Poland’s first “abortion clinic” opens amid protest
Posted by BubsyFanboy@reddit | anime_titties | View on Reddit | 31 comments
Posted by BubsyFanboy@reddit | anime_titties | View on Reddit | 31 comments
They provide a service for women who are unable to get an abortion because of strict anti abortion laws. It's not doing any surgical abortion, but instead offers consultation, safe space for taking the pills, pre-ordering the pills, and overseas surgical abortion support. They somehow comply with the country's strict abortion law, and people are upset that women can have a choice. Go protest for something else like let's give school kids free breakfast, lunch and dinner for their development. Maybe more people will choose to keep it if they know their offspring will be taken care of. I just don't get why would someone donate their time and effort on something that has nothing to do with themselves. Get a life, or protest for a good cause.
You don't understand why people donate their time to a cause even when it doesn't directly effect them?
The part I can't comprehend is why unrelated people insist on standing against freedom of choice. If it's a good cause, why not? You might empathize with a group of people and support them remotely. If it’s uplifting, I don’t see a problem.
This group behind the abortion clinic might not be directly affected by the country's restrictive abortion stance either, nor am I. However, as an individual, I voice my support because I believe in letting people choose for themselves.
If I don't like something that doesn’t affect me, I just shut up and move on. Why can't these folks do the same and focus on their own priorities?
I've always been a proponent of rehabilitative justice, and for example I am against the death penalty. Well, it's already abolished here where I live (Italy)... but I see your flair is Turkey, so what about over there? Or any country with the death penalty in general? Surely the vast majority of people will never find themselves in a position to have it enacted over them... but they can still campaign for its abolition because they believe it's the right thing to do, even if it doesn't affect them personally.
Of course, I don't endorse limiting the choice of women here: but it's wrong to say there are never any circumstances in which someone can take a moral and legal stance even on something that does not affect them directly.
Because it lets them be self righteous and control people in the name of God.
Jesus would call them bad people but they don't ask him.
People who protest about this consider unborn babies to still be humans, therefore abortion to be an act of murder. It's not hard to see a logic behind those protests, as for them, they're protesting about the most sacred thing - the human life
Maybe they should worry more about actual humans rather than theoretical ones
Do you know what theoretical means?
In this sort of context it would be referring to something that has been postulated but not fully realized. Which is honestly an adequate adjective for a fetus. A fetus will, upon birth, become a human. But prior to that it isn't human life.
If it isnt human, what species is it?
It's a fetus mate. A human fetus, but a fetus. Not a child.
So, you agree that a fetus is a human life.
A fetus is a fetus. It isn't a human until it's born. A liver and kidneys are also part of the umbrella of human life. An arm and a leg are also human life.
A fetus isnt a body part. It has diffrent DNA to its mother and probably a diffrent bloodtype.
Yes a fetus isn't a body part. Its a fetus. It is not however a human being until it undergoes the biologically transformative process called birth. Just as a sperm and egg aren't a fetus until they go through the biologically transformative process called conception. Blood type and DNA aren't particularly relevant here. My hair has no blood type at all. Its still part of me as a human. And chimerism means a person could have more than one DNA strand to them. Doesn't mean they aren't human either.
Then why did you compare it to a leg? How does birth transform the fetus? A c-section is a complietly diffrent process to a natural birth, but achieves the same outcome. A birth is delivering the baby outside the womb.
A human fetus is a seperate organism to its mother, it is of the genus Homo Sapien and is alive. If arbortion is ethical or not is up to debate. But a fetus is a human life.
Because a leg too is part of human life? You were the one trying to make unscientific claims and a leg, like a liver and like a fetus are all human life. They are not however human beings in and of themselves.
And if I had said natural birth you'd be correct. I did not. I simply said birth. How birth happens, and a fetus undergoes the transformation into a human being can take place through both natural and artificial means. Just as how a fetus can be created through natural processes like sex and through interventions like artificial insemination.
Biology would disagree since a fetus doesn't exist independently. A human being, by definition, does. A fetus is part of the human body. When it becomes independent via birth, yes it is transformed into a separate human being. Prior to that it is not however. Anymore than sperm, prior to its merger with an egg, is a fetus, or a human being. You're lucky the rest of the world doesn't follow your unscientific and superstitious beliefs otherwise you'd be guilty of murder every time you masturbated or guilty of negligent homicide when you had inadvertant nocturnal emissions.
Yes, like a sperm, like a liver. Like a leg. What it isn't is a human being. It is a fetus. You do know there's a reason the term exists right? Its describing a biological reality. A fetus and a child have always been separate entities.
The egg is alive before fertilization as well, and technically it’s the egg that becomes an embryo then a fetus after fertilization, sperm just carries half of dna to the egg then dissolves
As you might see from my comment above, I've mentioned both sperm and eggs to the other user. I'm simply using sperm here in the context of a variety of items that constitute human life. It is not an exhaustive list and I've not made the claim that only sperm is relevant to the creation of a fetus.
A sperm and egg are not a fetus. They become one through conception/fertilization. Similarly a Fetus is not a human being. It becomes one through birth/delivery. This is how biology works. Biological transformations create life. That doesn't mean you can confuse something prior to the transformation with what is created subsequent to it.
Realistically, they're using an issue that doesn't make the world a better place to vent unrelated rage. Whether babies live or die is pretty much irrelevant to society, you don't achieve anything except a moral victory.
Yeah. Sounds pretty heartless.
But abortion is truly irrelevant. Eliminating abortion doesn't... do anything. It doesn't progress any cause. There won't be less war. There won't be less people starving. It won't improve the economy. It won't eliminate crime. It doesn't reduce other types of "murder".
It doesn't achieve anything but a moral victory. Sure, you saved babies. While you were doing that, others are dying from something else somewhere else.
What's the point? Why not focus on something more beneficial?
Show me an anti-abortionist and I'll show you someone who is against sex ed, school lunches, support for single parents, or for that matter any form of support for children that isn't Sunday School or Church charity.
They love suffering. "How can there be too many flowers" dying of starvation and disease?
I love that you immediately start rambling about US shit as this conversation wasn't about Poland.
Maybe they should make jerking off illegal because it's ending hundreds of thousands of potential human lives, it's like a holocaust every time you orgasm
If catholics are upset about women choosing not to have children then they can damn well pay to raise the child to adulthood. The catholic church is one of the wealthiest institutions on the planet.
EU citizens: Sign & share the My Voice, My Choice initiative for safe abortion: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/044/public/#/screen/home
It's unbelievable that women still have to live under these conditions within they EU because of fairytale.
I'm not sure how it works, but I'd hope they can cross borders to get an abortion.
The funny thing is that abortions were easier to get in the 15th century than in the 21st (in Poland and the surrounding area)
Funny thing is abortions were easier to get under Soviet satellite Polish People Republic than independent Poland…
Watch your white populations dwindle and your history fade.
Importing your replacement class.
Killing your own babies.
Just as the European elites want.