This “pizza” I found at a gas station in ITALY (of all places), with hod dogs and fries as topping.
Posted by shantiteuta@reddit | shittyfoodporn | View on Reddit | 500 comments

Its actually a very popular pizza topping, especially in south italy afaik.
“American pizza”
revenge for our "Italian seasoning"?
Italian seasoning is just oregano, thyme, and marjoram. It's genuine Italian seasonings
There's nothing wrong with those herbs or that combination of them. "Italian Seasoning" tends to be a lot like sawdust in both flavor and texture. Those herbs should be fresh not not dried and stored in a bottle for months/years.
Jesus Christ dude you need to eat some actual sawdust.
Allow me to suggest dinizia
You’re getting way too worked up over internet comments from people you don’t know.
Oh buddy, I’m not worked up. Idgaf if you eat dried herbs or not… don’t flatter yourself. Just saying, you’ve clearly never eaten real saw dust. I’ve eaten a LOT of sawdust. Just because you’re wrong doesn’t mean I’m bothered about it, that’s just bad math. A mouthful of real sawdust will change your stance here real quickly. 🤷♀️
Why are you eating so much sawdust???
Dried herbs and fresh herbs have different uses
Super practical advice for the average household, thanks
The average household would benefit from fresh Thyme Rosemary and Parsley growing in your windowsill. If you water it you have free flavor for years to come.
The one I get normally also has basil and parsley
Are basil and parsley not Italian? Because my very Italian grandmother put parsley in everything.
I had believed them to be, that was why I was confused when they only said those three things
Ah ok, that makes sense.
Revenge for Kraft """Parmesan""" cheese
And a coke with ice please.
A...are you not drinking cold or iced coke???
In the south of itally (and malta) you also find pizzas with potatoes on em (not fried), usually with rosamary too. If you add maltese sausage (heavily spiced and salted sausage, with coriander as the main spice) then its pizza Maltin
I've had potato pizza on a "white pizza" with ricotta instead of tomato. Rosemary and pancetta on top. Don't know whether it's traditional anywhere, so I wouldn't dare call it Italian.
can't tell you if that in particular is; but its very deffinitley a common thing to have potatoe on pizza in Itally.
I want to know more but I can't find this pizza maltin on
Can you link me up?
Searching it up I'm not finding anything (there are a lot of poorly documented Maltese foods online). But it's one of those ones that most Maltese pizza places have (not the ones doing specifically neopolitan style, but doing more local stuff). It varies from place to place but always topped with stereotypically Maltese things. Potatoes and Maltese sausage are v common, but you also find olives and dried peppered ġbejniet on em (can be replaced by any quick dried goats or sheep's cheese and some pepper), some places add boiled eggs too, but that's probably the most devicive topping (I hate it personally). If you wanna try making it at home, look up how people in Rome do potatoes on pizza, and you can make your own Maltese sausage mix easily. Traditionally Maltese sausages are made in autumn when we get a particularly dry wind, heavily salted and then left to dry in that wind. You get a particularly taste from that, so most people don't bother making em and buy them from the local butchers instead. If you're making em at home I recommend leaving the mix to sit over night in the fridge so it all gets to know it's self. For pizza or pasta you really don't need to worry about stuffing it into a casing, you usually pop it out anyways.
This recipe looks about right to me for the sausage:
We use Maltese sausage on pizzas, in pastas, tomatoey stews etc. Any where that it can lend it's strong taste out or lend the salt etc. We also like, always include em when we're doing BBQs, but they're so salty you really can't have more then 1 in that context lol.
You're fucking awesome
Thank you for this. I will absolutely try all of these suggestions
People like you make reddit what it is
I like talking about my local food xx
enjoy xx
My Roman friends make pizza with potatoes all the time. Everyone loves it.
This actually sounds good. I would try it.
"Würstel" are an Austrian thing, especially in Vienna
last time i checked wurstel was a german thing
This is probably up north, near the border to Austria as the two cultures mix prominently there. I noticed it when I drove through there last year. You are still in Italy but everything looks Austrian, very weird.
That looks absolutely revolting. I live in the Midwest and I’ve never seen a pizza that gross looking.
It says "Pizza Worse than Palpatine"
But somehow….
They spit on our culture by not drenching the "American" pizza in enough ranch and hot sauce to kill an elephant.
The americano I had in sardegna was sausage and fries. It was good
Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!
My first thought
Pizza Vienesse
More often with french fries though
I worked at a pizza place for a bit and the manager made a pizza for baseball season that was essentially just this. It didn’t sell lmao
europeans have the audacity to talk smack about american food like it's all mcdonalds and burger king, . meanwhile they have hotdog and fries pizza? 😩
It's all about the median. Median American food is shitty fast food, or around 50% grease/sugar/corn syrup/salt.
Median in Italy is actually nutritious and with actual taste.
Can you find shit in both? Yes. Can you find Michelin starred places in both? Yes. But most of what American restaurants propose is disgusting to the average European, and I'm saying this just after getting back from 25 days in the US. 4.5+ stars on Google Maps, expensive, hipstery place, doesn't matter, there's at least 50% it will be almost inedible.
Whew that’s some ethnocentric bullshit if I’ve ever heard it.
Ahh, but you see...he just got back from 25 days in Europe! Respect the expertise please!
25 days in the US, where, regardless of price or reviews, I had around a total of 2-3 good meals.
What part of the country were you in? That seems like an impossible feat. Did you only go to chain restaurants?
Las Vegas, San Diego, Palm Springs, Los Angeles.
Good point, around half of all restaurants are a chain of some sort, with the majority being shit. And no, the only chain I went to was a Denny's because it was literally the only edible looking food in a small town on the road; everything else was "proper" restaurants, never below 4.2 stars on Google with reading of reviews to avoid fake ones.
Be it ramen that tasted like there's butter in the broth and the meat had no taste, eggs floating in the oil they were fried in, the vast majority of food was shit.
There were some genuinely good ones as well, of course, but it's rare and hard to find. And even in good ones, the European in me has to remember that when they say burrata, they don't mean the real thing and it's at best a poor imitation, at worst some weird mozza like blob.
Next time, get some advice, since your review analysis clearly didn't succeed.
If you can't find acceptable food in a city like LA, that's a "you" problem, not an 'all American food is horrible' problem. Excellent restaurants are all over the place. America has fantastic restaurants in every imaginable style. Obviously, second-rate restaurants exist as well, just as they exist all over Italy.
Next time, get recommendations, and you'll be pleasantly surprised. It appears a lack of effective research affected your choices.
It helps if you can read. I found acceptable and even good food (in LA, not in Pahrump), and I never said all American food is horrible. Just that the median is, and it shows by the obesity epidemic.
Your point isn't very complex. It is just wrong. You said that out of 25 days, so over 50-75 meals, you found only two or three meals that weren't terrible. Then you used this result to declare the median meal is terrible.
That's what earned the responses. You were incompetent at finding good food, so your experience and findings have little merit. Had you done a better job you'd have a less distorted concept of what is available at Anerican restaurants.
You reveal your inexperience over and over- for example, declaring that if you saw burrata on a menu that it can't actually be burrata, it must be some imposter. In reality, burrata is readily available and very common, especially at nicer restaurants. You're quite naive and not nearly as worldly as you seem to think you are.
I've eaten burrata thrice in American restaurants, always on the nicer side, and none were what I'd call real burrata but poor imitations. It might be common, but none of the ones I've had were anywhere near as good as real burrata from Italy.
