Dallas residents, please keep your dog on a f*****g leash. Thank you.
Posted by MrBizzniss@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 173 comments
This is the 2nd time my dog has been literally attacked by an unleashed pitbull (bully mix). If you live in a highly populated area, idc how much of an “angel” your dog is, either leash it and train it or don’t get a dog.
Do electronic collars count?
They don't. You have no physical control of your dog if it decides to attack.
Your premise is wise but I have seen many dogs on leash charge other dogs while ripping the leash out of the owners hands, even knocking a few of their owners down in the process.
So a leash doesn’t guarantee “physical control”. Owners should train a dog in a t least basic obedience. Attend at least one obedience class with other dogs/people. The dog and owner will be well served and happier in the long term.
And, an electronic training collar on a well trained dog with an experienced owner is every bit as effective as a leash. Maybe more so as there is no leash to be pulled or get tangled.
Again the idea is wise, but it should really be a “dog under control” law vs leash law . My opinion . Cheers
True, a physical leash guarantees nothing if the owner can't control the dog. All dogs should have basic obedience training, also agree.
However, I think you underestimate how unprepared and clueless the general population is when it comes to general handling of a dog. I say this as a pet owner and also as a veterinarian, coincidentally. People with retractable leashes on a 70lb dog... Belgian Malanois introduced with minimal training to a household with children where the adults have no time or energy to exercise them and stimulate them... a dog that the veterinary behaviorist diagnosed as having "global fear" being brought to me for an eye exam (aka my face 3 inches away) with absolutely no muzzle training or manners... and electronic collars in 99% of the population of pet owners. Bad idea imo.
To be honest, I would not even allow an off (physical) leash training police dog in the hospital where I work, even if its handler is present. So I just don't see the utility of an electronic training collar unless you are in a place that is secluded and no other animals are around; otherwise, physical and responsible control of your dog is an absolute necessity, in my opinion.
But fully agree on the idea all dogs must be under direct and immediate control. I just doubt most owners would be able to responsibly and effectively use a training collar.
Lol no
We’re all adults here, you can say fuck.
We’re adults here, you can shoot the dog that’s attacking your dog.
MrBizzniss@reddit (OP)
Don’t want to have to walk around dfw with my Glock lol. This isn’t 1865 or the middle of nowhere in bear country
You’re right that it ain’t 1865, it’s worse! People had more common sense and consideration back then.
I... what? dude slavery had just been made illegal, WHAT are you talking about
Nobodies talking about slavery here JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.
When you talk about people having more "common sense" in 1865, a year notable for the abolition of slavery... lol, lmao
But also any appeal to the world of two centuries ago having more "common sense" is a fallacy lol, and slavery is only one reason
The context is letting a strange animal attack your pet. I didn’t pick the year. Would you consider the abolition of slavery to be ‘common sense’? A fallacy sure, but answer me this, who is more likely to have handled the situation? A person of 2024? (OP) or a person of 1865? I have a feeling that the latter wouldn’t hesitate to do what’s needed.
silly hypotheticals I'm not interested in arguing lol
Sooooo not interested, yet here we are. 🙌
After my dog got bitten by a loose dog, I started carrying a Kimber pepper blaster on dog walks. Get a reliable pepper spray and hit up the strays so you don’t have to kill anything.
Pepper spray works. I was around a situation where a ex roommates corso dog escaped the yard and attacked a smaller dog. Luckily the smaller dog wasn’t hurt but the corso latched onto its harness /wouldn’t let go. A neighbor ended up pepper spraying the dog and it worked to end the altercation. Pepper spray is indeed effective. A slightly different deterrent is also those really noisy compressed air cans they make for pets. Those air cans can really scare the crap out of random strange dogs. I’ve seen bikers carry them to keep dogs from chasing their bikes and I’ve also used them to deter random free range dogs charging mine aggressively. If the attacker is really extremely intent on harm pepper spray is the way to go. Most normal dogs even when upset the air cans work.
