Is $950 for the Rtx 4070 ti super an insane overpay?
Posted by Pie_Flavoured_Pie@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 306 comments
Just saw a local store has a Gigabyte rtx 4070 ti super for this price. All US stores are either out of stock or charging over $1k, closer to $1.3k.
I'm still waiting for the 5070 ti and the 9000 series, but want to keep my options open in case these cards are underwhelming, have their prices inflated, or are sold out for months.
Would be upgrading from a 3070 and from what I've seen the 4070 ti super would be a great upgrade for 1440p.
Yes, that's an insane overpay. Don't fall into the GPU rush hype. You could've got one for $750 2 or 3 months ago.
4070 ti super msi expert was $680 last november i wish i got it and F these 5000 series
I can get a 4070 TI Super for £700 off Amazon here in the UK. Reckon that's worth it?
That's a solid price. I'd say yeah tbh. (Especially if you're uninterested in waiting for the 5070Ti to be affordable)
Really? I can find one with similar price in my area. Should I upgrade from my 3070?
if you really need to thats a very good upgrade
Can you share the listing? The cheapest 4070tis I can find is nearly £900.
So all he has to do is go back in time. Ez
When you go back in time, they will tell you "but the 50 series is coming, are you stupid".
Yep, look through my history. This is the exact boat I’m in right now, should have jumped on the 4080 S when I had a chance.
You act like you have no options. By spring supply catches up and you can have your pick of a 4080s for less than original msrp or a msrp 5080.
Just chill tf out and wait.
may i ask what you mean by spring supply catches?
Thats what I did. Got the 4080 S in October. I learned my lesson with the 30 series fiasco.
Right there with you. Bought the 4070 TI Super in October during prime "50 series are coming" season and couldn't be happier.
Luckily my 6900 XT took a shit and I was forced to get a new card before the 50 series came out.. 😂
I bought my 4080 Super in October, everyone said to wait for he 50 series. Personally, I am glad I didnt.
If they wait as long as they would need to go back in time it will come back down.
How? They are literally not in production anymore
When a 5070 ti is one amazon prime delivery away the 4070 ti super will have no reason to be priced as such. Obviously.
I don’t get it, there are no more 4070ti supers being made, you think the remaining stock is gonna last?
There isn't an all-time demand for gpus right now, there's an artificial scarcity of 50 series gpus to buy thanks to ending 40 series production and a paper launch.
When production is full bore and shelves are fully stocked in a few months, nobody will be trying to sell their used 40 series for hundreds over original msrp.
As an aside, lack of supply is not the same as massive demand. This is nothing compared to the covid mining bs.
Is 50 series production lower now than it will be in the future? Where can I read more about this?
Yes 50series production is basically half that of the 40series, it's not really written anywhere but GamerNexus the youtube channel went around asking all the major retailers how many of each card they got and comparing the numbers it's definitely half or less. Some major retailers even got 0 of the 5090 cards and we can definitely guess that most of the production went towards manufacturing the AI gpu cards which makes 10x their profit compared to gaming gpus, so it's a no brainer they would prioritise allocation for those cards.
I doubt they ever drop again but maybe crappy cards like the 4060 you’ll see great deals on because of low demand but the 4070 super ti will always have high demand imo.
On a long enough timeline, all prices end at zero
"We'll see about that" - nVidia
lol it won’t
It 100% will. Once the 50 series supply regulates, previous series cards will start flooding the market pushing prices down.
It won’t. You think companies are going to lower prices, especially since Nvidia keeps raising costs for third parties? They’re pushing folks more towards the FE cards. Combine that with tariffs (in you’re in the US at least), prices won’t be going down. Anyone who thinks things with “settle down” is being overly and naively optimistic.
We're talking about 4070tis, which means the market decides the pricing now not Nvidia.
and when will this be?
time value of money is a thing.
if 200 dollars buys you an extra 6+ months with your card, thats worth it to me.
It's worth it for folks who have no PC at all or their PC broke or something.
However, folks that have a perfectly serviceable PC already can afford to wait.
That's what they said every time lol.
The only time that wasn’t true was during the crypto boom, which was a totally different thing
They were kinda right though. MSRP on a 2070 super was $499
Keep buying on those prices and if we gonna soon get a price cut
Just subscribe to GeForce Now Ultimate tier for a few months. Or even a year. Probably the most logical thing to do when you think about it
Can you help a newb understand why this is good advice?
yeh, the real question is whether this is gpu rush hype or just anticipation of tariffs pushing the price up (hint: it's not gpu rush hype)
The 4070 might fall in value again, but if it does it's gonna be because the 50 series' supply catches up and the old card stock gets sold off. That's not gonna happen quickly if it happens at all.
