyists in DC don't even approach him or his office, as they know it's a non-start.
That's only because he has "fuck you" money. Governors like Newsom have to play ball in this new world order that's developing to survive.
Invade blue states and do what?
And these are the guys who've been preaching States Rights for years. Funny how it changed once they had full control of the Federal Govt...
Imagine what would happen if over 100 million workers just decided to have an unpaid week off. No protests. No noise. Just silence. Home with family. Are they going to arrest you for not getting out of bed? Passive, nonviolent protest is the road out of this. Eventually, if we are patient enough events will bring the reluctant to the extreme. let's make it nonviolent, because that's what they want. It's Reddit so somebody tell me how much money the billionaires would lose short term and long term from a one week stand down. Billionaires must go.
Nothing would happen. The majority would go broke and go back to work. A sizable minority would be fired, and not replaced, resulting in a smaller overall workforce. Stocks go up as employee costs are shaved. The economy adjusts to needing fewer workers, and society throws the remainder away.
The reason is simple- they don't need you to make their money anymore. They can make their money without you.
There's a lot of fuss here on reddit about "who will buy their stuff if everyone is replaced by robots?". The answer is nobody. Because it isn't necessary anymore.
Everyone in the top ~20% of society knows this.
Exactly, capitalism is all about the accumulation of resources. Once they hold all the resources, that system no longer benefits them. I'd say they're looking at 4 billion drains on resources that they wouldn't feel bad about writing off.
But it's because their money isn't actually worth anything anymore.
It's not because the money is being made without the purchasing. It's because the money is fundamentally an illusion and it doesn't actually have any value.
And the collapse of the petrodollar and the disengaging of former political allies are going to demonstrate that U.S. currency is currently Monopoly money.
No, its because the market is concentrated enough that they can just trade amongst themselves now without you, make money via rent seeking, or acquire interest.
Perhaps being very quiet is actually the exact wrong reaction and they need to be very loud and very upfront about the fact that they will not allow federal troops to enter their borders if this happens and it will mean war.
Do they have a plan besides waiting to see if it happens or are they just trying to cover their asses?
Newsome is courting the right, looking to flip sides.
Rule 3: Institutions will not save you.
Certainly this iteration of the Democratic party is largely worthless at best, complicit at worst.
I think presenting it as a spectrum is offering them benefit of the doubt they don't deserve. They are worthless and complicit and it's largely been that way since the Clinton administration.
meanwhile on r/politics its always "some Democrat rips Trump in firey speech!" and everyone falls all over themselves saying how awesome it is. fucking doo. I am so impressed. I am sure the corrupt assholes who run America are shaking in their boots at that.
The Chamberlain Party 😮💨
california is the largest source of recruits for the military
Same with Polis in Colorado
they are all just standard issue, pro corporate, Democrats.
Business as usual, bla bla bla.
Newsom just sat down for a very friendly interview with Charlie Kirk.
The guy is corporate douche thru and thru.
Never ever trust democrats to save us from fascism. They will enable it every time.
Going to have the CA-TX alliance as shown in that Civil War movie after all lol
Western forces fighting on behalf of the prez this time tho :(
Well they did say that they weren't worried about blue states any more...
I just got home from my therapy appointment and my therapist recommended that I try to find some good news everyday...
You're in the wrong subreddit for that, lol. Try r/UpliftingNews
Isn’t that just a copy of r/orphancrushingmachine?
That’s what my therapist said.
I told him Trump is lien conjunctivitis: I see him EVERYWHERE
Huey_Freeman2025@reddit (OP)
I have severe, chronic depression, so I can totally relate to that experience, lol. I don't know what works best for you, but for me it's giving my pet cat a cuddle, going on long walks through the countryside, eating too much, and trying to disconnect from the internet. I confess I am monumentally failing on the last one, but hopefully for good reasons.
Anyways, take care of yourself and best wishes. *big hug*
Not to be nosy but where do you live? I live in a major city and I'd kill for a countryside stroll right about now 🥲
ICC arrested Duterte
People are born, people suffer, people die.
Our democracy cooked there is no coming back from this. We are beyond fucked.
This is based. I’m sorry for your loss. It’s the biggest tragedy I’ve witnessed in my life. Fuck the 70% or whatever that supported this becoming a reality.
70%? What are you on about. Less than 50% of voters voted for him and more than that didn't vote
All those that didn’t vote are enablers. They actively participated in this. Choosing to sit it out is an active choice.
This is an incredibly stupid take and it needs to die out fast.
