Whats the Best Gaming Headset to Buy Right Now?
Posted by Routine_Escape2919@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 299 comments
Help please. I want to get my son (17 yr) a solid PC gaming headset. Right now, he’s using a cheap $20 one that he doesn’t like, so I want to upgrade him to something high-quality. What’s the top-rated model on the market right now in the 200ish range? I can spend a bit more if something is really worth it. Or is there a great value option around 100 bucks that still delivers excellent sound and comfort?
I don’t know much about gaming headsets or headphones, so please give me the full name and model of the headset you recommend. I’d really appreciate the help
Im a corsair shill. My void pro headset lasted me 7 years until I broke it on accident and upgraded to the virtuoso and have no regrets.
iCue constantly explodes, requiring a reinstall to fix, and the settings you put on the headset REQUIRE iCue to reapply every time the headset connects. I HATE the green "not muted" light, and I hate the lack of control over which voice prompts they use. The cups degraded to shreds in under 2 years, the plastic holding one cup broke from an accidental drop onto the desk. The volume wheel has a mind of its own, can adjust system volume randomly, and may or may not skyrocket to 0 or 100% on its own.
Needless to say, I have regrets, hence why I'm on this forum looking for alternatives
Not saying you’re lying or whatever I just personally have never had this experience with Icue. I installed it once. And just do updates and have never had issues. You can disable the green led as well as voice prompts through specific device the settings. My void cups lasted 7 years and my virtuoso cups have held up as well. I’ll probably buy some slightly bigger ear cups at some point but that’s the only issue I have as a whole with corsair.
I'm aware of the device settings, however, they made the Virtuoso default to factory LED settings whenever it was not connected to iCue, so I have to have it running to disable the LED. I have reinstalled iCue a number of times to try to make it work and its straight up ass IMO.
Interesting. I set it once and it has stayed off its entire lifetime. Icue never opens by default on my machine also.
I should clarify, *SOME* options revert to factory. There are two ways for me to turn off the logo lighting, turning the color to black, and setting the brightness to zero. If I set it to black, it will restore its color when not running iCue, if I set brightness to zero, it holds that setting. The same cannot be said of the "enable green light while active" setting. There is seemingly no way to turn that green light off without having iCue running.
+1 for the Virtuoso. It's a solid headset, great mic and has the benefit of using both wired and wireless channels simultaneously.
Bro that’s literally what I’m waiting for, but my void headset won’t fucking DIE. It’s been years and if the battery has worn out over time it’s not been enough for me to notice.
How is the virtuoso? That’s the one with the strap across the band, right?
On god it doesn’t die. It only broke from crushing it like an idiot but the headset still works it’s just snapped in the middle band and want stay on your head 😂
I got the virtuoso se which is metal and the only downside is weight (probably a non issue on the normal one) but it sounds amazing, mic is good even though I use a deskmic and best of all battery life. This thing can go a few days if you leave rgb off.
The mic quality on the virtuoso is on a whole other level compared to other headsets in the same price range, goes from muddy to crisp and crystal clear with the virtuoso
Isn't Audeze Maxwell the answer here?
Just purchased those, was pretty happy with the sound, but... the microphone quality was TERRIBLE out of the box. like, while talking with a friend to help me fix it, friend requested I switch back to the old headset that I'm trying to replace until we tried a new fix. once I found something that worked... an hour later, nope, back to trashy sound. The AI is terrible and without it, WAYYY too much sound comes through.
I went through a lot of forum posts trying to find ways to adjust the settings to make it work, but honestly, this is NOT the hassle I should have to go through to get quality sound out of a quality priced headset.
I have a pair. I’ve had several high quality “gaming head phones prior, and they aren’t in the ballpark of my Audeze Maxwell. If OP can stretch his budget a bit, it’s the headset to go with.
Better thsn a50x?
Depends what you want. I did a lot of research, but haven’t owned a pair of Astro. Maxwell has better overall sound and a longer battery life, and the Astro has better gaming sound and higher build quality. If you play competitively then Astros is probably the option for you, it if you’re playing single player games/music/non-fps gaming the Maxwell’s will be better. The Maxwells are fairly heavy though, definitely the heaviest set I’ve ever owned. I like that, some don’t.. I also swapped out the stock ear pads for aftermarket cooling ones and they are fantastic.
Maxwell also looks pretty normal, whereas the Astro looks like a gundam.
I have Nova Pro Wireless atm and they’re great tbh but moving my PS5 into my game room as well and wanting a headset for each. Maybe move these to my PS5 if there’s a better option
Got mine in the mail an hour ago, been fucking with the EQ listening to Polyphia and they're better than anything I've ever had.
Gonna take my Arctic pro wireless out back and piss on them. Maybe more than once.
