How to respond to people Sir you all the time?
Posted by lalombo@reddit | AskAnAmerican | View on Reddit | 365 comments
English is my second language, and until now, I’ve mostly interacted with British people. Now, I work with Americans—specifically Texans. One thing I’ve noticed is that they often add "sir" to sentences for no apparent reason. To me, it sounds odd and overly repectfull.
My question is: Should I play along and sprinkle in a "sir" here and there, or should I just stick to my usual, non-"sir" version of English?
With regard to "Sir" and "Ma'am": This practice is very common in the American South, and in this case, Texas can be considered as the western-most southern state. Children are taught to use Sir and Ma'am very early on, and the habit is usually carried into adulthood. You will also find people using this manner of speech in the Midwestern states, but to a lesser degree.
For OP, don't change your speech pattern, it is not necessary and some may think you are making fun of them.
It's meant to be respectful or show seriousness. Don't "throw it in there" you will do it wrong and sound like an ass.
A lot of people call everyone "Sir" or "Ma'am". It's about respecting other people, which isn't any kind of acknowledgement of class or anything, it's acknowledging them as a person. It's almost kind of like an unspoken acknowledgement that says "I see you as an equal,"
North uses sir but I have never in my life heard a northerner use ma’am unless it’s sarcastic.
I certainly have heard it thousands of times and used it thousands of times. Lived in California all my life.
That’s not the north.
Well we were referred to as the North during the Civil War, so definitely not Southern.
are women also not deserving of respect?
Respect isn’t calling someone out for being old. Ma’aming is not generally received positively.
Throughout this thread, you adamantly continue to try to die on this horse! Your anecdotal experience does not make that an absolute truth, as evidenced by the mostly positive responses to it here.
Just look it up.
I don't need to. I'm well aware that some are oddly offended and even more oddly immediately set off by it. However, I dare to say they are the vast minority, not the majority, and certainly not "most" as you absolutely state.
Yet you are unwilling to check into it and prefer to risk irritating the people you claim to “respect.”
If someone has an issue with being called an adult, I don't think that's my problem.
It’s more that people in the Northeast, and the west, would use the term “Miss,” first, instead of Ma’am.
So the default terms would be “Sir,” for men, and “Miss,” for women (usually, unmarried women) And then, at some age in life, (traditionally at marriage) “Miss” turns into “Ma’am.”
Which was fine, 60 years ago when teenaged girls dressed differently than adult women, and becoming a wife was the main objective for women, but now that those fashion lines have blurred, and Everybody wants to look young, “Ma’am” has lost it’s luster.
Boys and men used to have separate titles as well. Boys were called, “Master _(Name), and adult men were called “Mister__.
It's all really interesting to me. For me, age 62, I really dislike it when anyone calls me Miss. To me that implies a very young person. It doesn't seem very respectful to an older person.
If you’re trying to annoy them, go for it, but if the person you’re supposedly trying to show “respect” to is instead insulted, what’s the point? Calling people things they do not want to be called is not respectful, whether it’s a pronoun, a nickname or their full name, or ma’am.
It’s your problem if you can’t read the room and address people as they may prefer.
Sir/ma’am aren’t respectful to everyone.
Women don’t usually like it. It makes them (us) feel old not respected.
I understand it’s need though to grab someone’s attention or point out specifically who you are speaking to. But a “yea ma’am” to a northern woman (unless it’s by a southerner) is just calling her old. 😂
Sir doesn’t have the negative connotation that ma’am can.
I guess perhaps that is a thing with younger women. I don't know any women my age or within 10 to 20 years of my age who find it offensive. I find it respectful.
I’m 45 😂
No we miss.
It also implies marital status, from the French madame. I’m in my 50s and in the south and really don’t like it, as it’s another example of the Miss/Mrs bullshit, though not as extreme. I’m okay with my employees calling me ma’am, but not my children. They can call other women Ms Name to be respectful
Ma'am is code for "old hag" in the North, not an equivalent to Miss/Missus/Misses.
I’ve never heard Sir used in the north non sarcastically.
Yeah, it's a common communication issue for a southerner to call a northern woman ma'am and the latter to be offended because she thinks she'd being called old.
But sir doesn't have any regional age connotations as far as I know.
Yep! Meanwhile, here in the South we’re going, “No ma’am!” at one year olds who are misbehaving.
We use “Ma’am” and “Sir” as much for emphasis as for respect.
Yep! It's akin to us saying, "Bless your heart!" They are jacks of all trades!
Yes, it’s used to scold children, NOT to show that you respect them as equals.
You can scold and respect at the same time.
You can, but I specifically said you are not showing you respect them as an equal while you “no ma’am” a toddler or pet.
True. Its meaning changes with context.
Or at recalcitrant dogs determined to impose their will on couch cushions!
I’m never offended if it’s a southerner (but i lived there so maybe I understand it more) and I don’t mind if someone uses it to get my attention. I don’t like it if it’s just thrown in there all the time. Like- If it’s already clear that the waiter is talking to me, there’s no need to throw in a ma’am. But if they need to distinguish that it’s me then that’s better than “hey, you in the red!”
Or if an employee comes up in Best Buy I would prefer “can I help you find something?” Instead of “can I help you find something, ma’am.” It’s unnecessary there.
But “ma’am! You dropped your keys!” Is fine because it gets the attn of someone you don’t know.
I know I’m old though so whatever. 😂 this is just my personal preference. I’m not actually offended by any of it.
A lot of businesses in Texas train their employees to use sir/ma’am with customers in every interaction. Most of the service jobs I worked had a policy about it with more or less strictness. When I worked at a BBQ restaurant and a hotel, policy was every sentence must begin or end with sir or ma’am. Might be a newer thing. They want southern hospitality to be part of their brand.
Or for emphasis: would you like a xxx? Yes ma’am!!
It can also used in a purgative manner. However, no one is going to think worse of you for not say Sr or ma’am.
I do not think purgative means what you think it means.
It can also be used PEJORATIVE manner.
How on earth is it pejorative?
It can be used to show contempt and indifference while hiding by politeness.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
I see you, Sunnyhead
Tone says a lot.
🤣 I was sitting here after just waking up and racking my brains trying to think if I know what "purgative" means,
God damn auto correct.
If something like "sir" or "ma'am" is required in an interaction, it's much less about respect to the person, and more about respec and fitting in to a cultural group (and their power structures).
I'm not a Texan, but I only use "sir" or "ma'am" with people considerably older than I am, like my elders. Perfect example was today an older gentleman held the door for me and I said "thank you, sir" when in most cases if the person was middle aged or younger I'd just say thank you. The south is all about "sir" and "ma'am" and "miss Cynthia" or "Mr. Jeff" etc. You can get the "I'm not from here" pass usually, though. Using with my older folks never hurts though. Think like if you were speaking to someone your grandparents age.
Since you haven't been saying it, I wouldn't start. It will just come off as weird. It's not a big deal. I say sir and ma'am all the time and I don't expect people to say it back.
People generally do NOT enjoy being called “ma’am.” Don’t take my word for it—google it and take in the information.
You’re right, OP shouldn’t take your word for it. If he’s working with Texans they’re not going to get pissy about being called ”ma’am” .
They shouldn’t take YOUR word for it either. Many opinion pieces and surveys are out there for your perusal. Sorry if that’s not what you want to know about, but it is absolutely NOT taken positively by a huge portion of women and you don’t know which ones will interpret it as such. The pushback and insistence upon ma’aming even people who express directly that they don’t wish to be addressed this way is strong indication that no actual respect is intended.
I don’t know how to explain to you that in Texas , and the south as a whole, where OP is clearly interacting with people, “ma’am” is used by the majority.
Now if a transplant moves in and complains that’s on them. When in Rome and all that.
