Day rate for a Piper Navajo?

Posted by Fair-Jump6037@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 14 comments

Got lucky, and got connected with a Navajo owner. They want me to be the main pilot, as the other pilot they have is not reliable and cannot do overnights (hobby pilot, owns a non aviation business). I am currently getting checked out in the Navajo, and will be good to solo by the end of the week.

What should I be charging per day? Or should I try and work out a salary that has me on a “on call schedule”. For reference I live 2 hours away.

He’s also in the market to upgrade to a larger aircraft that’s pressurized and turbine. I believe that in this market, time is not as important as the value of the type of time you have.

I do have CFI and currently working on CFII, but whats to stop me from doing both.

Anyway, just wanted to know what I should be charging him.