How much do things like Eggs, gas, white wonder bread, milk and bacon cost in your area? Also where are you from? Who’s getting good deals right now and who’s getting squeezed?
Posted by Rvtrance@reddit | AskAnAmerican | View on Reddit | 222 comments
Here in Hot Springs Arkansas (and the whole state to some extent) we have much more expensive than average prices on groceries. Decent prices on gas and good prices on cigarettes (I’m a smoker so it’s part of the budget). We have a grocery tax but we are getting rid of it. Hopefully it’ll let us have Texas prices.
Eggs $10/dozen
Gas $4.19/gallon at Costco
White Wonder Bread $3.10
Milk $5/gallon
Bacon $8/12oz
Cigarettes $10/pack Marlboros $13/pack Camels
Los Angeles Area, California
Massachusetts. Eggs go from 3 bucks to 10 bucks. Gas I shoot for 2.95 a gallon. Cigarettes no idea but they are over 100 a carton easy. Groceries for two is about 150-250 a week depending how much I shop around.
The last carton of cigarettes I bought was over ten years ago and it was $100 back then. I lived in Chicago and drove to the burbs outside Cook county to buy them because the tax difference was worth the gas. I also filled the gas tank while I was there because it was much lower taxes.
In Chicago nobody even sold cigarettes by the carton by then. They were $14+/pack in the city and $100-120 in the burbs. I was stuffing tubes by then but would sometimes buy a few cartoons when I visited a friend in Indiana (they were half the price over the border). Twenty years ago I knew which bars the cigarette reps were giving out free packs on which nights.
I eventually switched to vaping ten years ago for a number of personal reasons, but these days vaping has boomed and the economics of scale has made it so inexpensive.
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
It’s about $100 a carton here. But I can go to the tobacco store and they have two pack specials of Marlboro, red and black for $5.75 per pack if you buy two packs. normally they’re not supposed to let you buy a cartons worth, (it’s illegal but no one enforces it seems) but these guys always do so that puts me below state minimum carton prices.
I have an electric machine (Hawk-Matic). I buy a big bag of tobacco (16 Oz) and 4 boxes of Tops tubes (250 tubes each) for less than $40 and get at least 3 cartons out of one bag. (I should actually pay attention but sometimes I make enough for a couple packs and sometimes I sit there and make enough to put in one of the Tops boxes.) I'm in NH where cigarettes are a lot cheaper than most places. I can't even guess how much I have saved.
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
Yeah, are they as good as Marlboro’s? Because if they are, you have my attention.
Sounds like Indiana.
Some Chicago bodegas would break apart the "buy 2 get one free" packs and sell the free pack individually. Nobody ratted because their cigarette prices were the best around (and this was Chicago).
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
Yeah Hot Springs is famously corrupt too. We love our cash, we are famous for our water and we use it to launder money. But speaking of Chicago one of our big claims to fame is Al Capone and a lot of those guys would come here with their families or without them to drink play cards and chase “Dames”. It was Vegas before Vegas and a national park before national parks. It’s a real cool town warts and all.
I switched to smoking Cheyenne little cigars. They are $1.99 a pack. The only difference is it's rolled with tobacco leaf paper and not rice paper.
Before I quit a year ago, they were over $20/pack in Chicago
Agree. Eggs at Aldi are close to $6/doz. And that's the cheapest I've found consistently. Walmart is a close 2nd. But we only have cage free eggs here.
I just googled the price of cigarettes, b/c I have no idea and a carton of marlboro's is $130+ depending on version. Plus a 6.25% sales tax.
Milk I would say is around $5/gallon
People telling me MB has 2.99 for medium eggs and I just go ok because I hate going in there.
We don't have a MB near me. Got a Big Y, and a S&S, and a couple smaller stores. Walmart and Aldi are about 25 minutes south.
Big Y regular price for eggs is around $8. Same at the small store in town, and I rarely go to S&S.
Also I don't want medium eggs per se. Breakfast eggs, okay, but for cooking I want large.
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
Cooking always calls for large eggs anyways. It’s all I buy.
Same. Unless i have farm eggs
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
There’s a lot of folk getting some eggs from local coops. They are cheaper I hear, they probably don’t tax you and kept it all cash. One local lady wrote and got published a children’s book about her chickens. I forget what it’s called though.
Last week MB had Eggland's Best for 3.99/dz while the store brand was $6.99. Makes no sense
Cape Cod
I bought pasture raised, organic super fancy eggs for $7.99 the other day. I forget which store it was, but it was not Market Basket or ALDI. They’re always more expensive than other kinds of eggs and I want to say they were $6.49 the last time I bought eggs in January.
Gas is $2.81 at Cumberland Farms because I have a loyalty card. It’s $2.91 otherwise.
I have no idea how much those other things cost because I don’t buy them.
I'm in PA and with the recent price hikes, the fancy free range organic eggs are *cheaper* than the store brand eggs here. Fancy eggs, $5-8/doz, regular chicken torture eggs, $9-12/doz. The fancy eggs are always sold out these days because people aren't dumb.
Gas here is about $3.15, cigs about $10/pk (w/Wawa rewards), milk $3/gal, haven't bought bacon in ages, I never buy Wonder bread but Maiers Italian bread is $4.29 full price but I only buy it when it's on sale for $2.
Eastern pa can confirm on eggs and gas
This is the correct eastern pa answer.
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
I buy the fancy ones too. They kind of stayed the same price while the great value ones are like 30 cents less.
I think the local Stop and Shop near me was about $9 for a dozen eggs recently. NOT organic or fancy.
I did manage to get some bacon on sale for $5
In DC, my nearby Trader Joe has a dozen pasture raised brown eggs for $4.99. Milk is $1.89 for half gallon whole milk at my Harris Teeter supermarket. Gas is under $3 in Virginia where I go to get gas when I run errands. But I drive so little I only need to fill up about once a month.
Everything has gone up here in Kentucky. Eggs are $7-$9 a dozen, white bread is about $3-$4 a loaf, milk is $3 per gallon, bacon ranges from $6-$9 per pound. Gas has been fluctuating from $3.50-$4.70 per gallon for the last 4 years. I’m lucky with eggs, as I have neighbors who raise chickens so they give me eggs pretty regularly. Cigarettes and whiskey are pretty cheap here because they are big industries, and we have no taxes on groceries.
eggs grade a large white 6.19
gas 2.85 +/-
South Carolina near Charlotte NC
2025-03-11. Sec Dept Agro Rollins. The average cost of a dozen eggs has now gone DOWN $1.85 since we announced our plan about a week-and-a-half ago. THE PLAN- Investigate Big Egg Producers For Price Gouging, suddenly prices dropped. US Winning AGAIN !!!
eggs $7.49 dozen Milk gallon $3.69 Bread 2.49 Bacon $5.79 lb
Michigan - West Suburbs Detroit Area
Dozen Eggs - 5-5.50 Walmart (new law also passed where all eggs sold in Michigan must be cage free farm fresh eggs)
Gas - 2.99-3.10, but I go to Costco and sometimes get lucky with 2.75-2.80
Don't get white wonder bread, but I can get whole wheat bread for 2.50 at Walmart
Bacon - 9.99 for medium quality thicker bacon
Michigan, just west of you towards Ann Arbor:
The whole egg prices thing is weird to me, at no point have I had trouble keeping myself in eggs at under $5.