You might as be a Russian bot.
Enjoy your sinking ship then.
I’m not American. So…
So... who said you were?
I'm sitting here in NZ, and all I see is sinking ships and terminally online morons calling people bots.
So again, enjoy your sinking ship. It's a metaphor, and it has more to do with your state of being than which failing state you call home.
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Tankie leaning leftists are not like 35% of the population. There is rampant voter suppression especially in red states. Its on a work day during work hours and often in places like texas there is one vote center per county. So assuming you didn't get your registration purged you need to drive a while and wait hours in line to vote when you could be working and are living paycheck to paycheck. Plus they both dont have hope that voting will improve things and are ignorant of the possibilities. And then it might of been rigged too. Despite not getting a majority vote he got every swing state and flipped dozens of counties while harris didn't flip a single county. Sure I would believe the swing states if he won in a landslide but he didn't. Sure its marginally possible to do that but in combination with the counties its statistically impossible. And before you call me whatever anti voting group you chose I not only voted but worked the election. I mean I dont see it as a way to fix things but slow down the destruction
I’m not American. Just a spectator I guess. America has been going down this road for a long time. He got where he is because he represents core American values that resonated with the people. Even on the international stage. I’ve got Arabs worshipping this guy because he’s a real man.
Whatever facts you pull out and no matter how loud you shout it won’t change the fact that the America you had imagined was not reflective of reality.
My condolences.
Republicans would not have still been in power if we had fair and representative elections. However he is not in power because he represents american values but because we have the most wealth inequality of any society in human history due to 40 years of neoliberal trickle down economics. He road the same forces to power that almost elected bernie. People want a strong man and something different because things are not great. My comment above is not imagined but representative of the country. I considered it a coin toss before the election dont project on me
I dunno man. You’re describing the actions of generations of Americans coming to fruition. Whatever spin you put on it the fact is that a democracy allowed this to happen. Make of that what you will.
I fucked up my voting registration because I just moved to a new state, I didn’t realize I had to cancel my registration in the other state before registering here…yes, that was stupid of me but I wanted to vote. America does not make it all that easy to vote
Huey_Freeman2025@reddit (OP)
I feel the same way, but there is still time for people to do something (hence sharing this post in the first place). I can recommend checking out r/50501 which is principally response for nation-wide protests against the Trump administration. Not alot of them are getting major news coverage, but they are happening and you can see pictures and videos of alot of people attending these protects when you do find them.
I’m scared that he’s going to call Marsha Law on April 20. He’s going to claim that America is in a state of emergency and therefore the feds don’t have to follow the constitution anymore. I think this is from the insurrection act. And it’s no coincidence that Trump announced that he may be using this on January 20 which takes 90 days to go into a affect and would then happen on April 20 which also happens to be Hitler’s birthday.
Huey_Freeman2025@reddit (OP)
hey Dalearev,
You're allowed to be scared because this stuff is legitimately quite scary. The main thing is not to let it completely overwhelm or paralyse you. I've been having bouts of anxiety and panic over the past couple of days since learning this. I've cried a few times as well. But having given myself something to do (mainly just sharing this information to give people a chance to respond and resist in the hope it will help them), I do feel a little bit better for it.
I'm not a legal expert, but I believe that only Congress has the power to declare martial law. The Insurrection Act is the limit of what the President can do. I think in the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln declared martial law and suspended habeus corpus in Maryland, which is one of his more controversial decisions from a constitutional standpoint. But otherwise Trump doesn't have any sort of legal precedent to declare martial law without Congress.
There is 1 President, 25 in the Cabinet, 435 Representatives and 100 Senators, but there are 340 million Americans. I won't pretend it will be straight forward, but there is still time to prevent this and plenty of people will want to oppose this if it does happen.
Thank you for your kind response because I am terrified and I don’t have a lot of hope right now but it’s good that other people do because maybe that will help me to move forward. I’m an environmental consultant and I see so much shit every day. It’s really hard to feel like anything can change for the better.
We are truly fucked, but we can always come back. It won't be quick, it won't be easy and unfortunately it won't be bloodless.
Did Germans during the reign of Hitler think their country would ever come back? With a well-oiled propaganda machine, concentration camps everywhere and ovens sending the smoke of victims to the sky it would be difficult to believe that the country would ever be a tourist destination.
I hope you are right. I hope there is some way out of this, but I am scared. I am truly terrified.
I'm here for it!!