Mine broke in three months :c (membrane decided it didn't fancy staying intact). I really liked the sound and comfort they provided, but their durability should be mentioned as it isn't the greatest
This. Amazing wireless headphone.
Planar magnetic just hits different.
Pretty much the answer of every single audiophile reviewer as well. Crinacle likes it, so most people do as well.
Great Headphone, à bit pricy though, but phénoménal sound
Drop Sennheiser PC38X, $130 on sale rn
Please ignore everyone else in this thread and go with the PC38X. Steelseries, Logitech, etc. are all garbage in comparison
Great audio quality for the price, durable, open-back so if you yell for him he can't pretend not to hear you, and the Mic is solid as well.
"Gaming" headsets are awful. Imo, best bet is to pick up a PC38X or DT990 Pro and use a separate mic if you wanted to spend more.
If I got the DT990 Pro, what separate mic would I want to get to pair with it? I no nothing about these mics as I've been using a Logitech g933 headset or some other with integrated mic for 30+yrs, lol. I'm not a streamer either. Do those mics have to be right up under your nose to work?
I have a pair of Hifiman Arya Organics, and I use an Antlion Modmic on then. It's a little Bluetooth mic that attaches with a stick on magnet. A little awkward to turn on and off cause the gestures kinda suck, but the audio quality is nice and I've used mine for over 2 years now.
Selling that they arent soundproof as a pro is a far stretch. Comes down to how you live but if you live somewhat close together having headphones that dont cut out outside noice can be a curse and a complete dealbreaker.
What exactly is garbage? What so awful about gaming headsets?
Generally you're paying for branding, while the quality of the components is lower, the sound quality is worse, the range of sounds they're able to produce are narrower, and they aren't tuned or EQ'd very well.
You're paying for low-quality headphones that have a non-replacable cable, with pads that are difficult to replace because of the cheap plastic they use to hold them in, or they aren't replaceable period so you're forced to live with gooch juice on your ears or buy an entirely new headset.
With audiophile or enthusiast headphones, you're getting a much higher quality product for less or about the same price, with replaceable cables and pads, and much higher sound quality plus frequency response. Usually, the only issue is you need a separate microphone, such as an Antlion Modmic, which increases cost.
Anything 'Gamer' branded is generally dog shit. Chairs, headphones, keyboards, mice, etc. If you want a high-quality product, it costs a decent bit of $, and doesn't have fortnite emojis on the box, etc.
Are you saying every single gaming headset is garbage? Even the most expensive one?
“Garbage” is relevant
Like yeah a REALLY expensive gaming headset will sound better than a hyperX cloud II, or a logitech g230, but it will still likely be worse than standalone audiophile headphones at the same pricepoint.
Like lets say theres a $300 gaming headset (like the arctis nova pro wireless). Compared to other, cheaper, gaming headsets, it will probably seem like the holy grail, but compared to a $300 pair of reference studio headphones (like sennheiser HD600), yeah it’s garbage.
What is your suggestion for me? I don’t like open back though.
R/headphones seems to like Fiio ft1, but i’ve never tried them so I can’t say anything definitive
This is half true. I agree with the chairs and headphones, but not with mice and keyboards (or monitors). One of THE most popular gaming mice is the Logitech G502, which is marketed as a gaming mouse. I've had one for 3 years now and love it.
Also notable is that they rarely care about ear comfort on those 'gamer' headsets. Style over comfort is practically their tagline.
Beyer mmx 330 got mic:)
yeah but it sucks, especially its build quality
i have nice headphones but I've been through an AT2020, Behringer XM8500, a Scarlet 2i2, and Behringer UM2. I have always had people tell me my mic is too quiet / quality is bad (across all 4 combinations) + I'm getting tired of my desk clamp so I'm about ready to buy a gaming headset at this point
theres something worng then. the xm8500 is my daily driver for years and nobody ever complains. its quite the opposite, they say i sound like a professional streamer lol. but the behringer "um" line with the xenyx pre amps are really shit, the "umc" line with the midas pre amps are really good for the price. Th focusrite should have enogh power to drive the xm8500. the AT2020 should be more than loud enough if you crank the pre amps to 50 or 60% with proper phantom power.
I use Hifiman Arya Organics with an XDuoo TA-22, but I have an Antlion Modmic attached to it. I love it so much I have another as a backup.
It's pricey, about 140$ normally, but I've used mine for about 2 years. It attaches magnetically, using super strong adhesive to attach a little nub to the side of your headphones, then connects to the PC with Bluetooth.
Never once had anyone complain to me about moc quality or volume, which is anecdotal, but still, it's incredibly convenient to be able to attach it or take it off when you want.
