Went to MicroCenter to buy a 9070 XT, left with a 5080. Cousin laid off, offered to sell me 5070ti at cost. WWYD?
Posted by daymanlol@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 424 comments
I went to micro center thinking they had 9070 XT inventory, turns out it was 9070. Ended up leaving with a 5080 but didn't unbox because I wanted to get my wifes thoughts. She said I should just keep it but I didn't want to spend that on myself. Later that night my cousin offered to sell me his 5070ti as he got laid off and wasn't sold on the value prop to begin with.
5080 is a TUF, which is expensive as shit ($1,514 with tax). The 5070ti is a gigabyte ($1,044 with tax). Do I return the 5080 and stay with the 3070, take him up on the 5070ti, or keep the 5080 TUF?
I currently have a 3070, we're planning trying for a kid this year so in most ways I feel like this is my last stop with a gpu . What would you do here?
I’d say get your cousins 5070ti and return the 5080. You’ll lose out between 10-20 percent performance. As a Dad and a former hardcore gamer you better get your gaming in before the baby arrives as you’ll be relegated to Saturday Nights after 7pm every week.
I would keep the 5080 personally. It is a lot, and buyer’s remorse is real. But once you hook it up and start using it and enjoy it a bit, that will pass. It’s a pretty decent card, and 1500 is a lot, but it’s definitely better than spending 1000 on a 5070ti.
So 10% better performance for 50% more money is good to you? Just lol.
Personally? I would wait for the 9070 XT to be in stock at a price closer to MSRP ($700 or less).
The 5080 is a good card but $1500 is an insane price to me. Similarly, the 5070 Ti is also good, but over $1000 is a tough pill to swallow.
Not OP but What would you say is a good price for the 5070ti?
"Good" is subjective. Ideally you want it as close to the MSRP of $750 as possible. However, the street price appears to be closer to $900.
Even the MSRP of $750 for the 5070 Ti may be a bit much when the $600 MSRP 9700XT has 95% the performance of the 5070 Ti.
If you didn't already get a 9070xt at 600 you never will.
I suspect AMD has significantly more stock than Nvidia and many more people will be able to get the 9070XT at MSRP (at least unless the tariffs instantly hit the prices).
There are still regular 9070s available near me at Microcenter.
They do have more stock but MSRP cards were day 1 only and no more are being made.
Pricing isn't "made". They just choose not to.
No there are seperate models that sold at msrp and those models had a limited production run.
Relax guy, I know the internet is absolute truth but still don't believe everything you see.
Thanks daddy I'm calm now.
Condescending prick.
You said those cards aren't being made anymore. The cards are the same. Retailers had 1000s of Pulse cards for example, but only 100 of them were to be sold at MSRP. The pulse that they'll get in their next shipment as well, will be ide ticsl just priced higher. Hence MSRP card aren't "madde" it's just s number they slap on it.
AMD has already shot down that rumor.
No, AMD is not selling future 9070XT or 9070's at MSRP.
Regular 9070's might still be available, but the XT is worth the extra price (at MSRP).
Do you have any source for that or is it hearsay? I was lead to believe that the source of this rumor was a misunderstanding of some wording on Best Buy's site.
Multiple stores from around the world have said this. Nobody knows what's happening. Here in the UK price has increased from £570 to £629-650....
It's not confirmed yet, highly tbd exactly what the pricing strategy will be from AMD moving forward. Either way recommendation is to sit tight and see what happens
Multiple models of the MSRP cards had price increases on Newegg already. The PowerColor Reaper is now $699 and the Sapphire Pulse is $729. Those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head.
Several retailers also confirmed this to be the case as well. All AMD has said is they will "encourage" board partners to hit MSRP but AMD has no power over their pricing. Expect 700+ until supply improves for both parties. Which may or may not happen with data center demands being so high.
All the MSRP prices have already increased in UK and EU webshops by at least 10%
AMD confirmed they haven't changed the price. It's AIBs that are raising the price because, presumably, $600 has virtually no margins. This is the downside of not having a 'founders edition' available at a stable msrp.
It only has 95% of the performance of the 5070 Ti if all you care about is pure raster performance.
DLSS, MFG affect real life performance and matter, although YouTubers focus on pure raster performance to easily compare cards.
There’s a reason why 5070 Ti’s still sell out even if a 9070 XT at $600 exists. The features matter to most people.
If fake frame generation from DLSS, MFG, etc are so important then AMD has its own fake frame generator caled FSR.
The 5070 Ti sold out faster because they had far fewer in stock and Nvidia has better brand name recognition. It has little to nothing to do with gimmicks like DLSS that most consumers don't even know or care about...especially with AMD cards have the similar gimmicks.
There are interviews from Microcenter emplpyees saying AMD 9070 had way more stock in the last few days than all of the Nvidia 5000 lineup combined since launch. Nvidia created a fake, paper launch for the 5000 series.
The only real advantage Nvidia has is its ray tracing in games, but even then the card is still overpriced because it has a 18-20% RT advantage but is 21% more expensive MSRP (even worse in terms of actual street prices) and most games dont even use RT much if at all.
The AMD implementations of ray tracing, upscaling, frame generation are all inferior. Everyone knows this.
If it wasn’t the case, people would not pay more for Nvidia for similar performance.
I talked about Nvidia's ray tracing advantage already. 20% RT advantage but costs 21% more at MSRP. This combined with a 5% regular performance advantage at 21% more MSRP = barely worth MSRP even if you care about RT. See above.
Nvidia's fake frame generation is superior to AMD's fake frame generation. It is not $150-$400 superior. Same goes for AI upscaling. AMD has all of this technology. Nvidia's better AI fake frame, fake picture upscaling tech is not worth the huge price difference.
These are gimmicks most people are not going to be using and these are still AI generated fake frames.
Ray tracing advantage is huge and worth it imo
Especially considering the Ray Tracing of the 9070 XT isn't exactly working all to well.
I have the Taichi 9070 XT, have been playing Indy Jones Great Circle.
The performance hit of the Path Tracing, even at the lowest setting Medium is a lot, and to top that off the Game keeps crashing when I turn the Path Tracing on. It does not crash any other time, runs fine otherwise.
I like ray tracing and would have bought the 5070 Ti if it were available, out of stock at my Local Micro Center so I bought the Taichi 9070 xt for $730.
If you like Ray Tracing save 2 birds with one stone, buy the 5070 Ti from your Cousin, AMD Ray Tracing is still not quite there yet. (5080 too expensive)
Ray tracing advantage is ~20% on average, and whether it is worth it depends on how much you can get it for.
The 9070XT comes close to the 5070 Ti with 95-97% of the performance without Ray Tracing and is about 80% of its performance with Ray Tracing. The 9070Xt costs about 80% of the 5070Ti in terms of MSRP and maybe 65-70% of its actual street price if we consider scalpers.
Most games don't use RT, so if you play games without it then the 9070XT is much better in Bang-For-Buck. For games that do use RT, then the 9700XT is basically equal to the 5070Ti in BFB if you can find both at MSRP. For all games that use or don't use RT, the current street price BFB of the 9700XT is still better. If you mostly play RT games and use RT then I can see the 5070Ti being a better option. Ultimately, Nvidia really should have priced the 5070Ti in the $600s-$700 range instead of $750.
in raster. In RT it's still 23% slower and in path tracing it's over 50% slower. 5070ti is worth it at 750 if you have the budget. 9070xt also won't be 600 for another year. AMD stopped the rebate program so it's a 700 card minimum these days until supply is improved for both manufacturers.
Agree with everything you said. FSR 4 seems impressive, though the number of titles that support it is minuscule. Comparing cyberpunk with FSR 2/3/ Xess to DLSS is night and day. If you play at 1440p or higher, you'll have a $200 better experience in games that don't support FRS 4 with an Nvidia card.
Yup. 750 is already too much for that turd.
5070ti's are going for well over $1000 easily on Ebay with many going for as much as $1300. Search up 5070ti and search by sold and you'll see $900 is really low.
I'm talking about when they are in stock from retailers. Not from third party sellers on the secondary market.
Danke Mr aragorn
I would personally not pay more than 10-15% above 9070 xt pricing. But I think it is very subjective and depends on a lot of factors including how badly you need a GPU and how much you value Nvidia’s software. DLSS 4 is amazing and while FSR 4 is really good, it’s not quite there yet hence why I would pay a bit more for Nvidia.
FG is very situational and only works above 60FPS. If you're gaming at 4K, you won't hit sufficient FPS to get good ray tracing where the artifacts and sharpness are the same as native raster. But most people game at 1080p because not many have a 4K projector at home.
I got one for $820 before tax. So far I’ve been more than happy with the purchase! I probably wouldn’t have gone higher than $900 at most though.
I got one for about the same price on Amazon, sold and shipped by Amazon itself. While I'm waiting anxiously for it to ship I've been questioning if the price was fair
Definitely good price imo. I was about to buy a used 4080 for around the same price, but the 5070ti has mfg, a warranty, and would be new. So glad I waited it out.
I can see why people are disappointed, as a larger leap in performance was expected, but I don’t think that makes the price bad.
Based on the reviews, $300
To be better performance per dollar (both raster and ray tracing than the 9070xt at $700) the 5070ti has to be $715 based on hardware unboxed’s benchmarks so yeah as close to the that $750 msrp as possible because as long as rhe 9070xt can be had for $725 or less it’s better value.
Anything under $1000 is reasonable at this point direct from retailers.
I got a RX 7900 XTX for $800 ($850ish with tax) from Best Buy a couple weeks ago. There is no world I would pay $1500 for a 5080. Literally no world. The same day I ordered the 7900 XTX I won the newegg raffle for the $1500 5080. It wasn't even a question which one I chose.