You can scream about it all day long but facts are facts and you got yours wrong.
I don’t know how to explain to you that you are incorrect. That’s why I encourage you to do some research beyond your own interpretation of your own experiences. To be on the safe side, do not ma’am anyone unless you have actual reason to believe they will like it OR you don’t care if they like it or not. It’s very easy to avoid.
Everyone pretty much expects it in the South. It is completely asinine for anyone to get upset about being called, sir or ma'am right out of the gate. Unless, they have specifically and politely stated it's unnecessary to call them that, yet the person chooses to continue.
Sir is drastically different from ma’am.
Yes, one is directed at a male, the other, towards a female. It is odd that was your take-away from my statement though.
I'm curious, how old are you? You seem rather young. Very young.
No, there is no version of “sir” that is for unmarried/younger men. Many women dislike being called “ma’am” because the word “miss” is the version for younger/unmarried women. It’s like how there an unmarried woman is traditionally called Miss Lastname and a married woman Mrs. Lastname, while a man of any marital status is Mr. Lastname, not revealing this extra bit of information or guess.
No ma’am I’m not taking your word for something that you’re wrong about. Have a good day ma’am.
I specifically said NOT to take my word for it, so thanks for respecting that, Ma’am!
Or any Southerner, Gen X'er and older, or anyone raised with an intent of being polite and respectful. It's ridiculous for anyone to get pissy about it, unless they are completely ignorant to the etymology and common decency of its use.
Had to explain this to my husband as we are firmly in the south, and our kids are at the age where learning to add sir to everything is really drilled in. I do NOT want them calling me ma’am, and found and sent him the google references that a lot of women are also not in favor of it. Also some references to kids who move away from the south getting in trouble for using sir/ma’am as it’s often assumed to be sarcasm elsewhere. I’m okay with them learning to use sir, but ma’am has too much personal preference/baggage, and they definitely aren’t allowed to say it to me
Interesting. Long ago transplant to Dixie here, and I sometimes get a vibe of sarcasm when called "sir." It's subtle, but 1) it injects a tone of formality and distance into interactions, which is the opposite of friendliness, or 2) it sounds so automatic, rote, like a business reply. So I don't think anyone has explained why "ma'am has this baggage?
lalombo@reddit (OP)
That's exactly what I was hoping for. But I still feel like I'm not showing them the same respect they show me.
Don’t worry about it. Being raised in the south saying sir and ma’am is habit. But it’s not expected to be reciprocated by people who were raised somewhere else.
I was raised in Texas, and my father always had me say, sir, or ma'am. That was his preferred name we referred to him as. So I often will say sir or ma'am when I out and about. Makes me feel respectful I also like doing it.
I was born and raised in the Deep South. My mother raised me saying that and I raised my child the same way.
This is the right answer.
I’ll say sir or ma’am purely from habit because I grew up with it. I’d never expect it.
On an intellectual level I know I don’t want to be called ma’am, but if someone is an authority figure, it just comes out sometimes when I’m nervous. The lady who did my root canal a couple of years ago had to ask me to stop calling her that. She was about to drill into my jaw, so I did what she said, lol!
I grew up in the South, I add Sir or Ma’am to people I don’t know (ex: person holding the door for me) because for all of childhood it was drilled into me. It’s a respect for elders and as a kid everybody is your elder. I’m nearly 50 and it’s so ingrained in my brain I say it to people clearly younger than me. It’s not even conscious most times. I am trying to just switch to just saying “thank you” because I don’t want to assume someone’s gender.
I wouldn’t add it if it’s not your culture. Those of us who grew up like this don’t expect it from others.
You should try youmg man on the obviously younger fellows. Also young lady on middle-aged women. Well, I am older than they are!
Young lady feels demeaning to me. Ma'am does not
It's so ingrained into Southern culture, I hear people say "NO MA'AM!" to their dogs when they're mad.
I think you might be misreading the level of respect. To Brits calling people "sir" and "ma'am" is super formal but in the US south it's just a way to address someone you don't know well. It's polite but nothing more.
But it's not common in all of the US so if you don't return it no one would read into it.
Basically reiterating what everyone else said, don't read into it too much.
Brits will say "excuse me sir"
On this sub, a Southerner once asked a British poster if they too used "sir" and "ma'am" over there. The British guy said "no, of course not. I'm not a butler!"
As a Brit, we did use "Sir" for teachers at school. But as an adult, I've only ever used it when I was working in a call centre as deadpan sarcasm for customers I didn't like. Can't get in trouble for being respectful!
I saw To Sir, With Love, and just re-watched the original Goodbye, Mr Chips in the last week. Also Dr Who episodes with Danny Pink and Clara Oswald at Cole Hill Sxhool. Lots of Sirs & Misses in those.
Greer Garson was a doll!
I think it depends more how you were brought up than what region you were brought up in. I'm a native California and I was brought up to be respectful to others and call them sir and ma'am. I'm 62 and I still do it to this day, if I don't know someone and I'm trying to get their attention: "Sir, you dropped your wallet" etc. I do recognize that not everyone wants to be identified as sir or ma'am, so I am working on not doing it and saying "excuse me" or something like that instead. It is a hard adjustment after decades. But I do not feel there is anything inherently wrong with calling someone sir or ma'am when the intention of the speaker is to be respectful.
Yeah I’m in the Midwest and we all said sir and miss/ma’am. It’s definitely not just a southern thing
I've spoken to people from Britain and from what they've told me, calling someone "sir" or "ma'am" almost comes across as servile. Since those are forms of address for peerage. Like in line for the throne (distantly) kind of stuff. Like knights are addressed as "sir". So it's really really formal in a way that it isn't here because it implies a social station.
So there is some regional variation in the formality, was my point. Someone who learned English in Britain would interpret "sir" and "ma'am" more formally than pretty much anyone in the US. I was warning OP that here we don't mean it with as much depth. It's just polite.
Respect between adults in America is not so much a big deal.
The people who casually use sir know the rest of us don't, and it isn't regarded as an issue.
They are not looking for respect in that way, and will only feel disrespected if you say something insulting about them, a posession, family member, possession, or politics. Best to not speak of politics at all.
Or Texas. Don't mess with Texas.
Don’t mess with Idaho or Delaware either.
Texan here: it's fine if you don't say it. I don't know about younger people, but when were in school, we got in trouble for not saying sir and ma'am to adults. It just kind of sticks with you, but generally people don't care these days.
People from different backgrounds show respect in different ways. A lot of people are pretty good at picking up when others are being respectful or not. I wouldn't worry about that, just be genuine and the average person will take you at face value
If it helps, they're not saying sir at you in particular. They just say it when they speak in a formal setting and you happen to be the person they're talking to.
This. I'm not aware of having done it, it's just part of my language.
It's really a regional thing. As a northerner, I can count on one hand the number of times I've said sir or ma'am in my life.
Yeah because you're not. And the American South. It's just polite to refer to people as sir and ma'am, especially in customer service. To say it sarcastically however, would be worse than not saying it.
It’s like french people using “vous.”
"Sir" and "ma'am" in most contexts in the US are just markers of general polite intentions when speaking to someone whose name you don't know (or in a context where using their name again would be awkward because of close repetition). I said "Excuse me, sir" to someone in the grocery store yesterday because I needed to get past his cart in the aisle. I would also use it if I needed to get a retail worker's attention for something. It's equivalent to using "please" and "thank you" during minor exchanges in terms of just being a way of indicating to someone that you are addressing them politely, not aggressively, demandingly, or dismissively.
Like any marker of politeness, it can be used in a sarcastic or dismissive way, so if it doesn't come naturally to you to say it, I wouldn't try. It's better not to say it than to have it be misinterpreted as sarcastic.