Concur, gaming headphones and gaming chairs are all a gimmick. I got a DAC for my PC38X but it was fine with onboard sound as well. Beat headset I’ve ever owned (for a PC)
Went through three expensive gaming headsets before trying the some good wired headphones and realizing how much money I’d wasted
If you only need wired, something like the VModa BoomPro combined with quality headphones like Philips SHP9500 will beat the pants off any gaming headset.
It's when you need wireless that it gets more complicated.
My PC360s (older model of the 38X) only needed a dac when I got a proper surround sound system for my pc and windows decided to start being obtuse about what devices were getting which audio streams. The USB dac for the headset solved that problem great.
PC38X or keep my HD560s?
From what I know, the HD560's are comparable in quality to the PC38X, but without their microphone attached. If you have a Mic already that you're happy with, I doubt you'd notice any huge difference, imo.
I’ve been running the same sennheisers for over 10 years—even replaced the cable and the ear cups to extend their life. They’re the best bang for buck, easily.
This... The headsets last for decades, the same model you can buy today and still top.
Ugh if youre a hipster for sound quality yeah go for sennheiser. For me wireless matters more, all wires get tangled over time and become a nightmare
Wireless sennheiser headphones enter chat.
Going for sennheiser doesn't make you a hipster. Sennheiser offers some of the best value for money. You aren't paying for a brand name. You're paying for quality.
Also, no... wires don't all get tangled over time. This only happens if you neglect them and don't keep them tidy.
Open backs are great for gaming because they provide super soundstage and sound quality—problem is, if he lives in a noisy environment they’re not going to benefit from them. At that point they’re no better than cheap gaming headphones.
open back is the only way since gaming you get so freaking hot you need the ventilation. worst thing is if you want wireless and open back you'll be paying A LOT.
Not if you buy custom ear pads, even with stock ear pads on my Audeze Maxwells I don’t get hot. If you’re sweating or getting hot, then open backs aren’t going to fix that, means you need some full room ventilation.
I’m not against open backs personally, wish I could get some since I wanna get a good pair of Sennheisers and a good DAC, but because my house is filled with people talking all the dang time, closed backs are my only option.
Custom pads can sometimes be a problem. Some headphones are specifically designed with the built-in pads in order to sound properly good. Different sound seal and such.
Proper EQ usually stems that problem, not perfect, but a worthwhile trade off for comfort.
They don't fix it but they sure make it a lot better. settled for some sennheisers without a mic. last time I had to choose but for some reason the PC38X aren't available here.
This is the best answer. I have a pair of Sennheiser HD 560S open back headphones and a standalone mic. There's no comparison. PC38X is alright but I didn't love the mic.
Heavily agree with dt990 with standalone mic
Isn’t it pretty counterintuitive to have open back headset while ‘gaming’? Does it reflect your sound quality having background noise through your ears?
It's a matter of preference, and the background sound in your environment.
Open back headphones are better in the sense that it's more natural. You're supposed to hear the sound coming out of the other earcup since it matches how we actually hear sound in the real world. So, it's more immersive.
Closed back obviously has much better sound blocking, and if you're playing in a very noisy environment with background noise, then obviously it's more immersive to not hear your siblings/ or roommates shouting at each other.
You could also just like one more than the other, it's entirely how you feel about it.
For context, I like open back headphones. Back in the day I wore a pair of Astro A50's, then moved to a pair of Sennehiser HD650's with a Fiio K5 Pro, and my current setup is a pair of HIFIMan Arya Organics with a xDuoo TA-22.
I use open backs because my ears sweat and at some point I get ear infections. Had some ATH-M20X which had good sound but it left my ears MOIST. Now I’m on Philips SPH9600 and I could wear them all day.
Yeah that would make sense thanks for the clarification
It’s better than having my significant other yelling at me in 5.1 surround sound for not listening to her or hearing my kids calling 😂
I game with the Audeze LCD-2, audiophile level open back headphones. When things get intense, I hear nothing other than the game. I also have some hyper focusing that happens so I might also be tuning everything else out. But I experience no degraded audio quality from it, but other people will hear your audio from across the room
I’ll have to try them to really see how they go. I can’t wrap my head around them sounding better than a closed back which muffled outside noises and only lets you hear your headphone speakers.
Always worth a try, I find the soundstage to be wider with open back so that sounds seem to be coming from around you in the room. It gives a more natural feel to audio instead of the sound feeling like it’s in your ear or inside of your head.
In loud surroundings, it could definitely be intrusive. It also depends on the volume you use, at lower volumes you can have a conversation with someone next to you without taking the headphones off.
Very good point with the sound distance not being interpreted as in your ear but around
Oh yeah, and some headphones will have a wider sound stage compared to others. Closed back headphones have to deal with harmonics from reflected audio from the cups which gives it a small to no sound stage.
