Help with my Build to Stay on Budget
Posted by Chewie316@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 2 comments
So I came up with a list of hardware I was hoping to get but see I have already exceeded my budget of $1250 -1400 plux tax and I still don't have a case.
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I was hoping to see if I could get an AMD equivalent CPU and Mobo and save some money.
I wanted a good board with lots of I/O for USB devices and like the one I found but for over $500 I thought I would ask on here and see what I could get for recommendations.
I am not a huge gamer but I would like to be able to play recent games and I do want the ability to run 2-3 VMs at a time. Not sure if I should stay with Intel or go AMD.
Do you need that many cores for your VMs or other professional use? If not gaming what is the overall purpose of the bui;d?
Do you already have a GPU? For any recent game that'll be crucial.
The board even in CAD is hilariously overpriced. How much USB (Type A and C) do you need?
Chewie316@reddit (OP)
Honest besides VMs it will mostly be an HTPC. I don’t have a GPU but I was going to get one in a few months. I just figured the more USB the better but didn’t think it would be so much.