Yup. Either in a hot tub or a DeLorean
Or catch a ride from any ship in Star Trek.
Me feeling like shit that I paid 1300 dollars USD for one. It works but I needed to finish building my computer since I needed to replace some parts. It’s stupid I know
Holy fucking damn. I'm sorry, man, that's an insane scalp.
Thanks. Honestly, it is on me because I didn't capitalize on getting the GPU I wanted earlier at a lower price. It doesn't excuse the high price tho, but I should've known better.
Someone here also said the same thing when 4080 super were at 950 -1000usd , wait for 5080 , don't rush, wait 2-3 months, and now another 2-3 months, and then another 2-3 months. And then wait for 5080 super)))
The guy who said wait 2-3 months ago was the false prophet. I bought my 7900XT in November because I felt like the prices were at their ideal rate.
Not sure where you saw them at $750 2-3 months ago. I bought mine on sale in late November for $840, with tax it came out to $910. Is $950 a bit higher price, yes. But I wouldn’t expect to get a 50series at msrp at any point soon. At least not without spending hours waiting in line in front of microcenter.
Two months ago 800+ tax
Bought a prebuilt with a 4070 ti super for 2k. Just about Cheaper than building one on my own and I don’t have to worry about thermal paste and wires
Either a slight overpay or decent price,depending on whats inside. What's the CPU and ram amounts?
You say that like prices are going to go down.
They will. For the 50 series, at least. It happens all the time. The initial prices are the scalp scam prices.
how long should i wait for it to go down?
Until it's a price you feel comfortable paying? What?
I think he means when would the prices be reasonable.
Would you pay $600 for a 4070 super?
I wouldn’t suggest buying used. 600 msrp for a 4070 super is worth it if you really need a gpu.
How about for an upgrade? I have a 3070 currently.
That’s what I did. I was trying to wait for a 5070 ti but these fucking tariffs and scarcity made me buy a 4070 super. It’s a big upgrade for me. Frame generation is incredible too. Glad I upgraded, honestly though sick of this every gpu release and it’s getting harder to justify pc gaming lately….
Damn. I should snatch that deal fast then. Luckily there are 3 left.
Also, do you think it’s worth it paying $200 more to have a ti super instead?
MSRP for a 4070 Super isn't really worth it in the current climate. In my eyes, they're only worth it used and at a nice discount to like $350-$450.
Gotcha, got any tips on finding used parts? I heard from a friend that bought a 3080 used and it ended up crapping out on him within a year. I'd rather not risk that, unless my friend just got really unlucky
this person is nuts, you aren't going to find one for 350-450. 4000 series are discontinued and there are no reason for prices to go down, maybe it will go down to 700's when the people that are buying them in bulk sell but i doubt it. I bought my 4070ts for 700 2 weeks ago by just refreshing ebay new and eventually landed on one. took me 4 days of looking but i found one. I know the seller that i bought from is selling them for 850 or so atm. But i noticed he puts them up randomly everyday and it sells quick.
A ti super for 700? Man id happily pay 850, my 3060ti cant stop crashing marvel rivals on low settings
yep 4070 ti super for $700
You're most likely coping? I'm guessing you purchased a scalped price. I was referring toa. 4070S for 350-450 4070TiS is more like $550-$700~ used. Also, looking for 4 days is not "looking," that's a pretty quick buy for the used market meta. Trust me when I saw the 4070S should never be $600+.
nope i bought new same “used” price you just stated but w/e makes you feel superior :)
Idk what this statement meant. Did you get a 4070S or a 4070TiS?
Depending on your area, facebook marketplace. I've found a $220 3080 on there, a $300 7800x3d, etc. Just make sure you have all of the preparations to test and to be safe. I recommend meeting in a location like a "Sheetz" because it's public and has outlets.
How do you recommend I test? Sorry I’m completely new at buying used haha
Bring either a full machine and monitor without a GPU, or if you're dedicated enough, get a test bench. You could also ask them to bring their machine with it in.
Well, they aren't going to be falling that low anytime soon. The 5070 will be slightly slower for $550, so that's the price floor.
470 USD is literally the lowest price that Ive ever seen used for a short moment in 2024.
You'll probably not see that again unless there are improvements on the 5000 series front.
Pie_Flavoured_Pie@reddit (OP)
I know it’s an overpay, given the msrp is $800. And at this point I’ve accepted that if I want nvidia I won’t get msrp. But is it really insane given it’s going for $1300+ in most places?
It's just a waiting game, Sooner or later 5070 series cards will be abundant. Then the 40 series cards will go back to normal if not less than normal prices.