OP can literally get the same performance (or very very slightly less) for half the price if they are just patient enough and keep an eye out for deals.
The only GPU my Best Buy has in stock right now is an RX580… yep, it is only like $150 tho.
Same here. Was waiting patiently for 5080 benchmarks and pricing to be revealed. The second I saw the benchmarks, and knowing there was zero chance in finding one for MSRP (not my first GPU launch), I bought a 7900xtx and a OLED monitor for the same cost the 5080 would cost me. No brainer.
I got my 6950 xt for $300 last year and can’t see myself upgrading soon lol
Paid $700 for mine 2 years ago, was thinking about getting a 9070xt but seen it was $789 (red devil) before tax and quickly decided to pass.
You are the GOAT
Been having issues with my 9080 XT. Just did a full windows wipe. If I'm still having issues I plan on selling it and switching back
did you use ddu to uninstall the nvidia drivers?
I see PNY 5080's for sale just a few times every week for $999 and chuckle every time I see 5070ti's being restocked at higher prices
Micro Center. I picked up a PNY 5080 last Friday. All I had to do was stand in line an hour and a half before opening.
I'm in a tech city and we didn't even have that
Sadly they don’t exist in my area
I got one from Best Buy last week.
What a time we're living in where you have to win a raffle for the right to pay 50% over MSRP for a GPU.
Japan has been doing raffles like this forever, and it's foreign to us 😅
And they hate it
It's not 50% over msrp btw, 1200-1500 is the msrp. Msrp is not based off of the FE cards. Each 3rd party brand has their own msrp. Your paying higher than the FE cards for premium name, typically better cooling, better performance, and sometimes less power.
I wouldn’t say the performance is very close. I just swapped from my 7900 xtx to a 5080 FE. A noticeable difference in power since i like turning everything up including ray tracing. Also you can overclock the hell out of the 5080. Mines at +425 +2000 and gaming at 3200 clocks. Amd cards just can’t match the ray tracing of nvidia currently. I agree with you in the raster side of things though. XTX is only 10-15% slower then.
Why would you give up 20% FPS for 5% improvement in lighting in very specific scenarios?
5%????, as much as Rt/Pt is a performance drain it looks 10 times better than normal effects when done well.
Oh and its up to 80% of your performance for path tracing, but it does look pretty
This has to be up there for the most useless upgrade. You literally just lit your money on fire. Is ray tracing really that big of a deal for you? There is no world where the XTX is 10-15% slower. Literally 0 world and if that is your case then you had settings or driver issues with AMD.
With 400/2000 OC on my 5080 I get the same perfs as my friend who has a 4090 (and beat him in some games like MH Wilds) so yeah the 5080 is way better than a 7900xtx. The 7900xtx is closer to a 4080ti.
Any game with ray tracing… it loses by like 50%… and you can google the raster performance info… I always had the latest drivers. And i always had crashes in many games if the settings were off. Examples include Helldivers 2, sons of the forest. both nearly unplayable on launch and still unplayable a month later. I switched for the better driver support as well.
The only downside to the XTX is RT performance, which lands down around 4070S/4070Ti (non-Super) levels. As long as you're sticking to mostly rasterization, it's a great deal but AMD still absolutely blows goat dicks with RT performance.
I’ve been looking everywhere for a 7900 xtx
I was lucky to get an open box 7900 XTX for $830 on Newegg a couple months ago, I'm in the same boat when it comes to price.
I don't think there's any world where I should pay 1K, let alone 2k for any normal gaming needs, and I argue my card is still overkilling it, max out graphics at 1440p and I can still get 150 easy.
Agreed, but there's also no world in which I'd pay 800 bucks for a 2 1/2 year old card that only costed a little more than that new. It's a good card, but literally why.
Because it's still as good as a brand new card that costs twice as much.
It's not rocket surgery...
I'm just saying it seems silly to wait 2 1/2 years to buy a good card. If you're willing to spend 800 on a 7900 xtx you realize you could have gotten it 2+ years ago for like 900. Now they are spending almost full retail price for a card that has 2 less years of life in it being a good card. It's objectively worth a lot less now than what it was worth when it could have been purchased as a high end gaming card for maybe 4 years. Now it's a high end gaming card for another 1-2 years before it starts struggling. That's a horrible value.
It's still just as good as the card that costs twice as much with the same approximate performance. It's twice as valuable, though, because it costs half.
It's like saying the 64 mustang is worse than the 66 corvette just because it's two years older.
That is a fantastic analogy.
It's an idiotic analogy. I don't feel I have the patience or crayons to explain this to you it seems like but I'll try.
When you buy a GPU, you're buying it for not only how fast it is, but how long it will be fast enough to run games well. When you first buy a GPU on release for x amount of dollars, you're paying for x amount of years of high end gaming before it's obsolete.
When you buy a card late in its life cycle, you drastically reduce the value you get for the card for any given amount of money because the number of years, months, etc that you will have a sufficiently high end card are reduced.
Put it this way. Say someone bought a nintendo switch for 300 dollars the day of the launch 8 years ago. They have got 8 years of gaming on a nintendo switch for 300 dollars and it's really paid for itself.
Say someone else buys a Nintendo swtich a week before the switch 2 for the exact same price. They get to play Nintendo switch games for a while before it's obsolete, but you're talking maybe 1-2 years max. So one person can basically pay 30 dollars a year for a nintendo switch ( 300 / 10 lets say at the 2 years beyond new release it's good for) or anothe rperson can pay 150 dollars a year for a switch (300 / 2 = 150).
Now commenter above did pay slightly less than original MSRP. But you mean to tell me that basically buying a card at 8/10 of the price of MSRP to have a high end card for half as long of a time (probably 2 1/2 years instead of 5) doesn't mean they got a pretty shitty value in some ways?
It *ALWAYS* makes the most sense to buy a GPU as soon as it's available for MSRP upon new release. That's how you get the most life out of it. The only reason *not* to do that is if you're poor.
Their analogy is a lot better than yours.
Switch (2017) and Switch 2 (2015) is 8 years apart. The spec & the technologies are decades apart
Their car analogy works because the past generation of GPU has minimal improvements. If you are seeing similar specs, then 5 years down the line it should theoretically be the same still. (Actually, it's not in theory. My 5700XT from pre-pandemic, its still comparable to 2700 Super).
So 5 years from now, XTX7900 is still the same ballpark as RTX 5080
This and if /u/ibeerianhamhock thinks an overvalued 5080 that is $600 over MSRP is going to hold that value then he is in for a shock. Ask me how I know? (COVID 3080TI OWNER HERE).
Point to the part where I suggested buying a 5080. I'll wait.
Well then. I'll bite. What WOULD you suggest? An XTX is today still the 5th fastest card in the GN benchmarks.
What card is a better value and produces more frames per dollar?
The problem I personally have with the 5080 is that the 16 gb vram is laughably low
Sadly, there aren't very many good options with more. The 4090 and 5090 are very expensive. The 7900XTX exists but is missing a lot of the new features of modern GPUs, like machine learning accelerated upscaling.
5080 SHOULD have been 24gb+
Give it 6-8 months. 5080 Ti or 5080 Super will drop with 24gb. It was the same thing when I bought my 4070. Finally gave in and settled for a 12gb card, and then 6 months later, 4070 ti drops.
Sure, but we can't buy products as they should have been produced. We can only buy the ones that were actually made.
We can also NOT buy the crappy ones they made.
That would have been nice, but I don't think there was any chance Nvidia would have done that. I think a more realistic expectation would have been 20GB, which places it in between the 4080S and 4090 while setting up a 24GB 5080S.
Lossless scaling works on any GPU
Yeah, but it's way worse than DLSS frame generation.
and here i'm w/ 3070ti, and 8 gig still fine for now(tho upgrade are already planned)
“Laughably low” is a funny way to put it, when there are only what, 3 cards on the market that have more?
Laughably low in the context of its price, perhaps.
It will never be seen at msrp again. There is too much demand and no actual competition to have downward force on price and amd said they are not longer going to force cards at Murphy after the first shipment.
As long as there is fools that will pay Nvidia prices, they're going to continue to Jack them up as much as they can. It's really sad that people are still supporting such a greedy company who doesn't care anything about gamers. I stopped buying Nvidia cards in the 2000 series and I'll never look back
Ya id wait for 9070xt or keep the 5080. 1500 for a 80 series is nuts but at least it's top tier. 1100 for a fucking 5070ti is a joke. Lmao 700$ gpu. Really should be 500.
5070ti is 749-850 not 1100
5080 is only 15% more performant than a 5070 ti, $500 more for it is a way worse deal
5080 has a massive OC overhead, 5070ti doesnt. Only downside id consider is the 5080 should have launched with 24 gb of vram
True but if the 5080 came with 24Gb the $1500 would be easy to justify
But it doesn't
What a bad take. 1100 for 85-90% of the performance while saving 25-30%? I mean the value is obviously better and its not like the 5080 is gonna feel practically any different. Same 16Gb too.
There are rumors that the 9070 XT cards at $600 were only for the first shipment to Microcenter and the actual price floor for the 9070 XT is $649. In this cluster F of a GPU market, $649 still isn't a bad deal. Don't be shocked if you don't see the $600 price point for quite a while.
Maybe, maybe not. https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/gpus/amd-rx-9070-and-rx-9070-xt-msrps-are-real-but-some-cards-will-be-priced-at-a-premium
The 9070 XT won’t ever be less than $700 again. It was a fake one time MSRP.
