Am I dumb as hell or can expanding foam dinos be put in bullet wounds to stop the bleed?
Posted by throwawayt44c@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 150 comments
Hear me out.... These things are like a buck at the dollar store plus I've always wanted to be part stegosaurus.
as ambulance guy I'd pay money to roll to this call
SAME! Id just love to give that handoff to the ED staff!
And then send to the side and watch as they ignore everything you just said.
I attended to an old Nana that had driven her mobility scooter into a metal sign that had fallen, leaning over the pathway.
She'd managed to slice across her throat before stopping, and helpful bystanders had used what they had on hand to stem the bloodshed - a big wad of kleenex.
I didn't unpack the wound to inspect before transport, because it was doing its job - poor Nana was conscious, breathing, and stable. I just put some more gauze over the top.
Hand over - I warned that I hadn't re-dressed the wound - bystanders had used Kleenex- blah blah blah.
ED Doc started ranting about paper being completely inappropriate and proceeded to tear away the blood soaked paper.
The squirt of arterial blood leaping up towards the ceiling was as surprising to Nana as it was to the doc. He very quickly stfu and got to work.
I had something similar! Shark bite that I totally lied to the parents of this rather thrilled 8 yo male. The kid was ecstatic that he was bitten by a shark, the parents were losing their minds. I convinced the parents it was a stingray puncture. Kid had a small arterial knick in the foot that we managed. The ER doc didn’t believe me and yanked off all the dressings. Blood bath is a great description by the time the new doc was done. Every nurse in the room admonished him and told him he should’ve listened. The kid was still quite tickled he got to touch a shark.
In what way does lying about a stingray injury soothe the parents of a shark-bite victim?
They were absolutely freaking about the bite, when I told them it looked more like a stingray puncture they calmed down. It was obviously a shark bite but the kid didn’t see the animal. My guess is a personal fear tipped one of the parents into hysterics. I personally prefer a calm scene if possible, Im not above lying to get people to calm down. The ER doc can be the bad guy.
Ove got no problem with lying either. It just seemed a strange thing to calm someone.
I agree it was strange but it was all I could come up with and was happy it worked. And I was VERY happy the bite wasn’t horrible, just managed to puncture a small artery in the foot and was manageable.
Fuck, I'll have to try this on the next GSW I work. The guys will think I'm so high speed.
I’ve used tampons on multiple occasions in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan
Those things expand pretty slowly, and would likely stick to the wound which is better than exsanguination, still less than ideal. I mean, if you happen to get shot in that aisle, it might be worth it, otherwise just use a clotting agent and gauze
Full time, long time paramedic here. Please dont put foam dinosaurs in a wound. Wound packing is an appropriate form of bleeding control with certain wounds, but only with the right material. Foam dinosaurs aren’t going to be absorbent enough to be effective. Gauze should be used to pack a wound. The last thing you want to do is stop bleeding and then have an infection develop - normally, antibiotics would be given early in the care process at a hospital, but in a SHTF scenario a person may not get antibiotics for some time. So dont go planning to pack a wound with just anything while planning.
So these are better
Wouldn’t they be as clean as someone’s dirty grimy fingers digging around in your holes? They seem to be just as absorbent as gauze.
Long time medic as well - the more important thing is that bullet wounds that need packing are very uncommon. Of the things to plan for, this shouldn't be high on the list - and also, there are plenty of well developed guidelines and products.
What is more common for bullet wounds then?
Depends on the caliber - but a lot of wounds have very little external bleeding. GSWs really aren't that common, to begin with - and lots of common calibers are unlikely to cause massive bleeding. Plus, they can bounce all sorts of crazy places...
Anything below the elbow or knee won't bleed enough and anything above it but below the trunk has TQs. Anything on the trunk is a total crap shoot, and highly dependent on ballistics and location. Chest injuries are possibly more survivable than injuries requiring wound packing, so a chest seal or something for a chest decompression is useful.
Im not saying don't worry about treating injuries - but if someone needs wound packing, the likelihood of their survival is not great to start with... so it's fun to think about, but probably not something I would spend alot of time preparing for.
What are your thoughts about throwing quick clot and similar things in wounds.
Similar to wound packing but maybe more useful? Massive incompressible hemorrhage is rare and using products like quick clot and pressure dressings can be great, but you are starting out with huge disadvantages: they are hard to train for and less survivable.
I've got a pretty cool head around injuries, and I'm still gonna fumble a bit trying to open something like an IFAK, and then apply a product. There's a reason they say to prepare TQs ahead of time - packaging can be hard to open or slippery etc. and TQs are the easiest thing to apply if you train for it. Especially with a lot of blood, everything is hard to open.
Like, unless you are actively engaged in TCCC regularly, it's fun to think about - just not super useful in reality. In a SHTF or TEOTWAKI situation, possibly pointless?