With Bloodsport dogs like pitbulls you need to hit them with the pepper spray before an actual attack. Pepper spray rarely works on them once they are in the heat of the fight. Breeders only kept and bred the ones that didn't react to pain, so they wouldn't quit the fight. That's what gameness is. Not stopping no matter what. That's where the myth that their jaws lock comes from. They don't lock, but those dogs don't let go. It's worth getting a break stick that you can open their mouths with.
Not going to do the pit bull argument here but they’re the dog I’ve owned more than any other, I’m very familiar with the breed firsthand. Everyone is entitled to do their own research and form their own opinions and beliefs sure, my direct experience with them is where my own opinion comes from. Either way better safe than sorry, in any situation, with any dog.
“pit bulls don’t feel pain” is a hot take that i haven’t seen before yikes
I'm weird Bloodsport person, lol. It's actually a fact that they have a much higher pain tolerance than most drugs and that it was purposely bred into them. This isn't obscure info. And Bloodsport dogs are exactly what they are. I didn't invent the term.
There's no scientific evidence for your claim. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7077843/
There's plenty of evidence that this is a perception the public holds, but there's not evidence that it's true.
okay, i’m open, do you have a source on the higher pain tolerance for pitbulls/bully breeds?
But you just did the argument, didn't you. And I should have included Cane Corsos in my Bloodsport comment. Bloodsport dogs were bred to fight. I hope you do actually understand genetics and are a responsible owner and know what you own.
MrBizzniss@reddit (OP)
I usually carry my edc knife…just happened to happen the one day I was going out for a “quick walk” smh 🤦
OTF knife fight with vicious dog ... to the death... that's Texas
MrBizzniss@reddit (OP)
This isn’t the first time I’ve been attacked by a dog and it probably won’t be the last. Having a knife is better than your fists.
You gonna get in there and stab a dog though?
Making a habit of carrying your gun everywhere you go would be more beneficial
You're gonna fire a gun likely in the middle of a residential street? Or a park? C'mon, man.
I agree with you. Respect. Is how I roll taking a walk too. Microtech Red Makora.
Or just carry some balogna in a baggie & throw it away from you. Killing is RARELY the solution (and I’m born & raised Texan)
Yeah why don’t you just give the velvet hippo a treat for mauling your dog/toddler/granny
Why are you acting dumb? Throwing food to distract a dog is a smart tactic. Not everyone wants use a weapon 🙄
I second this. I’m in an area of town where there are a lot of loose dogs and I’d much rather carry pepper spray than actually shoot an animal in the street.
pepper spray just leaves the dog around to terrorize someone else later. The owner isn't going to change, and animal control isn't going to do anything about it.
If a dog is attacking/killing your dog, give it some extra breathing holes and permanently resolve the problem.
And risk some neighbor that has gang ties coming back to find me and retaliate? Nah…
Gang member knows you're packing, and most are cowards. You;ll be fine. Nut up.
Bro probably a suburban wannabe vigilante that has never lived in a community where pulling a firearm on someone’s dog might just result in your whole house getting shot up.
I prefer trying to deal with situations with the least lethal solution, personally.
So, not deal with them, hope they go away, and hope someone else takes care of the problem. Got it.
You're either lying about how willing you are to actually do this and trying to flex for internet respect or you are just stupid and lucky.
You are fucking unhinged, and the type who shouldn’t have access to fire arms.
But this is real life and things happen so you should always be prepared the year changes nothing
They had glocks in 1865?
MrBizzniss@reddit (OP)
Yes and ar-15s isn’t that how we conquered the west?
I'm out of it today. I read that as "ar minus 15"
Damn it Bob I came here to say that
Do you keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen?
They hAd glocks in 1865? Who thank bro
I carry a mini air horn when I walk my dog just in case. It’s non lethal & it’s just mini in size, not in sound. It will shock the shit out of them (and yourself if you’re not ready for it)😂
MrBizzniss@reddit (OP)
Don’t want to break the “rules” of the sub on accident 😅
Louis CK was right, say your own shitty words, dont make me say it in my head.