Aldi? When I see 4.50 I go nuts
Ypsilanti Food Coop in depot town. Their basic eggs never went above 4.99, and they've had a 3.99 option in stock nearly every time I've gone (at least once a week).
This even while fresh thyme is sold out of 8.99 eggs.
Bread 1.99, dozen eggs 5.00, milk 3.00 gal. at Kwik Trip in Wisconsin. We shop around for other items. Don't smoke 100. 00 carton
The thing thats hitting me hard is orange juice. Just got a big jug for like 8 something wtf.
Today, large eggs, $5.49/dosen. Gas was $2.95/gallon. Milk $2.79/gallon. Bacon was on sale for $12.99 for 2lbs ( it was pre packaged, thick cut ). White wonder bread, sorry, no idea, but last week a loaf of Rye, cost $5.89, while the store brand of whole wheat was $2.49, and loaf of Rye, was 1/2 the size. I live in mid Michigan. I get deals buying my meat, from local farmers,( about 1/2 a cow a year) witch worked out ( last year ) to about $5/lbs.
Portland, OR area - $6 farm fresh eggs ( have been buying from same person for 5 years, her prices went from $5 to $6 this year), Milk $2.49 or $1.99 if it's onsale (I only buy a half gallong) Regular gas is anywhere from $3.25-$4.69 a gallon for regular depending on what city/county you are in. You will always pay the most for gas in this state in Multnomah County with their extra taxes on top of Portlands extra taxes.
I haven't been to the Winco on 102nd recently, so I don't know their prices now.
Gas Buddy says regular is $3.15/gallon at the Arco at 39th/Belmont, $3.19 at Value Fill at 9150 SE Division.
Unfortunately I spent a good portion of my life with a mechanic and only put Shell or Chevron gas in my vehicle at this point of her life. She's too old to get the cheap stuff, but I'd rather pay for more expensive oil changes and gas and keep my non-car payment life going for as long as I can LOL Just got gas this morning at Shell in Fairview, $3.85 for regular, $4.15 mid grade.
I feel like we've been largely immune to the grocery inflation debacle in PDX for some reason. Nothing I buy has gone up more than \~15% in the last five years, which is "good ol' days" inflation rate. Eggs are the exception, but that isn't inflation. My family of two eats like kings on about $300/mo.
Agreed, it does feel that way for me too. But I do get my produce from the farm stand and my meat from meat market though, eggs from farm down the road, etc.. I thought I was just avoiding it by avoiding the grocery stores LOL
No idea, i dont buy any of that stuff.
Massachusetts, if you ain't shopping at Market Basket you're doing it wrong.
groceries are so cheap there and good quality
How much are smokes? I get mine from an Indian reservation for $31/cartons. Seneca Nation rules!
North East Pennsylvania
Eggs $6/dozen Gas is $3.50/gallon Plain bread is anywhere from $1.60-$3 depending on brand Bacon is usually $7/lb. Unless on sale
I don't drink regular milk but oat milk is $5/gallon
i literally buy none of those things...i think gas here is like $4.30/gal? but not sure tbh.
Omaha, NE Eggs are about $5-6 for a dozen, I don't buy wonder but the Rotella's bread I buy is usually under $3, milk is about $3/gal, and gas is about $2.90. I'm not sure about bacon.
$5.95, $2.65, $2.92, $3.66, $6.47 respectively.
Southern California:
NorCal here. Same!
I just got a dozen large eggs two days ago at Trader Joe’s for $5.99 in Oakland
Nice! I bought a dozen yesterday at Lucky for $10.50. Target brand was $8.88. South of San Jose area.
Who the fuck eats Wonderbread?
People, I believe.
Pb&j enjoyers
Minnesota River Valley. Eggs are about $7 a dozen. Gas is a little over $3. I have never purchased white wonder bread in my life but the generic split top wheat bread I get is like $1.79. I buy whole milk and it's about $3 a gallon. Bacon varies, it can be anywhere from $3 to $8. For our family of 4, grocery shopping at the least expensive store in my area, it's about $300 a week. There is no tax on food except for prepared food, pop, and candy.
Northern California. Eggs and bacon both run like $8-$10. Gas, bread, & milk run around $5. The cigarettes I smoke are around $10 a pack- very mid-range. Our taxes are stupid & unfortunately not going anywhere. But we have a reasonable living wage compared to the cost living (speaking specifically of my area idk how the rest of California is doing).
5.97 for a dozen large Walmart eggs. 3.18 for a gallon of Walmart milk. 2.92 for a load of wonder white bread. 4.85 per lb for Walmart bacon. 3.15 a gal for regular gas.
No state tax on groceries and 1.7 for city tax.
Where are you getting gas for $3.15? Costco is the only place I've seen it under $3.60.
I can't even find 1 dozen eggs at Walmart unless they are fancy eggs. They push the 18 packs now for 8.85. I haven't seen eggs at Costco in about 2 months.
I don't live in Phoenix that's for sure haha. The gas is at any Chevron or circle k near me and there's even cheaper gas if I travel a bit further. While the Walmart prices were all on their website and they said they're in stock.
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
See that’s the prices I’m hoping for, but I live in a resort town so I bet it’ll never come down quite that much.
Eh the bread and milk seem quite low from seeing the comments but the eggs are high and the gas is mid. Low to no taxes is great though.
Small town Wyoming. Eggs 10.99 dz. Milk around $5 gallon. Bread is insane $4-6 bucks a loaf. Unleaded $2.99 Premium (my vehicle) $3.70. Cigarettes no idea I don't smoke. We are always a bit higher due to the rural area but it's getting crazy. For reference I would have to drive two hours to get to the closest Walmart or major grocer.
I'm in MI, here eggs are $5-10/dozen, gas is around $3 a gallon, idk how much cheap bread costs but my bread is around $4-5/loaf (sourdough, artisan style), milk is around $2 for a half gallon, bacon is $5-7 a pack. Sometimes there are sales and there are generally cheaper options but they are also lower quality. I hate paying that much for eggs and bread, the bacon is surprisingly cheap, and the milk feels reasonably priced.
I found a dozen brown eggs for 4.69. I hurried up and purchased them. I'm Missouri.
