DFW Airport Mystery - A Concorde and a Cowboy
Posted by usually-suspect@reddit | aviation | View on Reddit | 8 comments
Hi all,
I am on the hunt to find either the photographer or person in these pictures. It's speculated that these were taken at the first ever landing at DFW Airport, Sept 20, 1973. However, I don't believe that to be true, based on the Western Airlines plane in one of the photos, which reportedly didn't start flying out of DFW Airport until the late 70s. I believe these photos were taken on Jan 12, 1979, when the Concorde came back to DFW.
Another piece of information I'm looking at is the jacket being worn by the child. It appears to be some type of FFA, 4-H, or letterman jacket, but of course too blurry to get any details.
Any leads at all will be helpful. And if you know who took the photo or who the child is (who would be around 50-60 years old now), please reply below.
Information on this photo: https://i.imgur.com/KRy4Hsb.jpeg
usually-suspect@reddit (OP)
I understand this is the belief of many, but I don’t think this can be true. The Concorde that landed in 1973 was British Airways. You can see in this photo it says Air France on the side of the plane, which didn’t come to DFW until Jan 12, 1979.
The photo features a pre-production concord. It was painted in both British airways and Air France colors.
usually-suspect@reddit (OP)
Pretty neat, I didn’t know that. Do you know if all F-TWSA planes were painted the same? I see an article for the one in 1973, at the bottom of the page: https://metro.co.uk/2016/02/11/in-pictures-first-ever-transatlantic-concorde-set-to-open-to-the-public-5675455/
When looking at it with the tail end on the left and the nose on the right, it says British Airways. Again, in the photo I posted, tail on the left and nose on the right we see Air France. Doesn’t look the same to me.
The point about Western not serving Dallas in an excellent. Were both visits to DFW in OP’s post in Air France colors?
He must have dismounted that pony pretty quickly to get that second shot.
Braniff used to fly a couple of flights with either BA or Air France. Back in the day.