No because it’s habit for them so they don’t even realize they’re saying it. I was raised in the north but lived in the south. I never could get comfortable with sir/ma’am on the daily, but people know when they hear your accent that you talk different. Not siring is just part of it.
Maybe OP should slip in a solid Ya’ll at the next group opportunity?
I use ya'll and I'm a lifelong New Englander. There are just some times when you want it known that you're talking to the whole group and not just one person. It's better than youse guys or yinz or whatever.
I'm in the Ozarks, and you'ins gets used as much as y'all. But yes I agree--it's handy for addressing groups.
I'm a Long Islander. In the Greater NY area we use you guys or even youse guys.
I’m a transplant to the south and that first inquisitive Ya’ll sure comes out awkwardly.
Then when you hear that older parent bust out the intimidating “All ya’ll better git on home…” Ha, I’ll be a labeled a yank for the rest of my life.
I'm going to North Carolina next week on a work trip so maybe I'll practice my ya'lls.
As a Yankee transplanted to the deep South 60 yrs ago, I think I've seen a pretty steep decline in the use of ya'll by southerners in general.
Really? I’m only 50 but y’all has, if anything, vastly expanded during my life. When I was a kid, you did not use it with non-Southerners. Nowadays, largely due to hip-hop culture, it has become at least acceptable in casual speech nationwide.
Maybe that's it. The natives have stopped using it around me, sensing an otherness. I probably have a limited exposure to hip-hop, too.
Are you a New Englander? Because I certainly don’t hold back in the Midwest. I only drop my Southern accent and verbiage when I think it will hurt me - so, the urban West and the Northeast.
With a strong British accent, preferably
Especially if OP is calling it "playing along" and having "no apparent reason." OP's sirs may end up being more pointed than respectful, depending on what kind of tone he uses with those sirs.
Or OP may end up using "sir" in a way that just sounds off.
There's a difference between "have a great day, sir! :)" and "have a great day, S̵͖͊ ̶̗͆I̵̘͌ ̵̥̐R̸͕͊ ̸͒͜" that's hard to explain but immediately obvious, if that makes sense?
Use it if you want, OP... but if it feels weird and unnatural to you, then it'll sound weird and unnatural to others. You definitely don't have to!
Yeah that feels more disrespectful than not saying “sir” back if I’m being honest. I’m not sure OP would come across well if he starts “playing along”
Or as a way to add emphasis. In either a joke way or for reals depending on the context
Don't capitulate to the texans. Do what you want
I grew up in Michigan and didn't really hear it until we moved to Virginia. I got used to being "ma'amed" there, although it felt a bit strange. Then my husband joined the Army, and as a commissioned officer, dentist, he was called sir by all the soldiers. A lot of the soldiers were Southern, and it came naturally to them.
I forget if it was a movie I saw or something I read where one of the characters, a drill sergeant, (i.e. a noncommissioned officer) is called Sir by a recruit. He immediately responds, "Don't call me sir. I work for a living." The recruit responds, "Yes, Sergeant."
As a Texan, we aren't really offended if you don't use it. We are just taught from birth that it is polite, especially with people you don't know well.
You obviously have a different culture, I wouldn't be holding any sirs or ma'ams against you lol.
Sir and ma’am are usually used as a “formal” noun. It is unnecessary to add onto a sentence or phrase such as “thank you (Sir/ Ma’am)”. Unlike many other languages, English isn’t as strict about the formal and informal language used.
You know how most languages have a formal version of a lot of words? This is kind of similar. If you're trying to show respect or something maybe add it in here and there until you get the hang of it. Try some Yes Sir/Yes Ma'am to start, thats the most common use.
I see this from junior Indian employees sometimes, but they only do it to the men. They never call me ma'am. I doubt they are aware that it creates a double-standard, and I'd like them to stop altogether. Could just be an affectation a few of them have.
I’m from Boston and I hardly ever hear it. I have been called ma’am by some store associates and it makes me feel old. Actually, I’m a senior now.
Are you a bit older than them? If you are then don't say sir to them.
Using Sir/Ma'm in addressing folks is not definitively limited to "southern" states. Many of us live well north of the line. Also, many I know are Veterans so it may be a "trained" response.
This. I'm in California, and a "sir" is a sure sign of a veteran or active military here.
I was going to say this. My husband “ma’am”-ed me when we were dating (we’re both from New England). First time anyone did that, no one else in his family does, no one else I knew did, but he was in the Army so by that point it was an inextricable part of his lexicon.
Just do what you're comfortable with. It's seen as a sign of respect, especially in the south.
Being from Texas, it’s a sign of respect usually
Not in the south, but I'll call my sons sir sometimes. I'll hand them something they asked for with a "here you go sir". If you don't feel comfortable, I wouldn't use it though.
Just roll with it. Keep doing whatever you're doing, and don't over think it. You don't even have to say "sir" back.
They are being polite, but Texans have a particular way of speaking which comes off as "masculine charm". Imo, if that's not how you speak- don't capitulate to it or it might sound kind of faked, just be yourself! Genuine respect hits harder than mimicking respect!
Just be yourself. Don't let it get to you. It's how they respectfully talk to a stranger or an elder. It also would imply a level of being closed off towards you and they don't want to hear your small talk or invite you over for a BBQ. I use "excuse me sir" all the time. If I say "yes sir" it's because you barked an order at me and it's kind of reasonable. If it's not reasonable I won't hesitate to throw in a "bub" or even "you sound hungry".
It's a sign of respect
Yes, you should be respectful but you can do that without forcing a word that you typically don't use.
Ask before you assume.
They’re saying “Sir” because it’s polite/respectful. Don’t over think it (especially in the context of how the British use it as a formal title).
It would be akin to whatever the polite/respectful greeting is in your first language to a colleague or stranger you don’t know. Closest thing I can equate it to is communicating with a Japanese colleague you don’t know very well/at all and addressing them as “insert name”-san, as it’s considered respectful in their culture, even if the person doesn’t care - better to be safe than sorry to let them know you’re treating them politely.
It’s not expected in return, if you want to go along with it - go for it. If you really want to joke back you can say something like “Thanks, no need to call me sir - I work for a living”. They’ll get a kick out of it, especially if they’re former military
As a Brit I quite like it. I think most of us do get that it's used as a general respectful form of address, as distinct from the bestowed title (i.e. people with a knighthood). It is still a common way of addressing people you don't know in certain settings, and authority figures, but becoming less common. It might get used for example in customer service (although the other month I was called "bruv" by some salesman at an ISP, which didn't give the best impression).
I have trouble pronouncing the Southern US Ma'am though (Brit pronunciation is like "Marrm"), and it's not in common use except in very formal settings, the emergency services and military. Madam might get used sometimes over here too in a similar way to sir.
When I was growing up in Texas in the 80s and 90s, you had to say ma'am to your own mother.
It's a hard habit to break.
The woman who literally nourished you for your first nine months of existence may have a lot of faults, but she is deserving of at least impersonal respect. I haven’t spoken to mine in twenty years, but I would never just call her by her first name.
How do you know this is true?
Congratulations? Are you now going to hold yourself to the standards I hold myself to in my personal life? Since it appears you expect this other user to be just like you, I assume you are willing to be just like me now, based on me leaving this comment? Or no, does that sound as ridiculous to you as it does to me, that because you act a certain way towards a specific person, others must also act exactly that way?
Without knowing anything about somebody else's family situation, it's incredibly fucked up and rude to insert your own habits into their situation. You don't know if abuse has happened, if people have mental health issue, if people are just shitty people, or what. You assuming other families work exactly like yours does is not a good way to treat other people. You telling other people which members of their family deserve respect, especially since you do not know this family more than a 2 sentence comment on reddit, is just wrong. You are not the arbiter of somebody else's family life, and while it's good that you seem to not be able to imagine and understand how fucked up some people and some families can be, the fact that you are telling others how to act in their own personal circumstances based on how your family treated you is not a good look on you.