Open back headphones have better soundstage and imaging. You can pinpoint enemy location much better than closed back.
what microphone do you recommend
I personally use an Antlion modmic, but it's a bit pricey. I think they make a 60$ version that clips onto your shirt instead of sticking to the headset itself, and I think Shure makes a version as well.
I’m a fan of the Beyerdynamic MMX300. It’s literally a DT770 with a mic bolted to it. Great sound and has the same awesome comfort level.
I think only non-gaming headphone able to replace your cable.Most of my headphone and earphone useless when the cable broke
Let me hurry then !
Damn its back to $170 already
It's totally worth it !
I have this, it's great. Note that it's an open-back headset, which is very unusual, and means you're still completely exposed to the background noise of the room when wearing it. It's a very different experience to closed-back headphones. I think the Tygr 300 from Beyerdynamic is the only equivalent option, and I don't really know anything about that.
Having never owned a set of "open back headsets" (and not knowing they existed until now), why would anyone want to hear background noise for a gaming headset?
I think we've all done the 1 ear thing when necessary, but all the time with no way to go full immersion? Seems like an odd way to go.
Having gone from closed to open on a whim, I 100% prefer open because
I was intrigued and bought these to try them out, unfortunately they're going right back.
Unless you have your GPU under a block I don't know how anyone can use them for PC gaming. I have a custom lowered fan curve/undervolt and still any time there was a quieter moment in game all I heard was the GPU fans.
2 is the biggest reason for my open back headphones
I don't like them for reason #2 you gave
Also less sweaty ears.
its not like not wearing headphones. you are just not totally shut off from everything. and soundwise its more like the game sound has more room to breathe. the sound is more natural and due to the bigger soundstage the spatial or 3D sound is way more accurate and you can really pinpoint where the enemys are, its like a cheat code for shooter games
Open back headphones have better soundstage and imaging. You can pinpoint enemy location much better than closed back.
Open back is a godsend for me in a warm climate because it allows air/breeze in the ears for longer gaming sessions. I previously had FUNGUS/ringworm style fungus in my ears from too much closed headphones in humid Asian climates.
It creates sound more natural to our ears.
Closed back the sound is trapped in the cans, open back the sound escapes freely creating a more natural soundstage.
That’s the elevator example of it. I love open back so I can still hear my kids or spouse in an emergency, but I also have a dedicated room with low noise to play in. If you play in a loud environment then open back might not work well.
where are they on sale at?
Paired with an Amp, it's the best money wise headset for every task out there, especially gaming ..
This is a the answer. I bought two, One for each of ny kids. Useable on their PCS and their gaming consoles.
2 questions:
Did the drop.com sale end between this post and now? If so pretty funny.
How is the battery life? I own a different Sennheiser EPOS headset with abyssmal battery life (owned for less than a year and we're talking 6 hours) and the LOUDEST ever voice that will suddenly scream at 3am "CHARGE BATTERY".
Nope! It’s $139 though my b. They’re wired so they have no battery life, totally recommend a wired headset imo
Ahhh cheers. The localised site for my region doesn’t have them on sale. Fair enough on the battery but since I experienced the freedom of wireless I can’t go back.
I see 139, where’s the 130?
Yeah that’s my b, it’s $139*
Personally i grabbed a pair of truthear Hexa IEMs recently for like £70 and these things sound golden
Where are they one sale for $130? Amazon wants $180 right now.
My fault, $139* on the Drop website
I have these, the sound is amazing. My only issue with these is sound bleed through to the mic. I got regular complaints from my friends until I switched my active mic from the headphones to my webcam.
On sale where?
My fault, $139* on the Drop website
I thought Sennheiser didn't make headsets any more?
Second these I've had mine for like 4 years at this point. Still sound great still work only had to replace the padding a few months ago. Unless your after somthing crazy high end i would recommend them to anyone just wanting a good gaming headset.
My fault, $139* on the Drop website
This is the correct answer.
On sale where for 130?
My fault, $139* on the Drop website
wth can't even get those in my country
Second this. I hate Bluetooth also. Cords always work and these are very comfortable. Open is so much more comfortable on the ears.
I've gone through 3 different headphones to find the PC38X on my 4th. PC38X is by far my favorite.
I bought this one and agree, I even found a code for an additional 10 bucks off.
This right here. Screw the "gaming" brands.
In my opinion, SteelSeries Arctis Nova Pro Wireless is the king of gaming headsets IMO. The sound quality is incredible, thanks to the high-fidelity drivers and customizable EQ. The active noise cancellation is a huge plus for immersive gaming, and the dual battery system means you’ll never run out of juice mid-session. It’s pricey but worth it if you want premium features.
