Are we trending back towards waterfall?

Posted by soggyGreyDuck@reddit | ExperiencedDevs | View on Reddit | 214 comments

I've seen a drastic shift in how leadership handles technical teams and planning. I think it's great that we're moving away from "teams" with "shared" workloads. It simply doesn't work and when things go wrong all you get is finger pointing and no answers. I like the trend towards strict job roles and requirements but just today I was shown a quarter plus long plan and they mentioned "process gates" that need to be completed before moving onto the next phase. Isn't this just waterfall with a new name? I'm laughing my ass off as I've seen agile and delivery teams fail over and over. I recently stepped down to sr engineer because I saw the problem as unsolvable with the tools I had available. Watched this new team crash and burn worse than I ever did and now this announcement and I'm laughing my ass off.