I saw one on Amazon for a little bit tonight at $599
Maybe, maybe not. https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/gpus/amd-rx-9070-and-rx-9070-xt-msrps-are-real-but-some-cards-will-be-priced-at-a-premium
What even closely justifies these "edition cards" such as "tuf" to be so high? I may be ignorant in that sense, so bare with me. I know the market is horrible, and it's the reason why a pre build with a 5080, i9 14900kf, and a few other bells and whistles made more sense for me economically..
For real. Now I feel a lot better about my $730 7090 xt.
1500 with tax with US salaries for a TUF, when in EU we are lucky to find a base model Palit/Gainward for 1600, and a TUF is more like 1800+ 🥲
You don’t even know what he’s using the card for and you’re offering an alternative option. AMD is bad
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You're right, I'm assuming that he's using the GPU for playing modern games. OP even said that they went to the store trying to buy a 9070 XT. So, I assumed it was something they wanted.
What makes you say AMD is bad?
It’s bad for production applications
That's fair. But, OP already said they were in the market for that GPU.
I did honestly miss that. My brain doesn’t see AMD card names 🤣
$10 says it's effectively "because it's not Nvidia"
You don’t even know what he’s using the card for and you’re offering an alternative option. AMD is bad
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Not OP, but they could be Canadian.. $1500 is the going price up here for the 5080..
Microcenter is only in America.
MSRP is fake.. you won't find anything close to that price..
Maybe, maybe not. https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/gpus/amd-rx-9070-and-rx-9070-xt-msrps-are-real-but-some-cards-will-be-priced-at-a-premium
You know evga used to make gpus and stopped because of nvidia business practices with msrp pricing.. they were forced to sell at msrp and only make 4 dollars a card till a certain quantity was sold.. then sold above that so they could make a real profit of 200 to 300 dollars a card. It's why they left. I'm sure amd is doing the same thing right now because they really wanted to sell it at 700 so AIB could make money.. but did a switch and bait with fake msrp.. also not having a reference cooler makes it harder to get a msrp card.. it's left up to AIB partners... they want to make money, so they are going to sell off the more expensive models.. also the mark ups used to not be so high above msrp.. it all started to creep up when 2000 series came out then 3000 series.. paying 20 to 40% above msrp is criminal..
Yes, I know. I watched the same Gamer's Nexus video you did. In fact, I linked it in my original post. I'm just saying that AMD has publicly committed to working to make sure at least some MSRP boards are still available. It's up to each person how much to believe that statement.
Yeah dude, these prices are rediculous. I'd return everything and either wait for the XT or wait for this insanity to unravel.
Agreed. In terms of overall experience, I think a 9070 AND a new OLED are a better value than a 5080 for $1500
WHAT gigabyte? If it is the OC Version with 350W you can OC it to 5080 Stock performance.
Then its a good deal.
Otherwise the 9070XT is best bang for the buck.
daymanlol@reddit (OP)
https://www.newegg.com/gigabyte-gv-n507tgaming-oc-16gd-nvidia-geforce-rtx-5070-ti-16gb-gddr7/p/N82E16814932768?Item=N82E16814932768&_gl=1*xp6pf7*_gcl_au*MjE0MTkwNzcxMS4xNzM5NTY3MjY0*_ga*MTA0NDk0MzU1MS4xNzMwOTM1OTkw*_ga_TR46GG8HLR*MTc0MTcyNjUwNC42My4xLjE3NDE3MjY1MDkuMC4wLjE3NTM3ODU4OTc. this one
Yes make sure it has OC in the Name, then you are golden.
the Gaming OC 5070 ti has a Power Limit of 350W. And the Thermals look good too, so it should remain relatively quiet while pushing the Power.
Explanation: The 5070 ti Chip ist a Cut down 5080 Chip, with a bit of tinkering you can bring it to 5080 Stock Performance. Usually the 5070 ti runs into the Power Limit while doing this, but with 350w you have enough room to Play with. (5080 Base Power is 360w)
you can start with +300 core +1500 mem Full PL and then gradually go up. Note: You will be able to push mem much further, but at some point Error correction will cost more fps than you gain. When you found a stable OC you can try undervolting.
daymanlol@reddit (OP)
can I even run this on a 750w psu if I'm running a 7800x3d?
If its any recognizable brand - yes
If its a china cracker - probably yes
Go for 5070 Ti and return 5080. 70Ti is already very fast. I got myself a 5070 Ti for MSRP 930€ (750$+VAT) and my 5700X3D is a huge bottleneck at 1080p. Also 500$ overpay for 5080 is definitely too much. You don't need beefy ASUS TUF cooler and you are much safer with 70Ti in terms of cable melting, because it doesn't draw as much power. 9070 XT is a good choice if you don't use RayTracing at all, but that may change if new games will depend entirely on RayTraced light. If you can find 9070XT for MSRP go for it, but currently it's being scalped so you won't find one at a good price for the next month or two. It's also rumored that 9070 series may go up in price in the US. In EU they were listed for as much as 5070 Ti on release day.
Who buys a 5070Ti for 1080?!
Your cousin got laid off, help him out and sell it for near scalper prices. Someone will buy that. Sounds like win win to me.
This is exactly why prices are the way they are, too many idiots getting ripped off by greedy douchbags. Yeah I said it!
I’d do this as well. But don’t count on anyone to buy a 5070 TI at a profit to you. Plan to keep the card. Scalpers are starting to drop their prices rapidly and/or return their cards if they are able to. 5070s, 5070 TIs, and 5080s are becoming far easier to get. Even 5090s will be easier in the coming months.
I posted a 5070 TI ($970 MSRP) for $1050 locally (approximately what I paid after tax) after I found a $999 5080 and no bites whatsoever. Everyone wanted to buy it for less than I paid at the store. I just returned it since it wasn’t worth the hassle, when I thought I was just giving someone to buy at store MSRP before I returned.
5070 TI is a great card. Just couldn’t justify it for $30 less than a 5080. Even though I loved the aesthetic (white gigabyte aero)
I'm going to hold you to that mate X-D
I got a shit ton of offers for my opened/used 5080 on market place. Listed $1500 (I paid around $1400). Sold within less than 24 hours recently. There are still a lot of desperate buyers.
Probably depends on the area. If OP lives near a Micro Center it is much harder to sell right now.
Both are overpriced; There was no compromise for me. Either I get a 5080 at msrp or I don't buy at all. I finally got an invite to buy the 5080 fe from Nvidia today and bought it right away.
Just say no for $1000 usd on mid-range cards, the 5070ti is a 800 usd mid-range GPU, why pay more, if you people keep buying at these dumb prices, we might see a 6070 next get for 1000 as MSRP, because you are telling Nvidia is ok to charge more that 1k for a mid range GPU
Over $1000 for any card isn’t worth it I have a 4090 which is better than a 5080 and the performance still isn’t crazy just get the 5070ti or a 4070
if youve got the money, cool, but 5080 for 1500 is crazy that the retailer would even attempt that price. but look at the world we live in now. 10 years ago was 2015. The world feels 10x worse.
I'd return it with your cousin and get the 5070ti at the same time as the refund. 5080 isn't 50% more performance than the 5070 TI.
Bro im trying to survive on a 1060, you can wait for 9070 xt to be in stock with a 3070.
daymanlol@reddit (OP)
I think my point could be illustrated by the following: if you went with the 1070ti at that point, $449 as opposed to the $225 for the 1060 in 2017 dollars - would you be upset today that you went with the 1070ti as opposed to the 1060, given that you could afford it at launch in 2017 but it was more than you wanted to spend on yourself (but again, easily could spend that then). Pretend $449 was stupid for a gpu in 2017
Not get conned into buying a 50 series
I got a 4080 super last year for 1,050, not knowing they were about to quit producing them. Built a 2nd pc, no cards. Now peeps want 1400+ for that one, used. I tried Best Buy online for a 5080... no chance. When I got the 5070 at Micro, the 5080 was now around 1,400. I didn't want to spend more than msrp, so went with 5070 TI. 5070 is smaller than the 4080 super, heat sink wise. I won't overclock it. Use it as it is.
I was going to buy an amd card from a guy on marketplace before the 5070, but he was not satisfied with its performance, nor Ray tracing... so was selling / trading to get a 70 TI or an 80. Pretty sure it was the last series though.
If you got a 5080, id keep that one. Or sell it for more as that's what most people who got them did, then get the 5070, and have some pocket money.
4080 super felt like a beast of a card. Even the anti -sag bracket didn't help much. Ended up mounting it off the mobo with cable adapter. 5070 ti.. support bracket not really needed. Ill still add for security.
So my assumption is the 5080 is a bigger card.
daymanlol@reddit (OP)
wait I just realized my PSU is 750W, with a 7800x3D is that even useable without replacing the psu?
You went in to get a $600 card and left with a $1500 one. What are you doing?
The 9070 XT was basically promo priced at $600 for a few models. It will never be available new at that price again.
Not only does it still go for that price, but it gets restocked all the time. My local microcenter has gone in and out of stock a few times, but patience will get you a card.
You missed the part where they announced those prices will not be honored going forward. They literally said they will not be selling them at that price in upcoming waves.
No, they didn’t. Some retailers have said they don’t expect to get reimbursed in future sales, AMD have not said anything definite.
Most of the cards are already running for $750+ from the retailers directly. I don't think it will be Nvidia bad, but anyone wishing for the cheap $600 card is going to be disappointed if they haven't scored one yet.
I missed it because it didn't happen.
Getting downvoted for stating facts....
According to gamer nexus, msrp card sells didn't even made up 30% of the 9070xt sold cards.
So this is already true right now.