I have been using SteelSeries Arctis Nova Pro Wireless. It has incredible sound quality, a comfortable fit, and excellent noise cancellation. The dual battery system is a lifesaver for long sessions—just swap batteries and keep going. It’s pricey, but if you’re serious about gaming, it’s worth it.
I've spent a fair bit of time researching headsets, and I found that the SteelSeries Arctis Pro Wireless really stands out in terms of sound quality and build. It can stretch your budget a bit, but the clarity and comfort have made it a reliable choice in my research.
I got my little brother a SteelSeries Arctis 7 because it felt sturdy and comfortable during his long gaming sessions. The mic quality seemed crisp, and he liked that it was wireless. If you need something under 100 bucks, I tried the HyperX Cloud II, and it still delivered clear sound with a decent mic. I'd look into either option depending on how important wireless is.
Hyper x cloud 3 wireless is like 130 and amazing
Hi is this the one you're talking about? Unfortunately all those other ones aren't on this site headset
Yes that's the one that's a higher price than I normally see though
Tyyy I had to buy it from this site but as long as it's the same one I'm happy
Youll like it!
It's on sale at best buy for 116 right now
Second this
Switched to Beyerdynamic MMX 200, wireless. Lasts 2-3 days without charging (that means like 10-14hours per day as they also use for work, listening to podcasts, streams, youtube and of course gaming), can work directly with cable too.
I've tried a lot of headsets in the last 20 years, that's my favorite. Just checked, in the last 12 years i've bought 6 headsets on amazon. Corsair, Steelseries, Logitech (famous for little parts breaking making it unusable) etc.
As an IT person that is into audio stuff and a gamer for life, I strongly recommend a decent set of headphones and a standalone dynamic microphone over a headset.
A SHURE SM58 would be ideal but you will need an audio interface. Audio-technica makes a dynamic mic that has both XLR and USB-C, so you can use it directly connected to the PC with USB-C.
Dynamic is important because it helps cut out room noise, reflections and feedback. The sound source needs to be close to the mic to get picked up well, which helps it cut out any noise.
Ideally, pair with headphones that have replaceable cables.
This is my suggestion because such equipment will last decades. If you see a streamer wearing a "gaming" headset, it is almost always because either they just started out with what they had, or it's sponsored or provided free. Headsets with a built-in mic have a lot of failure points. The joints get moved more frequently, and the internal wiring gets busted. There are exceptions but I feel that pretty much everyone has a story of an expensive headset that only lasted a few years.
Besides durability/longevity/long-term-value, there are many other advantages. Because the mic and headphones are separate, you have a much wider variety of well-known and well-tested headphones to choose from, so as you get started you can go with something cheaper that will work fine--and a $100 pair of headphones from an established headphone brand will get you much better audio quality than a $200 headset from a gaming company. Later, there is an unlimited number of upgrades available to you, you could spend $2000 on top end headphones if you wanted. You can also own both a pair of open and closed headphones, to use to your taste based on your activity and requirements. You'll probably never need or want to upgrade the mic.
Finally, I'd pretty much never trust a used gaming headset. However, if you wanted to go for the "king" of durable trusted mics, you can actually find a used SM58 EASILY (they practically grow on trees, they're industry standard and not even expensive) along with a used audio interface, for half what they cost new.
***the only downside is portability. this is the ONLY case where a headset is going to be better.***
I'll say, as an audio engineer, the "pick a dynamic mic because it's better for room noise" idea is kind of overblown. It's not going to make much of a difference compared to a condenser.
I personally found it to be a night & day difference. The condenser mic I had you could hear every little thing happening in the room around me, as well as any loud noises like people talking in the next room. Sounds like the furnace fan would come through.
With an SM58, either none of those get picked up or they come in at a much much lower volume so it's easier to gate when using something like Discord.
I'm sure in part it depends on the mic. The condenser I was using was some audio-technica usb model and maybe it was particular sensitive.
So what it really is, is how close you are to the mic, dynamics are a little less sensitive to having someone right on it so you're able to have a lower gain as opposed to a condenser that needs a little space, hence why it sounds like it's picking up more noise, if both mics were set to the same gain they would pick up the same background noise, the real difference is how close the source can be to the microphone. You can find condensers that match a dynamic in that sense but you're right that AT usb is likely not going to match that lol.
Makes perfect sense to me!
Do you have a good recommendation on headset then? And any that support Dolby Atmos?
I’ve never used “Atmos” headphones, but isn’t the whole point of Atmos the series of specific directional speakers? Headphones are… stereo.
It’s spatial audio, no extra hardware. So it seems like there’s more than simply stereo.