Eggs - $8/dozen @ walmart Gas - $4/gallon Milk- $3.75 / gallon @ walmart Bacon - $5/lb
So Cal, eggs 13.99 a dozen, gas 87 unleaded 4.55 a gallon with members card at costco, white wonder bread 4.49 a loaf, bacon 7.99 - 9 .99 12 oz.
I got 5 dozen eggs at costco last weekend for <$3/doz. Gas is... 2.90ish a gallon.
Y’all need to get bacon at Aldi. It’s like $3.50 and delicious.
Bread. 3.99
Gas. 4.89+
Bacon. 11.99lb
Milk. 5.99 half gallon
Eggs. 10.99 dozen.
Two people. Easy $1000 monthly. Not including gasoline.
PNW, eggs are anywhere between 3.99-8.99. I was always a vital farms brown eggs buyer anyways, so it really doesn’t matter much if they are $6 bucks. I also don’t NEED them. I don’t bake, they aren’t essential to my eating. Bacon 6.99, Oat milk 4.99, the bread I get is about $4.
Struggling more with selection and freshness than price.
I bought eggs a couple of weeks ago, they were $8.50 for two dozen at Costco. Gas was $4.05 at Costco. Wonder Bread is $3.49 a loaf at a local market. Milk $4.00 a gallon or so. Bacons running around $8.00 a pound. I’m in Northern California. I’m making do.
Central WI, not a metro area
Eggs are ~$6/dozen Gas fluctuates between $2.80/gal and $3.40/gal Milk is a little over $3/gal White bread $1.50 Bacon anywhere from $4-$10/lb, depending on brand and specifics
In San Antonio, gas here is around $2.70, eggs are weird because our free range and regular eggs have basically become the same at around $3.80 per dozen. I wouldn't be surprised if the free range become less expensive than the big egg providers. We buy bread like orowheat or honey oat and that really hasn't changed much. Orange juice seems to have gone up quite a bit. Bacon I find for about $5 for a lb but I just buy it when it's on sale. Overall, it feels like our grocery expense has increased about 50% but a lot of that is due to a toddler with a velociraptor appetite.
We do all of our grocery shopping at HEB here which is like a Publix if you're in the Southeast, or Albertsons if you're on the West Coast, Meijer if you're from Michigan.
If anything, what seems to be happening is the large scale producers are increasing their prices and smaller scale ones aren't as much.
Portland, OR Fred Meyer:
2% Milk: $4.29/gallon
Eggs: $6.99/dozen cage free
Wonder bread: $3.29/20 oz loaf. (Local brand Franz is $2.49 for a 22 oz loaf)
Bacon: $4.99/lb (Kroger); $4.49 (w/coupon - Hormel).
Gas: $3.15 - $3.44 in Portland - cheapest one is the Arco at 39th/Belmont.
I buy eggs at Costco the 5 dozen pack that can last me months at a time, so I didn’t notice but I knew about the birds dying from the flu again. But I got sick in December 10-January 13 I was in the hospital/ rehab facility for dress change as I couldn’t physically do it myself so my brother and dad would tell me they saw $10dozen eggs at the store and I like watching kron 4 so I saw the news. But I switched to wheat bread or whole wheat even but I see the prices sometimes and do make a mental notation.
Eggs - 6/doz. Wonder bread reg - 2.92 milk - 5.98/gal. Bacon 7.68/package. Gas regular 4.68/gal
All groceries from WalMart. Most every place else is way more expensive because of lower purchasing power or the store.
Eggs: $6.12 for 12 extra large
Gas: $2.90
Bread: $1.42 - wonder is not an option.
Milk: 2.66/gal
Bacon: $4.44/lb
Cigarettes: About $8 a pack
I bought a weird pack of eggs the other day that was 2-1/2 dozen and it was $20. So that's about $8 per dozen. Gas is hovering around $2.85-2.89. I'm in Rhode Island.
The other things you mentioned, we don't buy so idk the prices.
I’m in Iowa Bacon 4.85lb, eggs 5.97dz, bread 1.98 loaf, milk 2.68 gallon, gas 2.62 gallon. If you drive out to the rez You can get a carton of cigarettes for like $30.
Washington State, east of the cascades. Went to Kroger today
Eggs - $7-10/dozen but out of stock. To the point where they’ve put all sorts of other stuff in the fridge where the eggs usually are.
Wonder bread is $3.50, store brand is literally half that.
Store brand milk is $5/gallon.
Bacon is $5-8.
Gas is $3.60-4.10. I was in the west side of the state over the weekend and gas was pretty consistently $4+.
I paid $3.99 for eggs, $4.99 for milk.
I pay about $15/month to charge 4 electric cars (mine plus neighbor's). I do not buy gas.
I don't buy wonder bread or bacon.
Dozen store brand eggs at walmart are almost 7 bucks in east Tennessee.
So, some people are still just paying 3 bucks? Wtf.
In Houston a dozen Walmart large eggs $3.98, x-large 4.22. That’s a huge difference.
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
Yeah same in AR.
They are still crazy expensive in my area, too. I haven't seen them $3 since probably before Christmas.
In Cary, NC, according to Instacart, Food Lion - eggs are $5.29 - white wonder bread is $3.69 - a gallon of whole milk is $2.42 - bacon is $4.29
Gas prices appears to range from $2.51 to $2.73.
I’ve seen eggs at $16.99 here in SF
I get my eggs from a farm. $6 a dozen happy chickens. Gas is between $2.50-$3. White bread $1.30-$2.50 $3 gallon milk. $5 for bacon. Don’t know the price of cigs.
Northern IL, about 50 miles west of Chicago.
Eggs are ~$7/doz
I havent paid attention to bacon prices, but it depends on raw vs precooked, packaged vs fresh sliced from the butcher, etc.
Milk is ~2.25/gal
Gas is between $2.95-$3.15/gal
Chicago. $13 at my small, indie grocery store 5 mins from me
$5 at Trader Joe’s
Eggs just hit $6/doz here. I filled up my tank for $2.65/gal today. Milk has been holding steady around $2.70/gal for a few years now.
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
Yeah it’s the eggs that’s the most all over the place right now. On top everything else we had that damn bird flu.
Portland, OR. Based on my shopping last week, these are the prices (except gas, rounded up to the nearest dollar)
Eggs: $5.00
Gas: $3.50 to $4.00 depending on station (average of $3.90)
Wonder Bread: on brand: $4.00; off brand: $2.00
Milk Gallon: $4.00
Bacon: $6.00 for 16oz pack
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
Very detailed report. Thank you 🙏
San Diego. Gas is $4.59. Eggs at Aldi today are $9.25 a dozen. I don’t eat Wonder Bread or bacon so I can’t help you there.