I thought they stopped production of 4070 cards
I think he's just saying that once 5070ti is easily obtainable no one's going to need 4070 tin/4080 super, so their prices will stabilize/drop as they should for older generation cards.
yes this. Same thing happened when the 40 series came out.
Bro literally just wait for the prices to stabilize lol
My friends all bought 30 series for insane prices during covid and are sick to their stomachs at the used market prices. One paid double what I did (got lucky on a Best Buy notification) for a 3070 Ti, now worth like 1/4 of what he paid, and he hates that GPU.
As someone who did pay $1.3k for a 4070 ti super, if you can wait till the hype dies or try for an msrp 5070 ti that would be a better move. Don’t be like me.
Wow, that’s rough $1300 on a 4070 TiS
It's great to have but oof
Buy it if you think it’s a good deal. We don’t know how many months it will take for everything to stabilize. You could spend your time gaming instead of waiting.
You have a 3070 you have can wait a few months at worst. RELAX. Nvidia is manipulating you to think you need to upgrade. You don't and you don't have to pay scalp pricing.
Unless you need it in the next 2 months, this is wrong. I got a 4080S under MSRP like 6 weeks ago.
I literally just bought a prebuilt with a 4070ti super for 1300$ right before Christmas.
Can you not wait for prices to drop?
Is jumping off a 200 foot tall bridge really that bad when other bridges are 400 feet tall? Yes.
What's your current card? Do you really NEED an upgrade right now or can you wait some months? I would just hold off.
Don't do it, man. It's really not worth it. I got my 7900XT for $650 in November. 4070TiS is better, but not $300 better. Please don't let them scalp you. Just wait for the price resurgence because they always redrop down to MSRP.
You’re trying to cope right now. Go back and look at the MSRP and compare prices you just listed again. It’s an overpay plain and simple.
If you wanna rush into it and buy one now go for it but that’s your decision. End of Feb/early March is looking like card production in general will rip up with the 5070 + 5070TI and Radeon releases coming up.
I paid $829 for a super high end model six months ago. $950 is highway robbery.
Get it from groovesland for MSRP. ships from NL but at least not scalper prices
Is 960 USD MSRP? I really don't want to fight the launch rush but would like something better than my 3060ti. I thought I'd gotten a 2-fan MSI one off Walmart on a 2am restock a few weeks ago for 850 but after an 11 day shipping delay they cancelled the order
Sorry, no I dont think 960 USD is MSRP. I just assumed that they would have these cards at MSRP because they have 7900 XTX near MSRP on that site.
And that was arguably a decent price for a GPU that is better than a 3080.
Seems like right before new releases could be a good time for good deals..
Would you pay $600 for a 4070 super?
Maybe. Not much less than prices I saw 7900xt’s at once or twice, though.
I got a 7900xt tuf for 450 with gpu on top
Totally not jealous of you.
Trade it for a 4080 plus 280$ seemed like a sweet deal to me
An excellent deal
But its amd, i wouldn’t use one if i got one for free.
imagine being so blinded by "brand loyalty" that you miss out on deals like that. your loss
Im just having a laugh! Cheers!
This. I got mine for 700 on Black Friday/cyber Monday deals.
I got a 4070 ti super for $672 3 months ago, I recommend waiting or finding something cheaper.
I needed to upgrade and decided on the 4070 ti super. Prices are crazy and it cost me $1200.
I HAD to upgrade. My 2060 is on its way to the big e waste bin in the sky.
The 4070 Ti Super I was eyeing costs 1200 Euro now ...
I have an option for \~930 Euro in my local shop. And now this price doesn't look that bad after all, lol
Pie_Flavoured_Pie@reddit (OP)
Ouch. I saw one on Amazon and it was going for around $1400
I have a 3070 ti oc I want to do the same and upgrade but it’s crazy right now with prices. It’s worth the wait
I got one for 750 last year. It was the TUF model. I can’t believe how much they have gone up
4070 Ti Super squad rise up. They really hit the sweet spot with this card I just wish the naming convention was different.
yaaaaa, my bf and I built new PCs at xmas with the 7800x3d combos at microcenter and each got 4070ti supers for $780 or something in them. We originally were waiting for tax return season in March to build these rigs not knowing how the 50s would perform but with the fear of tariffs we ended up taking the leap. Looking at the costs for even the 40 series cards right now.....jfc, and here I was worried lol the price to performance from 4070ti super to 5070ti.....what a joke the 50 series has become! I feel bad for those who were on the fence waiting.
it really is a great card
mine runs super quiet as well
It’s the best bang for buck card out there imo. I have the pny 3 fan oc card
Probably one of the best mid generation refreshers there was. I tried to get all my buds to buy back then. Now they’re worried they’ll never afford a GPU LOL.
A ti super for 750? They msrped around 800-850 on release last and they came out last year.
