I'll have to see if I still have the box. I don't recall off hand. I ran a few through the rifle to make sure it fired properly, filled up a 30 round mag, and put it on the shelf. Fortunately haven't needed it yet.
Because it has zero penetration, it's not likely to hit anything vital on an attacker.
If you are worried about over pen in something like an apartment building, use light for caliber rounds, and hollow point is possible.
55g in 556 as an example, it's so light and fast it tumbles and dumps all its energy as soon as it impacts something reducing it's ability to pass though more in a sheet or two of drywall
Thats for future me as of now if someone is breaking in my only goal is to take the enemy down besides that im fine with hearing EEEEEEEEE for the rest of my life lol
I also feel like these people don’t shoot their pistols enough to realize how hard it is to make a crucial shot over 10 yards under stress compared to something with 3 points of contact always beats
In how many homes does one have a full 10 yards with clear line of sight? Maybe yours does, but this isn’t the case for the vast majority of people. If there’s an intruder inside the average home, there will be walls, doors, etc. in the way, and you’re going to be in a CQB situation.
If you live on multiple acres and there’s an intruder in your detached garage, that’s a different story. A rifle may be the best tool in that case, depending on your state’s laws (stand your ground vs. duty to retreat).
There are ways to clear rooms with a full length rifle. By the time you extend your arms out to shoot with a pistol you are almost as long as a rifle. Military, police and special forces take ar’s for a reason when they know there will be a high likelihood of a gun fight
The average two-story, 2,000 square foot house is about 10 yards wide and maybe 8 yards deep. And the interior of that space is full of walls, doors, and staircases. So there’s no only no reason to use a rifle shooting in that small and cramped of a space, the length of the rifle itself is a potential hindrance. It’s a lot easier to maneuver a full-sized handgun down a hallway and through doorways than a gun that’s 35” or more in length.
The military won’t use pistols because the people they’re going after are usually wearing body armor. I’ve seen plenty of footage of cops serving warrants where they have to extract the person from a home. The cops who go in first have pistols and the cops behind them and outside have ARs.
Everybody’s living situation and comfort level plays a role in their choice of home defense weapon. My house is too cramped to use a proper rifle, so I go with a CZ SP-01 and a braced Scorpion as a backup option. When I retire and buy a one-story house out in the country years down the road, maybe one of my ARs will take over for home defense duty.
This may come as a shock to you, but not all of us live in the middle of the suburbs. My nearest neighbor is multiple acres away. I could legally set up a target in my front yard and shoot and it would be completely legal
Mine is mostly in my right ear and it's just from years of loud jobs and me being stupid about not wearing hearing protection when I should have. Even worse is that my hearing is noticeably worse in my right ear, so the tinnitus often drowns out other things going on.
I have been able to give myself some relief though. I found this website that is a tone generator. I can set it to a sawtooth waveform, right around 13,000 hz and it helps to cancel out the screeching so I'm left with just kind of a rushing noise that is far more tolerable. Pop my headphones on and let it rip for a few minutes. https://www.szynalski.com/tone-generator/
Pistols poke holes in people, rifles create devastating wound cavities and penetrates less after the tissue than pistol calibers. Nothing wrong with pistols or pcc’s if that’s what you have but a 5.56 has a lot higher chance of of a one shot stop
9mm JHP to center of mass will do a ton of damage and incapacitate a target. 5.56 can do that too, but the problem is over penetration which 9mm won’t do. There are plenty of videos online showing how 5.56 can go through multiple payers of drywall before stopping. So when you use your AR to defend your home, you also have to be aware of what’s on the other side of your target. Don’t want to shoot the home invader and your wife/child through the drywall in the next room over.
I'm not sure what you think that video is proving.
Nobody is claiming 5.56 will fragment in drywall. No round will. All that video does is prove this, which everyone already knows, and the only one making this claim is a strawman made of drywall, himself.
The claim is that 5.56 will over-penetrate less than most other rounds (other than .22, birdshot, and #4 buck) after leaving your actual target. That's the definition of "over-penetration," hence the "over." You still need to hit your target. This claim is absolutely true.
Like you can argue anecdotally all you want, but you can’t beat empirical data. The only round that has more penetration was 10mm.
“Though the 5.56 bullets showed the most deformation, they were also terribly penetrative (19 panels, or nine walls) and, beyond the first two or three panels, created relatively large holes as they tumbled along their paths.”
More proof that you’re wrong. And further, tumbling can alter the trajectory which will result in you unintentionally hitting someone you don’t want to. Because as stated above, fragmented and tumbling rounds are still deadly.
Again, you posted a test that only shows whether the rounds in question can penetrate drywall. This is utterly irrelevant to the question at hand. Anything can penetrate drywall.
I’m disproving your argument with empiric data and you tell me I’m strawmanning because you’re wrong? lmao
My whole argument is, most rifle rounds are going to go through a person. Then they are going to go into the wall beyond and odds are, something you care about is gonna be behind that wall. Meanwhile, FBI ballistics data has shown a 9mm JHP is going to be effective and have less over penetration and in all likelihood stop inside the target.
Same effect, less risk. As the defender, this is a win for you. Especially when you look at ballistics and penetration data and the data showing there is a substantial drop in accuracy in high stress situations.
Show proof. Because we have FBI ballistics studies that show 145gr JHP won’t over penetrate. But hey man, it’s your family. If you’re willing to roll the dice on killing your family with a stray shot or over penetration, that’s on you and your lawyer to figure out.
wtf? Is someone really that butt hurt he got proved wrong? Any round is deadly if you miss your target but 9mm is deadlier even after exiting your target
That rule isn't about getting your target to move to a good position, it's about knowing when you cannot take a shot because you are in a bad position.
