Device to make sure keys are brought inside the house at night?
Posted by Fun_Interaction2@reddit | askcarguys | View on Reddit | 726 comments
The behaviour aspect of this cannot be changed. My wife has serious issues with leaving her keyfob inside her new toyota SUV. We live in a decent area, which means it is somewhat targeted for people going through cars at night. Cars with keys left inside are stolen. This is a relatively common crime here.
Is there some... device, some method to make sure her keys are not left inside the vehicle? I put an airtag on them already, but she needs like..... a base station that alarms at 9pm if the keys aren't on it. Or something like that.
100% this vehicle is going to end up stolen from our driveway, and she's unable or unwilling to keep track of the keys.
Put the fob in her purse.
Attach them to her house keys?
Gauge her ears and hook the key fob to it.
Who uses house keys? Everything is own is on a key pad. House, cars, truck, Hanger.
I have nothing with a keypad. I doubt I’m alone either.
Do you a cellphone? Just wondering how off the grid you are.
I’m no Ted Kaczynski but I am on here and I dont leave my keys in the car like OPs idiotic wife.
Probably enters through the garage.
Have to deadbolt that door and make her use the front.
Have a key pad dead bolt on that.
Have to be just a little more creative then.
Or clean the garage out and have her park in the garage.
The number of garages that people never use for their vehicle absolutely blows my mind.
My wife and I park in our garage. Quick look around the neighborhood implies we’re the only ones who can. Of course my area is old enough that any 4 bedroom house used to be a 3 bed with a garage but still, most of em are probably just full of something that’s not cars.
I have a two car garage and two cars parked in it. Two of my neighbors have two car garages and zero cars can be parked in them. Some others can park one of their cars in their garage. Cars are rarely bothered in our neighborhood, fwiw.
Same here all around. We have a large number of “too big for the garage” pickups.
Oh yes. We Americans love all our stuff!
Seriously why hasn't OP thought of this.
OP start locking your doors(which you should be already if there's that much theft in the area).
Wife will have to use keys to get in the house. Keyfob will come in with house keys. This is extremely common sense
If it's a push to start, the fob never has to leave her purse to begin with
This exactly. Why are keys not in her purse. Or if a guy why are keys not in your pocket. Problem solved. If it uses a physical key that is really hard to forget because you have to turn your car off.
Seems really simple.
That said there are things I do leave in my car on accident, like a laptop hidden in the trunk. If this is a regular thing a stickie note on the door is the answer.
This was my immediate thought. I have a Toyota with a push button start. Mine even has touch sensors in the door handles to lock and unlock the vehicle when the fob is within range. I lock my front door when i leave my house, put my keys in my pocket, and they stay there until i get home and unlock my front door again. It almost seems like more trouble to take my key out and set it down inside the car somewhere to be forgotten.
When I got my 2008 prius, I was like ‘cool! Keys never need to leave my pocket, cool!’ And then I got to my apartment door… ‘oh, yea’
Unless you have an electronic door lock that’s geofenced to your phone. Between my fob activated car and my house, no key touched.
This was an apartment in 2008, so.. yep, just a normal blade key
this is also why as a dude i use a zipper wallet.
car key fob can go in it. idc judge me lol im not hear for fashion it works!
I prefer a zippered wallet because I work construction and it keeps my cards a little cleaner.
By accident.
Yeah, I hate all this keyless entry / start nonsense, wtf was wrong with an actual key? Much more secure and you were very unlikely to walk off with it still in the car. Remote central locking was peak, anything after that has made cars worse and less secure, and you can now walk off and leave your car running.
We had a car in the other day that wouldn't turn off because it said the key wasn't in the car. Not turn off, what a joke!!
As a minor aside to your bit about the physical key-
I live somewhere where the vast majority of my life nearly everybody left their keys in the ignition. My wife just started enforcing a "Don't do that you fucking dumbass" policy on me, and the amount of struggle I have remembering to actually pull the fuckers out of the ignition is bizarre.
Muscle memory is a hard thing to beat.
Fun_Interaction2@reddit (OP)
Agree, which is why I'm trying to not flip out and make a huge deal. It's not "intentional". But intentional or not, it's a pretty problematic habit. It's why I'm going at it from the angle of, what can we do to help make this not a problem - rather than flipping TF out at her every time she does it.
She's getting a lot of hate in here, but truly, this isn't some malicious thing. We have busy lives, "cars" aren't that important to her, our life is such that a car/purse theft doesn't mean we aren't paying the light bill so it's just not in the front of her head.
yeah I live on a farm and leave my keys on the dash. but the natural instinct is, keys out, into pocket. if I wasn’t down a mile long dirt road I’d bring them in
Still should bring them in to create the habit so when your not a mile down a dirt road, what's the advantage to leaving them in the car?
my parents have to move my car sometimes, but just convenience. I think my point was that the habit is tossing them in my pocket, and having to constantly remind myself to leave them in there is the odd move. I’m a forgetful guy but good habits defeat adhd 9/10 times
My first thought. If it’s keyless entry and start, then why is it even out of the purse? I loved it when I had mine, I could keep my keys in my bag and never had to jiggle for them.
I’m have a silly story about this, I bought a car with push to start/keyless entry (first I’d driven wit it) in the autumn a few years ago, I got to spring and was freaking out because my car wouldn’t open! First time in 6 months I’d gone out without the coat with the key in the pocket! Yes I do live in the uk and yes it does rain a lot :D
Take the SUV away from her if she’s not responsible enough.
Let’s start by locking the car. A Toyota won’t let you lock the fob in the car unless you manually do it.
Not if you have a lock on the house that uses a thumb print or code to get in.
I haven't used the key to get into my house since about a day after we moved in.
Easy enough, huh…?
We don’t have house keys and I just leave the house with my car keys. But that being said I never forget to leave my car with the keys cause that doesn’t make sense to me
Something to remember.
When you take the keys away from the car all the electronics are I’ll eventually go to shutdown mode and sleep.
If you don’t take the keys away the car is always “waiting” to start and while small it’s a constant draw on the battery and can shorten its life.
Most of the cars in the garage are on trickle chargers. Dailies are on the street with keys not in them :)
Im assuming the house is ransacked the day after the car drives off anyway, right. Who separates the house keys from car keys. “ keys” is hard enough to keep track of
My house and mailbox keys are on my pepper spray chain. My fobs, I have 2 cars, are separate, and I grab whichever I am going to drive. They all immediately go into one pocket. My Flip phone is in a wallet case that goes into the other pocket. I am a woman and haven't carried a purse for 8 years. I have kept the separate for years because I used to carry a lot more keys, work, sister's house, etc. It was too much weight to have hanging from the ignition.
My car fob is separate to my house key as I don't drive very often but as soon as I know I'm going out in the car my house keys are clipped to my fob. Can't drive without my house keys, can't get in the house after without my car fob.
I don't have a house key. I use the garage.
Unless she also has a problem with leaving the doors unlocked. Could maybe putting automatic locks on the doors to the house that take a fob to get in, and then put that fob together with her car keys.
This is the easiest way and what I do.
If OP has a garage door opener, they may rarely use the house keys. I go in through the garage most of the time, even if I'm in the car that doesn't go in the garage.
OP, sneak out some night when she does iy and move the car down the street out of sight. Let nature take it's course the next morning.
But the house keys stay in the house, so that ain't gonna work.
My brother liked to leave the house without his keys…until he got locked out for a few hours.
Had to scroll way to far to see this, it's common sense
A simple lack of critical thinking.
Fun_Interaction2@reddit (OP)
She doesn’t carry house keys. Access is via garage or smart locks.
I haven’t had a house key in a decade and I often leave my keys in the car but it’s in the garage. Why can’t you park the car in the garage? Not only does she leave the keys but clearly the car is unlocked since the keys are with her. I dunno man I’d just let the car get stolen and she doesn’t get another one. Or she can drive a junker until she stops leaving the keys in the car.
Push to start? The fob never has to leave her purse. Or pocket, whatever. As long as it's inside the car with her, the car will start
Change the code if you find the fob in the car and she doesn’t get the code for a month. Sucks to treat her like a kid but …
Changing to a keyed lock is probably easier than other solutions.
Change it back to dumb locks. Problem solved.
Well if you can’t convince of how stupid she is being. Yes STUPID, then disable or replace the smart locks and unplug the garage door opener.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Park the car in the garage?
I wouldn't have even thought to suggest it, but realize that's exactly why it wouldn't have been possible for me to leave it behind in the car.
Take the keys away from her. Until she remembers. If she forgets, take the keys again. If she's too dumb to take the keys out of the car, then she shouldn't be driving.
Sounds like you need a new spouse.
Why is the key fob leaving her pocket or purse?
Are you married to a child?
Sounds like ADHD to me. Possibly combined with being on a call when she gets home.
I have ADHD. It's not an excuse to be utterly absent minded.
No but it’s a reason. Your ADHD may not manifest the same way as someone else’s. Some people hyper focus, clean obsessively, etc. Others have trouble with time management, cleaning, forgetfulness. Be glad you don’t. My partner literally yells at himself when he has a bad day. It’s hard to watch.
If it’s never been I diagnosed it may be the path to a solution.
My wife is like this. 39 and she acts like she's 9. Forgetful, always late, doesn't pay attention to anything, always on the phone, texting, or watching tiktok. Constantly leaves doors opened, car unlocked, etc.
I basically have to take the lead on everything money related or planning related and make sure she doesn't get scammed (again).
No we aren't having kids.
It’s called ADHD. All of these are classic symptoms/behaviors. My partner to a t. He didn’t even realize he had it until we met and I told him. 🤣 He was 50 when he was diagnosed.
My wife is 60 and like this too.
How's life been?
For me, I already have an understanding that this isn't something she will grow out of and it's fine with me. She's loving and innocent in a way and it's been generally great for the 10 years we've been together. She loves cooking and cleaning, works as a nurse, and does her best to make everyone around her happy. She's a great person, just "blonde".
She must be incredibly attractive.
You might need the kid to be the responsible one around her.
Sounds miserable. Best of luck
Nah, just a female. They are especially bad if they are financially stable, live in a nice neighborhood and have the attitude that everything is replaceable. My wife is the same way. We’ve go through a few phases where neighborhood teens will start pulling door handles and taking dumb shit like chargers and spare change. My wife’s truck has been gone through probably three times over the course of about 13 years. She never learned so I had to use technology to fix her.
It’s especially bad when proximity keys became a thing. They don’t need to physically put them in a key hole so they just leave them in the center console for next time. You just hop in and press start. They probably don’t “forget” them when they go to the store, only when they get home. They aren’t forgetting, it’s a choice.
Get a small spray bottle. Every time she comes in from having driven, ask her to show you the key fob. If she cannot produce it, vigorously spray her.
Agreed. I started spraying my wife to deter certain behaviors like face picking or throwing hair ties everywhere. It took a week. Works great!
I need to hire you for the hair ties!!!
Warning, my wife doesn’t fight fair.
Op, this is the way.
Works for my cat!
This sounds bad but honestly this is a good idea.
Like a misbehaving cat!
Or a straight up super soaker.
Loaded with pee.
Oh wait…this isn’t r/UELPT I’ll see myself out.
That would be piss disk
Escalation is warranted if there's no improvement after 30 days.
This is how my parents stopped me from running around the house naked fully erect doing cartwheels when they have visitors from Japan over
My early thirties were pretty weird, too
::squirt, squirt:: "Bad wife! Bad wife!"