Personally, when I lived in a city and spent a lot of time around large groups of people, I carried two TQs and some narcan around with me. Never had to use them, but felt a bit better about having them and they take up very little space. I've stumbled upon all sorts of injuries and medical issues, but never needed anything more than some training and a phone.
Uhh, any suggestions on first aid classes to take? Cause damn! I don't need any formal certification for anything and I'd like to be prepared.
Most modern first aid courses boil down to - call an ambulance and then do compressions / put pressure on a bleed etc until they arrive.
If you're in a situation where no one is coming to back you up, you probably need to do a wilderness first aid course.
But also some study on basic medicine too.
But maybe just start with the basics.
And nitrile gloves. The times I've had to intervene in "off-duty" shenanigans, I've just felt so naked without gloves on.
How about old coffee filters after they're dried out? Can I use gym socks out of the dirty laundry hamper? How about kitty litter?
Only the clumping kind of litter. And scented is OK, it covers the gangrene smell.
Almonds, old chap, or has it gone south of cheese?
Facebook video: “don’t throw those coffee grounds away, here’s 25 uses for them!”
10 minute woundcrafts
How bout your mom dirty panties?
I feel like expanding foam would just increase the wound size too.
Question though, if i dont have hemostat can i use guaze?
Isn't that one of their original purposes? Or is that just an old wives tale
It is what they were used for in WWI, yes. It was the nurses who found the useful "secondary purpose" for them.
Thankfully we know better now
That article states they're not the best option for life-threatening injuries and gauze is better, which is all well and good, but not all wounds are life-threatening, and preppers of all people should know that you may not always have the best option on hand.
If you don't have exactly what you need, it's better to have a moderately helpful treatment option than none at all.
I posted this so people who are prepping are getting the right stuff. Don't get a bunch of tampons. That's the wrong prep. Besides, gauze is way cheaper
This may come as a shock to you, but some of us are gonna have tampons on hand anyway for a different purpose that gauze will NOT work for. And y'know, the gauze may eventually run out, or you can't get it, or whatever. My point, which you keep Matrix-dodging, is that it's good to be aware of other options.
We're literally talking about regular folk having to treat gunshot wounds without a hospital and you're acting like they could just toddle off to Walgreens for some gauze.
Kind of weird for a prepper to be so violently opposed to using what you have on hand.
Just keep packing gauze in there until your fingers give out. Ta da! No tampons needed!
You should still buy tampons though for when you (or your loved ones) get your period.
Certainly. I'm just pointing out that buying gauze for wounds is best practice. I'm sure many items can be used in a pinch, but as long as we're prepping, we should invest in those items best suited for the task.
It works for someone who is not prepared and doesn't have first aid supplies available and needs something that you can find almost anywhere.
If you are deliberately buying medical supplies, buy actual medical supplies.
No not tampons
The article may be correct overall, but it has inaccuracies in it. For example, it conflates blood with menstrual fluid to demonstrate that tampons don't absorb much - however, most menstrual fluid is shed uterine lining, with a small portion of blood, so this paragraph isn't really relevant to anything:
You pulled some strings
Do you have gauze you recommend? I’m trying to look in Amazon and I can’t figure out what’s good and what’s not
But could you imagine the look on the trauma surgeons face when they pull out a foam dinosaur? I know i could hear our head off trains services saying "What in the actual fuck is this shit?" "Uh it appears to be a T-rex."
And to add:
• it takes a fuck load of gauze to pack a junction. • I prefer old school normal ass gauze but there exists hemostatic options. • your finger will actually get tired (potentially fail the mission) if you don’t train for this. • a fucking foam Dino or tampon or Kleenex sounds regarded • you don’t pack limbs, you tourniquet (high up) the limb.
Did you adopt a new user name especially?
What bout those towelette pucks that expand with water?
Would farnams wonder powder be okay? If it can stop bleeding/ infection in a cow or horse it should be good for a person with a gash no?
Foam dinos and tampons dont work because you need directed pressure to pack an arterial bleed and stop the bleeding.
Imagine your arteries are garden hoses running through the squishy muscle bits of your body. The farden hoses are turned on full blast. When one of them breaks, will dropping inflatable dinos on it stop the bleeding? No, you’re gonna have to stick gauze in with your finger jammed in the broken garden hoses to stop the bleeding.
TL;DR: dinos are just as good at stopping arterial bleeding as they would be stopping a garden hoses on full blast.
Ok, but what if after the wound is packed you use the dinosaur to clean up and absorb excess blood.
throwawayt44c@reddit (OP)
Thanks for the info. Not the most exciting news I've heard, but good to know.
Tampons, dinos...I don't know, how about not getting shot?
Well sometimes you're past that point.