All rounds that will stop an intruder will go through an average interior wall. As the person pulling the trigger, you are responsible for acknowledging and mitigating that fact.
They aren’t going to reposition and you shouldn’t delay the shot because youre gonna die. By using an inappropriate home defense round, you’re gonna end up either delaying the shot and getting stabbed by a crack head over your TV or you’re gonna take the shot and risk missing during a high stress adrenaline dump or hitting your target and over penetrating and killing or maiming your wife/child/dog.
If you worry a shot should not be taken because some people ne is on the other side of a wall, then it doesn't matter whether that's a rifle round or a handgun round. Both will go through that wall.
9mm will not if you use JHP and hit center or mass. FBI ballistics data has proven this. Meanwhile we know 5.56 at any gr weight will go through a human body and still puncture through a wall.
Take 2 seconds to throw on a set of walkers head sets that help you hear better and cut out the sound of a rifle. If you don’t have time o well I’d rather use the superior round to protect my family. Hearing is the last thing I’d be worried about
That is the dumbest comparison I have heard in a long time.
Clearing a hostile building in a war zone is a lot diffrent then you defending your house especiallyif its in a tight neighborhoodor apartment. Might as well set up claymores and use m2 Brownings right?
Im not just talking about building. Even police showing up to a home with hostages or someone that is waiting with a gun they are showing up with ar15’s not their pistols
The MP5 primarily fires 9mm (9x19mm Parabellum), a pistol-caliber round, which generates less energy and thus less recoil.
The AR-15 typically fires .223 Remington / 5.56 NATO, a high-velocity rifle round that produces more recoil due to greater power and muzzle energy.
Operating System
The MP5 uses a roller-delayed blowback system, which helps smooth out recoil by delaying bolt movement and spreading recoil over a longer period.
The AR-15 uses a direct impingement or piston system, which has more abrupt recoil but is still relatively mild compared to larger rifles.
Weight & Design
The MP5 is heavier for its size, which helps absorb recoil.
The AR-15 is larger and fires a more powerful round, leading to slightly more felt recoil.
Now on to decibel
MP5 vs. AR-15: Loudness Comparison
Sound Levels (Unsuppressed)
MP5 (9mm) → ~157-160 dB
AR-15 (5.56/.223) → ~165-170 dB
The AR-15 is generally 5-10 dB louder than the MP5. Since the decibel scale is logarithmic, a 10 dB increase is perceived as twice as loud to the human ear.
Reasons for the Difference
Muzzle Velocity: The 5.56 round is supersonic, creating a sonic boom, while most 9mm rounds are subsonic (especially 147gr rounds), making the MP5 inherently quieter.
Powder Charge: The AR-15 uses more gunpowder, leading to a louder explosion when fired.
Suppressed Performance
MP5 (With a Suppressor) → 125-135 dB (subsonic ammo)
AR-15 (With a Suppressor) → 130-140 dB (subsonic .300 Blackout), 135-145 dB (supersonic 5.56)
The MP5 with subsonic 9mm and a suppressor can get significantly quieter than an AR-15, especially when the AR is firing supersonic rounds.
The AR-15 is louder than the MP5 by about 5-10 dB.
MP5 (especially suppressed) is much quieter, making it a preferred choice for stealth operations or home defense in confined spaces. SAS still uses MP5 and in the classic Irainian hostage raid
AR-15’s supersonic crack makes it difficult to suppress fully unless using .300 Blackout subsonic rounds.
So you run an mp5? Most people can’t afford delayed blowback pcc’s. Also your statement proves that 5.56 is deadlier and slightly more recoil. Also less penetration with fragment ammo
For sure that goes for whatever you run. I’m not knocking people. Run what ya got and be efficient with it. My argument was against people saying ar15’s are dumb for self defense
Is your decimal in the wrong place? Ever see what happens when you fire a couple rounds from an unsupressed AR inside a residence? At least it’s not an SBR .308.
I second this. Red dot wise i love the romeo 5 and then run a streamlight hlx pro as well on the .300 bump in the night gun. Bang for your buck its a hard combo to beat
If he's considering a holo I'd recommend a vortex uh1 over eotech due to delamination issues on eotechs and better battery life & warranty on the uh1. The main reason to go eotech is clarity with nvg and I don't see that being a consideration here
Shotgun for me. Too many windows in my house, too many places where a missed shot could travel and hit a neighbor's house, or go through walls to my kids side of the house. Longest I can see in my house is about 30-40 feet. I didn't need something that's capable at 300 yards for 30 feet.
Well, to be fair, #4 buckshot (and only #4) has less overpenetration than 5.56, but I'm not entirely sure how well I trust #4 to stop and attacker. It'll kill him, sure, but if he's fucked up enough to try invading my house, I'm not certain it'll do so right then and there, rather than in a hospital bed, an hour after he's already killed me and my family.
Still, #4 DOES have fairly good stopping power. I know I'm not getting up after it. I'll never tell anybody using #4 buckshot as a home defense round that they're wrong. Just make sure you don't just "point and shoot" Biden-style, and watch out for folks on bath salts trying to eat your face, because you might not get 'em!
