ULPT: On eBay & Amazon. Watch the status of your delivery in the ebay & Amazon systems. I have received over 100 items that never have a "delivered scan." I get refunded every time.
Posted by SecureSolution5866@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 128 comments
I've done this with batteries, paper goods, baseball cards, clothes, food, really everything. for some reason the stuff gets pick up and in transit scans, but lack a final delivery scan. They show up, but the system says still "In Transit." I ususlly give it 2 additional weeks, and then start the refund process. They have no leg to stand on.
There’s unethical Life pro tips and then there’s admittance to crimes, this is a crime and you were openly admitting to it.
If it's from Amazon then whatever bit if it's from a small business selling there then you're a piece of shit so I guess it fits.
Does this hurt the seller in any way? Just curious, because this is a great thing to do to a giant like Amazon, but I wouldn't want to hurt a small business.
Yes, it hurts the seller! eBay, Amazon pull the money back out of the seller's account and lower their seller ratings costing more money to post and sell in the future not to mention their feedback scores. I sell on Ebay and this is incredibly hurtful as a lot of items I only make $1-3 on. It also increases the costs for every other buyer in the future as we now have to, instead of using the cheapest method to get your item to you, we now have to use full tracking services which you end up costing future buyers more so we don't get screwed by people like this. It also can put some of us out of business. Chinese and other foreign countries get free shipping by claiming developing nation status if the item is under $800 paid for by the US taxpayer, so you also help overseas companies get ahead of American ones and raise your taxes. This is the reason the USPS was threatening to no longer except packages from China a few weeks ago in a basic explanation.
Scamming ebay sellers kinda sucks.
But Amazon sellers can get fucked lol it’s all just drop shippers marking up stuff they buy off Temu and Aliexpress
Have you ever actually shopped on Amazon for anything niche? There's a whole lot of drop shipped stuff, sure, but small businesses sell their products on Amazon as well and they're not all just drop shippers.
I'm a small manufacturer that sells on amazon and and just today got a scammer trying to say a package marked delivered never arrived. Amazon will side with them like they always do and it will come out of my pocket. So fuck you.
Sorry that that happened
I too am an amazon seller and this happens all the time. I've sent Amazon photos of the customer holding the item and still had the money taken out of my account.
It was a small item this time, I would have given him the benefit of the doubt and sent a replacement. But instead of replying to the message he immediately escalated it for a refund. I can't even look at the seller message boards, the stories are just so insanely infuriating!!
Nice so you like put the Temu stickers on a Temu phone case then sell it?
Dude, you're wrong. I farm fucking worms and sell on amazon scammers fuck us left and right.
Actually many people sell on both EBay and Amazon.
I've spent the last 3 years building a business on Amazon. Was finally starting to feel good and optimistic about the last few months. These tarrifs and boycotts are a gut punch.
There are so many sellers on Amazon and all of them are different. Some overseas, some local. You can probably guess by looking at the brand. But sellers are real people, we don't work for Amazon directly, and returns hurt.
Shut up.
Small handcrafted jewelry business
No offense man, but as a fellow seller stay the fuck away from $1-$3 profit items
Yes it gets refunded from their bank!
Soooooo, it’s theft with extra steps.
Good job OP.
This isn't r/lpt
It’s not r/IllegalLifeProTips either.
I’m just pointing something out.
I’m allowed to do that.
Sub is unviewable aww
Wahh, someone posting an unethical tip on the unethical sub.
There’s a slight difference between unethical and flat out mail fraud.
The vast majority of tips here are illegal in some way. Go cry somewhere else.
You’re the one who’s butt hurt that you’re wrong 😂
I'm neither of those things. Do you need a nap? You're a little angry.
There are MANY sellers on eBay and amazon that look like “mom and pop shops” but aren’t. You’re making a huge speculation about where OP is buying from. What “mom and pop” is selling batteries online?
My inlaws sell lightbulbs, I feel like that's close
Some may not be real mom n pops, so what? OP is doing it indiscriminately so some probably are mom n pops. They’ve done it over a hundred times dude.
