What aspects of the future are you most looking forward to?
Posted by CharringtonCross@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 89 comments
What future developments are you looking forward to seeing become a reality in your lifetime? Could be national or international developments, technological or societal, revolution or evolution. What ideas bring you genuine hope and optimism for the future you expect to see?
Robot servants doing all the housework
X ray specs that let you see through clothing
Palace winning the FA Cup
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
Could be the top answer right there!
The ability to fully upload the human consciousness to a computer. (Shout out to any Bobiverse fans)
The heat death of the universe
Yes since it's creation it has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move
Reminds me of the classic Hitch Hikers Line....
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
Reckon you're going to get to see that one? You must have high hopes for medical science among other things!
I'll see you at Milliways
Putin getting the Mussolini treatment at the hands of his own people.
The sweet meteor of doom
I agree, it's time another species had a go at being top of the evolutionary ladder. They'd surely do better than humans 😂
Living in a nuclear winter while the billionaires retreat to lavish bunkers and scowl at eachother across thousands of miles of destruction.
Rest assured that when the bunker doors close those billionaires have about five minutes before their security force decides that they are now in charge...
Which is why they are considering shock collars for them (I wish I was joking).
Please share..
Being able to say I told you so when climate change bites us hard in the next 20 years, which is a lot sooner than a lot of people are willing to admit is a distinct reality.
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
That’ll be fucking SWEET!
Manned Mars mission landing. I firmly believe that if space exploration can be revitalised that we’ll find something out there that’ll change the world , asteroid mining being the most obvious.
Fuck all. It's all a big nothing
Confirmation of intelligent life on other worlds.
Nuclear fusion
I'm a big advocate of nuclear fusion, but there's a few issues we simply cannot even theoretically get over as it stands, which is blocking humanity from using it as a viable power source for now.
It would be bloody revolutionary, we'd finally become a Type I civilisation on the Kardashev scale , but we're a long way off yet, possibly an infinite way off as it might just not be physically possible to properly harness it.
Way to hurt my dreams pal 😊
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
This is a good answer!
Free power baby!
Me - or my descendants - getting to live on Mars!
Only kidding, it is a fucking shit plan.
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
Mass transit for Leeds. I hope my grandkids live to see it.
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
I'm 68, so I'm looking forward to getting as much sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll in the shortest time possible ... in very caring, calm and thoughtful way.
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
Go get ‘em
I’m a pessimist
I'd like to say clean, renewable, cheap energy. But let's be real, it'll never happen. It'll get blocked by the people who stand to lose the most money, who happen to be the same people with all the power.
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
I’m optimistic it won’t get blocked!
I look forward to knowing about future developments and discoveries in Astronomy and Astrophysics, what more can be learned about the Universe and our own Galaxy. Will we ever know what Dark Matter and Dark Energy really are, things like this are what I look forward to knowing.
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
Good answer.
More financial security so I can stop working on shit I hate and start working hard on things I love.
Free or low cost energy through fusion energy.
My house would quickly turn into a sauna in winter.
Low cost energy?? In this country???
You'd have a higher chance of single handedly conquering China by yourself than ofgem ever letting us have cheap energy.
Nuclear fusion will make electricity basically free, and we'll still be paying the gas unit price.
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
Great answer, but watch out for mold growth!
Install a fireplace and when the autumn storms hit, go out and nick some stolen trees
I expect that medical treatment will advance so fewer people die prematurely from certain conditions, or that they can be detected earlier. It may not be perfect, but think of the survival rates from some cancers now compared to 20 years ago, for example.
We can barely afford the life expectancy now
For the war in Ukraine to end, frankly. The world would be a better place without war industries and politicians - in both Russia and Western nations - looking to profit or score points on the backs of innocent people.
Applauding humanity being saved as a select few blast off to the new colony on a distant planet... then watching everyone else die a slow and agonising death (which just so happened to have been directly caused by those select few who left earth on a space ship).