Same for a 556, and if your buckshot spreads so much at 30 feet that you just have to "point and shoot" (not the traditional skeet way, the way fudds tell their wives to just point and shoot) than you're more than likely going to miss pellets and nail your neighbors dog anyways lol
Own a musket for home defense, since that’s what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. “What the devil?” As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he’s dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it’s smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, “Tally ho lads” the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.
Almost everything worth shooting someone with will go through more than just a person and/or multiple sheets of drywall. And cause hearing damage at the very least.
No, not unless I need to shoot at distance, which I don't, and neither do you in a home invasion. I've got my .45 loaded with hollow points, fat and slow, equipped with a light. Luckily, my house isn't shitmade out of air and sheetrock, so I don't need to worry about the neighbors.
If you want to use a rifle.. go for it. Just keep in mind and consider the ammo you have loaded for home defense. .223 will pentrate through many surfaces.. hollow interior doors.. most interior walls.. some exterior walls.. floors.. ceilings.. Consider using a hollow point round that will penetrate a body, but not necessarily just pass through and continue into your kids bedroom through the doors/walls, or leave the house through the exterior.
A lot of people do use ar15 for home defense. Nothing new about it. Especially if they dont have you kids around, some dont even lock them up. The are lock and loaded. Couple of friends have them around the house.
I live in a city, in a neighborhood with modestly sized homes and 1/8 acre lots. I’m not pulling out my AR unless there’s a mob trying to kick down my door. And even then, I’m probably going with my Scorpion. My primary home defense gun is my CZ SP-01.
I personally don't use a rifle for home defense, nothing wrong with using one though. I prefer shotguns and shoot better with them. So I use what I'm most proficient with. I use #4 buck to increase pellets on target while reducing over penetration. (Anything that reach the FBI 12-18" gel penetration will also go through multiple layers of dry wall.) there's also a lot of brain death in the comments here, people will say using an AR for home defense is crazy due to the penetration. 9mm will out penetrate 5.56 in dry wall. Watch garand thumb's dry wall penetration tests video. I personally use a semi auto 12 gauge loaded with 7+1 of 27 pellet #4 buck at 1,325 fps for home defense mainly because I feel more comfortable with a shotgun. Not to mention the massive damage/energy that gets on target. But yes, you do have to aim a shotgun. I have ghost ring sights on mine.
Place where i live is hard to get semi 556 and the rifle that we can own will be stuff like 308 3006 or anything smaller than .455 caliber that are not semi
Just use 00 Buck, period. You don't pull a gun out to shoot warning shots. If you're pointing a gun at an intruder, you're doing it to eliminate a threat.
Nope, couple reasons: if I can’t hit something on the property with a pistol it’s not a threat to me yet, if the threat is in the apartment and I can’t hit it with a pistol I’m in no condition to operate a firearm, I am le poor, and anything worth stealing or harming in my home will be moving slowly enough that I myself am enough of a threat.
Good look if you have to make a very tough shot. 3 points of contact always beats a pistol. Pistols are only good for concealed carry. I’m not worried about concealment inside my own home
You asked them? Or is this based on the never ending fuddlore that 556 goes through an infinite amount of housing material..? Lightweight hunting ammo loses its energy extremely quickly, in any medium. Even ball ammo doesn't carry well... No more than buck shot or 9mm...
Ok, Elmer, you need to read my post and the article/watch the video because this actually proves my point... So... Thanks..? 9mm and buckshot will both have similar penetration to the ball and heavier ammo used here. The 55gr defensive load expands well and stops quite quickly. And VMAX, be it 55, 53, or 50 grains, similar poly tip ammo to the other Hornady under different marketing, goes through the same or less...
How does that video/article disprove anything that guy said?
The video doesn't compare the 5.56/.223 rounds to 9mm or buckshot. It's just comparing different 5.56 rounds to each other. Most pistol rounds and buckshot loads would have overpenetrated even more than what is shown in this video. (Other than a .22 or maybe #4 buckshot, but that just proves the point of the guy you're responding to; a smaller round loses energy more quickly.)
Obviously any round that can stop an attacker is going to penetrate drywall. That was never in question. The question here is "what loses the most energy after striking its target," and on that front, the right .223 load beats anything other than #4 buckshot, and even with #4, I wouldn't be confident that it would stop the attacker, (oh, it'll kill him alright, but will it do it now, or in a hospital bed an hour after he's killed me and my family?) or that me and my family would be able to get the shot on target as reliably as we could with a rifle.
I use a 16” ar15. You should probably invest in a light and red dot. Streamlight protac goes on sale for about 100 dollars and an sig Romeo or holosun can be had for 100 on sale. I went with an aimpoint but if you don’t want to spend that much just get a Romeo 5
A small round, like 5.56, while the initial energy transfer is massive, lose that energy much more quickly than a larger round, and actually result in less overpenetration than 9mm.
Apologies if I just failed to catch sarcasm, herr.
I like to see what I’m going to shoot. Put a flashlight on it please to prevent you from shooting a family member getting water in the middle of the night
I've jerry-rigged a 32-pounder, 5 inch bore, to the stairs. If they survive a hit from that I'll push the cannon down the stairs and let it crush them.
Western Mordax .30; I like to be the one to call the cops. I was going to strip and chop down a Hatsan Blitz like macabespeed did, but the Mordax just came out and is super compact.
Airgun? Don't get me wrong, I know there's some powerful and very interesting airguns out there, but do I understand right that it only delivers 50 ft/lbs of energy? Or is there something else fpe stands for?
suprised the copypasta hasnt been put up yet. songuess ill do it.
Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball-sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbor's dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grapeshot, "Tally ho lads" the grapeshot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.