At the opposite end, my big dog is not dog friendly. He's always on leash for our short walks, wearing a vest that clearly says "DO NOT APPROACH" And we go to great lengths to not walk during busy times. Regardless, there have been at least three times over the last two years when someone's yappy little runt runs towards us at 6:15 in the morning, "oh don't worry she's friendly!" Oh ok, mine's not! 🫠 I yell back, trying not to panic as I hoist my grumpy old 80lb guy up by his harness so the ~friendly~ dog doesn't get eaten when she gets too close.
I'd stop caring. Only way they learn.
I wouldn't risk my dog getting out down for biting another animal just to prove a point.
Not sure how that would happen if yojbhave video evidence the other dog attacked and was off leash but okay.
I must have missed something bc I didn't see you mention video evidence.
Moot point for me personally anyway bc I don't trust the system enough to gamble with my dog's life based on having video evidence. I would rather defend with pepper spray or a taser than let my dog engage in a possibly life threatening altercation with another animal.
Dallas residents download the 311 app and report loose dogs. You can upload images if you have them through the app and Animal Service Officers can use the pictures to issue tickets for off leash. Any attack will get a criminal ticket if you show injury.
This option isn't really helpful if you need immediate action unless the dog has tried to bite. They just add the area to their stray patrol and take their sweet dumb ass time coming out. If I log a stray dog that needs picking up, it's not going to be there in two days when you finally have time to arrive, City of Dallas. That's... not how stray dogs work.
Then call 911 who will link with 311 and escalate the call. If it’s not an emergency it’s not going to require immediate response. The animal dying will take precedent over the non aggressive stray. Or better yet go to your council member and petition for Dallas Animal Services budget increase to hire more officers. They’re on a shoe string budget as it is and haven’t had proper increases since Dallas has doubled its population in the last 20-30 years.
Ya got me there. Good advice!
This is what I did when I got bit by one of two dogs running around near the Tyler/Vernon Station. They nipped me in the back of the knee as I was walking away with their "owner" standing on his porch watching.
I felt like a narc because they didn't seem like dangerous dogs, but one of them bit and drew blood as I was trying to walk away and the owner just shrugged when I asked if they had gotten their shots.
I took pics and called 311 and the dogs got picked up in two days, don't know what happened after that but I've walked by the house a few times now without getting bit so I'm happy.
Dogs are required to quarantine for every bite regardless of the circumstances. Doctors are required by the state to report dog bites. Owner would be able to get them back if they desired, it just a quarantine hold. It can be at home, a vet or at Dallas animal services depending on how the bite occurred, to whom and the severity. It’s a throwback to rabies when it was rampant and was the reason for animal control. Dallas hasn’t had a positive case of rabies in an owned dog in decades as a result.
This needs to be the top answer.
If you ever see a dog doing anything that it shouldn't (running loose, harming someone, in the grocery store peeing on the floor when it's clearly not a service dog), take photos or better yet, video. As proof.
Then report to the appropriate officials (store managers or the city/county). If people never complain, nothing will ever be done.
I got called the b word for telling this guy to stop his dog from charging me . He said get outta here. I was like I’m trying to? I’m literally fighting for my life ?
Pepper spray works for animals and humans. Just a fun fact!
Shoot the bitch.
The mutt, not the human.
Can we add to also pick up your dog's poop?
I live in a relatively nice building with a dedicated area for taking your pets out. It would be a really great perk for when its late or I just need to take my dog out briefly. But the space is essentially useless because seemingly no one picks up after their dogs. It blows my mind how many people are totally okay with that.
Every apartment I've lived in in Dallas has been absolutely plagued with dog shit. Dog shit on the ground floor apartments that have tiny yards, dog shit on the sidewalks, dog shit in the designated area to walk your dog. It's nuts.
I moved to Dallas a year ago to be close to my grandkids. I bought a small condo, coming from living in one of the smallest homes in my neighborhood in Orlando. I RARELY saw dog poop that wasn't picked up in Orlando. Here, it is all over and we have 4 doggie poop bag stations and 5 different places in this small complex to throw your poop bags away. I just don't get it.
In our complex, someone lets their dog take a massive poop right next to the shit station and they still don’t clean it up
Exactly that's how it is un my apartments. I fucking hate it here but can't move out at the moment. I bet those people don't even wipes their ass. Wtf.
