Actively watching the cameras.
Posted by BigDikus69@reddit | Truckers | View on Reddit | 125 comments
So a friend of mine has been working for werner for 8 months now he was just fired from them for and I quote performing something dangerous while driving. Apparently he brought his girlfriend with him and she decided to give him some road head, well the cameras never went off so he thought he was good.
Two hours later he was diverted to the PA office and was fired. Apparently someone at that exact moment was looking at the cameras and saw what was happening. He tells me that the way it was worded he believes they have a team of people actively watching the dash cams for any problems.
So watch out werner guys your every move is being watched.
Also I wonder if this is legal can they actively watch you like that?
Did their safety people say getting sucked is unsafe driving or were they just embarrassed for peeping and/or jealous lmao
Hmm i thought werner didn't have driver facing cameras
BigDikus69@reddit (OP)
When i worked there they were outward facing only must have changed it in the last 5 years.
It’s only outward facing there isn’t any facing cameras. Currently a driver.
BigDikus69@reddit (OP)
Really so my friend might be telling tall tails then.
My dad just left there 6 months ago and that was not a thing nor had it ever been brought up. I drove for them for 7 years and also never had inward cams. I left 3 years ago
I has been brought up. As of right now every driver had to sign a consent form for data collection including driver facing cameras. Afaik it hasn't been implemented but if you work there currently technically you did agree that they can do it.
So glad I left when I did then lol
Not necessarily, even with parts facing cameras, they can see the reflection off the windshield, I've seen it for myself. I took a small box, cut it to fit around the camera on the inside of the windshield, and taped it around the camera so they could still see outside but not see a reflection.
The cameras at Werner are flush with the windshield. No way they saw anything from a reflection.
Had a coworker get pulled over for this. Apparently the cop saw the reflection in the window while it was dark.
The cop was lying to get an admission.
This. I work in dispatch and the number of drivers that the outward facing cameras catch the reflection of a cell phone on their lap is surprising.
So hold the phone higher? Thanks
Some of them you can fold the visor down and block it because of how they're mounted.
That’s how they are at my job in the service trucks. Figured if they ever bitch about it “sorry, sun was in my eyes”
“It was 9 o clock at night…”
That Fireball is bright. 😎
Is he a brand new driver? Some companies only have driver facing cameras during your first XX months of being a new driver. Like a probationary thing. Once they know you’re safe, no more driver facing cameras.
My company always has them on us. I give em a show by singing and picking my nose. Sometimes at the same time.
Is your 'friend' in the room with us right now?
Under the right lighting conditions you can see reflections on the windshield of what’s behind the camera. See driver doing something or phone usage
Thats odd cuz i drove for them for a few months in 2021 and they had no cameras, and our trainers even told us they didn't plan on putting any in at the time unless i was lied top which i suppose is likely for a mega carrier lol
Found the safety guy at Werner
They have every legal right to place a camera in front of you and watch. You’re in possession of their equipment, expensive equipment at that and it looks like your buddy got caught at the wrong/right time. No sympathy tbh.
A lot of people on here are very against cameras, but that camera may save your career - especially if you’re doing everything the way you’re supposed to be.
Hahahahaha fuck off. Those cameras are there to nail the driver. Have fun with your dystopian society, company man.
How are they a “nail to the driver”?
A company makes an investment buying those trucks, pays the insurance to run it and has an obligation to ensure it’s safe use to the public and its customers.
All that camera does is hold you responsible for your actions, should they be good or bad.
I’ve personally known drivers who, if it were left to “he said she said” would have lost their careers. But because of that camera, could defend their actions and have video evidence of doing their due diligence at the time of an accident.
Don’t like the camera? Buy your own truck.
Called my office last week after it started to snowing to tell them I couldn’t get to a delivery due to road conditions. Super said the roads aren’t even bad. Oh wait I just clicked on your camera I guess they are bad.
Companies say they don’t spy but they 100% do since it literally takes them half a second to click on your camera and see what’s up
I don't believe his story but if it's true, he got what he deserved.