Not meal, restaurant. If the places I went to were on the higher and better end, I don't want to imagine how shit cheap and fast food is. (I mean I can imagine, I've had burger king in the US by mistake, it was vile).
But again, you didn't go to good restaurants, since you were unable to find them. I've had plenty of burrata in American restaurants that is the same as what you get in Italian restaurants.
You didn't actually go to good restaurants, as far as I can tell, and your opinions are distorted by your inexperience. You only listed two places you went (which I believe you disliked) and one was a chain pancake place. This represents your choices?
I might as well declare that restaurants in Europe are mediocre because low end chains and generally bad restaurants exist there too, and the rate of obesity there is increasing rapidly as well.
There is also a difference between a regular restaurant and a burger king...just like there is in Europe.
Those areas are absolutely full of expensive tourist traps! I'd recommend finding a subreddit for the city next time you're travelling around the US. I live in a fairly small city, but there's a wealth of incredible food here. Some of the best places I've ever eaten in my life have "bad" reviews. I've learned to ignore the reviews, and follow the locals/check subreddits for real recommendations.
Sorry you had such a bad experience, but I promise that there are incredible food scenes if you know who to ask! Big cities are hard to navigate, especially cities that are major tourist destinations.
That's all on you. You gotta go somewhere beside Applebee's, or McDonald's. There are shitty restaurants everywhere.
The fact that shitty fast food is so prevalent and that's what everyone assumes I ate at only helps my argument - the median quality of food in the US is shit.
Ni, I only ate at real restaurants that were highly rated.
Not really. We know what questions to ask because people like you exist. Foreigners spend all this time and money planning out their vacations in the US yet, never bother to take the time to actually look up local restaurants to eat at. So they just eat Gas Station Hot Dogs and McDonald's Big Macs during their stay before going online to complain about how terrible the food is in the US. This isn't the slam dunk on the American food scene like you think this is. You visited major cities yet, couldn't find any good food? That's a skill issue on your part.
As I said a million times, I didn't eat any fast food or went to any chain. Only ate at supposedly high rated normal restaurants, and the vast majority of it was bad.
It's a skill issue on my part that most of what American restaurants have to offer is shit, and one has to actually have tried most of them to know which ones aren't? How is a tourist supposed to know which ones are actually good, and not paid reviews or whatever?
are you being intentionally dense
Yeah, I spent too long eating shit greasy salty food.
It's a European trait
Asking locals? City tourism boards? You're clearly a Reddit user so these major cities you listed as visiting have their own subreddits. You could ask them for recommendations based on what you like or wanna try. It very much is still a skill issue and a You problem, not an America problem. How do you spend 25 days in a country, in multiple different major cities with amazing food scenes, and barely find a decent meal? Either you're lying about your experiences or your standards and expectations are just ludicrously bullshit that nothing was going to satisfy you. As someone born in California, I absolutely refuse to believe you wouldn't have been able to find good food in SoCal city like Los Angeles.
Not really, it just means you weren't looking hard enough. We know how to avoid these places and where to look. You don't, which is why you should have asked for help on where to dine.
American cuisine is incredibly diverse and even varies state-to-state in some cases. If you just didn't want ti look hard enough to experience American food culture, then that's on you.
Yeah, that actually makes it worse. Lmao.
You can find whatever type of food you want here...apparently you just went for the low hanging fruit.
Sure you can. If you know, because online reviews are useless (lots of top rated restaurants are still pretty terrible quality wise).
And again, my point is that median quality is shit, not that there is no good food whatsoever.
You blew it. You failed at finding food in America. We all know it from what you said. There's nothing for you to defend or argue. You just fucked up, and that's on you.
"I went to America and ate at gas stations and fast food places therefore it is America that has bad food and not I who lacks critical thinking skills."
I ate at neither, only good rated proper restaurants.
“The Burger King was rated 5 stars though”
You are a liar. One thing pretty much everyone who visits agree to is in America you greater access to both worse and better places to eat than most of the world. If you couldn't find good places to eat then you are either lying or you lack the critical thinking skills to differentiate between good and bad. It's a you problem either way.
Please post every restaurant you ate at. If you were in major cities, there should have been many good restaurants and then...the others. One thing is you can eat so many different cuisines in many of the major cities.
I’ve had 3 excellent restaurant meals here in SF this week alone 😅
Sounds like you don’t know how to find good food at all, mate. You have no experience.
You can find great food at every price point in every urban area of this country.
Yeah, I can find great food in Cost Rica, Bulgaria, UK, Denmark, Germany, Sri Lanka but the US is just special, right? You sound like you have experience, how does one find good quality food in the US other than what I used, google maps and the Michelin guide? Is there some secret place Americans with taste buds note places where the food tastes like what it should and not everything floats in oil and salt?
Skill issue
I have not been part of this discussion yet, but maybe the way I find good restaurants will help you. I look for small businesses, like the Thai place down the road that is run by one woman, or the Hawaiian place run by a family, or the fish-and-chips stop downtown. Sincerely, thinking about it, I can come up with at least six truly good spots in the immediate area, and I live in a commercial hub choked by tons of chain shit.
Reviews are unreliable not only because of fakes, but because there are so many genuine reviews written by people with poor taste. Unfortunately, knowing where to get good food is a matter of experience from experimentation. I do believe sticking to small businesses is key, though.
Google reviews are completely useless and can easily be manipulated by restaurant owners. But I have a hard time believing you had shitty food at a bunch of Michelin recommended places, their criteria in the US are generally consistent with what they would be in any country. is good, TripAdvisor is fairly reliable as well
I actually think he's just lying
I realized pretty quickly that he’s just a troll.
That’s incredibly improbable, there’s obviously plenty of bad food but there’s also a lot of incredible food in the US. If you fucked up that many meals and you weren’t in some backwoods with no options that’s on you.
Skill issue Europoor.
Sounds like user error
What does cuisine have to do with ethnicity?
Ethnocentric - Adjective - Characterized by or based on the attitude that one's own group is superior.
“Ehat does cuisine have to do with ethnicity”
Oh yeah you 100% got some midwestern white people making Mexican food didnt you lol
You’re evaluating what YOU expect for food through whatever pretentious lens you have. If I wanted pasta and was served a burrito I’d be upset because I got the wrong food, not that the food was bad.
You apparently went to some dogshit chain restaurants and you’re pissed that it isn’t some fucking snooty French fine dining. Since you keeping median that would mean that you’re saying that, by quantity, 50% of all of the restaurants in the country of 340,000,000 people serves objectively shitty food after a 25 day visit. Thats a hell of a fucking leap.
Using Google to find food reviews isn't the way. Many of the reviews are faked and businesses can pay to get their places listed higher.
Some of the best places to eat in my town are middling price or even cheap, and have almost zero ambiance/atmosphere. Just linoleum floors, industrial chairs, and some second-hand decorations.
Alaska is roughly the same size as Europe lol
Can't tell if you're an arrogant European or a hipster American
He’s got an Italian flag tattooed on his lower back so his lover can sing Il Canto degli Italiani while’s he’s getting pegged.
Lol op too dumb to use Google to find good food.
Europe has chilis and McDonalds too. All Italian food with tomatoes is not Italian either, it's american now. Enjoy your adult Mac and cheese
What a median IQ take
Everyone is dogpiling on you, yet no one actually gave a good rebuttal.