I have a 30 round mag of frangible 556 just for that purpose.
What type of ammo? I should probably get some. Right now I use federal power shok.
I'll have to see if I still have the box. I don't recall off hand. I ran a few through the rifle to make sure it fired properly, filled up a 30 round mag, and put it on the shelf. Fortunately haven't needed it yet.
Seems like a poor choice for defensive ammo
Why is that? I've had several people tell me that it's a good choice in that it pretty much stops after one layer of dry wall.
Because it has zero penetration, it's not likely to hit anything vital on an attacker.
If you are worried about over pen in something like an apartment building, use light for caliber rounds, and hollow point is possible.
55g in 556 as an example, it's so light and fast it tumbles and dumps all its energy as soon as it impacts something reducing it's ability to pass though more in a sheet or two of drywall
Is that true? It won't penetrate 16" on a body?
Id Google the ballistic gel tests for your round and then you can decide if it's suitable for your risk profile
This is the way!
I keep a suppressed .300 short barrel at the bedside.
lambo13770@reddit (OP)
Cool! This ones a .556
Do you plan on using hearing protection when you defend yourself, or is that more of a problem for future you?
lambo13770@reddit (OP)
Thats for future me as of now if someone is breaking in my only goal is to take the enemy down besides that im fine with hearing EEEEEEEEE for the rest of my life lol
taking out the intruder, the next door neighbor, the next door neighbors dog, and their fridge
People still don’t know that 5.56 penetrates less than 9mm? I thought this was common knowledge now
Nope. It's fudd lore that just won't die.
I also feel like these people don’t shoot their pistols enough to realize how hard it is to make a crucial shot over 10 yards under stress compared to something with 3 points of contact always beats
In how many homes does one have a full 10 yards with clear line of sight? Maybe yours does, but this isn’t the case for the vast majority of people. If there’s an intruder inside the average home, there will be walls, doors, etc. in the way, and you’re going to be in a CQB situation.
If you live on multiple acres and there’s an intruder in your detached garage, that’s a different story. A rifle may be the best tool in that case, depending on your state’s laws (stand your ground vs. duty to retreat).
There are ways to clear rooms with a full length rifle. By the time you extend your arms out to shoot with a pistol you are almost as long as a rifle. Military, police and special forces take ar’s for a reason when they know there will be a high likelihood of a gun fight
The average two-story, 2,000 square foot house is about 10 yards wide and maybe 8 yards deep. And the interior of that space is full of walls, doors, and staircases. So there’s no only no reason to use a rifle shooting in that small and cramped of a space, the length of the rifle itself is a potential hindrance. It’s a lot easier to maneuver a full-sized handgun down a hallway and through doorways than a gun that’s 35” or more in length.
Your math is off.
Nah, my math is good.
I’m mean there are trade off for both. I just don’t trust myself to make a very critical shot under stress with a pistol.
The military won’t use pistols because the people they’re going after are usually wearing body armor. I’ve seen plenty of footage of cops serving warrants where they have to extract the person from a home. The cops who go in first have pistols and the cops behind them and outside have ARs.
Everybody’s living situation and comfort level plays a role in their choice of home defense weapon. My house is too cramped to use a proper rifle, so I go with a CZ SP-01 and a braced Scorpion as a backup option. When I retire and buy a one-story house out in the country years down the road, maybe one of my ARs will take over for home defense duty.
Hell, I can barely press a button on my car's stereo without a third point of contact, never mind make a 10 yard shot under stress!
This may come as a shock to you, but not all of us live in the middle of the suburbs. My nearest neighbor is multiple acres away. I could legally set up a target in my front yard and shoot and it would be completely legal
As someone with chronic tinnitus, going through life with EEEEEEEEE fucking sucks.
What bothers me most about tinnitus is the impact on my balance. Oh, and that it's at different volume levels in each ear.
Mine is mostly in my right ear and it's just from years of loud jobs and me being stupid about not wearing hearing protection when I should have. Even worse is that my hearing is noticeably worse in my right ear, so the tinnitus often drowns out other things going on.
I have been able to give myself some relief though. I found this website that is a tone generator. I can set it to a sawtooth waveform, right around 13,000 hz and it helps to cancel out the screeching so I'm left with just kind of a rushing noise that is far more tolerable. Pop my headphones on and let it rip for a few minutes.
Happily when I am really tired I have been able to just "ignore it". Balance issues vary with the volume and other issues.
Your families hearing will be ruined as well.
Pistol or pcc for home defense preferably suppressed
Rifle, for property defense
Shotgun with hexolits for bears.
Pistols poke holes in people, rifles create devastating wound cavities and penetrates less after the tissue than pistol calibers. Nothing wrong with pistols or pcc’s if that’s what you have but a 5.56 has a lot higher chance of of a one shot stop
9mm JHP to center of mass will do a ton of damage and incapacitate a target. 5.56 can do that too, but the problem is over penetration which 9mm won’t do. There are plenty of videos online showing how 5.56 can go through multiple payers of drywall before stopping. So when you use your AR to defend your home, you also have to be aware of what’s on the other side of your target. Don’t want to shoot the home invader and your wife/child through the drywall in the next room over.
Fudd lore strikes again. 5.56 Fragment rounds will penetrate a lot less than 9mm rounds
You sure about that?
basically any rifle round goes through multiple layers before fragmenting.
And yes, you can still die or be permanently maimed/disfigured by fragmentation.