Eggs: $4.18/dozen
Gas: $2.42/gal (87 octane)
Wonder Bread: $2.92/loaf
2% Milk: $3.33/gal
Bacon: $4.99/12oz
Houston, TX
These prices seem like a lot for Houston. Gas is actually exactly the same for me in the Houston suburbs, but: Eggs are 3.99 Milk is 2.43 Bacon is 3.64 Wonder bread is 2.50
I took everything off of the HEB app this morning.
I’m in a mountain resort town on the CA/NV boarder (CA side) so my numbers are almost always skewed, but here’s where we’re at (or about) right now.
Eggs: $9.99-$11.99 a dozen
Gas: $5.50-$6.00 a gallon
Bread: $4-$6 a loaf
I do al most all of my shopping in Carson City/Reno, NV (even for gas) because it’s so much more affordable. Foot is usually around 10% more expensive up here, and gas can be 40-60% more 😵💫
Can confirm I paid $11.29 for a dozen organic pasture Clover eggs at Truckee Safeway this weekend.
Although they aren't too skewed from the rest of SoCal. It seems you have about a 5-10% resort fee added.
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
Yikes, that’s a resort town for you. I live in one and sometimes certain cities will give you a discount card if you can prove residency. (Honolulu did this) but we don’t have anything like that. But we aren’t quite as bad as you yet. By a fair margin really.
Far north, nothing’s been cheap here since the feds started cracking down on bartering
My chickens charge me about $22/dozen for eggs right now.
They could start a new season called Narcos: Huevos because it’s probably cheaper to buy cocaine than it is eggs right now, Mexico could make a killing shipping their eggs across the border
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
Image how hard it would be to smuggle eggs. They are so fragile. That would be a nightmare I bet. Cracked “product” all over the place. Leaving trails back to the bad guys warehouse. lol.
Rvtrance@reddit (OP)
I can hear the theme song now.
Do people still eat Wonder Bread??
Found some lovely eggs on sale for $2.99 at an Albertsons last week; they were milk chocolate and marshmallow filled, but still.
Central NY-Wegmans
Gallon Milk-3.19
Gas-2.90 to 3.10 depending
White Bread-1.39
Whole Wheat-2.49
Walmart or Aldi will be cheaper obviously.
Eastern Nebraska, eggs are $6.50-ish, gas is $2.86 today. Milk is under $3. We get bacon from a local butcher that's about $6 a pound.
Also wouldn't eat wonder bread if it was free.
Eggs around $6, milk around $3.50, don't buy wonder bread, bacon about $6, gas around $3.15, and $45 a carton for cigs $5 for loose packs. NY
I should add these are reservation cigs. For name brand like Marlboro it's like $15 a pack
I'm in LA:
Gas: ~ $5.00 a gallon, CA requires a special formulation that (apparently) pollutes less?
Eggs: $4.00 - $7.00 a dozen, depending on how you wanted your chickens treated. I never have problems getting eggs
Milk: I don't drink dairy milk, so I don't know this one. A half gallon of almond milk is about $3.75
Bread: My husband will only eat keto bread, so it's $7.00 a loaf
Bacon: I don't usually buy this, but last time, I think it was around $5.00 for a pound
I've been tracking that for a couple months!
|| || |Date| Dozen Eggs | Gallon Whole Milk | Butternut Bread | Bananas (1 lb) | Average Gas National | |12/13/2024|$ 3.97|$ 2.66|$ 2.50|$ 0.50|$ 3.026| |12/14/2024|$ 3.97|$ 2.66|$ 2.50|$ 0.50|$ 3.023| |1/2/2025|$ 3.97|$ 2.62|$ 2.50|$ 0.50|$ 3.067| |1/8/2025|$ 4.53|$ 2.57|$ 2.50|$ 0.50|$ 3.069| |1/14/2025|$ 4.53|$ 2.57|$ 2.50|$ 0.50|$ 3.071| |1/21/2025|$ 4.17|$ 2.62|$ 2.50|$ 0.50|$ 3.126| |2/1/2025|$ 4.53|$ 2.57|$ 2.50|$ 0.50|$ 3.102| |2/10/2025|$ 5.46|$ 2.62|$ 2.50|$ 0.50|$ 3.139| |2/22/2025|$ 5.97|$ 2.57|$ 2.50|$ 0.50|$ 3.151| |3/4/2025|$ 5.97|$ 2.72|$ 2.50|$ 0.50|$ 3.099| |3/10/2025|$ 5.97|$ 2.57|$ 2.50|$ 0.50|$ 3.089|
California here -
Pasture Raised Organic Brown Eggs: $9.99
Regular Kroger Bleached Eggs: $9.99 (ripoff)
Unleaded Gas: $4.30/gal - it’s high, but I’ve paid more than $6/gal before
Cheap Bacon: $4.99
Good Bacon: $6.99+
1 Gallon Milk: $3.99
1/2 Gallon Fancy Milk: $6.99+
Los Angeles
Eggs: $10-11 for a dozen
Bread: $3
Gas: $4-5 per Gallon for regular, I feel this goes up and down by the week
Bacon: $5-6
It's insane out here.
Bought eggs two days ago and they were 11 dollars. I don’t buy wonder bread but the bread I do buy is about 6 bucks a loaf. I’ve not bought bacon in ages so I don’t really know.. and I don’t really look at the price of milk as it is a must buy so I just load it in my cart.
I think egg prices recently increased but other groceries are just higher from inflation over the last couple of years.
Gas isn't that bad all things considered.
Eggs are especially high because avian flu is wiping out US chickens. The rest is inflation
New Orleans: Eggland's best lg $6.49/dz, gallon of store brand milk $4.99, Wonder Bread $3.49, 1lb Jimmy Dean smoked applewood bacon $8.99.
gas was (I think?) $2.53 when I passed Racetrac on the way home.
I don't smoke so no idea what cigs are.
Really glad I know how to bake because bread prices are ridic! Also very glad to be single & only have to feed myself.
Maine here. I’m paying $3/dozen for eggs, but they come from Kate’s farm who free ranges and organically feeds her flock. So I’m getting a pretty good deal there. Gas today was $3.07, I don’t eat white bread but a loaf of multigrain is about $4.99, a gallon of whole milk is $2.99, bacon is about $4.99 a pound.
I’m just outside of San Francisco.
Bread is $5 Dozen Eggs (cage free) is $10 Bacon is $13 Milk is $5 And a gallon of gas is about $4.80 Trader Joe’s has good prices. Other than that I usually go back and forth between Safeway & Target for staples It’s just my partner and I now as our kids have grown up and moved out.
Eggs are running around $7 right now. Gas about $3 per gallon, milk $2.75 per gallon, bacon ~$6 per pound.