Just look at obesity, fitness, and public health. Italians at a glance should be morbidly obese, with their diet consisting carbs, oil, carbs, butter, carbs, perserved meats, and carbs, yet they’re one of the healthiest countries in the world. Others are quick to point out that the U.S has healthier options, but they’re just inflating what’s really there.
Calling the average Italian dish nutritious is actually fucking hilarious. Do they grow anything but tomatoes over there?
Peaches, nectarines, apples, lettuce, kiwis, artichokes, pears, potatoes, grapes, olives and many more other than tomatoes are grown and eaten in Italy.
I'm not Italian, but I'm pretty sure you can find more vitamins and protein the leftovers of Italian food than in the average American plate.
Give us an example of something you ordered from a restaurant that was inedible in your eyes
I don't remember them all, I prefer to focus on the positives. Two that stuck with me:
Richard Walker's pancake whatever in San Diego. The eggs were floating in oil, the hash was burned and raw and oily at the same time, the pancakes were chewy and tasted like pure sugar.
Izakaya in Pasadena. The ramen broth tasted like it had butter, and the veggies inside were obviously from a can. The meat had no taste.
You managed to find bad food in Pasadena? Im almost impressed, since theres an incredible amount of amazing restaurants there
You're so aggressively wrong
America is a big country and it sounds like you chose to eat at some gnarly places. You’re also aware that Google Maps reviews aren’t to be trusted, right?
Würstels and french fries.. not "hot dogs" totally different. Go study, your country is not the center of the world. 😆 Non rompere i coglioni.
I’m sure it’s a totally different highly processed meat paste in a tube.
This shows how Americans are so dumb and ignorant. 😂 in a tube???? 🤣 STUDIA E NON ROMPERE IL CAZZO.
You don’t know what shape intestines are? That’s incredibly “dumb and ignorant” as you like to call it.
I was a butcher, I know well what I am talking about. You calling it as a tube doesnt make sense. Würstel is not the same as the hot dog. Studia.
You don’t know what a tube is then?
Würstel and hot dog are not the same, do you understand that btw? Or you are like the classic American who thinks to know everything and that in Europe the food is the same as yours? Study.
i think you replied to the wrong thing. they’re asking a math question and you’re telling them about food.
Why are you still talking about hot dogs? I was asking if you knew what a tube was. I’m going to assume you never had geometry in school.
Dude, I don't even need to answer to you. 😂 I was a butcher and doing salami, pork stuff, so fly down.
Ok, so we can all agree that you never learned what a tube was and since wursel aren’t hot dogs then they definitely not a meat paste made from pork and beef with spices cooked in a natural casing because that is what a hot dog is.
Look at the post title. I am referring to them as hot dogs because the OP referred to them as hot dogs. And honestly, regardless, the sausage on the pizza here looks almost exactly like american hot dogs. If I tried to call them by a different name y'all would probably come at me about appropriating your language to try to sound cool or something.
American: breathes
Euro Asshole: Stupid Americans!
🙄 Fuck off
this is a gas station snack. and while the topping choice seems basic, it still looks handmade and relatively well prepared.
sausage and fries is a popular topping, mainly associated with children and teens. that doesnt stop adults, but there are more sophisticated options.
The point still stands that Americans get held to the standard of our worst fast-food / convenience food, but European cuisine is measured and stereotyped by its higher-end offerings
… at least on the internet lol
I love it when the people without pompous pretentious attitudes from Europe get off their pedestal and are like: “oh yea we totally eat this random shit cus it’s cheap, we also eat the American food too but do t let our neighbors know teehee!”
I’ve seen enough basic ass plates from Europe: a plate of 5 ingredients but no seasonings and nothing is mixed together for flavor. Eat that raw onion and raw meat Klaus your superiority is dripping surely, believe me. 🤣🤣🤣 Wouldn’t ever want to be them tbh
For some reason reading this makes me want to go and eat an onion like an apple. Skin on ofc.
The skin adds texture.
Wow, seems like Klaus has hurt your feelings a lot.
Wow, seems like Klaus has hurt your feelings a lot.
Nope, it’s everywhere. While admittedly our lowest denominator is the lowest of the low in the developed world, it’s still ridiculous when people compare Dominoes pizza to a local brick and mortar in Naples and call it fair.
I think it would taste so much better with real crumbled up sausage, instead of hot dogs. I don't want hot dogs on pizza.
Sausage is a popular topping in the US too, so it's disingenuous to call hot dogs sausages here lol
You should see the pizza with döner kebab and sauce hollandaise.
that shit slaps, what the fuck are you talking about.
yes. your high fructose corn syrup that you call food doesn't hold a candle to european food, sorry. A gas station snack won't change that.
Stuff like this is vastly more common in the USA, than food like this is in Italy.
I mean that’s how American food is perceived here, you’d be hard pressed to find an answer different from fatty burgers/fries/artery clogging shit if you asked someone what American food is like
I've seen it in a lot of different places all over Italy. I still think it's a pizza for children.
And the far superior version is pizza di patate e rosmarino.
That pizza in the video looks really good ngl
Correct, it started in the 90s-00s as a pizza for kids. Mostly called "Pizza Baby" but many places used to call it with names of Disney characters (Cip e Ciop or Topolino or Bambi etc...).
Then it was discovered that teenagers and adults like it as well, so to lose the kids aura it was generally rebranded to "Americana"
I've forgotten that in Italy many Disney characters have different names. My favourite will always be Paperino for Donald Duck 😂
Weeeeell technically Paperino is his surname. The first italian translation of Don Rosa's comics established that his first name in italian is Paolino. So he is Paolino Paperino nephew of Paper_one_ de Paper_oni_.
I love it! To my American ears Paolino Paperino seems so formal and proper compared to “Donald Duck.”
I’m picturing an Italian 1960s Cary Grant in slacks, a tweed blazer white button-down shirt and scarf zipping by the Trevi fountain on a Vespa as a shop keeper runs out to shout “Paolino! Ciao Paolino!” as Paolino Paperino goes by.
How sad. We don't eat this in America. Not anywhere I've seen. It's like calling fries French fries.
In the south? Honestly I wouldve understood if this is in Südtirol or Tessin, maybe Aosta valley, but that in the south? Mystical tbh
I live in the south and when I was younger I always ate it especially because my parents said not to. When I started going to the pizzeria with friends they all ordered it just to feel rebellious, something our parents would never buy. The same is happening with pineapple pizza, a famous pizzeria in the center started selling it precisely pushed by YouTubers who for the meme ordered it continuously.
Do you know if the hot dogs taste like American hotdogs?
No because we have sausage which is eaten by everyone and hot dogs which are eaten by young people, I like both (I prefer sausage) but it is difficult to find good hot dogs because to attract they lower the prices to the minimum and thus also reduce the quality, usually hot dogs in a simple local fast food restaurant cost on average €2, a sandwich with sausage at least €8.
In big cities it is easier to find places that offer quality foreign cuisine but it is often overpriced so it is difficult for it to become mainstream compared to the classic Italian sausage.
I doubt it 100%. Even McDonald’s or Burger King has a slightly different taste
That’s what I was thinking. If it’s not the cheap rubbery ‘hot dogs’ I could definitely go for a sausage and potato pizza.
I've seen a ton of kids in the Apulia region eat this, kinda more for kids/teens.
Sometimes you will even find eggs with it
what does it look like before it’s eaten?
Yeah man so good with super fresh crispy fries on a delish neopolitan pizza
What the hell?
