Air Force or Navy?

Posted by Comfortable-Dot-4924@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 59 comments

Im currently 17 and graduating high school in May. I’ll also be going to college in the fall. It’s been a lifelong dream to become a fighter pilot, so I’ve been planning on joining AFROTC in college. After a lot of research, however I’m starting to realize that my chances of becoming a fighter pilot are better if I were to join the Navy instead. This is mainly because I’m not planning on majoring in engineering, which I hear is very common amongst USAF fighter pilots. However, there are a few drawbacks if I were to go through the Navy, mainly the fact that I’d be away from home a lot more (which I don’t mind unless I have a family, which I hope also happens). Regardless of which path I take I’m more than determined to make this happen. Anyone have any additional info that could help me decide?