Southern Minnesota
Based on the local Kroger in my teeny Midwest town:
Eggs (dozen) - $6
White Bread - $3.50
Milk (gallon 2%) - $4
Bacon - $7.00
Gas - $3.13
We are close to a state line and gas is usually $.30 cheaper there, so we often drive there.
$7.49/ dozen
No idea about wonder bread. I make all of our family's grass
No idea about bacon
I'm in CA, we're all on a budget, unless you're extremely wealthy. Even my friends and family on benefits are feeling a squeeze.
Long Island (Suffolk), NY
Eggs at Aldi and Costco are about $4-5 per dozen when normally they’d be a bit under $3 and bougie pasture raised used to be $5. Some price gouging grocery stores are going as high as $9-20 though.
White bread at Aldi went up from 50c to $1, otherwise I don’t really buy it if I shop elsewhere but like regular supermarkets have been pretty consistently like $3 a loaf for years now and I’d rather buy better bread at that point but Aldi’s super cheap white bread is definitely worth it for just toast or lazy sandwiches.
Bacon I feel like has been overpriced for a while as well $5-7/lb when not on sale. Rarely buy it though.
Gas is hovering around $3 (2.9-3.1) and it was more like 2.7 last year.
We buy lactaid milk and that’s also gone from about 3.50 to $5 for half a gallon.
Vegetables, chicken, and rice feel like they haven’t really changed that drastically in recent times thankfully.
Eggs are roughly $4/dozen in store, but less at the small farm I prefer to buy eggs from. Gas is roughly $3/gallon. No idea about wonder bread, haven’t eaten that since I was a kid, but the whole wheat bread I sometimes get is $2.98. Milk is roughly $4/gallon unless you go to Costco. Bacon is $4-$6 a pack, I think. Oregon is no stranger to high prices for food, or gas prices, so this is all pretty normal. It’s normal for locals to split up their shopping trip to hit up a few stores to get better prices on necessities (Costco, Costco returned items stores, Winco/Waremart, US Chef Store, Safeway but only when they have actual sales on products). Some farmers markets accept EBT/SNAP. Best of luck to my fellow Americans that are experiencing groceries prices they can’t afford for the first time. It’s not depression bad yet, and I’m hoping it won’t get that bad. Look into local food resources, like food pantries, and try to buy in bulk if you can (sharing excess with family, friends, or even neighbors). Substitute eggs out of some recipes to help save money too.
Major city in the Pacific Northwest.
My grocery bills (\~$300/mo for a family of two) haven't increased noticeably in the last five years, but that's because the things I buy have largely avoided inflation (fruit/veg, for example, increased slower than overall inflation). Food is still basically free, so that's nice.
Central Virginia. Kroger store brand for everything, because that's where I usually go:
Eggs: $4/dozen Gas: $2.89/gal. White bread: $1.99 Milk (whole): $3.59/gal. Bacon: $4.29/12oz
Like with many things, my area is probably somewhere in the middle. Housing is expensive around here, but a lot of other things are pretty moderately priced.
Southern Californian here:
cage free organic eggs were just 8.49 gas is 3.05/ gallon. We don’t eat those other things, so idk
Bay Area California $5-6 /gallon gas Eggs $10/dozen Name brand bread $5-7, off brand $3-4 Bacon $9-12/lb Milk $5ish/gallon
Eggs $10.79/dozen, Wonder bread $3.79, Gas $3 a gallon
Watford City ND Eggs are $7.99 Milk is $4.75 Bacon is $5-10 a lb No wonder bread here- but bread is $4-$7 depending on the brand Gas is $3.45 Rent is above average I believe. 1 bedroom $1100 2 bedroom $1600 and so on.
I went to Trader Joe’s in MA yesterday. Dozen cage free large white eggs were still $3.49. They had fancy heirloom eggs I like for $5.99. All eggs were limited to one carton/customer. Supposedly MA has very high grocery prices relative to most of the continental US, but I haven’t seen anything like what people are reporting. I assume because eggs are more local, bird flu is affecting some regions much worse than here.
Austin, TX
Gas: $2.50
All HEB prices:
12 Eggs: $4.35
White bread: $1.30
1 gal Milk: $3.14
Bacon: Highly dependent on type but the cheapest is $3.79 for a 12 oz pack
Eggs 2 dozen $8.99
I make bread
Gas $4.39- Costco
Bacon- $3.49 per lb because I buy 4lbs at once
Milk- idk we don't buy milk but like $4.99
Cigarettes - very high
WA state I5 corridor which follows that U of water to the right
Eggs - $6
Gas - $2.79
Cheap white bread - $1.79
Milk - $2.79 half gallon
Bacon was on sale so $2.99 for a 12 oz pack.
What program is getting cut for the tax free groceries?
I'm in upstate New York. The eggs I buy were $7 per dozen and gas is around $3.00. I don't buy the other stuff on your list, so I haven't noticed the prices.
Bay Area CA. just bought a dozen eggs at Safeway for $6.99. I think organic bc those seemed to be the cheapest. My local WF and Trader Joe’s haven’t had eggs in months. Like they started putting other things in the case. 1/2 gal of milk about $3.50. I have an electric car but noticed reg gas about $4.50/gal. White bread and bacon no idea. I buy sliced sourdough that comes to the supermarket from a local bakery and it’s about $6 a loaf. My teen is on an avocado kick and they are about 4 for $5
I think those were the regular eggs at $7. I paid $10.99 for a dozen organic eggs last week because that’s all Safeway had left.
Gas is $4.80 at my nearest station.
Just looked at the box and they are Safeway organic. I was so surprised I took a picture of the price in case they rang up at a different price
Oh, turns out mine are cage free, not organic. I looked on the app, and even today, the only eggs they have at my local store are the Lucerne cage free for $10.99.
Looking at my supermarket app Milk is $6/gallon Wonder bread $4.99 Bacon store brand $6/lb
Portland, gas is 3.11 to 4.99(downtown).
Smokes are 11.50 a pack. Eggs are from 4ish to 12ish, depending on brand and store Grocery outlet has the deals, places like Safeway and Freddie's were already overpriced, now I dont even step foot in there.
Phoenix: Eggs $10 Gas: $3.69 Bread: 🤷♀️ Milk, half gallon: $6 Bacon: 🤷♀️
Michigan - metro Detroit Eggs $4-5 Gas $3.09 Wonder bread $3 Milk $2.89 Bacon $4-5
NoVA. I think eggs were like $7.50 last time. I don't eat many of them so it's hard to say. I also don't eat Wonder Bread or much bacon, so I have no idea. I also don't drive much because I'm WFH, so not sure what current gas price is. Hope that helps.
