Weekly Observations: What signs of collapse do you see in your region? [in-depth] March 10
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Location: Upstate Chicago
An early spring means that all the narcissistic d-bags - itching all winter to get out and share the sounds of freedom from their illegal (but unenforced, so may as well be legal) two-wheeled exhaust-amplifying personality prosthetics - can get an extra month terrorizing us with their rage- and stress-inducing liberty noise.
Collapse related because a) it's a symptom of cultural and societal breakdown and b) that good old-fashioned financial collapse that's coming might bring an end to banks giving out loans for these pointless scourges.
Not just the obnoxious exhaust but the flipping radios just make my blood pressure skyrocket. I mean, I know back in the day people would strap boom-boxes to the back of their bikes, but these modern radios are just too much.
I live alongside a state highway (not by choice, trust me) and I always have to practice patience because it's a dang highway and I'm not entitled enough to think I deserve quiet despite where I live. But my area is a hotspot of tourist activity in the summer and we get literal hordes of bikers in the summer and it quickly becomes overwhelming. I can usually ignore the usual noise of traffic/air brakes/douches with tin-can exhaust, but summer is special and I hate the noise pollution with the power of a thousand suns.
Funny you mention this. A new "innovation" I've noticed this year on my street is a motorcycle with a subwoofer that heralds its arrival early with that particularly maddening frequency you can feel a few blocks away. I don't live in a big city, I live in a small city of under 20,000. Just when I thought the sound of just the motorcycle's exhaust was all I could take...
Motorcycles are fucking dangerous. The thing that really sucks about them is usually the drugged up half drunk tiny pp riding the stupid thing. It's fine if you want to risk your life for no reason but please stop endangering the lives of others AND putting the freedom, financial stability and mental health at risk of the poor people who will inevitably either run you over or try to do cpr on your mangled body because you can't just get a convertible like an adult.
Motorcycle culture is a deep dark dirty parade of death addiction racism and misogyny stretching back almost 100 years. It boils down to this. Selfishness. Period. it's the ultimate "I only care about me and fuck you" there is. It's antisocial to the max and I'm glad that I live in a state where you see very few bikers.
Fuck Motorcycles. I couldn't agree more.
OTOH, my friend who works at a transplant center calls them "a surgeon's pantry"
It’s crazy how little hate motorcyclists face compared to bicyclists in the US. My theory is that Americans perceive cyclists as “weak”.
or just "in the way" and "slow"
Not to mention that ~~if~~ when they get in an accident, there's a serious chance they end in a wheelchair or bed bound.
It's been getting worse the last 5 years in Sioux Falls SD. already had one motorcycle death this weekend
I learned something new today. Thanks!
These same assholes are ruining life for me in the Detroit area suburbs. Noise pollution is a real thing and something that is often overlooked. People think that it's okay to play "Fast and Furious" on residential streets due to their lack of common courtesy and respect for others (also a symptom of societal collapse), or to blast their music driving in the middle of the night at deafening volumes so the sub bass rocks all the houses in the surrounding areas. Maybe I sound like an old crank here, but this sort of stuff helps to deteriorate your mental health and sense of well-being.
Unfortunately a gang and biker culture predominant in the west still exists and instead of silent automatic futuristic motorrads they want to ride dangerous manual transmission loud ugly street bikes
Yeah , where are the cool Red Akira motorbikes at? Haha
Just thinking about the noise from 🤬 motorcycles that will soon infiltrate the "peaceful" north woods in the upper midwest makes my heart race and my blood pressure skyrocket.
When people try to just blame politicians, or the wealthy for so many of the problems we face, I witness clueless moron after clueless moron essentially giving the middle finger to all of the natural world and other humans as they selfishly taint the air. Fireworks, motorcycles----totally useless, utterly destructive shit for "enjoyment".
Location: North Central Indiana-Celina, Ohio, todays photo: a “Day away from it all”. I stepped out of my car, to look at the bustling mid-sized town. It had been a rough week back west in Indiana, looking back, the change of scenery I saw a pretty group of buildings, I pull out my trusty old cannon T6, and took a picture.
It had been a rough week in Indiana indeed, as it warms up people have been getting crazy again, pulling into a gas station I had witnessed a husband and wife arguing something fierce in their car, husband strikes the wife as they drive by in there beaten up Altima, and the crazy drivers that typically plague the roads in my town, there is also a good chance for severe weather this weekend. A few business have shut there doors in my town as well, big lots, and jo ann fabrics have kicked the can, resulting in job loss. As for Celina I noticed a few signs of collapse, I walked up to grand lake and the water was rather gross, had a film of oil on the surface, MAGA sign at the entrance of town, I’m sure there’s more but my data set is limited there, needs further observation.
Collapse rating north central Indiana 2.1/10 mostly business as usual, people getting nutty, businesses closing down.
For Celina: not enough data
Internet: 8.6/10, dead but does not know it.
Location: Alberta, Canada
This image appeared alongside a major road where I live. Even in the maple MAGA part of our country, signs of resistance are becoming more frequent & tensions have never felt higher. People are getting increasingly tired by the rhetoric coming from the Oval Office, Canadians who display pro-trump or pro-USA signage are being attacked in public (Victoria, BC) or having their personal property vandalized (High River, AB).
Our premier in AB is heading to Florida to host a PragerU event with Ben Shapiro and is widely considered to be a traitor by the people she represents, with a few pro 51st state extremists continuing to support her. Calls for her to resign and people reaching out to their MLAs, the opposition & other representatives are becoming more commonplace.
Misinformation is RAMPANT. I’ve been forced to delete most social media apps to avoid it.
Today during the CBC’s power and politics episode an American steel worker was interviewed and their concerns were eye opening. This individual seemed heartbroken and utterly terrified about their future & their message was grim.
We are being bombarded by insane threats, attacks, retaliations and inevitable reversals on an hour by hour basis while also in an extremely transitional period for our government. Foreign interference in our upcoming election is not just being talked about, it’s expected & I worry this is all far more intentional than most people realize. Discernment when ingesting media will be crucial in the coming months.
One unique thing is that Canada has never felt this united, there are a handful of Canadians who are brainwashed … but ultimately most people are on the same page: we will support & help one another, we will vote for a government which will help us negotiate new trade agreements with loyal partners (this needs to be our priority in the upcoming election, above all else), and we will implement social programs to help navigate the absolute chaos that we’re enduring every. single. day. Canadians know we will suffer, we are prepared to suffer but we will never be the 51st state.
One possible upshot: I think what the maga crowd is trying to pull here with Canada has backfired and strengthened ties amongst the rest of the Allies, like the potential "Four Eyes" arrangement minus the US and other things. Possible Commonwealth/Euro rennaisance? I for one am Canuckpilled 🍁
Canada had a visit from a French nuclear sub yesterday. It happened to be in the area and wanted to say hello. Nothing to do with orange idiot and his Nazi followers. Canada would not be alone if the US invaded
Did this really happen? Serious question, I read somewhere that the picture I've seen accompanying this claim was actually taken several years ago. I haven't found anything confirming this.
I agree with this 100%. America will be an arms length junior partner, if anything, to the strength our (former? 😖) friends are building.
.. Was that on Macleod? Hahaha Jesus
I heard memorial (it was in an r/Alberta thread)
Gotcha. Grew up in Southern Alberta before moving stateside.
I am so disappointed that this is one of the only mentions of annexation threats against Canada that I could see on this thread, especially in so much detail.
Fuck every American that is standing by complacently. You all should be freaking out over what’s to come due to these threats, yet all I see is people complaining about illness, food prices, weather, whatever. Is this the new “violent content” policy at work, or are you all really so ignorant? Plug into a Canadian subreddit for a couple of days, and imagine being a Canadian for a moment, if you can. I know there is a lot going on right now, but this is something that needs to be shut down immediately or else collectively all of our lives are fucking over. Yes America is threatening other nations, but not as extreme as they are threatening Canada.
We can do quiet things too, like getting our affairs in order, getting passports, malicious compliance.
One thing I hope you keep in mind is Trump is a blow hard. He floats an insane idea, and, God wiling, reverses.
A concept in law is waiting for a claim to be ripe. This issue isn’t ripe. Who would go out in a (redacted) of glory, when Dump is arguably at his most powerful? A protester is in ICE detention indefinitely, and a judge upheld it. Dump is going after legal firms that ever crossed him. We are more in danger than any Canadian at the moment. We Americans are trying our best not to give him and excuse to activate the Insurrection Act.
I do not believe for a minute that more than a small handful of nuts in America will ever stand for any direct action against CA.
Trump has been advised that the melting Arctic will be the new theater of future great power “issues”…. It may very well be. That’s why he was specific about Greenland and Canada.
The board is flooded here. We can’t gasp for air between each new outrage.
It’s arrogance. The US has never not been in control of its destiny….and it got lazy. It forgot about ethics. And that translates on a daily basis to people walking around. A lot of us hate it, and the ones who could do something are paralyzed by learned helplessness because their global and historical literacy is limited, and the daily struggle to not go bankrupt takes priority. I am taking action.
Also IDGAF if Americans voted blue or weren’t “direct” contributors to trumps win… they’re complacently and inaction speaks volumes & it’s not going unnoticed.
A revolt is needed before it is too late… unfortunately the fuckin looney tunes who would be willing to overthrow the government are on the wrong side
And friendly reminder.
Police, including very recently hired federal officers with nazi desires, read our forum.
This is not the place for direct action.
Now that Trump wants to buy a Tesla while proclaiming both shooting windows and protesting outside dealerships as "domestic terrorism" you will see more crackdown, including Reddit, on violent content. This is not the place for direct action.
I agree wholeheartedly.
If you guys send troops over the border we have space and only take payment in the form of liberating our country. (Food extra but can be paid for in maple syrup)
Or you could revolt your own government
Duuuude, what is the first rule of fight club?
Shit, give me some Aero chocolate bars and Coffee Crips and I will be forever indebted.
On behalf of the United States citizens that did not vote for this, please accept my apologies. What an embarrassment this country has become. Its shameful. I wish there was a quick and easy way to remedy things between our countries. All we can do is protest and hope.
I think protests unfortunately are less effective than you think. Yall need to actually overthrow your government now… for the safety of your future and that of the rest of the world.
I second this. I am a veteran and I have never found a Canadian who was not top notch. I even have met some who were less than polite (think about that).
It makes zero economic sense why Trump would even want Canada - Ontario is the single most indebted subsovereign state or nation in the entire world, down bad worse than California with a mere fraction of the population.
I truly do think this whole trade war fiasco is about sowing discord amongst traditional allies, & is being done to expose the harshest & most outspoken critics.
Once that is all out there, the Insurrection Act will be used to attempt silencing them all into submission.
Every single North American should remain vigilant these next few weeks, & remain hyper aware of the dishonest information campaigns being used by billionaire class interests to divide & distract us.
Make no mistake, this is War, & has been for some time now: let us finally come together & define it as one of Rich vs Poor, Top vs Bottom - Have’s vs Not’s - instead of Left vs Right, Canada vs USA, etc.
If it should ever come to boots on the ground, I must remind everyone that the US hasn’t won a conflict since the Second World War - if Afghanistan & Vietnam could outwit & outlast the American War Machine, Americans must ask themselves very carefully how they think things would go with a hostile guerrilla force that is as close as you can get to the heart of the empire & able to blend in perfectly…
Nobody wants it to come to that, so let’s not let it.
Here’s a list of very specific reasons trump wants to redraw the border:
Fresh water
Iron ore
Oil, bitumen and natural gas
And don’t get it twisted he doesn’t want these resources to better the lives of Americans, he wants to exploit them to make himself and his friends wealthier.