Can we also add stop taking your dog to the grocery store. Tired of seeing dogs sitting in grocery carts.
100% agree so tired of them at grocery stores. The other day I was at Trader Joe’s and a pet owner was texting on her phone not even paying attention to her full grown Great Pyrenees, while the dog’s face was in between the produce first sniffing and then licking it. Then she proceeded to walk down the store without looking up from her phone
I saw similar in my grocery store. It was better because the food was wrapped in plastic, but worse because it was the meat department. This guy's "service animal" was just snuffling the meat packages while his owner was making his choices. I have never bought meat in Winn Dixie since.
Thats already against regs
"this sign won't stop me because I can't read" - average Dallas dog owner ffs
I second this, I have a reactive pup. The amount of times I have had to hold her because of off leash dogs, is to high. Your dog charges at mine, she reacts to it, she gets put down for being aggressive. Which, she isn't, keep your dogs on a fucking leash!
Same situation here. I got my wife a taser to carry when she walk the dogs. The sound along has been enough the few times an off leash or stray dog has come our way. I’d hate to actually use it on a pup, but I’m glad she has it if it should ever come to that. For anyone interested, they’re $20 on Amazon. Search Pain Pen.
I have a neighbor that walks around with a 5k cattle prod. It's saved him a couple of times.
I know an older lady that does her morning walks with a massive stick. The same stick she has carried for years lol
My neighbor, a lovely older lady with a beautiful large poodle carries a golf club. I don't know golf but I think it's a driver with a nice heavy head. They've been attacked by a loose pit in my neighborhood.
fuck em all
I used to go to Harry Moss Park with my dog a lot (on a leash) and hang out in a field. But too many people with their off-leash dogs would walk by us and the off-leash dog would APPROACH US. Who the fuck lets their dog do that? Like if you do have an off-leash dog make sure they mind their own damn business. A "friendly" dog is actually the worst kind of dog to have off leash.
same our dog got attacked by the same pit bull twice. Going to start walking with a gun
My neighbor reported their mother was attacked by a gray pit this morning around 11AM in N. Oak Lawn. Description of owner was short and stocky young male, about 5'7 they reported.
Pitbulls should be banned completely
MrBizzniss@reddit (OP)
Did you call animal control? I let the lady’s apt complex know and also filed a report. I doubt it will do anything but it’s better than nothing for the time being
those types of people aren’t on reddit
I began carrying deterrent spray or Halt, used by mail carriers. Super helpful and once they are sprayed they don’t come back. I wish I had done this a long time ago.
This lady was walking with two large dogs off leash at the Continental Bridge/Trinity groves area this morning. The dogs were running up to people and jumping on them. Absolutely wild.
I frequent this park (3-5 times a week) and it’s really starting to be a problem. I’ve seen signs for leash notices closer to the Continental bridge, but severally lacking just north of the Hunt bridge.
This afternoon a golden retriever ran down from the levee to the bottom of the hill where I was stretching for my run near the Sylvan Bridge. The owner called her dog and it did stop mid way down the hill, but others were walking behind me and the dog ran down towards them.
I’m about to google who to bitch about this via email because they can’t keep getting away with this
Pit bulls need to be illegal such evil dogs
I agree!
I agree’
My dog has never recovered from getting attacked by a bully mix off the leash in reverchon park…she is not even social anymore and when she sees other dogs she is petrified!!
Fuck pit Bulls. The official dogs of narcs and sociopaths
I completely agree
Same with one of ours- he has never recovered from an attack.
The breed of the dog either on or not on a leash is irrelevant. Just as with their size, it DOES NOT MATTER! Leash your GD pets!! I have always had my big dog on a leash and twice a much smaller & off leash dog has charged my dog- spooking her and yielding an atypical reaction. But they are also just living things, so sometimes strange situations happen, and they too can react abruptly & dramatically. nobody likes sneaky assertive vocal shock moments, even the usually best of trained beasts
It does matter when a majority of lethal bites on children and aggression towards other smaller dogs are done by one specific breed designed by humans to maim and kill.