Dolby Atmos for headphones is a gimmick. Atmos was created for sound systems to support height channels, e.g you have high speakers and low speakers so surround sound isn't just on a flat plane but also above and below.
Headphones are stereo, there's no height channels. But because humans hear in stereo, stereo is all that is required to reproduce any sound a human could possibly hear.
Ah good to know. I guess it was just the quality of the stereo on the Microsoft Xbox wireless headset that is really good for its price point. Specifically on Gears 5 I could hear enemies creeping up and almost walk backwards to get them without seeing them beforehand.
Yeah, I know. My point is that software “surround” is weird and usually bad.
Oh, on the official Xbox headset it was quite game changing for me as I could get a far better sense of where enemies were located in the games I played.
$5 earbuds from the gas station support Dolby Atmos. The headphones/speakers don't matter, Atmos is an algorithm that would run on the device that drives the speakers, it's not related to the speakers in any way.
Headphones/headsets that advertise Dolby Atmos just mean that Dolby approves of the overall quality of the device and the manufacturer pays Dolby to put the sticker on the box to trick people into thinking there's something special about the headphones/headset to get more sales.
Ah gotcha. Good to know, thanks.
As for recommendations, it really is to taste. I use a pair of Sennheiser HD 6XX. I would recommend listening to a headphone before purchasing it or get it from somewhere with a good return policy so you can take them for a test drive.
I'd search Reddit and also check out head-fi.org for what's the latest quality stuff for decent price.
Thanks for the website recommendation. I’ll check it out.
Astro A50s, cheap and reliable.
Would go for hyper x cloud wireless, its good sound good mic and not over expensive, arround 100 a 120.
But I think it's audio isn't great. Like good, but not great as you could get.
yeah but it's wireless.
There are hi-fi wireless adapters for hi-fi headphones. If you want you can use them wireless with that. They aren't very cheap but not too expensive.
Of course there are.
Depents with what you compare, i cant complain i hear the footsteps loud and clear in a fps. Also music sounds good. Maybe it depent on wich one, i have one of the latest cloud 3.
I have a wired Cloud II and the quality is absolutely fine. Problem is that the default profile is really bad and I had to use Equalizer APO to set up something that I don't really think 90% of people would consider insufficient.
there's not really any "gaming headset" with great audio. A cheaper headphone from a reputable headphone company is pretty much always better.
That's one reason I advocate for separate mic + headphones.
Yeah ik. But me as a guy with a very bad 8yo laptop and steelseries arctis nova 7 I'm fine with them. I bought them more than for audio quality for versatility, I played switch and pc at that time, and wanted discord while I played so I got this ones that can have dual audio from the dongle and Bluetooth. Mic is also really good, a bit oversaturated buy its way better than most.
And compared to what I had of audio stuff, it's exceptional, but I agree it could be better, I can now hear details and bass but I see that it lacks in subbase and highest highs, but clarity is good and having lows and highs at the same time doenst make the details dissappear. And the highs are a bit wonky but to my untrained ear it's fine, can't pinpoint the issue but there is a little something making the audio a touch weird.
So while I could've probably gotten some decent headphones, and a mic what I was looking for was the audio throughput, wireless, OK mic, decent audio, interconnectability and plug and play style ease of use. Plus it being able to be wired for when the battery inevitably dies since its not the pros.
Well, I agree with you, the main reason to get a combined headset is convenience and portability. It's just that you sacrifice a lot by doing it. Sometimes it's even required, depending on your case.
I just like to avoid it as much as possible and probably a pretty good percentage of people don't require the portability. It's nice to have, but it's also nice to not have to throw out something that's just a few years old that cost hundreds of dollars. Pick your poison!
The v-moda boom mic is $20 and sounds pretty good for being such a small mic and it fits into any over ear headphones that accept a 3.5mm input. I've been using one for 5+ years now.
I wouldn't stream or podcast with it, but the flexibility to use decent headphones (Phillips Fidelio X2 for me) is really amazing for any multimedia experience.
My preference is the classic SM58 style condenser mic on a boom. It will live longer than I will.
But the v-moda is an excellent choice. It's super compact (solves the issue with portability of something like my setup) and it's cheap enough that you don't care if it breaks every 2-3 years.
I just did this (for iRacing specifically), replaced my gamers with Aune ar5000s and a lapel mic.
The difference in sound is so massive I wouldn’t have believed it was possible.
Yeah, the issue is that audio is one of those things that is always a last thought for people, and nobody has really heard what good speakers or good headphones sound like. So when they buy that $200 gaming headset, they're amazed and you see nothing but 5 star reviews.
Your ar5000s will probably last a lifetime with minimal maintenance. Maybe 1 or 2 cable replacements over 30 years. And there's no headset out there that could possibly compete with it.