You cant be Sure, that would destroy my faith into the great italian Cuisine
the way it is should already have destroyed your faith
What aboit pineapple? 😃
Can confirm was at dinner one night and a table of teens ordered a version like this along with fries on the side.
Extremely popular in all Italy. Americans have weird stereotypes about us, sometimes.
i mean the stereotypes aren't just American, Italians being weird about food traditions is a very widespread stereotype, often perpetuated by Italians being weird about food!
You know what Italians love more than eating good food?
That's right, ripping tourists off.
I've seen an iralian eating pizza with fries in the comfort of her own home. Italians eat this. regionally very popular
you can find this stuff in the frozen aisle of italian grocery stores too, and i’ve found it on the menu in places that wouldn’t expect to see a lot of tourist traffic. it’s not just for ripping off americans, italians will eat it too. granted, those italians might be 8 years old…
Some places call it American pizza😁
Italians on youtube: You have offended Italian cuisine and should be Mussolini'd as soon as possible.
Italians in Italy: Anything goes as long as it tastes good.
It's hilarious when pizza "purists" hate on anything that isn't the "traditional Italian pizza topping" when something like this exists in Italy.
Like pineapple on pizza haters crying that fruit or even anything sweet doesn't belong on pizza—saying things like, "my Italian ancestors roll in their graves," ignorant of the fact that peach almond honey pizza exists in Italy.
yeah im doing an exchange program with Italy, when i was in Italy at my exchange partner's house we ordered pizza one day, and i see her sister has pizza with fries and i genuinely had to refrain from saying "if fries on pizza is okay i dont wanna hear Italians complain about food ever again" (that family wasn't very obsessive about food rules anyway but yk we ordered that pizza, it was on a menu, people buy this)
Well, i get your point but to be precise fruit on pizza is common as tomato is a fruit , not that i would eat a peach pizza and aside all pineapple is not a fruit but a berry.
i've always wondered, what's the point of pointing out the semantics if the point still comes across?
What semantics just pointing out facts, you can put dog sh*t and i could care less if it is your taste enjoy it. As an italian pineapple pizza is not something i would order but if my friend is gonna eat it i am not gonna scream PiNeAppLe dOesN t beLonG on PizZa. Sorry for spouting facts and have a good day
You wouldn't order pineapple but fig is ok?
everyone knows tomato is a fruit. there's always that guy that goes, "aktchually tomato..." as if people haven't been hearing that fact parroted since they were a child. the fact that tomato is a fruit doesn't change anything but semantics. no one cares.
wow where did all that come from..
you take care, ey
ah, there it is.
Pineapple is a multi-fruit. Berries are fruits, too (except strawberries aren’t a berry, they’re an enlarged stem)… This can go on for a long time.
for emphasizing how they're "just pointing out facts," they couldn't even get their facts correct. 🤣
Berries are fruit. A fruit is the seed bearing part of a plant.
And don't forget raisins
Having lived both in Italy and Brazil (otherwise known as the Pizza Crimes Capital of the World), I can confidently say that Italy has almost as many weird toppings as Brazil.
The peach almond honey pizza sounds like a sweet Pizza. The problem with Hawaiian pizza is the combination of pineapple AND ham.
whatever purists tend to take themselves too seriously! For years one of my favourite pizzas was with hotdog and anchovies! I'm Italian 🤣
Now this was the comment I was looking for 👆
There are so many places in Italy that make pizzas like this with potatoes on and all sorts and they’re delicious. Italian Americans can be super weird about Italian food lol.
Considering Mussolini was also dished out at a gas station
Most of the people getting butthurt over pizza purity on the internet are either not Italian or don't make their own pizza. It just feels good to pretend that you are a bigger deal that you actually are by gatekeeping people who are doing it "wrong". It doesn't take any effort, it doesn't take mastering neapolitan pizza production or even buying a pizza oven, you just have to be an asshole on the internet and get to feel like an elite pizza master.
Italians on youtube are often just Americans who want to larp as italians
I'm Italian and my favourite pizza has doner kebab on it sooo...
Fries are apparently a very popular regional topping in the North-East of Italy (according to my Italian exchange partner)
This sounds bomb idk what ur trynna say
Very popular my aunts would always order this for the kids. Usually has fries instead of chips.
I think when we compare American cuisine to European, we have a habit of comparing worst to best, rather than worst to worst lol
I keep finding only terrible food in America. But I can't tell if it's because of the price and exchange rate, or there is just no good food 🤷♀️
I guess when I travelled there on business the food was "normal" like what I eat in Australia. But it was costing me say $30 AUD for oats and Berries, which I would never willingly pay out of my own pocket. I think a steak was $100 aud.
I feel in Sydney you can buy a nice meal for $30 aud. In America, once you tax and tip, I can't afford shit.
I notice the opposite happens when people compare American to Asian cuisine cleanliness. The left is usually some restaurant with standards and the right is street food from a roadside store in a village, no shit it’ll look dirtier.
I feel like this is really only with Indian and some Chinese cuisine.
To be fair, I got E Coli in a fancy Indian resort. Hygiene norms were poor everywhere I went around Medhia Pradesh, Bhopal and Mumbai.
I’ve seen it with many other countries as well. Japan with a crappy takoyaki truck, Indonesia with some shrimp, it’s very common
If you compare the cleanliness of a typical American restaurant to a typical Indonesian restaurant, I'd wager most Indonesians would say the US one is cleaner. They even joke about having an "iron stomach" from eating less-than-clean food. Indonesia has clean restaurants, the US has absolutely filthy restaurants, but the US definitely has a higher minimum standard (certainly by law/enforcement).
My wife is Indonesian and one of the first things she does in a restaurant in Indonesia is clean the utensils down (with the toilet paper they keep at the table since it seems like they don't really distinguish the two) because she doesn't trust they're clean. She doesn't do this in the US, and it's something you can see often in Indonesia.
But you can definitely find cleaner places to eat in Indonesia. Most restaurants in malls don't seem to be any less clean than in the US. But for every clean restaurant in Indonesia there's probably 10 nearby that would (or at least should) be shut down for health code violations if they were in the US. In Indonesia some of those might be locally famous restaurants that have been around for decades.
I was just giving two examples and you wrote paragraphs I’m not reading. I never claimed anything about cleanliness, just saying I’ve seen post about dirty places in multiple different countries besides Indian and Chinese. Are you bot talking about things mentioned in other comments? I’m actually confused by the stretch you made
It's cool man, he was just giving his perspective and trying to contribute to the convo, not respond directly to you.
I’m not mad, just confused. He started with “you” and replied to my comment, so I assumed it was directed at me.
In English "you" can be generic, I was not referring specifically to you.
Using "one" sounds too formal and sounds pretentious in this context, in my opinion.
I know. It was the combination of you, replying to my comment, and addressing my bringing up of Indonesia. Your comment just sounded “akshually” to me as if I don’t know a developing country has worse health code enforcement.
It wasn't an "akshually".. you pointed out that those comparisons exist for other countries besides India and China, and I don't see how my comment could be interpreted as refuting that. If anything it could only support it, because my comment was basically saying not only do those comparisons exist, but in the case of Indonesia they're mostly accurate. But the focus of my comment was tangential.
Basically the main topic (a couple comments above yours) was that these comparisons can be misleading. That's true, and is important to keep in mind, but at the same time Indonesia has some filthy fucking restaurants.
No need to be so defensive.
Fair enough!