I never call my mom by her first name.
So why act like it’s odd to call your mother ma’am? Of anyone on earth, she is most deserving of that, at least from you or her other children. I don’t like my mother, but I would still call her ma’am.
Genuine question, not snark:
How is "overly respectful" a thing?
“Overly formal” would be a better way of putting it.
lalombo@reddit (OP)
Yes, that probably sums it up more accurately.
I'll attempt to answer this one.
Overly formal is a better way of phrasing it. I don't see myself as better than, or above anyone else. By being called "Sir" that person is implying that they see themselves as below me, and that doesn't sit right with me.
Imagine if, instead of "sir" people bowed deeply and said "My liege", that's how it feels being called sir when you aren't used to it.
This is how I was raised.
I was raised with that kind of an egalitarianism, and I sometimes get that feeling.
I was also raised not to apply my own standards of protocol to strictly to other people. Intent is important. Being insistent that nobody call you sir, is nearly as self-centered as insisting that people call you “sir”. It shows a need to dictate behavior. So, I just recognize my own discomfort and its origins and move on.
Using respect negatively has two basic flavors, both of which can be seen as “overly”, in that you are giving more (surface) respect than is warranted or desired.
You can use an excessive show of respect to sarcastically imply the opposite. Denzel does this so so well in many roles.
You can use respect to create a distance, which may be a rebuff to somebody’s attempt at cordiality or friendliness. You’re keeping it impersonal.
'Obsequious' would be this, I think.
“Sir” is primarily used in the south US. Occasionally it can be used to get a stranger’s attention in other states, but outside of that context, it’s almost never used in normal conversation. You probably wont need to worry about sounding impolite if you don’t use it, especially if English is your second language
I would sometimes say Sir to a customer whose name I did not yet know, but would switch to Mr Smith/Ms Jones once I learned it. There were always the clients who gave you Mr Smith was my Dad's name. Call me Jack and when I was working back in the '70s, figuring out who to call Ms,, Miss, Ma'am or even Madam was a minefield.
Working in a Northeastern-based call center in the 20-teens, I would get marked down on call reviews for saying Sir and Ma'am too much.
Usually the customer had not yet told me their name and I did not have the info I needed to pull up their order [order #, email, phone #, whatever.) I was raised in the Northeast and did not join the military. Maybe I got the Sir-habit from my WWII-veteram Dad, also a Northeasterner. My supervisor told me that corporate did not like the fomality of Sir/Ma'am and that, in some parts of the country, using those honorifics was seem as inherently unfriendly, even combative!
I liked to use my good sir with kids younger than 18 when I was a bookseller. The extra-formal phrase was perceived as a joke, and broke the ice. I would not resort to Young Master Smith, however. I couldn't pull off an Alfred Pennyworth impression.
That is the way some people talk. I don't know of anyone who would take offense if you didn't say it back. It's just their speech pattern. You have yours and will be just fine keeping it
Growing up in the American South, if I didn't show the proper respect for my elders, I usually got backhanded in the mouth by my mother. For most of us, it's second nature and hard to break. It's meant to be respectful and sometimes to show deference.
I think this is something that would shock the rest of the world: in the south you had to use sir and ma'am with your parents back in the day. It just comes our automatically now. Might be a fawning trauma response.
The picture in my head is of some hard-ass military family. Like the retired colonel who lived next door to Kevin Spacey in 'American Beauty.'
It wasn't like that. It was more that you were the kid and they were the adult and you established that over and over by how you used speech.
I called my parents "mom" and "dad." Pretty sure that worked okay.
"Did you do your homework?"
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, ma'am/sir"
Daring to say yeah or yup would lead to trouble. That's something that you could only say to your friends. It was considered to be "smart aleck" and very disrespectful, not the right type of tone to give to someone of authority (parents, elders, teachers, etc.)
My mom: "what did you say?"
Me: "yes ma'am"
Mom: "that's what I thought."
It’s cultural. Get used to it. If you moved to Oz would you suddenly start calling everyone mate?
Only Elpheba
It's a regional thing so you don't need to adopt it. Southerners are (were?) taught to say "sir" and "ma'am" to everyone. When I travel from California to anywhere in the South I get used to it. It's no reflection on you personally.
It’s also a military thing.
To some degree, you also get a bit of it in retail interactions, as part of the customer service level of politeness, but that often depends on the establishment.
And almost all these contexts you’re likely to get it more as you get older.
As someone from Texas I can tell you it’s just common courtesy but I doubt anyone would be offended at you not saying sir or ma’am
You're totally fine if you don't use it, especially as someone who speaks English as a second language. However, you may find yourself picking it up if you work with them long enough (that's what's happening now that I've moved closer to the border, my Spain-learned Spanish is rapidly being infiltrated by "mande" and "güey" lol).
Ya, learn the lingo where you're at and become part of the community. It'll feel a little weird at first, but then you'll get used to it and feel better.
If it feels natural, say it. If not, don't. But do pick up y'all because that's just common sense.
Don’t add sirs. Not all Americans use them, and many find them as odd as you do.
I say sir and ma’am to children sometimes. You can’t fake respect, so don’t bother.
I live in Texas and I fuckin’ hate it. I’m not the kinda guy who should be called “sir”, and I’m not going to call anyone “sir” unless he’s fixing to arrest me.
Don’t go around calling people “sir”.
Tell them, "Don't call me sir, I work for a living."
It comes from the military, officers are to be addressed as "sir", but enlisted men (the actual workers) are not.
Be true to yourself and speak the way you are comfortable.
In the Southern US this is pretty common and expected of children when speaking to adults and used adult to adult quite a bit as well. In the North some take it as in insult calling them sir or ma'am and for some reason connect with the speaker basically calling them old. It's also pretty common for former military as we were taught to call any civilian adult sir or ma'am, and old habits are hard to break.
As far as adding it to your speech it's up to you no one will care either way, though forcing it can feel awkward. I find after you live somewhere long enough you start picking up mannerisms from the locals without even knowing it. I was raised in Pennsylvania and have now lived in South Carolina for 30 years and most people think I am native to the South. It kind of just happens.
Talk the way you want. There are so many different dialects and cultural word norms throughout the country. Don't over think it, but it might grow on you. For example in MD a lot of people say Hon.
Ew. Now THAT (along with Sweetheart, Sweetie, Dude, Bro, Man, Pal, Buddy) feels extremely disrespectful.
Sweetheart/sweetie/hon/honey by randos was the worst part of living in South Carolina for me, especially when it was from people my age are younger. Like, we're both in our 20s here, why are you talking to me like I'm a baby or a dog?
LOL, yes! Or their toddler!
Using Sir or Mam only has 2 uses:
1) a sincere display of politeness 2) a deliberate display of disrespect thinly disguised as respect.
The difference will be the tone of how it's used and emphasized.
If you don't already use it as part of your speech, that's fine. There is no reason to start if you don't intend to use it in a meaningful way and it may be interpreted as disrespectful if it sounds insincere.
The south really likes to use sir and madams out of politeness. It's a cultural thing.
You're not going to get a Southerner to stop using proper manners. It's ingrained in us from very early childhood and it's a habit that is unbreakable. They are showing you respect.
You're not going to get a Southerner to embrace the notion that their idea of manners is not the gold standard that the rest of the world must adhere to.
Actually I’m fine with the ways others do things. Just don’t get upset when I act my way in my own hometown.
This is a very accurate statement.
What is "proper manners" varies from place to place. There's things that are ok in the South that aren't ok in the Northeast.
I'm trying to think of even one thing. Example? The north has always seemed much more lax about manners than the south.
I had a novel here from when I lived in the South but deleted it.