There’s virtually no chance this will escalate to combat. America will fall into an economically triggered civil war before that even becomes an attainable possibility. It’s a bullshit threat, but the threat itself means the USA will isolate itself from any foreign support (with the exception of Russia? Maybe?) and the people left suffering the most will be the majority of Americans who will not be able to successfully navigate the collapse of the American economy.
Which some of them actually voted for.
This ^
And some folks still seem to believe what he is doing is going to make them rich versus drain their savings & eliminate any possibility of comfort in their future. It’s wild how delusional his fans are.
Location: United Kingdom
One aspect that dominates British life is that of money. The cost to keep this country running constantly seems to be going up and yet we never seem to have enough. Recently Labour announced they going to drastically cut spending on benefits as it has reached unsustainable levels - which is true. This is because people claiming benefits for mental health has skyrocketed in the last few years. I imagine people would be quick to point to COVID as the reason why - more young people that saw their lives completely upended during the lockdowns never really got back in their feet. Plus COVID was a watershed moment; it was a moment when people who generally ignored politics turned to their leaders in a pretty dire time only to see them as incompetent buffoons. It's no secret that the UK spent more than most countries during COVID and yet fared far worse. I think this is partly why people are keen to simply move on from COVID and never discuss it. People were perhaps given an uncomfortable realisation that not only do politicians not care about you (obvious to many anyway) but they are incapable of dealing with external factors without resorting to politicizing it so they can scheme and sleaze their way into maintaining control.
But there is a bigger picture here than goes back before COVID. The UK was one of the few countries that openly celebrated their choice for austerity after the 2008 crash. Now 17 years removed from the financial crash, and people see nothing has improved. Our lives are worse off.
To quote from a comment over on another sub I frequent, I felt this summed things up nicely:
And that there is the issue. People are sick and tired of watching their lives deteriorate and the work they put in does not change things. Then our politicians slam their fist on the podium and declare if you can take that shitty, low paying job, then you absolutely should because it benefits the economy - y'know, that nebulous creature that has failed you time and time again.
Britain feels like a constant grind. Our chase of efficiency has made it so nothing works as it should. We're plagued with the same economic choices time and time again, regardless of who is in charge. We watch the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and the blame and the price falls on the most vulnerable.
Perhaps I'm overreacting when I say that it feels like the UK is one or two systemic shocks away from just collapsing in on itself. Wealth inequality in this country is so bad and has continued to worsen over the last 15 years.
The UK has been a kleptocracy for a couple of decades now.
A great example of this: my water bill. 2 years ago, it was £12/month. Last year it doubled. Now my monthly payment is £44. This is to a private company that bankrupted itself by taking out loans to pay dividends and hasn't invested in new infrastructure or maintained existing, resulting in the worst water quality in the UK. But it's us trapped 'customers' who have to pay for it all. Doesn't get more klepto than that.
And today I saw a CEO was earning £900,000 a year.
Location: North Carolina and Southern Massachusetts
I went to visit some family I have in Wilmington area this past week. My trip was full of collapse awareness - here are some of the things I observed:
1.) Wilmington, NC, is probably an accurate microcosm of most of the USA - a land of those who have and have not. Dozens of gated 55+ communities, brand-new homes and luxury apartments, trendy breweries and restaurants, and upscale retail for rich white people...right between poverty-stricken towns, empty lots, and polluted rivers. And I truly mean whites-only - the lack of diversity at the theater, my family's community, and many other establishments was shocking even coming from very-white Massachusetts.
2.) Speaking of pollution, I wanted to see what nature Wilmington had to offer, so I took a stroll around Greenfield Lake, the nearest and top-rated walk I could find. During my walk, I observed an incredible amount of plastic and trash skewed in the water and along the path. I also saw several homeless tent encampments, including a bunch of folk passed out on tables near the community playground. I spoke with a nice man who was fishing, and he told me although the city said not to eat the fish from the lake, he still does because he can't afford food. I gave him $20 and finished my walk.
3.) Finally, the cherry on top was when I was having a drink at the airport bar waiting for my flight. I struck up a conversation about basketball with two gentlemen, one probably 35 and the other 55. Everything was totally fine until the older one mentioned Key West, and how much fun it is when "only the normal people are there." I asked him what he meant, thinking he must be referring to college students on spring break, and he said "Well them queers! Those fuckin' faggots need to get out of Florida and go back where they belong." Totally deadpan, and I shit you not, the bartender and the younger man nodded in agreement, smiling and laughing.
I froze my face in my "mask of indifference," paid for my drink and left, shocked and saddened. While I have never been more thrilled to return to my home "liberal" state...I am left with a very unsettling sense of the sheer hatred brewing in America.
You really think a white community is a #1 sign of collapse? I mean, do you go to rural india and complain it has too many indians? Or to Mexico that it has too many Mexicans?
No wonder people around me hate NE liberals. I couldn't imagine thinking this way. Wow.
If you read my whole post, including that very paragraph you quoted, you’ll understand that I was not saying that white people are indicative of collapse. I was illustrating the shocking difference between seeing impoverished communities full of minorities right down the street from affluent stores where I saw only white people shopping. My conclusions would certainly have been much different if I saw white people in poverty while minorities shopped and dined.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish by labeling me a NE liberal and somehow validating your neighbors’ hate of “people like me.” If you hate someone who has empathy for the people suffering in this country - white, minority or otherwise - then I feel sorry for you.
You said Massachusetts, I'm not labelling nuthin'. It's hard enough to get people in my area to not vote against trump, when they see how NE liberals talk about them.
Was this the Wilmington Airport? Can’t imagine anyone saying that in CLT. But then, the world is changing.
I hate how Stormfront has been so normalized by MAGA. People just feel like they have permission to spew their filth and ignorance in public. They do it with pride in their assholishness. Maybe an accurate Google Maps review might help that bar be a place that is best avoided if one doesn’t have Nazi leanings.
Yes please. I am feeling pretty appalled at how “queer” is coming back out as a word people openly use as a slur.
Read "Wilmington's Lie" which catalogues the racist massacre of black people in Wilmington, NC in1898. Following the Civil War, black people settled in Wilmington, the NC's biggest city, because of jobs available at the thriving port. They became active in securing voting rights supported by white Republicans. They started their own newspaper, and held several public positions. These trends worried Wilmington's racist white population and they plotted to threaten blacks from registering and from voting. Following the election where only 1/3 of blacks actually voted, racist whites attacked, killing some black residents and forcing others to flee. They took prominent blacks out into the middle of the Cape Fear River and threatened to push them overboard if they did not leave the city. The attacks had the desired result with whites taking ownership of prime properties previously owned by black people. They had threatened blacks with death if they returned so they could not pay taxes on property. The properties were bought up for pennies on the dollar by white people (both commercial and residential). The descendants of those racist people are still prominent in Wilmington today. We lived there from 2002 until 2014 and can verify the racist nature of the city.
Wilmington is probably one of the most segregated cities in America. I know people who move there and become racist after living there.
I think it has a lot to do with the coup.
I would also wager that many of the white folks who moved from "up north" were racists as well. Don't think that there isn't racism "up north". I grew up in Buffalo NY. Most segregated place I have ever lived. This is, of course, just my observation.
100%. My family relocated to the area from up north, and while thankfully they are NOT racists, many of their neighbors are also from the northeast and super MAGA. While I feel bad for the normal folk in Wilmington, a part of me is glad that at least some of the trash here is relocating.
I didn't think your family was racist - far from it. My parents were not raised that way either - they just bought the big happy illusion of MOVE DOWN SOUTH when you RETIRE!! As did, as you know, those racist NE white people who did the same thing.
FWIW I feel the same way you do, although I no longer live in Buffalo. I live in a VERY integrated neighborhood down here in Orange county NY. As in house to house we have different races of folks. Thank GOD I live in my neighborhood. My neighbors are excellent people.
My parents moved to St. James Plantation (Southport NC) in 2006. I was visiting them in February. Lots of building for "luxury" gated communities along the one stretch of road (route 211? route 17? - don't quote me). It was reasonable when they moved down there, but prices have gone straight up.
I must say, I don't recall seeing a POC in their community. The only POC I saw were Latinos doing yard work on many of the houses in St. James Plantation.
That hatred has been there a very long time and a lot of people are feeding the flames.
In the case of queer hatred, that's christian churches. Jesus told them to hate queers.
Location Ontario, Canada
Tension: People are angry and scared. I know several people who aren't as plugged in as myself who are going into prepper mode. People are openly talking about forming resistance groups against America if they invade. Everyone is on edge.
Economics: So many people are getting laid off due to the slow down. Things are not good and a lot of people are starting to see that. It feels like we are collectively just waiting for the axe to fall.
If you talk about forming resistance groups, do not do it online or on the phone. At least for direct action cells. On the other hand if you want to form large organizations be as loud as possible
Don’t even have phones in the room when you talk brass tacks
…Trying to explain to my partner how the Soviets could listen in on a hung up old timey phone and to lower their GD voice when discussing brass tasks…. Receptive but doesn’t really believe me. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
We would turn our phones off, leave them in the other room, turn music on in that room, and then close the damn door to the other room.
You if we were to do anything like that. Not that I would. I’m a very good girl.
Godark bags are excellent for opsec
> against America if they invade
Relax! The US military is only number 1 in cost and pollution
It wasn't able to do shit against a bunch of sheep shepherds living in caves in Afghanistan, so there's nothing to fear.
Location: Downeast Maine
Greetings my friends, I don’t even know what to say about people. The snow though, despite two days of 40F rain, persists, as do the daily additions to it. I, personally, am looking forward to a warm day. I will regret that when the mud eats my boots. (Weather is normal for Maine where I am. Though the rest is still in drought, I believe. Hard to tell cause NOSA is being eaten alive by the admin.)
Humans around here are hard to report on.
Here’s the good news: protests are getting larger; pulpits who preach liberal values are getting louder; some people are starting to grasp there is a problem. Small towns in Maine are having protests off 400ish people as folks gather to organize and speak up. My own organizations are finally making some movement forward, meetings with government officials and agencies (though the amount of effect that will have is unknown, we are trying). One of Maine’s representatives has publicly shared that there is farming protests being organized to drive tractors to the Capitol.
The bad news is an absolute fucking baffle to me.
Someone told my husband to “be more optimistic, because there was going to revolution.” When he said he hoped it was before too many people died (he is very worried about patients losing Medicare/Medicaid/SSA) the person, a liberal, gay boomer told him “There’s going to be a Republican revolution and they’ll sort themselves out.” It will be a cold day in hell before I sit around waiting on a Republican to save me, let alone a party revolution.
Someone else told me, “the founding fathers were arrogant, and so the government needed cleaning up anyway. We can sort it out after.” WTF?!
Then, to top off the absolute insanity here is a direct quote from a text conversation: “For me, we are on the threshold of healthy, healing bipartisanship. It’s the last hope to avoid a stupid civil war. Worse come to worst I am strongly bipartisan.”
So, my foreign friends, this is what is happening in the heart of “liberalism” in America. This absolute horseshit is why this nation is pivoting nose first into a financial collapse, if not complete collapse. This absolutely nincompoop nonsense is why you aren’t seeing strikes and marches in the street. Because US Boomers have been absolutely eaten by brain worms or something as a generation. GenX & Millennials are doing better but we have limited power and definitely need to be doing better as a whole.
For now, New Brunswick hasn’t turned off the electric to Maine. I wouldn’t blame them if they did. The amount of asinine brinkmanship playing out in the world theater is staggering. The level of bad social drama there is to watch on social media between WORLD LEADERS makes me nauseated.
On a personal note my personal ptsd was so triggered by the Zelenskyy-Trump meeting & and it’s endless derivative memes and videos that I lost nearly a week to fighting flashbacks. To my fellow survivors, I know this shit is hard, and harder given support being undercut right now. Know you’re not alone. (I luckily have excellent supports, I know everyone doesn’t.)