This is exactly it:
"You" was referring to some hypothetical person. Saying "Suppose one compares" sounds too formal and too douche-y for this context. "If you" is a less formal equivalent.
If three short paragraphs is somehow too much for you you're free not to read it. As that other dude mentioned I didn't just post it for your sake. This conversation is on a public forum, if you don't want other people to join the conversation I suggest you have the conversation in private.
As for cleanliness, that was the topic you replied to:
and my comment was neither refuting or agreeing with anything you said, no reason to be so defensive. I was merely chiming in that for Indonesia those comparisons are at least somewhat true, and not a "comparing the worst to best" or unfairly misleading.
You know that food from a random village will slap harder than any american restaurant meal any day of the week. Thems time hardened recipes. Aint no fucking up that flavor if the pro is at it.
Really? Usually Reddit posts I see goes on and on about clean and polite everyone is in Asia, at least regarding Japan and SK.
Don’t you mean worst to würst?
Oh, that was a banger!
Best to Würstel!
I hate this. Take my upvote.
This is literally marketed to US kids in Italy. It's not uncommon.
That’s crazy because you cannot find this on a menu anywhere in the US. I showed this to my son and his reaction was 🤢
It's for US kids? That makes little sense because this isn't a topping style you ever see in the US.
But it’s everywhere in Italy and I only ever see kids eating it so …
I don't know what to tell you. I totally believe US kids WOULD like it, but not because it's a taste of home. This simply isn't a combination that exists in US pizza places...or gas stations.
Why do redditors just make shit up like this
There cannot be enough minor expatriates from the US in Italy, unless they are attracted to gas stations.
There isn't. That person is just plain wrong.
Then they're doing a bad job, kids would love a margherita or salami/pepperoni pizza. We eat hot dogs and fries sometimes, yes, but not on pizza just as we don't order tandoori hot dogs and fries or hot dog and fries pilaf.
US kids don’t even eat this in the US tho. There’s gotta be some sort of domestic appeal there or it’d be wasted.
Don't knock it till you try it, a handmade potato hot dog pizza is amazing. Again not comparable to junk food because it's still got relatively good ingredients.
I got an almost identical pizza in Italy once, it was listed kn the menu as the Bart Simpson pizza
Oh but I'm the bad guy because I like thin crust BBQ pizza with feta and pineapples 🙄😒
I never want to hear Italians bitching about American food again.
Yo, we love it.
believe it or not, that's a pretty common one 🤣 and tastes better than what you would expect (except I wouldn't trust that specific one too much)
Okay but so is 'Hawaiian' with the pineapple of it all, but Italians act like it's a crime against the Italian culture and they have the audacity to serve this...caramelized pineapple is amazing, btw.
No! Pineapple on the pizza is a crime against humanity! 🤣 🤌
i am a hawaiian pizza enjoyer and downvoted you, not bc of your pizza opinion, but bc i will downvote anyone who makes an edit pointing out (whining) about the downvotes they're getting.
even if they're correct or i agree on the topic, i will downvote bc i find it hella cringe. sorry.
I do the same. And also when someone gets a lot of upvotes and decides to edit in an acceptance speech like they won an Oscar or something. Ex "Edit: wow I never thought I would get so many upvotes, thank you all for your support and I just want to say... etc etc"
ah, wasn't whining at all, was just having a good laugh about this and people taking it (too) seriously! Honestly.
Love and pizza! 🍕☮️
lipsticks and pigs and all that
Pineapple on pizza is so good I will fight anyone. It’s just sweet and salty why wouldn’t it work?
Well, let's just agree we will not have to fight on that pizza and we can both enjoy our favourite one instead? I'll bring the beer!
Give it a few years and pineapple pizza will be given the same rehabilitation other pizza toppings were given (wurstels, fries, canned tuna, eggs, doner kebab, etc...): on the 6 page long menu of every low-to-mid tier pizza place.
Italians like to bitch about these kinds of pizzas (and to be fair they are far, far, far from being bestsellers) from a purist perspective, but then someone will start selling them as "novelties" and they get normalized over time
Italians love to bitch about everything.
Source: I'm Italian.
Especially when they have a pizza with peaches and nuts on it, which is even weirder.
Italy is actually shit at making pizza. New York is better, but still has too much italian root. The pizza sweet spot is in Philadelphia, everything west of Philly just gets progressively worse.
Hearing it from an American is already enough. 😂 your judgement doesnt matter, coming from trash garbage eaters. Educate yourself while you talk of Italian food.
Italians are legit the most butthurt people on the planet smh 🙄. I’m very well educated on food, educated enough to know that as far as food culture goes, Italian is about as middle of the road as it gets. Cope and cry about it, it’s all your country is known for.
You are saying in Italy the pizza is not good like the New york one of my balls. 😂 saying it just by looking at a reddit picture on this sub. Educate yourself American. Nobody cries, we laugh at you all, cus it's funny to hear from a country without culture of food and being know for trash garbage.
Y’all don’t laugh. You scream and cry whenever somebody comments on Italian food at all kuz “BADA BING! DAS NOT HOW ME NONA USE TO A-MAKE IT!!! 😭😭😭”
Nonna* not nona. 🤣 go learn Italian language if you have to write it. 🤣 Wait.. you can speak only the English. 😭🥲😂😂
You’re speaking English too. Almost like it’s the more important global language 🫠🫠🫠
You speak english because it's the only language you know, we speak english because it's the only language YOU know. NON ROMPERME ER CAZZO.
Also I think you have never been to Italy, just a feeling, you have to know a thing before you talk shit about something. STUDIA COGLIONE
Wow, words from another language that anybody could get from google translate, how impressive of you.
Yeah man translate if you want but the point is that you can't judge something you don't even know
This doof really thinks there’s not an excess amount of stuck up loud mouthed Italians on the East Coast talking about how authentic their garbage is.
Italian americans aren't real italians AND if you're talking about real italians, you don't have a food culture to talk about a food that you've never tried, because that's true you just have to admit it
“Italian Americans aren’t real Italians”.
See, this is why nobody takes you seriously.
But that's the hard truth and only because your grand grand grand daddy was italian it doesn't make you italian (that's the same thing for every other heritage), see you never met one single italian who actually comes from Italy. Change my mind
Most Italians I’ve met on the east coast go to Italy regularly. Some of the older ones have been from Italy. Again, this is why nobody takes you seriously, you cry ignorance while you project your own nonsense.
Italian Americans aren’t seen as Italians, and just so you know we also hate how they make their whole personality the fact that they’re “Italian”. So you can hate on them, we don’t like them either. Most of them don’t speak Italian at all, Italians are from Italy. The quality and the ingredients change, and it’s hard to think that you know about Italian cuisine more than we do, considering how there are thousands of dishes that I’m not aware of. Everytime I travel to other towns from north-to center- to south, I find out about typical local food so🥱 again with the annoying American entitlement, I can see you’re closed off, just travel
Thousands of dishes and it’s all the same five ingredients. Like I said, Italian food is the Taco Bell of international cuisine lol
Taco Bell doesn’t represent Mexican cuisine, the same way Italian American food doesn’t represent Italian food. Good thing you understood it now! Good boy
I never said it did, if you’re gonna brag about speaking so many languages, you better demonstrate effective reading abilities. Tsk tsk, child.
I still think that you have to come to Italy first before talking shit about something, or every other country, for example I can't say I hate original burritos because we make them better here. I have to go to Mexico first. That's my opinion.