They're trying to get it in front of SCOTUS by raising this on the circuit court level. It's troubling to say the least
Donald Tump wants to use the insurrection act on himself?
Donald Trump and VP Musk are using a coup to overthrow the government.
They are not using a “violent uprising” to over throw the US government like Jan 6th but now we are into semantics.
Nazi vs NeoNazi. Just like we were warned in the 90s.
You can take the Nazi out of the motherland, but you cannot take the "mother"land out of the Nazi.
1st half Republicans. 2nd half Democrats. 1st half Conservatives. 2nd half NeoLiberals.
Education system is a sham promoting known and thoroughly discredited psuedosciences from Nazi concentration camps.
Nazi scientists brought here from Nazi concentration camps.
But there were worse things already happening here than in Nazi Germany concentration camps.
How bad the psuedosciences from the Concentration camps were.,pseudo-medical-experimens-in-hitlers-concentration-camps
If all "genders" are in fact equal. And if "they" were born that way. Indoctrination and grooming has already taken place. "Every day life is just hetero affirming." "Hetero in the economy." So I guess heterosexual people aren't allowed equal rights of being "born that way." So if heterosexuality is "affirmed," and we are all in fact equal. Then LGBTQ+ is equally "affirmed." And they too were not born that way.
Aka you either voted for the psuedoscience "gender identity" and caste system putting women and heterosexuality at the bottom. Or for the psuedoscience of segregation by race. We lost our rights in the 90s. They just lied to you.
The revolution will not be televised. You may get banned here if posting about it by when it fully starts, or at least armies of bots could react to your content.
There’s certainly been an uptick in accounts I’ve never seen before in local subs ready to tell you how Musk is great actually. For now they’re being downvoted to oblivion, but it’s beginning to shift the other direction with even more brigading.
Not just this, but also a flood of accounts insisting that there's no point in protest/resistance/etc because it doesn't do anything. I've already seen big pushes in "leftist" spaces of accounts arguing that there's no point in trying, just give up and accept it, etc.
Local subs all over the country are full of this, it's crazy. r/Seattle has shifted to the right in an obviously untrue way. r/GreaterLosAngeles, same thing. Those subs are antithetical to the attitudes of the people living there unless it's only the conservatives on those subs. Which would be insane.
Reddit has noticeably and demonstrably moved to the right. You can’t go to any subreddit without Trump and Musk defenders spilling in. Always ready to defend Trump, denigrate people protesting against him, parrot right-wing talking points etc.
It’s so exhausting when MAGAts screech that Reddit is a liberal echo chamber. Not anymore. The right is pandered to and catered to on every damn social media site at this point.
Not to be too tinfoil hat about it, but at this point I'm wholly convinced that at least 90% of it is just LLM chat bots given command of reddit accounts. I know there's been enough talk of reddit higher ups wanting to make more money off the site, so I completely expect that there will be more pandering in the coming days than ever before.
After the election, as soon as I saw posts claiming to be a black person, trans woman, immigrant, Muslim, or any other of the classic 'out groups' the Republicans hate that were telling everyone that it was their fault Trump won because [insert brain dead nazi talking point take here], all of them with tens of thousands of upvotes, I knew the psyop was on and we could no longer take what we read on this site nearly as seriously.
We're in a dark fucking timeline and nobody is coming to save us. But the tiny bit of silver lining is, if there truly was nothing we could do, their propaganda wouldn't be getting squeezed in everywhere the way it is.
Well that points to one thing: that it's an illusion.
Fill the internet with chatbots, fake accounts espousing fake viewpoints, and that doesn't actually replace the real people who can interact with each other in person.
Russian and GOP bot farms working together in harmony now. Wait till the control is complete. Might as well prepare to close your accounts and have it all lined up for deletion. Except I have feeling things won't actually be deleted, even now...
I pointed this out a few wks ago, how it started happening literally right after Elon made his “I don’t go to Reddit bro…? That place is an echo chamber, full of bots” comment around inauguration time & promptly got downvoted to oblivion - as if it was so far fetched to consider how much profit he stood to gain by making such remarks in the first place, as if he has no skin in the social media landscape game.
Glad to see I’m not the only one being made to feel crazy about the influx of overt attempts being made at brigading round these parts.
Imo is because with a little bit of know how, anyone with a decent PC set up can run bot programs. So you have a handful of basement trolls now running bot farms.