I'll just include one-- saying something like "It's colder than a witches tit" to a female colleague.
Manners are a function of local culture. It's not more or less lax, just different.
It’s not “proper manners” everywhere. I am from New York originally and it makes me uncomfortable when people call me ma’am. I once worked in a bakery where we were specifically told NOT to call customers “sir” or “ma’am” because people would sometimes get offended and make a stink about it
I would end up being fired because I can't stop using those terms. It comes naturally.
I live in Montana now, after a lifetime in the South - originally from Kentucky, but have lived in West Virginia and Virginia. I get asked often if I'm in the military, because "Sir" and "Ma'am" are second nature to me. I don't think I could stop either.
Yankees being Yankees, what else is new.
People are different in different places. Who knew?
Where I'm from, "Ma'am" is rarely used, and when it is, it is usually in respect for an older woman. When I got called Ma'am for the first time in my early-thirties I was shocked and insulted, momentarily, then I looked at the face of the young man who said it and could tell he was just trying to be respectful, and I tried not to let my reaction show on my face.
Since I still remember that one time, years later, I'd say we Northerners do respond differently than those in the south. "Sir" is somewhat more common here, but you have to be careful with your inflection, to make sure it doesn't come across as snarky.
It’s a Texas thing. Most Americans can go for years without ever uttering the word “sir.”
If you start sprinkling it into your conversation it’s likely to come off as mimicking the Texas accent / mannerism. That isn’t a good thing. If you happen to find yourself doing it naturally after spending years in Texas, that’s understandable, but definitely don’t try to do it.
“Sir” isn’t required. It’s a way of adding politeness (or impoliteness if used sarcastically) to something you say. Off-handedly when used around strangers, it is an alternative to saying “man.” It doesn’t hold the same weight it does in other cultures.
Example: Someone holds a door open for you. You walk by and nod to them and say:
“Thank you, sir.” - appreciative, polite. “Thanks!” - also appreciate and polite.
the yankees always get mad, specifically the women, if i call them ma’am. it’s all about the dialect and area you’re in. an older gentleman you want to get on the good side of or a cop? sir.
It's not a big deal. Americans will not notice either way.
Saying sir is a way of being respectful and can make people like you more.
But they definitely won't dislike you if you don't say sir. It's purely your choice.
After 24 years in the military, I cannot help calling men Sir, and women Ma'am. It's a casual respect, not intending station.
English is a very contextual language. Meaning, the words are not always literal, you have to understand the social situation you are in and when to use certain words. Bare, bare, and bear. (To carry a burden, to be naked or uncovered, an animal) are all pronounced exactly the same way. Most people in the US will appreciate you saying "sir" or "mam", but it is not necessary in 99% of situations you will find yourself in. Think of how you would talk to your grandparents, and how you would talk to your friends.
It's a Southern cultural thing. It's respectful, and that's how it should be taken. You don't *have* to use the term in return, but it will help you fit in and be appreciated when shopping, talking to locals on the phone, interacting with restaurant waiters, etc.
Personally, I never use the word sir or ma’am. When I was a kid, I miss gendered someone and it was enough to discourage me going forward🥲
Everyone I talk to is sir and ma’am from 4-100 doesn’t matter. It’s just how I talk at this point lol.Just a small sign of respect/recognition to me, never even really catch if they say it back
I'm from MA, and I don't think I've ever said sir in my life.
When people call me ma'am I have a visceral reaction. Like a cringe. I tell my family 'I got ma'amed today' and they laugh. Cause it's considered an insult here. Like your calling someone old.
When I go south, I know to expect to hear it more, but I don't start doing it, cause it's not part of my vocabulary.
Speak how you speak, don't change.
Also, don't judge people for their regional and cultural language usage. This is a large and varied country with people who have all sorts of different language use. If texans say sir a lot, then that's what they do over there. Don't go thinking it's odd or too much or whatever, that's real judgy of you.
They are being respectful. Some parts of the USA are a bit more respectful in the way they speak than others. I'll use 'sir' now and then depending on the circumstances and if the person is not much younger than me.
Since English is your second language it may be difficult for you to incorporate into your daily speaking. Nobody will be offended if you don't use it. Generally, just be nice and you'll be OK.
It's easy to accidentally be disrespectful/sarcastic if you sprinkle in "sir" randomly so I would suggest staying with your original "non-sir" version
You accept it and no, you don't 'play along' because that's fake and rude.
Texan here.
Ma'am and sir don't need to be reciprocated. I do not think I even consciously pay attention to if people say it back.
Tone and context are a bigger deal. If you use it improperly, it will cause more hiccups than if you don't use it at all.
I say sir and ma'am all the time, even to people younger than me. In the south, and rural places elsewhere, it is quite common and is considered polite. You don't have to use it and nobody will think less of you.
Texans aren’t offended if you don’t use sir. Most Texans are raised to use sir and ma’am.
I’ve just grown to accept it.
Texas (and the American South generally), use Sir and Ma'am a great deal. It's as much a sign of respect as it is just habit. Don't think too much about it.
When it is practically required during interactions, it's much less about 'respect' or 'politeness' and more so about "fitting in" to whatever the culture is.
You just wrote three words that mean the same thing in this context.
Southerners like to think of themselves as polite, but, no, they only want rote politeness not respect.
I do not think this digression is germane.
In what context are they saying sir? I worked in a medical arena where it was expected with high level doctors to refer to them that way, but not otherwise.
I use sir and ma'am every day without even thinking about it. I sometimes get strange looks from young servers in restaurants when they bring me something and I say, "Thank you, sir." It's a formal, respectful language model. I don't think it's very different than using usted in Spanish vs tu.
My brother-in-law, though, was raised in Louisiana and also addressed adults as sir and ma'am. He moved to California when he was in junior high and his first day in school, at role call, he did what he was taught to do: he stood up next to his desk and said, "Present, sir."
He was sent to the principal's office for being sassy.
I grew up in the US South but for various reasons was not raised with the "sir/ma'am" habit that a lot of other Southerners have. I later moved away and have spent most of my life in places where that is not the norm. It is very much not in my nature to do the "sir" thing, despite totally understanding it.
In your position, you should speak as you normally would. Most Southerners know it's a regional thing and don't expect others to take it on.
eh, there's nothing to it. my father calls everyone "sir," even his good friends. he usually doesn't get it in return.
Texan here. It's considered polite and respectful to refer to people as sir or ma'am when speaking. Doesn't happen as often by email. You don't necessarily have to say it back to them. If they say "yes sir", just respond with "thank you"
There's a lot of military here in Texas as well, so many have it ingrained to answer with yes sir/ma'am and no sir/ma'am.
I respond positively. It's respectful and doesn't allow for misinterpretation. Half of interpersonal conflicts seemingly stem from confusion about delivery of a message, there is no way to misunderstand "sir" or "ma'am" or "friend". Neutral respectful language is anyone trying to communicate best friend.
While I agree that most sane people won't misunderstand, there are certainly people who live in areas where these are not commonly used that may think they are being used sarcastically. With "ma'am" especially there is definitely an opinion among some women that being addressed as such labels one as an old lady.
Then I would attenuate to local preference to continue effective communication. People who complain about salutations in a cultural sphere not meeting their expectations are idiots, and completely wrong in their perspective.
"Friend" comes across to many as overly familiar or condescending. If taken literally, it's a unilateral assertion of a relationship that the other party may deny existing, and thus its manipulative.
This stackexchange discussion has a variety of comments on how different people may interpret it, though mostly in the case of repeated use. So, yes, it can be easy to interpret it differently from the speaker's intent.
Well, then you are dissing the third of the world population that uses "Saib/friend" as a salutation/honorific.
Not at all, and that's a profoundly unfair statement. I'm merely pointing out that a third of the world isn't the entire world and hence your can't assume that their interpretation is the only correct one. Sorry if that wasn't clear in my previous post.