For bonus points write “super no” on the bottle
This is the way
this is how they got me to stop playing drums with my knuckles while waiting for things to finish cooking at work lol
LOL. as a former cook I can just see this. I'd be the one to spray you lol.
i still catch myself doing a couple taps on the counter and a coworker will lift up the closest water bottle and smile menacingly lol
Sounds like you have a good team that likes and trusts you. Good job chef!
As it should be. I had good rapport like that when I used to manage kitchens. Gotta have some fun at work.
thats so random, thanks for the laugh
That worked for our cat!
Just like training a puppy or a cat, this is a perfect idea.
How to get divorced or murdered in your sleep. Method 1225.
How to become the subject of a Dateline special, more details at 8.
This is how I got my cat to start bringing in the key fob when he gets home.
Conversely, for everyday that she remembers, give her $10 or promise to get something she really wants after 30 days (or whatever) of remembering? Positive reinforcement sometimes works too!
I recommend pets/head scritches and telling her she's a good girl when she remembers. Maybe throw in a forehead smooch or nose boop for good measure.
How to get divorced or murdered in your sleep. Method 1226.
Sounds great, if she's affection/praise-motivated! 😆 Food can be a great motivator as well.
This is the way. I'm certain your pets/spouse are properly trained and well-behaved. 🤣
I recommend a circus peanut.
A shoelace to tie her keys to her belt works too.
While I’m all onboard with the spray bottle. Something the OP needs to know is many cars don’t fully shut down the electronics while the fob is in range and go to sleep.
The electronics create a draw on the system and over time are hard on the battery.
Honestly, all the assholes in here suggesting to stage a theft are worse than this answer.
Warn her again, and make her get her own insurance.
Doesn't the car make noises if you try to lock it when the fob is inside of it?
Why is she even taking the fob out of her pocket or purse?
Hire a catholic nun to beat her with a ruler every time she forgets.
You must have a spare key fob right? Just use it to lock the car with the other set of keys inside of it and then she can unlock it in the morning.
Have someone you trust pretend to steal the car and let her learn that way?
Maybe that’s too far but I can’t think of anything else that would be helpful besides telling her to show you it at the door
"And that's how the divorce proceedings started, your Honor..."
That’s really fucked up. I don’t leave my keys in my car, but that would end my marriage.
This is probably a great way to scare her straight. Honestly just get a friend to take the car at night and park it in their driveway or garage for about a week.
While you fake call the cops and really work your wife up about letting the car be stolen. Then have him bring the car back and say the police recovered the vehicle miraculously.
She’ll never leave a car unlocked again in her life and will probably lock every door in the house as well.
Yeah this is crazy dude, no more than a few hours would do it, tops. A whole week of lying and stressing someone out like this is a pretty abusive way of doing it. That’d for sure break my trust forever
I thought it was clear I was being sarcastic. Guess I need to add the S
And she will always make sure her car is locked with her new family lol
Damn that's a great idea actually.
Need to make friends with a one-armed man.
I’m going to make some burner accounts because this comment needs more upvotes.
Gotta factor in the cost of the divorce vs insurance payout on this one...
Just make sure she doesn’t call the cops.
“Don’t worry honey, I’ll all them.”
“Psst hey Jared it’s me, uh yea we’d like to report a stolen car”
he’s gonna end up on a reddit post somewhere
I used to work for republic 3waste. My old boss caught a co-worker parked outside a store with the truck running while grabbing a drink. Boss hopped in the 250k garbage truck and drove away. Co-worker came out and called me shortly after freaking out. It was funny, but I bet he learned.
Didn't know how long I'd have to scroll to see this before writing it myself. Good job.
Nah. She likely won't respond the right way once finding out it was staged. Likely to double down and purposefully leave em in the car after that
Don’t tell her it was staged, he said he has an air tag right? Just pretend you found it and got lucky lol
Ohhhhh that’s good
Tell her to keep the keyfob in her purse?
Plot twist, she leaves her purse in the car too
Fun_Interaction2@reddit (OP)
So essentially, you sleep in an unlocked house?
I could not. I would have to retrieve the purse or move out in order to sleep.
I won't even leave a garage door opener in a locked car outside.
Glue it to her phone. She will never forget that.
Phone in the purse while driving? If I forget most things in the car I notice the next day when I drive again. If I forget my phone I remember within 20 minutes.
Well that's a far larger issue. Money, cards, ID, etc..
Have your friend steal the car. From what I’ve read in the comments that seems like the best way to drive the lesson home
Then call the cops to teach your friend not to steal. Two lessons for the price of one.
No I mean like it’d be aranged between the husband and the friend. It’d be a fake steal to teach the wife how easy it is for the car to get stolen with the keys in it
Some people need to touch the hot stove burner instead of being told not to
Take the purse up to the police station and anonymously turn it into the lost and found. Heck, the police might even help you teach her a lesson and get in on it if you live in a small town or suburb.
This. The cops where i live would be all over this. I was playing basketball last summer and saw a cop walk up to a car, reach inside and then walk back to his cruiser. He got back out of the cruiser with a piece of paper and put it in the parked car. Im nosey so i walked over and looked to see what he did. He had put a hand written note on the drivers seat saying he was a cop and to have the vehicles windows up and doors locked when the vehicle was unattended because of theft. First time ive ever seen something like that
Does she leave a lot of money in her purse? You can DM me your address Ill help teach her a lesson hahaha
Oh geez, that’s just asking to be robbed. Definitely a behavioral issue that needs to be addressed.
My wife had to have her purse stolen twice from the vehicle before she learned to stop leaving it in there.
Have you tried leaving the wife in the car
He tried, the theives brought her back cos she kept leaving their lock up door unlocked and it was becoming an issue.
My wife leaves both :(
Set up an routine on IFTTT and get a text or an alarm same time every night if key fob is not in the house. Easy peasy.
This post has absolutely sent me me and I think it's because JUST ATTACH THE CAR KEYS TO THE HOUSE KEYS.
I had to roll up a newspaper and bop my wife in the snoot to arrest this type of behavior. It didn't work, but I enjoyed it enough that it didn't matter.
Take the keys out of the car yourself and put them In your pocket. Let her spend an hour looking for them and when you start helping her look, immediately “find”. Might take a few times.
Hide the keys and make her walk. it's like training a pet.
The car won't lock with the keys inside.
So that means she's also not locking the car when she arrives home.
You have a behavioural issue here, not a technical one.
Yes they can. My source is I'm a mechanic who has to break into cars on the lot for dumbass sales staff that lock keys in cars almost daily.
In a Toyota?
I can't lock my keyfob in my 2017 Toyota Rav4. I thought that was standard for all Toyotas (which is the car that the OP is talking about).
Yep. It's not as simple as just walking away. You gotta lock the doors while they're open manually before closing them with the key inside. You do have the right idea about trying to lock with buttons while the fob is in a cup older etc
Unfortunately this doesn’t work in my Kona. Even if I try manually locking it, if the key is inside, it will unlock itself as soon as I try to lock it. Do you happen to know any way around this for Kona’s?
You could try the user settings for the car on the infotainment and dash menus. I'm mostly familiar with Toyota/Lexus. It also depends on if the car is fully off or in accessory mode. Sometimes leaving something on a seat will cause different triggers as well.
Not all vehicles have this feature.
Some behavioral issues can be solved by technical solutions.
Calm down Chris Brown, conversation before the white string vest and can of Stella.
Ok. I'm old. Like, dinosaur old. Fifty-six. I googled this. Micky Flanagan.
Me likey. =)
Lock the door of the house, better yet install an automatic lock to which she does not know the pin.
The only key is attached to her car key fob
4 feet of paracord tied to her purse
I am assuming the car is push button start. I am pretty sure she carries her purse back in the house. Why is the keyfob not in the purse at all times?
Find a way to attach the keyfob to the purse. Alternatively, attach it to her phone.
Take her driving privileges awayZ
I’d set up a mock robbery in her car. Some only learn the hard way
Ask your wife if she’s actually a grown adult and is capable of understanding the consequences of what will happen when the car is stolen, the insurer refuses to pay out and she has to take public transport to work.
I genuinely don’t understand how half this app has made it anywhere in life
As a woman who drives a newish toyota SUV...
If the FOB never leaves her bag because it's push to start, and she doesn't ever bring her bag inside, nor does she need a house key to get inside (my front door has had a keypad for years now too) it will be near impossible to get her to change her habits unless/until the trauma of car theft happens to her.
You could try using the toyota app to lock the car remotely and set a nightly phone reminder, but at $10/month I'd make her pay for it. Also I'm almost positive it won't lock from the app if the keys are inside the vehicle.
A lanyard so she has to wear the keys
Set an alarm to go off daily at the same time. So they can then check for keys.
Is that the Canda addition ?
When the car is stolen, that should nudge her into the right direction for the next car.
Imagine being so lazy that you’re ok with your brand new car getting stolen. Good luck, bud.
Keyless entry and push button start. My keys are zipped inside my coat or down vest all winter.
Unless you need a physical key this is a no brainer. Don’t take the fob out of your bag, purse, pocket etc.
Maybe an alarm on her phone or both of your phones goes off at 9pm and then once you’re up, you check to see where the keys are.
Another way to change this habit could be looking at the moment when the keys enter the car rather when they get left in the car? What could actually change that would put the keys somewhere else? Is it a keyless entry? Maybe your wife could get a retracting lanyard from her purse or person that would keep the keys more attached to her.
I live (love) in a house full of neurodivergent brains and mechanical solutions and systems are our way to get community in board with tasks that aren’t necessarily natural to us all. Mechanical solicitation are the friendliest way to make change in community.
If you have a turn key ignition then you literally have the keys in your hand to turn the car off. If you have a push start then the fob should never leave a pocket or purse. You have to go out of your way to actually leave the keys in the car on a regular basis. Your partner is just an idiot.
You answered your own question. Set a phone alarm for every evening that stands for where them keys at?
the 1st sentence says it all. If your partner doesnt understand why they can't leave the keys in the car, some device won't fix your problem
Not entirely true. This should help a lot.
Key retrainer.
That's not true. This should help a lot.
Key retrainer
That's not true. This should help a lot.
Key retrainer
His wife.
Right? If you're not responsible enough to carry keys in the house, you're not responsible enough to drive. Because this also means she doesn't lock the doors.
Our key fob was lost in our Avalon for 2-3 weeks one time. We knew it was in there cause the car continued to start and run when we pushed the button. Of course the car remained unlocked the entire time.
It’s likely not a comprehension issue partner may suffer from severe ADHD or other cognitive condition that impacts their executive functioning.
Wow lets find a crutch versus correct the issue. Chances are the wife thinks "We live in a nice neighborhood why would someone steal my car"
We don’t know if this is her issue, but there are many conditions rooted in the brain that you simply cannot train people out of. ADHD is one.
Drugs alone dont solve the issue with ADHD, behavior modification and training is essential. I was diagnosed as an adult but only ADD, I refused medication and instead learned to control and modify my behavior, I have a nephew with severe ADHD and he was on all sorts of medications, doses etc, didnt seem to have the desired effect, he spent a summer with my father who helped him control himself via modifying how he dealt with things and he functions better.
Also ADHD is far more prevalent in boys then girls and if this is the only issue the wife has then I would question the ADHD diagnoses especially since so many people want the pill to cure it but it cant be cured only lived.