Y’all. I don’t know how to sum this up. I’m just trying to go into this week to survive til the snow melts, & I can plant things. Remember there is beauty even in the collapsing world. Look out for it, and each other, out there.
> Because US Boomers have been absolutely eaten by brain worms or something as a generation. GenX & Millennials are doing better but we have limited power and definitely need to be doing better as a whole.
I don't know a single boomer and older who is aware of the healthcare system collapse that's coming.
I know a ton of GenX and Millennial who are completely aware of this, including myself. It's so interesting, because we are the ones who aren't dependent on it functioning for hte most part.
Absolutely. I am just stunned at how little these folks know about the systems they are completely dependent on.
The upside is that with tons of the boomers and older gone, essential workers will finally get the access to affordable housing they need to be able to stay healthy.
We all depend much more on essential workers doing well than on boomers and older.
I’m not convinced it will happen in a timely enough manner. :/
I think it's already collapsing, and now Kennedy is the accelerator
Sure, but it takes time for people who have had well managed care to pass. They don’t just die all at once. And we don’t want them to, Reddit mods. I’m just saying, that the amount of wealth accumulation, even should they all disappear without the complications of an entire generation of humans dying out due to lack of healthcare, might not be enough to resolve the crisis of housing we’re in on its own.
The process of redistribution is tricky and a lot of these folks already have stuff in trusts. Or don’t… and then that makes the legal hassle multiple times more complicated. I have been hearing a lot about it from folks recently, and it’s fascinating how even facing down death, boomers have found ways to wrangle their wealth accumulation.
Tons of the 65+ Americans I know are walking pharmacies.
Our definition of "well managed care" is for sure different given that I'm very exposued to tons of healthy old people living abroad by comparison. Americans are packed with chronic diseases.
Sure. Lots of them are walking pharmacies. But more of them aren’t then I think we just assume. I’d say it’s 60/40. And 40 of boomers is still a lot of boomers.
I agree we need young healthy folks to have housing. I’m just noting it’s not going to be simple.
We'll see how it plays out because the boomers aren't known for being good at personal finance either.
So take the typical boomer couple. Once one is gone, the other cannot pay their leftover mortgage on 1 income. They also spent decades going against affordable housing so cannot afford to downsize either. I expect a ton of these to off themselves like the ex of David Hasselhoff did, in her case, disease and staying in a house she couldn't afford while unable to downsize.
Wait - is that what caused the ex Mrs. Hasselhoff to perish? I hadn't heard that, only that she died.
Another example of famous people who have died recently: Gene Hackman and his wife in New Mexico.
Points to ponders in your discussion with SunnySideFarm.
> Wait - is that what caused the ex Mrs. Hasselhoff to perish? I hadn't heard that, only that she died.
Yes, and the amount of old women wondering if they will end up homeless out loud - the bulk of them white - around me has increased a lot.
Too bad they failed to put affordable housing first for at least the 4 decades they were voting. So sad!
Can't argue with you re: white women being homeless as they age. It's been a problem since...IDK forever. I remember seeing a segment on CBS "60 Minutes" back in the 1980s about the phenomenon. White, post-successful women in California living in their cars. I think Leslie Stahl was the correspondent. If it wasn't the 1980s it was definitely the early 1990s.
I guess white women weren't aware of the phenomenon. It was reported, yet the information failed to reach them. FWIW I am a white woman. That is a fear I have. I can't tell you how many women, once they got divorced, found their finances in ruins and their lives precarious.
Looks like ex Mrs. Hasselhoff was another victim of it. Maybe she thought her children would help her out. IDK - but I am sure she was living in a nicer home and would have benefited from boarders.
You're absolutely right about that. There's a documentary on replay these days on Arte (european TV channel) about why women often end up in poverty. It's none of the above toxic ideas from the appalling upper comments, it's education.
Women are trained since birth to not ponder on money, to pay for the everyday shit of a household (groceries, utilities, clothing, medical costs, ...), whilst men only typically put their name on and pay for "big things" (cars, tech, housing, boats, ...) ... which are the things that matter in a divorce agreement.
Actually this is so important, I'l copy it higher up the convo.
The lack of basic life skills is the case here though, doesn't take a genius to realize that empty rooms mean potential roomates.
what are you even responding to?
to the comment above, a person without formal education but survival skills and common sense would have gotten roomates
You would think...but if you were raised under the idea that "man provides, women keep a nice house, look nice, don't have to work, just raise the children, need no other skills because THE HUSBAND PROVIDES..."
That is a difficult mindset to get out of - even when your life is falling apart. And you have the room for roommates.
Just my experience.
It's fascinating how minority women end up doing much better than white ones when it comes to their risk of homelessness in spite of facing life long discrimination and earning the least.
It's their resilience built from white abuse that ends up paying off.
A really nice outcome as they end up coming ahead. Even more so Latinas, with their overperformance when it comes to healthcare outcomes and their longevity.
Saddest part is that there IS white abuse. I won't argue with you because I agree with you.
SecretPassage1 - IDK if you are a female, but in my life I made damn sure I could provide for myself IF my husband decided to take a walk (or just leave for whatever reason). I met him in college, so education was my personal friend. I also associated with other people when I was younger who definitely did NOT want to be in the traditional wife situation.
So, because down the line of this appalling convo it got blamed on "boomer white old ladies's votes" (ffs) to end up homeless here's a bit of a PSA for all women coming across this :
There's a documentary on replay these days on Arte (european TV channel) about why women often end up in poverty99. It's none of the toxic ideas from the appalling comments below, it's education.
Women are trained since birth to not ponder on money, to pay for the everyday shit of a household (groceries, utilities, clothing, medical costs, ...), whilst men only typically put their name on and pay for "big things" (cars, tech, housing, boats, ...) ... which are the things that matter in a divorce agreement.
The documentary in french, subtitled in english Rich women, Where are they? part 1 52mn and Rich women, Where are they? part 2 53mn
you might have to set your VPN to a french server, but it's free access.
As a woman (62 years young) I am really saddened by the comments regarding boomers. It is obvious we have enough challenges in our country right now to be singling out age demographics for blame. We still have enough hatred with longstanding racism, gender inequality, and ethnicity fear.
Yes, older boomers are/were a problem but that's because when they were growing up, the U.S. was at a peak - post WW2. These are the same folks who also came of age during Vietnam, too. It formed them as young people and that's who they are. The youngest boomers (such as myself) grew up right next to Gen x and we each influenced the other, making us who we are. And we are extremely well informed.
From my observation, millennials might know what is going on, but wish they didn't. Many of them came of age or grew up since 9/11 and the recession of 2008. As with generations before them, it affected who they are today.
Every generation has their different life experiences to form who they are. So to lump anyone not like yourself into a category of folks who are uninformed, etc. is just another form of discrimination. It's also disrespectful and we need respectful citizens now more than ever before. Don't we have enough problems RIGHT NOW?
We all need to come together as people! As Americans! And show the world respect, pride, and diversity are still alive and well despite attempts to stamp it out.
> As a woman (62 years young) I am really saddened by the comments regarding boomers.
Boomers' behaviors and voting patterns had been the problem for 40 years.
They've consistently screwed up the young that now they want to depend on as they age.
Why aren't you sad about that?
Who says I am not sad about that? I am very sad. But to stereotype and categorize people isn't helpful. EVER. You don't know my life. Or anyone else's, for that matter. Which was exactly my point.
Here's some truth about me: my dad was a selfish early Boomer bastard who married me off at 18, never contributed to our education, and didn't help us financially EVER! All so he could retire at age 52 and live out his life in Florida. When he died in 2019 he left my mom f***Ed because he didn't take responsibility. Why was he like this? A lot of reasons that formed him. Just like the rest of us.
Did that stop me from building the life I was handed? NO. Even when I lost everything in 2008 and now have to take care of my mother. Facts, not whining. Has nothing to do with me being a boomer or how I have voted.
I didn't ask to be born to a misogynistic & controlling family. I didn't vote for any of this to happen, either. But I am not blaming anyone for my life. This IS life. Stuff happens. We move on. Sad but true.
So I say every person needs to take responsibility for their lives and actions, quit pointing fingers at everyone else for their problems, and try to show some respect and empathy for others. We need to unite, not tear apart.
Now take responsibility for not having done enough to change the course of your demographic group's behavior.
Take responsibility. Apologize to the young for failing each time you have the opportunity.
Is this one person? Or did you hear this red revolution from more than one person.
Thats scary, is that how the muslim brotherhood gots its claws on egypt?
These comments came from three different folks, in absolutely separate conversations. That’s what made them so absolutely bonkers to me.
And yes, I believe it was part of what happened in Egypt.
If two or more people from two or more areas of your life are saying the same thing, something is happening.
FWIW there are plenty of wacked out GenX folks too. It's not all Boomers. Source: Gen X person (F56) myself. I used to hear right wing/conservative talking points spewed by my compatriots while growing up in the 1980s. And spewed even harder into the 1990s and 2000s.
Boy. Situation is grim.
same, gen x, is it microplastics?
I mean, probably. New research came out this week makes it look likely.
IDK either - I was thinking microplastics too. But you know the old saying: "Your guess is as good as mine."
I agree with you about the fact something weird is happening to hear this from so many folks. It freaked me out.
And yeah, I don’t over credit genx/millennials. I was born in ‘81 and was raised in rural America. I’m keenly aware of how many of us swallow conservative nationalism. It’s part of why I fled to more liberal cities for 20 years. I only mention it because I am, at least, not hearing this weirdo language from non-boomers.
I try not to talk to many "Boomers". My parents are silent generation who benefited from the post World War 2 era.
Just my observations. Right now, I don't talk politics IRL with anybody but my husband and MIL. Maybe a few sympathetic folks I email with. I "unfriended" a few MAGAs on FB who used to post really stupid rants and memes. Most of those unfriended were Gen X.
I live in rural Maine. If we’re going to talk to anyone, it necessitates talking to some. They’re involved in the organizing groups I work with, the primary population at my church, etc. Some of them are sane humans, the majority are just not connected to reality. I wonder how much it is MSM consumption.
MSM consumption...or FOX NEWS. A combination of both. I guess. I don't have an answer.
Before I trash "Boomers" out, I know that there are many who are caring people and have knowledge on how to handle things/organize. They should not be discounted. I truly try not to get on the "Let's trash Boomers out at every moment".
Unprompted or not, there is an undercurrent - hell - even an OVER CURRENT of unease going on. When people are uneasy, they begin looking for allies to align their beliefs.
Yeah, I very carefully avoided the fuck out of watching anything from that meeting. Just the unavoidable reportage from people around me has been a challenge. I'm so sorry things are so tough.
Same. I tried to avoid it but like. Ugh. Thankfully, I’m learning that shooting my guns helps with moving the stress out of my body. That’s been a fascinating experience.
There is something very soothing about the whole ritual of shooting guns. There is a precision and carefulness about it, things need to be "just so" and in order.
The act itself requires an "indrawing" of focus. A clearing of the mind as the world reduces down to a single task, a single moment. The pull of the trigger coming almost as a surprise.
Then, the feeling of power and control as the bullet goes exactly where you wanted it to. The sense of mastery, craftsmanship, and skill. The almost sensual pleasure at a "job well done".
Finally, the cleaning of the weapons. The smell of gun oil and gunpowder. The ritualistic disassembly. The repetition of a well known task that your hands can do almost without conscious thought. The final reassembly and careful policing up, leaving nothing dangerous behind for the unwary.
It can be a meditative experience.
using a tool for destruction, usually the taking of some life form is a meditative experience??? obviously you havent been in a combat war zone... i found no meditative experiences on the sands of iraq. but hey, thats me.