You got a good deal!
It was on Amazon right after thanksgiving, might have been 779 I don’t remember but I swear it was 750.
to be honest you might not completely need that upgrade, id genuinely say wait about a year and you can get the 5070 for much cheaper than 950 which performs the same as the ti super, more cool and efficient, and if you get the founders will be awesome to look at. in a year you could easily get the 4080 for that price maybe even less so yeah
the performance increase over the 3070 is good but not a big enough jump to require 950 fucking doll hairs.
I paid 1030 CAD after taxes, if that's American that's HEFTY
I got a MSI Ventus 4070 Ti Super for $700 on black friday. Before that, they were like 800 max. I hope you didn't overpay
4070ti's come in many varieties, it all depends on which one you're watching. Keep in mind that it needs to be overclocked.
Honestly I'd wait see if you can get a used one cheaper after 50 series supply stabilizes in a couple months.
Everyone that bought one of these a few months ago is wiping the sweat from their brow, including myself. Picked one up for $800 in November, I could not be happier with this choice. I’ve noticed a lot of people saying don’t do it, it’s way over priced etc. but at the end of the day it depends on your circumstance. Is there a game that won’t or isn’t running well on your 3070? Do you need an upgrade asap? Probably not so you should probably just wait it out, we’ve seen crazy price fluctuations on cards since Covid, and they will most likely come down… eventually. But if you feel like you really need the upgrade, this is an amazing price compared to what they are currently going for.
I bought a 3060 PNY for $700 back during the very long dry spell that happened during Covid. Was this way over priced? Of course, that card a year after was $400 and now can be had for ~$250. However I had been running an HD7950 from 2012 that just wasn’t cutting it anymore. If I could go back in time I would do it again, no question, and If I could have found a 3060 at $500 or $600, I would have jumped on it immediately. It still would have been over priced, but I still would have saved money.
I doubt with a 3070, that you are in a similar situation. You’re probably a bit of an enthusiast and just WANT to upgrade, if that is the case, wait it out, you have time.
Considering a 7900gre could be had for $540 as recently as December 24, and is roughly equivalent depending on the game, sometimes slightly less, sometimes slightly more... yes, that is insane pricing.
7900gre isn't even close to as strong as a 4070ti super
A 4080 was 700$-800$ at some point on average, idk where we went wrong, nvidia made shit worse by holding gpus to increase market value
You can get a 9700 xtx which is faster in rasterisation than a 4080.super with 8gb more vram for the same money.
If you want to build a pc today $950 is not bad. They’re going for over $1200 on eBay.
*TARIFFS Have entered the chat 💬 🤔
Yeah. That’s basically 4080 pricing. If you can find an MSRPish PNY model id try that.
Highway robbery
Wth are y’all doing with these gpu’s, can’t be gaming.
It's a terrible time to buy a GPU. If you can at all wait, then wait. Market should stabilize some when 5070/5070ti come out and the 9070/9070xt
*tarrifs have entered the chat*
Sucks if you're American, and the prices for it for you.
The prices go up for everyone. Global manufacturers raised prices for everyone to deflect the hit to their market share in the US last time around and will likely do it again. Expect everything to get more expensive as a result, regardless of if you're in or out of the US sphere of influence.
That's some america center of the world thinking there.
Well I don't know what to tell you man, but that's what happened last time. I don't want it to because Australian gpu prices went bananas on the back of that bullshit and it's going to happen again.
As an american graphic card prices should be your least concern at the moment.
Not really, our Governement is being cleansed of waste and corruption. It's fantastic actually. And we'll be sending a lot less to non Americans. Another win.
Very interesting message, for real.
Serious question: How do you know Trump and Musk aren't part of the corruption ?
All that money 'saved' is going to pay for tax cuts to the wealthy. You won't gain 1 cent. In fact, you'll pay more. For everything. Taxes, food, travel, gas, everything you buy. All to fund the oligarchy.
Same thing happened with the other party.
Right? It's crazy how people fall for this, you are not on their level; they're doing everything they can to get richer. And using common sense, if they're getting richer, how? From everyone else.
Found the koolaid drinker.
I like to call them idiots
For sure, I went and bought a 4070 super as soon as that dumb fuck was elected. I had been needing to upgrade and wasn't about to drop a grand on a GPU
Same here. As soon as I heard the tariffs went into effect I mad dashed and bought my PC Parts and got a 4070 Super for $625 and so glad I did. Fixing to build it tomorrow!
Can I ask how much you paid for yours? Should I spend 650 on one?
Just recently bought for a little over 600.
Honestly depends on how you feel about the next 4 years. Might be the right time if you think we will be living through the worst time in this country since the great depression. I snapped mine up soon as I could
I paid about 600 for a 4070 super
Good luck with the instability coming your way with the orange distraction in office.