ADD got wholesale renamed to ADHD, but the 'hyperactive' part doesn't necessarily mean you're physically buzzing around. it usually means your brain is hyperactively buzzing around, which can manifest as poor attention span, poor memory for 'boring' things, incomplete projects, executive dysfunction, etc.
less confirmed, but annecdata from my therapist is also pointing towards men and women getting ADHD at much closer rates, it just presents differently for women. young girls are subject to much stronger societal pressure to work around ADHD presentation, whereas it's "boys will be boys...".
This. The idea that ADD is more prevalent in boys than girls is absolute nonsense; the numbers are effectively equal. It's just misdiagnosed in girls because they are socialized very different than boys.
She learned to drive a car. She can learn to keep track of keys.
Seriously. Mental health problems are real but people really need to stop acting like it’s an excuse for everything. Lots of people struggle with different things. People will be responsible enough to drive and take themselves on vacations, but when they can’t show up on time or keep track of things it’s a disability.. I bet they’re not late to their vacation flight. I bet they don’t forget to order that useless shit from Amazon that they don’t need
(Let’s assume we’re talking about ADHD.) That’s literally not how ADHD works…
How does ADHD work?
Umm forgot, what’s the question again
OK, then it sounds like she shouldn’t be driving a car because clearly she’s not going to be able to focus on all the things you have to keep track of to drive a car and is going to kill herself and others.
That’s not how ADHD works… Stop trying to be dense.
Wow, I didn’t realize the average person was still so completely uneducated about ADHD and mental disorders as a whole, given how much they’re talked about nowadays. This thread has been enlightening, to say the least.
It has. The whole question from OP was about what tools might be available to help with corrective behavior. The response was a resounding have you tried remembering?? idiot?? It’s insane.
I’m guessing the way it works is you take no responsibility for anything you do? Is that your personal excuse for everything that goes wrong in your life?
Somehow, she can remember how to take the key out to the car and start it and drive on the correct side of the road and obey speed limits and stop at stop signs and red lights and all the other shit involved in driving but her ADHD magically kicks in when it’s time to take the key out of the car.
I have never met somebody with ADHD that pertains to exactly one thing like that. I guess if that’s the case, OP just needs to buy cheaper cars because he’s going to be regularly donating them to the community at large.
The brain is a machine and the way it works isn’t always intuitive. It’s not about responsibility. It’s not expecting someone do what they literally can’t. That’s why people either need to drug themselves or learn a range of coping behaviors or both.
Attaching a fucking airtag to one’s keys is such a a behavior and that is taking responsibility.
Jesus fucking christ. Are you trying to be dense. If you’ve literally never met a single ADHD person, read some fucking science then. Get out of your hole and stop being a stupid fucking cunt.
I have actual adhd, like adderall since I was little boy adhd, I’m so tired of people using adhd as an excuse for everything. It’s not an attentive disorder you’re just an idiot.
I have add too, and I can realize the difference between add and adhd.
you have ADHD and can’t comprehend setting something down and forgetting about it?
No one is talking about using ADHD as an excuse for being stupid. Thoughtlessly leaving small objects behind is a common problem.
Clinically diagnosed with ADHD here. (Can provide receipts if you so choose)
This is someone just being lazy/incompetent/not understanding the consequences of this action.
ADHD is if everyone and then I forgot to bring my keys in because I was so distracted by some random thought
I agree with the spray bottle approach OP
We don’t have enough details from OP, like how common the behavior is. We can be talking about holding the keys after turning the car off, fiddling with a bunch of things, absentmindedly putting the keys or something else down and sometimes forgetting to grab them again.
I don’t do this with car keys but I have a ritual to NEVER lock the car with the door buttons, only the key fob. I also like push-to-start start because I can keep my key permanently attached to my belt. I’ve lost so many other things of similar size. No matter how much I tell myself to be more aware and careful, it’s never stopped being a problem. I’m often triple and quadruple checking myself in the mornings just to make sure I don’t forget my wallet or hat or glasses or belt or whatever. There is no just remembering. There is only setting up a convoluted system to hopefully sabotage the behavior.
This. I forget my phone in the car 75% of the time. I want my phone. Obviously I figure it out quickly, but still have to go back out to get it. This has been the case for years now. It's not a comprehension thing.
Attach her key to her phone case - done!
In my case, my key doesn't leave my pocket. I don't understand why hers leaves her purse, but apparently she sometimes leaves her purse in the unlocked car as well. This is a much bigger problem.
But does she bring her phone, or leave it in her purse/car?
I've done really well for myself collecting crutches. I really suspect his wife isn't like a child or something. Different strategies work for different people, and normalcy is incredibly rare
Sometimes a crutch corrects the issue.
Right, like even the comment itself is recognizing a person has a need and requires a tool so they can perform
A broken leg in a cast, person requires a crutch and we are all ok with this
When did let’s find a crutch become a pejorative put down. YES. Let’s find a crutch that works so the person can function
You’re making a ton of assumptions there. As someone in a relationship with a neurodivergent person, it’s not always as simple as your worst instinct. Not saying OPs wife is neurodivergent, but it may not be as simple as “she’s shitty and entitled and ignorant” nor “just train her”.
I have severe ADHD, this is not an issue from that. This is being lazy and carefree with zero sense of situational awareness or responsibility.
OP, let her make the costly mistake. Then she can walk everywhere and maybe that’ll help her have accountability.
Tired of everyone blaming everything on ADHD. We aren’t disabled mentally lol we just see the world through a different lens
Undermines people either actual ADHD too ts pisses me off so much
I’d like to know if her fob is in a key ring with the house keys? I’d like to know if she locks the door wham she leaves the house or upon her return. Honestly, if she isn’t responsible enough to bring in her fob the only answer is to take away the car.
This is my issue. When I had a real, physical key, it wasn’t a problem. Now the sudden adjustment to push start has been an issue with me remembering to bring it in. Obnoxious keychains did help while I adjusted to this seemingly small (but big for me) change.
Cool story, maybe we can’t be trusted to take the car places then 🤷♂️
Then that doesn’t sound like someone who should even be driving
just because everyone on reddit has adhd doesn't mean everyone on earth does.
Hence the word “may”.
I've got the ADHD. That's why my fob stays in my pocket. If I was a woman it would probably stay in my purse.
The fact that she's removing the key from whatever she carries it in for no reason and then leaving it in the car is just weird. Unless she grew up on a farm and it's just the norm for her to leave all vehicle keys in the vehicle so it's always ready to go....
A car thief doesn’t care about your ADHD.
Not saying it’s not a problem. Just defending OPs statement that “the behavior isn’t going to change”. Of course it CAN change, but if he’s looking for solutions now before the car gets stolen, behavioral change for many neurodivergent people isn’t as simple as training them/setting them straight. It can take years.
You spelled "ability to operate a motor vehicle safely" wrong.
Why she can't. Not why they can't.
A traditional lock on the door. House key goes on ring with car key. Problem solved. That's how we did things in my day.
She’ll probably still leave the car unlocked.
Some (most?) cars with keyless ignition can be set to auto lock when the key fob gets out of range.
It never gets out of range, as it’s being left in the car
Well, at least the car will be a little more difficult to steal that way. But yeah, either you or a good friend needs to "Steal" the car. Pretend to call the police then tell your wife that they said that if the keys were in the car, that it's not even considered grand theft auto and will be at the very bottom of their priority list. Tell her they said "They'll keep an eye out for it, but that's about it." It will be even better if you and your accomplice go out and "find" it yourself. Tell her two people were fucking in the back seat when you found it.
Just return it as normal and leave a gross note in the back from dirty Mike and the boys thanking her for the f shack
On a stained and greasy piece of cardboard.
At least there will be less of a chance of it getting stolen.
Just install the Toyota app, it will remind you.
How does she get the keys from the house to the car? Coat pocket, purse?
Why are the keys leaving that place to begin with?
How does she open the door to the house without the keys when she returns home?
Fun_Interaction2@reddit (OP)
Keys are either left on the center console, or, in her purse which is also left in the car.
Have your buddy open the garage door in the middle of the night. Wake her up.
Run out and scare off "the intruder"
Why don’t you just check for them as part of your evening or after work routine. Bring them in for her. Make it an act of service and love.
Why can't HER act of service and love be behaving like a reasonable person and respecting her partners wishes?
Why the fuck should he have to babysit her actions?
What a shit take on the situation. If he forgets to do it one day and that's the day it gets stolen, everything becomes his fault where the responsibility should fall on her in the first place.
She can drag her ass back and forth to the car there's no reason she can't bring her stuff with her.
I had to ask an insurance agent about this because I was curious. Leave your keys in the car, leave it running, even leave it unlocked and suddenly you have two problems. Your premiums go up and you are now making payments on a phantom car.
In fact, if you leave a car running without a licensed driver in the front seat that’s a ticket.
Naw, you buy her the ugliest 3k beater you can that's reliable with mechanical wind up windows. If she can't take care of her things, she doesn't deserve nice toys. Tell her if her car gets stolen she won't be driving yours and you will get an under 5 k car you can afford to lose. If the fob is somewhat new, she can get it on her phone instead and then leave the fob at home. She's choosing to be irresponsible. If she was single this wouldn't happen.
Get her an abundance of obnoxious key chains. That helped me with this problem
What insurance? Chances are high they won’t cover the theft cause the key was left inside the vehicle.
Make her buy her own car and pay for her own insurance. Seriously, she seems like she has never had to have any responsibility for anything in her life and has never faced the consequences of her actions.
Not to mention dealing with identity theft. That will cost you thousands or tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to clean up. It will impact you as well as any joint accounts will need to have those cards canceled. It may take years to resolve the issues as the identity thief will have a legitimate photo identification too.
I'm assuming they have sort of digital lock.
OP confirmed this. tbh his wife either needs a car that isn't fancy enough to have a fob, OP needs to downgrade to a standard lock and attach housekeys to her fob, or (the absolute worst option imo) stage a theft and scare her straight
I have a feeling OPs wife isn't going to agree to that substantial of a downgrade. Normal deadbolts. Tell her you read some article about how the new ones aren't secure at all and you just can't condone risking your family's safety like that.
Problem is, this could also happen in a store parking lot.
How are they a target for the car being stolen if it’s in a garage?
I’d bet the garage is full of crap and the car is on the street.
She enters the house through the garage.
Bet the house isn’t locked either. Or goes through the garage.
If you attach an AirTag to her keys, it has a feature where it will notify you when an item is left behind.
Of course this is assuming she isn’t also leaving her phone in the car, and has notifications turned on. This will only work with iPhones.
Besides that, does she carry a purse? Does the car have push to start? If it does and she does carry a purse, she shouldn’t need to even use the key at all. Unless of course she’s leaving her purse in the car too.
You could put a clip key chain on the key fob and start on creating a habit for her to clip it to her purse when you leave the house or if she wears jeans clip it there.
Front door deadbolt.
Put an airtag on the key ring, it will notify you when they keys are left behind, you can get similar devices for non apple products, whats more no more lost keys!
This is Reddit. Immediately get a divorce.
Sue for custody of the car, the loser gets the kids. Chances are she's already forgotten them a few times.
I would give you an award if I had 1 to give… so take this medal 🥇
The’re in the car with her fob and purse.
sigh, the common trend on Reddit. If reddit took over the world, marriages would be banned....
I know your joking but can you imaging how exhausting it must be to be married to someone so incompetent
I couldn't be married to someone like that. There had to be warning signs, and I'm sure it spills over into many aspects of their life.