Real life isnt call of duty where you have to mag dump 9mm into someone to incapacitate them.
I'm not sure what you think that video is proving.
Nobody is claiming 5.56 will fragment in drywall. No round will. All that video does is prove this, which everyone already knows, and the only one making this claim is a strawman made of drywall, himself.
The claim is that 5.56 will over-penetrate less than most other rounds (other than .22, birdshot, and #4 buck) after leaving your actual target. That's the definition of "over-penetration," hence the "over." You still need to hit your target. This claim is absolutely true.
Serious question, but what about suppressed subsonic .300BLK? Everyone keeps comparing 5.56 and 9mm.
proof you’re wrong again
Like you can argue anecdotally all you want, but you can’t beat empirical data. The only round that has more penetration was 10mm.
More proof that you’re wrong. And further, tumbling can alter the trajectory which will result in you unintentionally hitting someone you don’t want to. Because as stated above, fragmented and tumbling rounds are still deadly.
Again, you posted a test that only shows whether the rounds in question can penetrate drywall. This is utterly irrelevant to the question at hand. Anything can penetrate drywall.
You are strawmanning. Please stop.
I’m disproving your argument with empiric data and you tell me I’m strawmanning because you’re wrong? lmao
My whole argument is, most rifle rounds are going to go through a person. Then they are going to go into the wall beyond and odds are, something you care about is gonna be behind that wall. Meanwhile, FBI ballistics data has shown a 9mm JHP is going to be effective and have less over penetration and in all likelihood stop inside the target.
Same effect, less risk. As the defender, this is a win for you. Especially when you look at ballistics and penetration data and the data showing there is a substantial drop in accuracy in high stress situations.
Same with pistols. Any bullet will go through drywall if you miss. Vmax 5.56 will penetrate less when hitting your target than a hp 9mm
Show proof. Because we have FBI ballistics studies that show 145gr JHP won’t over penetrate. But hey man, it’s your family. If you’re willing to roll the dice on killing your family with a stray shot or over penetration, that’s on you and your lawyer to figure out.
https://youtube.com/shorts/p7N9AxNHUVs?si=gHh1oQbr1dQOhEjN here you go bud
Nice. At least you won an argument on reddit!
wtf? Is someone really that butt hurt he got proved wrong? Any round is deadly if you miss your target but 9mm is deadlier even after exiting your target
When you use any gun you have to know your target and what is beyond it.
That's one of the four basic gun safety rules.
Good luck asking your assailant to reposition himself so you don’t accidentally kill your child through the dry wall.
That rule isn't about getting your target to move to a good position, it's about knowing when you cannot take a shot because you are in a bad position.
All rounds that will stop an intruder will go through an average interior wall. As the person pulling the trigger, you are responsible for acknowledging and mitigating that fact.
That’s my point.
They aren’t going to reposition and you shouldn’t delay the shot because youre gonna die. By using an inappropriate home defense round, you’re gonna end up either delaying the shot and getting stabbed by a crack head over your TV or you’re gonna take the shot and risk missing during a high stress adrenaline dump or hitting your target and over penetrating and killing or maiming your wife/child/dog.
If you worry a shot should not be taken because some people ne is on the other side of a wall, then it doesn't matter whether that's a rifle round or a handgun round. Both will go through that wall.
9mm will not if you use JHP and hit center or mass. FBI ballistics data has proven this. Meanwhile we know 5.56 at any gr weight will go through a human body and still puncture through a wall.
It’s an unnecessary risk.
You got proved wrong so many times and are still going on about this. You are delusional bud
5.56 fragments after hitting tissue and tumbles upon general impact. You are also much more likely to hit your intended target with a rifle.
A pistol is for situations that you cannot carry a rifle.
None of that is right dude.
380 acp goes through drywall easily too.
So does a sledgehammer, butbyou should use the right tool for the job at hand.
Yeah I wonder why the military and special forces use at15’s to clear buildings and not pistols
Probably because they got hearing protection and/or suppressors lol.
Take 2 seconds to throw on a set of walkers head sets that help you hear better and cut out the sound of a rifle. If you don’t have time o well I’d rather use the superior round to protect my family. Hearing is the last thing I’d be worried about
That is the dumbest comparison I have heard in a long time.
Clearing a hostile building in a war zone is a lot diffrent then you defending your house especiallyif its in a tight neighborhoodor apartment. Might as well set up claymores and use m2 Brownings right?
Defending against a home invasion is literally clearing a hostile building.
Yes, we care slightly less about collateral damage in a war zone, but we still care.
This is the most apt comparison anyone can possibly make in this situation.
Im not just talking about building. Even police showing up to a home with hostages or someone that is waiting with a gun they are showing up with ar15’s not their pistols
Yes that's a different job completey, your not doing that.
Like I said use the right tool for the job.
I’m not potentially getting into a gun fight if someone breaks in?
an MP5 has less recoil than an AR-15,
Caliber Difference
The MP5 primarily fires 9mm (9x19mm Parabellum), a pistol-caliber round, which generates less energy and thus less recoil.
The AR-15 typically fires .223 Remington / 5.56 NATO, a high-velocity rifle round that produces more recoil due to greater power and muzzle energy.
Operating System
The MP5 uses a roller-delayed blowback system, which helps smooth out recoil by delaying bolt movement and spreading recoil over a longer period.
The AR-15 uses a direct impingement or piston system, which has more abrupt recoil but is still relatively mild compared to larger rifles.
Weight & Design
The MP5 is heavier for its size, which helps absorb recoil.