He’s lucky, the only head i get on road is from the bottle i piss in
Hopefully not while it's full! 😱🤢
BigDikus69@reddit (OP)
I hear that.
I personally wouldn’t have my wife give me head while i’m driving if there’s a camera right there. And if there wasn’t a camera there, it better be on some open stretch of highway with little to no cars going by. Seems way too dangerous considering it’s 80,000 pounds. I’d hate to wreck and the only person not wearing a seatbelt is the one i love the most.. all for some head..
Also, safety.. or anyone in that office watching the cameras don’t get that luxury of a show. Fuck them.
Not to mention the odds of you getting your wrench bitten off go up exponentially
Dude, how did i not think of that?
I’m also in a fucking freightliner… Nah you couldn’t pay me enough to get road head in that thing.
Thank you.
I call bullshit. Lol. If you're girl puts her hair up and leans over, you're gonna find a way.
i love the response like 'awwww rats, caught me red handed 😅' 😂😂😂
Foreal. On a long drive in my pickup, wife leaned over started giving me head. We'll some miles down the road. Here i am. Scooting the driver seat back, her climbing over, slipping her panties to the side, all while doing highway speed down the highway. When she gave head in the semi it was so much easier from all the extra room. Only thing bad is how visible it is with the trucks big ass windshield. And door windows. So only head it was.
I agree. Just look at his username. This is a cover up.
Oof, that was the first thing that went through my mind. Love not just the person you love most, but the thing you love most as well.
Also forgot.. They catch ya with your pants somewhat down... Lol
Is every load you take 80k?
I mean if you're not 80k then your company's wasting money
When you run reefer or tank, yes.
I ran reefer for 3-4 years and I was fully loaded like 2-3 times, maybe a couple more but it was FAR from the norm
Years ago I had a friend who was fishing buddies with a CHP officer. My friend (actually a real person & not me) said the cop was always lamenting the high number of accidents where the male driver had his pants down and an unbelted female passenger.
Username doesn’t check out?
I may or may not have gotten road head from my ex when she was with me for a week. Allegedly.
haha i pulled the left curtain and had my gf hop on top while she rode me while i was drive i84w 3 1/2 hours outside portland ahhhh beautiful scenery and some fun action i was driving 55 btw
Personally I think any extreme activities attempted while, you need to pull over: Applying make up, Reading anything in depth that's not a road sign, texting, eating extremely messy food, sexual acts, and probably a few others
I don't work for that company. But if I owned one, I would do the exact same thing. If the manager calmed down, maybe they would say a last and final warning.
I mean he could have waited for the thirty minute break at the very least.
I don't agree with cameras watching every move. I was fired from fedex for stupid events. I drove double trailers, so I didn't keep my seat belt on in the yard. It didn't make any sense because I literally had to get out thirty times by unhooking two trailers and my dolly, and rehooking to a new set.
Yeah.. Where I'm trainer was like Fuck that seat belt when we are in the yard.. Or at a pickup or a drop.. Lol I think our cameras only activate when you hit something.. Or like swerve.. Etc.. And I can see on the remote when the camera has been activated. We can also hit the panic button if we see something that is about to happen.
40 years old and never got road head. Props to him. As professionals, we should have our complete attention on the road at all times. I'll let that stand as is.
Didn't see that coming from a username like yourself... 🤣
Great advice!!
Ask for the tape bro
Funny, there’s a dude on IG or Tik tok he hauls fuel and at the end of his videos it’s an inward dash cam of like a second or 2 of him getting head or a girl riding him in his day cab and he has a only fans to show the full clips I forgot his user name but he was popular at some point now idk if he exists online lol
Yea literally recording reckless endangerment, public lewdness etc, and then posting it online on top of that
Post on PH. Go viral
From what I remember they put forward facing dash cams in the trucks that are always on, but it has cab facing capabilities that only activate when there's something like a hard stop, or the truck detects an impact and it supposedly only records the previous two minutes of drive time in the cab. Also the cam is only supposed to be for rookies or if you've had an accident. But things may have changed, that was 6 years ago
Stupid. Should lose your job for just being so dumb.