Not knowing what SUV you have, several Toyota small SUV ( Corolla cross) have connection to WiFi and will alert you for unlocked doors. Windows down and so forth.
If the car isn’t locked , my CCH warns me within an hour of the car being parked.
Just take it out and make her drive her car down the road. It will cut out and then ring her and say "that's how far the thief gets" and she will be amazed when she can't start the car again until the fob is in range. I'm sorry you actually have to teach stupid here.
Get up in the middle of the night and drive the car a couple of blocks away and walk home. When she wakes up and sees it missing, let her freak out and call the cops. Maybe she'll learn her lesson.
My wife just leaves her key fob in her purse. Goes to the car with her, comes in the house with her.. problem solved
Keyless entry and start? Use a keyring and loop it inside the purse.
writing a NOTE on the bedroom door, on the fridge, on the bathroom door to, "DON'T FORGET KEYS IN CAR".
maybe every door in the whole house if she's that lame brained.
A divorce lawyer. If this simple activity cannot be done, she's just beyond saving.
If it’s a keyless entry and start, tell her to not even bother taking the key out of her purse. Leave it in the bag.
How is this a habit for any remotely functional adult?
Leave it be. When it gets stolen the problem will sort itself out. Is she making the payments or are you?
I would buy her a yearly bus pass and take the vehicle away!
Use some sort of mechanism where she can’t get into the house without having her fob with her
I imagine that if parking in the garage was an option you wouldn't be asking this. Because then it wouldn't be the driveway it was stolen from.
You could always buy a new car they beep and set off the alarm if you leave without the key
Teach wife the importance of money, ask her to plant some trees and see if any money grows out of them.
The back of your hand.
AirTag on her keys. You check location once she is inside. I doubt another solution where you trust her to do it is going to work or you have found it by now.
If it’s a new Toyota, there is a very good chance it has the “phone as a key” feature. Get your wife to program her phone to work as the vehicle key, and leave the actual key fob at home permanently.
She's probably leaving her whole purse in the car with everything in it.
I have a device called a garage that makes car theft less likely. My cars go in there.
Does she lock the car? My car won’t lock with the keys inside
Wait for her to go to sleep. Move the car about a block away. Bring her purse and keys inside.
Your wife needs to get in the habit of keeping her key fob on her person rather than in the car. Once she has it on her person she doesn't need to do anything else with it when she gets ready to drive. I don't know about her car, but my car will not lock if my keys are inside of it.
Not locking the car is a huge problem.
I know you said the habit cannot be changed. Can we get her to keep her keys (and by extension keyfob) in her jacket/pants pocket the whole time since you don't need to take those out to get into and start the car?
maybe have key hooks next to the door and make sure they're there if she isn't driving? if the purse is a problem if might need a home near the door too
We had our keys next to the door, and we moved it because it makes it easy to clone the key signal.
Can you set an Apple air tag to ping it it goes out of range of the paired phone?
How does one unlock the car without the keys?
If the fob is in the car, ot won't lock.
Is it her car? If so, leave her be. She knows the circumstances as do you, but both of you have faults, and both of you have characteristics that the other would like to change. Just leave it be.
If it is stolen, with the fob on it, the insurance company can refuse to cover the loss.
fake-steal the car. Grab her phone so she cant find it and call the police.
She might learn her lesson. Otherwise, buckle them to the inside of her purse. She probably doesnt even need them out of the purse in most new cars.
Just have her leave the fob in her purse. Sounds like she has a push start so she doesn't have to physically turn the key to turn off the car so she doesn't have that feedback loop.
If she never takes it out of her purse or other bag or something she always brings inside it'll never be left in the car.
It happens everywhere, unless you live in a gated community even then sometimes.
Car key goes on the same ring as the house key……
Nothing you can do. If her car gets stolen she can notify the police and insurance company. If the car doesn’t get replaced and she can’t afford to buy another car then she doesn’t have one to drive around. Live and learn.
Can you attach the keys to something she uses inside? Like it’s attached to her phone case?
You could also make going out and locking her car part of your nightly routine. If you want to be petty, bring keys in and hide them somewhere. If she knows if you bring them in she’ll have to spend time looking later maybe it will help her remember. Side note - is this what my wife does with tools I leave out that I can then never find?
This is concerning that she just doesn’t seem to care even if you’ve brought it up. There’s work arounds if this is the only issue but something tells me this isn’t isolated to just the keys.
It amazes me how many rely on your garge door to your house that you do not lock. People drive up and down streets, sending out signals to garage doors. When one opens the first thing, they check to see if the door between the house and garage is secured. If not, they go through your house too. It should be seured just like any outside door.This is why they steal garage door openers. Now, they can steal the frequency from them and broadcast them from their car. When I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher in the 90s, they had to have the openers in their cars, using each one individually to see if it opened a garage nearby.
Maybe have her house key on her fob. Pretty simple that she can’t get into house if keys are in car
Can she just keep the fob in her purse or bag/item she consistently brings in the house? (Attach to her wallet, Stanley, etc).
My Cadillac beeps the horn at me if I leave the keyfob inside...surely a shiny new Toyota should be that "smart"?
Go thru her car one night, take everything even the fob. Hide it all until your point is made. Pretend to get super angry.
Or drive it to another spot not visible from your yard. Car will be unlocked since the fob is in it.
Side note, Insurance will not cover theft if they find out the key was in it.
I bought a Gucci key wallet. Yes, it’s bougie and pricey but it doesn’t leave my purse.
I've had 2 cars with keyless entry; both of them honk the horn if I leave the keys in it.
Tell her to put the key in her wallet or purse and leave it there.
My keys are on a clip on my wallet. My daughter's are on a clip in her purse.
Natural consequences works on adults as we as children. Put a gps locator on the car instead. Make sure your insurance is solid. When it gets stolen, she’ll feel that and likely won’t be inclined to do it again.
You can put an airtag on it. Once you step away too far, you will get a notification saying you left your "airtag" at "so and so" location
That device is called a pocket.
Does she have a purse device? She could use that device to put her keys inside of. I hear they work well.
I call it my pocket
If she doesn't use her keys to get in the house she can leave them in her purse without the inconvenience of having to dig them out to get into the house
It’s push to start right? So just glue it to her ass. If you place it just right you can trigger the panic button every time she farts. 🤣🤣🤣
Do not follow the advice posted here to hide your wife's car and say it was stolen. That's a great way to permanently damage your relationship, which presumably is more valuable than the car. And can't be insured.
Fun_Interaction2@reddit (OP)
Would your insurance even cover this? They tend to frown on that kind of thing! The best device you can get is probably smart locks on your doors and garage that need a phone app to enter!
Fun_Interaction2@reddit (OP)
Yes they would cover it, but it’s some kind of “negligent” loss. I guess collision. Rather than a comprehensive claim that is “act of god” and doesn’t affect rates. My understanding is our already insane rates would skyrocket.
There are a lot of YouTubes about how to turn off the "remote left in vehicle alert" for Cadillac, Chevy, GMC - so it's definitely a device that exists.
For me this is 100% unacceptable. Bad things happen. Inviting them to happen by leaving the car unlocked with the garage door opener in it is just stupid.
I'm not sure what I would do if someone I loved was behaving in such an unbelievably irresponsible manner. I guess the person who suggested having YOU check might have the least offensive, most effective idea.
This really blows my mind. I wouldn't be able to live with this at all. Does she live in a world where nothing bad ever happens? I just can't make sense of it.
I’m also having trouble with the total lack of care or concern, both for the possession and for the stress on OP. If this woman is a grown adult who can’t understand the correlation between actions and consequences then there are way bigger issues than the keys.
Honestly I hope this is fake rage bait. Even toddlers can understand the issue here and take care of things they value but that may also be the crux of the issue.
you sound like a bitch, just deal with it
Have you considered just making checking the car part of your nightly routine?
I also have small kids, and a wife who never forgets a damn thing, except for locking her car. She does afternoon pickup, and when she gets home with the kids her hands are always full, and there are toddlers being toddlers, and she just forgets. So now when I check to make sure the doors are locked before bed, I also just grab her extra key fob and hit the lock button. It’s also a Toyota. And while it won’t allow you to lock a fob in the car by tapping the door handle while you have another fob outside, I’m pretty sure it will allow you to lock a fob in the car if you press the lock button on another fob. If not, when it fails it’ll do that annoying shit where it beeps for a long time, so you’ll know to go get her fob out.
In other words, make sure the wife NEVER experiences discomfort for the actions that she does.
Uhhh... I didn't say anything like that. Consequences, yes. Lying to your spouse about anything, no.
It's not that complicated, really.
Put her house key on the same key ring as fob she can't get in the house without it. If you have an electric lock get rid of it and go back to key lock.
in the middle of the night take it and park it down the block. In the morning she will think it got stolen, I'm sure that would work pretty good
carabiner it onto her bag? Or to her housekeys?
If you take a moment to analyze the mental gymnastics you are going through instead of just dealing with holding your wife accountable, it will be enlightening.
House ALWAYS locked up, needing keys to open ANY external door (or door from inside the garage to the house) and keys on the fob.
Get a car with "walkway locking". Car won't lock if keys are left in it, and some cars will beep at you if the last door is closed and the keys are still in it.
There is! There is a brand new invention called a POCKET! You put your key in it and keep it there until it's time to stay home.
My wife does the same thing but her car is in the garage. While a little safer still not 100%
I'm guessing she's not locking the car either. My 2020 Rav4 won't let me lock them inside.
If she's a stupid ass, there's nothing you can do to fix it. Tell her to stop being a lazy idiot and bring her key in.
Get her a car that needs the key. Your wife sounds like she doesn’t care enough to want to bring the keys inside. You probably are too good of a husband and take care of everything for her. Once the car is stolen she will just suck your dick a few times and you’ll be the one on the phone with police and insurance whilst she drives your car.
Fun_Interaction2@reddit (OP)
Phew.... One correction, she doesn't drive my cars. She would be in a rental until her new car arrived to the dealer.
But you would STILL be the one doing all of that and dealing with all that. Buy her a mini matching key bag to go with her purse. I’ve seen girls attach them to their big ass over sized cups
AirTag and set the forget function.
The permanent solution is to let the car get stolen. “School of Hard Knocks” is the best teacher. 😉
Move her car one night. Guarantee they'll start bringing them in at night.
Just slamming the door and walking away... I thought that only happened in movies. Looks even cooler when the window is open.
For the next car, get something with auto lock when walking away. Then glue fob to her phone.
Or maybe you can already glue the fob to her phone with that car? And remove the garage door opener from the car, add a wifi module to the door motor to control it with the phone instead. Then you still have the problem of the car being unlocked, but there would be no fobs inside. If she leaves her phone in the car, then I give up.
Hire a trusted friend to "steal" the car one Friday night. In the morning pretend to call the police and file a stolen vehicle report. Then around noon or so just have your buddy drive it back to the house. I'm sure she'll remember the keys every time after that
Put an alarm that beeps every 3 seconds constantly so she can't forget that they're there.
My cousin would do this until the day I "stole" her car. Maybe show her why she needs to bring the car keys in
Maybe it needs to be stolen for her to learn a lesson.
You could make something like this pretty easily, with about $10 in parts. It wouldn’t exactly be pretty, unless you made an enclosure for it.
I am thinking an esp32 supermini on the keys and in the base. Every day at 9pm the base attempts to connect to the keys over bluetooth, and if successful measures the rssi. If the rssi is low or there is no connection, it will buzz a buzzer until the connection is good or a silence button is pressed.