Reddit tracks the comments you interact with now, probably not a safe platform to use anymore TBH
Everything is unpredictable from one day to the next anymore but we’re definitely closer to collapse you can sense it
My husband is collapse aware, but keeps a cool, level head about everything. He’s not one for wild speculation or hyperbole… but even he says he has a feeling/hunch that something major is going to happen this summer. What, he doesn’t know, but he thinks all hell is going to break loose in just a few months.
I’m inclined to agree.
Well this summer would be in line with the general timeline of major events. I hold a generally more pessimistic outlook than most, I think they'll use the government shutdown in 3 days as fuel for the insurrection act and a purge of democrats. But that probably wouldn't happen instantly so around April 20th still works.
Along with April 20th, we can expect an increase and activism in the warmer weather and general unrest as people are more able to take to the streets.
The general broad timeline for action against Greenland and Canada is also suspected to be 6-18 months.
Basically, this summer for both the administration and the American people is proving to be "bang or bust". With the pace things are moving, every week that goes by that drastic measures aren't taken, more drastic measures become necessitated.
"You fight them by writing letters and making phone calls so you don't have to fight them with your fists. You fight them with your fists so you don't have to fight them with knives. You fight them with knives so you don't have to fight them with guns. You fight them with guns so you don't have to fight them with tanks."
Fuck. I live in Alberta. That article was sobering to say the least. What is happening 😔
Mhmm yeah it’s headed in that direction I think something is going to trigger a massive stock market crash and you know how that stuff trickles down.
Costs are still too high corporate greed knows no end and is shameless.
When this one reverses, it’s going to socially and financially make 2008 look like a walk in the park.
But honestly, it’s long overdue.
Consider making your sub on leemy instance
Reddit is gamed. If upvoting a certain someone who’s name is from a Mario game is terrorism, joining your resistance sub will be also.
Get off Reddit if you actually want to resist. Other than recruiting.
Let him try. American spirit is rebellious. We always have been.
They have all the guns and ammunition. Our side has is full of professors and scientists who probably couldn't shoot their way out of a paper bag.
You underestimate the actual Left.
My friend in democracy, the second amendment is for all Americans. I am a liberal. I own several guns with all the necessary accoutrements...
Is Trump preparing to invoke the Insurrection Act? Signs are pointing that way
A joint Department of Defense and Homeland Security report will soon recommend whether or not to invoke the Insurrection Act over illegal migration
By Brett Wagner
March 5, 2025
“But what about civil disobedience?” you might ask. “You can’t just turn America into North Korea overnight!”
The only thing that stopped Trump the last time he ordered the military to open fire on American protesters (“Can’t you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?”) was the refusal by his then-defense secretary and top general to carry out his order.
They can be as legally immune as they want but once they start coming for us, it's only a matter of time before some of those at the top are found bludgeoned to death. I hope the mods of this sub ban me for my extremist language too ✌️
Doubt it, those at the top are only hated by leftists, and leftists have no power, even here i would be called "tankie" because "too extreme, bro". We are doomed
Correct, the regime's leadership is only hated by leftists... for now. That will slowly change, but not quick enough.
I think the Luig_ event revealed something utterly terrifying to the billionaires, and it is likely our only way out of this. The billionaires' culture war can't be won, but the class war certainly can, and ultimately will wipe out this regime. It needs to start soon.
We didn’t even invoke the Insurrection act during the actual fucking insurrection in 2021 lmao this guy sucks
I can't help but feel like this is just the democrats version of qanon.
Trump literally told his guys one day 1, you’ve got 90 days to come up with a reason for me to invoke it. Write me a report. They were instructed, this isn’t a conspiracy theory.
Huey_Freeman2025@reddit (OP)
Having written the OP, I think it's fair to expect something along the lines of "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". I've done my best to live up to that, knowing this is still speculation and it's going to be ripped apart by people trying to poke holes in it overtime and if someone decides I haven't met that threshold, that's fair enough really.
Putting this online isn't going to produce a perfect outcome. I've reached the point where I'm not even sure what that would even look like. But I think I've done enough to show this can be taken seriously. We've crashed through so many thresholds of what was once thought to be impossible, that we all kind of "know" intuitively this isn't going to end well. (America's had a pandemic and an insurrection after all.) But if we are all just quietly waiting for someone to give us permission to say just how utterly insane and dangerous this really is and nobody makes the decision to step forward because we're all afraid of what will happen, we're going to end up getting a lot of people killed.
In the end, you just have to flip a coin, and try to make the best decision you can. The world's going to move on whatever you do and, in one of these critical moments, you'll only ever get one chance to get this right. On the balance of probabilities, looking at how insane the past decade or so has been to get us here and wandering what I'd be prepared to live with, I made the choice to put this information online, hoping that putting it in front of people might ultimately save lives.