You’re making a “huge speculation” acting like out of over 100 hundred items they’ve done this with they haven’t hurt any mom and pops
Unethical is literally in the name. Parsing out what is ethically unethical? Stupid waste of time.
I’m not assuming shit. OP didn’t say WHO they buy from on these sites, you’re the one assuming it’s regular folk. In the context of this sub, I don’t give a fuck if it is regular folks, we aren’t the same on that one.
lol ok
If it's a mega Corp I don't feel bad and would do it. Amazon essentials? Fuck yea. Mom&pop sock shop? No.
This thread is talking about “sellers”, aka the mom and pops. Also, OP appears to be doing it indiscriminately.
You're right, it's all unethical so it still fits unfortunately.
Never said it didn’t. Just pointed out he’s fucking over people trying to make a living not buy their next yacht.
That's not true at all
SecureSolution5866@reddit (OP)
no, they send a claim to the PO or Carrier and get refunded. the carries eats it.
As a small amazon seller myself, it does hurt the seller ;) as time is money to deal with it haha
SecureSolution5866@reddit (OP)
see the name of the sub?
Aww mate, did you see my winky face and laugh? I thought that was code for "I dont care that it happens"
Ironically, the logic of ecommerce, if youre not getting 15% refunds, are you even selling enough!
I dont actually care for refunding people on amazon, as thats just the "price of doing business"
This is how you get piss disks under your door.
He deserves shit discs
Did you read what you were responding to?
Obviously not, nor do they care.
see the question you responded to? they asked if it hurts the seller, you said no, and a seller corrected you. no one is debating the ethics lol
Oh no not the drop shippers or sell aliexpress shit on Amazon at a mark up
Have you ever gone through that process? Blood from a stone comes to mind.
I'll say, this is 100% unethical
So…perfect submission?
Pretty much!
That does not happen. The USPS doesn't give a fuck about losing your package.
There’s a limit to how many times someone can make a USPS insurance claim. It’s not stated officially but bigger sellers know there’s a limit because claims end up getting denied after a point.
Don’t be a dickwad.
No, they do not. I can show you a stack of denied claims from the carrier's insurance companies, even when I have proof of breakage or loss.
Genuine question, but, why are you here then? I feel like scamming Amazon is ethical. And scamming small businesses is unethical. But you don’t want to do the unethical part, you only want to do the ethical part. So why be here?
That's literally what I say in most threads here Lul. People don't want actual unethical lpts they just want soft sorta non ethical lftps.
15 years ago if you opened up an item not as described case and your item was under $25, eBay would automatically close the case in favor of the buyer with no seller fault (basically eBay paid it out) Just because it was cheaper to automatically pay out an item then it was to pay an employee to review the listing, message exchanges, etc.
I don’t think they do this anymore.
This exactly. I wouldn't hesitate doing it to Sold & Shipped by Jeff Dickface Amazon. But not when it's a 3rd party.
Yeah, Im not fucking with my delivery people. It's always one of two people and they seem like good people.
Seriously, messing with good people is super unethical!
I mean this is r/UnethicalLifeProTips so yeah we’re gonna be a little unethical
Yeah but there’s a difference between a damn piss disc and fucking with someone’s source of income when they’ve done nothing wrong as a small seller.
Why are you trying to dictate some sort of ethics echelon? Your ethics aren't theirs.
Even when engaging in unethical behavior you can have a code of conduct. If someone suggests murder in here it’s not gonna be received well because yes, we do share some code of ethics. Nobody wants to fuck over the little guy, especially these days. Forget unethical, it’s just shitty. No grey there.
From what I've seen, the upper bound here is the law. Everything in this sub is really shitty to the person it impacts.
Yes, but it’s often in the name of revenge, sticking it to the man, etc. Which I’m not saying justifies it, but there is some level of code of conduct even here.
Nobody is gonna help you plan a murder here. Nobody is gonna help you torture animals or old people. And although it’s not as hard a line, people here don’t like fucking over the little guy as much.