Kind of a ridiculous idea, but hey you asked for it. If you really want a device like this, chatgpt could probably do all/most the coding for you. It’s rather simple.
Zip tie the keys to any bag she takes regularly.
Tip tie to a coat she may wear regularly
Anything she leaves the house with daily, attach that key to it
Hold on to the keys and make her check them out from you when she needs them and bring them right back. Or have a friend pretend to steal it the next time she does it and then be like "oopsie poopsie. I guess you're taking the bus."
Or trade in her car for a stick shift. That way it's basically theft-proof. I would suggest the Club but I doubt she'd be any better about using that.
you should also be putting them in a Faraday box.
I went through this with my wife to get her to not forget her keys. they went on a specific key rack just inside the hallway and now the keyless fob goes in the box.
repetitive training finally ingrained it in her.
Or don't leave them near an entrance.
Ours are in the pantry, nowhere near close enough to an external wall for this to work. Also means a thief can't duck their head in the entrance, take the key and drive away - happened to my neighbour across the road.
doesn't matter...some repeaters can get signals through walls. you would be surprised how far the signal will go.
Faraday box makes 100% sure no signal gets out
Why do you need a faraday box?
cuts off the signal from the fob.
criminals can stand near your house with a repeater and get the signal from the fob out to the car. open the car and drive away without needing the fob.
The latest way to steal a car is to get close enough to the key to receive the signal, then replicate the signal while in the car… car then thinks the keys are in the car, when in reality they are sitting on your table… theif then drives off in your car
Car thieves are using repeaters to relay the signal from the fob back to the vehicle over a distance greater than the fob can reach by itself. It mimics the fob, and the car thinks it's in the vehicle, allowing the thieves to unlock and take the vehicle with minimal effort.
The Faraday box prevents any signal from going into or out of the box, thus giving the signal repeater/spoofer nothing to work with.
Electronic lock on front door that locks automatically after a couple minutes and requires a fob to open. Put the fob on the same keychain as her car fob.
Some people need to burn their hand instead of just being told the stove is hot.
I think you need to steal her car and hide it somewhere for a bit.
And hope she doesn’t involve law enforcement haha, can’t imagine how that would go. Hey your car is gone, don’t file a police report!
Not for long term dude - just long enough to get her heart rate up and hopefully drive the message home.
Set a recurring alarm on her phone to go off every evening.
Personally, I'd sell the car. If she's not even responsible enough to take the keys out she's not responsible enough to be on the road.
keep key in wallet/purse
that way you know its with you. been doing that since i got keyless. Pretty foolproof since you always need wallet to drive and your keys are there BOOM.
Attach it to your house key? You do keep your doors locked, right? Right?! Maybe tell her to keep it in her pocket or get a belt clip if she wears jeans? How about a hook in a central part of the house that you can quickly look at to see if they're there?
Can't she just put the fob on a ring with the house keys?
Put it in a keychain with her house key... Or tape it to her forehead.. whatever works
Not responsible enough to drive.
Everyone here, at least the ones upvoted the most and are most visible, is a jerk.
Adhd and add are both real things on opposite ends of the spectrum with some of the same symptoms. Responsible people recognize these symptoms and do something about it, which may (should) include education, through which they would learn how important routine and habit are. I’ll say it a few more times, routine and habit.
Routine and habit.
Is your wife 10 years old? What the fuck is this?
Like someone else mentioned, having your house keys attached to the key fob and making sure the house is locked every time You leave is a good start, secondly assuming the car doesn't already have it and I'm guessing you have to stick the key in there, slightly more expensive option would be to have remote start installed on the car. Then she can just keep the keys in her pocket.
retractable key chain
Rolled up newspaper by the front door, no keys, BONK!
My wife never forgets her purse. She put the key fob inside the purse so to start the car she just needs to have her purse with her. Key fob never leaves the purse unless the battery is dead. You don't even really need to push buttons on the fob because the door unlocks when you touch the handle.
Get a mate to “steal” the car. Some people will only learn from their mistakes.
Put it on a key ring and affix it to her purse so when the purse comes in the fob does too.
Or, have a mate come steal the car.
Then call him instead of the police to "report the crime"
Let her sweat a bit.
She'll never forget again.
And you may never get to have sex again.
Attach them to her person in a way , she needs help to remove .. We used to put 2 ft sticks on keys at work to help ensure them not being forgotten in pockets , she might not go for this though..
I've been in a lot of newer rental cars that honk at you if you close the door with the keys inside.
Post it note
Is it a push start car? If so why are the keys not on her the entire time?
Also maybe you should go out and check every night to help prevent this
Why exactly can the behavior aspect not be changed? Sounds childish to me.
If your partner is unable or unwilling for whatever reason then treat them like a child and collect their key fob from them every night. Or make sure you have killer insurance for when it gets stolen.
My wife used to do this, and then forget a key was on the car and she’d take the spare. Then the car wouldn’t lock because there was a key somewhere in it. I read once that it’s bad for the battery to leave the key in the car because the key/car keep checking in and staying active. I have no idea if that’s accurate, but I kept telling my wife that until she stopped. She obviously doesn’t agree with you on the safety/security concern, maybe use this as a different approach.
When she leaves the car keys in the car, drive off and park it at a friends house in the middle of the night and have them drop you off, if she thinks the car is stolen she might not do it again, this will be better if you have a cop buddy to back you up
Does she not carry a purse?? Literally it should be in her purse at all times.
Glue the keyfob to her phone
Tell her to put it in her purse or jeans or jacket that she’s wearing
Attach the car key fob to her house keys so she has to carry the car fob with her to unlock the house. Your house should be locked up when no one is there so if the car fob is attached to the same ring as the house keys it won't be left behind.
What kind of a fob is it? Many can be left in a pocket/purse.
Or, get a carabiner/clip and clip the fob to her purse.
You could also get one of those spring loaded key leashes.
My wife, who is similarly "challenged" in life, does this all the time. One thing I have found is you can't remote start the car when the other set of keys is in the car. So I can at least check, then make her go outside in the cold to get them.
One of those retractable key rings attached to belt or purse.
it's called a brain
I use a pocket. There is almost no reason to take the fob out of my pocket during the day, other than to lock the car up as you walk away… In the Ioniq 5, key fob proximity and a button start the car up. In my Silverado EV pressing the brake does it. My wife uses this device she calls a ‘purse’…
Where I am from,even leaving the vehicle unlocked will incur a fine,Also the insurance company won't pay out for theft ,since you gave the thief the keys.
does she leave her phone in the car, too?
unfortunately, OP, until your wife gets her shit together, you might have to make sure the fob is inside and the car is locked at night. and maybe have her look into getting some treatment for that ADHD.
The fob can stay in a pocket or her purse or something - it doesn't need to be put in any particular place to operate the vehicle. Is there any particular reason she's removing it from wherever she stores it before getting in the car?
My cadi, and i think most gms, triple beap the horn if you shut the door with the fob inside.
Get a new wife
Sell the car and get her a bicycle
OP says she leaves it in purse and leaves purse in car. I’d say glue it to her phone. Everyone is attached to their phone these days.
What a privileged life she must have had. I can’t fathom anyone I grew up with leaving their keys and purse in the car over night. Maybe set a recurring alarm on her phone at 9 pm labeled “GET YOUR KEYS AND PURSE”
Might not help, but on my Corolla Hatch (2019) if I tap the door to lock the car and my keys are inside it will beep until I grab the keys from inside
Doesn't she carry a purse???
After you convince her that her car was stolen and found totaled , step 2 is to tell her that since she left her keys in her car, the insurance company has denied the claim due to the theft being basically her fault. Step 3 is to say sorry dear wife we can't afford another car for you but we can get you a bus pass.
Get a security system with one door alarm. Attach one side to the key and the other to the base station. Set a schedule to alarm the system at 9pm. If the key isn't on the base station, it shows up as an "open door" and the alarm will go off.
-From a Test Engineer
If you leave your keys in your car and it gets stolen you 100% deserve it. Theres a simple solution. Smarten up.
If the car is stole because the key fob is inside it - good luck getting any insurance payout.
Is there something at home she needs or uses everyday ?
Get a lockbox and put it in there , then attach the key to the car key ring 🤷♀️
Are here house keys NOT on the same key ring?
Make a habit of locking your car with the key hob only then they are always in your hand.
My car tells me, dont forget to remove my key from the car. Buy a Mercedes, i guess. 🤷♀️
JB weld her key fob to her phone
NC inductive prox wired in series to a light bulb. Light bulb only turns off when fob is placed in front of it.
Swap out the bedroom light switch for one that requires a key. She can't turn the lights off without a key (that's permanently attached to her keychain)
If it's a new car, it should be push to start. Make her keep the damn key in her pocket or purse. And attach the house key to it. Can't come in without the car key then
Press to start cars stay "awake" with the keys close by. You should never leave your keys in the car even in a locked garage.
Hey man, my car hasn't been working too well lately. Where do you live?
Have a friend borrow the car and then tell her someone stole it. Freak out a little bit and either delay calling the police or fake calling the police. Either way just don’t call the real police lmao.
Once she finally realizes that the possibility of theft is a genuine concern, she will be more careful.
If that’s too harsh, idk man maybe she just needs a lanyard to hold them on her neck, so she can’t set them down in the car. You could try it.
Yes the device is called car theif, they are free but their schedule is very chaotic. One use of that device will sort the problem out for good.
If you are part of the Apple collective, I recommend an I tag. It should send a notification to her phone if the key fob is not in proximity and so unreachable by Bluetooth on her phone. She can also ask Siri where the keys are and if she can’t hear it beep you can find out where it is. If the car gets stolen you can find it too.
And if it's stolen forget insurance paying claim because keys were in vehicle
Have her keep the fob in her purse all the time.
Lock the house doors every time she leaves the house to drive somewhere and do not open the door for her when she gets home.
Apple AirTags on your keys.
Set a daily alarm on phone or watch at 9pm to check keys.
This is easy. You put a note on the key that says "KEEP IN PURSE".
This way when she takes the keys out of her purse to unlock the car, she'll see the note, and remember the car has a keyless lock button and use that instead. This way she'll put the keys back in her purse before unlocking the car; interrupting her old operating procedure from the old car.
The key is getting her to use the keyless lock function, so the keys never come out of the purse in the first place. Also interrupting the process earlier, before she's in full habit mode.
You trade that brand new Toyota SUV in for a 20 year old Toyota Corolla. That's what I would do
Make it a manual as well, reduces the chance that the thief can drive one 😂
Or the wife
My ‘first car’ (it was my dads old one) was a 94 Toyota Corolla. It essentially had a ‘built in’ security system. The shifter would not shift until you pressed a flathead screwdriver into a hole lol.
The best theft prevention system is rust.
Does the key fob need to be out for it to work?
I just leave mine in my pocket. I never have to take it out.
Its key fob, there is no reason for her to even be taking it out of her purse.
Park the cat in the garage.
Does your wife carry a purse? If so she can just leave them in there, unless she leaves that in the car too.
Get a friend to take the car for a drive, then ask her where the car is after they are gone. Obviously have them bring it back in 5-10 minutes.
Set Up a Location-Based Reminder for Your AirTag
Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone.
Go to the Automation tab and tap Create Personal Automation (or tap + if you already have automations).
Select Arrive as the trigger.
Tap Choose and select your home address from the map.
Set it to trigger When I Arrive (leave "Any Time" enabled unless you want it only at certain hours).