That's not really the point I was making. It's really more about the lack of impulse control.
Where are people getting this? Genuine question because I haven't seen anything about this except from random redditors trying to convince people to waste money.
Thank you, I don't like when people say things with nothing to support it. I have no opinion on this matter until we actually see what happens with the next wave of shipments.
Many of the MSRP model have literally just upped the price to 670-700+. There will still be MSRP models at MSRP but its obvious it will be a small fraction of the available 9070XT's.
So your source is "Trust me bro"?
Also I think you may have typed that response a bit too quick, I don't think you meant to use MSRP each time that you did
Average 2025 gamer brain rot. Why nvidia don't give a F.... Mfs will buy it.
I personally wouldn’t even consider upgrading a 3070 at these price points, but that’s just personal preference.
You need to decide what you actually want in terms of performance (ie what games do you play? It’s amazing to me that this isn’t a bigger part of people’s calculations) and then set a budget. Then decide what to buy.
Starting with the card and working backwards to justify your own demands and budget is not the right approach.
Be honest with yourself… is that 3070 actually struggling with anything you currently play? If it is, can you drop the settings a tiny bit without worsening the experience?
Those questions are a lot more important than some abstract notion of whether a card is worth it. Just in my own personal situation, a 3070 will more than handle everything I’m currently looking to play, so those upgrades wouldn’t make financial sense for me at almost any plausible price
The difference between the 5080 and the 5070ti isn’t worth the price jump and you can help your cousin out by taking it off his hands, win win imo. 5070ti is a great card and who knows when you can get a 9070XT at MSRP.
daymanlol@reddit (OP)
you're right, its not only the middle ground here but it helps him out and honestly feel out of line considering otherwise to begin with
Honestly whatever you go for will be a nice upgrade from a 3070. As a dad of 3, yeah it's prob best to nail something now. Don't get me wrong, you can still hunt down cracking deals with a bit of patience and haggling like I do. Even as a stay at home dad, I get lucky on FB from time to time picking up upgrades for a fraction of the costs if they are needed/wanted.
3x the MSRP of a 3070 seems like a whole lot for a 3-tier jump.
Helping out cousin for a less over-priced decent upgrade from a 3080 Seems better if you’re actually considering sticking with the 3070.
Then you have plenty of VRAM, a little extra speed for 1440p and/or are set for 4k if u want that. might run MineCraft and RocketLeague well 4 yrs from now.
Ah no reason to feel bad for considering otherwise.. the 5080 is nice but I don’t think the increase in performance is worth 50% more $ and the 9070XT is great but a GPU in hand is better than two in the bush.
They’re selling those(5080) at microcenter for how much?! Yeah take that shit back!! Buy his card from em( at discount) then sale that too. Get a 9070xt near msrp or less expensive 5070ti!! I had to pay a 1000$ cause my 5070ti came with an expensive psu!! You got that microcenter privilege.. you gon be aight either way.
If you got the 5080 at msrp then advice your cousin to scalp his 5070 ti online or something.. unless you like over clocking.
If you can't afford it and plan on having a kid take the cheapest option. Or even better keep your 3070 it's still a solid card for 90% of games.
If you can't afford it and plan on having a kid take the cheapest option. Or even better keep your 3070 it's still a solid card for 90% of games.
I would tell my cousin to drop the price to 850$, which is what you're gonna end up paying for the 9070xt more or less, which is what you actually want.
I doubt we'll see 9070xt for mrsp of 600$.
Not sure why even buy the 5080, terrible choice to make.
Sell the 5080 for 2000 and by the TI
Bro in the end its a graphics card, I'd probably just keep the 5080 since you already have it and stop letting outside things make you feel bad about it and just enjoy it. It'll definitely last you a long ass time and you won't feel the need to upgrade until it dies. If you need the money, then dont buy either one and just go get the 9070/xt. Also things like the 5080 retain HUGE value compared to any AMD card or the 5070ti super. the 80/90 series can always resale later for a pretty hefty price, even years down the line.
Honestly the bigger worry is how you're gonna handle bigger financial decisions, a few hundred dollars difference will not be the game changer for your overall finances with a kid on the way lmao.
daymanlol@reddit (OP)
I'm incredibly stingy when it comes to spending money on myself, it's always been a thing to the point where it's bordering on superstition. My take home without my wife is 11k a month, but the thinking is that $1k could be put towards a vacation for us or that could be otherwise used is a less selfish way. Doesn't mean you're wrong though I realize as I finish typing this out
I’m the same way and in the same exact situation. I got the same 5080 from microcenter but I’m debating on returning it. It feels wrong that I spent that much on a computer part when I could go on vacation. On the bright side I did save and finish other financial goals so I’m not hurting myself financially much. It’s more so where I want to spend the money for pleasure.
I think given this is the case and that you could probably buy a 5080 or 6080 any time you want, I'd probably in this particular case forget about the details and help the cousin out. You can switch up the gfx in a year if you want but you might not get the chance to help out the cousin again at a time they really needed it. You're barely gonna notice a real difference between the 5070ti and the 5080 in actual use, but you might buy a lot of goodwill with the 5070ti that's priceless
Look, I get this feeling and I'll offer you a counter: go ahead and lean that feeling a bit here. You have an alternative that would save some real money. I have a 4070 Ti from Nov 2023 and I don't game that much and even that was a splurge at nearly $800, but now that I've upgraded my CPU, it's taking basically anything I throw at it.
And you can absolutely have that money saved up for a vacation, rainy day fund, or as you say, the gaping chest wound on your wallet that is having a child. And who knows with what's happening to this economy... hell, buy SPY Puts with that extra $1k instead. :p
But in all seriousness, you can definitely treat yourself, but I think you win some spouse points and still have a great gaming experience with a more cost-effective upgrade, and it's okay to do that here. I absolutely could have afforded a 4090-whatever back when I bought mine, but there was just no justifying more than double. The pixels aren't that much nicer. (Frankly, nothing I play is pushing this card beyond its limits, even at full everything @ 4k, but I don't play Cyberpunk or much in the way of AAA games.)
It wouldn't be so selfish if the whole family gets to enjoy games and other forms of entertainment/edutainment and possibly money making productivity a few years down the road.
Grab some controllers and some family friendly couch co-op games!
Not everything that primarily brings you fun is selfish. A vacation is nice, but also fairly short, this card will last you as long as you want, or you can sell it later for good value. Your wife already said that she supports your decision to buy it and I think if you can overcome the "buyers remorse" you will probably be very happy with the performance, which in turn might make your wife happy :)
I'm the same way so I get it, but you already pulled the trigger, just enjoy it for yourself now and forget about it. With things like graphics card just think about how often you'll be using your computer and the value that brings. I use mine nearly everyday, so a one time purchase to last years is a great deal to me.
Retaining more value means very little when the product is significantly overpriced beyond MSRP and even the MSRP value itself is a bit overpriced.
AMD cards are selling at/near MSRP...Nvidia cards are not.
Retaining value is the only measurable value of anything you buy, being a fanboy doesn't change economics. Everything else is arbitrary and can be valued differently person to person depending on their circumstances, use, and even biases. 5080 will resale in 5 years, 9070 XT definitely will not.
Being a fanboy to buy at a terrible time when supply is low and scalpers have inflated prices significantly above MSPR does absolutely chance the economics.
This low supply combined with scalping will not last forever and the 5080 will go back to its MSRP price of $1000 and eventually dip below MSRP.
The 5080 will resale at a higher value of its MSRP when the prices stablized compared to the 9070s. But we are not remotely at MSRP for the 5080.
Let's assume the 5080 will resale at 80% of its $1000 MSRP = $800 in 5 years while the 9070 can only resale at 50% of its $600 MSRP = $300 in 5 years. However, if OP buys the 5080 at 150% of the MSRP today then he would be losing $700. If OP buys the 9070XT today then he would only be losing $300.
I mean you’re obviously cherry picking but I’ll bite just to fix your math. ~1500 is for the card that this guy found and has now (which should hold some value considering the market, but I won’t use that). The card isn’t an msrp stock card, it’s the asus TUF OC one which is why it’s priced higher. If it’s worth it or not does not matter to us, as only the buyer can decide. but that’s the price. You’re trying to compare that with a stock 9070 xt no tax included which isn’t correct, as this guy said his price was tax included. Luckily there is a 9070 xt asus TUF OC equivalent for us to compare directly. $799.99 pre tax. You can do the math from there if you want to correct your stats properly
I was being extra charitable to your point by using an exaggerated claim that the Nvidia card would retain 80% of its value after 5 years while the AMD would only retain 50% of its value after 5 years. In reality, Nvidia cards don't remotely retain that much value while AMD cards don't lose that much value.
The 3080 regular released at $700 MSRP and sells for ~$400 on ebay today - a resale value of of 58% within 5 years.
Th 6700XT released at $480 MSRP and sells for ~$300 today on ebay - a resale value of 62% - or almost the same resale percentage as the Nvidia 3080.
You can do the math from there if you want to correct your stats properly and revise your claim that Nvidia has significantly better resale value that makes buying overpriced scalped cards worth it today
You should look in the mirror when you say that because you're literally the one fanboying over Nvidia by encouraging people to buy overpriced scalped Nvidia cards at way over MSRP.
I would never be telling people to buy AMD cards if it was this much over MSRP and had this bad price-for-performance ratios.
I agree about the premium version advice as well, but unfortunately in this case, that’s what’s being compared so you have to compare properly. The guy has it already so he must have deemed it worthwhile. Also not sure where or why you pull numbers that are readily available. Average sale price on eBay for 6700 xt used is 220$ and 3080 10gb version is 380$. There’s also a 12Gb version that’s also similar in price, but the nicer argument is that the 3080 is definitely more sought after (easier to resale) than the 6700 xt.