If you’re looking for an objective set of limits there isn’t one. But there’s a general push to be shitty, but not evil.
Bro, a piss disc!!! 😂 😂
One person pissing in a swimming pool will ruin it for all. Don't you think sellers will raise their prices as their cost of doing business goes up? A big corporation would hardly notice one person scamming them. A mom and pop operation would be hurt by sales gone bad.
You’re screwing over eBay sellers which then pack it in and stop selling, leaving buyers with fewer options. Enjoy your Megacorps
This isn't an unethical life tip, this is just straight up stealing and sabotaging small business.
My 70 year old inlaws run an ecom business, and no one gets comped for anything. If anything you get a penalty against your account and too many you get kicked off Amazon which means your business is done basically.
I'm all for an unethical life tip, or even pulling this crap on Walmart, actually Amazon, or a large BBEBG, but I think straight up stealing from 70 year olds just trying to get by is a step past unethical.
As an ebay seller I hate people like you. I've had people take advantage of the system like that and it sucks because that is money out of my own pocket.
I hope your shoes never stay tied.
I'm stealing this curse, it's pure evil
My ebay purchases almost always send me an email thst says "delivered" even with $10 items so how is this person constantly getting items thst do t have tracking info?
On eBay, this will not work out. At some point they'll tally up the times you do this, then ultimately close your account. True that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but if the wheel still squeaks, it's better to replace the wheel.
SecureSolution5866@reddit (OP)
i've had my accout for 15 years. I get 2-3 refunds a month. working out for a decade and a half so far.
You're screwing the sellers you know? It gets deducted from their account.
I guess that's the unethical part.
With any luck you’ll get turned in for mail fraud.
Well I sure hope I don't sell to you, and I hope you get what you deserve.
Why are you on this sub with that attitude? lol
Like going into /r/drugs and shaming people for doing drugs
This subreddit isn’t dedicated to sucking up to people that fuck over others.
Where does it say being shitty can’t draw criticism?
lol it is not that serious
It's not called the pro moves subreddit. Tautologically people know this stuff isn't right so why are you complaining about being lectured?
The fuck are you even trying to say?
He learned a big word and really really REALLY wanted an excuse to use it
Fair point, but when you make a cognitive choice to be unethical, those you scam aren't going to give you well-wishes.
It's not like you're stealing from a company that makes millions while workers at the front line make very little. Some eBay sellers have to sell stuff to make ends meet. I had to sell my musical instruments years ago. My ex wife has gotten into it as her job had been screwing her over.
I completely get that, but this place is literally labeled “unethical” so it just seems odd to be surprised or finger-wagging herein
It's ok, people forget what sub they're in
True, they see the LPT part and disregard the unethical.
We got downvoted by a bunch of ethical dudley-do-rights 😂 whatever shall I do
Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Do people not realize what sub they’re on?
Hope it gets closed
For once this is indeed an unethical life pro tip.
Congratulations... you golden, sparkling piece of shit.
Except...my tracking always shows as delivered so....they're a fluke and took advantage....I figured out an unethical thing that could be used to get free gemstones off ebay. It worked successfully once on accident cause it was genuine but then I realized it could be used multiple times. I'm sure after a few uses, ebay would start flagging you...but....make new accounts get free gemstones....
SecureSolution5866@reddit (OP)
Not entirely on topic but what happens if the system itself says I never got it and they automatically refund me? The seller also gets nothing? This sometimes happens to me on ali when they don't fill in a shipping date soon enough, I still get the goods but also my money back.
I feel bad because one time it was custom made items which took a while for them to produce, like a week or two. The result was outstanding and even after I put a positive review with pictures ali refunded me automatically
Do not to this to eBay sellers. Amazon, yes, screw Bezos. But eBay never picks up the tab, they always automatically deduct it from sellers and then sellers lose their rating, which means they pay higher selling fees. Find a different way to screw eBay. They definitely deserve it. But this is not the way.
