Ulpt request: how to relocate an aggressive homeless person?
Posted by throwaway7373838473@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 106 comments
There are 3 homeless people that live on my street. 2 of them live in their cars and don’t bother anyone, I don’t want to cause them any problems. The 1 who lives outside is an absolute creep and makes all of the dog walking women feel unsafe. If he sees us walking alone he will literally turn around and cross the street to run up behind us. If we see him coming and dodge him, he glares so intensely you would think we were the ones chasing him. He even tried to grab someone but she managed to get away. Me and 4 of the other neighbors that he has also chased (including the one he tried to grab) have called the police so many times; if they can be bothered to pick up the phone in the first place, they just tell us that they’re busy and hang up. I guess the $160 million budget increase from last year wasn’t enough to hire some phone operators. Since they are clearly not concerned about being chased by aggressive homeless people and don’t think it’s a problem, it makes sense that we just drop him off in front of the police station. My question is: how do we get him there? I am one of the women he regularly chases so I do not feel safe to go close enough to him to try to bribe him. Looking for creative but realistic solutions; no lassos/piss discs/liquid ass etc
Not sure what State you’re in but here in The Democratic Peoples Republic of Hawaii we don’t need a permit to carry a Byrna. It’s a paintball gun on steroids. It’s a worthwhile less than lethal option. But it does F@$king HURT! LOL
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Good idea! Can we buy those in other states?
Im sure you can. According to the website you can have it delivered as well. Just like a firearm please practice with it first. Just check your local laws if you decide to carry.
Realistically why haven’t you hit him yet? He would have been gone by the point I read "that live on my street".
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Why would I want to go anywhere near someone actively chasing me who is considerably larger than me? If you genuinely think this is realistic for you to accomplish, please please please come over and make him be gone from our street 🙏🙏🙏 all of the neighbors will thank you
Then I would get something with a scope.
wait till theyre sleeping on a park bench then bang on something with a bat and tell them to scram
Upgrade your complaint from just bothering you to something they have to at least check up on.
Drop him off at the police station? What would they do with him? The real solution is to avoid the guy or have someone more suited to conflict than yourself handle it. Since the police won’t come for him chasing you they aren’t gonna come when he gets his ass beat and no one calls them
Do not try to handle this yourself. No offense but you are harmless, if you pepper spray him it will just escalate the situation. If not in that moment in revenge later… bribing him won’t work and will result in you being preyed upon.
Between you and all these dog walking women come up with $600. Get 3 scary dudes to beat him down, and leave him in another part of town. Recruit bouncers from bars, ask your friend’s brothers. Have em bring a taser or two and some duct tape for good measure.
Even if the dude is mentally ill (likely) creating a strong negative association (beating) with your area will increase the likelihood he stays away.
In all seriousness I would avoid him if at all possible, or walk with an escort. Currently it’s a game to him and he’s enjoying all your reactions. Avoid feeding into it, even if that means driving somewhere else to walk your dog. Not fair and not right but safe. These things tend to escalate.
Pay one of the other homeless with a car to drive him somewhere else.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
I think they are afraid of him too but I will ask
Call medical services - tell them you think the homeless man has had a stroke or is having seizures - or you saw him fall and hit his head. They’ll take him in for observation.
If he’s having or displaying mental problems they may keep him and try to get him some help.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
I think this might be the best advice on the thread. If the cops won’t do anything, maybe medical staff will. If I call a hospital farther away and tell them that he hit his head and had a seizure, will they send an ambulance from the closer one or will they send it from the one that i called?
They'll reroute the case to a hospital near the scene.
Gotta love America. There is a small chance that this man is employing a similar, but reverse, tactic in order to receive medical treatment.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
This is a great idea. Thank you
Get a bigger dog.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
He is 85 lb, I cannot handle a dog bigger than him
Maybe one more vicious then, perhaps a chihuahua?
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
lol if my chihuahua was still alive, he would have shredded him
Is there any vicious dog in the neighbourhood? Or just looking vicious and/or scary? Could you take them for the walk, get the dog super close to the guy and use them as a menace, telling that if he ever approaches anyone more in the neighbourhood, you will unleash the “beast”? Two dogs would be even better. Any breed considered aggressive or scary would work perfectly!
Relocate him to heaven.