The AR-15 is larger and fires a more powerful round, leading to slightly more felt recoil.
Now on to decibel
MP5 vs. AR-15: Loudness Comparison
Sound Levels (Unsuppressed)
MP5 (9mm) → ~157-160 dB
AR-15 (5.56/.223) → ~165-170 dB
The AR-15 is generally 5-10 dB louder than the MP5. Since the decibel scale is logarithmic, a 10 dB increase is perceived as twice as loud to the human ear.
Reasons for the Difference
Muzzle Velocity: The 5.56 round is supersonic, creating a sonic boom, while most 9mm rounds are subsonic (especially 147gr rounds), making the MP5 inherently quieter.
Powder Charge: The AR-15 uses more gunpowder, leading to a louder explosion when fired.
Suppressed Performance
MP5 (With a Suppressor) → 125-135 dB (subsonic ammo)
AR-15 (With a Suppressor) → 130-140 dB (subsonic .300 Blackout), 135-145 dB (supersonic 5.56)
The MP5 with subsonic 9mm and a suppressor can get significantly quieter than an AR-15, especially when the AR is firing supersonic rounds.
The AR-15 is louder than the MP5 by about 5-10 dB.
MP5 (especially suppressed) is much quieter, making it a preferred choice for stealth operations or home defense in confined spaces. SAS still uses MP5 and in the classic Irainian hostage raid
AR-15’s supersonic crack makes it difficult to suppress fully unless using .300 Blackout subsonic rounds.
That sums it up!
So you run an mp5? Most people can’t afford delayed blowback pcc’s. Also your statement proves that 5.56 is deadlier and slightly more recoil. Also less penetration with fragment ammo
I run a suppressed kriss vector in 45 acp.
Which is a good choice! I still stand by what I said tho ar15 does make a good hd gun for the money. A suppressed vector is above my price range
Bro ripped an entire ChatGPT response and is still wrong lol
We going for a mag dump if we have the chance. Don't stop shooting till the threat is down.
For sure that goes for whatever you run. I’m not knocking people. Run what ya got and be efficient with it. My argument was against people saying ar15’s are dumb for self defense
I've been hearing "EEEEEEEE' since 16 years old. Cause unclear. Am in my early 40ies now.
While I'd love to lose it, it is not as bad as some people may imagine.
The mind will sort of tune it out most of the time.
Sheesh, packing over a .50 cal for home defense is brutal, rip invader and whatevers left of his chest cavity.
^(/j for those that need it)
Yeah and they weigh as much as 10 boxes that you’d be moving! /s
Yepper, the person who said that is no longer in Congress.
Bro's defending his home with a destructive device
Is your decimal in the wrong place? Ever see what happens when you fire a couple rounds from an unsupressed AR inside a residence? At least it’s not an SBR .308.
why suppress it? the concussion effect of a short barreled rifle at close range indoors can be devastating
Same, I threw a trijicon 1-4 on it with the shorter hlx. Kicks ass
I used to before I turned 21 but now I got a shadow systems
That Red Ryder may be too much gun for home protection.
How about a light and a red dot on that rifle?
lambo13770@reddit (OP)
Gonna get them eventually any recommendations?
sig romeo 5 or romeo7, or holosun 403b for the red dot
streamlight imo makes the only good budget lights, the streamlight hlx pro is great 4 da money
I second this. Red dot wise i love the romeo 5 and then run a streamlight hlx pro as well on the .300 bump in the night gun. Bang for your buck its a hard combo to beat
Sig Romeo 5 for red dot.
EoTech for holographic.
Or if you have a bad astigmatism, then a Primary Arms micro prism.
If he's considering a holo I'd recommend a vortex uh1 over eotech due to delamination issues on eotechs and better battery life & warranty on the uh1. The main reason to go eotech is clarity with nvg and I don't see that being a consideration here
Look at the cylee t10
I use a shotgun with #4 buckshot for home defense.
Shotgun for me. Too many windows in my house, too many places where a missed shot could travel and hit a neighbor's house, or go through walls to my kids side of the house. Longest I can see in my house is about 30-40 feet. I didn't need something that's capable at 300 yards for 30 feet.
Buckshot travels through more walls than a tumbling 5.56 55grain does.
I use turkey load. About halfway between bird shot and Buck shot size wise. 30 feet it'll wreck your day. 30 yards, 300 yards, it won't do shit.
Well, to be fair, #4 buckshot (and only #4) has less overpenetration than 5.56, but I'm not entirely sure how well I trust #4 to stop and attacker. It'll kill him, sure, but if he's fucked up enough to try invading my house, I'm not certain it'll do so right then and there, rather than in a hospital bed, an hour after he's already killed me and my family.
Still, #4 DOES have fairly good stopping power. I know I'm not getting up after it. I'll never tell anybody using #4 buckshot as a home defense round that they're wrong. Just make sure you don't just "point and shoot" Biden-style, and watch out for folks on bath salts trying to eat your face, because you might not get 'em!
Not when you hit what you're aiming at.
Same for a 556, and if your buckshot spreads so much at 30 feet that you just have to "point and shoot" (not the traditional skeet way, the way fudds tell their wives to just point and shoot) than you're more than likely going to miss pellets and nail your neighbors dog anyways lol
Man people need to educate themselves here and learn about ballistics. Buckshot is probably the most dangerous ammo to use indoors
No, but i definitely use one for home offense.
Own a musket for home defense, since that’s what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. “What the devil?” As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he’s dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it’s smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, “Tally ho lads” the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.