Tap Next, then Add Action → Send Notification (or use Speak Text if you want Siri to remind you).
In the notification text, write something like "Bring your keys inside!"
Tap Next, then Done to save the automation.
Start a fashion some brightly colored cord & make her a necklace with it. She'll never have to take it off at all.*
*back in the "old" Army of the 80s we called them "dummy cords" when tied to weapons & other "sensitive" items.
This is a fob that doesn’t need to be inserted to drive?
Does your wife have a purse or back?
Make sure the fob is attached inside her purse in such a way that she cannot take it out of the purse.
Set the car settings to not lock the doors with the key inside.
Why doesn't she leave it in her purse
The next time she does it, hide her keys for a couple days....she needs Meg stove result enforcement to break the habit...
Not the cheapest solution but my Volvo screams bloody murder when I leave my keys in the car and so much as open the driver door.
Phone as a key?!?
Every car I've had with a fob beeps at you if you leave the fob in it...
I can't believe this is a real question. Just take the key fob every time you get out of the vehicle.
An alarm to remind you what you should have already did?
Have a friend steel it one night and park it around the corner.
Remind her if her car gets stolen with the keyfob in it the insurance company will not pay. So shes stuck with paying for a car she doesn’t have.
Padlock them to her handbag.
OP, your wife and I have the same issue. I came from a 2003 4runner to a brand new one and I forgot the keys a lot. Heck, I did it yesterday and my fiance gave me some rightfully earnes shit as we were walking into the grocery store. Assuming she carries a purse or bag, it might be as easy as attaching the keys to the bag with a carabiner. I I don't carry a bag, and it's my dream car, so I'm just having to learn to be mindful.
My 2014 Nissan Altima beeps at me if I try and lock the doors with the fob inside the car.
I'm afraid of locking my keys in my truck. So, what I do is when I get out of the truck, I use the FOB to lock it. That way, I know I have the keys with me.
No device, just common sense.
Dude. Either she puts the fob in her purse and remembers to take it, or she takes the bus. It is that simple.
Can’t she just hook them to her purse/wallet ? You don’t even need to touch the fob just have it with you to access/start most cars nowadays.
Hey just wanna ask a really silly question, but does your wife hate the new car?
Just to clarify things, if you live in an area where cars are regularly stolen from driveways overnight, you do not live in a decent area.
Fun_Interaction2@reddit (OP)
I live in a nice area that is a couple miles from a not great area. Kids from the not great area will drive here and hit 1-2 neighborhoods a night - running through checking all cars, stealing anything inside and testing the car to see if they can start it.
Yeah, what I'm saying is that "a couple miles" away isn't enough to qualify as untainted.
Caribeener key chain. Have her clip it to her purse.
Why doesn't she leave it in her purse? I mean seriously, it works wirelessly, why even take it out?
How about suggesting that she keep her key fob in either her purse or in a pocket?
The newest vehicles in our house are my wife's 2008 Volvo XC70 and my 2008 Ford E150. The Volvo is always OK, as it's parked in the garage - the keys are just left in it, although there have been several occasions where the garage door was left open all night.
The truck, though - I only have one working FOB, as the other 2 have dead batteries, but the ignition key in the door works fine. So one morning as I'm going to work - I own my business...there's this weird rattle as I'm driving. I stopped a few times to listen for where it was coming from - it was kind of driving me nuts, but every time I stopped, the rattle stopped too. Finally, I arrived at my first customer location, where I found that one of my kids got something out of the truck, and left the key in the keyhole of the passenger front door.
Likely she is like my friend's wife. If she leaves the keys in the truck "she knows where they are"... And "the truck is insured".
She'll learn pretty quickly when insurance refuses to pay out because she pretty much gave the car to a stranger.
Walking will be good for her health.
Maybe you could go out after she gets home and get the fucking keys…
It's not this dude's job to babysit his wife like that.
No, it's his job to babysit the car.
That’s an idea. And don’t put them where they are easy to find. Make her late by looking for them. A few times should fix this.
And hide the fob halves / battery cover, battery, and key ring in separate locations.
Need to use some negative reinforcement to change the behavior. Every time she forgets, should hit her with a stun gun.
If she doesn't use a house key to attach it to, put the fob on a carabiner that attaches to her purse, phone, water bottle, lanyard around her neck, shoe laces, or anything else she has on her whenever she leaves the house. If it doesn't already have a key ring she can get a little case for it that does. If she has a relatively routine schedule I'd also suggest putting an alarm on her phone to check for her fob at a certain time every day. At the very least. it should help remind her to get in the habit of checking for it.
Don't buy her a new car when this one is stolen.
Yep, get her the ugliest cheapest reliable car you can find with mismatching colour wings and bonnet.
Have a friend pretend to steal the car for a day. Let her figure out how to get to work without it for a day. Idk. You NEED TO FIX THE BEHAVIOR. No device will keep her from doing it at work, at the store, away from home, etc. No excuses, fix the behavior.
It’s called a pocket
Women’s clothing has pockets?
Tethered to the purse, airbag/etc also in the purse?
Why is she Taking the keys out of her purse? Help her to realize she doesn't need to. Surely, she wouldn't leave her purse in the car too?
GM cars will triple honk at you if you leave the key fob inside.
So trade it for an Equinox. Deters the behavior and punishes her at the same time.
Unless she just doesn't give a damn on purpose, she just needs to build a habit. It's not about devices, it's about building a habit of taking your keys with you.
Set an alarm on her phone for like 30-60 minutes after she usually gets home, label the alarm as "get the car keys"
Put a sticky note on the "start engine" button that says "take your keys with you"
If your car has a keyless start, make a habit of keeping the keys in the pocket, not a cup holder in the car, get her a key clip that would attach to her belt or something.
Just smack her around when she forget them in the car. After a few times she won't forget them anymore
Did you marry a gold fish..?
So pick a place in the house and one place only to put your keys for the day. I have a little table by my bed. When I get home I will SET THE ALARM and ONLY then put the keys on the little table. This way I know the alarm is set and well the keys are there. Other than that if its still in the day I will put them by the tv in the bedroom only. When they are by the tv I just know I have to toggle the alarm again to make sure its set. Just have a routine when you get in the house put the key IN ONE PLACE only, then do what ever else you were going to do.
Put a lock on your front door, so that your wife can't get in without her keys.
If they’re attached to here house key, she wouldn’t be able to get inside without them…..
Yes. AirTag.
Get an arduino with Bluetooth receiver and rfid reader. Program the arduino to send alerts every 2 minutes if her phone is connected to the Bluetooth but the reader doesn’t find the key.
Lanyards+house keys+key fob is to become blood brothers.
Just thought of another option, if she has an iPhone you can setup a geo fence notification. When the phone comes to the house you can make it talk, notify, alarm, etc as a reminder to bring the key inside
Could try to get her to just out the key in her pocket or in her purse before she leaves? There’s really no need to take it out for any reason.
I assume you have a keypad entry for your home? (Considering she doesn’t need her keys to unlock the door and leaves them in the car) because I would recommend changing the lock to be a traditional key deadbolt. So now she will need the keys to unlock the door before heading inside. Or invest in a giant neon sign
It might be worth putting a tracker in the car so if it gets stolen you might be able to get it back quicker.
Or maybe just don't give a $40k five fucking thousand pound machine to anyone who is too dumb to operate it.
Tbh in most places it’s not often that you get back a stolen car, and insurance generally doesn’t cover theft if the keys were left in the car.
Set up a location sensitive reminder on her cell phone that activates whenever she arrives at home
Home assistant to check Find My at 9pm and if not where you hang up the keys sound a klaxon horn on Sonos.
Trade down to an older car that doesn't have a fob?
You could out an alarm on your phone to remind you (or her) to check where the fob is.
You can disable the ‘smart key’ and have to put the key in a slot
Maybe there's some logic here. Tell her she's getting a downgrade of she doesn't change her behavior. So instead of a nice car to drive she'll get a shitbox that you don't care if it gets stolen or not.
How do you feel about home automation? Is the car connected? If not, a tracker on the key...
Don't allow the bedroom lights to be turned off at night if the car is unlocked (or the keys are in the car)
How old is the Toyota? My 2018 has push to start. Keys stay in your briefcase, purse, whatever. No need to even have the keys out while in the car. Harder to forget them if they are in a purse or whatnot.
Also, get her one of those silicone sleeves for her key fob on Amazon. I put a bright orange one over my Toyota fob. Harder to forget when the key is orange.
My wife grew up on a farm, isolated. They’d leave the keys in the front seat.
She kept doing that even while we were dating in the city.
One time we were in a sketchy part of town and I drove. She didn’t want to carry her keys so she threw them on the front passenger seat. She was like, “why? It’s not for YOUR car.”
Smdh. Good thing she’s pretty.
Fake a theft, move the car without her knowing and let her feel the panic.
Honestly I think putting it on a keychain with house keys is the solution. Or does she leave the house unlocked too?
Is there an app for your vehicle? I know it doesn’t help, but at least you can lock the car from the app too. And most cars with key fob, won’t let you lock the car with the key fob in there either.
If you have two keys, can you just physically clip one of them to her purse/wallet? Then if the purse comes in, the keys do.
I had a similar issue with my work security badge. I wound up putting it on a retractable keychain and clipping it to my belt.
I also have a nightly routine locking up the house where I check the doors, the garage, the car keys (key hooks near the garage).
Get her a lanyard and hang it around her neck.
Get a second key for the car if you dont already have one and then fit an autoclock box to the car when it detects power out from accessories it triggers the lock button
Now it will lock the doors but it wont enable the alarm as it uses the passenger lock wiring but it will make it safer at least
Get a friend to take the new SUV around the block one night and let her know how bad she shagged up leaving the keys in it tell her insurance won't cover it
I think the solution is a process in the house. Have a key hanger by the door so you can easily see if they are missing. And once you get in the habit, you’ll walk in, not do it, and realize something is missing.
Have your friend steal her car and park it around the corner.
Put it on a chain and have wear it like a necklace.
Put a daily reminder on your phone to check.
My car is push start. The fob is on my house keys in my pocket. I never touch them except to unlock the front door.
Do that
Pants pockets
Let her pay her insurance and car payment or if her own pocket. When it's stolen and she has to deal with it she will learn. Also. Have a buddy come take the truck every few nights and park it way down the street and take the FOB with him so as she has to shell out the 400 bucks for a new one she will learn quick
AirTags will do this - give an alarm if the keys are separated from the phone.
My wife is similar. She often leave her car key inside her car. At least we park our cars inside the garage. She often spend precious morning to look for her key.
Is it push to start? I never take my keys out of my pocket , hers probably dont ever have to leave her purse or bag or pockets or whatever she uses
read a bunch of comments my solution is that in the evening when you check locks an stuff that you also chheck the car and bring in the fog and purse.
Or maybe this is a scene from r/bdsm where she is trying to get you to spank her leading to hot sex all night. 😀😂😃😍
Get the second key. Lock it at night. She'll eventually get annoyed enough bugging you in the AM.
Does she not carry a purse?
So when she goes to work or the store or wherever, does she leave the fob in the car?
Can she just keep the fob in her purse?
The comments here are fucked lmao, look for a device that sets a alarm if the range is too far. You can also setup reminders/haptics with many Idevices that will trigger when she arrives home based on geo location. Airtags are cool but sometimes fail to alert if something is left behind till later
Simply set a phone reminder to remotely lock that vehicle at say 8pm everyday… then you will need the fob inside in order to carry out that task
Self- sticking brass or plastic plaque from a trophy shop engraved with "Remember to take the key" or something like that, placed somewhere she'll see it.