And I don't want to be mean, I apologise for the things I said in the previous comments sorry
You need google translate cus you are a dumb American who believes they the center of the world. Non hai niente da dire perché sei di un'ignoranza impressionante, chiudi la bocca che fai più figura.
I speak 3 languages, instead yall struggle to learn shit. 😂 coglionazzi. 🤣
If your pizza was so good then every other country wouldn’t be modifying it lmao. Cope harder. It’s the definition of mid. There’s a reason everybody changes it.
Having to break this news to Italians is like having a 4 year old scream at you because they think that easy-mac is the peak of pasta lol.
Only thing I need to read to know you’re the typical close minded American who thinks they’re the center of the world. Every country modifies certain foods to fit into the country’s taste, that’s not news… unless you’re an ignorant American. Do you think the sushi you eat in the city you live in, it’s the same as in Japan? Italian food is international, ofc some countries modify it a little, what you said means nothing.
Yeah I’m sure nigiri is so different in countries outside of Japan. A slice of seafood on rice is probably just an American thing.
Im not surprised you don’t get it anyway. I don’t expect much from Americans lmao pls get a passport (I know it’s hard to get it in the US) and travel
Is this more projection lol? Why would you think it’s hard to get a passport in America?
So you’re telling me you’ve travelled before and didn’t know every country changes certain food dishes to fit into whatever country’s taste? Have you ever seen what Korea does to western food? You can easily look it up, for example they like sweet sugary food: their bread is sweet, their snacks are all sweet (chips too), their pizza is sweet too. And why is that? Because they adapt any non Korean food to their taste. Again, that’s not news. So again, what you said the other day makes no sense. Other countries make pizza differently because it’s an international food and they make it how they like it. Since you’re American, haven’t you seen, while travelling, American fine dining? American food? Come on, stop acting entitled. You look dumb af. I don’t care if you hate Italians or Italian food lmao just use your brain for once.
I never said American food was the pinnacle of culinary art, why are you so mad lmao. The difference between me, and you, is that you can criticize American food and I won’t blow a gasket like a psycho.
You seriously don’t get, do you have some sort of reading comprehension problem lmaoo cos it seems like it 😨
Nobody eat the same food, you need tò modify it to experiment new tastes and new experience. If american pizza is very good, why Domino's pizza in Italy failed?
I guess you smelly MFs were too busy eating hotdog and French fry pizza from the gas station.
just laughing at your bullshits. 🤣 Italy is not just pasta, there is lots of food, this shows "your education of food" yeah yeah. 🤣 educate yourself before speaking, or you will say lots of bullshits, not nice for yourself. 😂
I’m the head chef at a five star hotel, I’m just not humoring your bullshit. Italians think they know everything about food. I’d have better luck humoring a toddler in a culinary discussion. Your food is the Taco Bell of international cuisine (same shit ingredients with different presentations) and you all think you’re professional chefs. It’s ridiculous and it’s why people mock your foods.
You’re getting eaten alive here chief lol
Taci coglionazzo e studia.
Why would I study Italian?
Studia o informati del cibo Italiano, invece di sparare minchiate se non sai un cazzo.
I don’t want to learn Italian though
Allora stai muto.
Uh huh
Have you ever had American BBQ? Better than all the shit you cunts eat over there. Smoked your ass in WWII just like our delicious smoked meats
Lmao nice ragebait
most places here in italy call it pizza americana, lol. which is doubly hilarious to me because while it totally makes sense that a european would think about america with this combo, theres no way in hell i would want a blend of pizza and hot dogs + fries. but ive only seen little kids order this, though
As an American who loves pizza, I've never actually seen fries on pizza here and only learned in the last few months that it was a thing in Italy. lol
Gumby's has a Stoner Pie with mozzarella sticks, pepperoni, French fries, bacon, and extra cheese.
I have had pizza with thinly sliced potatoes before and it slapped. If the hot dogs were decent quality, I'd at least try it.
In Sweden we often do pizza with shawarma meat, topped with fries, iceberg lettuce, cucumber, tomato and maybe onions, and finished with a garlic yoghurt based sauce. I know it sounds weird, but it's absolutely lovely when you're hungover.
There's a chain place around here that does a "spicy pierogi" pizza that's basically spiced potato slices with cheese, onions and sour cream, no tomato sauce. I have to admit I'm a big fan.
Yeah, potato pizza can be really good!
potato-pancetta-rosemary with white sauce always hits
Loaded potato pizza goes hard
Isn't there a dish in Korea, like a soup that uses American hot dogs? It's so interesting how some things spread everywhere, but sadly avocado toast, not revered at Spanish gas stations.
Sliced American cheese, too. It's called Army Stew and was created in South Korea after the Korean War. There was a famine at the time and American's provided support with surplus foods from the military bases. The best way to get every bit of nutrition was to throw it all in a pot and make soup.
Army Stew, yeah! Apparently it was invented shortly after the end of the Korean War, using ingredients obtained from US Army bases. That's why it contains processed foods like hot dogs, Spam, baked beans and American cheese.
Omg I got pizza in Italy with wurstel without knowing it would be hotdogs! I think google told me it was sausage lol.
Qt least they know to call it pizza worst
6,90 for that is crazy
The real pizza crime right here. 7 fucking euros for a SLICE of that shit?
It's at a rest station on the autostrada, the highway. 7€ is totally acceptable considering you'll get a coffee for like 1,40€ and the toilets are clean and free.
Food at gas station is monopolized, overpriced and shitty, it's so bad that it's used as a deprecative term
Actually the "autogrill" sandwiches are way better than the ones you can find in other countries, they are better than I expected. But they are expensive af
Would rather pick this over pineapple lol
Give it to me
I know a beeg cat that would be proud.
This is what they think all food in the US looks like
To be fair, they’re not that far off the mark
Italian here: we're very hypocritical with food. We do the worst crimes (which is normal, good cuisine comes from experimentation, but the results aren't always good), but then cry about pineapple on pizza
They definitely made this for the Germans lol
German here. Never seen or heard of anything like that
It feels extremely Eastern European. Like I couldn’t tell you exactly which country, but this is definitely something you’d get in the beets and rye bread half of Europe.
Romanians have a tendency of importing foods from other cultures (pizza, burgers, shawarma) and then throwing everything they have in the fridge on them.
German here, we have multiple. We have one pizzeria that serves it with black sausage and gravy
Pizzazunge Currywurst from Yorma's goes hard.
Currywurst in general is one of the best Indian crossover foods. And Tikka Masala and now in the US Kati Rolls. That slaps.
There’s a pizzeria in Aachen that sells this
We literally have got dog Pizza at Lidl
I bought a pasta pizza at Lidl a while ago
Perhaps made for the Austrians...
Seconded. Its definitely an italian thing.
Northern Italy, like the Trentino and Bolzano regions have a lot of Austrian influence, so they have lots of Austrian names for things.
Absolutely not. Italians love it though.
This looks hella goos
As someone who grew up in Italy, it tastes great as well
Put the bong down and step away slowly.
I mean fries are tasty, sausage too, pizza is tomato + cheese on bread, it tastes fine
Oh I would try it. I would probably make this if I had everything.
My Brother in christ you wont even Imagine what we do with pizza in Italy.
It’s not uncommon, though it’s mostly kids that eat it.
Basically the only sin in italy is pineapple on pizza. Everything else is ok.
It translates to “only for Americans”
I had lavender and potato pizza in Rome that I remember very fondly.
Romans gonna Rome.