Yeah I dunno. Between reports of the 50 series melting, the 40 series no longer being manufactured, and tariffs, prices could remain high in the US
Lol I heard that same thing about the 5090/5080 and regret not getting my 4070 before then
Well, you don't have to wait. I think the market will get better when AMD enters the picture again. Not the 5090 necessarily, but most of the others.
Pie_Flavoured_Pie@reddit (OP)
Yeah also waiting for the 5070ti and the 9070xt. Just want to have my options open in case they get massively scalped or prices don’t go down.
AMD is claiming that they are aiming to have plenty of 9070/xt stock available at launch. If so, it will be hard to scalp it. I expect 5090 stock to continue to be an issue for a while. The other 50-series cards are less clear. Depends a lot on whether Nvidia ramps up production.
Hey, I don't work at AMD or their GPU marketing department. But if they want to make big inroads in the gaming market they need to do a couple of things:
You combine these two things and not only do people get the option to buy a reasonably priced card, but also the chance to talk themselves into a beefier cooler. AMD gets the PR best of both worlds where people will buy these cards (if performance numbers are somewhat accurate, if its close to 4080) and then rave about them to their friends. Their friends will then buy them etc. etc. This is exactly why cards like the 6950/6970, 7950/7970, later R9270 were so successful. They were affordable, and didn't maybe always have the best performance, but they were fun to tweak and hobby around with. Hell you could even unlock shaders on the 6950 and get a poor-mans 6970.
It would also help if AMD implemented some QOL with their software, and by that I mean refining what they have and trying to focus on stability and ease of use. Nvidia doesn't do great in this department, but at least they have something that seems to work relatively well. They also have focused heavily on features that solve problems, even if sometimes those problems are ones they kind of contribute to (DLSS/framegen/etc.), others are quite useful like shadowplay and broadcast, and generally, they just work. Though I have had my fair share of 20x24pixel replay syndrome. If AMD can focus on stability, compatibility, and the core features that many nvidia users rely on they will be able to pull a lot of that userbase.
I expect they will price it closer to the $750 price range, especially if Nvidia has stock issues with the 4070 ti, and I expect they will.
if they did that they will be shooting themselves in the foot, that will be so incredibly stupid of them to price products like that and not did what they did with the ryzen. pricing it as high as nvidia is something so stupid that i think only the AMD marketing department would do.
I'm only saying if it outperforms the 5070ti and if Nvidia has stock issues with its launch. Both things that seem likely based on how Nvidia likes to launch things and leaked benchmarks of the 9070xt.
Ppl still hoping AMD will do the Number 2 is just huffing copium now. I expect them to launch 9070XT to be competitive with 5070 Ti, and maybe touch 5080, but probably at either same price as 5070 Ti or even slight markup to maybe 799 because they can say that it has more value than 5080.
I think better than 4070 ti performance at 4070 ti price is at least competitive, especially if Nvidia has trouble with stock for the 4070 ti as well.
The design of RDNA 4 is extremely optimized for manufacturability and BOM control in that order.
Assuming they’re not paper launches too
Some news outlet already reporting AMD pricing and it's not looking good with average msrp at $750 for 9070xt, so unless Nvidia ramp up production for 50 series to fill in demand or AMD lowering 9070xt msrp, i really don't see situation gonna improve much in the near future.
You can get a 7900xtx for less than that
Yes. I paid 900 for Sapphire rx 7900 xtx that just smokes 4070 to super.
Not an insane overpay IMO. I don't see one for less than \~$1300. For some perspective, I see 3090's for $900 constantly. People will compare $950 to MSRP, but good luck finding one at that price. So yeah, $950 is over MSRP and therefore "an insane overpay", but like I said, you're not finding one for MSRP anytime soon. I could be completely wrong and we see SOME normalization with the 5070/5070ti release, but also with US tariffs (assuming that's where you are), who knows.
Is $950 above MSRP? Yes. Will you probably never see that card available for MSRP again? Also yes.
I will say $950 is the best price I've seen on that card since the recent spike, but I'm not going to tell you to buy it or not. You have to sort that out for yourself. I do think now is the worst time to buy a GPU in general, but no one can tell if it's going to get better or worse. If AMD is an option for you, wait, I guess? 9000 series should be coming in March and that could shake things up.
I have a 3070Ti and it's very evident the best time to upgrade was Nov/Dec, I remember seeing a few 4070 Ti Supers for around $800.
You can get the 7900 xtx for that price.
Got my 4070 Ti S at MSRP around launch, debated the “50 series coming though”… but the 4070 Ti S was such a huge uplift from my 3070 Ti, I just went for it. Couldn’t be happier.