I want to note, I understand and respect your position as well. I grew up in a military family, have had many partners & friends who were in the Navy, Marines, or Army. I’m not in anyway dismissive of the dangers of the tools.
My gun use is specifically because it’s a tool to kill. My current carry, and prior carry, was due to my own threatening situations. I have not killed people with my weapon. I have held people who wept for the ones they had to, and it breaks my heart. I’m also willing to do so to protect myself & my family. It’s not an easy thing.
I find calm in the process, as it releases my stress, the agitation in my body, knowing I can protect my child or myself. And the stillness of the process, the meditative focus, as u/TumeGlum7903 put it, helps me know I will be able to be less panicked if that moment comes.
I didn’t have any guns for over a decade. I want to go back to that. So for now, I will take what I can get from it.
I was Navy, NROTC at UC Berkeley in the early 70's. I went on to do mostly EOD work. I "retired" after an IED in Africa killed 4 out of the 6 in my unit one afternoon when we pulled over so someone could pee.
I lost both eardrums and had half my face smashed in. The brain injury cost me my gift for languages and higher mathematics as well as increasing my impulsiveness.
I grew up with guns. My first deer hunt was at the age of 4. By 18 I had 3 rifles and two pistols and was an excellent shot with any of them. I was on my NROTC pistol team and was considered "marksman" level.
I don't have guns anymore. I put them aside after my brother shot his ex-wife, two kids, and himself when she divorced him. I am prone to depression at times and far to many of men I served with died from eating their guns over the years.
A gun is a tool, nothing more, nothing less.
ok. apologies. thank you for your service. I meant no disrespect. i laid down my guns after my second tour. i have killed men on a combat field. it was NOT a meditative experience for me. 25 years on i have not picked up a weapon and i see their faces and bodies every night in my"dreams"because unfortunately i DO dream. Like you it is a good thing that i dont have guns around anymore. be well.
Peace be with you. :-)
Well put.
Huh, interesting. I can certainly see how that might work.
I've had similar experience with splitting firewood - it's quite cathartic to see a large-ish piece fly off 2-3 meters away.
Same. Except right now all the wood outside is already split or wet.
I believe it!
I had to search for it to be sure, sharing for other foreigners:
When has the orange stain ever shown to be willing to compromise in anything?
EXACTLY. That’s why I think these folks have absolutely lost their minds. MAGA is not interested in any compromises.
I too had a really strong reaction to hearing that clip. T—— reminds me so much of my father sometimes that I feel like I’m in a surrealist hellscape. My father has the exact same cadence when arguing/berating. My father is a vastly, vastly better man. But observing the similarities, coupled with the effect of the abuse my father doled out when I was younger, really kicks up the old fight-or-flight response.
For sure. I had an ex who berated me like that. And the spectacle of it was just… ugh. It was a lot.
Thanks a lot for the detailed update on protests ! It was very interesting. And insightful. In rare moments like that I tell myself "this is exactly what internet was meant for" 👍
I'd say those small town protests are an excellent sign. Yes, for now it's not much and you will probably find it useless. There won't be results. But the real result isn't there: you're building a culture, talking with each others, building trust. You're creating fertile ground for large actions later
Right. And I am reminding myself that while I feel isolated out here on my farm, and frustrated with these old folks who are saying these ridiculous things, there are others who are pushing for action, and I am able to utilize the internet to do work now.
I’ve done a lot of work to create a good algorithm on my different services, and now it’s serving not just me, but different organizations I’m working with. And that’s been nice to be able to move info around through connections and community.
I’m reading this whilst fighting a panic attack in my bathroom 🤙💙
I want too upvote but I’m afraid of Reddit’s new policy. Ambiguous definitions of v-0l3nc3 means anything could catch me a “banana” from TPTB.
The "tiktokification" of everyday language out of necessity due to how stupid algos are makes me want to put my head in a massive three gallon jar of farts. I hate it so much. 🤣
Yeah, I really was going to do my best to dance around things but then quoting people I realized… the AI moderation bots might eat my post if they don’t grasp context.
Here in Wisconsin, I am also trying to survive til planting season. It’s a very achievable goal!
Very very much looking forward to being outside all day again.
Location: USA, Lower 48 States, East of the Mississippi River
Covid cases have been slowly and gradually declining, though about 1 out of every 110 people either has covid or has recently been infected with covid and case transmission remains high in 17 states as well as Washington D.C.
For multiple different but equally stupid reasons, many people treat covid as a nothingburger, choosing to brush it off to YOLO their way through life like it's 2019. However, the truth is that covid is a lot more dangerous than it's commonly perceived to be, and covid can leave you with a bunch of different health issues and complications even after a mild infection, no matter your race, age, gender, or current health status and there are steps you can take to reduce your chances of getting covid or spreading it to anyone else. Do people get annoyed (or violently angry) at me for mentioning this? Is the sky blue? Do pigs like to roll in mud? Does Kanye West hate Jews?
Of course, annoying people has never stopped me before and it'll never stop me later. I only have one chunk of existence on this planet and I'm going to use it exactly how I want to use it. To that end, I do what I can to share useful information and resources when I find them, including some older but still useful stuff in case new people ever happen to stumble on my posts.
Covid Safety 101: https://covidhelp.org/
Some Basic Facts About Long Covid: https://sites.google.com/view/letscleartheairab/long-covid?authuser=0
Masks Work: Distorting Science To Dispute The Evidence Doesn't: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/masks-work-distorting-science-to-dispute-the-evidence-doesnt/
How Covid Causes Premature Aging: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-29801-8
A Helpful Guide To Fitting Bi-fold Masks: https://x.com/sleepyknave/status/1646611813809659908
How To Use CO2 Monitoring To Assess Indoor Air Quality: https://itsairborne.com/intro-to-monitoring-co2-20f191dd8f60
How Covid Can Lead To An Increase Of Different Health Problems: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-02051-3
A Couple Of Videos Explaining The Myth Of Immunity Debt: https://x.com/amandalhu/status/1728198460934131993
Why A Virus Being Endemic Doesn't Mean It's Harmless: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00155-x
Bird Flu has also been continuing to kill lots of animals, especially birds, and especially egg-laying chickens, which has caused egg prices to skyrocket: https://hms.harvard.edu/news/are-we-cusp-major-bird-flu-outbreak
Measles has also been popping up in several different states, mainly thanks to not enough parents vaccinating their kids for measles but there are likely other factors at play too: https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2025/what-to-know-about-measles-and-vaccines
The weather in my area has been fairly decent lately, though after checking the local news while making dinner tonight, I found out that my area is under a moderate drought warning. The weather forecast does call for some rain this weekend, but it's anyone's guess as to what will happen since weather forecasts in my area haven't been as accurate in the last few years as they used to be.
The news has been filled with reports of plane crashes, discussion of the many different problems that could arise from Trump's ridiculous, stupid-ass tariffs, and all the various other dog water quality ideas the orange hominid wants to enact. With that said, I don't take even an ounce of joy in watching people who voted for him suffer from his stupidity. Some people do things that I find absolutely heinous, for sure, but I want to hold onto faith that people can redeem themselves and learn from past mistakes or bad decisions as much as possible. I guess detached, jaded cynicism is the cool thing to do lately, as far as I can pick up, but that's never been me and I don't want to ever be that kind of person.
Twitter had an outage today that lasted several hours (or, at least, it lasted several hours for me.) Twitter isn't nearly as useful as it used to be, but I do find some helpful information about covid and some news on there, and some artists I like also use Twitter. I don't post a whole lot on Twitter anymore, mainly due to my engagement absolutely tanking since Elon Musk took over but I do have a private account to store some NSFW content I don't want everyone to see (I also have a Bluesky account, but I don't like that you can't have a private account on Bluesky, since I like having a place where I can share NSFW stuff that I don't want everyone to be able to see.)
My social life, while it's never been the most active (as you would expect for someone with my personality,) has been in the absolute dumps lately. So far, in this entire calendar year, I got to hang out with exactly one friend at a local event and that's been it. I get most of my socializing these days chatting with people on Discord, as trying to maintain healthy relationships with people has only become more and more of a struggle as the pandemic drags on, life gets more and more expensive, and society in general seems to be becoming less and less tolerant of people who don't fit into a neatly pre-determined set of boxes, and being a triangle shaped wedge in a world full of square shaped holes, I'm stuck sailing up shit creek with only a palm frond for a paddle. Or, to put it another way, socially speaking, if people were boats, I'm a canoe in a world full of fancy motorboats. I'm more than willing to help other people sail somewhere as long as they don't try to break the canoe, but nobody wants to bother with a dinky old canoe when there are fancy motorboats they can sail on instead. I'm no introvert, but when you're built like me, people are put off by you the same way they're put off by a weird song with a strange melody or tempo that doesn't slap and when nobody else wants to hear your metaphorical song, shit gets lonely.
Often, I find myself despairing over the state of, well, everything, but as crazy and fucked up as things are and as slim as my chances of being able to build a life for myself that allows me to be as secure, comfortable, safe, content, and happy as I want to be are, I don't want to give up and sit on my thumbs watching the world go to shit. There's a lot of fuck ass crazy ass balls to the wall bullshit in this world, but there's also still a lot of beauty, joy, and love left in this world and I want to enjoy what I can while I can still enjoy it, and if I can help make the world a better place than it was before I was yeeted into existence, well, why not put in the effort? As long as I know that I truly tried the best I can, I'll be able to die with a clean conscience, and I consider that a goal worth trying for no matter how fucked up things are.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and look out for yourselves, your loved ones, your communities, and anyone and anything that's important to you. I'm exhausted in multiple ways and I can see how life's been beating down a lot of people I know and a lot of people I care about like a WWE wrestler body-slamming another wrestler into the Dashcon ballpit (after someone pissed in it-yes, that's a true story,) but spite and curiosity are perfectly good sources of motivation and so here's to seeing what the future holds.
I know this was't the point of your observation, and this isn't meant to be an attack at all, but your quip about Kanye explains a lot about why many people treat COVID as a nothingburger.
I'm not defending anything he's doing etc. , but Kanye has bipolar and is currently in a manic episode. During manic episodes people are not in control of their minds and often do/say things that they would never do otherwise that often ruins their lives. For example, Kay Redfield Jameson in her book An Unquiet Mind said that during episodes she would get physically violent, which she would never have done if she was well and is something unheard of for a woman who was raised in a military family to be genteel. Tl;Dr: he's doing all this shit with an unsound mind and needs psychiatric care.
How does the Kanye stuff tie in with your observation about people's attitudes about COVID? With COVID, the media and government downplayed the risks of COVID in favor of economic growth, leading people to think that COVID "was just a cold." With Kanye, most media reports on his behavior leave out the very obvious point that he has a mental illness and is likely acting because he is in a mental health crisis. This, plus people's ignorance about these types of disorders (for example, a lot of people seem to think that mania is some type of truth serum, which is not true), lead people to think that he actually believes everything he's saying, that he's doing it on purpose.
Similarity, as with the harmful effects of COVID (as you demonstrated with your links in your post), there's a lot of information out there from doctors, people with the disease, and Kanye himself about bipolar, mania, and Kanye having the disorder. But people only know what's in front of them now, don't like to admit that they're wrong despite new information, and generally won't seek that information out.
This leads to another point relevant to collapse: if the media can't even put the proper context around a celebrity's actions, then how can they be trusted with other issues and events? Combined with growing censorship and the dismantling of many social media platforms, how is a person supposed to get good information despite not having time, etc. to look into things more deeply?
Mania doesn't make you a nazi... And Kayne has been a nazi even when he was "medicated." This is spoken from someone who experiences rapid cycling bipolar and became homeless/around others who had bipolar.
Covid "coverage" has been utilized by the owning class to keep everything as BAU as possible. Billionaires own most news outlets and thus are able to change the publics narrative.