I did not see the OP mention wanting to buy a $800 9070XT Asus Tuf? I only see him mentioning the 9070 XTs were out of stock and he got a premium Tuf version of the 5080. The premium 5080 will be sold for more than the base 5080 5 years down the road, but I doubt it will be enough to make up anywhere near the 150% price difference.
As for the price ratios, not sure where you are pulling numbers from here because my readily available numbers that I got are different.
Average sale price of the "6700XT" on Ebay is $300 according to Averagefinder.com. The recently sold Ebay listings show prices around the low $300s/upper $200s on the ebay website.
Average sale price of the (RTX "3080 10GB") according to Averagefinder.com is $428. They were mostly going for the low $400s on the recently sold Ebay listings on the Ebay website. From those numbers, I got the resale ratio as roughly ~60% for both.
As for easier to resale, Nvidia has a larger fan base, but I don't know how much that translates into ease of sale as long as you price the graphics cards at competitive market rates where there are decent numbers of buyers.
You went out of your way to find that when the average buyer will type it into google and never pay a cent more than that. “6700 xt used average price” enter. “3080 used average price” enter
Return it, if you are worrying about money you shouldn’t have purchased it to begin with.
I can't wrap my head around the mentality of buying something that expensive unplanned when you don't even want it...
I mean you have a 3070 so you really don't need to upgrade your GPU, if you upgrade it's purely out of desire and not necessity so I would say return the 5080 and wait for the card you want, the 9070XT, to be available at a normal price. You're in no rush since you already have a great card, just be a bit more patient and get the card that offers the best value proposition, or tbh, wait until your 3070 dies and then upgrade based on whichever generation is currently available.
If this is the last stop for a while. Stick with 5080
5080 should be worth way less than 1k. Prices are insane for no reason, try to get a 9070xt near msrp or get a used GPU tbh.
tell the cousin to sell it for profit tbh, someone will buy it.
Go check out gamers Nexus on youtube, watch the benchmark videos and then decide. Also they have all of their reviews in text form on the site.
Wow, those prices are criminal. I went to Microcenter on Saturday to see if they had any stock and drew the line at MSRP. I’m in no rush so there’s no chance I’m paying a penny above MSRP. Unfortunately, can’t help but feel that scalpers and board partners get away with this so long as people pay the price.
Buy off your cousin and help them out.
Came here to say this -- people over profits, yo. Peace.
What's stopping his cousin from selling for a high price on eBay, Amazon or NewEgg?
Ebay keeps \~20% of the sale and buyer can return. Sometimes a quick sale is better, especially with a family member.
13.6% to be more exact, but yeah still a decent amount
Use eBay to exchange phone numbers, link up separately. Just don't get mugged during the exchange, lol
getting scammed as a Seller, that's what
Dealing with ebay and buyers suck. It's also slower, plus ebay fees.
Hopefully Morals.
he'd be saving money by going from the 5080 to the 5070ti. isn't that a nice profit for each party?
Agreed. I would prefer the 9070xt if I was buying new, but if I could save my fam from a difficult situation I’d happily accept the slightly worse value of the 5070ti
Then give it back when he is on his feet to reap that sweet sweet karma when his cousin posts about it.
Couldn’t they just return it?
Depending on where they bought it from, they may only have 14 days to return it, and they may very well be past that.
I like the support the people option. I’m settling for a 3070ti but now am reconsidering building around that vs some other newer options
Lowball him. Especially if he's the cousin you used to beat up after watching WrestleMania as a kid. Lol, just kidding, let him cook. He probably used the card anyways! Can't he collect unemployment? Cool thing would be buy it off him and sell it back to him when he's back on his feet. Scalp him though. Lol, just kidding, not kidding, I'm kidding but maybe not.
Nah you gave the only useful advice, this guy is in a tough spot its time to put him in the dirt like only a real friend would.
This is the correct answer.
If we're not going off of morals then I'd keep the 5080 tho
Yeah, came here to say this and the current top comment doesn't even mention the family member in need.
Or at least help him sell his card.
The real answer
Uh, I'd stick with the 3070 in that case.
You already have proper good gaming performance at 1080 and 1440p. You could play most things on ultra and be getting near 100 FPS. You're good for the next 5 years at least. Why upgrade at all if you're planning on a kid?
If you.cant afford the GPU with a kid, your aren't ready for a kid. Trust me kids are not cheap.
This being said I wouldn't buy either one of those GPUs at those prices they are not worth it
daymanlol@reddit (OP)
its not about being able to afford the card, luckily. I have issues spending money on myself for whatever reason and if we indeed have a kid in the next year that would only get worse. So on the one hand it feels like a last stop in getting a nice GPU for myself and being able to get the most out of it before life changes, but on the other hand I got unlucky with this generation/gpu market.
So do I just say fuck it or try to find a middle ground, which the 5070ti feels like. That said, based on reviews and what I'm seeing here it might be the middle ground in price but not much else.
I would just wait for MSRP or close to it 9070XT.
But if you are happy with the 5070ti then get that.
I recently got a 9070XT at microcenter and it's a beast of a card. Doubled my FPS in some games coming from a 3080.
I’d buy whichever one I want. Probably the 5080 since you got it at MSRP.
1500 msrp and 5080 in the same context is wild
lol pretty sad honestly.
switch to 5070ti, it's the same vram size and both ggdr7, 5080 has a bunch more rt cores but that's about it, drops in value for cuda and tensor
Keep the 5080. You will forget the $500 difference once you see the prices on baby prams and car seats.
It will be the last gift you give for yourself.
The 5070 ain't worth it
Keep the 5080 or just sell it
My 2 cents would be to return the 5080 and wait for a 9070 XT to restock. If nothing else, return the 5080 and snag your cousins 5070 TI.
$1000 is a hard price to swallow imo, but you would also be helping out your cousin and getting a very capable card too. If you were cool with spending $1500+ then $1000-ish hurts a bit less.
That thing isn't worth $1500. That's how much I paid for my 4090 which is significantly better than a 5080 in every way...
If you're gaming a lot and you don't want to upgrade any time soon keep the 5080 and call it a day. Otherwise I'd wait for an MSRP 9070XT. 1k for a 5070ti... idk man.
Keep the 5080, buy your cousins card then sell it for like 700$-800$. People are more importanter than monies.
The 5070 ti is a horrible value, so is the 5080.
Id say either decide to not care about the money at all in which case keep the 5080 or return it and get a 9070 xt for $700. Dont go with the 5070ti
Your cousin is better off selling it on ebay himself.
3070 is still pulling its weight if you're willing to wait. Like you said, kid's coming so try to make the most of your dollar as you can. 9 months down the line gpu prices will drop, so just budget slightly above msrp instead of paying right now for the aib/retailer markup. Gpu generation currently is about 2 years or so, so 9 months later you'll still get the best gen.
Keep the 5080
Get the bros 5070ti
Probably go for the 5070Ti. It's a third less money but less than 20% perf difference which would be close enough to not feel a big difference.
Then again, I had a GTX 460 in 2010... and then my wife got pregnant. My next purchase was an RTX 2060 about 10 years later, so maybe ask yourself how much gaming you expect to do.
Out of all the cards you have to choose the 5080 is the best one. When it comes to ray tracing, AI LLMs, graphic design… I mean you name it it’s got it. The only thing it doesn’t have is physicX support. I would listen to your wife on this.
Women tend to know what will work for their men. I am married and my wife always has my best interest. Just my thoughts.
I'd keep the 5080 and just have cos sell to someone else
Honestly. I’d probably just buy it off my cousin to help him out.
Side note. I bought a 3080ti to upgrade from a 2060super when my kid was born. I’ve probably played on that 3080ti like 200hrs since 2021. Use it even less with a 2nd kid lol
I'm still on a very old gpu but hard to justify an upgrade for like 2h of gaming per week. but I also want 4k screen for work so yeah, bad market right now. and b580 is completely out of stock here and not at all that cheap.
I would rather buy two 9070XT cards and loan one to my unemployed friend till he gets back on his feet
if your 5080 catches fire on that 12VHPWR then Asus not going to give you great warranty. Gigabyte is better. 5070 Ti is running great for 4k
If your trying for a kid believe me keep it you won't be able to afford it after their born & you'll not have to upgrade as soon either, myself i'd keep it.
My compliments to your wife, but I wouldn't spend $1500 on a GPU. If you have any production workloads, I suppose I'd suggest the 5070Ti. I would like to get a 9070 XT that uses 8-pins to replace my 3070Ti. Sadly, it was not to be. I'll prolly go that route in a few months. Good luck with the family expansion!
return the 5080 to microcenter, buy the 5070ti from your cousin, sell it back to your cousin when they're employed again, buy a 9070xt when it's in stock later.
Then take the $ difference from switching and spend it on his wife for supporting him…
I would have bought the 9070..
I'd return everything and wait unless your cousin really needs the money
Maybe he'll even buy it back from you someday and you can re-buy the 9070xt
Was going to say this as well. I’m sure given the opportunity the cousin would love to buy back the card he worked to get in the first place. Then Op could just buy the card he wants later.
I can't believe people pay this much for some graphics tbh
The 5070 ti is a great card and you'd be lucky to have it. I think a 5070 ti vs 5080 is nearly interchangeable in terms of performance, and i'd say half price, assuming he's selling it for 750, for like 10% less power? You have a good scenario on your hands.
Get half your money back, get an amazing card that flys off the shelves, and buy you and your wife a dinner. Everybody wins.