I got one of those high pitched sound makers that most dogs hate. They come near my dogs or me they get zapped. Doesn’t hurt the dog, and the dog usually runs away afterwards. Everyone wins. But yes, leash your fucking dogs
👏👏👏 I loathe off leash dog owners. I wish I could ban them to another planet
I’m happy your pup is okay! But damn, I can’t help but notice that most of these dog attacks come from pits. I wish more bully/pit owners were honest with themselves—your dog is not a “gentle giant,” it’s not a nursery nanny, and its predisposition to aggression cannot be ignored. I don’t care how sweet they are with you at home in a controlled environment—when they’re in public, all bets are off.
Yes, factors such as upbringing, training, and environment play crucial roles. But damn, the severe attack and unfortunate death statistics to both pets and people don’t lie. Train your pet, LEASH them, and do not assume their temperament is predictable.
You could leave “literally” out and your post would make the same amount of sense.
QoL has gone down hill drastically since apartment complexes started courting dog owners since they could charge them another $200/month.
When I ask apparently grown ass adults to leash their dog, I’m inevitably met with being ignored or scoffed. JFC these folks are dense and entitled.
The amount of Covid Dogs in DFW is ridiculous. These are dogs people got in 2020/2021 and they don't know how to react/interact around other people and dogs. And also you got pet owners not cleaning up after their dogs when bins and bags are provided everywhere around here.
No need to say the breed, in my opinion. It is not the dog’s fault, it’s the owners fault 100%. So if anything, identify the awful owner! (HA only kidding.) I’ve had my dogs attacked a handful of times by random off-leash dogs over the years never a pittie (and a few cats😂) I agree, it’s a problem for sure. But the issue isn’t about the dog or the breed, it’s about their irresponsible owners.
MrBizzniss@reddit (OP)
You’re part of the problem. You do realize that dogs were used for specific reasons right? Therefore certain traits were bred into those dogs. Saying that breeds don’t matter it’s just a fucking stupid thing to say. Also, with a bunch of backyard breeders a lot of times these dogs are so inbred that their brains are all fucked. Their entire lives can be miserable just because of the amount of anxiety they have due to bad breeding practices. You’re a fucking idiot.
Related but not really, all Henderson Avenue residents and local drunks, don’t come up to random people‘s dogs you see out walking, especially right when they’re picking up the dogs poo and asked to come up and pet the random dog. Especially because some people walk other people’s animals and not only is it not their dog, but they don’t know if the dog bites so if you do get bit petting random people’s dogs after you’re told not to touch the animal, don’t be surprised when that person picks the dog up and runs. This message applies to the 2 drunk white girls at Henderson and Belmont yesterday specifically lol
Would shooting an unleashed dog charging at you, be considered self defense?
About 20 years ago in San Francisco a couple was charged with manslaughter after their two dogs (Pitts) attacked and killed a grown woman.
That's sad to hear. May her soul rest in peace.
Yes, Multiple cases in Arizona North Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois supporting that notion.
Yes, happened in Chicago couple years ago
What really sucks is people still let their dogs run off leash at that park. Even during sporting events held there like softball and volleyball.
Go buy a large can of gel bear spray. mine came with a holster. we have small dogs and have had run ins with unleashed large dogs. The gel sticks, and a good shot to the face will cause the attacking dog to instantly retreat. if the owner gets mad, a second blast will take care of them. Don't bitch at me if your unleashed dog charges me and my dogs.
Yep just bring a baseball bat with you next time and kill that fucker.
Also, even if your dog is friendly, that doesn’t mean every dog is. My last dog Ollie was friendly to people but NOT to other dogs. I always kept him on a leash but inevitably there would always be some random person with an unleashed dog who would let their dog come up and sniff Ollie. I always had to pick him up before that happened because if my dog bites your dog, who do you think is gonna be in trouble, even if it was your unleashed dog who approached my leashed one? “My dog is friendly” well mine isn’t!! That’s why I’m trying to keep him away from yours!