Herizon zero dawn?
I have a life-limiting genetic disorder, so any progress in terms of treatment would be amazing
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
This could come! Fingers crossed!
V8 or V10 engines coming back to F1 thanks to the investment in sustainable fuels.
The turbo charged V6’s can get in the bin. My Shark hoover sounds better than they do 😆
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
Yes, good answer!
The day I get to retire and enjoy my hard work … oh wait sorry we live in the UK where nobody born in the last 35 years will ever retire. Guess I’ll keep on working until I keel over and fall into my grave
The end of right wing populism.
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
Yeah, bring on the new world order of authoritarian tyranny and forced birthing!
AI killing us all at pace
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
I’m not convinced it’ll be in any hurry.
Between the rollback of climate goals, the worrying rise of fascism, the Palestinian genocide, the Ukraine war, the creeping enshittification of all public services, being economically conjoined with a hostile America, the conflicts in Sudan & Congo, the fact that prices only ever go up and wages stagnate & the gov seems incapable of changing that, the inexplicable popularity of reform, the hostile environment for gay & trans folks, the endless fucking racism around immigrants and Muslims, every fucking company trying to make annoying, inaccurate AI a thing, and just how dirty, broken , run down & mean England is it's hard to have any hope for the future really.
Getting paid on Friday
Kanye becomes sane again 🙏
Given how as we get old, isolation due to no transport is a real issue, I'd go for self driving cars. It seems there was a lot of attention in the news about it but just seems to have faded of late. Would like to think it was within 1p years achievable.
Biotech advancement - personalised medicine, gene therapy, AI enhanced drug discovery and development
Renewable energy, continuous efficiency improvement in wind & solar tech and battery storage
My retirement! Been working full time all the time for 30 years with at least 10 more ahead of me, and I've got an early retirement pension plan too. I'm just done.
I enjoyed that with a financial advisor having a wonderful strike rate for failed investments. In just 6 years the kids should be earning and my mortgage gone so at least the endless slog may ease up a little?
My eldest has left, my youngest, if he goes to uni will be all done with his education in 6 years. Mortgage done in 5 years so yeah. I can take part of my pension at 60, not much but with mortgage and kids gone, it'll do. Plan to get a part time retail job to fill the gap between 60 and 67. I currently do absolutely nothing to do with retail but feels like a change I'd like.
Having worked in retail and having met the actual public I guarantee you won't like it.
A mate retired a couple of years back. Works part time in Tesco. Loves it. Keeps him fit, gets him a staff discount and mostly gets to ignore the customers.
So he's no retired then 🤣
Well no... I guess not 😂. But like me he was able to take a part of his pension at 60. But also like me he'd need to top it up until the rest of the pension kicks in at 67.
If he gets to avoid dealing with the actual public then good for him as daily interaction with the public makes me wish for a nuclear winter several times a day
You're ruining my dreams... 😭
To save you from a nightmare
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
I’m happy for you, but was hoping for some things the rest of us might enjoy a little more directly as well. 😁
Err... I'll have more free time for everyone. Does that help?
CharringtonCross@reddit (OP)
You want to mow my lawn? 😉
It's a deal!
My own to be honest, im doing things I didnt think I ever could. So for me its myself an my family when they start using Ai, if they ever get past the fear. Its valid it is, but for me im bridging the gap between mental health, support an self advocacy an learning new skills as i go
I really hope Pogs come back.
Medications and treatments to cure cancer, diabetes, HIV and other terrible illnesses.
Other than that, most technology seems to be more of a threat than a source of hope.
Catastrophic UAP disclosure
Going to watch Matilda in London again on Saturday. Other than that, not a lot.
The end
Still waiting on flying cars, jetpacks and self tying shoes so I'm not getting my hopes up
Self tying shoes have existed for quite a while now.
My eventual death is the only guaranteed thing. I don't bother looking forward to potential developments as it's pointless.
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