I personally don't think corporate oligarchic media was ever to be "trusted". Americans never had "good" info unless they had the time to understand and follow independent investigative journalists. Look at the past 70 years of the continuous dismantling of working class sentiment in the news cycle.
Additionally, people are too busy following BAU to put in actual effort to understand their surroundings. Especially Americans and their lazy perspective about needing "easy" information.
Decline and collapse has been in the making a LONG time. Now we are just seeing the upper echelons go "mask off" with their anti populist sentiment and the multitude of scape goats.
I agree with you on your points regarding the corporate oligarchic media.
Regarding bipolar, people have different presentations and while you might not do certain things while manic, it doesn't mean that other people won't. I don't think it makes sense to acknowledge that mania can make people act in negative ways but then deny that mania can make people act in *those* types of negative ways (violence, racism). Adding his illness to the current media coverage puts his actions in context and would likely mitigate their effects.
I'm from Hawai'i. You need to find a piece of wood you like, and carve your own paddle. It's the best way to make sure you're ready to sail.
Fair point, I seem to operate on a wavelength that repels other people but each day is a new opportunity to try again. I've had some brief/temporary success socializing with people before so I figure as difficult as it is, I can always try again and see if something works out.
Location: Vancouver Island
Weather: all over the damn place. Could be blue sky but freezing. Raining but warm. Overcast & dry but air has icicles. Very difficult to stay comfortable.
Our Maple tree in the front yard is covered with shriveled brown leaves. They never fell off. Not even when it snowed. Apparently bulletproof to all cyclical weather swings. In my 52 years of life, and 5 years in this house, that has never happened. How does it work when the new buds start coming out???
Wildlife: no bird sounds since the fall. Normally by now, the horny male Robin is trying to mate with the female who typically nests in ^ that tree. He crashes over and over into our front window. No sign of him or her yet. He’s overdue ;(. I kinda miss the annoying thuds.
Tensions: it’s way too quiet communally. My neighbours aren’t walking by with their dogs. I barely hear cars and FB groups are repeatedly posting over and over about random violence, crashes, hospital mishaps and impending homelessness. I was waiting for these obvious collapse clues to show up in the mainstream. Now it’s in droves. Buckle up friends. When the tree hugging, usually PollyAnna Canadians start whining, shit is getting real. That’s on top of the political shenanigans going on
Health: turns out, a huge chunk of my seemingly ‘death becomes her’ symptoms was Hypothyroid related. My GP slightly lowered my Synthroid dose last May, and there’s been no followup on it. Ya, that’s bad. My TSH as of Tuesday last week was 21. Twenty-fkn-one. I had Thyroid cancer. My level requires suppression to <1.0 to keep the cancer cells from returning. I’ve felt like garbage since July. Was contemplating signing up for MAID because of how badly I’ve been suffering. And it was all fixable. So goddamn pissed off. I had spoken to MANY doctors about these central nervous system symptoms and every one blew me off. My Endocrinologist ordered this recent bloodwork as part of annual review. He called in a panic on Thursday. I had to double my meds until my new prescription was delivered. It takes weeks to bring the levels down. But I’m slowly improving. So that’s good I guess. Goes to show how bad healthcare is.
:offers a hug:
Keep fighting Beach. Every sunrise is victory.
That sort of medical negligence is so fucking inexcusable :( I mean, I'm keeping everything crossed that you pick up now, but still, holy shit.
Very interesting about the leaves -- I've got the same thing going on here in Spain. A whole lot of trees never shed, just kept looking like lots of little sleeping bats or something. Never seen that happen before.
Right? On both statements.
Re: med negligence. No such thing in BC. You get what you get. Our Minister of Health runs all the agencies. They’re the complaints department. Big circle jerk basically.
Re: trees/leaves.
Truly bizarre. They just hang as if frozen in time
I'm well familiar with a medical system that you can't meaningfully complain about -- I'm British -- but that doesn't stop me wanting to go yell at some idiots on your behalf!
I’m so happy you found that. I’m a bit touchy feely (“feely” comes with the touchy part, unfortunately).
But I’m just happy to see you update here and to have gotten answers. Wishing you a speedy process to feeling better 💙
Thank you so much
Location: Indiana
This week we will see temperatures ranging from the low 60s to mid 70s. Next week we are getting more snow with the potential of a storm. My neighbors are already running their ac units for some reason?
Is it just me or does it seem like a lot of people have been sleep walking in public since January 20th? I don't hear complaints about grocery prices, gas prices, etc. It's very eerie to say the least. Has ths vast majority of the country simply given up? Even the amount of political memorabilia has dwindled.
My theory is that AC use zombified the US public, and that is why you won't have a general strike this summer. People will complain they actually have to walk on a street, then complain there's no AC in the march, then wait for someone else to protest in their place.
At this point that's my most polite explanation for your collective apathy.
The collective apathy of Americans has to do with lack of healthcare, lack of livable wage, fear due to a MAGA population of extremists with big guns, total lack of time off from work or third spaces to meet in, poor education, propaganda, the list goes on. We aren’t eating bonbons in front of the AC, that just our horrendous overlords living like that.
One thing I’ve learned lately is that the world at large still bases their ideas about lives of average people in the USA on sitcoms and Hollywood. That’s so incorrect though. It’s not our luxuries keeping us docile, it’s the insane hardships that are holding us down. Have some compassion. I’m an American and I’ve never, ever blamed the Russian people or the North Korean people for their lot in life, for the dictators running their countries. I don’t blame people in the Middle East for the extremists among them who have grabbed the reigns and driven everyone into hell. This could happen in your country, too. I never judged individuals for the misfortune of living under an evil regime. I wish people would extend the same courtesy to us.
Thank you. I’m barely holding it together, everything is up in the air: possibly facing total income loss due to the purges in govt, have car repairs I can’t afford, and can’t get that going becausew we are waiting - if we lose all our income we need food not a fixed up 2010 Honda civic.
It's bizarre to me that anyone would feel the need to endlessly bully and belittle people who are already being traumatised to the edge of insanity, but here we are I suppose. A colossal failure of basic human empathy. My best guess is that he's absolutely terrified to the point of having gone quite mad.
Him too, although in his case, he's not scared, he was driven insane during early childhood.
Preach! Everybody likes to hate Americans as if we were one concerted force making all of these collective decisions together. We are not, we are currently being governed by a hostile force. Help us!!!
I'm sorry, Major.
I've enjoyed your local reports, and I genuinely share you absolute terror, but I'm too close to the brink of despair myself to watch you destroy yourself any longer. It's damaging me too much.
Blocking, as far as I can tell, cannot be undone -- and hell, one or other of us (or the sub) will probably be permabanned soon anyway. I hope you find your way out of this despair you've fallen into.
I wish you and those you love the best possible luck in the world to come. Adieu.
Unblocking is super easy, go into preferences, blocked tab, the list of users is there. I know that's the least important part. Just. The more you know.
If you're that terrified about the situation in the US, get out there and do your own marching.
This endless whining that somebody else isn't doing it for you -- from the comfort of your literal historic Aquitaine castle, none the less -- is pathetic.
Naw man, you got it wrong. Fox news zombified america.
The rest of us are in complete and utter shock. Yanno, when people are confronted with an emergency their freeze, fight, flight aystem kicks in?
Well, it turns out that the whole thing we predicted is worse than our worst imaginings and when the body and soul are low on energy the body seems to prioritize the freeze response.
But also- you need to look into the history of the environmental movement in the 1990s. Especially earth 1st I think robert evans has some good stuff on that. Lets just say those not in the freeze reaponse do not want to have a repeat.
You've been in complete shock since the Patriot Act? Sounds more like a coma, then
So you are coming across as quite angry at something that, to my knowledge, is not your lived experience. Maybe you secretly live in ohio and we don't know?
Are you trying to motivate people? If so you are failing and at that failing miserably and just adding to the stress and feeling of helplessness we are already confronting.
Are you trying to educate people? If so, failing there also.
So please, what motivates these, i don't know how to describe them... Maybe targeted outbursts?
What are you hoping to accomplish?
Hey! I like your lighthearted funny weekly comments but your constant shitting on the Americans is getting annoying to even me as a Canadian. Have you protested/ occupied the American embassy in France? Have you started a boycott campaign against American goods? Have you advocated for measures to avoid the repeat of tens of thousands dying in Europe from another heatwave?
Thank you 💙
There is an iconic video of a flaming meteor falling from the sky in Russia, with zero reaction from the people on the scene. When the Soviet Union collapsed, that sleepwalking/melancholy/no-fucks-ever-given reached epic levels. It's a type of dissociation. That's not healthy in the long run, but it allows people to step past atrocities on their way to work and not immediately fall apart on the spot.
maybe the people who complained about grocery prices just did it in bad faith to get donald elected? no one complains now and they are so much worse.
No-one likes having to admit they were complete suckers.
It’s already about 64 in my area, I have the opposite issue when it comes to AC, I run the heat in my car more often than not, keeps the engine cooler. Even though it’s a newer engine, blowing up the old one due to overheating kinda makes me paranoid of it.
My guess is that the Maggots are keeping their heads down, waiting for those egg prices to come in line any. Day. Now.
re:sleepwalking in public. I've had that sensation as well, observing others when I'm out and about, but maybe I come across as the zombie since I try to gray man it as much as possible (despite wearing a mask), impassive and just going about my business in the store and at work. I think a lot more people are aware of the vibes; they're just keeping their heads down and focused on the day to day. I know I am - I have a busy growing season ahead of me and I've been keeping myself safe, rested as much as possible, and healthy in prep for that since no one else I know is going to grow it for me.
As for the weather, I'm looking forward to the warm up. Hope the snow next week stays tf away from Vermont or at least doesn't hang around tbh. It's been a true old-style winter up around here for the first time in years and I am so ready for spring.
Same. I’m so ready to start growing. I just trying to keep myself well so I can.
Location: Southern Spain
Weather here is wibbly-wobbly, as is to be expected. Bursts of unseasonal heat and cold, which seems likely to be unfriendly to crops and critters. People seem fairly normal, even though prices keep getting worse and food size/quality keeps dropping.
Personally, I'm achy as all hell, not sleeping much, finding it difficult to care about anything not-critical, living a horrific opossum lifestyle, trying to stay borderline sane through the power of escapism... All Hail the New Normal.
But that's really not what is concerning me today.
After announcing their new site-wide 'moderation' push, even to the point of targeting people who upvote stuff they don't like, Reddit has stepped on the censorship gas pedal.
Our own /u/Vegetaman916 was permabanned for daring to be pessimistic about WW3, and yes, I am talking around the point in this specific post.
/r/Popculture has closed down because it's most load-bearing mod was permabanned for approving posts mentioning the plumberly first name of a chap merely accused of a murder.
These are just the two random-ass things I've blundered across in the last 24 hours. I only really pay attention to half a dozen subreddits, so, y'know, tip, iceberg, etc.
This site must now be considered a deeply unsafe space.
Given how the Klept -- please do read Sarah Kendsior's brief summary in the first answer to her latest reader questions at the very minimum -- feel about polycrisis-related information, it seems likely to me that active people here, and even the sub itself, are on borrowed time.
I'd recommend a moment or two to think about your strategy if you're no longer able to read/participate here. The mods have mentioned alternate resources before -- the Discord, Lemmy, etc -- so if those appeal, maybe find and bookmark them.
And who knows, maybe we'll get left alone to chat here in hyper-veiled euphemisms if we're all meek, obedient, mealy-mouthed little drones.
Are you feeling meek today, friend?