I read water meters, and damn unleashed dogs are annoying. I will spray a unleashed dog that gets near me barking. I like dogs, hate the owners. The kicker is the fuckers think everyone wants a dog sniffing their leg and all that other shit. And they never bute ill never forget when this unleashed asshole came barking and running at me. All i heard was " he doesnt" SPRAAAAYYYYYY. Not waiting for your shitty ass to say "bite" while you waddle your slow ass down there you get your dog.
The amount of people that leave their dog loose in the yards and act bewildered when their dog doesn't listen to them is mind boggling. Lady, you can say "get over here" another 15 times, that dog ain't coming back till he gets bored with me.
It aint just the rich areas either. The cou try ass mexicans near 175 and 20 just let their dogs wander. Fucking annoying. Im Mexican btw, but my people be stupid with animals in general.
Apartments I live in have had a real problem with people letting their dogs shit in the hallways and then not cleaning it up.
People are douchebags.
That’s just….what the fuck? Anybody got doorbell cameras that may have caught who’s doing it? That’s fucked.
In the hallways? That’s crazy. I’d be all over the apartment managers ass about that.
What is the apartment manager supposed to do? How can you prevent an action from people?
Just shoot it if it charges at you
I see a pit charging me, I'm defaulting to my gun.
As simple as that.
.38…protect yourself and loved ones.
How about yell at the stupid owners and carry a knife Self defense from both the idiot owner and a stupid beast
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Carry pepper spray and hose em down. If the owner approaches and gets hostile, spray them too
Carry pepper gel/spray. Tasers work well too as the crackling sound is oftentimes enough to scare a dog away.
This gives you less than lethal options. The knife is great to have, but it puts you at risk going close quarters with a dog.
I would shoot your dog if it attacks mine
Keep them at home too.
They don’t belong at grocery stores or Home Depot or restaurants either.
It's worse than Phoenix with the dogs not on the leash around here. It hasn't happened here, but when I used to live in the Phoenix area, this lady unleashed her 2 dogs and they almost attacked me. It should be illegal to have dogs unleashed IMO.
I’m a peaceful animal lover, but I will shoot, pepper spray, and stab vicious animals
I went walking through the creek near me earlier. Second time I’ve been attacked by the same beast in the last 7 weeks. These dumb ass mother fuckers keep letting their asshole Sasquatch escape their backyard. That son of a bitch is 8 tall and a master locksmith in the Squatch community, however. Good thing is you can smell his rank ass taint before he sneaks up on you, his ticklish, and I could see the Mavs trading Kyrie for Sasquatch so we can “win now!” Wait… what was the question?
I agree with the OP 100%
Leash them chihuahuas too. Little boogers think people won’t humble them
In my apartment complex, there’s a woman who often stands outside by right one of the main doors with her two small dogs off leash, scrambles, and yells at them when we she sees us approaching like it’s a huge surprise to her. YOU LIVE IN AN APARTMENT COMPLEX WITH HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE. My dog is tame so it’s more annoying that I have to stand there and wait for her at 10:30pm but what if this owner’s dogs is approached by a not-so-nice dog…
Had an off leash chihuahua charge at my dog while we were out to pee. Told the owners to grab their damn dog or it would get sprayed/kicked and I almost had to get into a fist fight because they became aggressive. At my own apartment complex. Front office has told people several times to leash their dogs and puts up signs. People just don't care.
Yeah, it’s wild that people will get upset with you like you’re the bad guy for protecting yourself and your dog. I’d hate to hurt a dog. Mine is a part of my family, and I’d protect her the same as any other family member though.
Agree. There are some heelers up the street from me that hip their backyard fence and run around when they want. My dog has been attacked more than once (he's way bigger than a heeler and is quite fine, being one of those "bully mixes"). Last time I called and reported it to animal services. They said that other than talk to the owner there wasn't much they could do since my dog wasn't hurt. So I guess the moral is if your dog is under 40 lbs. the rules don't apply to you.
A few weeks ago my wife took my kids to a park. An unleashed dog came out of a nearby apartment complex and had my 5 yr old knocked down and pinned by the time my wife could get up there and kick the dog off. No bites fortunately, just a scared kid.