I approve of this ULPT as long as it's only Amazon Basics items 😁.
...But then they just write it off, so that means less tax revenue. Well, I tried to be unethical, but it just bums me out.
I got a free computer chair this way
You are taking money from actual people, you donkey.
Your stealing makes everything more expensive for the rest of us. Thanks asshole.
As an ebay seller I hate people like you. I've had people take advantage of the system like that and it sucks because that is money out of my own pocket.
I hope your shoes never stay tied.
As an ebay seller I hate people like you. I've had people take advantage of the system like that and it sucks because that is money out of my own pocket.
I hope your shoes never stay tied.
A-holes like you are the reason we all pay so damn much!!! I know this is ULPT, but damn. Every time some sucker thinks it’s cool because they’re “getting back at Amazon”, the rest of us are the ones paying. This doesn’t “screw” Amazon, this screws consumers.
I did this 2 years ago around Christmas when I bought somes shoes. Noticed that they never got marked as delivered. Emailed and company sent another pair then I returned em.
He learned a big word and really really REALLY wanted an excuse to use it
There's unethical, and then there's downright evil. I hope OP gets downvoted to oblivion and his catalytic converter gets stolen.
Hey, anyone got a ULPT on how to report this guy to eBay so they can close his account?
thats ethical and youre in the wrong sub
I hope you never buy something my g maw. Some of us are grown enough to know not to steal from small businesses or the disabled (eBay)
People also seem to think some big corp is behing all amazon sellers as well. I know tons of small business owners that sell on ebay and amazon.
If you're not making this up, then you're a complete piece of shit for fucking over small businesses.
Does this cross over into illegal and not merely unethical? I mean, this seems a lot like fraud.
Yes, it’s fraud. It’s not just unethical, it’s illegal.
It is not only fraud but wire fraud which is a federal offense, obtaining property by false pretenses and a number of other crimes depending on your location.
Did this to AutoZone couple months ago. Order a $1300 catalytic converter. It got delivered the next day but kept showing as in transit and they kept sending emails saying sorry for the delay. I finally called them and just said it never came and it’s taking too long and if I can cancel. The dude looked it up and said there was a delivery pic but the pic was just the box against a wall in my foyer. Couldn’t tell it was my place or anything. Just said that isn’t my house and they refunded me. Felt kinda bad but wanted to try anyways. Fuck em I guess. Just hope the delivery dude didn’t get in trouble.
This happened to me recently with an $70 item. I was going to order another one to match the first, and I ended up getting it for free when I told them I never received the first one lol.
And don’t worry, it was from a big furniture company. Not a small seller.
The cost just gets passed on to the future customers. The company doesn't just eat it. You're screwing everyone in the future that buys from them.
Oh man, I got a single item for free in the 7 years I’ve been purchasing from Amazon. That must mean that I’m the one screwing over the customers, and not the huge corporations with profit margins we haven’t seen since the Gilded Age.
I’m so sorry, I won’t ever share a successful story on an UnethicalLifeProTip on the UnethicalLifeProTip sub ever again. 😔
Just had this happen with an order. I ordered a $300 queen sized mattress from Walmart.com but the day i ordered it my mother in law gave me a new $2,000 king mattress. I waited a week after it was delivered and it still said in transit so I just requested a refund
I thought they’d tell me to send it back when it arrived or that I can’t be refunded it until it’s delivered. Nope not at all. Didn’t even mention trying to return the mattress. Immediately got refunded and now I’m just waiting on my bank to process it. I planning on selling the mattress as soon as my refund processes and hits my bank account
This means the OP is a cleptomaniac.
Sounds like you got lucky and have a lazy delivery person. Mine always get scanned.
Same, my shit is ALWAYS scanned, even if it’s a tiny package.
How did you know the nickname my wife gave me?
I'm confused
If your order says “Delayed, not delivered” or something similar, but you did in fact receive the item. You can contact customer support, claim you never received the item. And they will almost always apologize and offer a refund, or a replacement item.
Can you dm she and show a picture of the “delivered scan”?