Thats the kind of story you would make up to tell your buddies when you actually got fired for being late or texting or something less cool
When I started driving for Midwest Coca Cola in 2003, a group of drivers saw the truck I was driving and starting grinning and chuckling amongst themselves. I asked what was so funny, and they said that the former coworker who drove the truck before me had gotten caught spankin it while driving... 😳 That has SERIOUSLY gotta be the stupidest way to get fired! And we had manuals with hi/lo splitters, so that must've been pretty tricky to pull off! 😆
Heh must've been
No kidding
For starters, give that driver a high five for getting some road head.
But someone isn't necessarily watching the camera 24/7. I guess someone could if they wanted but probably aren't. More than anything I'd bet that the camera was detecting someone in the cab not wearing a seat belt and flagged it. Then when it came across someone's desk, they went and found what was being flagged and watched it. While watching it, the dude behind the desk probably dropped his pants and rubbed one out. Then called the driver to fire him.
Yea this is probably it. My girlfriend was standing up giving me a back rub while I drove once for Melton, I braked hard or something to set the camera off, got an email shortly after about all passengers not wearing seat belts. Makes a lot more sense than a giant team of people spending their days monitoring all the driver's cams in real time
Werner doesn’t have inward cameras
You’d be surprised how wide of an angle those side facing cameras have
A high five???
Driving 80 k lbs and putting everybody on the road in danger is not something to be encouraged.
BigDikus69@reddit (OP)
Hmm you might be right he probably got flagged and someone watched it once alerted.
you had me in the first half
I'm shocked. A Werner driver with a girlfriend??
Your friend is an actual fucking idiot.
Do stupid things, win stupid prizes.
I’m not a driver but I’ve worked in the office in both recruiting and safety, and I now work for a Samsara reseller.
Can they look at your cameras all day long? Sure. But I’m 100% sure they don’t. First and foremost, most every driver-facing dash cam now has AI. The AI is watching, but it only alerts safety and records the video if it detects a driver dozing off or texting or not wearing their seatbelt or (true story) getting into the closet and giving their dog more food.
Because of that, it would be a colossal waste of money to have an employee just staring at 8 hours of boring driver footage just to maybe catch something that the AI isn’t going to detect. I’m sure that if this story your friend gave you is true, Samsara or Motive’s AI just detected it and sent an alert to safety to check out a potentially unsafe situation.
This is why i walk around nude when im not driving. They'll see something they don't want to so they stop looking when I don't want tjem to lol
Grade a certified dumbass moment, the cameras get triggered if you get close to a line every time.
He’s lying. I’ve been doing a good amount of research on companies. I just spoke with a recruiter this week in fact who told me they have no front facing cameras. He actually laughed saying that they would lose half their drivers if they did 😂
The reflection in the glass gives it away. The driver made an event that had the camera turned on for 20s
Eh, we do the same thing. Of course you’re not gonna tell your drivers it’s recording them 24/7
When I drove for Smithfield years ago they had a team to watch the cameras. 24-7 Someone was watching you as you worked. Worst job I ever had.
I call bullshit tbh.
I have mine covered with a hat and I’m afraid to watch porn in the bunk because of the mic.
I swore I’d never take a job with a driver-facing camera but the ability to cover it convinced me. But I still constantly feel like I’m being spied on. I turn off all that shit on my phone, like Siri.
Also, what do you want to bet the dude who was monitoring Werner kept a copy? It’ll probably turn up on PornHub.
I'll take things that never happened for $300 Alex. If you're going to shitpost bullshit, at least try to make it somewhat believable.
Werner doesn't have inward facing cameras.. at least I dont
Your friend sounds like an idiot.
Why risk a job (and career) for head you can get at home? And he knew the camera was in the cab and still went through with it.