So I will plead guilty to thinking with my heart rather than my head on this one because in the long-run that seems like the better decision for me to live with.
This is going to be the worst "420, blaze it" ever.
Smoke em if you got em
this is your captain speaking…
Thank you for reminding me about the 4/20 sales, at least there's that.
It falls on Easter too.
Worst joint report of 4/20
This gave me a very dark, bleak chuckle
This is the last thing I wanted to read today
I suspect the dates also line up when tiktok will either go offline or be sold to the us government
Yep, tiktok will be bought soon, in part from funds received by selling federal lands to mining and logging companies
Doubtful, a sale is privy to Chinese laws, so it's questionable if bytedance would be allowed to sell, and the us isn't even a majority of tiktoks audience.
Tiktok will still be owned by bytedance but only its operations in the US will be sold
Honest question. If the US bans tiktok, what's stopping bytedance from releasing a tiktok clone under a different name?
The law that allows the US to ban tiktok is extremely broad and would allow the US to ban any Chinese owned apps (and I believe any foreign owned apps in general).
I've seen at least one credible theory that the reason tick tock had to go down was so they could replace it with a new recommendation algorithm. That could be claimed to have been developed entirely inside the United States, so that the Chinese company can release intellectual property rights in line with the law. Makes sense to me, and TikTok users have been complaining since it came back that the app is different.
We have been living through the collapse of the USA prior to President Trump taking office. Open your eyes man!!
Any suggestions for how to prepare?
Buy a gun, make friends with your neighbors.
My neighbors are trumpers and they can go fuck themselves. I'm sure I'm not the only one in a blue state but a red area. These people are batshit crazy. They had their chance for friendship.
Over the last couple of months, I've seen some changes in a few of them. Pick the most bearable 2 to be acquaintances with, as an insurance policy.
One, I live in a rural area so I don't have many neighbors. Two, the closest neighbors to my house have previously threatened me over the stupidest shit. I wouldn't trust those people with a child's life let alone my own. They can go to hell.
Hope you have people within several miles of you. The one thing we’ll need is community in some form. Also if you aren’t already armed, go buy a gun now.
have you ever seen 12 angry men?
its an amazing movie and free on youtube
the followup is a video about changing someones mind. Basically it says you cant, all you can do is position the person in questioning their held convictions and letting them draw their conclusions. I've always been armed with facts to counter Trumpers, now I just ask them pointed questions
You seem to misunderstand the fact that I don't even want to talk to these people. They aren't worth my time. I would rather put my energy into someone who doesn't see me as an abomination. Why do people find that so hard to get through their heads? Some people aren't worth your time or energy. (Regardless of this current political climate.) Those people (ie: my neighbors) are toxic as fuck. And I learned my lesson with them the hard way several years ago. When someone is toxic you cut them out of your life. That is what you do in order preserve your own peace. Now you are all trying to tell me to go make amends and bring that toxicity back into my life? Nah brah. I'd rather off myself then deal with that shit again. And yes I realize this whole thing is about trying to make friends if the shit hits the fan and we go to war or some shit but I wouldn't trust those people to have my best interest even if we were on speaking terms. They're the kind of people who will boom boom you the second you turn your back. It's like telling the Jews just to make friends with the Nazis because they "could" have a change of heart. ffs
it was a joke
to legitimately answer your post
I'm my own best friend, I have taken so many trips alone. I've met a lot of cool people on the way and more importantly, learned so much about myself
"In that case, they should have a decent stockpile" is what a lunatic would say and I don't condone such things.
All my neighbors are fascists happily waiting for it to happen
Huey_Freeman2025@reddit (OP)
Thanks for asking. I will try to include such details when I share this information in other subreddit. At the moment, your best bet is to look at r/50501 which has mobilised over the past two months to lead national protests against the Trump administration. The protests happen once a month, and there should be protests planned for 5th April. There isn't alot of national co-ordination, but other groups are doing similar protests independently such as at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on friday 14th March. There will also be a Veterans March on the same day, happening in Washington D.C. and outside every state capital.
Honestly, they are things happening all over the place (with national protests in Canada in sympathy for anti-Trump americas within the past week), and Bernie Sanders has also been holding "Against Oligarchy" rallies as part of a tour around the U.S. to get people active and to resist the Trump administration. It's just not getting much media coverage, but it is happening.