Keep the 5080 that and the 9070xt are my favorite cards of this season
Return 5080. Buy card off cousin. Gift him your old 3070.
Scalp both and buy a boat. Jokes aside, I'd return the 5080 and buy the 5070ti off your cousin.
Personally I'd stick with the 3070 since it's still not that old . That extra 1500 USD might be a good thing to have and GPUs will be cheaper once stock issues settle down . It's still a great GPU . And trust me when I say this skipping a few generations between upgrades will be worth it . It really elevates the experience of the upgrade .
Keep the 3070. Still a great card.
A 5080 Ti at MSRP is a great price. $1044 is not a good price. Go with a 9070 XT, unless you feel like doing your cousin a favor.
Let your cousin sell it for more on ebay. And if it doesn't sell then buy it from him. Or buy it and resell it keep what you paid for it then give him the difference to help him out.
I would help my cousin out man. Upgrading from a 3070 to a 5070 ti will still be a big jump in performance anyway.
Tell cousin to sell it off himself.
Depending on what ur needs for gpu are. If u want to play ray traced games at 240hz 4k go for 5080. If not then wait for 9070xt.
If you already have the 5080, just. Keep it.
You obviously have the money. If it fits in your finances, you can just roll with it.
Look, if you were choosing between the three GPUs, the 9070 xt is the best value, followed by the 5070 ti, and then the 5080. But unless your 5080 is defective--which, maybe double check it has all its rops--then you're not getting your money back from the store, so you'll be buying two thousand dollars plus gpus.
Sure, maybe you can sell one, but that's not a guarantee, especially not that you'll get all your money back.
Definitely not spending twice as much. For me the 9070 xt makes too much sense when it out performs the 5080 in some games. Let your cousin sell his card.
hmm ebay the 5080 at a profit, pay for 9070xt with proceeds put original 1500$ back in bank
Get the Ti, return the 5080. Especially given that if you're primarily a 1440p gamer, it'll be fine.
Keep the 5080. Live a little.
If your cousin needs money then he should sell the 5070 ti himself and make a small profit. If he's scared of doing that then I guess you buying it for yourself is reasonable.
I just got a 5080 coming from a 4070 ti super. The difference is noticeable and appreciated for me, but I only had to pay about a $200 difference after selling my 4070 ti super. I can't imagine that the 5080 will be worth the extra $500 over a 5070 ti, which is basically at the level of a 4080, plus FG x2-4.
Taking the 5070 Ti is a good idea so long as your cousin doesn't want to make a little more money.
I would return the 5080 and get the 5070ti
Dude the 5080 isn't that much better than the 9070xt, microcenter should be getting alot of stock, you could use that extra 700 bucks somewhere else. I recommend the red devil so happy I got one.
Reaper AMD Radeon RX 9070 XT 16GB GDDR6
Was available on Amazon for $599 for a little while this evening
Personally I’d keep the 5080. I have a 4080 now and I’m waiting for the 5090.
$1514 is too much as we're potentially heading into a recession so save money buying your cousin's 5070ti since it also helps him out but why is there tax on it? Is it new vs used?
Don’t treat it as your last gpu ever so don’t over buy for that reason only. I don’t know your finances or future but most people becoming parents freak out they’ll never game again or buy another system or component. Then they rush into a purchase or try to figure out which one will last “forever”. Mean while they really need to think whats the best bang for buck and which one they like best, when all these will last just as long as next. Short of any random failure these cards are very similar performance wise where in a few years they will be around the same as each other still. Yeah sure you might not get a card for a few years but it is not the card for the rest of your life.
OP is probably spot on with his assessment. Whatever card he picks will very likely be in there well past its used by date.
Having kids means keep lowering the graphics settings every year
Yes sure I get that. I didn’t get a new graphics card for a while when my kid was little, and when i did it was a low tier card. I am just trying to get through that it is usually not a forever decision. So decide one what one he likes most instead of if this card will last 4.5 years but this one will last 4.7 years so I should keep it. They will last about the same time frame, heaven forbid major issues.
Kids, at least in the US if you require daycare, are a tremendous money pit that doesn't really get better.
I'm sure OP will one day be able to get a new GPU, but the "farewell child free life" upgrade is going to absolutely be his last for a fair amount of time if he's not a trust fund baby.
don't kids pay you back later in life though? like they take care of elderly parents and stuff
They can, but that’s not a guarantee. I sure as hell won’t be doing that for my father with how he treated me growing up. Their kids may also not be able to afford to do that when the time comes.
ah ok, i'm asian so all the chinese kids and families I've seen over the years have paid their parents back later when they're elderly
In my experience, daycare has gotten significantly less expensive as my kid has grown up and been put into larger and larger class sizes. Even with a general rate increase, we're spending about 15% less than we did a year ago and that's slated to continue downward until he goes to elementary school.
Daycare costs do go down as the child gets older but it's easily a second mortgage on its own, even near the end of it.
Yeah i am not arguing that, i am just saying to put in perspective it will probably be a while but not forever.
Keep the 3070, unless you wanna play AAA games in 4k or use RT or something. Save the money. 3070 runs everything game smoothly on high settings.
Well if I was in the same situation I'm thinking kids are expensive so I need every dollar I can save, how much is your cousin selling it for? Because if it's retail then just get a 9070 between those 3 cards you are talking $300 to $800 you'll be saving.
if the 9070 xt would suit the bill, return the 5080 and wait for microcenter to get the 9070xt knowthing them they get new shipments ever few days.
5080/5090 is supernice but that is change i could spend on strippers or something
If you got the cash, keep the 5080 despite it being a massive fucking racket at $1500. Smartest financial decision is get the 9070 or 9070 xt when they’re back in stock for $700 or under. It’s virtually the same as the 5070ti and way cheaper. The 5070ti is not even close to being worth $1k.
A tale to set all the Nvidia fanbois hearts a fluttering. :D
Not sure why anyone would be buying and spending this kind of money with new releases from AMD and Nvidia... AND more importantly crappy stock levels and high prices on top of it all with what is available.
Id keep that 5080, especially if thats the last great card youll be able to buy for awhile. Thats coming from an amd fan. I even just purchased a 9070xt for myself. However, amd just doesnt have anything that can compete with a 5080 or 5090….yet. The 5070ti isnt worth it since you can get competitive performance from the 9070xt for less. That 5080 should keep you gaming, very happily, for quite awhile. jmo
All the AMD glazers in chat…
Real time reflections on CYBORG TITTIES FUCK YOU AMD
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Bro just keep the 3070 when the baby comes will you still be playing that much? Focus on your future baby my man. Help your cousin sell his gpu in marketplace.
Buying at these prices makes absolutely zero sense, either for 5080 or for 5070Ti. Return and wait until stock rebounds in couple of months, so you would be able to buy one for the actual MSRP. And if you want 9070Xt, then just wait for few weeks as that card is not going to be as scarce as NVidia.
If it's a cousin you like I would help him out. Frankly there is no way I would give Asus money especially on an overpriced GPU because I've had yo deal with their stupid asses and GPU RMA. It was an ordeal to say the least.
So keep in mind that the 5070ti IS the equivalent of a 9070XT. So you are paying $300/$400 more if you go with the 5070ti
5080 TUF I wouldn't even consider it bro, take it back. $1,500 is insane unless you got it like that, which from what it sounds like, you are like many of us and $1,500 is a lot of money to you and your family. You can literally cut the cost in half with a 9070 XT and still get pretty much the same performance/experience.
I would suggest searching other stores in your area to see if they have 9070 XTs in stock. Even the Red Devil at $850 is a better deal.
With that said, If there are no other 9070 XTs available to you and you do not want to wait for the 2nd wave
Then the 5070ti for 1,000 is better than the 5080 for $1,500 by a landside. (NEW)
If it's used than your cousin gotta drop the price atleast $100 bro.
Frame gen and 20% better RT performance is worth $150 over the 9070 XT IMO
I maybe agree with that, if the 9070xt were sitting in front me of for MSRP 600 and the 5070ti at MSRP of $750 I think I'd prolly get the 5070ti for the 20% better RT and frame gen as you said.
I haven't bought a GPU (rockin gtx1070) for 10 years so the $150 would be nothing as far as I've already been saving all this time with an old GPU I might as well get the best I can at next upgrade.
Where its murky for me now though is I'm seeing 9070xt prices more like 730-800 and 5070ti prices more like 900 or 1000. Is the 5070ti worth 200-300 more at that point?
I mean if you don’t need the money, stick with the 5080 then. Over time, you’re not gonna miss the extra $500 in the long run over more future proofing. Your kid should be like 5 or 6 before you actually need to replace it. Good luck by the way.
So look, I’m not pro scalping, but have your cousin sell his 4070 ti for a profit on eBay. If he needs the cash now give him the cash and you sell it on eBay then give him the profit. Regarding your 5080, do the same and just sit and wait until you can get an XTX for $1000 or less, seems to come up often. Or a 9070 XT for less. After that if he’s without GPU toss him your 3070
Sell or return the 5080 and stick with the 5070ti or sell that too and get the 9070xt. 1500 is way too much for a 80 series card.
Personally wouldn’t pay that for a 5080 even tho I don’t like Asus you’re buying for the name nothing else “it’s over priced and their support is ass” or you can hold out for a 9070 xt restock but you’re gonna be on your shit with the alerts and still have to pay the tariff tax on the 9070xt. Price at msrp won’t be coming down until the tariff is dropped. BUT if you keep it and end up finding a 9070xt selling the 5080 will not be hard.