Obviously everyone prefers to just not get shot.
Hey, I'd prefer to not pay taxes. Can I just, not? Lol
(I'm making a joke, not disagreeing with you)
Tampons are good for nose bleeds.
use tampons
The consensus in the emergency medical community is that tampons are a poor solution for bullet wounds because they absorb liquid but do nothing to control the bleeding. For a more detailed explanation, please see the following:
Tampons are horrible for bullet wounds.
You don't put them inside, never ever do that. Staunch the flow.....
Then a pad would work just as well.
You just don't use them at all.
Please just use bandages jfc
No. If a wound requires packing, then pack it w gauze.
And if you don't have gauze, or bandages, or any medical kit - use a t-shirt, preferably clean.
This is the right answer, but I don't think this is a bad question.
I'm leaving this up simply because:
A. It's a troll post that has actually given rise to some good discussion.
B. Some people might genuinely think this is a good idea, and best to make it clear that's not the case.
(Also- Tampons for gunshot wounds is not advised. Better than nothing but you actually need to pack gauze into the wound/apply pressure. Sticking an absorbant sponge in it is not going to do much.)
Could you please drop a couple links such as on your pinned reply?
We need a lot more people exposed to the free and effective training courses frequently available to attend across the country. I’m sure other countries have similar.
Heck yea! Appreciate you. 👍
Tourniquets stop blood so prepare to lose the limb.
Only if prompt medical treatment isn't available. If it's left on? Absolutely. Depending on the severity of the bleed, it might not.
But, as a general rule, yes. Once you put it on, you write the time down so advanced, higher-level care is ready when it's taken off.
So, what I'm hearing is that rubber or plastic dinos are okay to plug a hole, but foam is out.
You only tourniquet it long enough to stitch things up or otherwise stop the bleed. Then you or the doctor take it off.
Seems like a lot of people here think they could stitch an artery in a GSW.
Probably the best closing line of a post I've seen in some time.
throwawayt44c@reddit (OP)
When all you have is a hammer everything's a nail.
I love this sub...
Nah love, ya just dumb as hell ☺️🫶
Carry quick clot. In a pinch, you can use a tampon.
Don’t use tampons.
You can use tampons in a pinch. But, carry Quik Clot and Kerlex because you life is worth it. Tampons soak up blood but do not aid in clotting. But, they absorb way better than gauze.
Not if they're herbivores.
Just get compressed gauze, it’s not that expensive.
*dumber than hell
Definitely stick to stegosaurus and triceratops. The shape will fill most wounds more easily than apatosaurus 🦕
room service
Its pretty easy to pack a wound with gauze, after my husband's cyst removal surgery just over his spine I had to pack it and it was.. really gross..
Literally you just take some gauze and stuff it in there, like stuffing toilet paper into a tube, but gently
So just stock up on gauze in individual packets
I would rather someone not put ANYTHING from the Dollar Store inside my body for any reason. I'd probably turn green and have limbs fall off.
throwawayt44c@reddit (OP)
Where's your sense of adventure?
“Ah now, she’s in Chiswick!”
It turned black and fell off my body
I like your style
No. Just like how it's a myth that tampons in a GSW will stop the bleeding.
It can however it mostly just makes the wound worse by stretching apart the skin and causing further trauma when removed instead of say holding it together with gauze and a wrap.
You have to subject the Dino to high radiation levels before you insert it into the open wound otherwise you’ll just get infection without superpowers (nobody wants that).
I'm going with dumb as hell, for what it is worth.
Don't be ridiculous. Use Orbeez to really pack every crevice.
No. But if you want to cause problems put one in the tank of a toilet. It'll expand down the line and clog it.
Practicing emt here this checks out! Just make sure to remember all your cool gear needs to also be on the kitchen table as you do this or it won't work out! me
"I want to buy something as a prep for something it wasn't intended for when there is items designed for the job i could prep instead"
throwawayt44c@reddit (OP)
It was mostly just about affordability.
If someone has a gunshot wound or bad won't matter anymore
buy z fold gauzeand and an ace bandage at the dollar store 👍
You seem like fun.
Of course, you folks could elect people who would bring in common sense gun laws.
It ain't good, but here is the massive caveat: use whatever you have to stop the bleeding, even dirt if that's all you have. Perfect is great in theory, on practice younare trying to save someone's life
No. You have to use Sea Monkeys. Just like nanobots I’m sure they’ll get to work stitching you up.
Yes with enough wounds you will become Jurassic Park
This is my favorite comment
I just keep a can of spray foam in my FAK
That could be a fun experiment if you could punch a hole in a Styrofoam container shows an expanding foam dinosaur in there and then fill it with water. See how good a job it does.