I’ve completely stopped commenting on most subs. Stopped on the ‘bad place’ and on Bsky. Just read these days. What I’ve also noticed is the brutal moderation and ban 🔨 being outrageously applied on random places- like the card game app I’ve been playing on since 2010. Literally had 200K games over there, tried to log in last week and got this popup :
After emailing asking ‘whowhatwhy’, they responded saying ‘It made sense to us’ 🙄
No reason given. I rarely chat on there. What we do know though, is the site is Ruskie owned.,,
"the site is Ruskie owned" - oh, that brings back such nasty LiveJournal memories! Sorry about your card game, and may you have a smooth emigration to some nice federated or nonprofit-owned space!
That really sucks :(
It just seems super risky to put statements about anything into the ether.
It does, yes :(
Many days I feel meek. I won't lie to you.
the meek shall inherit the earth, not that you want it or the giver is doing you any favor
I'm naturally disinclined to obedience, but I'm so spoonless a lot of the time that sitting upright in a chair is about as much as I can manage. I'm definitely not trying to pass myself off as anything other than very, very tired.
No need to be what you are not. Sitting upright in a chair is just fine IMO. Nobody is going to come into your dwelling and tell you to slouch :).
But I understand you 100%. I am okay chatting here - for now.
Yeah. Well said.
Do we have an alternative message board we can use on Lemmy or any of the Reddit alternatives?
There is a Lemmy collapse. I don't know exactly which instance or sub name, but it is there. The unofficial Discord is, at least, one solid spot rather than a federated splinterscape.
Cool thanks
I'm still looking for a Discord alternative, just for my inner circle. Lemmy is like- am I supposed to be on Lemmy ml or Lem ee or Lemmy world? How do I unify them? Is it decentralized because it's three reddit orgs in a trenchcoat, each with their own house rules and moderation? Open to the idea but I've yet to perceive the better mousetrap.
I was told the meek would inherit. Still waiting. Stiiilllll waiting.
Yeah. I don't see any good alternatives to Reddit, as yet. We'll see, I guess.
Location: France, Paris area
American scientists are welcome!
As I said in a previous comment, for sure we'll welcome you, and an official call has been done to prepare and organize to grant as much as possible of you a position amongst our scientific institutions. article in french here
Below a few links towards the job offers pages of the instutions mentionned in the article:
inserm ("from science to health")
cnrs ("Those who create knowledge need your expertise")
University of Aix Marseilles - AMU is actively searching for climate scientists and clinical researchers in "Immunology Biocluster" [see archived article in french here]
The call to facilitate recruiting of "cancelled" american scientists and researchers has very recently been issued, so don't let a few web pages in french scare you, it's temporary, they're ramping up to welcome you.
Citizens reacting to the geopolitical tensions
Boycotts of american products are ramping up.
here an article in french in a women's magazine, who lists all that would be impacted if we choose to boycott all american products, and there are other magazines listing with what to replace them. What I found interesting is this is the least political magazine out there, really focused on women juggling their everyday life, the one I buy when recovering from a surgery and not able to focus on a proper article with hard analysises.
Tesla's sales have dived in several countries : -75% in Spain, -63% in France et -60% in Germany. Owners are now using stickers on their Teslas that say "I bought it before knowing Elon would go crazy"
My circle of friends already buys local ecological products, so I don't expect a massive change in their habits nor ours.
We've had a week of warmer temps, but otherwise it's been a fairly normal winter so far, a little too warm, but many nights below freezing temps.
Thanks for the links! France is smart to pick up some of the brain drain from the US's asinine actions.
Sure thing! And if you climate change aware collapsnik scientist come join us, do look for your local shifters' group (all in french, but scroll down to find the closest one on the map) where like-minded people await you!
I believe China will pick up a lot of ethnically Chinese scientists etc too.
(I'm in China and it seems there has been daily articles about scientists, AI techs etc coming back to China after decades overseas.)
Well, that was the revenge effect that Elon should have predicted. May the techs returning to China, like physicist Liu Chang (Redditor 235711's post) thrive in China. The US doesn't deserve them.
I am waiting for the prestige universities to abandon some of their science departments on US soil and have "satellite" departments in other countries.
Pretty sure we'll welcome them too.
I hope the shitshow with the US comes with at least some benefits, such as fessebouq, insta and other similar social medias being disabled/banned (why not reddit on top of it).
But bonus point for how fucking fucked we are in Europe if the USA decides to label us as ennemies (for real). Our whole operating systems on computer, be it in Switzerland, France and every single country is based on something that an american company can "turn off".
How stupid is that ? There wouldn't even be a war, they could let us slide into civil war, watch it and laugh. They'd just have to push some buttons. And that's without taking account that tens of thousands of us soldiers are currently in military bases in Europe, in Germany and elsewhere.
It'll be hilarious to see how people plan and hope to "reindustrialize Europe", as if that would be a good and sustainable way. We'll need to go to war to secure... everything, since we used up most of metals and energy sources on our continent.
How long until we nuke each other ? lmao.
Oh I've seen much worse than that security-wise when I used to work in IT.
I guess the whole world is gonna turn to Linux.
I think the US might very well have to call all their troups back in a panick to try to control the angry heavily armed masses.
And yeah, we're reaching peak [insert ressource's name] worldwide, it's gonna be a mess.
I saw a statistic once that something like 80% of drivers think that they drive at an above-average driving ability.
-snorts- well I haven't seen much of them on the roads then.
Location: Indianapolis, IN
I've been working in a bougie liquor store part-time since the holidays. Sadly, I am the last person standing from the "Christmas Crew." The store has finally hired two new people, which is nice because there are not enough cashiers to cover call outs, scheduling conflicts (in-store too as some cashiers are made to split their time working in other parts of the store), etc. The past few shifts where I was the only cashier at night have been hell.
Additionally, the store has enacted new incentives for us to individually sell the most bottles and sign up people for the rewards program. The incentive? Free alcohol. Managers made sure I was highly appreciated with pizza and a big ass sheet cake on Employee Appreciation Day (Mar 7). Yay, capitalism.
This past Saturday was busier than usual. Like the wine and liquor boxes leftover from restocking to recycling as shopping crates for customers were all gone and stayed gone busy. That hasn't happened since New Years though Super Bowl came close. (Nobody cared about the Oscars or Grammys as far as national TV watching events go.)
I started my shift on the tail end of the action, but it was unusual. I'm not sure if there was an event (or several) going on nor am I sure how much of the increased activity was due to tarrifs. When Trump threatened tarrifs back in January. I had one customer who openly admitted they were stocking up because of it. Now, that shit has truly hit the fan with viral videos of Canada pulling Jack Daniels (and other American brands) off the shelves being passed around on the internet, I wonder how many more people will cite the tarrifs as their reason to visit.
In the wake of recent political shenanigans, the store is only limiting tequila to two cases max. Most of our thefts happen on the tequila isle so it makes sense to me. 🤷♀️
As for Jack Daniels and their parent company, they have been struggling for a while way before elections rolled into town, but Trump in office may be the final nail in the coffin. In general, liquor, wine, and beer are having a moment. They have a tough time connecting with younger consumers 40 and under, with Gen Z (1997-2004 or 28-21 right now) accelerating the trend, and the boomers who enjoy the stuff the most are dying so...🤷♀️
It's why we have a lot of non-alcoholic brands and drinks in store like Bero, non-alcoholic Guinness, non-alcoholic Heinekin, non-alcoholic Corona, Ritual Zero Proof whiskey, THC infused stuff, etc. So don't blame Jack Daniel's demise solely on Trump. They have not kept up with changing consumer habits and trends. Plus, they probably paid their workers with cake and free alcohol too.
I really wonder what will happen to alcoholics if alcohol supply lines suddenly crash. We will have an emergency on our hands. We generally don’t like to think about the fact that a large number of people have the misfortune to be alcohol dependent. It’s dangerous for them.
Interesting post, thanks.
As a formerly alcohol dependent alcoholic, my worst fear was somehow not being able to get the alcohol I needed to function each day. Being one of the small handful of people at the door each morning when the store opened... Didn't make me feel too good about myself that's for sure. Having experienced that is why I will gladly help out any homeless person standing on the corner even if I know they're just trying to buy alcohol; alcohol withdrawals are horrific and potentially deadly and the shame that comes with addiction tortures your soul. If I can alleviate that suffering for someone else, however briefly, I will.
All I can say is I am so glad for you and thankful you had the immense strength it takes to have come out of that level of dependency. It’s incredible. I share your compassion, I’ve known so many people that have struggled with addiction. Those of us who don’t, we just dodged a bullet. It can happen to anyone. Compassion is necessary and vital. Best wishes in your continued recovery.
Thank you for your kind words. I still struggle, just no longer at that level.b
Yes, I have had the misfortune of selling to people who were clearly going through withdrawal, shaking like a leaf. They tend to come in earlier in the day. I'm not looking forward to any crash outs that happen because of the Trump Tarrifs.
Have you tried the non alc Guinness? That was one of my favorites before I got on the wagon. Very curious to try it
I'm not a Guinness fan, but if you like Guinness I think you'd be pleased with it.
I'm not a beer drinker so I haven't tried it. 😂
However, I do see it a lot in my check out lane. So, people dig it, but maybe not the people of Reddit.
Lol I might sneak into a store and checkout as quick as possible, don’t tell the others here!!!
I haven't tried it, but going by the general flavour profile of other non-alc beers, it probably works fairly well.
I work in a place that sells liquor, among many other things. I've also noticed that we're selling way more alcohol, and to a bunch of people I've never seen buy it before. Lottery ticket sales are trending down, and so are prepackaged foods, but hot food is up. I'm not sure how much of that is because it is getting warmer out since it always gets busier this time of year (but why would candy sales be down then..?) and how much is related to the news, but it's weird either way.
I think we're going to see some really interesting spending habits this year. People seem to have way less to spend; they're choosing more generic brands and smaller sizes, asking about discounts more often, and paying with way more change than they were at the start of the year. I don't see that getting better anytime soon, that's for sure.
As a Guinness drinker, I shivered at the idea of non-alcoholic Guinness.
It's weird you can use alcohol as an incentive like that. Over here it's mostly forbidden, for public health reasons. I suppose that, no matter what, alcohol consumption will be on the rise anyway
As a non-drinker, I too shivered at the idea of non-alcoholic Guinness. That's really surprising to me that it is even sold. TIL!
Location: lutrawita (Tasmania), Australia.
Climate: It’s the beginning of autumn (fall) here, but much of the country has been having summer temperatures. Then, Brisbane in Queensland (almost exactly half way up the eastern coast of Australia) just had a cyclone. It has happened before, but it’s extremely rare, because usually the water temperature off the coast at Brisbane isn’t warm enough to sustain one.
Economy: cost of living continues to be crazy. Lindt chocolate bunny rabbits 200g are $18AUD while a 24 pack of Coca Cola is $39AUD (about $25USD). Not that I buy nor advocate buying either of those products!!! But they are just indicative of crazy prices.
Govt can’t keep up: almost all the states in Australia are struggling with the health system. It’s quite different to the USA, but the state governments are struggling to keep the health system going well, so people needing surgeries done aren’t getting the help they need in what I consider to be a timely manner.
Housing: homelessness just keeps increasing, with people living in tents and cars or vans becoming really commonplace. Lots of people losing their rentals and needing to move back in with parents.
Political: Lots of people in general are finding it harder to afford the day-to-day, and then they start to look for hope and silver bullets and scapegoats. This makes having productive and constructive conversations harder-because a lot of people don’t have the brain space to engage meaningfully.
Save for the weather, it's the exact same in Canada right now. Our 200g Lindt bunnies are $15.99 CAD, which is roughly $17.50 AUD. Coca Cola is a bit cheaper. Struggling health care, struggling people, struggling politics.
But we have the added bonus living right next door to a malevolent behemoth that wants to invade and take us.
Buy the Lindt and by-pass the Hershey's (if that is available in Canada) if you really, really NEED that Lindt chocolate bunny for Easter.