Sir, Ma'am, and Friend have multiple meanings and has a lot of room for misinterpretation.
Outside of the South, "Sir" and "Ma'am" are used to indicate a social distance and "Ma'am" itself is used primarily sarcastically to indicate that a woman is old (and all the baggage that comes with being considered "old").
"Friend" is also used in religious communities and indicates that the speaker may think you to be much closer than the listener may want to acknowledge.
You really don't understand how people interact.
I use sir all the time.
It’s a simple way to address a male
I asked a young man from Alabama to not sir me all the time. He tried but finally told me his mama’s voice was in his head telling him to mind his manners.
What's wrong with something overly polite and respectful?
I’d say it depends on the context. I would use sir when interacting with my employer but not necessarily my fellow employees. Just a respect thing but it is totally optional
I would not adopt ‘sir’ in your daily speech unless it comes naturally.
Most of us in the South use ‘sir’ naturally because we were raised that way.
To me, it just feels weird to say "no" without the sir or the ma'am at the end. Like I stopped speaking too soon or something.
Sir and ma'am come naturally. Not a southerner, just raised by one.
I try not to say sir or ma'am, because I have a try tone to my voice that makes people think I'm being sarcastic and I know it does make people feel old. But I can't escape the way I was raised. If a woman tells me to do something in an authoritative tone, I say "yes, ma'am." I say it to Google maps when she tells me to change lanes.
OP, you’re fine unless you get a “yes what?” 😂
Yes sir.
You're making a scene, sir
Sir, this is a Wendy’s
It makes me feel old (I am) when folks call me "sir".
And you guys say it cool. Saaah.
It's just a basic respect thing, don't think too much of it. But, whenever someone calls me sir, I think of Sgt. Dornan in fallout 2 "I AM NOT A SIR, I WORK FOR A LIVING YOU MO-RON!"
As an American who isn't familiar with the reference, I definitely do not understand this quote at all.
It's a semi-sarcastic saying in the military. Only officers are addressed as "sir" or "ma'am", and there's a stereotype that officers are always sitting in their offices having meetings while the enlisted are out doing the dirty work, so to call a sergeant "sir" is insulting because it implies that he's a soft and sheltered officer instead of a tough and hard-working common enlisted man.
As an American who's not at all familiar with the game, I take it the quote is referring to the fact that - as I understand it - in the US military, "sir" is a form of address used for officers. If Dornan is a Sergeant, then he is not an officer. The idea being that enlisted servicemen do the work while the officers give orders and get called sir.
It's just a line from the game. I find it funny.
I don’t know that’s more of a southern thing. We didn’t really call people sir growing up.
I was unaware that this is a southern thing, I’ve always though of it as a polite way to get someone’s attention
“Excuse me, sir.”
Ma'am and sir are considered basic manners in a large portion of the u.s all of the south and most of the Midwest, especially. You respond as you normally would if they day "thank you sir" you say "you're welcome" etc.
It’s a manners thing in the south, but no one would expect you to do it. Just how we were raised.
I’m from California and nobody really “sirs” or “ma’ams”people around here. it’s to the point that it sounds kind of weird if people address me that way.
If I went somewhere and started doing it, it would sound very unnatural. Just use your normal natural ways of addressing people and don’t adopt it if it’s not coming naturally to you.
Don’t change, it’s not really that common. Plus the recipient knows if it’s genuine or not
Be yourself.
Yes it’s just politeness/respect - has no relation to societal/class standing.
It sure does have something to do with culture and social-class position: forget to add a "sir" or "maam" to a teacher and they'll make sure you know who the authority is.
Texan teacher here. I say yes sir/maam more often than my students do. We really really do not care about this. I’m much more likely to go off if I hear hawk tuah one more time though.
I think your school was very different from my school
Sir and ma'am are how some cultures in the us mark a basic level of respect for someone.
It just means that they aren't intentionally being disrespectful.
That’s Texas, it’s the whole South. If they aren’t calling you Sir, it’s Hun.
If I want to crack a joke about being called "Sir", I respond with "Don't call me Sir, I work for a living"
Sir is very common in Texas, the South, and generally more Conservative populations. Raised in Kansas, and I was taught to always say sir or ma’am. Now it’s just habit, and I even do it to my friends when listening to them when they’re authority figures.
Don’t read too far into it. They’re often just trying to show you respect or doing it out of habit. If you’d like to do it, go for it, but it’s not 100% necessary. The second coming of Paul Bunyan isn’t gonna throw you into the Grand Canyon or anything.
You don't need to copy them, that's just a thing kids are taught to do in the US South and it stays into adulthood. Other Americans don't really do it. Just keep on speaking like you have been. I live in Texas and don't add sir and it has never been an issue
I would recommend that until you not only get accustomed to hearing both “sir” and “ma’am,” but also come to understand how they are used on a daily basis, you should probably not use it, just to avoid calling attention to your unfamiliarity with the terms.
This is a regional thing; you see it mostly in the south and Texas; and most recognize it as being regional, and not something necessarily required for general politeness.
It's a Southern thing. If you aren't Southern, there's a good chance you won't get it right and it could come across as rude instead of respectful. North of the Mason-Dixon Line, Americans use "sir" and "ma'am" a lot less.
I was raised to be polite, I call people younger than me, sir and ma'am
Yes I live in rural Arkansas and work at the local library. I routinely get ma'am-ed by people old enough to be my parents or grandparents. Many of our patrons who are in their 20s/30s have already trained their small children to use ma'am and also to call all the librarians "Miss First Name," including those of us who are nowhere near middle-aged. I think it's sweet, though I realize it's not the cultural norm everywhere.
I m in Missouri
You don’t gotta sprinkle it in if it feels weird to you, just talk how you talk. You good
I wouldn't, personally. I've lived in the northern parts of the country, and find most uses of "sir" to be... I dunno, militaristic? When someone calls me "sir", it has the same vibes as a soldier speaking to their commander. Some uses are fine, like "yessir" in a casual setting where the "sir" is used for emphasis, but most other uses of it don't feel right to me.
It’s a southern thing. Southern as in the culture of the south eastern Us. They still use air/ma’am there often, while the rest of the Us essentially never does. If you’re not from that culture I wouldn’t start using it unless it’s natural to you.
It's a southern dialect thing in the U.S. They use "sir" and "ma'am" more than other regions of the country. They don't expect you to use it as well.
Texan here. Some of us were literally beaten at school if we didn't address adults as "sir" and "ma'am." It becomes a habit that is hard to break. Now that I'm old, I try to substitute "miss" for "ma'am" when I remember because I once hurt someone's feelings by responding "no ma'am'."
If I were you, I'd just skip the sir stuff. But if you come down here, take off your hat when you're inside. It's not a big deal if it is a cap and the setting is informal, but otherwise, take off your hat.
Do what you’re comfortable with. Most wont care either way.
I prefer M’Lord.
It has a nice ring to it.
I used to have Siri relay to me with it. Using a British Siri made it so much better.
I was taught saying sir and ma’am was respectful and have always used both terms. 65 now and will never change.
They’re being respectful. It’s a Southern thing. They will appreciate it if you call them sir/ma’am in response.
Just a manners thing.
Just understand that Texans have no thought of aristocracy and sir and mam everyone, particularly those lower down the social ladder. Is shows that they were raised right.
How dare you show me respect!?!? Keep me down, where I belong!
I know they mean it to be respectful but it always felt disrespectful. Sir is a distancing word it creates social distance between themselves and me just like calling me "Mr. Faire" instead of by my first name. I blame it on growing up in the PNW but familiarity is more respectful than formality in my book. While I was in Texas no one cared if I didn't say Sir or Ma'am unless i was in uniform.