Don't give up on America just yet. There are plenty of people willing to resist if it really does come down to that.
Gather certain chemical compounds with surprising effects.
Curl up in a ball on your bathroom floor and cry for a while. Then get really drunk and stay that way.
Trying to not drink. But man does it all feel bleak some days
This made me smile. Thank you!
Unfortunately any real, honest answer will be [Removed by Reddit]
2nd ammendment
Help form or join mutual aid groups in your area.
America is a plutocracy. The only checks against its power are the people, and they are entirely clueless as to what this means. America serves the rich so they can exploit the masses. The constitution must be shreded. It's a bourgeois instrument to wage tyranny against the people. As long as america exists, the entire world is not safe.
Don't worry, they've got it in the shredder as we speak. I heard he asked for the original document to be put into his office.
the reason why i want it shredded and he wants it shredded are entirely different.
And given the spectacle they put on for Ash Wednesday and it's significance that weekend, I wouldn't be shocked at this.
thank god
TIL that Hitler has its birthday on the 20th of april
I think we all should assume this will happen. The current president is testing the boundaries of the constitution and this seems like an obvious way he can grab more power for himself without breaking the law.
When the economy gets bad the hardcore cultists will blame space lasers — or anyone else aside from Trump, although I could see them turning on Musk if/when Trump does.
That said, the people that voted for Trump who don't keep up with right-wing media as much for their daily brainwashing will start screaming once the leopards are eating their faces. We already see this happening now to some degree and it's only been around a month.
The "mandate" narrative is bullshit — Trump only squeaked by with a popular vote of ~1.5%. When we combine everyone who didn't vote and/or support Trump with the angry, disillusioned people who voted for Trump — I think we'll see a crisis for the admin. Americans are on the fucking brink. The wide support and/or tolerance for Lulgl shows that.
Some may fear Trump imposing martial law, but has a ~~government~~ fascist regime ever declared martial law within a country that has as many guns within the population as America does? Even close? Combine that with the fact that so many Americans have very easy access to guerrilla warfare tactical information, instructions/materiel for IEDs, drones, etc. — I just don't think martial law would go over very well at all for any would-be perpetrator, much less the insane bumblefucks of the Musk Trump Putin regime.
If anything, I could see that as a ripe opportunity for quick regime change from within as well as the insane leadership putting their own lives in dire jeopardy. I'm not saying they aren't dumb enough to actually try it, but I don't think it would go even remotely as well as they may think it would.
As far as active duty military goes in ignoring their oaths to the US Constitution and obeying illegal orders — it's the rank and file that are the ones that will be pulling the triggers, so to speak. (until the regime switches over to AI deathbots)
4 out of 10 older military veterans voted against Trump and it would make sense that a much higher amount of younger active duty military members are against Trump. There's a lot more nuance to active military support for Trump than most corporate media ever talks about.
It appears that only around half of active duty military even vote, but we don't usually hear much about that.
We've been sold a bill of goods by corporate media attempting to portray active duty members with overwhelming support for Trump by conflating older vets with younger enlisted soldiers. Contrary to the manufactured consent pushed by selective polling that focuses only on veterans, you'll see that plenty of younger, active duty military members are not so thrilled with the Musk Trump Putin regime.
People should give r/military a gander and look at the most popular topics/posts.
Fratricide will be an issue when higher ranking officers tell these rank and file members to kill their fellow Americans for a treasonous despot.
Things are horrible. I mean, the fact we're even discussing these topics shows that. However, I can see where the Musk Trump Putin regime could crumble when the economy tanks and they'll be left with little to no recourse — unless they get those AI deathbots online, and quick.
An excellent suggestion. Thank you.
Huey_Freeman2025@reddit (OP)
Yeah, I've been following posts on r/Military for maybe a month or so. The sub is getting regularly bombarded by people concerned about the President giving illegal orders. After Trump humiliated Zelensky in the oval office, the mood in that sub appears to have changed and they are far more vocal and critical of the Trump administration. It's been quite welcome and encouraging to see that in it's own way.
Dude, holy shit. It almost sounds like a leftist group over there. Totally 47 negative, with guys defending him getting downvoted to oblivion.
So I'm seeing. It's apparent that veterans and service personnel are annoyed. They don't like where we're headed. They're pissed off at Trump for allying with Putin, think Elon is a p*ssy, (Vance too), and are sympathetic towards Canadians about the tariffs.
The consensus appears to be that they will respond to Lawful Orders only. That's going to be big trouble for Trump. (I hope!)
