Career options for a soon to be graduate amidst government funding cuts

Posted by Playboi-sharti-x@reddit | marinebiology | View on Reddit | 4 comments

Hey, I’m a junior in college right now studying marine biology, though my degree is around 90% complete. I’m graduating next spring and am starting to think about grad school / jobs, and for the last year I’ve wanted to get a PhD and work in government for disease ecology, but now with all the funding cuts I’m worried that I won’t be able to be supported through grad school and won’t be able to get a job in government.

Initially starting college I was really interested in marine veterinary science, and now I’m more interested in the research side. I’ve done undergrad research for the past year and a half, but with the way things are looking in the US, I’m really worried about my future.

I’m looking for any kind of guidance or suggestions / career alternatives since things might be falling apart soon. It’s really scary seeing some of the government guest speakers in my class from NOAA, USGS, FWC, etc all talk about potentially losing their jobs and brushing past it to teach us about their study topics. I’m feeling at a loss and a lack of motivation that all I do could be for nothing. I currently work a government oceanographic job, and am worried I might not have that soon either.

If things get bad I’m considering vet school again, teaching, gis , but am looking for any support / suggestions.

I should also mention I am an out of state student too and initially from Michigan studying in Florida.

Thanks :)