Lavender? Do you mean rosemary?
Nope, I mean lavender. It was subtle but added a kind of richness and depth that was really surprising. It also didn't taste like soap, which is my preference when it comes to pizza.
Mmmh, never heard of it (only seen lavender used as candy flavor in food)
Using floral flavors in savory dishes is something that goes back to all the way back to at least written records of Roman cuisine. It seemed to fall out of favor in western tastes in the 1800s.
A local cheese farm makes rosemary sheep cheese and they use flowers too, not only the leaves.
This pizza is top tier
My experience while in Italy and Malta (very influenced by italians) is that they are not as purist as they pretend to be or at least how we perceive them.
I have seen a lot of italian pizzas with fries, bbq sauce, pineapple or even nutella and no one bats an eye or looks in a disapprove/disappoint kind of way if you order them.
Pizza is kind of free real estate. Now pasta is another thing. They do get MAD even if a recipe is slightly wrong (not the right cheese, bacon instead of guanciale, cream instead of eggs, whatever)
At least it’s not pre packaged.
Proof that only assholes gatekeep pizza
Using würstel makes me think this is at a gas station up north, near the border to Austria as the two cultures mix heavily up there.
Honestly, this doesn’t seem so bad after the burger pizza I ate in Argentina. Burger pieces, lettuce, neon yellow plastic cheese, and tomato, all thrown onto a pizza. I am forever haunted by the memory
It'd be bomb with ketchup if it were cheaper
I swear every country in the world does Italian food better than Italy.
That crust still looks bomb
It has hints of leoparding
Don’t complain; just eat
Raora ahh Pizza
I want it
Approved 🤌
I’m drunk right now and i would eat that
It is the würst pizza topping as the name suggests
Looks delicious, NGL
Honestly that looks awesome
if those are good eu weenies and some nice seasoned wedges that would be so good.
Call me a fool if you wish; I would give the Italian gas station the benefit of the doubt
Why would you do this to your body?
Pizza Wurstel more like wurst pizza
i might just be high but tbh that sounds like it slaps
I'd hit it.
A pizza is a fancy word for flatbread and those hod dogs look pretty hod.
They call it American style too
Which is hilarious because I’ve never seen pizza like that in America
Only at Gumby's and it's called the Munchies pizza and they still have enough class to not put hot dogs on it.
So they don't have it
Idk I felt like the french fries were part of the problem. but if you like that, enjoy!
Just as you'll probably never see any traditional "Italian" food that's found in America, in italy. Fauxthenticity is fun
Highly dependent on where you live.
There's a place right outside the Vatican and I swear it sells Totino's pizza, or was at least the inspiration for that garbage. It blew my mind. Like all ten of my all time top ten pizza places were in Italy, but also the worst pizza I ever ordered from a restaurant was there
There is a lot of shitty pizza in Italy honestly. Some tourist traps use crap ingredients to maximize profits.
Yeah, I lived in Gricignano di Aversa while I was over there. Every pizza was fantastic everywhere I went, until that one spot right outside the Vatican.
Is that price normal? It seems a bit pricey for what seems like a regular slice. That may just be the American talking
No is not normal: Food in highways gas station is monopolized by a company, the price is 2-3 times higher than food from outside the highways and it's usually very shitty
Italy had some of the best AND worst pizza I've ever eaten in my life, and I've travelled far. Most important thing to remember about pizza in Italy is that it's pretty good. Don't go to Italy for Pizza alone. It's pretty good.
If you hear the words "tourist trap" in any response under mine then you know it's an Italian who thinks their pizza is way better than it is. Are there great pizzas in Italy? Of course. But never travel to Italy just for the pizza. You will be very disappointed.
This thing must cost like 30 cents of ingredients and like a minute to make per unit.
6.90€ for a small square of dough with tomato sauce, cheap mozzarella, a quarter of an industrial knack and 10 industrial fries is something even worse than a ripoff.
Food at gas station is monopolized, overpriced and shitty, it's so bad that it's used as a deprecative term
Pizza americana, althought that price is criminal ngl. Mostly ordered by kids and students for the cheap price of it. Good memories ngl
Hod dogs
Certain parts of Italy also cut pizza with a fucking scissor. They're bending their own rules.
it looks honestly like a real jam to chow. especially with hot sauce or ranch or bleu cheese
Hot dogs, unlike Chicken or pineapple, does in fact belong on pizza.
It's one of the best toppings as a matter of fact.
When I was younger my mom told me in Peru there was a snack she would have with just hotdogs and french fries and they would call it Salchipapa I think? lol
In Sicily they called that a Pizza Americano.
They sell really good pizzas and paninis at gas stations on the Autostrada in Italy. You order the stuff that's in cases at the counter and then they put it in either a panini press or a pizza oven and toast it for you. Really yummy.
There are also places called tavola calda (sp?) where you buy food by the kilo. It's kind of like the grocery store deli but they have really good like family style dishes that you buy by the kilo, and there's almost always that thick cafeteria style pizza there. Especially in Rome. You'll find a lot of weird combinations and it's just basically what people in the neighborhood like to pick up on their way home from work. Like fetish pizza. Lol.
My favorite was fresh tuna, onion and tomatoes. It was like a tuna melt on a pizza. Fresh tuna is poor people food over there though and people would make a face at me that I liked that, but I did.
There ARE brick oven, traditional pizza places, but you're looking at quick Italian take out food. Skip the pizza and pannini and just get arancini. They're the fried rice balls. That's the best thing in those cases in the gas stations.
Probably still tastes better than pizza pizza
This is a fucking war crime.
If they were nicely seasoned potato wedges and it pizza was extra saucey, then I would devour that motor like nobodies business.
I have always said, there is no such thing as bad pizza, some pizza is simply tastier than others. I would destroy that without a second thought.
No place is immune to bad gas station food
I'd try it.
Hotta dogga pizza.
This is a focaccia, not a pizza. And this is scam from the retailer.
Source: I'm Italian
•”pizza” on the sign • I see Italians often mentioning this flavor of pizza in threads so often for years I swear to god, every time I see y’all complain about pizza in a America this comes to mind. This doesn’t exist “for tourists” •are you saying Sicilian pizza isn’t pizza because it’s basically focaccia? Rude. •I assume you’re saying it’s a scam because it’s expensive which is absolutely fair.
The American pizza. Named like that because it's an unholy abomination
Except you cannot find a pizza like this on the menu anywhere in the USA
This would be considered rather weird in most American pizzerias.
And they get all butt-hurt when people start talking about pineapples...
Yank menace spreading their diseased culture
That's a stoned at 3am classic here in Italy, beloved by night owls all over the country, don't judge if ypu don't know the history my man
I do hope you're not knocking the incredible Autogrill.
I have a friend from a small town in Italy. There, they put sliced hard boiled eggs and mayonnaise on their pizzas. It’s surprisingly good.
The 69 has me rolling 🤣
Its not "Hot Dogs" its sausage aka Würstel...
This was probably in the north, which is basically South-Austria, which again is South Germany.
I thought Italian gas station food was supposed to be gourmet.
And they laughed about pineapple
Italy is fuckin weird. I was drunk and Naples once and ordered a takeout pizza from a decently rated spot described with a potato topping. I was thinking oh it’s Naples, I’m going to get some sort of Neapolitan style pizza with herbed potatoes or some shit on it like you’d likely get in the US. Nope, it was an incredibly shitty pizza covered in what were obviously frozen French fries lol. You would think takeout in Europe could outdo dominos, but nope
Europe has a lot of crazy pizzas
Hod dogs? RIP Hod turned into sausage.