The only way soldiers will disobey orders is if the junior officers are leading the way (O-3 and below). From my personal experience, while folks in the military are pro-democracy, you end up being borderline (if not outright) brainwashed to be right leaning and to obey orders you kind of agree with. NCOs and junior officers normally work pretty closely and agree on most stuff. But mostly anybody E-4 and below (the ones pulling the trigger) won't defy an order unless they have, or feel they have, support through their immediate chain of command.
I'll be honest. I don't see that happening in enough volume to mean anything significant.
Yes, the US civilians have a lot of guns, but most of them are pro-Trump.
This is the kind of dismissive attitude that got Americans in their current situation. I have zero confidence in the ability of the American people to do anything other than bitch and moan. They’re very good at that.
This. Its all posture and bravado until the metal meats the meat.
At the moment it's either nothing happens, North American American empire, civil war leading to balkanization, or civil war leading to a new republic. I added the last one after reading your post.
I think it is a foregone conclusion. They are running down the list of project 2025 and this is another item to complete.
It is very likely trump to order his minions to produce legal documents that justify what he wants done.
they will discover a deep state plan to undermine the presidency by radical woke leftists. these extreme terrorists are the real swamp that Trump has been trying to drain!
AOC, Pelosi, Jack Smith and any Democrat who has ever spoken against Trump will be swiftly disappeared.
I'm just surprised this hasn't happened yet. Trump will go to murder once he realizes he can do it without getting punished for it, he has no moral boundaries.
It's all by design. They're crashing the economy on purpose, then when the unrest from that begins, it'll be used as the reason to invoke this. It's all going to plan just how they wanted it.
Agree. They know there will be pushback when it becomes clear all they are doing leaves more and more people desperate to pay for food and shelter. Blaming Biden or trans in sports will not work much longer. Bernie Sanders is generating a huge amount of energy/support. They see this. I'm sure they have a plan for this and it will be coming very soon.
Can you imagine what power Bernie would have as a martyr? Like Ben Kenobi...
UK here. Sorry, but the second-biggest voting bloc in November was for people who knew what Trump was like and voted for him anyway. The biggest bloc consisted of eligible voters who didn't vote at all.
We're all waaay past the worry stage. The question isn't whether it will be bad, the only question left at this stage is HOW bad it will be. Trump is like a five-day build-up of shit that will hurt and which will be unpleasant but which we we'll now all have to endure while it passes.
Bring it on. Let's get it over with.
Unfortunately, we don't know that.
We don't know that the reported election totals were an accurate representation of the votes that were cast.
The way I read it it’s already done.
There is very little influx now to my border city, people are leaving the country. Now we know what those drones they were testing were all about. It mentions they will use drones in this executive order.
I’ll tell you one thing as a vet. Not everyone in the military will obey these orders. There will be a mutiny in the ranks guaranteed.
That's delusional, almos 100% of military guys are Trump's and Elon Musk's bitc*es and would never turn against them.
Thanks for your input, Mr. 12-day-old account!
Bullshit. American soldiers will happily gun down American citizens in the streets. American police and the like already do it on a daily basis. We’re now simply waiting to add another group into the mix of dozens. It’s barely a stretch of the imagination.
Don't forget the organized militias, they will join the military agains civilians on a heartbeat
Seriously. Once shit goes bad military/law enforcement will fall in line. Guaranteed jobs and food and all you have to do is crack protestor heads.
I was a linguist and many of my friends who are still in have told me that many Spanish linguists and Spanish soldiers are being moved around to prepare for something at the border.
I sure hope so. Because right now I’m not feeling super confident about it but I think they could really make a difference if they did.
It’s been really tough lately to tell whether I am in r/collapse or r/conspiracy. Not saying it’s a bad thing there just seems to be a lot of overlap lately.
Other subs tend to overlap with r/collapse sooner or later :)
Not sure why you’re making this comment in this thread. It’s not much of a conspiracy to read line 6b in the aforementioned EO. Whether an actual recommendation for invoking the Insurrection Act is made in the report remains to be seen but I do not think it is conspiratorial to think that is a possibility.
Not commenting on whether there is a conspiracy or not, just pointing out that this could be a thread in the conspiracy sub.
To be fair when the current president outright endorsed people trying to undermine democracy on Jan 6 this paranoia is justified.
Yes it is.
Yeah why are random people’s ramblings making up so many of the posts I’m seeing lol
Brand new chat gpt account
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Look at the good side: You americans do not have to vote never again, as the orange poop said. But you'll get golden Trump statues instead because dicktraitors need those to pump their egos...