It's interesting - apparently about half of Canada's Lindt supply was sourced from US production; due to the the tariffs, Lindt Canada is now sourcing 100% from Europe.
There's a movement in Canada to boycott American products so Hershey's will likely be left on the shelves even though it is way cheaper than Lindt.
I didn't know that - Canada's Lindt supply was sourced from the US - but there has been a huge consolidation of chocolate manufacturers in recent years. Therefore, I am not surprised the Lindt sold in Canada came from the US. FWIW it is probably better that it is now coming from Europe.
Hershey's chocolate has declined in recent years. Let it languish on the shelves. I'll do my part - have been doing my part, by NOT purchasing Hershey's or Lindt. I am an American BTW.
I've been refusing to buy Hershey's products since a little bit after the US election. One of my kids was a little bummed about it at first, because I used to buy him a Hershey's chocolate bar about once a week (cuz it's so cheap, and kids aren't usually chocolate connoisseurs lol) but recently I've started buying Lindt chocolate instead, and it's so much better! It barely costs more, and the quality is miles ahead of Hershey's. We don't miss Hershey's one bit these days.
This right here is a POWER move. Darn straight Lindt is better than Hershey's any day. I would love a Lindt bar over Hershey's. Your child doubly loves you now. :)
The quality of Hershey's chocolate has tanked over the years. I don't even like to eat Kisses or bars, not that I ate alot of them. But...more people need to do what you did.
I can’t tell you the last time I chose Hershey’s over Lindt. It’s just inedible now as far as I am concerned.
There are communities in Brisbane and the Gold Coast who have had no power, sewerage, internet, or phone connection for over 3 days. Fortunately, the cyclone hit Moreton Island as a category one where nobody lives. But the edges of a category 1 cyclone hitting such a densely populated area left almost half a million properties without power. If this thing hit anywhere else along the south east it would have left millions of properties without power and caused widespread destruction. I don't think people in south east qld realise how much worse this could have been.
Location: Ohio
Ever since this state went right, the masks have begun to fall off. Anti rights protests (read: ""pro lifers"", etc) have become far more widespread. Confederate flags and MAGA symbology are commonplace now
The suburbanization and the ""in fill"" filling in of America is also especially bad now; people wonder why kids dont go outside? Take a look at the totally anti people pro cars infrastructure we have now.
Even worse, everyone has lost hope for any change; the people I know are just resigned to persecution under the Trump regime.
Neighbor from Indiana here, anything down in Celina I got to watch out for(been seeing a lot of Nazi activity in Ohio, and collapse related stuff), I’ve driven by there a few times and wanted to check it out, just never gotten the chance.
Soz friend. Across the state from where I'm in. Wish I could help more.
I just know there's been some nasty stuff happening near the cincy area.
I’ve seen videos of those, it’s not good, when I head over to Celina guess I’ll keep y’all updated
Location: Northern Netherlands
The government asked inhabitants to stock up on 72 hours worth of supplies in case that the central government cannot fulfill its capacities.
Location: Bellingham, WA
So many folks here are affected by the slowdown in Canadian shoppers. I am with our neighbors up north in being furious about this admins actions. Some of the big box stores like Costco are down 20-30% in sales. It’s hitting the community hard out here.
Oh boy, I can only imagine. I lived in Bellingham for seven years and the economy there is so reliant on WWU and Canadian shoppers.
Just an anecdotal observation to go along with this. I live on the other side of the state. I've visited my local Costco twice in the last 2 weeks. There were definitely fewer people than usual in the store, and many more open parking spots both trips. I also noticed that most people had only the essentials in their carts, such as food and medicine. I've shopped at this same location on the same day and time for many years if that accounts for anything.
As the employee boxed up my maple syrup (made in Canada), he said, "Good thing you're stocking up on this, it might not be available pretty soon".
Location: Aquitaine, France
Collapsometer - 4/10 this week, go check this French senator's speech. He finished with a word for the rare Americans starting to resist against Trump. They're not allowed to write ~~"Winnie the Pooh"~~, sorry: "Luigi" on Reddit though. So I'd say they need to hurry up before protesting becomes illegal too.
Old MacMankind had a farm - pre-industrial French proverb for March 10th: "if there's frost at the 40 martyrs [the 10th of March], there'll be frost for 40 more days". Ahah no, that is wrong again, I'm outside wearing a t-shirt. Almost all of Western Europe broke temperature records the last few days.
Hic sunc papiones - I woke up to the delicate sound of drills and heavy machinery, coming from the other side of the street. The free market has spoken: in a street exactly at sea level, formerly a canal, built over a swamp 1000 years ago, it was apparently paramount to engulf money, manpower, and energy into purely cosmetic facade maintenance (and waking me up). To celebrate, the city decided to completely mineralize a plaza (thus turning it into an oven) before having a change of heart and planting trees instead. At great expenses. At sea level. Onanism on a scale never seen before in local History.
The collapse of fatness - the war on fat continues to rage on in France, as my partner lose 20 kilos over four months, and now reached peak fitness. I'm not saying this just because her willpower impresses me: this is collapse related (yes). She don't want kids. She doesn't even want an official relationship. Neither do I. It's as if civilisation stopped its course and new family units stopped familying. We have no future to be futuring into. We're just floating here, comfortably, almost content, like terminally bored animals in a petting zoo. The fire isn't there yet: no war, no shortages, no dictator, no funerals. Our respective industries are booming (we edit two very different kinds of escapism for a living). The price of apples and kiwis in the Eden garden increased again. There are less doves on the rooftops than five years ago.
I hope you're doing okay. See you next week
My sincere admiration to your partner. That is not an easy feat.
Was she assisted by one of those GLP things? I'd have no less admiration either way - I'm on tirzepatide myself.
May I ask how you’re liking it? I’m struggling with weight with post-pregnancy, late perimenopause despite farm life exercise, lots of muscle mass, and now have very much fat related health issues creeping on my liver. I’m having a serious consideration about it.
I like it. The hunger just... stops. The very first time I took it felt like my first time with ADHD meds - white noise going away, the opportunity to rethink some deeply ingrained muscle memory. I can be out and thinking of getting food and nothing sounds good, until I finally realize that I don't want food, it's just the thing I do so I'm trying to do it.
I don't like the price tag. My insurance has a blanket rejection of all GLP meds so I have to pay out of pocket and it's upwards of $400 a month. I'm paying it, because it works and nothing else did, but jebus christmas.
I'm always hesitant to name drop sources cos I'll look like a huge shill, but happy to tell you where I'm going and what the process was like in DM.
Thanks for the unblocking tip. The more you know! (Can't reply in that comment thread, of course.)
Thank you. I’m never hungry already (thanks adhd), but I’m hoping it might shake my hormones up enough to make my body do something better with the fat I am carrying. My insurance may cover one or two, because of the liver stuff and cholesterol. But if they don’t, I will definitely reach out! Thank you!
Thanks for the unblocking tip. The more you know! (Can't reply in that comment thread, of course.)
Only assisted by a nutritionist, and weekly volleyball in a regional league. No stomach bypass no pills, organic weight loss ahahah. No easy feat indeed, and I still doesn't understand how she can watch me eating junk food with a beer without temptation (she insisted it was okay, otherwise I wouldn't have).
It's almost frightening. I feel a potential Rambo here, she'll probably lead a cannibal tribe after collapse. She has the willpower for
She sounds awesome.
The president is doing his best to discourage protests.
Nice! Those are little protests but it's something
Location: United States
You know, I never really let the complete Doomer mentality get to me over the years. But now, seeing the arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, not saying where he is, and having no warrant, the executive orders against a specific law firm, a rep saying they will go after more, and the Treasury Secretary and Trump essentially saying “yea, prices aren’t going down for a bit, at best,” has me slipping into it.
I’m just a lowly insurance defense lawyer, but I think if things truly hit the fan and we get balkanization and/or The Troubles style civil war, I might be burning my bar card and changing careers. Lawyers seem like we’d be in the first wave of people put up against the wall when things fall apart.
I still am greater than 50% sure we won’t end up at that point, but I think we are seeing and will continue to see some real attacks on freedom of speech and further erosion of the Fourth Amendment. I’ll be listening to Supreme Court oral arguments a lot this year. Roberts has certainly sullied himself with the presidential immunity cases among others, but I hold out hope that he’ll side with the liberals more often than not on these issues, at least the first amendment.
Foreign Policy: I’m fine with acceptance of the world being multi-polar, but the Administration seems to be ceding hegemonic status willingly. While there is a lifetime of debate on Pax Americana, I don’t see how this really benefits our country. As for the tariffs, the see-sawing is just as bad as implementing them and keeping them. We’re in the strongest position to bully our allies, but those are the same people you least want to bully. Europe starting to take its own security seriously is long overdue, but the way we’re going about it is stupid. We’re even fighting with Poland now, despite them sticking to their NATO funding commitment and always being a supportive ally.
AI: A former administration official went on Ezra Klein’s podcast and said that the government expects us to reach AGI this decade, yet the lack of any kind of action by the prior administration was on full display and Ezra was audibly confused/frustrated by this. I don’t think it will only be negative, but even if it is 100% used for good it will lead to massive changes: wipe-out/massive reductions in work forces in some sectors, government functions being turned over to it,fake videos/photos/articles that are indistinguishable from the real thing. With the current admin seeking to cut social safety nets, I-think we are in for a bumpy adjustment period.
Elderly: the Gene Hackman story is absolutely tragic, and as theBoomers reach the end of their lives. 29.7% of the population is 55and older, and 16.8% are over 65 years of age. Again, cutting ofMedicare and Social Security isn’t going to help this and I think weare going to slowly start seeing a lot more stories like this.
We’re seeing the culmination of years of change coming to fruition,and regardless of who wins the next election, I think we’ll enter the2030’s with a new world order.Whether we are in a beneficial position in it remains to be seen.
The boomers will get what they have set up for all of us: a system that sees you as no more than a dollar. If you don’t have the dollar, you can hang. That is not the world they inherited but it’s the world they are leaving behind.
Neglect of the elderly is a tragedy. Neglect is also one of the hallmarks of the boomer parent, grandparent and boomer society. I will mourn for the hardships of boomers but I will stay well aware that they, as a generation, reap what they sow. We can’t fix it for them. They haven’t even left us enough resources to care for ourselves.
> they, as a generation, reap what they sow. We can’t fix it for them. They haven’t even left us enough resources to care for ourselves.
At some point, people will realize that putting resources to extend longevity in a society without enough housing to support current life expectancy doesn't make sense.
I don't spend on healthcare in the US for that reason, why spend on fabricating homeless? I had access to an affordable house thanks to its owner diseases and death. Nature made it happen. The young deserve the same opportunity to secure their own affordable home.
Generational conflict is the wrong way to look at this. This is class warfare pure and simple. The 1% got us where we are today, not some random collection of 70 year-olds. You think we have/had that power? I wish. And this is exactly what they want: you focused on what your grandpa did/didn't do rather than the hollowing out of all of our institutions by private capital.
I appreciate your view but I do not agree, although I do see the large scale class warfare happening overall.
I grew up in a family where ends were barely meeting or sometimes we went without proper food or clothing. I also have relatives who live extremely wealthy lives with lots of travel, penthouses, etc. I grew up with people of many ethnic and religious backgrounds as I was lucky to be born in a very diverse area of the USA.
Anyway what I noticed is the selfishness, waste, willful ignorance, neglect and pulling-up-the-ladder behaviors transcends all the classes I’ve known. Straight up poor boomers still act like this. I’m an old millennial and I’ve given and gotten far more help within my generation than from the boomers. And who gave the boomers all the help they needed? Their parents. We grew up witnessing this and no amount of gaslighting from our parents will make us millennials forget the huge amounts of inheritance, down-payments, investments, family involvement and endless free childcare our grandparents gave to our boomer parents. I know of precisely two boomers who have carried on this normal human tradition of parental support. One is insanely wealthy and one is just kind of comfortable, struggled with money when raising kids. They are both such special people and the envy of so many of us whose parents are at BEST a liability in our lives.