Nope, just claymores and a tannerite dog
I have a CMMG Banshee in .45. Technically a pistol, but kind of rifley.
Owning multiple weapons, I don’t dedicate one to home defense. I use what is most convenient for me to use at the time I might need it.
That 5.56 is going to go through more than just a person and blow your ear drums out in tight quarters.
Almost everything worth shooting someone with will go through more than just a person and/or multiple sheets of drywall. And cause hearing damage at the very least.
Nope each of those rounds carry a hefty price tag and potentially a life sentence
No, not unless I need to shoot at distance, which I don't, and neither do you in a home invasion. I've got my .45 loaded with hollow points, fat and slow, equipped with a light. Luckily, my house isn't shitmade out of air and sheetrock, so I don't need to worry about the neighbors.
I use my rifle for hogs or range days, I rather just use the Remington 870 my dad gave me from when he was a kid
Of course. As well as a handgun and shotgun.
Sure bud
Depends on which room I’m in ;)
No, guns are evil
Flintlock blunderbuss loaded with old ballbearings
I need a suppressor for my Kel-Tec RDB that won’t break the bank.
palmetto recently started carrying supressors. probably worth a look
Nah they tack on a premium for silencer central purchases. I suggest a local SilencerShop dealer to save time and money.
Nah. Yeeting cannonballs by hand is way better
I use a silenced SBR’d Mp5K with a light. 147 subsonic ammo
No I use a shotgun because I want the EMTs to scrape up the home intruder off of my floor with a shovel
EMTs don’t do that lol, the cleanup comes out of your pocket for everything the coroner can’t pick up. Just thought I’d warn you.
it was a Clint Smith reference lol
My choice is a 40mm bofors gun, its mounted in my bedroom
M1 carbine.
Irons in the dark is a bold choice
If you want to use a rifle.. go for it. Just keep in mind and consider the ammo you have loaded for home defense. .223 will pentrate through many surfaces.. hollow interior doors.. most interior walls.. some exterior walls.. floors.. ceilings.. Consider using a hollow point round that will penetrate a body, but not necessarily just pass through and continue into your kids bedroom through the doors/walls, or leave the house through the exterior.
A lot of people do use ar15 for home defense. Nothing new about it. Especially if they dont have you kids around, some dont even lock them up. The are lock and loaded. Couple of friends have them around the house.
Just had a newborn so I don’t have to lock them all up YET, but damn imma miss my 7.5 300 sitting next to my bed
That's so badass
Whole lotta fudds in here
People need to learn about ballistics and wound channels. It’s amazing how many fire arms owners are uneducated about them.
It's all about the "look" for most people.
Yeah, 556. But I'll be filing the paperwork soon to convert my AR Rifle to an SBR.
I live in a city, in a neighborhood with modestly sized homes and 1/8 acre lots. I’m not pulling out my AR unless there’s a mob trying to kick down my door. And even then, I’m probably going with my Scorpion. My primary home defense gun is my CZ SP-01.
You should use an ar if the houses are so close together.
No, I should use a howitzer because the houses are so close together.
Too much overpen, gonna ruin your drywall. I recommend a musket for home defense
I personally don't use a rifle for home defense, nothing wrong with using one though. I prefer shotguns and shoot better with them. So I use what I'm most proficient with. I use #4 buck to increase pellets on target while reducing over penetration. (Anything that reach the FBI 12-18" gel penetration will also go through multiple layers of dry wall.) there's also a lot of brain death in the comments here, people will say using an AR for home defense is crazy due to the penetration. 9mm will out penetrate 5.56 in dry wall. Watch garand thumb's dry wall penetration tests video. I personally use a semi auto 12 gauge loaded with 7+1 of 27 pellet #4 buck at 1,325 fps for home defense mainly because I feel more comfortable with a shotgun. Not to mention the massive damage/energy that gets on target. But yes, you do have to aim a shotgun. I have ghost ring sights on mine.
Yes I have 4-5 mounted on my secret wall.
Suppressed 8" 300BLK pistol. Subsonic hollow points.
Really shouldn't use 300 subs in HD. Just roll supers for better everything
300 was made for using subs.
Doesn't mean it's the only or best choice.
Nope. You’re the only one. In all of history and all history to come.
Yes. And....a 12ga shotgun, 20ga shotgun, and 45 & 9mm handguns. Variety is the spice of life. Right?
Not inclined to say one way or the other
I'll absolutely use a Daisy Red Ryder for home defense
Rip to your ears if you ever have to use it
I prefer a DShK mounted at the top of my stairs.
Tolly ho lads
Dshk would go something like “привет братан, пока!”
.50bmg with incendiaries at the bedside, nothing less
Semi auto 12 gauge Panzer Arms M4 Speed Pro…(Benelli M4 clone)
You're willing to trust your life to a Turkish shotgun? 😬
M870 1 bird shot 4 OObuck is better. 1 shot with 8-100 lead per target to teach em the lesson
Let's get you back to bed, grandpa
Place where i live is hard to get semi 556 and the rifle that we can own will be stuff like 308 3006 or anything smaller than .455 caliber that are not semi
I'm referring to that ridiculous load order.
Just use 00 Buck, period. You don't pull a gun out to shoot warning shots. If you're pointing a gun at an intruder, you're doing it to eliminate a threat.
One COULD argue for something smaller than 00, but it's safe to agree that Bird shot is a non starter.