We buy the 1.5Dz x-large eggs for $9.16
Gas is about $2.50 average
I don't buy wonder bread but the superior HEB whole white and they are $2.48/loaf now (up 40 cents)
Bacon is like $4.50 for a 1lb package
CT... 5$ for eggs... gas..2.80- 3.46 a gallon. Groceries about 300 for 4 people..i shop around alot..smokes is inthink 15-20$ a pack
Illinois but closer to STL than Chicago.
*Eggs: No clue. Our household is in a vicious cycle of my husband and I having scrambled days a few eggs in a row, his food hoarder mom who lives with us being like "OMG THEY'VE BEEN EATING EGGS!!! THEY LIKE EGGS!!! I BETTER BUY ALL THE EGGS!!!" and buying 3-5 cartons when they're on sale, husband and I getting burnt out on eggs partially due to MIL trashing our kitchen kinda killing our appetite, then most of the eggs going bad because our house is sort of the final stop in MIL's social circle's food hoarding chain. I fucking hate it. Sometimes I wish we were the ones on food stamps instead of her so we could only buy eggs when we want/need them, prices be damned.
Gas: $3:13 last I checked. We frequently go across the river to get it cheaper.
White Wonder Bread: We don't eat that kind of bread lol so I once again have no clue. When we do get bread, usually croissants or Hawaiian rolls, they're usually $3-$5 and MIL likes to hoard them too. Buys too much bread after we ask her not too, insists she'll eat some but eats like one or none, then guilts us when enough bread to feed a house of 10 goes moldy because we didn't wanna make ourselves sick or fat eating too much of something we practically beg her to not buy too much of. At this point, I believe she's not only a hoarder but a feeder. Guilting us into eating so much we get get fat like her is 100% her intention.
Bacon: Also no clue. Like the eggs, we only ever buy it when it's on sale and that was a couple months ago. I think it was $2 a pack. Yes, MIL hoards that too. At least it freezes better than eggs or bread though.
Milk: We only get the cartons of evaporated milk for $2-$3 (MIL hoards milk too so I convinced her to buy that instead because it stays good longer and takes up less space) so I have no clue what whole milk costs here anymore.
Maine but I shop in NH. Eggs are $3-$10 a dozen depending on what kind you get. Gas is around $2.79-$2.95 a gallon and we spend roughly $700 a month for my family of 4.
Southwest Wisconsin here. Gas has been 2.99 for the last six months. Eggs are $5-8 a dozen, plain white bread is $2.something, bacon is $5-$8 a pound. No idea on cigarettes, sorry
Specify white eggs. They are more expensive than brown right now, and it’s ridiculous that people are still buying them
Eggs can range anywhere from $4.99 to 8.99 from what I’ve seen so far. I don’t buy gas, white wonder bread or milk so I’m not too sure about that. I also rarely buy bacon and when I do, I get it in bulk at Costco and freeze it when I’m not using… last time I got 3 packs for $18. NYC
Eggs, $9-10 in most groceries. Target is a bit less, like 6.50. Trader Joe’s is 3.49 but limit one per customer and limited available. (All per dozen)
West KY
Eggs: $5.97/dozen
Gas: $2.44/gallon
Milk: $2.84/gallon
Bacon: $4.24/lb
Wonder bread: $2.92
$2.84 for a gallon of milk? Wow, so cheap
City in Los Angeles county, CA
Gas 4.49 Eggs 8.20 a dozen large at Walmart and Aldi Milk 3.89 a gallon Wonder bread 2.92 but I buy whole wheat bread 3.48
Orlando FL - grocery prices are from a Walmart neighborhood market as of yesterday afternoon
Eggs: $5.97/dozen Milk (whole) $2.86/gallon Bread: $3 for a Sara Lee loaf, didn't look at fresh baked Bacon: no clue as I don't eat it
Gas was $3.049 but it's been fluctuating a lot - highest I saw in the past week or so was $3.399, lowest I saw was $3.019.
Illinois. About 7 bucks for a dozen.
I don't buy any of those things except gas. Gas is like...often under $4 a gallon which seems good because it was higher for a while? I have to fill my tank like once a month and that's often under $30 now.
(IL) $2.99 for gas this week, $4.99 for eggs, $7.99 for bacon (really varies a lot week-to-week). Don't buy bread regularly. Maybe a half-loaf (Butternut sells half-loaves) in the summer for BLTs, so no current price. Milk was $4.29.
Vineland NJ Eggs about $7 a dozen Bacon was $9 I don’t pay attention to the price of bread Organic milk was $6 a half gallon
Eggs is 3.99 a dozen we buy the 28$ 60pack our chickens will start laying for spring thank god. Gas in 2.72 gallon 4 even for milk Bacon I pay 8 for the 2lb pack Wonder bread is 3 I think. Rural Missouri
I’m in Arkansas too, and I just checked a few things. Sam’s Club is almost half as much as Walmart!
I'm actually about to head to the store so I will update you in an hour or so
Gas 3.09 at Sams club. Eggs from local farmer are 5 bucks a dozen Milk is 4.66 a gallon. Scranton PA Bacon has gone down in price. 3.99 a pound Cigs are 9.66 a pack. In PA tobacco tax is 2.60 a pack. Egad I remember walking to a local store for my mother and cigs were 35 cents a pack in the late 60s
I buy my eggs from neighbors who raise chickens, averages $4.50/dozen
Gas is right around $3/gallon for regular
I paid $2.98/gallon for milk this weekend.
I buy homemade sourdough made with local organic flour from a local bakery for $6 for a big heavy loaf.
On the rare occasions I get bacon, it comes from a local farm, he doesn't charge by the pound, every now and then I go buy $100 worth of mixed beef and pork from him. He barely charges me anything, I probably get 40-plus pounds of things like beef tenderloin from him for that money.
Now ask me how much my propane and electricity cost.
Our local Walmart is running a dozen eggs for $3.98 and regular unleaded for $2.73/gal.
Orange County, CA - Eggs are anywhere from $8 - $12 a dozen depending on what store you go to, bacon is about $10 a pack, not sure about milk and bread cause I don't really buy those. Unleaded gas averages $4.80 a gallon, again, depending on the gas station/location.
Eggs are at $8 a dozen where I am (central Florida). They have two dozen at costco for $10 but, not surprisingly, are out of stock.
I don’t buy milk or bread very often. My roommate is lactose intolerant so, when I buy milk, it’s a half gallon or smaller so it’s used up within a few days.
And I buy keto bread occasionally. It’s $7 a loaf and lasts a month for me. You can keep it in the fridge and it doesn’t mold etc.
I’m quite upset about the eggs. I enjoy a good soft boiled egg or a soy sauce marinated egg as a snack. But, I’m not spending $8 for them.
Ventura, CA
Eggs - average is $9/dz in most grocery stores (Ralphs/Kroger is higher, as is Vons.. if you can catch Trader Joe's before they sell out, you might be able to get them for $4.99.)