Locally here in WA; FB Marketplace is flooded with people trying to sell their used 40 series for crazy money. If it’s a white model, add $250 minimum.
I paid 800euro for one last year... and our prices are usually a bit higher (but tax included)
Any card that barely can manage 1440p gaming at good refresh rates on raster performance is an insane overpay. And by barely manage i mean the latest graphic greats and not 5 years old games
It's a good price if you live in EU.
It is a very big markup. Since you have 3070, I'd suggest to wait a few months until the stock stabilizes.
Although who knows, maybe AMD offering will be terrible and the production of 50xx will be slow and then my advice will age super poorly.
Yes, but it is not gonna get any better
I have a 4070 since I bought it before the TI was released. I’m going to use it until the 5070 ti drops to MSRP or wait for the 6 series.
Just chill until hype dies down. Don't fall into hivemind consummarism. Invest your money and wait. Delayed gratification always pays off.
My 3060 RTX is dated but not dated enough to buy something RIGHT NOW.
it's highway robbery
People are buying 7900 XTX for 650-750€ (depends massively on market).
A 4070 Ti Super for 950-1300$ is a waste
…you realize that is last generation? If someone says 5070 is “underwhelming”, that doesn’t mean you should buy a worse, outdated card for the same or higher price.
"Underwhelming" should not be taken lightly here, the 5070 Ti is rumored to perform a measly 7.6% better than the 4070 Ti Super according to this blender benchmark. With only one MSRP card and no FE version, it's unlikely most people will get the chance to buy the 5070 Ti at MSRP for a good while.
I do think that $950 USD is a bit much for a 4070 Ti Super at this point, but I don't think it's fair to dismiss the 4070 Ti Super just cause "it's last gen", that statement doesn't really mean much when the successor is a massive disappointment and will probably come at a higher cost for most people.
I paid $760 buying one December 1st.
Why not wait get a 5070 Ti?
And everyone said buying a 4080s in November was stupid......
Yes 100%
Hell yea just get a 5080 normal thats about the same price and just performes better
Last week I bought the latest tuf gaming 4070 ti super from Mexico for $950, there is no stock of this model in all stores. 👍
Friend got a 4080 Super back in December for $1000 + tax (MSRP).
I laughed and was like "they'll be announcing the 50xx series cards in January and they'll probably be available in March"
Him: "yeah but they'll be impossible to find for 6 months to a year and I can get this one right away".
After all the announcements, embargo lifts on reviews, and then the subsequent paper launch of the 5090 I was like "you made the smart decision."
A regular 4070 can play anything at 1440p, If you're a gamer a 4070 is plenty, if you just stare at a frame rate box while playing games. Just get a frame rate simulator and stop playing games. Get a black background 250 fps wallpaper, sit there and drool on yourself.
Considering that’s what 4080 and 4080s should be going for, yes
I just paid $600 CAD for a used 6900xt. Even if you were talking $950 CAD, it would be overpriced. $950 USD is robbery. That card should be like $700-800 max.
Hard disagree. The 4070 super was around $850 in Canada. I've never seen the 4070 Ti super for less than $1k. It usually sold for $1,100 or even more depending on the specific model.
A 4070 Ti super is pretty strong. For $950 CAD it would be a steal considering the current market.
What I'm saying is at the current market I got a used 6900xt for $600 CAD.
The value of a 4070 ti super is nowhere near. It's not so much an improvement to be over $1k.
I'm talking about value, not about what's a good price if you must have a specific brand new GPU in the middle of this market.
XX70 series is the most mid of the mid range. And shortly the 4070 will be a full generation old. The 4070 series should be way cheaper, like 30% on the low end.
And this isn't criticism of just the 4070. Value today is just awful, so I couldn't imagine considering a brand new GPU for at least the next gen or two.
We'll see if AMD gets really aggressive with the new release to put some pressure on the mid range, but Nvidia can basically just safely ignore their existence anyway--people will still buy them.
I thought you were exaggerating but checking memory express proves you right. Dear lord. It's ridiculous.
I paid $880 CAD for a 4070 Super. If I saw a 4070 Ti Super for this price I'd have bought it
They were selling for ~$800 at microcenter about 5-6 months ago.
Right now everyone is looking for an upgrade since the 50 series just dropped, and Nvidia did the thing again where they didn't have enough stock built up before release so almost no one is able to get their hands on one. So folks who need/want a new card are looking for the next best thing when they realize they're not gonna be able to get their hands on the 50s which is the 40s
What for the 9070XT
The only GPU worth buying at the moment at the $500+ range is the 7900XT and 7900XTX. You will not see a 4070 Super, or 4070 ti Super at a fair price for the next month at least.