Bullshit story btw. But 100% if there’s cameras and mics then they are absolutely listening and watching. It’s like hair samples, well we’re only going back 60 days…even though you gave us the rights to your full genetic profile and medical history for the last few years, and all the predictors for chronic diseases that may make you uninsurable….
How would he know that commotion and loose passengers moving around in front of the cameras wouldn't activate a recording? Get your road head before and after the trip boys!
Even if this story was true, nobody is actually actively watching cameras. A good subset of the driver-facing cams are driven by AI these days and automatically picks up on "unsafe" behavior, such as smoking, eating, drinking, looking away from the road (at a phone or out the driver's window for too long), sleeping, or getting road head.
Does Werner use Samsara/Zebra tablets for ELD?
samsara foward camera,and samsung tablets
Your friend is full of shit. Matter of fact he was probably sucking dick behind the Wendy's werner ain't got no forward facing cameras
we have foward facing cameras, two actually...ones the manufacturers and the other samsara...what we don't have is driver facing cameras
So that's why they be swerving
I'll bet you never miss an exit do ya?
Assume they are always watching. Our people generally have the program running on their computers just for the fuck of it
Sheesh,he should be fired.Pull over for 10 minutes dummy!
If you can still drive she needs to work on her technique
I mean... Yeah. That'll do it.
There’s no way in hell they’re monitoring the cameras on a live stream. There’s way more cost effective ways to monitor drivers, the AI cameras being the biggest one.
Just because the camera doesn’t mention anything doesn’t mean it wasn’t flagged for review. Do you think the camera has an audible command for “warning Road Head“
He should have put his sun visors down
It’s not always the carrier that is watching, but the camera provider. They check every single flagged event before it gets to us.
Massive they saw him through the tablet? It has a camera
Companies make reassuring claims to get drivers to go along with the intrusion of cameras and then once they're installed it's a simple flick of a switch in the software to go from "triggered event recording" to "live real-time viewing". And of course they're not going to announce if or when they make that change. If there's a camera installed assume you're always being watched, no matter what you're being told in order to get you to go along with it at the outset.
I don't work for Werner but I do work for a company that has cab facing cameras. These cameras cannot be turned off while the vehicle is in motion or the engine is running. Also there is an incident button right next to the off button and they are identical, so easy to mix up. Not saying he has the exact same model and brand camera but it's possible they operate the same way.
That's on him bro lmfao
Your friends full of shit. I left werner 6 months ago. Legit got road head from my wife twice in a week and never got told shit. No driver cams. In the future yes but not currently.
I was a driver and a safety trainer at a major LTL carrier that used Samsara. We legitimately couldn't view a live feed of the inward facing camera. Trust me, I dug deep. We could view a live feed of the outward facing camera though, technically for the purpose of adjusting the angle of the camera.
With all this new AI bullshit though, who knows what triggers an event which would then send a 20s clip of the inside of the tractor. We started phasing that in towards the end of my time there and I'd have to manually clear so much BS - seat belt violations where they were wearing their seatbelts, cell phone usage when there was none, etc.
We don’t have driver facing cameras, unless it was a camera at a stop light or something they wouldn’t really know. Unless he actually done something dangerous to cause the outward cameras to report it then they wouldn’t know about it.
It is legal for them to do so. Ethical, moral, or correct is to be debated but it is legal for them to do this.
100% legal. Don't like it? Don't drive their truck. No different than any security cam at ur house or biz.
Road head the best type of driver
Werner doesnt have inward facing cameras in any truck anywhere in the country
Stories like these make me grateful for working for a small trucking co.
They only have forward facing cameras, And active live when you cross the line more than once “His toes was curing 😂 “ Then there able to see you from the truck mirror
You're telling me his girlfriend fit in the cab of his truck and was able to position in a way to provide road head.......... dude, he bought a lot lizard for a weekend, and someone definitely reported her getting in his truck. We def know OTR girlfriends requirement is at min a flatbed for transportation. Recommendations is a flatbed and crane.
He deserved it, should know better than to do that.
Not comment, but I have some thoughts.
should change the name to wiener