My wife uses a device called a purse. The key stays in the purse and the purse comes inside with her. The car locks and unlocks itself by proximity, she doesn’t think about locking or unlocking. I don’t think she’s touched the key since she bought the car.
Let the car be stolen and let her deal with the police and insurance and explaining the key fob was in it and I bet she’ll bring the next one in every night.
Buy her a car that doesn't require a key, just the fob, and tell her to leave it in her pocket. I haven't locked my keys in or left them behind once.
Doesn't the air tag ring the phone when it has been left behind?
If not, activate this feature.
I never take my keys out of my purse...
tell her she’s an adult then have someone tell you you’re an adult and deal with it
Get a clip and have her latch it to a belt loop
Does she always use a purse? Get her a clip to keep it attached to her purse on a ring or zipper
Make her wear it on a necklace like our parents did with the house key in kindergarten
So she doesn't lock the car either? I assume that's the case as most new cars don't lock if key is inside.
Connect to an air tag and setup an automation to alert when you've left them behind. Maybe alert you as well, since she doesn't seem to responsible.
I don't intend to read all of this.
Assuming you have friends.
Have a friend steal her car one night and park it somewhere safe. Just make sure she doesn't have anything important to do the next day. She'll wake up to the car missing. Freak out.
You check your phone.
Leave your air tag in it and be like "the air tag is at x location, let's go!"
Then go get it. Bring the spare key. Have her follow you home. Play the "I told you so" card. Tell her you bought a new key for it a few days later. Get the key back from your friend.
Key fob earning? Key fob implant?
You can pay me to come steal her car a few times until she learns her lesson.
A lot of newer cars honk or beeb if the fob is inside once car is turned off and then drivers door is open and closed. Guessing Toyota isn’t one of them but maybe check to see if that’s a feature that can be turned on.
Sell her car and get her a beater with a key. When she learns she can get a better car in a few years.
my 2022 chevy BEEPS multiple times if the key is left inside. Does your car not have a similar feature?
You take the new car. Buy her a junker that doesn’t have keyless entry or start.
Divorce. Hit the gym.
Set a perpetual alarm on your/her/ both phone for 21:00.
Purses and pockets exist already, if she is too obtuse to keep her keys in her purse and bring her purse inside, then not much else you can do.
Maybe lock the doors so she has to use a key?
Put the key fob around her neck! (Lanyard)
Have you tried a shock collar?
The car literally tells you to take your keys with you. Tell her to leave her fob in her purse or she can take taxis after her shit gets stolen.
Does she not have a purse? My wife just throws them in there and never has to think about it
Other than that, a daily reminder on both of your phones maybe?
Last idea, maybe give her a hook or something in the car so the keys have a “spot” like they would in an ignition, rather than just being tossed wherever. Somewhere obvious that they’re in sight and in mind
outside the box thinking- She obviously doesn’t care. shes intentionally doing this as a control issue. or bc it annoys you and she gets kicks doing this. shes hoping it gets stolen to really piss you off. why not attach the house key to the car key set. she cant get inside wo the key fob.
Don’t you have a wallet app for the key? Or like, put an alarm on her phone to make sure? Something? Don’t spray her omg she is not a cat.
Tell your wife to be a fucking adult. Keep them in her purse her pocket, her jacket, then they just come in with her.
You can add a tile/airtag etc. to the fob, and set up an automation to notify you/her if it's stationary for more than 10 minutes outside your house or something like that.
AirTag will alert when they are left behind. You can just set a daily alarm that reminds her, but it sounds like it’s just lazyness. Maybe sneak out at night the next time she does it, park around the corner and give her a good scare.
Why can’t her fob be attached to her purse by a lanyard?
A key rack for inside the house, but not right next to a door or window
Put the house key on the same ring and weld it shut. And an AirTag or other tracking thing that makes the phone beep if it gets too far away
This is similar to how I trained my cats not to scratch the couch
Best response I’ve seen so far
She’ll learn the first time it’s stolen.
Set an alarm on your phone to go off at 9pm every day. I have alarms set to remind me to do multiple things daily.
New wife
Pockets. The device she needs is pockets. Take her clothes shopping.
Allow your wife to start paying insurance on her car.
Why can't she just keep the key fob in her purse or her pocket?
Aye it's called a brain
Why is she taking her key out of her purse? Should be able to unlock/lock and start the car without even touching the key.
In my 2014 Avalon XLE (base trim) the driver door will unlock when I pull on the door and the keys on my person, the interior lights also turn on when I get about 10ft from the car. There are also ridges on the top and bottom of the hand, when pressed, locks the car.
My 2012 mid-trim Prius also had the ridges but not the fancier stuff, the Avalon was Toyotas Flagship sedan and more on the ‘luxury’ end as whole. But I would imaging the door handle ridges are something Toyota has kept or at least something similar. However I don’t know much about the 2018+ models so I can’t say for sure
We have a relatively expensive vehicle, not because of luxury, but because we needed the size.
My partner is bad about leaving key fobs in the vehicle as well, and I found attacking the sense of cost got me what I needed.
Any time I discovered the fob left in the vehicle, I would always ask "hey, do you remember how much we paid for that? Was it a lot?" while holding up the fob. Didn't take long to click and it stayed in the bag with the phone.
Have Alexa state a reminder at the same time every day after she gets home from work.
After she falls asleep, move the car down the block, lock it, take the fob home, and go to bed.
I can't think of any device that would fix this. Maybe a place where all keys and fobs go so you can easily check if it is in the car or not?
Personally, I hate to sound like an asshole, maybe she needs her car stolen in order to learn?
RFID-activated house door with the tag attached to her car keys?
Hubby needs to just move the car a few blocks away and bring the key back.
Nah he needs to have a friend “steal” the car and bring it home for a few hours. After the wife has sufficiently freaked out and realized how easy it is for the car to be stolen. Then the car needs to come back home so she can bring the keys inside
A carabiner to attach it to other keys.
The device is called a cellphone alarm set to 9 pm.
A lanyard or retractable belt key thing that janitors wear. Also an apply airtag with "forgot" notifier is good. Will alert when tagged items are moving away from the owner.
Do you come home before or after her?
You said you have AirTag on them. If the AirTag is paired to her phone, she should get a notification on her phone whenever she leaves the fob behind.
If not, check that the “Notify When Left Behind” setting is on for that AirTag in the Find My app. If the AirTag is paired to your phone, unpair it and pair with her iPhone instead.
If she has an Android, check if there is an Android equivalent of the AirTag that has the same feature.
I taped a note to my steering wheel
Have you set up the “notify when left behind” on the AirTag and put the notifications as persistent so it doesn’t go away? I would think this should be all you’d need.
What’s the trade-in value of the wife?
Get one of those shock collars for a dog. Have her wear it, after a couple nights of zaps she’ll change her habits.
If it’s push to start attach the keys to her purse
So how does your partner approach the issue of getting into the house? Are the house keys in the car as well? Don’t leave the doors unlocked? 2 sets of keys? Critical thinking would suggest what????
It's called a brain or someone to steal it
This might have already been asked or suggested before, but if she doesn't need to physically use the key (e.g. the key just needs to be nearby to unlock, start car, etc.), could she toss it in her purse and it'll get carried in and out with her other things?
My key fob stays in my coat pocket / purse all day, so I rarely have to think about where it is. If she doesn't have a purse or large enough pockets, could you get a carabiner and clip it to her belt loop, get a wristlet to keep it on her wrist, a small crossbody for her to always wear, or something like that?
Also, just thought of another thing--
Not sure what phone she has, but my Samsung has the ability to create/run routines. I just checked and I can create a routine where, when Bluetooth to my car disconnects, an alarm/sound plays. Maybe that would be helpful? I'm not sure at what range Bluetooth disconnects, so that may be a dealbreaker, though.
Speaking of phones.... What if you clip the keys to the phone using a phone charm thing? Seems inconvenient to me, but if she remembers to bring her phone everywhere....
Why does she not just keep the fob in her pocket? I drive a jurassic pos so it still has a key, but every time if rented a newer vehicle I just leave the fob in my pocket. I have no idea why anyone would put it in the console or whatever while driving.
Set an alarm on your phone to check for your wife's keys at 9 pm. If they aren't in, ask her to go get them and bring them in. You don't have to be mean to accomplish what you want
Is she forgetting her phone too? If not, attach an AirTag or similar to the fob and set it to alert if it’s too far away.
Where does she set her purse in the car? It seems a lot easier to forget if she sets it out of sight than if she sets it on the passenger seat.
a pocket? or a snap hook and a belt loop?
how exactly is she leaving it in the car? why is she taking it out of her purse and putting it in the cupholder or whatever?
With this kind of attitude, the vehicle is gonna be stolen eventually. If not from home, somewhere else. It is not hard to bring in your keys.
Can the car not be programmed to sound the horn multiple time if fob is left inside and the doors are closed? I know my GMC has this feature.
I have my keyfob attached to my wallet. Maybe that will help
Idk, I bet if it gets stolen it would be the last time she leaves the keys in it. I see a really mean/hilarious prank in the making with a lesson at the end.
Have a brother, friend, cousin just come grab the van when you know the keys are in it. Just don’t let her call the cops. Or do, that shit would be funny too.
Clip the fob to her purse. Now it comes in with her.
This is assuming it is a current type, where you can literally just leave it in your pocket. I have mine clipped to a belt loop, but I am a dude.... We have belt loops, and pockets, that actually work.
What does she always bring inside with her ?
Her purse.
Clip that sucker in the purse. Done.
I gave up trying to remindmy wife. So I decided to just do it myself every night.
Attach the house keys to the fob. That way she will always grab it to get into the house.
I think you need a new wife...or no wife.
Why is she even taking the key out to begin with? Just leave in her purse or pocket.
Even the most basic of cars with a key fob will auto honk the horn when the fob is left in the car after the door shuts,check your user settings in the infotainment center or gauge cluster screen.
Just do it yourself
Why can't she just leave the key fob in her purse? If it doesn't have to be put into an ignition switch, then why ever take it out of the purse or pocket?
She probably already owns a device she could set an alarm on
Samsung user but I can set up my phone to notify me when I leave a smart tag behind, my smart watch, or my ear buds. Maybe apple has something similar.
My key fob never leaves my coat pocket, unlock the car by the handle, lock the car by the handle, and press to start. I'd suggest getting her to do something similar, like leaving it in her purse if she carries one
I asked my spouse, who is awesome w home automation, and he said there is no way to solve your problem technologically. The geofence is insufficiently precise to distinguish garage from driveway from house.
Get a new wife.
Tell her to keep em in her damn purse! Why does she have it just sitting in the car to begin with? This is of course assuming the car has passive entry
If you have an iPhone, put an airtag on the keychain then setup a scheduled cf8nd my" task
People are giving you a hard time a bit but I genuinely think a gizmo that alerts when a specific device (or air tag?) isn't sitting on it at a certain time would be useful. Like at a business - say some employee takes out a set of keys or an ipad, and it needs to be back at the base station by end of shift.
If she uses Apple buy an AitTag set it to "notify if left behind".
If she uses Android buy a TILE Pro tracker, set a smart alert if you walk away.
It is unfortunately a premium paid feature, so it costs double vs just buying a tile, but in this case VERY cheap insurance.