Just keep checking r/buildapcsales and if you have a microcenter nearby, check their website for restocks.
Yes. Don’t pay 30% over MSRP to save a few months’ waiting.
bro do not do that it took me a while but after 2-3 weeks of constantly searching i got one for 650 used its not worth 950 thats like 4080 super price bro
Man I am so glad I got mine back in November for $730
I just got entire 4070 super based PC for $900
Can I ask from where?
They bought it at the Hopes and Dreams store.
Obviously I'm kidding, but a 600+ dollar GPU leaves you with 300 dollars for the rest of the PC? Yeah, I guess it's possible but it's hard to believe.
I bought a used 4070 super for 500 a while back, prices have changed. But it's still reasonable.
Yeah that’s what I wanted to say but be polite about it lmao
A 4070 ti super going for the price of a 4080 super? What a bargain! /s
Literally bought a brand new 4080 super on Amazon for $950 a month ago.
should have just bought a 7900xtx
That's exactly what I did. Black Friday before the new administration and tariffs. Powercolor 7900 xtx for like $760 off of amazon, fucking absolutely nuts deal. I still wanted to wait for the next AMD generation but at that price it's too hard to say no.
About $200 overpay compared to ‘normal’ prices couple of months ago. If you need card in the next three months, you should consider paying the premium. If you can hold out till end of spring, chances are you we’ll find a 5070 at similar price.
Yes. I bought that exact same card new for $700 on sale a couple months after they released.
That's damn near 5080 prices
Same boat here. I was thinking of building a new PC. I saw the tariffs were coming and thought I might build sooner than i planed. But god everything is overpriced right now.
9070xt is likely to have similar performance, I'd at least wait a couple weeks and see how they're priced.
it's 1300$ in argentina so it's a good price for you
At that price, I'd get a 5080. In fact, that's what I did lol
I just bought one for 950.00 and I’m happy with my purchase, I don’t need to upgrade again for a few years and if I do I can resale this one for at least 600-700 depending on the market. I would only consider upgrading if I get a 5080 at msrp which is not likely
Yes but it is what it is.
Yeah get a 7900xtx for that usd
If it has 16gb of Vram, then it's about as good as you are going to find right now.
I bought the same GPU in December from Microcenter for $800. Def would not have paid $950 for it.
Yes, they are $700 or so and last gen. Have some damn patience. If everyone did we wouldn't be seeing these kinds of prices.
Get over it. It's not your money.
Yeah. It’s not a $1000 card. That said, all higher end cards are trading for too much now. Have to wait it out.
Bruh if you gonna do that I’ll sell you a perfect working 3080 12gb for $800! Lol 😂
That’s the price of the 5080 completely overpriced
Egregiously insane.
Its overpay for sure , but compared to some other models im inclined to say it's just bad and not insane.
Bought mine for $750 back in December.
I paid 863€ for mine last month.
950$ will be the inflated price for 5070tis in a couple months, paying that for a 4070 is insane (hell its 4080s msrp almost)
Yes i got a used 4080 super for 750$
not worth it
There is no way I’d spend 950 to go from a 3070 to 4070 ti super. Stick with your 3070 for awhile longer until the market stabilizes. I’d wait to see how the 5070s perform.
If it is in line with recent sale prices then no. Things are worth what people are willing to pay.
Nvidia is trying to destroy the computer gaming niche. They actively don't want to sell to you, so quit. Or, switch to Intel. Shockingly, they're the only producer who's showing the computer gaming market any respect.
So, Q U I T. Don't buy anything Nvidia, vote with your dollars, tell them they can go fuck themselves for how they've ruined the market on purpose just because they've found they can make more money off of AI. Fuck Nvidia.
The problem other people aren't addressing but are assuming an answer to is: will this card get more or less expensive over time.
And honestly, no one knows, especially if you're in the US because so much of it depends on what the oligarchs in charge decide on a day to day basis.
I'm cautious so I picked one up for a bit less around black Friday and am happy with it. But if you want to wait to see if it gets cheaper, go for it. Just be prepared for it to not
It's a brief moment where all GPUs are radically priced. Don't let the company have your money. It will be back to normal in about 4-6 months and you can have a better card for less than that amount.
If money is not a barrier, just get a 4080 Super, otherwise you will regret it. A lot of us have been through this more than a couple times.
I know it's hard, we are holding out with you. You're not alone 🤝
Yes. Coulda bought. 4080 super for the price just a month or two ago.
Yes. You are most likely intending to play games. Games.
I’m so mad that I returned a 4080 Super to Best Buy before the 5000 series release
Yes lol
What about $600 for a 4070 super?