Nope, couple reasons: if I can’t hit something on the property with a pistol it’s not a threat to me yet, if the threat is in the apartment and I can’t hit it with a pistol I’m in no condition to operate a firearm, I am le poor, and anything worth stealing or harming in my home will be moving slowly enough that I myself am enough of a threat.
Good look if you have to make a very tough shot. 3 points of contact always beats a pistol. Pistols are only good for concealed carry. I’m not worried about concealment inside my own home
I like everybody downvoting me like using a rifle in my situation wouldn’t put the muzzle past my target. Pinecones.
A pistol is a tool of convenience. I'd prefer if I can have a rifle.
I can’t tell how many of you are slinging funnies, and how many of you are actually fully regarded and using rifles for HD.
I know be real. I just use my M82 and call it a day
Like we’re all using hand grenades right? Why the fuck would I get out of bed?
Lmao 😂
No, definitely no one here has ever used a rifle for HD…
Lmao my thoughts exactly
Toss a can on it…
I use an 03a3 and a 1911a1, if my great grandfather could clear a bunker full of Japanese with it, it works for me.
My apartment building neighbor's told me "No".
You asked them? Or is this based on the never ending fuddlore that 556 goes through an infinite amount of housing material..? Lightweight hunting ammo loses its energy extremely quickly, in any medium. Even ball ammo doesn't carry well... No more than buck shot or 9mm...
why you’re full of it lmao
Ok, Elmer, you need to read my post and the article/watch the video because this actually proves my point... So... Thanks..? 9mm and buckshot will both have similar penetration to the ball and heavier ammo used here. The 55gr defensive load expands well and stops quite quickly. And VMAX, be it 55, 53, or 50 grains, similar poly tip ammo to the other Hornady under different marketing, goes through the same or less...
How does that video/article disprove anything that guy said?
The video doesn't compare the 5.56/.223 rounds to 9mm or buckshot. It's just comparing different 5.56 rounds to each other. Most pistol rounds and buckshot loads would have overpenetrated even more than what is shown in this video. (Other than a .22 or maybe #4 buckshot, but that just proves the point of the guy you're responding to; a smaller round loses energy more quickly.)
Obviously any round that can stop an attacker is going to penetrate drywall. That was never in question. The question here is "what loses the most energy after striking its target," and on that front, the right .223 load beats anything other than #4 buckshot, and even with #4, I wouldn't be confident that it would stop the attacker, (oh, it'll kill him alright, but will it do it now, or in a hospital bed an hour after he's killed me and my family?) or that me and my family would be able to get the shot on target as reliably as we could with a rifle.
If you're that worried about over penetration, just use a .22lr chambered gun
I live in a sixplex. My neighbors don't want to get shot.
Yeah and 5.56 is the best choice for that.
Have you tried not being poor?
Oh aren't you just a peach. Yes, for years now. Firmly planted somewhere in the middle of the rat race.
Quit being a security guard and quit eating taco will easily remove you from your so called rat race.
As you should, brother.
As you should.
I use a 16” ar15. You should probably invest in a light and red dot. Streamlight protac goes on sale for about 100 dollars and an sig Romeo or holosun can be had for 100 on sale. I went with an aimpoint but if you don’t want to spend that much just get a Romeo 5
No, rifle rounds will go through drywall and kill your neighbors.
So will any other rounds.
A small round, like 5.56, while the initial energy transfer is massive, lose that energy much more quickly than a larger round, and actually result in less overpenetration than 9mm.
Apologies if I just failed to catch sarcasm, herr.
I don’t know how this is not common knowledge here
No, not trying to overpenetrate.
I'll stick with my pistol
Might want to learn about ballistics. A small bullet traveling that fast will fragment and penetrate a lot less than a heavier slow moving bullet.
Literally no one.
Hell no! You'll shoot yer eye out kid!
I like to see what I’m going to shoot. Put a flashlight on it please to prevent you from shooting a family member getting water in the middle of the night
Almost every American ! America fuck yah
I prefer pocket sand. Makes the autopsy and investigation easier.
sha shaaa
I've jerry-rigged a 32-pounder, 5 inch bore, to the stairs. If they survive a hit from that I'll push the cannon down the stairs and let it crush them.
Suppressed 13-inch 308. Big boom, big holes; your armor knows nothing of my powah 🥳
My bullets will stop at neither your armour nor my drywall.
Naked rifle is nude, dress her up
Just as the founding fathers intended.
Sure do! 300blk
Western Mordax .30; I like to be the one to call the cops. I was going to strip and chop down a Hatsan Blitz like macabespeed did, but the Mordax just came out and is super compact.
Lmao. K.
Airgun? Don't get me wrong, I know there's some powerful and very interesting airguns out there, but do I understand right that it only delivers 50 ft/lbs of energy? Or is there something else fpe stands for?
If I don’t like hearing lol
Just why you just use a suppressed 300 blackout.
lambo13770@reddit (OP)
Mines a .556 wonder what its like compared to a suppressed .300 as far as sound
Suppressing 5.56 doesn't do a whole lot. Suppressing 300blk does a shit ton.
Sounds Hollywood movie like quiet.
Is your electronic ear pro broken or something? Do you think all handgun isn't going to ring your bell inside?
Put ear muffs next to your firearm?
suprised the copypasta hasnt been put up yet. songuess ill do it.
Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball-sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbor's dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grapeshot, "Tally ho lads" the grapeshot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.
Yup my favorite platform
No I haven’t had to use it yet.
Of course. Fiddy fye grain Horndaddy red tips go kablooski. Turn those innards into outards.
300blk ARP