I think they're definitely 'good enough'. Especially for wireless.
This is definitely the best choice for a 17 year old. I've had nicer headsets, but I come back to the clouds.
That’s what I have I think. Battery life is great. I don’t care about sound quality because I literally only use it for chat, and for that it’s fine.
I'll second this, but I also gladly trade a little bit of sound quality for a weeks worth of battery life. Its insane how many hours you can get out of a single charge.
I 2nd this. I think the hyper x cloud 2 wireless are among one of the best and affordable headsets on the market at this point. I use mine often and they are durable aswell.
Got my hyper x Cloud flight since 2017 and it is still doing good. I dont think it's worth spending more than 150 for a headset. If you really want the edge, get headphones and a studio mic.
The Arctis steel series goes strong for years. Amazing comfort and plugs right in for instant play. Comfort around the ears and also over the head is unmatched—I’ve worn it for hours and had no pain. Mic quality and sounds quality are also great.
Idk how this is going to be received, but I love the Astro A50x. The sound quality is really nice, the mic is decent, and the ability to be wireless to my pc and connect my phone at the same time is awesome. I can accept phone calls and still listen to whatever is on the pc.
I also have fostex t50rp modded by mayflower audio, Akg k7xx, and DT770 pros, all ran through a fiio K5 pro.
I still grab the astros…..
I was hoping someone would chime in on this, I'm looking at cutting the cord from my beloved A40TX.
I think they’re coming out with another pair that is pretty much the same without the hdmi connection features. Which if you’re on pc you don’t use.
How do you connect to your phone?
Bluetooth. The headset has a wireless connection to the pc via the headset base and logitechs lightspeed tech. Then my phone can connect via Bluetooth.
Sounds small but really nice to be able to check instagram or something in between ques and having full audio in the headset. Or a phone call comes in and you can answer without have to stop playing.
Any headsets not for gaming
I know a lot of people here are going to rightfully trash on "gaming headsets", but I've had the same set of Astro A40TX for years now, and I absolutely love them.
I have a wireless Asus Delta5 set for my laptop, and bought my GF a pair of Logitech G733s, and neither of them even remotely compare. The volume doesn't get very loud even when maxed, the sound quality is sub par, and the mics suck.
The Astros, however, are amazing. Great sound quality, mic is amazing, and the mixamp is a game changer. Having separate channels for game/ chat audio, and having knob right next to the keyboard to control both master volume, and chat/ game balance is super convenient.
That being said, I don't know if the quality of these has taken a dive since being bought by Logitech. I'm planning on buying a set of wireless A50s after I file my taxes, so we'll see.
MMX300 is my choice, but id go with the masses!
Gaming headsets are largely a gimmick. A pair of Philips SPH9500 or 9600 and something like a V-Moda BoomPro would have vastly higher quality than any gaming headset you'd find for the same price, IMO.
https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9n0866fs04w8 or https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9pj0nkl8mcsj if simulated surround sound is necessary. They work with any headphones.
Have you tried games that support atmos ? All the recent CODs and Cyberpunk 2077 fir example
Totally agree re gaming headsets though.
Atmos with headphones is largely a gimmick
It's amazing with a receiver though
Don’t buy gaming headsets buy a pair of IEMs and a cheap dac and a standalone mic the quality will be far superior than any gaming headset by a mile.
Fuck IEMs, get Koss KSC75
The fuck are those for elephants? lol
They're small clip-on on-ears that have been known as "the best gaming headphones for $20-60" for at least a decade.
Can’t be that good cause I’ve never seen a single person use them or heard of them they are also open back so for taking that sucks
Literal opposite.
For gaming you WANT open-back as it gives you more sound stage.
Live and die by Hyperx cloud. The cloud three wireless is the best gaming headset I’ve used and it’s one of the only gaming headsets that gets the stamp of approval by audiophiles
Got em on sale for $135 at best but
My Logitech pro wireless has lasted 4 years so far with little wear and no noticeable diminished battery life. Only headset that has lasted more than a year for me. I’d definitely buy again.
Probably dt 990 pro, it’s good but doesn’t come with a microphone. I personally wouldn’t go for any steelseries, very overpriced and personally doesn’t sit on my head very well
+1 for dt 990 pro. I use them with a fosi k5 dac and a blue snowball mic. Around $250 total for the setup.
This is my exact setup as well and love it. I’ve tried a lot of different studio brand headsets (Audio Technica, Sennheiser, etc) and the DT 990 pros are my favorite.