4070Ti Super is a 4080 with a sticker on it.
depends on where you're from lmao in some countries the 4070 ti super never went below $1k
I paid around 750 for mine and that was a while ago. So yeah. Lol
Dang glad I bought a 4080 Super a few months ago for like $999
Considering there's placeholder 9070XT prices nearly 33% less for a card that will trade blows to outright beat it, yes.
I thought this was 5070 ti. Hahahha. Yes this is a bad price . Be patient
Oh, will that beat a 4070 Titanium “Super” ?
Yep, I bought mine for about 100 bucks less and an ASUS tuf 4070ti super
Wait if you can. Buy if you can't. The timing is really bad but the future is impossible to predict.
Yes are you kidding? Wait around and grab a 5080 at a couple hundred more if you're trying to spend that kind of money
Stop giving Nvidia your money, unless you need to stream or video edit, you don't need to pay Nvidia tax.
I'm on an RTX 2060 and I'm waiting. I'll wait a year if necessary. Hoping the 5060 is decent, or 5070 prices are reasonable. No hurry.
hold out for a better deal !
still, the card itself is great. my 3070 died recently and I replaced it with a 4070ti super rather than risk the 5070's performance figures all coming from it's 3x framegen nonsense. I played at 1440p and get great performance across the board, even with RT on, so I'm very pleased. Oh.. and if I get at least 50-60fps using RT without framegen, I'll try switching it on too. Usually gives a decent bump in performance but without input lag problems. If it's below a natural 50fps, I find it unbearable.
hopefully by the time you get access to a good price for the card you'll also have concrete info on whether the 5070 is worth your time too.
I bought mine for $640 3 months ago, so I'd say yes lol..
Isn't the EU gonna see a price hike with the U.S tariffs coming into play?
Yes I paid $750 for a new one from new egg a few months ago.
Not absurd. But it should cost less.
Pie_Flavoured_Pie@reddit (OP)
That’s exactly how I feel. Just want to make sure I’m not getting massively ripped off.
This is pathetically weak impulse control. Get it together.
You came here asking if you were overpaying for that card. Everyone told you that yes, this is a ripoff. And now you're trying to cope by saying 'well other vendors are ripping people off even MORE'....
I are. Just wait.
If you have the money and need it now go for it, but yes this is way overpriced and not a great financial move. If you can wait do it as price will be down in 2 or 3 months probably
Patience. Wait 6-12 months.
I haven’t owned an nvidia card since the 900 series. Went team red and never looked back. I got my 7900xt for way less than $950. But that was November of 2023. I would wait and see what prices do in the next year. Right now is a bad time to buy a new gpu
I just put my gigabyte 4070 TI white version on ebay for fun and got offered £800.
Got the white MSI Gaming x Trio version last Oct for around $830. Depends how urgent the need for a GPU is.
In EU (locally) I see these at \~980€. 4080S and 5080 are completely out of stock.
I'd say wait a couple of months if possible, that's what I'm going to do as well.
Buy 7900xtx
Jesus christ, nvidia are jacking the prices up even higher for the 6000 series cos they KNOW we are stupid enough to shell out for it.
I paid $1000 Canadian before Christmas. Seems like I made a good choice.
Insane not but expensive , classic cringe price by ngreedia
Yes I just got a 4080 super for 850
In my country the 4070ti has been 1119 dollar all it's life lol
I got an entire pre build for 970 with a 4070
As an aside I can get a 4090 for 750 USD. Is that a good deal?
It should be around 480$ 1000$ is atrocious for a 70 series gpu lol anything over 90/80ti series SHOULD be around 800-1000$ MAX , but doing 90 series was already too much, a 80 super series was VERY sufficient without breaking the bread around 600-700$, idk why anyone would pay over 1000$ if u pay that, ur well off and don’t mind the inflation
It's not bad considering prices everywhere else. The MSRP at launch was $799.
Pie_Flavoured_Pie@reddit (OP)
My thoughts exactly. At this point it seems you have to pay above msrp for nvidia. Might go team red.
Be patient, wait a few months for More 50 series cards to come out and drop in price. Don’t fall for the fomo.
absolutely what the hell kinda price is that???
AMD is claiming that they are aiming to have plenty of 9070/xt stock available at launch. If so, it will be hard to scalp it. I expect 5090 stock to continue to be an issue for a while. The other 50-series cards are less clear. Depends a lot on whether Nvidia ramps up production.
I paid 900 for my entire 5800x 6800xt build😭
That's %26 over MSRP for a last gen year old card
Don't do it
Yes, especially if we consider were talking about older GPU that was released for 799
I paid $850 cad for a 4070 TIS with box and 2.5 years warranty left
Pie_Flavoured_Pie@reddit (OP)
No? That's not overpay