Start spraying him with pepper spray when he runs up on you
Yes, make life on that block untenable. In other words, harass him via police, taze, bother him when sleeping, etc, ensure no one gives him money or handouts.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
The police refuse to even answer the phone let alone show up to help, but we haven’t tried a taser yet. Maybe that’s a good next step
Be wary of carrying a taser, many states regulate it as a firearm (with differences in those that can be fired and those that require physical contact). Michigan requires you to have your CPL as well as "additional taser training" and carry restrictions apply just like a firearm.
Per other comments, get some guy friends to follow him around (making sure no one does anything illegal, wounds want this to backfire) or call and say he fell and has been acting all crazy. You may be able to call county sheriff if local cops are not doing what's needed.
I should have said, you don't need to taze anyone, but that crackle sound it makes gets folks attention. I didn't think of them being not appropriate, not sure what my state says about them. Bear spray? This is the unethical sub....
Ie always read unethical as how close can you get to being illegal without getting arrested. At least on MI just having it could get you arrested without following the law carefully. If you are going to go the route kf pepper spray/bear spray just carry a can of wasp spray.
Longer range, less chance of also getting yourself, the line is correct able onto target and he will never ever bother you again afterwards. You just had the can because a neighbor has a nest on their porch.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Great points & idea, thank you!!
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Good info, thank you
If he gets too close, spray some mace in his face. Keep doing it if he persists. If that doesn't work, spray him with the hose
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
I only have regular pepper spray, idk if that’s different from mace. Can I spray him while he is running up on me before he has a chance to grab me? Or could I get in trouble for that? I don’t care about injuring him, I just don’t want to catch a charge. Normally when I see him turn around to follow me I literally just run home, but clearly it’s not doing anything to prevent him from doing it again later so I need to try something else.
Fox one brand.
Make sure you have the kind that shoots a stream and not a spray. I watched a lady security guard light up my buddies from like 20 feet away in Mexico once. I literally cheered her on it was so cool, also she didn’t mist herself. Be safe homie
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Good looking out
I think the bear spray is a little bigger more uses. But not as strong I believe. But yeah for sure you can spray him if he's running at you.
Pepper spray works, especially the gel kind for accuracy and stickiness.
If someone’s running up on me more than one time, they’re getting pepper sprayed and I’m calling 911. After a few of those incidents, I bet police will start to respond if they continue.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Nope, I called 911 every single time it happened and they were the ones who said they’re busy and hung up. Police station didn’t even bother answering the phone, I called multiple times on different days. The only reason I haven’t pepper sprayed him yet is because I never let him get close enough to me to do that, when I see him chasing me I just run to get away. A lot of people are suggesting this though so I might just have to let him get close enough to me to spray him
Bear spray is designed to shoot at a fair distance.
OK, but my point is that the aggressive action + your violent (but reasonable) response might get more interaction.
A guy who is always ‘chasing people’ but never catching them is a lot different than a guy who is attacking people to the point that they are feeling the need to defend themselves. A chaser that never actually catches anyone, what are they really even doing? Easy for cops to dismiss incidents that don’t lead to any sort of ‘harm.’
Of course, if you don’t see the difference or understand the intricacies of using force, this answer isn’t for you.
The problem is that to do this she would have to get close enough to make herself vulnerable to a potential counter attack.
She does not know if he has a knife or weapon, or what his intentions are. As a woman, you have to offer under the assumption that men most likely will be stronger than you. It’s very scary.
Fair, and what I’m suggesting can also be legally risky as well, especially if you’ve somehow become known as a frequent cop caller. They might try to paint you as a Zimmerman or a Rittenhouse (even though they both got away with it, legally) and say you went too far.
Maybe I shouldn’t have even raised it as a possibility, and I don’t mean to say anyone should assault a guy to then use the legal system against him. But you legitimately have the right to defend yourself, if you are in imminent danger, and I don’t believe we should just give up our claws. Even some of the meekest and smallest creatures will fight to defend themselves. And if you HAVE to fight, and you do so, you still have legal rights as well. If you can press charges or participate in their prosecution, DO IT. Make there be a cost associated with accosting you.
It’s a good point to make, and it would absolutely be done in defense. I don’t see it as assault if he’s chasing you.
