DPE bails on me last minute.

Posted by brink84@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 66 comments

Fellow pilots, students,

Wanted to post my story here because it is somewhat of a situation and I know other people have probably had the same issue.

For context here I am a part 61 student and fly for a flying club where we all rent planes for a wet rate. Management is somewhat around and our Mx could be better but that is besides the point.

Given my situation with my kids and work, mx, money, my other life obligations I only get to fly twice a week at most and every other weekend. This of course is not an issue but my written exam also expires on 4/20 of this year (coincidentally). The DPE my club uses is in FL until may so that does not work for me so I had to find another DPE to be able to do my checkride for my ppl.

I have been in contact with him and the DPE who is in FL gave me this DPE to use so I call him. He explains that he does part 141 checkrides and part 61 people are on the back burner but he assured me that he could fit me in. Fine. So, on Tuesday he tells me the weather won't be good this weekend but call him on Thursday to let him know and go from there. I call him Thursday night and he tells me "oh it's supposed to be windy" which i replied with you know, I've been monitoring the TAF all day at work and everything is VFR for my ride until 5pm (wisconsin to be exact, snow storm currently) and he told me he would be able to be at the airport around 1030 yesterday. The next morning at 6am he calls me and tells me hey so ah I can't do your ride today (3 hours before my checkride) because my wife and I have plans and we have the grandkids and there is a lot of work around my farm I need to get done so we have to cancel.

Of course me being frustrated I ask him what was the point of calling him last night if he knew all this beforehand? And he just dismissed me. Note to self for future reference: use the DPE's that the club uses tride and true and another life lesson learned.