But as others have said often trying to adjust your own verbiage to match can come off feeling disingenuous.
Not Texan, but born and raised in the south. It was just beat into us (some literally like myself). I just sir/ma’am everyone, no matter what your age.
But it doesn’t bother me at all if someone doesn’t respond the same to me.
Add some “sirs”. Wait for the magic.
Saying sir and ma'am was literally smacked into me, I can't stop.
I don’t think both sides of an interaction can be a “sir,” so you may be their real or imagined social superior. I hear this from some overly deferential students but it would be weird to respond in kind
It's old school respect, not a comment on age.
I grew up getting in trouble for not using sirs and ma'ams.
That’s just how a lot of southern folks are raised. It’s not perceived as disrespectful for someone not to talk like that. I often call children sir and mam as well when talking to them, to be a good example and teach them to show a little courtesy to people. I do think you’ll get by better and people will generally like you more when speaking this way.
I’m born and raised in the south. It’s just something I always said as habit. I’ve been trying to break myself of it though. You can’t always tell what someone identifies as and I’d hate to make someone uncomfortable with a sir or ma’am. I can be respectful with other words and a kind tone. I don’t have to use those specific words.
I find it helpful to follow the local customs of the people you are working with. For the American South and Texas, that means using sir. I do it and I’m not from the South. It is their culture. While they know you aren’t from there, they may have a bias against you- maybe even unknown. But, I bet they will appreciate you meeting them in the middle.
This is what I learned from living all over the USA and working with people from all over the world
Nah, don't worry about it, especially if English isn't your first language. About the only time it really comes up as an issue is in a senior-to-subordinate relationship, and even then as long as you aren't in the military you don't really need to concern yourself with it too much.
I tend to reply: "No need to call me Sir, I'm not a Knight"
I find it uncomfortable to be addressed as "Sir", myself.
I’m in Texas now from the northeast US and instead of sir/ma’am I say dude/hun. I just can’t picture myself saying sir/ma’am. Feels weird
It's interesting how different regions can be. Unless someone is a 50-yo waitress at a diner serving me coffee, I do NOT want someone calling me "hun." Waaaaayy too overly familiar.
Yeah it’s crazy how many different names we have in the US. Dude or man/hun is normal for south jersey but friends from Ohio call me “bub” lol
Bub?? Lol, that's a new one for me.
In the midwest "sir" or "ma'am" is usually used by those in the service industry - waiters, hotel clerks, sales, etc. unless they go the other way and are overly familiar like using your first name in the doctor's office.
I moved to the South and got called sir and it made me pause every time because it felt so strange. I'm used to it now
A lot of people in the south grow up calling all adults sir/ma'am. It's just a cultural politeness thing. However, most southerners I've met know that this isn't the norm everywhere, and won't get offended if you don't use sir/ma'am. Just be polite and talk the way you normally do.
I think one exception is interacting with elderly people-- a "yes ma'am" will get you a long way with an old Southern lady lol
sir:maam is just part of the dialect, not so much the formality. It’s definitely not expected from anyone who doesn’t have a southern accent.
Brits call the “trunk” a “boot” and southerners call “yes,” “yessir”
Cops down here expect to be called or replied to as “Sir” or “Officer”.
Entitled pigs. 😒
They are taught to be polite and are usually using it respectfully.
People up north around here don't say it as much I think. Maybe they just don't say it to me. If I'm trying to get a strangers attention i might sir or ma'am them, and I'll use it with someone of authority (depending on how I'm feeling about that authority unfortunately)
It’s much like the Thai wai. Best to wait until you are comfortable with the subtleties. It’s not necessary, but they’re not being overly formal either.
Don't overthink it. It's just a habit for Southerners.
At one of my old jobs we were all in our early 20s saying "yes Sir" "yes ma'am" to eachother constantly.
I have some cousins in Texas that were raised to "Sir" everyone. Although they mean well, it comes across to me as excessively formal, and many people including me, find that type of cloying politeness to be awkward.
Do not alter your speech. I have many Indian friends/acquaintances in my area, and they sprinkle in "friend" all of the time. This is odd to me, but I realize it is just a part of their normal speech pattern from their culture/native language.
Different countries/cultures have different customs. Not all of them are exactly like yours.
My recruiter (enlisted) always said “don’t call me sir, I work for a living”
I wouldn't worry about using it. We use it because we're raised to say it and it's considered polite/respectful. If you suddenly start throwing it in, it's going to probably come across odd - esp. if you're doing it without really knowing the (unspoken, tbf) rules of where it goes.
That being said, if you wanted to give it a try I doubt anyone would object. You might just get some odd looks, lmao. But absolutely do not feel pressured to. We're very used to talking to people who don't use it in day to day life.
I had no idea people used "sir" so much in Texas.
Don't it won't come off right as its not natural to you.
I wasn't born in Texas, but I learned to use sir and ma'am at a young age, especially in church. It's just stuck with me all my life.
Are you also planning on using y'all? Or over yonder? Or I reckon? Consider sir and ma'am another form of slang. I'm a Texan and I ma'am and sir everyone and don't even notice it until it's pointed out to me.
I think you're overanalyzing. Just address people like you normally would.
Yessir. I call people "sir" all the time to the point where the "formality" of it is gone. Just add it in sarcastically and eventually that will just be how you talk.
Do you, just be yourself. That’s a southern thing. Yes sir. yes ma’am. It’s the way they were raised
Up here in new england, I mostly get sir'ed in restaurants or by other service workers. I don't really like it but they are just doing their job so as long as they are not clearly being sarcastic, I just try to be respectful back
It's how we are reared. All southerners(and that includes Texans) are taught from an early age to call people ma'am and sir. Even if we have permission to use the first name, it's always "Yes ma'am, miss mary." I say ma'am and sir to everyone, regardless of age and I"m old.
If you stay in the area you will pick it up organically, but I’d not push it. I was born in Ca, raised in Mo and say sir and ma’am. My wife is from Texas, and we raised our kids here in Ca. Once my wife and kids had to pick up my pay check at the office, and the young lady who met my girls was in her twenties. She called me to tell me the girls were cute and they called her ma’am. I said “Ma’am, they better have or they would get their hides tanned for them”. :-)
I wouldn't think of it as much more than them saying, "buddy" or "mate" or something that probably sounds more casual to you than "sir" does. It's just a way of speaking.
You don't need to say it back if it doesn't come naturally
My mom is from the Midwest and I grew up saying Sir, Ma'am, Mr. Mrs. and Miss.
Instead of calling my mom's friends by her first name, i.e. Katie, I was taught to say Miss Katie.
Say "don't call me sir, I work for a living". They'll think you're enlisted in the military
They use it in Texas like punctuation. But they don't usually expect foreigners to use it.
I use sir and ma'am often as I have spent over 21 years in the army. Once you get used to doing it, it's a hard habit to break. Most Americans do not use it in their normal vocabulary without additional "lead in" words. Example, ye'sir or yesum (yes and ma'am combined).
If you haven't been around Texans long enough to pick up on the context, it's okay to not say sir. Whether they're from a diverse Texas city or a redneck small town, they'll understand.
It's just a mark of respect, but it can also be lighthearted and silly. It's one of those nuances that you're better off watching and taking mental notes on before trying it yourself. It's sort of like addressing a woman by Miz FirstName. Even a native speaker of American English won't do that outside of certain contexts.
Even if you get the context right, if it's obvious that you're not an American, they might wonder what you mean by speaking that way. It isn't that they are offended, although some might be, but it's about not being sure if you understand the nuances. You've confused them. For example, when a man I don't know does me a favor and I casually say, "Thank you, sir," he knows I'm being nice, not being formal. If my appearance and accent indicated I was foreign-born, it might be perceived as needless formality, even if I didn't mean it that way.