Simply that I’ve noticed women usually weigh the potential repercussions differently than
I recently did a 1-day trial of an Escrima class through an organization that mainly teaches historical European martial arts, and was glad to see that maybe 40% of the class were women. More than I expected. I accidentally bonked one of them in the face with a foam pad.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
I have never heard of this, thanks for the info
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
True but 1) I’ve never called the cops for anything else and 2) there are 4 other neighbors that I know of who have also called multiple times for the same guy and got similar responses if they answered the phone at all. But you’re right that we cannot wait for their help and need to defend ourselves. I was just hoping for a way to move him to another area so that I don’t have to deal with all of that.
Next time he does it, have your phone recording from a place that is difficult to see like in a backpack or sticking out of a pocket. You have to think like this guys possible defense attorney. You want him physically removed from this area. That would probably require a court order. A judge isn’t going to issue that without evidence. That means video, writing down dates and times, witness statements.
Get it on video if you can.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
If stun guns are legal at your state, start carrying them. You don't have to get close, the sound of crackling electricity is more than enough to scare someone off. Get those big flashlight-stun gun combo.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Good idea thank you
Are there any bears (even black bears) or wildlife in your area? Coyotes are common in the cities and target pets. Call in and report sightings to local wildlife services or animal control and carry bear spray while you walk the dog.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
No bears but yes coyotes, great idea!
Give them a bus ticket and $100
☝🏻 that's a pretty damn good idea there seriously. Get a husband or someone to approach him and be calm and to the point. Say we don't want you around here anymore. Out of kindness here's money and a business ticket and a sandwich or something. Then be clear it's not a joke and not to ignored. Leave don't return. If u do then bad things can and will happen.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Yeah, good idea to ask a male neighbor to hand it to him. I’ll talk to a few and ask
Mean green, every time you see him
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
What is that?
Do you live in a concealed carry state? Are you going max unethical?
Because the next time he 'crosses the road and runs up behind you', just turn around a yell 'no, stop! don't touch me!' then unload?
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Yes, I need to get a cc permit
Could you get him to chase you to the police station?
Perhaps teaming up to do it in a relay, where each of you would pop out and distract him from the preceding runner to get him to chase you, at predetermined points along the route.
Also, do you live in a country where guns are legal?
(And what are your pussy-ass dogs doing the whole time? My chihuahua would have tried to fight him to the death.)
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
I like how you’re thinking but it’s a few miles away, it would be hard to get him to go that far. He usually tries to chase us for like 1-3 buildings and then either gets distracted or gives up. My country does allow guns, my state does not allow them to be hidden on your body without a permit, which I don’t have. I pull my dog with me when I start running, he knows to follow me and do what I say, especially if i am tense. If my chihuahua was still alive he would have turned this guy’s asshole inside out, but my pitbull is a snuggler.
Next time he does it, have your phone recording from a place that is difficult to see like in a backpack or sticking out of a pocket. You have to think like this guys possible defense attorney. You want him physically removed from this area. That would probably require a court order. A judge isn’t going to issue that without evidence. That means video, writing down dates and times, witness statements.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Great advice, thank you
If he's a creepy guy chasing and grabbing at women then get mace and spray him head to toe then call the police. They might show up then. Either way he gets sprayed a few times he might stop. If not and police won't do anything I'd get all the girls you can together and spray him then taze and stomp him in the ground. A neighborhood of girls beating you real good would make you want to move you would think
Toss a lit road flare into his possessions.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
I dont want to catch my own street on fire but I do like how you are thinking.
Conceal carry. He tried to grab you again shoot him.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
I also don’t have a concealed carry permit and don’t live in an open carry state. The guys in the neighborhood just keep him away from their wives, they’re not going to get into a street altercation for a neighbor
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
We are not police and I am 5’5”, this dude is around 6’, the woman he almost grabbed is 5’6”. We didn’t “let” anything go on, the police did by refusing to help. Thats why we are trying to relocate him there.
Water. Its winter. Nothing is as bad as being wet when you are homeless in the winter time. Don’t actually douse him, but tell him you’ll empty your thermos on his ass if he comes close to you.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Good idea
I have had good success throwing lit fireworks at homeless people. They usually get scared by the loud noises. I know this means having to keep fireworks on you. But desperate times....
Another great method is to pay some teenagers to harass him. Local gangbangers are out looking for a fight anyway. Give them a lucrative one.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
These are actually great ideas, thank you
Slumlords have solutions for undignified problems. :-).
Carry a baseball bat, or buy a toy gun and put it in a hip holster where it's clearly visible. I guarantee he will leave you alone.