Off the top of my head, I certainly wouldn’t say you’re dumb as hell. But I wouldn’t stock an emergency kit with them… if you don’t have a well stocked emergency kit and do have expanding foam dinos around, I’d expect they would be better than nothing… I would say to make sure you remove any dissolvable capsule it’s stuffed into since you want it to give it an unrestricted start to absorbing and staunching asap.
I don’t know that they do a great job because they’re not made to absorb AND hold fluid, they’re just very dry and they expand when damp. They might hold back some amount of blood… But there’s plenty of stuff specifically designed for retention and staunching… they ARE made for inspiring surprise and delight. Which they do a great job at.
It’s not about absorption, it’s about how tightly you can pack that shit in there to avoid hemorrhages or hematomas
OK, so you agree with me.
I’m told soldiers use tampons, which I am very familiar with the use of, to staunch wounds. They absorb blood, and by absorbing blood they expand, and by expanding they create a blockage/barrier that stops “leaking”. (Which is annoying where menstruation is concerned, and potentially deadly if you’ve been shot.)
if the foam that the expanding dinosaur is made of is sufficiently open cel, you’re not gonna staunch the bleeding. That’s why he should do an experiment.
Maybe he could get away with only one dinosaur, maybe he needs several in order to pack it in tightly enough to counteract the fact that the dinosaur isn’t designed to hold moisture, just expand in the presence of it.
Couldn’t you have read up on wound packing instead of burning calories on all those words, retardisinateacup?
I can’t imagine the fun they are going to have trying to clean the wound at the hospital that’s packaged with that stuff. Unless there is no other possible option, I’d avoid the heck out of doing that.
Use something not intended to be a sponge, you want the blood in you not some sponge thing.
Tampons would be better. You can name them after those vent worms at the volcanic fissures at the bottom of the ocean for that prehistoric vibe.
Tampons, like foam dinosaurs, are not sterile and aren't recommended or ideal for stuffing into puncture wounds. I feel insane having typed this sentence.
Bullets, also, are not sterile. Nor are bits of clothing and chunks of skin. Your hand when you reactively cover the wound is also not sterile.
Yep. First aid involves cleaning a wound before you dress it with a sterile dressing. If we're buying supplies specifically for first aid, let's make em first aid supplies. If you happen to have a capsule dinosaur in your pocket when you are administering first aid, and nothing else, go with God.
What about Great Stuff Insulation Gap Filler?
No they will not work. pressure is what stops or slows bleeding not a sponge. It will become saturated quickly and bleeding will continue.
Take gauze or cloth and push it on whatever is bleeding, if you can't see where the blood is coming from just push it down deep.Kkeep pressure, add more material with the opposite hand and maintain pressure the whole time. keep packing until you're out of material or bleeding stops. Maintain pressure for 15 minutes with gauze or 5 for quick clot. head to surgery. You can wrap it tight if you need your hands. Don't use too much more material than you need, it can act like a straw and draw blood out.
I understand that OP is being facetious, however: For the love of...NO! Do not stuff kids toys into open wounds!
You are one of embarrassingly few. Holy cow, these people are joyless.
If it’s a butthole, it’s not a wound. Ipso facto pack in the toys, boys!
Well there goes my fetish, spoilsport!
It really is gonna depend on how much bleeding you’re taking about. Gauze, foam anything that will help blood flow slow and form a clot for light to moderate bleeding. Anything more than that and you going to need a coagulant or some way to embolize the blood vessels. Also agree with most other comments that unless you’re at deaths door stuffing anything non sterile or at the very least clean is likely going to lead to a nasty infection, possibly sepsis and eventually death anyway. Former trauma nurse here so while not a doctor I do have some experience in this area.
Good point about the coagulant. I’m old school but hemostatic gauze is standard issue now a days.
That would do just fine. Certainly better than a soggy child’s toy 😂
So I peppered a few responses here but I’m shocked that nobody (yet) have provided an experienced perspective or voice on this peppers post.
An interesting thought. Would also like to know the answer. Maybe those super packed towel pills/animal shapes could work as well?
Seems like that would be a terrible idea as well
Bro has been reading too many halo novels
They literally make wound packing guaze specific to help stop the bleed.
throwawayt44c@reddit (OP)
Yeah but they don't carry that at any of the dollar stores near me.
Sorry. I don't have time for idiots or trolls
Ummm, no.
If you want to stick some foam into a wound, just use these - XSTAT
And use silly string to fill in the cracks.
Just use your Diaphragm fer fuck sakes.
Interesting idea.
The glycerin dissolvable casing should be fine.
But it won't work fast enough.
Drop one into a glass of water (or blood if you're a psychopath) and time how long it takes to expand. You'll be disappointed.
If you want a heinously infected wound, yeah.
Tampons in an absolute pinch
No. Just buy gauze.