Gas - cheapest I see locally is $4.55/gal, but average is probably closer to $4.75
white bread - $4.49 (I buy store brand, but I think that's close to what I've seen)
milk - $4/gal (unless you need A2 like I do, in which case, It's $5.49 per half gallon)
bacon - $7 per 12 oz package.
cigarettes - I don't smoke, but I think major brands like Marlboro are close to $13 a pack now.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I shop at Aldi.
Eggs: $5.97
Gas: $2.74 with 15% ethanol because it's a pain to find without thanks to our corn bullshit
12 grain whole wheat bread: $2.49 (their version of the Brownberry equivalent)
Milk: $2.79/gallon
Bacon: I don't eat processed meats, but I can get 99% lean ground turkey for $4.99/lb, b/s chicken breast for $3.49 and thigh for $2.89. This is regular pricing - they have sales on meat that make it easy to buy cheaper.
North Central Washington State
I live in a small town about 60 miles north of Wenatchee (nearest metro hub of about 40,000 people). So the first price is my small town grocery store, the 2nd is about what it costs at WinCo in Wenatchee (we aim to go there about once a month and stock up)
Eggs $7 dz. Or last month I paid $4.50 for 18 at WinCo. Gas. $3.99 or $3.60 ish at Costco last I checked Bread $5 a loaf in my small town or $3 at WinCo. I tend to buy Franz or Naked brand Milk. $5.50/gal or $3.25 at WinCo.
Bacon $6 a pack or $4.50/lb. for WinCo economy bacon (tastes okay not sliced consistently). It's about $8/lb for midgrade bacon, $6 for a large pack.
As you can see, just shopping at a larger discount chain makes such a huge difference.
Eggs : $4.48 Milk : $2.96 Wonder bread : $2.92 Bacon : $5.48/lb Gas : $2.60-$2.90
Central MO
Eggs: $5.97/doz
Gas: $3.29/gal
Wonder bread: $2.92/20 oz
Milk: $3.74/gal
Bacon: $3.64/12 oz
Southeastern WI. A dozen eggs at Aldi yesterday was $5.97, gas $2.89. Not sure about bread.
I'm from Kansas but all of these are from the Missouri side of State Line. The gas would be a little higher in Kansas.
Gas - $2.65. Missouri runs maybe 5-7 cents lower than Kansas thanks to lower gas taxes. (Missouri's roads are noticeably worse as a result.)
Eggs - around $8 for a 24-pack
Milk - $3.50ish
Bread - I don't buy that brand, but a 2-loaf pack of whole wheat is about $4.50
Bacon - don't buy often but I think a 3-4 pound pack runs about $4 per pound.
Smokes - no idea but I hear people talk about how Missouri has cheap smokes. Kansans drive across State Line to buy all the time. In fact, there are "discount cigs" shops right there within a block of the line for this purpose.
Bethesda, MD
Eggs are $4.99/doz at Whole Foods
Gas is like $3.29/gal for regular
Milk is $5/gal or so
I don’t buy wonder bread or bacon very often
Filled up this weekend. Regular gas was $2.79 a gallon.
Pittsburgh: Eggs between $3 and 6 per dozen Gas $3-4 per gallon Milk: $4-5 per gallon Bacon, bread, no idea, I don’t eat them.
Southern California.
Eggs run $4 to 6.50
Gas $5.00
Wonder bread…I wouldn’t touch it so no clue
Milk $12/ gallon
Bacon $7 to 15 bucks a pound, depending on quality.
Suburbs of Madison, WI - gas is $2.69 a gallon at the cheapest place, which is usually Costco, and I got eggs for $3.99 for a dozen large brown a few days ago. I don’t buy the other items - the wheat bread I buy is about $4 a loaf, and we drink Almond Milk and we get it at Costco for about $12 for 12 containers that are 32 ounces each.
Seattle, WA
Eggs: I pay $7.99/doz for free range
Gas: $4.20 / $4 at Costco per gallon
I’ve never bought wonder bread but I did buy a loaf of sourdough from a bakery and it was $8
Oat milk: $4.49
I'm in Maple Valley, WA Gas is $4.75, sometimes 20-50cents off depending on Kroger rewards
Eggs- my Fred Meyer has not had them in a few weeks, but the price tag is $10.99/dozen
I buy half gallons of milk and it's $2.99
Kroger brand soft wheat bread is $2.99
Central Virginia:
Eggs - I have chickens so don't buy them, but I think they're around $4.99/dozen
Gas - $2.89/gallon
Wonder Bread - I don't buy it, but I think it's $1.99/loaf.
Milk - $3.99/gallon
Bacon - I think like $4.99/pound?
Milk $4.60/gal. 12 higher end eggs are like $8 i think store brands are about $5 or $6. Wonder bread is like $3.00 but I don't buy that i get better bread for like $5. A pound of bacon at my local butcher is $8 and it's like $6-7 for 12 oz at the grocery store (no idea why you would buy worse bacon for more there).
Gas is 3.15 got it yesterday.
I'm in Northern Illinois.
Eggs - Last time I looked, was getting $4 a dozen. Gas - $2.75 a gallon Wonder bread - idk, never bought it Milk - $2.70 a gallon Bacon - I think like $3 a pound
In Minnesota
Upstate NY - all prices for Hannaford grocery store (except gas).
Eggs: 8.49/dozen. White, grade A, large Gas: $3/gal cheapest, but price as high as $3.30/gal Wonder Bread: $2.99/20 oz loaf Bacon: $4.99/lb, store brand
Was at Walmart on Friday. Larger sizes, 18+. Not a single dozen available. And these were going for over $8/dozen.
Georgia - I got gas this morning for $2.99 a gallon. Bacon is about $10 a pack, but the thing is some brand of it is almost always buy one get one free. I don't pay much attention to the cost of eggs because they are so good for you I just get them, but I feel they are in the $4-5 dollar range for Eggsland Best.
(Never buy Wonderbread or bacon)
Humboldt county, California
Long Island area
Eggs: anywhere from $4 - $8 (could vary) Gas: $2.83 a few days ago Wonder bread: no idea I make my own bread - I didn’t even know wonder bread still existed Milk: anywhere from $3-$8 for a half gallon (organic grass fed) Bacon: no idea we don’t buy it so I never pay attention
Eggs are currently $5.99/doz.
Gas is currently $2.68/gallon
Wonder bread (had to look it up since I haven't had it in 25 years): $1.99
Bacon (cheapest brand): $4.99/lb. $6-8 is more common for name brand.
I'm from Minnesota, USA.
Just outside of Raleigh, NC. All grocery prices are from Food Lion, one of the more affordable stores in the area.