Something went wrong. I feel for the boomers who are good people. But to me this is not just class. It’s something… I am skeptical person so I don’t claim to have an answer to the problem. But the problem is very real and in my lifetime is not class related. The generation seems to have very little empathy and no sense of responsibility, and a gnawing endless greed and a horror of self-examination. These features do also describe the 1%, so we see that the same. But bizarrely they also describe the lower class boomers as well.
> Elderly: the Gene Hackman story is absolutely tragic, and as theBoomers reach the end of their lives. 29.7% of the population is 55and older, and 16.8% are over 65 years of age. Again, cutting ofMedicare and Social Security isn’t going to help this and I think weare going to slowly start seeing a lot more stories like this.
Doesn't reality work the opposite way? The higher the % of elderly in the population, the less they will be able to receive from workers in average?
Recipients might end up having to accept asset and income testing for their benefits to protect the poor who really needed. This wasn't the case of Gene Hackman, for example.
The government may expect AGI this decade, but they also seem to expect Greenland and Canada to leap into US arms gleefully, and for Europe to lie down obediently to be shot in the head.
Back in the real world, AGI is further away now than it was ten years ago, because the current LLM crazy has sucked up all the funding to research it.
Just like stacking a billion dictionaries in a warehouse doesn't ever lead to AGI, the same is true of predicting the most likely next word/concept/code token/pixel in a sentence/paragraph/program/image.
Frankly if any of the incredible scifi stuff we see in media were possible the corpos would already be using it to oppress us.
All of it is just impossible in our backwater shithole of a reality.
And that is a mjor portion of our doom.
Yeah, absolutely.
I have a friend who is bright and educated and knows more about history than most. She insists this period, while chaotic and destructive and deadly, will drive positive change.
The conservative/Republican party will collapse, because we'll get fed up and repudiate them on every level. (On what tipping point? We've rolled over and taken everything else, what could possibly move the needle?)
We'll have UBI and universal health care, because our population simply can't survive without it. (Or they could let us die. They'll just let us die, you know. Nothing's stopping that from being an option.)
A New Deal will come from the swinging pendulum. (How's that old New Deal working out for us?)
The conversation inevitably derails with "you'd know this if you knew history". I can't really engage with that. So, if it helps, History(TM) tells us things are going to work out. I've noted that current events are also History(TM) but apparently there's a lot more History(TM) in the past and it's all glass-half-full in the long run.
Fwiw, she also acknowledges water wars and climate refugees. History(TM) can't unfuck everything.
Yea except it’s impossible to see all the threads that come together to cause events when you’re still in that timeline. History is great at finding meaning in past events but really shitty at predicting the future. They teach you this in History 101 so I don’t know why anyone would claim they know what will happen.
So, as someone who thinks of themselves like your friend, I would have agreed with her in maybe 2018. Hell, I would have been willing to grant this in possibly say, February 2020.
However, I think we’re very much past what history can tell us. Water wars have started, even within the US. Climate migration has started, even within the US. It’s driving a lot of the cultural issues here and people do not want to address it. Unlike racial or other social equity issues, we can’t just change the laws to fix it. That time is so far past now.
Maybe, maybe if we had gotten our crap together environment in the 1990’s? We could turn the boat around on political issues. Suffer through the massive deaths and suffering, and “come out better” on the other side.
Now we’ll be lucky if humans come out the other side at all.
Who is Mahmoud Khalil..?
Palistinean activist who was involved in organizing the protests at Columbia University last summer
I know I could have asked Le Chat, but I prefer to have answers from real persons with their own choice of words.
That's concerning
I had to look it up myself... Reddit is ridiculous with the downvotes for honest questions!
The executive order targeting the law firm and the arrest of Mr. Khalil are bad bad signs indeed.
Brisbane, Australia
Cyclone Alfred hit Brisbane, and although a low Catergory 1 storm by the time it was landfall, it did damage including to the famous gold coast beaches - namely erosion.
Also noteworthy is how low the cyclone is, as cyclones rarely hit Brisbane usually higher toward Cairns, and FNQ, and at the time of Alfred, there were 3 (yes, 3) cyclones forming off the coast at the same time, which is also extremely rare.
Good thing Australia has a climate change denier and Trump Lite as opposition leader, taking notes from Trump how to scaremonger votes, that'll help fix things.
It could be Dutton’s downfall going the Temu Trump route. By the time voting day rolls around America will be even more of a mess and voters will be wary. I can't believe he wasn't in Brisbane when the Cyclone hit and was in Sydney for a swanky fundraising event. Not a good look! Did he learn nothing from Morrison's Hawaii escape?
Anyway. I have my fingers crossed for a hung parliament because fuck both the major parties.
Location: North Texas
I received a letter from my kids school district basically saying they are in a budget crisis. This is a big 5A school
The following changes will take effect at the beginning of the 2025-2026 school year. Please know that it is our goal to find all affected staff members employment within our school district. Please know we do not have any positions or programs that we believe are not needed but we have to make hard decisions in order to protect the financial position of the district going forward.
reduce approximately 40 central office
Reduction in Athletic Coaches and Fine Arts Assistants
GT students will no longer go to XYZ Elementary to receive their GT services.
reduce by over half the number of instructional coaches supporting campus
intervention specialists will be eliminated as part of instructional support restructuring
reduce clerical support at central office and campuses.
eliminated elementary and secondary summer school
Adjustments will be made in special education to align with program needs
will eliminate library aides.
will reorganize the allocation of PE Aides based on campus enrollment.
will eliminate clinic assistants and will utilize floater nurses to assist in the clinic
redesigned the campus master schedules for efficiency
will reduce impact counselors by two staff members
We will be reviewing the campus counselor allocations based on student enrollment
will suspend all overnight travel for staff
Colorado is in a similar spot... Medicaid came in over budget by like a billion dollars, and they are taking the shortfall out of the education budget =\ I got a letter like this from my son's district.
Texas has $4 Billon for education that they won’t give to the schools because Abbott wants school vouchers.
So this is how they will solve the teacher shortages??!!
Jesus Christ, did not expect them to cut that much that quickly.
GT = Gifted/Talented?
Location: central NY, US
Ngl, this week was light on collapse signs for me. I mean there was politics but y'all don't need my help there and it's not exactly local, is it? My week was very heavy in other ways. This is not a place for general trauma dumps. Shit happens, shit happened.
Lowkey surprised we haven't had a resurgence of zombie movies given the state of the world and migration rhetoric. Maybe they don't want us to remember what the genre had to say about consumerism and unsustainable consumption. I liked zombie movies, but it was clear escapism for me, that halcyon golden twilight where I no longer had to pay taxes yet the lights were still on and food hadn't expired. The perfect combination of anarchy and creature comforts. I know, I know, odds are I'd be background victim #4146 and I'd never get to drive a muscle car through a shopping mall. Let me dream!
Reddit is now sending nastygrams for naughty upvotes, which is a little goofy to me because it implies you can post about it, you just can't upvote it. But maybe the setup is "admin identifies post, admin takes down post, anyone who had upvoted the post automatically gets dinged"? They do need to cover their ass and/or grovel to advertisers, so, whatever. It's their house. Every T&C in the world already has a clause like that. Flash forward a week when we discover threats against Nvidia are being taken down while threats against AMD are left untouched and I have to hastily move my goalposts... idk. I'm not cheering them on nor am I declaring it a nothingburger. It's just, to me, this slope has been a slip-and-slide for many years. All my accounts are throwaways.
Daylight savings is dumb. My dog, who does not check clocks, is loudly declaring these sudden changes in feeding times and other events to be some bullshit. Apparently it stems from WW2-era energy/fuel crisis measures and is utterly irrelevant now? But we still do it anyway because driving ranges would lose money. That's it. That's the reason. Kids walking to school would also get hit more often but only if we left it the one way, so we could leave it the other way and we'd be good. Or we could move school up so, y'know, we weren't fucking up our children in their formative years - that would also be good. So would better protections and support for working parents. We can't have nice things.
I've mentioned radio ads before. I paid a little more attention and here's what we get on our rock stations:
Is this the economy? I'm engaging a hard search bubble by not checking what pop stations have, r&b, etc. But taken at face value, our way of life is:
I'm not sure what I expected. I CAN'T DRIVE FIFTY-FIIIIVE
Those adverts make for a strange impression of life... Odd. Something something profitable businesses?
I do wonder if there's an additional search bubble of "people who still listen to FM radio in 2025".
Mm, that's a good point. Maybe most FM radio listeners are in cars?
LOL. I know I have shared with you before the SAME radio advertisements down here in Orange county (NY). Hell, I have to be honest - I think of your post every time I pass through an I *Heart* radio station driving. Now I am HEARING those ads you refer to - same stuff, different county.
My preferred station - WMHT - the classical music station is doing its spring fund drive. Therefore, I can't say I hear those ads you mention on there. But I did donate!!!
Location: SE Europe, România
If before, I thought collapse was something that will happen in the future. Today, I fell it in my bones. The sad part is that the closer it feels, the more my mind refuses to process it. I am in denial. As for the facts:
(1) The weather is shit. From -5°C to plus 20°C in a week. We barely had some snow in the mountains and a two day snow in parts of the country, and that's it. I had a flight over the mountains last week, and honestly, they barely have snow, considering some mountains are over 2000m in elevations.
(2) Politically, I don't even know where to start. If you read a bit about Romania, you know that the second poll for presidential elections was canceled last year. We will redo the entire election, and last night, the Election Bureau denied the candidacy of the far right putin lover candidate. Protests ensued, and some damages happened, but without anyone getting hurt. There is strong evidence that he is funded by Russians with blood money from an armed militia that fought in Congo. The leader of said militia, a romanian guy, last light encouraged people to get torches, axes, and guns, if they have them, to fight back against the said rulling of the Election Bureau. This guy is not currently in Romania as he is being charged with a series of crimes that indicate he is a Russian puppet. The police found 10 million dollars in the floors of his house, just as an example. There are more to be said about this situation. Look it up if you feel like it.
(3) Internationally, we are fucked. We cannot go against Russia without US support, and right now Trump and Musk will for sure ask the Romanian government to reinstate the candidacy of the Putin guy. Now tell me, how is this the new normal?
What we are facing now as a nation is collapse inducing and I'm not ever thinking about climate and polution.
Now tell me, how is this the new normal?
Trump is a Putin-controlled asset. That is how.
Thanks for the Romanian news ! I was vaguely aware of those things, but you helped me connect the dots. Stay strong. It can also be a defining moment for your democracy, in a good way.
Also: I'm sorry, but, Romania... Stop stealing farmers GPS in France. We're dismantling one Romanian network or the other every week or so over here ahahahah
I hope and pray the EU can help you resist the pressure from Russia's American arm.
Location: East Coast, United States
Food Prices: Food prices are extremely high. My grocery receipts have gone up despite my mostly cutting out meat this year. According to some local news sources, people have even started going into debt to pay for food.
The farmers' market did not have eggs this week and will not have any for two weeks. The vendor said that they are ordering eggs from out of state and was discussing with another vendor about the egg shortages. Egg prices are also a hot topic on the neighborhood social media pages.
Weather: Spring seems to be here, thankfully! The temperature change has been rather abrupt, though - it was in the mid-30s to mid-40s a few days ago (between 1 and 4 degrees Celsius for the non-Americans) and now it's in the high 50s and low 60s (13 to 16 degrees Celsius). As others have mentioned last week, there's been an unusual amount of wind lately.