Look up YouTube videos on tile vs airtag to see if it would help you.
Either of these assumes she at least cares about her phone.
Tile is good because any registered phone can track your partner's phone and their tags, tags can reverse find your phone like Apple watch and Garmin watches can.
Sounds like your wife and my wife would be best friends.
while you cant change your wife, trust me on that, you can install a gps system just in case. i like the landairsea trackers, hardwired. no need to charge
I have 2 such devices.
1 is a purse, the other is a pocket.
For my car with a key ignition I use the technique of having my house key on the car key so I can't get in without it.
I accidentally left both my house keys and car key in the car. In my defense, the key fell out of my pocket and I don't need a key to get into the house. That was a scary lesson when I couldn't find my keys when I was going to leave
Write "check the keys" on your house door
Unable and unwilling are very different reasons.
She's engaging in behavior that can readily cause car theft. WHY?
I suggest therapy.
Also, find out from your insurance company what their policy is if a car is stolen due to the fob being left inside.
OP, if (when?) your insurance company sees this post, they will refuse your claim when your vehicle gets stolen.
You shouldn’t ever tell ANYONE that she leaves the keys in the car.
In the short term, you’ll have to make it your responsibility to protect your property.
Or, you know, file for divorce.
You're a string from the key to her pocket.
I'm not a string. YOU'RE a string!
Oh no. How can you tell?
Are you a string?
I'm a frayed knot.
This thread has me strung out
Pockets. That’s where my key stays. My wife leaves hers in her purse.
Surely the SUV is push-button? The keys need to stay in her purse and never come out of it.
She's gonna be tossing your ass out into the street when she finds out that you're telling the world she's irresponsible, good going, PS, better leave that key in her car because you're gonna need it, ha, ha, ha,
I can’t stand the feature Chevy has but maybe you should get a Chevy. It honks the horn if you leave the keys inside
Does your wife carry a purse? Perhaps a purse or carabiner is the complex device you’re looking for.
Take the Key fobs. After a couple of days of not going anywhere, maybe she will learn.
Smart lock for your home that requires a fob. She doesn’t get a code. Fob attached to car key.
New car... Is it a keyless remote fob?
If so, just leave the damn fob in her pants all the time. The car can still detect it so she can drive with no issues. Unless she forgets to bring in her pants as well...
It’s called a brain
Glue it to her phone.
When I was a kid, we didn’t have fobs and cars were left unlocked a lot. One job us kids were assigned was to go check all the cars at sunset. So just have kids.
They do need to survive for a while so she can’t leave the kid in the car so on second thought might not work.
How is she locking the car if she leaves the key inside (I’ve never had a fob, so I’m not sure)? Does she just keep the car unlocked for anyone to steal?
Fun_Interaction2@reddit (OP)
Does she hate the car? When I had a Toyota, I was always getting into petty fenderbenders because I subconsciously resented the car. Maybe she wants it to be stolen so she can drive a motorcycle or something.
Or she dumb. 🤷♀️
Attach the key fob to her house keys. Keep the front door locked so she needs her keys to get in.
I can’t leave the fob in the car and lock it. It just refuses and beeps. If left unlocked I get an app notification telling me it is unlocked. Not sure what you can use to retrofit something like this.
Put them on her key ring and lock the front door. Or a tile tracker so you/she can check?
Does she carry a purse? Have her leave her keys in her purse. I don't get why she has to take them out of anything...
Tell her leave her keys in her purse. As long as the key is inside the vehicle, provided it's a push-to-start, it will start. It never has to leave her purse in the first place.
When I worked at a dealership (as a tech), during winter storms when we had to move multiple vehicles, all the key fobs went into a bucket. You'd go car to car, press the button on the door handle to unlock it, bring the bucket in, start the car, then take the bucket to the next one. Get the whole line running then move each.
You only need the fob in the car to start it, after that it doesn't even need to be in the vehicle until you need to start it again. Just has to be inside
Does she have a bag she always used? Keep it in the purse or clip it onto the zipper on her little handheld wallet. I’m sure there’s something she carries around every day you can attach it to.
Have a trusted friend park the car at their house..... When you wake up, ask your wife where her car is. Just make sure to stop her before she calls the police.
Small town police may actually be willing to get in on this. I've heard of police doing funnier or crazier harmless things around me.
I've seen that too, that would be a great lesson.
just relax. thats what insurance is for. not sure what you are going to do about your smoothbrain wife though. harder to deal with.
Try a key rack/ bucket that the keys always go in. Put it somewhere that's in the way and make it bright and shiny. Then that can become a routine, "when you come in the door, the keys go in the bucket"
My jeans have this device called a "pocket", if your wife gets a similar pair she could put the keys in there
When the car eventually gets stolen she will learn.
As someone who also has lots of trouble remembering to do things, probably not.
No she won't.
maybe. then again... maybe not.
My fob stays in my pocket from the beginning to the end of my drive.
Put it to one of those retractable Keychain holders. She attaches it to her clothes, pulls it out to use the fob, and then, when done, it is still attached to her.
Have your friend steal the car next time she forgets the keys. Once she realizes how big of a deal it is and how easily the car is stolen with the keys in it she’ll probably try harder to remember
The behavior aspect can 100% be changed.
Honestly just let this car get stolen. When getting a new car buy a cheap beater that looks like shit but runs. I she doesn't respect and nice car, why get one?
AirTag or dementia medication
Ditch the Toyota and get her a new Land Rover. As far as I know they're the only manufacturer that offers an "activity key" that can be strapped to her arm.
Being responsible adult you should always take your keys in with you, but most cars will not lock if your key fob is sitting in your car and you close the doors ours makes a beeping sound if we try to lock it in the key fob is in the car.
Sell the car say it was stolen
Your wife is a mong who needs to learn that actions hve consequences
Does she wear earrings? If she does, then hang the car keys off one of them.
My wife doesn’t leave her keys in the car but she does refuse to lock her doors. What I did was buy a spare fob and then hard wired the fob to a Raspberry Pi and then wrote program to HomeKit enable the fob. Now we can lock/unlock the car with Siri and also setup a HomeKit automation to lock her truck at 9pm and again at 11pm.
In your case this wouldn’t solve the problem of keys being left in the car but at least the car would be locked.
Another option for you would be some BLE beacons which you could put on a keychain and then have a Raspberry Pi inside the house which monitors these beacons. If it doesn’t see a signal from every beacon by a specific time at night, send a notification or play a sound on a speaker. These beacons are dirt cheap and a Raspberry Pi is about $70. You could go even cheaper with an ESP32 (~$10).
My ex used to do this and when our van went missing she had I idea how they got it. Went to pick it up from impound and she was surprised’ that the keys were still in it.
Do you have an Alexa (or whateve the equivalent is) that can set a daily alarm reminder? Or set alarms on both your phones for 9 pm (both cause guessing she’ll remove hers)? Or get a device or alarm clock you can place in a prominent location in your home that can’t be ignored? Problem is what happens on the days no one is home at 9 pm?
Are they not....connected to her house keys....that she needs to get into the house? How is this even an issue?
Does she have a habit of leaving the door unlocked or leave the key fob when she is out, like at work or shopping? Then the home thing doesn’t matter, you got bigger issues
Get igla, car engine won’t start without either putting in a passcode or having your phone in it.
I rented an MG PHEV (can't recall the exact model unfortunately) a few weeks ago while my car was in the shop. It was a pretty horrible car all around.
But it did have one redeeming feature. If I left the keyfob in the car, the car would honk at me after I got out.
For my daily driver, a Renault Mégane E-tech I don't really have this problem. I just leave the keyfob in my pocket, and it never leaves it. In the winter, that means in one of the inner pockets of my jacket. As long as I've got my jacket, I've got my key. In the summer it just means keeping it in one of my pants pockets.
If your wife carries a purse, suggest she just keep the keyfob in the purse at all times. This assumes your car will automatically unlock and start if the keyfob is present, without you having to take it out or touch it.
This kind of behavior is akin to the old “We can’t be out of money, we still have checks left!” way of thinking.
Clone her fob and set off the car alarm every night?
My car (Kia) sends a message to my phone if the car is left unlocked for more than a few minutes after it’s turned off.
I often send my wife a text reminding her to lock it.
Why doesn’t she just leave them in her purse or pocket?
Sorry, your wife is defective. Did you purchase the extended warranty?
If it’s a fob not an actual key then why not attach it to her purse, assuming she would normally have it when driving
Buy one of those long chains you can get at a hardware store and attach the fob to an item she will constantly have with her.
In one of our vehicles, it's possible to turn off the proximity door lock feature. So she would have to use a button on the fob to open the vehicle. Doesn't specifically keep her from leaving it in the car, but maybe not being able to get into the car the next day would help establish a pattern of not leaving it in the car.
If you have a family calendar, set a daily reminder
I would imagine leaving her keyfob inside her car is the least of her issues.
Set an alarm on both your phones for 9:00 called “Key Fob” and remind each other every day to reinforce the habit.
Why are the keys exiting her purse/pocket in the first place?
Is it a key fob or a bladed key? Key fobs are keyless entry and push to start. There’s no need to even take the key out of pocket/purse/bag. Must just be a bad habit or being so busy she forgets.
My dad used to do this all the time especially if he uses the spare key. Leaves it right in the cup holder. One time left it stuck in the door(diff car, no remote entry) and forgot about it. Left it in the driveway overnight with the keys fully exposed.
Best way is to just check it yourself at night. Doesn’t take more than a few seconds. Make sure everything’s locked, keys out etc. push to start cars are pretty easy. Open the door and lock it with the button on the door. The cars will usually honk or flash a warning if the fob is still inside. Or you can always hit the start button without hitting the brake. It’ll tell you key not detected or it’ll turn on. Then you don’t have to search through for the key.
Another option(not sure how well it’ll work) is to attach the key to her phone or something she carries at all times. If the purse has a hook point I’d run a small carabiner to keep the key to the bag. Or phone case that has key pouch attachment(not common but still out there).
"Love, fucking hell, bring the fucking keys inside and lock the car"
Get a friend to “steal” the car for a few hours. And then have another friend act like insurance agent and say they won’t cover car because it’s a know habit of hers. Maybe even accuse her of insurance fraud
I think the fraud part would pull this one into resentment territory.
Duct tape the fob to her phone.
Get her a phone case with a key chain on it and hook her fob to it. She'll always have her phone on her. If she complains remind her it's better than her car getting stolen.
Behavior can always be changed. Help her form a habit to always bring the keys in and put them in a designated spot. Get a key hanger and put it by the back door. If she comes in without her key remind her to bring her key inside. After several days of this, she will begin to subconciously grab the fob and hang it up.
Battery in key fob will quickly run out as the fob continuously pings to car when in vehicle. Found out the hard way 22 Tundra
Okay, in going to try a serious answer. Tape something to the door handle, so she is reminded when se gets out of the car.
Waterboarding? It's no longer en vogue, but I recall it got results 15% of the time.
She's not locking the car when she gets home? Most cars won't let you lock it when the keys are still inside.
Might just be up to you to make sure the cars are locked for the night, and make her get the keys if they're not available for you to use.
I have Airtags on my wallet, keys and TV remotes, would recommend it. If you get a certain distance away it pops up on your phone that the item is not with you. Not sure if the car in the driveway is far enough away but worth a try
All behaviors can be changed brother
"The behavior aspect of this cannot be changed" Not true, but the method(s) to change her behavior might have to be... harsh and extreme.