Let’s not borrow trouble. The less reason he has to invoke it, the worse it will be for him.
So you’re saying everyone should just sit back and it’ll sort itself out?
All social media will be shutdown. No communications.
That headline will change the world. It’s inevitable.
I am begging all of my cousins in the Commonwealth to get a new fucking hobby.
so what, fucking orange antichrist making his mischieving a global threat
The Insurrection Act does not apply outside the US. Literally none of your fucking business
I noticed that too
Trump has no respect for either the Constitution or the US Code.
First off the VP is always going to be “under the control” of the party associated with the President.
Any reference to the act is far far more likely to be in relation to events at the southern border rather than some fantasyland idea that troops will invade other states.
What actual gain could exist from invading states? It’d be like a lightning rod for every crazy militia group on both sides of the political divide and you’ve got a very very good chance that it will fracture the military , and it’ll further isolate America internationally. Economically it’d be a shot in the head.
Whereas there is a currently a very obvious build up of troops at the Mexico border areas. You don’t need Stryker’s to fortify a border.
something something in darkness
I have read the Insurrection Act and its amendments. I think we can bet (based on the recent migration of military personnel toward the border) that Dump intends to call for Martial Law in a Southern Border state (Texas? New Mexico?).
He will test the waters: Will the state accept Martial Law for the purposes of "strengthening the border" and building further deterrents/strengthening the wall?
If that state accepts Martial Law, one has to wonder, what is the next step? Will this spread to other border states?
If this is done at the Southern Border, will this apply to the Canadian Border?
What is the ultimate goal - My thought is that if he can get away with one movement, he will consider WAR.
It's up to the American people to condemn war on our allies. Let's not turn this into Russia vs Ukraine in America.
Insurrectionist invokes Insurrection Act.
Welp, we tried to warn everyone, but nope.
And here we are.
Yeah, we did try to warn everyone. And they failed to listen. I'm hearing about Trump voters freaking out over deportations, DOGE, etc. asking where the people who can stop this garbage are.
Its like, bruh, you guys put the Chump back in office after people worked their backsides off getting him out, and gifted him all three branches of government. You defeated yourselves.
I mean, who would expect anything else? Collapse is here anyway, and this is very near to how I would predict power and wealth to behave. We already know that we are not all going to survive. No matter what any president anywhere may do, all of our economies are going to crash, global trade will stop, alliances will mean nothing, and countless millions will perish.
Degrowth is coming whether we like it or not, and US policy under Trump is rational, even if it is brutal. They may be evil, but at least they don't hide it very well.
Mate it’s “Defense” not “Defence”.
This is why people don’t take us seriously. We come off as uneducated nonsense spewing conspiracy theorists.
Please spell check when typing a book to post on Reddit.
You are aware there is other English besides American English, yes? Your use of “mate,” however, throws me off. Maybe you are just taking the piss.
They're totally American. The cunts love eatin' Macca's.
Get ready to rock, all I can figure at this point 🙃
America is about to be cut off of the world stage, unless yall go full warfare. Either way it’s not gonna be great.
If it’s online then it must be true….i too always believe everything a professional protestor has to say
There’s a TikTok on this site today saying insurrection act on 4/20 too.
I suspect it won’t be till he needs to use it on everyday Americans rioting in the streets. Take away everyone’s hard earned social security money while firing tens of thousands of government workers and crashing the economy and see what happens. Then use military force to restore order when the “What the f did you do with my money!” protests get heated.
Someone is liable to get shot and… Isn’t there a 250 year anniversary of some protesters getting shot coming up in April? Some historical event was kicked off that way, but it’s not coming to me at the moment.
A rare win for global civilization.
I say good luck with that
Never do business with any of these companies.
Hopefully he would be arrested the same day otherwise we are just another N.Korea.
He won’t be because it’s legal. Unfortunately
FWIW, there were pundits in 2007 raising alarms that Bush deploying the act was imminent and other pundits doing the same about Obama in 2011. I recall Naomi Wolf being one of the first batch.
This is not to say that Trump is in any way unlikely to do so but to draw a little attention to the fact that there is a lot of precedent (alternating between partisan sides, in fact) for concerns about the Insurrection Act as well as the possibility of a president refusing to leave office.
To be fair, I read this more as a buildup to the fact that it's likely to happen one day (and it's looking like it will be Trump) than as any kind of hysteria.