I've always thought it was weird when people say they're trying to have a baby. It's like a polite way of saying I'm busting in my girl every chance I get 🤣
"What would you do here?" Boycott Nvidia at that price (and missing ROPS). DON'T support this crap ... c'mon guys!!! Really? They've shown how corrupt and inept they are now. Kid wins over shit GPU.
Take 5080, you will need it for years
For gaming? $1514 is too much for a 5080, I would stay with a 3070. 5070ti is close to a 5080, I don't think you will notice a significant difference.
Does you Cousin need the $1k? If he sells it to you does he have a fall back card? I would take your Cousin's 5070 and give him $800 and your 3070.
Sell me the 5080
He could sell that for what he paid easily in this market. I’d keep the 5080.
$1500 with tax is basically what i paid for my 4090. 50 series prices are crazy, is the 5080 even worth it minus the new gimmicks?
What monitor?
5080 for $1500 is really bad. I would return that. 5070ti is fine in your situation otherwise hold out for the 9070XT. Wasn’t that hard to get on launch and should be easy to get within a few months.
There is no reason to hold out for something that could take months when you can have it now and enjoy it, just to save a little. Chances are you won't ever find "MSRP" 9070xt again. If the difference between $1000 and $800 is that big of a deal than you probably have no business buying an $700-$800 GPU to begin with.
The card was released 4 days ago. We literally have absolutely no idea what the continuing inventory or pricing is going to be like and simply because somebody has money to spend doesn't mean they should spend it stupidly.
We do, they already said proce hikes. Overwhelming demand is still here. The 50 series is still instantly selling out. Tarrifs are about to kick in. A lot can go wrong.
Where did they say price hikes? I exclusively hear that on reddit threads but nobody can point to a source except other reddit comments.
I would get more self control, stop buying things or thinking about buying things that aren't a 9070 XT. Wait patiently until I found one.
Unintentionally the most american post on buildapc
I wanted a 9070 XT, and I waited 4 hours at micro center Tustin and got one for 599! The problem is I already have a 5080 I got by dumb luck (being at micro center exchanging something) a couple weeks ago, but for $1359. I didn’t want to spend that much on a 5080, but it’s already done lol. Now idk which one to keep. If the 5080 was 1k, I would keep that. At over 2x the price it’s hard to justify keeping the 5080. I’d take a 5090 for 2k any day though.
I would keep the 5080, buy the 5070 TI from your cousin, resell the 5070 TI for the same amount to give somebody else a good deal, and enjoy the 5080 because it’s better
9700 xt if you can get it at msrp it’s hard cuz it’s outta stick and the scalpers are scalping
Tell your buddy used parts come at a discount.
Lol what?
Have some common sense here.
They got laid off.
There is a good chance they are still in the return period for it.
Even if they had to sell it, they could sell it for more than they paid for.
They are already offering it to OP AT COST.
If this isn't ragebait, you need to learn some tact.
I'll have "tact" when homeboy gets a "job". Till then he should price his used goods to sell, not try to squeeze full price out of people.
I don't think you understand what at cost means, but cousin is clearly doing too a favor and they can either say no thanks or take it.
Utilize the 30 day return policy...
You need to specify what resolution you're playing (or plan to play) at, and what kind of framerate you're trying to achieve. Depending on the answers to that, you may be massively wasting money in either situation.
If you're playing on 1080p 60fps, even 2k/144fps, you're just burning money for performance you can't use. The 3070s not old enough or broken enough to need an upgrade, set the money aside until either prices are more reasonable or you have a bigger reason to upgrade.
Alternatively, keep the 5080 if you can see yourself upgrading to 4k any time soon
Buy 5070ti and sell 5080 at a small profit
Keep what you bought and be happy. You aren’t required ti pay someone else’s way by sacrificing your own happiness
5070ti is almost 2 times the perfromance of 3070
5080 is 10% better than 5070ti...
do you really need that 10% extra performance at the cost of it being 50% higher?
Return 5080, buy 5070ti off cousin
Cousin is still in the return window, so have him return it.
Return your 5080 and wait for a near-ish MSRP 9070XT. If you’re really thirsty for a new card, I’d get a used 4080 or 4070 Ti Super before a 50-series card.
Honestly, I’d help out the cousin
Anything over $850 for a 5070 TI is fucking stupid
Well I dont think youre really obligated to take your cousin up on the offer as he will probably give you a decent price and could probably earn more selling it to someone else.
Go for a 9070 and OC it, from the vids I’ve seen it can get stock 9070XT performance at 260W. (Yes I know 9070XT can OC too but still)
what the hell man
How do you say you don't want to spend that money, when already did??
daymanlol@reddit (OP)
it isn't spent until I install it or the 30 day return window closes in my view
that an insane mentality
It's completely reasonable, what's so insane about it? He's using the tools and policies available to him.
Cheaper card + steam deck. Steam deck was used a ton the first year when our daughter was a newborn.
Seriously, this. My Steam Deck has gotten an order of magnitude more usage than my desktop since my kid was born
Take the 5070 TI or just keep the 5080, why would you want to go with the 9070 XT when you clearly have budget for better cards?
The 9070 XT has 95%-98% of the performance of the 5070Ti for 60% of the price. The 9070 is even a better bang for buck value.
Why would you pay 40% more to get a measley 5% more performance?
95%? 9070XT is around 20-25% worse with ray tracing on then the 5070 TI and basically useless at path tracing. It will for sure age a lot worse with upcoming AAA games. Not to mention other Nvidia benefits (DLSS, Reflex, MFG, etc). And the 60% price difference is total nonsense, MSRP difference is just $150 between then. OP is paying over MSRP for the 5070 TI and you are using an MSRP for the 9070 XT that there isn't a single card available at right now.
It is better than 95% of the performance in most cases actually. The difference is only 3%-4% in an average of dozens of games according to Techpowerup benchmarks: https://www.techpowerup.com/review/sapphire-radeon-rx-9070-xt-nitro/34.html
Even for most games with RayTracing turned on (like Cyberpunk or Metroexodus), the difference is maybe 10%. You would have to cherry pick the absolute worst case scenario games to get anywhere close to an 20% difference.
The 60% price difference is the difference according to what OP paid for scalped prices for the 5070ti vs if he gets the 9070 or waits a bit longer for the 9070XT. The 9070 and 9070XT can be more easily purchased at/near stock MSRP prices. The OP can't find a 5070Ti for less than $1000 and can't find a 5080 for less than $1500. AMD has far better stock availability for their cards. The local Microcenter near me still has 9070s in stock (whereas the 5000 cards have been continuously sold out ever since launch).
From your tech spot link on the 6 game 4K average with ray tracing : "Even so, based on the data, the 9070 XT was, on average, 25% slower than the 5070 Ti." On the techpowerup review you linked it's also 17% slower at 4k with ray tracing: https://www.techpowerup.com/review/xfx-radeon-rx-9070-xt-mercury-oc-magnetic-air/37.html 20% is not an exaggeration at all, not to mention in games like Indiana Jones & Wukong 9700XT things are a lot worse then that. And OP clearly was not able to buy an 9070 XT at any price when he was was at Micro Center so no sorry that still doesn't make sense. Look, 9070 XT is a great card and all things considered it is easy to justify that it does provide better price/performance, I don't disagree. But 5070 TI is objectively the better GPU.
You are correct about the RT average. I misread that.
I never doubted the 5070 Ti is an objectively better GPU. I did say it had 95% of the 5070Ti's performance in my original post.
My point was the 5070Ti was a far worse bang for buck preformance right now when the 9070XT comes close to it with 95-97% of the performance without Ray Tracing and 80% of its performance with Ray Tracing - all while only costing 80% of its MSRP and maybe 65-70% of its actual street price if we consider scalpers.
Most games don't even use RT, so if you play games without it then the 9070XT is much better in Bang-For-Buck. For games that do use RT, then the 9700XT is basically equal to the 5070Ti in BFB if you can find both at MSRP. For all games that use or don't use RT, the current street price BFB of the 9700XT is still better.
daymanlol@reddit (OP)
I'm 32 and need to get my lawn reseeded, feels like a lot of money to spend on myself for pixels even though I really want them
The 9070 XT has 95%+ of the performance of the 5070Ti for 60% of the price. The 9070 is even a better bang for buck value.
Do you want to pay 40% more to get a measley 5% more performance?
The 5070 Ti value is bad. The 5080 value is even worse. Get a 9700 regular for $550 or a 9700 XT for $600ish.
Well it's all up to you obviously. 5080 is about 20% better than the 5070 Ti but obviously you are paying way more then 20% over cost wise, so 5070 TI would seem like the best in between choice here where you aren't spending tons of money but still getting a better card then the 9070 XT (particularly with ray tracing which the upcoming games are going to be utilizing heavily).
What games do you play and resolution/refresh rate? I got a RX 7900 XTX a couple weeks ago for $800 from Best Buy. The same day I won the newegg raffle for a $1500 RTX 5080. I chose the way better value card and I couldn't be happier.
I'm getting an average of 270 frames in Marvel Rivals with ultra settings on an ultrawide 1440p. I'm getting 340 frames with ultra settings in Split Fiction. In WoW (which is more CPU intensive so take these with a grain of salt) I'm getting 196 frames in raid. My monitor is only 244 hz so I have too many frames. I'm probably overkill with my current setup.
If you are 4k gaming then I'd still consider one of the lesser cards.
For me is 9070XT or 5080 there is no between forget about 5070's
Return the 5080. Wait for 9070 XT. If you can't wait, buy the 5070ti from your cousin, and sell the 3070.
What is wrong with the 9070 regular? It performs about 10% worse for 8% less performance but is significantly more power efficient.