The dollar is going down so I guess 6.90 euros are like 120 dollars.
Big cat means...
Say whatever you want, but Italy has the best gas station food I’ve ever experienced. One gas station I visited had a wood-burning oven and another had a pasta extruder.
Not sure what is going on at this gas station but I bet it isn’t as bad as it sounds.
“French fries and Oreos, you know me all to well deeds”
I ordered one of these in Pompeii, it wasn't that good.
Fries on pizza is an actual thing in Italy though... Hotdogs is new to me, but I'd try it.
Went to Italy a couple years ago, seems like they’ll put anything on pizza.
Not going to lie, fresh pizza with fries from a decent pizzeria goes real hard.
It feels like the closest thing to racism that a white American can experience, but it does slap.
Pizza Americana. The first time I saw this I was like, "I can't believe this is what they think we eat, that's so insulting! ...but also I want it." Usually has ketchup and mayo on it.
Mmm american. Ranch in the crust
Surprised it doesn’t say “shitty American pizza”
It’s actually great
Probably would.
Mama Mia!
It’s South Tirol, not “really” Italy. They hate the Italians and that’s exactly why they’ve made this.
shantiteuta@reddit (OP)
Nope just looked, it was between Venice and La Spezia.
Unusual yes but am curious as to how it tastes. Though the fact that the slice apparently was in Italy kinda surprises me as I probably would’ve expected this in America somehow.
Some US pizza place should run this as a special with a tag line like “no shit, this is an authentic Italian pizza topping.”
The infamous "Americana". Very popular in Sardegna pizzeria's.
Looks like a clapped version of greggs pizza for 3x the price
Im so done with the weenies on pizza thing. Chilli, potatoes, broccoli, pineapple, great. Why can’t it ever be real sausage slices( not the gray italian sausage though)
Pizza with fries is really common in tourist areas of Italy; aimed at little kids (or North Americans - same thing really palate-wise). Sorry that was harsh you guys are really pissing me off at the moment and I know it's not all your faults xx
French fries and hot dogs would be quite unusual in the US. (Though kosher beef dogs might actually be pretty good on a pizza.)
Nah man I like to have mini pizzas as my toppings on pizza instead lol
We have one version with gravy, roasted onions, bacon and fried egg in addition
I would try it ngl
Frankly, it shouldn't be THAT bad, I would eat it.
I’ve seen much worse. I’d eat that.
Unexpected Pittsburgh
A buddy of mine lived with a family in Italy for a month and said on his first night there they had this for dinner. He assumed it was because they thought this was the kind of pizza Americans ate, but it turns out the father would get this 2 or 3 times a week.
I'm American, but I used to live just outside of Napoli. This is a popular topping combo you could get at most pizzerias in Napoli. It's tastes better than you'd expect it to.
How much is that in USD?
aboot $7
but in CAD thats $10 for that shit slice ☠️
Yeah, but gas station stuff is usually double the normal price.
Indeed.. For a gas station this seems quite normal.
In a regular restaurant, you would get an entire pizza for that money.
Looks good to me
The only thing I found shocking was the price.
Criminal behavior on their front doorstep.
Was it the wurstel?
Looks good to be honest
I've heard plenty of Italians tell people to disregard Italians' culinary judgment, since you'll see all kinds of questionable things in foods/pizzas in Italy.
And plenty of the food Italians gatekeep is hardly a century old, yet they'll talk about it as if it's part of some ancient tradition.
This seems like something Italian Americans would say is an insult to Italy; made even more believable because Italian Americans are not Italian.
That’s a’shitty !
This is the Wurst.
But it is written in German
No, only the word Würstel is German. Austrian-German, to be precise.
I am from Italy and it's a pretty common topping, it ain't even bad
Honestly, i would devour like, 3 of those in one sitting. Looks good to me
it's not shitty, it's actually pretty good.
super common here in Italy
The rest of the world acts like they don't eat dogshit just like the rest of us, but they do. Their dogshit isn't made of chemicals and artificial sweeteners, though, so they still win I guess.
It's not grande cuisine but I think most things on pizza are fair game. Looks great when you are drunk/high.
Italian Hod Dogs are my favorite weenies.
You Fools! Italy is the birthplaces and mothership of almost every pizzacrime. Whiskey & Panna Patatine & Wurstel Pizza Puffi ( blue cotton candy) Pizza HotDog You name it, they’ve done it. Don’t get me wrong , the greatest Pizzas come from there as well. It’s just… They are not evil, they are experimenting without prejudice. But if you know, you know 🇮🇹
Catering to shitty American tastes, I gather.
There is not a single pizza place in the US (generalizing, because I know someone's going to akchually this statement with a hole in the wall that is kept afloat through questionable means that is the exception rather than the rule) that serves this combo.
This isn't for the American palate. This is 100% intended for Euros.
Italian classic
Okay but unironically how would this not sell to American tourists, especially if they’re children. I would eaten the fuck out of this if I saw it when I was like, five.
When I was in Rome, almost every pizza place had a "Pizza Würstel" which I found really strange. Didn't sound too appetizing or italian
Next thing you do is make a tiktok video captioned "I learned to make this in Italy"
Straight to r/PizzaCrimes
Is that... 7 quid/pounds whatever... Thats like.. crazy
Disgusting. Absolutely revolting. Get your shit together, Italy.
How is gas station food in Italy in general?
This type of thing varies a lot cross-nationally.
Eg, 7/11 in Japan is actually decent.
Welcome to Italy ;)
"Hey, Giuseppe, what do the Americans like on a pizza? We gotta sell this crap to tourists occasionally"
"Just put some hot dogs and French fries on there, that's what they usually eat"
It's just self proclaimed "italians" in the usa who think that the menu is the whole of a culture (completely ignoring literature, religion, amd customs)
It's like saying the entirety of American culture can be summed up in a Nashville hot chicken sandwich and being baptist Christian.
Pizza is a metaphorical fluid, it can be anything so long as it's closer to pizza than any other food. Ranging from traditional centuries old recipes to modern recipes inspired by the side effects of cannabis
I went to the, purportedly, #4 pizza place in the world this past weekend. Their Americana is exactly this, fries and hot dogs.
Its actually really popular in southern italy
One time I had an “American breakfast” in China,
The MFs gave me a hot dog for the sausage 💀
wursty kartoffely
Id eat the fuck out of that
This has been a thing in italy since at least 2006, i remember being blown away seeing it on a menu in a small italian town. 19 year old me was stoked to see something that reminded me of home, while somehow being very unamerican.
Honestly if they went with shoestring fries and burnt those hot dogs a little I'd eat it.
This's children's pizza in Italy
God I love a good hod dog on a pizza
The way I would smash that is unspeakable!
I'm personally on a quest for a coney dog pizza.
I’d rather have pineapple lol
7€ a slice pfffft
Domestic terrorism
I love wedges with pizza anyways. I’d destroy this.
La famosa salcipapizza
In 2008 I was served a pizza just like that at a South Korean movie theater. It was covered in ketchup as well.
I hated it.
the hot dogs surprise me but the potatoes doesnt tbh.
Ngl I would try it
So its an American pizzeria in Italy?
Would absolutely eat
I would try it but I feel like I could barf at the same time haha
Then they can't give us crap for pineapple
😍 this makes me want ci-cis pizza buffet