There's also pepper spray, dumping gasoline on all his things when he's away and having a fire, fill a super soaker with high Scoville hot sauce and water and spray his face.
Carrying around a toy gun is about the dumbest thing you can do
Not if you're in TX. Open carry is legal.
I never said it wasn’t legal, I said it was dumb
It's not dumb if it works.
"If it's stupid but it works, it's still stupid and you got lucky."
--Maxim 43
Carrying a fake gun is an invitation to treat you like you're carrying a real one. i.e. Shoot you first on the assumption you'll shoot if given a chance.
Wrong. Holstered shows no intent of use. Drawn? That's entirely different.
Taser him, hogtie him, and roll him up in a shopping cart.
I was thinking pepper gel spray. Enough people (all genders and ages) do that to him, he'll probably leave on his own. Make it VERY clear he's unwelcome in a tangible way.
I was thinking sprinklers, consistent annoying music, fart bomb/sprays, dumping gallons of fish emulsion near his tent.
If he's is a tent, there's hose end sprayers that can be used to spray it with fish emulsion. "Just fertilizing the yard/garden officer!"
Yeah... Less likely to burn the grass mixing it with water. But concentration might not smell as strong. Also might be less likely to move if the tent itself stinks too. If it's just the area around I think more likely he'd move.
The smell depends on how much is sprayed and he's likely to abandon the whole area, probably leaving a stinky tent behind. I'd probably wait until he started following someone/left for whatever reason and hose the tent, it's contents and the surrounding area.
Get a few guy friends and go creeping the creeper. It's amazing what a tire tool can do. Changes tires and attitudes.
This might work. Those with mental health issues usually have high amounts of paranoia as well.
Just have some dudes park and watch him. Take a big camera and take photos too.
Assuming you don’t live in an open carry state
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Unfortunately not
You need to start getting your city councilpeople involved, especially if you approach them as a group. That's just unacceptable.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
I did try contacting city council, they ignored me too 🙃🫠
They're probably busy spending some of the $160m budget increase on vacations with the chief of police
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Costco had mace on sale!
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Thank you
Have a male friend offer to pay the guy to help him move some stuff into his new house from the next town over or farther, let the guy out for a piss break and drive away.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Not a bad idea, thank you!
OC spray. Get a pack and hand it out. Spray and walk away. It is extremely effective.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Thanks! What is this? Where can I buy it?
https://www.sabrered.com/pepper-spray-and-personal-safety-products Here's the first response on google. Don't treat this as an endorsement. I've seen it sold in a variety of stores. REI sells a stronger variety that can't be used on people, that's about the only thing you shouldn't use (bear spray). I've never been in a gun store that didn't have some kind of variety of it. Also police supply stores and surplus stores generally have it. I saw some at a grocery store once. Be aware that it's a spray of oily water with spicy stuff mixed in, any drops that get blown back into your eyes or onto your fingers then touch your eyes will hurt the same as if you sprayed yourself. It's very painful and you won't be able to use your eyes unless you are very determined to hold them open until it's washed out completely (training to carry it for mil/law enforcement involves getting sprayed with it). The correct use is to hold your arm all the way out and spray across the assailants eyebrows, usually at a range of six to ten feet depending on the brand. Too close and you risk the spray penetrating his eyeball, the stream is low pressure but it's possible. It's legal to carry most places, non toxic, and unlikely to cause actual harm. If he's been sprayed before he will immediately back off if he recognizes what you've pulled out. Don't warn him, just get a good spray in then walk away at a brisk pace. I would rather get stabbed again than have this stuff in my eyes another time (been sprayed twice and I've had it rubbed across my forehead with a sponge in training). I also like putting it on food (not kidding) though I don't recommend it even if you really like spicy food. Capsicum is a pepper, sometimes hot sauces are cut with this stuff. Make sure you read the label, some brands have dye in them to identify who you sprayed too. Heads up it might be illegal where you live. It's legal to carry in all fifty states but different cities and towns can make their own restrictions. Even if it's legal to carry it definitely counts as assault/battery so be aware of that if questioned. I would guess that the police will be as responsive to the homeless man's complaints that he's been sprayed in the face as they were to your complaints that he's been menacing.
throwaway7373838473@reddit (OP)
Thank you so much this is so helpful
Pepper spray his ass