Are these parts good for my purposes?

Posted by RoyFireplex@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 6 comments

So I play a lot of games and in 1440p. My current PC is about 5 years old, right around the time the 2070 Super's release. My current PC's specs are as follows, sorry if I don't have all the specs, I just don't really remember them. Also I mainly remember stuff like CPU, GPU, Motherboard, and RAM more than anything else since these are the primary things that determine performance iirc. So here are my current parts:

Recently my PC has been struggling to keep up with more usual tasks, which makes sense after 5 years. My new PC specs are planned to be these:

I just want to know what I should keep a look out for, like power supply minimum wattage, or maybe any bottlenecks I should try to optimize? Additionally, I heard that the 4060 Ti might not be so good for 1440p gaming, so I'd like to just double check that, even tho compared to benchmarks, it leagues ahead of my current 2070 Super.