I recommend just observing for now. I live in Houston, by the way. It's the most diverse city in the US but also in Texas, so I navigate these sorts of things all the time.
That’s more of a southern thing than a general American thing. If you’re up north nobody does that in normal conversation.
Well Sir, I reckon that when in Rome...
….do as the Visigoths did? /s
Best not to use it especially considering it can be used in faint sarcasm in some situations.
For example "Sir, I suggest you...."
Can be the equivalent of the southern "oh, bless your heart...." or even a slight threat depending on the context.
I grew up in Alabama and was raised to say "sir" and "ma'am" as part of our culture.
I rarely use those terms with family (much to my mother's chagrin) but I do use them at work and with people outside of my immediate circle.
If it's not part of your natural speech pattern, don't stress over it. People can generally tell when someone is being rude, and the absence of "sir" and "ma'am" is generally not seen as an act of rudeness. Also, if your home culture doesn't use those terms, you're likely to notice it more.
I would just stick with normal English usage unless you plan to settle in Texas permanently. Outside of the south, we all find it odd and overly respectful.
Sir is used as a sign of respect when addressing a man, especially if this person is older than you or has some kind of position of power (if I get pulled over, the 22 year old deputy kid is addressed as sir).
I also find I almost always response with a "yes sir" than just yes. The guy checking out my groceries at the supermarket asks if I found everything okay it's "Yes sir" and "thank you sir"
it's just how some people in the south talk, you don't need to sir them back or really read anything into it at all.
As a Texan, it is about respect but it’s mostly just habit haha. I would never be offended or even think anything of it if someone didn’t say “ma’am” to me. You can be kind and respectful via your tone and body language without adopting “sir/ma’am” into your vocabulary for sure.
I actually really like gender-neutral "sir" in sci-fi shows. Never met anyone who genuinely likes being called "ma'am."
It's just an honorific for a man you don't know. It's considered a respectful way to refer to them.
If you're not working retail or interacting with a ton of strangers, then yeah you're not going to say "sir" all that often.
I might sprinkle in a "yessir" when I'm talking to my friends, but I don't go out of my way to call someone "sir".
That's more of a Southern thing. I only use sir if I'm trying to get the attention of someone I don't know, or if I'm talking with a police officer who pulled me over.
I don't believe most modern, young people in Texas would mind it if you didn't call them "sir" or "ma'am" constantly.
A lot of people in the US, especially those who grew up in southern or rural areas, tend to use "sir" and "ma'am" out of habit when addressing people. It's common for people in those areas to raise their kids to use it with all adults as a sign of respect, and it becomes so ingrained that they continue doing it into adulthood and start using it with everyone. For these people, it is a way of respectfully acknowledging the person they're talking to and doesn't necessarily indicate that they view them as an authority figure.
I wouldn't add "sir" into your speech just to fit in. Generally, folks won't assume any disrespect from you not using it. In fact, I would be that most people don't even notice that you don't use it. Just like a lot of us don't even think about the fact that we do.
If it doesn’t come naturally to you, then I wouldn’t start. Many of us were raised to say it - it’s just a sign of respect in the states.
I am not southern, born and raised Midwest Indiana. And I don't think I was taught this specifically, but I still use it often. Especially if I'm like...calling my bank or checking out at the register of a grocery, or just any time I don't know someone's name.
They’re just being southerners. Feel feee to find them charmingly quirky and keep speaking the way you steak.
Texan here.
We don't mind if you don't use sir or ma'am. Most of the time we don't even realize we do it.
In the US we were raised to say "sir" and "ma'am". It's just the polite way to address someone you don't know. Once you know them, you'll likely never say that again.
No. I've never said sir in a casual setting. Unless someone doesn't know my name, I don't like being called sir.
lalombo@reddit (OP)
I am talking to clients of my business. So it is a rather formal setting,
Yes sir or yes ma'am is fine but don't over us it
Sir is just the custom. When you go to Japan to you bow at people? If yes, then say sir, if no, then don't
if the person you're talking to is older than you/over 40 they'll definitely appreciate being called sir back, and a lot of older southerners don't like being called by their first name by strangers/younger people so you call them "mr george" or "miss betty." they won't hold it against you if you don't do any of this, it's just polite. the south is a lot more old fashioned and traditional than the rest of the country, it's just the culture. but they know they're interacting with people outside of texas so they're not expecting everyone to act like texans.
I live in TX and don't use it except when being sarcastic. No big deal if you do or don't. Usually reserved for someone older than you.
Just roll with it.
Don't say it if it doesn't come natural to you, and don't expect them to adjust how they speak to you. Calling people "sir" and "ma'am" is not a thing in New England, and feels overly formal for every day situations, but it was something I had to get used to when I worked in Atlanta.
There was one time I had an exhange that went something like this:
"Yes sir."
"You don't have to call me sir, we're not in the army."
"Sorry sir."
One of my favorite lines is from an American cartoon where Daffy answers with a lisp “No sir-tee, not this little black duck”. I think the sir thing in general conversation is quite colloquial.
“Goodman” fell out of style but it should make a comeback.
Hiya, Sir! Welcome to the US. You are free to use the word, sir, as you see fit. If you choose not to use it, that's also fine! We won't mind either way, I promise.
I'd say talk how you normally talk. Don't try to add Sir into sentences unless you're very sure on the context (easier to just exclude it). You'll come across as fake.
Our equivalent in NYC is "youse"
It sounds weird when you affect mannerisms of where you live. If you're there long enough you might find it popping out naturally, in which case go for it. You've been acclimated. But if you have to do it consciously, then it's going to be a little off-putting.
Texan here, it is very much terms of respect and something engrained in us since childhood. Honestly, I would not expect you to use the terms since you're not a Texan
It’s a form of respect used in certain states. Don’t force yourself to use it as nobody would expect you to use it.
“I’m a woman”
I'd say respond in kind, but only if it doesn't sound stilted.
I’ve lived my entire life in the Deep South and you should just not start “sir”ing now. You’ll just second guess every time you don’t say it if you’re offending someone. I never got into the habit and I’m glad even though I hear it around me all the time, no one has to guess if I’m reserving my “sir”s for only certain people or if I’m kissing ass - I’m just blanket disrespectful across the board to everyone.
But you do have to say hello if you walk into a room with people in it. People will hate you if you don’t greet them, even if you see them every day, I don’t know why but I do have to abide by this norm.
They don’t think you are landed gentry when calling you sir if that is your take. It is a form of greeting, and manners, nothing more. Now if they start saying now hey there Mister, you are angering them. That would not be a sign of formality or respect. People in the northeast do not use it, but its lack of use is not disrespect.
I do not recommend including "sir" into your normal vernacular unless it is natural. It feels fake as fuck when it's not authentic. I literally never use sir even when I'm in those parts of the country
I never address anyone by sir. Unless someone grew up in the South or spent time in the military, it is not considered a normal part of everyday speech. It can come across as condescending and obnoxious.
Non-native Texan here. This is a habit I've picked up and use it especially at work (both sir and ma'am). It's just considered polite here. We're also well aware that this is regional thing and do not expect it in return.
Nothing to do with class these days in the USA, it is just how people are polite. ESPECIALLY in the south. Everyone is “Sir” and “Ma’am” or “Mister” or “Miss” until you know them well enough.
It's one of those things that people do in Texas, like saying "howdy." It sounds right if you grew up saying it. Just speak how you normally speak and don't think into it too much.
Speak how you speak. You don't have to adjust that.
It is not just Texas, you will find "Sir or Ma'am" sprinkled in most Southern states of the USA -its not mandatory but does show a level of respect. It won't hurt to do it but it is not required at all.
I don't live in the South so Sir is not a common thing to say around here. I would just keep talking the way you do and let Texans talk their talk.