F9 vs NJ
Posted by Careless-Teaching-68@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 43 comments
With the choice between the two, what would you take?
Posted by Careless-Teaching-68@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 43 comments
With the choice between the two, what would you take?
Not anymore. TPIC in a 320 sure, but the majors don’t care much about what types you have because you’re going through their training one way or another.
Fair point, though some airlines in Asia want captains or first officers with an Airbus type rating. I wasn’t necessarily referring to US airlines only
I left Flex for WN and it's the best career decision I've ever made. Do with that what you will.
dont doubt fkex sucks but doing regional flying in a 737 sounds awful as well
Yeah ok dude, cool take 👍
guess my assumption was correct
No I'm just not going to waste my time arguing with an ignorant internet stranger.
Careless-Teaching-68@reddit (OP)
I’d leave F9 and NJ for WN. One of the big 4 so to speak.
I think F9 gets you to a big 4 sooner than NJ if that's your goal
Your seniority will not dictate your time off at fractionals, in 30 years you’ll still be run ragged on one of their fixed schedules
From the people I’ve talked too it’s too much of a real job to justify the lower pay and benefits of the majors, why work harder for less $?
I guarantee at the moment you'll make more at net or flex. F9s contract is significantly lower than the industry standard.
hoping those guys will get something soon
Gonna be a while sadly haha.
Careless-Teaching-68@reddit (OP)
Why do you say that? It’s been like 500 plus days no?
Careless-Teaching-68@reddit (OP)
F9 not a major tho, their contract kinda sucks for the metal they are flying. Mgmt seems to not be willing to work with the pilot group.
Good Lord, how does this sub struggle so much with the definition of “major” and “legacy” airlines.
F9 is a major. If you feel that way about them, I hope they don’t hire you.
Careless-Teaching-68@reddit (OP)
Very constructive slats, thanks
F9 is a major, although not a legacy. They do their own flying, that's the difference. Overall it's still a decent job - a good job even - and you'll probably come out ahead on QOL than NJ. Maybe.
But sounds like you're not keen on F9 so go to NJ.
Careless-Teaching-68@reddit (OP)
I’m not keen on either to be honest, but both are an upgrade from my current 135. Picking the lesser of two evils so to speak
Why are you asking a question when you seem intent on not going to frontier?
It’s a major. Sell their own tickets and do their own flying. It’s an outdated contract but will not be outdated forever. Decent access to upgrade - running steady around 2 years, sometimes a little less sometimes a little more. And TPIC in a competitor A320 could be an attractive look for those wanting to hop to the legacies.
I don’t think f9 will ever have a legacy contract but it’s a good place to be until you make your move to your next career step. I would certainly - without hesitation - take it over NetJets if I wanted to work in 121 (and particularly if I wanted to work for a legacy eventually).
The work is about as easy as it gets, honestly. Your QoL living in base will be pretty terrific.
Careless-Teaching-68@reddit (OP)
This is a solid comment, thank you for the insight.
As u/RSALT3 said go to fftpilots.com. Upgrade is sitting around 2 years for junior upgrade, but that means commuting to SJU, Chicago, or CVG most likely and obviously subject to change.
F9. Better for getting to a legacy.
I don’t understand why folks come on here and ask for advice without giving us the full picture. Do you not want proper advice tailored to your situation?
Do you like layovers? Do you like being home more? Do you value QOL or pay? Long term goals? Can’t believe we gotta type all that out on someone’s behalf.
121 legacy? F9
QOL? Idk cause we didn’t get the full picture. F9 does very little layovers if that means anything to you
Pay? F9 long term
I don’t mean to sound rude but as much as I’d love giving advice to this thread that pops up once a week, it’s the same speel every time. Everyone has their own priorities. Knowing what yours are would help us tailor our advice better for you.
Do you live in a F9 base? Or willing to move? F9.
Insist on living somewhere else? NJ.
You’ll make more money and work less at NJ initially, but over time, I think Frontier, even if you get stuck there, will be a better gig.
Careless-Teaching-68@reddit (OP)
This is what I’m seeing as well. Take a hit in the short term for long term success.
They’re not in the same space.
You wanna work for a major? F9
You wanna fly business jets? NJ
Really because 20 NJ Pilots just left for AA in January.. but hey this r/flying I forgot
And of that class of however many at AA, how many of the rest were airline pilots from airlines like Frontier?
Hint: more than 20.
No shit, more airline pilots???? Missed my point that majors don’t look at NJ.
Your point is missed because it was not then, nor is it now, clear.
Christ I’m being gay arguing on Reddit on a Saturday. If 121 is like this sub I’d probably just shoot myself anyways. See you Next time!
20 is a huge number! Its 19 more than 1
It might only be represent 1/10,000th of the general professional pilot population: but it is totally easy and reasonable to extrapolate from there.
No need to get sassy.
I said they’re not in the same space. So it’s what kind of work you want to do. F9 isn’t a career destination for most people that want to fly for the airlines, it’s a stepping stone to one of the big 3.
But if you want to fly business jets, NJ’s is THE career destination for that.
I’m sassy from all that catering and throwing bags!!!
NJ would/can be a Career destination. It can also be a stepping stone. It’s not a 121 op. There is a lot of value in our experience and not big dicking it at all majors do look at us.
Don’t ask us. You need to ask yourself what your professional goals are: if you wanna be an airline pilot or if you’d rather be a rich person pilot.
NJ so there is less competition when I’m applying to frontier
Depends entirely on where you live, what your career goals are, your stage in life and priorities (kids, spouse, how you want your days off). In other words, it depends
If your Goal is a legacy I would suggest F9. The Airbus type helps especially if you live in an F9 base.
F9 prolly
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With the choice between the two, what would you take?
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