Eventually someone came and got the dog but didn’t take any responsibility for its actions.
pew pew pew is the sound when my dog is attacked by another
Almost every day that I take my (reactive) dog out to anywhere remotely dog friendly (for training purposes), we have gotten charged by an off leash dog, and it resets our progress every time. I've never had a bully. It's ALWAYS a poodle mix or a hunting dog, which is great, I'm glad your dog is so well trained -- but a park next to the highway is neither the time nor place to be demonstrating this.
Agreed! I had douchebag neighbor show up on my front yard yelling at me because I asked his wife to keep their 100lb hunting dog on a leash so it it wouldn’t attack my or other dogs ! Wtf is wrong with people .
You must be in the hood, welcome to Dallas
And while you’re at it, pick up your poop too. Diseases spread through feces yall!!
my apartment complex is bad with people here with unleashed dogs. & my building tithe small dog area is in a parking lot full of cars so these unleashed idiots cause danger for everyone with their dogs runnin around
about 6 months ago i was in the printer room, at 2 a.m., when someone walked in with unleashed pits. they growled at me & i thought they were gonna attack me, before the women got em away.
for a while after ppl were put on blast it calmed down but now it's worse. the same ppl walk their dogs unleashed, they jump on ppl & cars have to dodge
entitled ass people. i told my apartment complex if i hit a dog or a dog bites me it's gonna be a whole world of trouble for everyone involved but they haven't taken it seriously so 🤷♂️
MrBizzniss@reddit (OP)
I agree, also agree with your username lol
Yup, same with me. I have the sweetest frenchie and he has been attacked, unwarranted, by loose dogs. Both instances have happened at Griggs Park (in uptown, where we (my dog and I) live). There are signs everywhere, notating a city ordinance, but no enforcement happenings. Now every single evening there is a group of Uptown residents that have formed some sort of "play club", where they all take their dogs to that park & let them loose to play. Most times the owners are chatting with others, and not even watching their own dogs (this is how my dog got attacked both times, inattentive owners).
I'm not here to hate on that group as much as it's indeed risky, and sucks for those of us that now have to avoid that park daily, during evening hours, to eliminate risk of my dog being attacked.
This is my biggest gripe with Griggs. They do nothing to stop this.
I had to stop going before my dog passed because it's so out of control. Now I can go since I'm solo, but every single time I have dogs running up to me or even over me when I'm laying in the grass. It's insanity! I can't run there anymore because I'm constantly dodging off leash dogs.
There is clearly a demand for an off leash area, I have seriously considered trying to push the city to fence off that treed side piece along the apartments for this purpose. I often wonder the logistics behind getting this done.
I have also been attacked 3 times in the past 6 months walking around my complex and the neighborhood. The worst part is the owners immediately throw a fit and just start insulting you when they're clearly in the wrong. Started carrying pepper spray now ready to go, and it does change their tune real quick when I tell them I'm not afraid to use it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I will sue any dog owner that doesn’t have a leash on their dog if they attack mine.
I’ll press charges too
no matter how well trained your dog is, if it’s around other animals it should be on a leash. we forget that animals can snap at any moment.
I’m glad your dog is ok!
I know people that are armed , women included, that carry guns exactly for this and coyotes. I would never let an unleashed dog near any of my dogs.
Dog owners should be required to go to training, obtain a license to own a dog and insurance to cover any damages.
OR, it should be open season to just smack someone in the mouth for breach of leash laws.
There are actually Dallas park rangers who WILL ticket for this. Not DDI security patrol or any of that shit, but Dallas park rangers actually came to downtown Dallas a few times and ticketed people. I was overjoyed lol. This even happens next to a dog park that people run their dogs off leash. It’s so stupid and entitled. I just want to walk my own dog without having to worry about others’.
Start carrying a taser.
Oh that law is only for everyone else’s dog, mine is special
I couldn't agree more. People are reckless and always say my dog is nice, till it's not. When it's not they say, that never happened before.
MrBizzniss@reddit (OP)
I hate that, it’s like “yes your dog always does that you’re just too stupid and naive to see it” lol
I wouldnt even wait for the unleashed dog owner to tell me their dog is an angel. Said dog and the owner are going to get kicked in the ribs if they try to attack me or my pets.