Eggs - $5.99/dozen
Food Lion brand 2% Milk - $2.69 gallon
Wonder Bread - $3.69 (Nature’s Own is $3.89)
Food Lion brand bacon - $4.29 (other brands are $7-$8)
Gas - around $2.50 a gallon. I filled up my sedan last week for $35.
Berkeley, CA. Costco prices for these.
Eggs: $4.50 / dozen
Gas: $4.80 / gallon
Bacon $13.59 / 1.5 lb
Don't buy white bread, but flour: $5.99 / 25 lb (approx. 52 loaves)
Central Virginia
Gas is like $2.98 Eggs are ~$6-$9 depending on the count I can’t eat gluten so can’t help with that I only buy non dairy so it’s like ~$5? But that’s normal Bacon is $4-$8 depending on what you get
Holy crap I have no idea
$7-$13 for eggs. Bread depends on the brand. Bacon $5-$7. Milk depends on what brand it is. I'm in California.
Suburban NE Ohio checking in
Not sure about the cheapest, but the locally farmed free range eggs I get have gone from $5 to $7 a dozen. I only go through 1-2 dozen a month so their price isn't a concern for me.
Haven't bought gas in years, looks like roughly $3 a gallon I think.
Dave's bread is the same $5-$6 a loaf it's always been. Consumed even less often than eggs so not that concerned about the price.
Milk is $2.75-$3 a gallon. Hasn't changed much in years.
Couldn't tell you about bacon.
Just over the border in SC, suburb of Charlotte.
Eggs: Local friend of a friend, $3 farm fresh Gas: 2.60 Wonder Bread: I’m not sure, but prob like $4 Bacon: I wait for sales and usually $4-5 a package when it drops.
I buy eggs by the 18 and they're $10.99 for regular old guess is that they'll continue to go up a bit with bird flu and 160M+ birds being culled. Gas bounces around like always with the price of oil which is a global commodity...I paid $3.09 early last week...same station over the weekend was $2.75...this morning $2.99. Zero clue on Wonder Bread...I haven't eaten that in 40+ years. I have no idea on bacon's usually something we either get for a special occasion breakfast or breakfast out. Cigarettes, no clue but I know my state taxes the hell out of them.
Eggs are 7.99 for 18
Gas is 2.89/gallon
Milk is 2.79/gallon
Tyson bacon was on sale last week for 3.50/pound
When I quit smoking in 2018 Marlboro and Winston were still 40 dollars a carton in Kentucky, now close to 100 a carton
One question at a time please
Eggs were $5-7 per dozen at Aldi (metro Detroit) when I shopped yesterday. That seems standard here: Meijer's website is giving prices of $5–7.50 per dozen.
I don't buy Wonder bread, but Meijer has it priced at $3.59. I rarely buy milk, but Mejier's price is $2.62/gal for store brand and $4.50 and up for name brands. Bacon is $5.49/lb at the lowest on their website (can't remember what I paid at Costco last month).
AAA states that the average gas price in my county is $3.001/gal. I've never purchased cigarettes so no idea how much those cost.
Norwalk, Ohio
Eggs are $5.97 for a dozen at Walmart (no idea what our local grocery stores have them priced at)
The bread is $2.92.
I was too lazy to look up the other foods.
Gas is currently $2.87 for Regular in my city.
Eggs $2.99-3.49/doz
Milk: $2.59/gal
Gas: $2.67/gal
I don't buy wonder bread but store brand white bread is like $1.50ish. haven't bought bacon in a while, I buy the precooked packs for $2.99-3.99
Central NJ (yes we exist)
A dozen eggs was just under $6.00 at Aldi
Gas - around $3 but there are stations that are charging more because they can.
Can’t comment on milk, bread, or bacon.
Eggs are \~$10. Gas is \~$2.65. No idea what the others cost.
I live in New York City so everything has always been mad expensive lol. It’s actually cheaper for me to instacart groceries from the Wegmans in Brooklyn than it is for me to shop at my neighborhood grocery store.
Nashville TN:
Price at Aldi (or the cheapest for gas)
Eggs $4.99/doz
Gas $2.89/gal
Milk around $4 (I live alone so never buy a gallon)
Don't buy Wonder Bread but $3.25 for Aldi Sourdough
Bacon was around $6 for 12 oz last I bought at Aldi.
Soccoro NM
Ega are 5.34 Gas is around 3.00 for regular unleaded Wonder bread is 2.92 Milk is 3.38 Bacon is 6.47
All prices from Wally World.
Outside Cincinnati, Ohio
Eggs are $5.97/doz or $8.82 for 18 at Walmart. I usually get cage free at Sam's Club but they've been out for awhile.
I haven't checked gas prices in a couple days, but last I paid was $2.74/gal.
Wonder Bread is $2.92 for a loaf of the name brand. Walmart brand is $1.42. Milk is $2.58/gal. Bacon varies based on brand and thickness, but it is around $4.50-$6.50/lb.
If you want to, one thing you can do is to use incognito mode in your browser and pull up grocery store websites to see what things cost in different areas by setting your Zip code to a zip code from that area. You can get Zip codes by googling a business in that area and looking at the address.
In my area, Eggs are about $5-8 per dozen, which is up significantly from $2.50 a dozen last November. Last summer, eggs cost about $2 per dozen, on frequent sale at $1 a dozen. There are several major egg farms near where I live.
Milk is about $2.69 a gallon, on regular sale.
In terms of white bread, the store brand is like $1.50, Sunbeam bread is like $2.50 a loaf, and Wonder Bread is like $3.50 a loaf. (I actually prefer Sunbeam, myself.)
Gas is about $3 a gallon, although it has been down. At Sam's, right now, it's $2.55/ gal.
Adding to this: If you have a Walmart or Target app, you can change your zip code and pick a different store to see the different prices. Choose "in store" to make sure you're not getting the price for ordering online n
Houston, Texas
Eggs are around $4 a dozen
Gas is around $2.50- $2.75 per gallon for regular
We buy the cheapest bread for our kids lunches- $1 a loaf
Milk is $3 per gallon for 2%
Bacon is around $5- $6 per pound
These are all Kroger prices. The eggs, milk, and bacon are all about $0.50 - $1 cheaper at Sam's Club.
So checked my grocery apps: Milk 5.99/ gallon. Eggs 5.89-9.99/dozen, wonder bread 3.79, bacon 10.99/lb. Gas is between 2.95 - 3.50 depending on where you go. In Columbus Oh
Metro Detroit area.
Eggs were $5.50/dozen when I bought them last week.
Gas is about $3.10/gallon.
Bread (Brownberry) was $3 last time I bought it.
Milk was $2.89 for a gallon last week.
I don't know about bacon, I make my own. Pork bellies are usually $4-$5/lb at Costco.
Here in North GA gas is $2.77/gallon, eggs are around $4/dozen last time I was at the store. Other things on the list are fairly cheap as well.