I managed to snag a regular 9070 today on newegg! I'm super excited about it
do yoou mind if i ask hoow much you paid?
More than I had hoped to, about $650 before tax, it was more expensive like the XTs were but I'm still excited about it!
My friend is looking for one and i'm trying to help you out. What you paid is probably around the limit I think he would pay too. Which is ridiculous by the way but that's where we are right now. Have fun with it.
Yeah, that price was about what my limit was too, much more and I wouldn't have gotten it, my limit was about $100 over what it originally was priced at, tell your friend to just keep an eye on news about it, I only snagged one cause someone posted on here with the time for the next drop on newegg, good luck!
I just don't understand why folks aren't waiting. 9070 is a good card, but it's just weird as hell to me to pay 50 dollars less for something than the really good thing. Like it feels cheap.
Right now prices are crazy, but they will come down in a few months when everyone who wanted to buy the shiny new thing that performs like a last gen card goes away.
People paying like a grand or more for a 9070 XT are just insane. Like if you have that kind of money why not just buy a 4080 on launch day in 2023 for less money and more performance. I can't wrap my head around it.
People were so weird about it. Guys in front of me struck out on the MSRP xts but then asked to pay $750 for the xt up the chain because it was a "better value" than the non xt.. but the 9070 was only $550..
At $50 apart, it definitely looks like an upsell move by AMD, but that price is purely theoretical, in most instances. If they end up distancing from themselves on "street" value, then the 9070 isn't necessarily a bad deal at its cheapest.
Cash aside, go for the 5080. It’s a monster
daymanlol@reddit (OP)
I still haven't taken it out of the box obviously, but I watched a review video of the 5080 TUF and it just looks so fucking big and mean. Cousin will be able to move his 5070ti easily regardless in this market, I can't help but feel like I'd regret it in a month though - even if tariffs caused the card to double in price. But that's me and my mental
I’ve got the Palit OC model and it’s running everything flat out on my ultrawide and never breaks 70 degrees C. It’s doing everything my 3080ti nearly could do, but with gusto. Since the original Medal of Honor PC multiplayer days I’ve been team red, and will be again in future as they are totally catching up now. For now though, I reckon a 5080 at least is required for an acceptable VR experience and stable, solid frame rates without wasting time fiddling amongst game settings. The price difference could buy a good chunk of something else though. And the AMD cards look great. It’s a good problem to have.
If Microcenter is kinda far, you could also just sell the 5080 on ebay. It's going for more on ebay, and it saves you the drive back. I would go with the 5070ti, its a better deal, and its helping your cousin out. If you really wanted to help out, you could also give any "profits" from flipping the 5080 to your cousin.
Help your cousin out by buying the 5070ti from him and return your 5080 (or sell it online).
Probably keep the 5080 because the money usually isn't worth all that work and the 5080 is a monster. But value wise, probably 5070Ti.
Sounds like you both should just return the cards. 5070 ti for even a cent over MSRP is a shit deal, so is 5080.
Help the cuz out… and get almost similar GPU
I would much rather have the 5080 for $1514 than the 5070ti for $1044. Both are overpays but if you don't care about that, the 5080 is a proper high end card and one of the most powerful cards out there. The 5070ti is a midrange card that was not exciting at the msrp of $750, to pay $1044 is crazy.
daymanlol@reddit (OP)
I think the MSRP was propped up by rebates from Nvidia that quickly hit their limit, hence manufacturers are now pricing it as they would without rebates - the card (5070ti) was $969.99 sold directly through newegg
I don't doubt that this is the "new normal" with prices on all GPUs being raised after the first batch. For me the idea of paying $1044 after tax for a midrange card hurts more than paying $1514 for a high end card. If you want good value it's better to get the 9070 XT anyways (even if that card is also above MSRP).
I would buy it off your cousin and give him the 3070.
Dude both those prices are insane send the 5080 back and stick to your 3070 fuck this generation.
honestly i would help my cousin out. all three are gonna play you the same games and you obviously value it at that price
Its not really helping him. He could sell it for even more without trying
Return 5080 and buy off your cousin! You’ll feel much better about it financially!
Try to see if you can get 9070XT at msrp before the return window of the 5080. If you can’t, return for the 5070ti
How the heck does your budget go for a 9070xt to a 5080?
Is a 5070 Ti sufficient for you? If so, return that 5080 and enjoy the other card while helping your cousin.
Buy the 5070Ti from your cousin for the difference between FMV of the 3070 and the 5070ti. He still gets a GPU to game with, plus some cash. You get an upgrade and save money. No GPUs were harmed in the making of this deal.
Those are all great cards, but there are a few things to consider:
What games are you playing? Because if you need ray tracing, then the 5070Ti would be my suggestion. And you'll spend plenty of nights holding a newborn while playing videogames, so doing it in style is my advice. If you're not playing GPU intensive games, then sticking with the 3070 is probably the best choice.
Another thing to consider is what your CPU is. The 3070 is solid, but with a big upgrade to a 50 series or 9070XT, you need the CPU to back it up to make sure you're getting your value. 7800x3d is the lowest CPU I would go with for any of those higher end cards. You'd be better with the 3070 if you have anything lower than 7800x3d (or Intel equivalent).
Without knowing the rest of your rig and what you mostly play, it's hard to recommend anything. Although personally, I would say return the 5080 and save yourself some cash.
I think I would just return the 5080 and buy the card off my cousin to help him out.
I'd return it and help your cousin, if you honestly didn't want to spend that on yourself, you wouldn't have in the first place. You know the right thing to do, you don't have to post on reddit to know what's morally right or wrong. At the end of the day, you do you, plenty of other self centered people out there- whats one more?? Just my 2 cents.
Return the 5080 and buy the 5070Ti, help your cuz out.
Your cousin will find a buyer whether it’s you or someone else, if you don’t need the extra cash keep the 5080
You'd be crazy to keep the 5080
Keep using the 5080 for now, and in the meanwhile be on the look out for a new 9070xt. Once you find one you can sell your 5080 on r/hardwareswap at msrp. ASUS TUF is a pretty sought after model, there will definitely be people who are willing to pay for it. Or you can return the 5080 to micro center, once you know they have 9070xts in stock. I’m pretty sure their return policy allows 30day return.
$1500 for a 5080 is too much. 5070ti for $1,044 is too much.
I would genuinely go for a 9070Xt if you can find one for sub $800(High end AIB) or sub $750(Any card).
The gap in performance between the two is so minimum that the extra $200-$300 dollars for the 5070ti is not worth it.
5070 Ti for sure.
Every PC gamer should have the chance to go all out on a build at least once, and this might be your last chance. It's not about the cost per frame, it elevates how you feel about it - rather than being just another pc upgrade it becomes something special again.
If you can comfortably afford the 5080, keep it. Treat yourself.
Trying for a kid this year - you’ve 9 months left of 2025, 9 months to bake, so you’re talking 1.5-2 years out. If you’re close to your cousin, I’d go with the 5070ti. If you’re not, 5080.
Honestly? Depending on the cousin, I might buy the 5070ti for the price I paid for the 5080. The guy just lost his job and is selling his card to get money.
Alternatively, he can sell the 5070ti for more than he paid and you both win.
Help your cousin out dude
Your cousin can sell to someone else. Keep the 5080 and avoid the whole 5070 9070 5070ti and 9070xt fight. Get above it and be happy.
Your cousin can sell to someone else. Keep the 5080 and avoid the whole 5070 9070 5070ti and 9070xt fight. Get above it and be happy.
Buy from your cousin.
5070ti is better value at that pricing, you save money, and help your cousin. Win/win/win
Also the 5070ti isn't that far behind the 5080 in terms of the performance. Looking at 5 to 15% performance for an additional 50% cost.
Considering that the 5080 isn't that much better than a 5070Ti and it doesn't even have more VRAM, you should definitely return it.
Personally out of these choices I'd rather get the 9070 if it was >$300 cheaper than the 5070Ti. If not then the 5070Ti would be my next pick.
It’s fucking insanity to spend that much for a 5080. I had the opportunity to buy one yesterday but that price absolutely made it a no go. Those prices are very hard to say it’s a good idea. I say if you can continue with your current card until the mid cycle refresh or until cards become more available and prices come down.
do the fastest/bestest one.
fastest/bestest is usually not the best deal / best value for your money. Paying $500 or $1000 more for 6% to 10% better performance is not worth it, unless you are rich and money does not matter to you.
Return the card and wait for a 9070XT to be available. I have a EVGA 3070FTW and I'm waiting for a 9070XT to be available and then upgrading. Nvidia does not care about us gaming consumers anymore so I don't personally want to give them my money anymore. Especially for a card that isn't even close to being worth what their charging.
Let him return it
get the 5070 ti, you get a good gpu but cheaper than a 5080, 500 saved and you help your cousin
PC gaming YouTubers are, literally, advising avoidance of this card.
I'd wait, I saw a $999 5070ti and the $1500 5080s at MC too and passed. I put together my new rig over the weekend without a GPU but my old 7700k, 1080ti rig is Nosferatu so I'm holding out hope for more reasonable prices/9070XT
5070 ti best bang for buck release, at cost it’s an excellent deal!
daymanlol@reddit (OP)
that's what I'm leaning towards and I figure I can prolly get like $250 for my 3070 or something too
If you can get the 9070 xt at around $750 or less id take that, yeah nvidia cards are nice but that's a lot of extra money vs what you get for it
The 5070 Ti is a much better value
take my cousin’s 5070 Ti
both are pretty awful price wise but the 5070 ti is easily better value in this case.
the 3070 is still a pretty decent gpu tho i feel like u shouldn't have any trouble waiting for better prices