While you can’t go wrong with most of these brands, the DTs feel a step above the others in that ~$200 price range
+1 for the dt 990 pro and you can add easy for 20$ a mic with a swan neck and patafix glue and it looks still ok https://www.computerbase.de/forum/attachments/111-jpg.535098/ (with same blakc tape and zip ties its almost invisible)
Cables are a nightmare. That you can't detache on the DT (at least on my 770) doesn't help.
Getting a arm for the mic was also some hassle. I used a Zalman mic and made the arm of 6 or 10 mm*mm cobber wire.
Antlions are too expensive.
After GProX I landed at Boose 700 because I like the ANC. There are 3rd parfy which include a mic. The way to go.
I got you fam. The beyerdynamic Mmx 330 got mic, i got it and its fantastic
Think it's an expensive version of the 990 pro with a mic ? ... but the mic is good according to reviews. I'm tempted but already have dt 990 pro
I play with someone who has steelseries headphones of some kind. The amount of feedback I get through his headphones is atrocious. Their app/drivers did nothing to help it. Either he can't hear for shit and we get no feedback, or he can hear fine... and we hear everything he hears a second time.
Plus, apparently they were very expensive.
And, If you go with this option, do not get the ModMic wireless. That thing is a piece of garbage.
While I like Steelseries, the DT 990 Pro’s are also sick and sound AMAZING. You can pair it with a Razer Seiren for $40 and have an awesome setup.
I am using SteelSeries Arctis Nova Pro Wireless and I would not change them for anything.
I agree but the earcups for me are a but small personally. Other than that they are awesome.
I own the Steelseries Arctis 7+ so not quite the same model as you but going wireless was such an upgrade for me, personally. I have a rather small apartment so my connection never drops and I can keep them on literally all the time. The additional features like the EQs, chat mix wheel and 3.5mm pass-through are very useful occasionally. I also have an external mic from my time using the DT990s which I can switch in Discord with a hot key which is also super nice. Can only recommend going wireless to anyone who is willing to sacrifice audio quality for features and freedom.
I have those too. I use them to watch tv or play games on PS5. I like that you could either use them with the 2.4ghz wireless, and/or Bluetooth.
The thing is I already owned production, and DJ headphones. I just needed something wireless for gaming, and I think they’re perfect for gaming.
Yeah just switched to SS this last year after running Corsair for far longer than I should have. Corsair foam earcups fell apart and no replacements. Hot swappable battery, swappable sound profiles, swappable earcups…these have been fantastic for me.
Yeah I bought a pair 5 years ago. Still nothing I see makes me want to change it. Other than the new one…
Same here. The swappable "infinite" battery system is the best thing they could've done.
I personally would not buy a gaming headset most of the time anything with the word gaming slapped on to it is overpriced. I would just get some headphones from beyerdynamic and put cheap mic on these
I got the Logitech G PRO X 2 Lightspeed Wireless Gaming Headset, and it has been great. I got it on sale for $190 on sale off $260
Take a look here also https://www.rtings.com/headphones/reviews/best/by-usage/gaming
Rode pod mic, focusrite scarlett solo, dt990. You will never need anything else.
eh scarlett 2i2 is more than worth the extra money. The flexibility of having two inputs alone is worth it. Even if you say that you wont need to record two inputs, its better to have the option anyway, because, especially if you are a video editor or content creator, having those two inputs is going to come in very very handy.
the best gaming headset is to not get a gaming headset. If you said headset because a microphone is a must-have,
For $200 you can get a pair of Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro's.
Among the best sounding headphones you'll find under $200
and then you can grab a HyperX SoloCast as the microphone, for $30-$40, its a really solid budget microphone.
Logitech G Pro X is nice
the Sennheiser PC38X is nearly 5 years old surly there is better now?
I had an arctic nova pro, and switched to Audeze Maxwell. The Arctic Nova was good, but after switching the sound and build quality is night and day with the Maxwell, it’s so much better. The battery lasts over 70 hours as well. Default sound settings aren’t great, but an easy Google search has people sharing much better settings which really brings the sound quality out.
It’s usually around $300, but you can find them for sale around $250 every now and then, if you’re willing to stretch you budget a bit.
I bought a Sennheiser 560s, and added a mic for under $200 USD. I have zero regrets.
+1 for those. Just got them. They take a bit of getting used to if you're coming from closed backs. But you get over it pretty quick.
Sennheiser 560 is 220 but would be a solid choice
I just got mine for 180$ CAD on sale. They seem to go on big sales every so often.
I love mine, but you need a separate mic for this.
Hyperx Cloud II Wireless
Best gaming headset is a good set of IEMs
Dont get any of those gaming brand headsets, they just sound bad. Get a proper set of headphones, like the dt990s, or sennheiser 599s, 600s, or other things people are suggesting here, it is ABSOLUTELY a huge difference, and worth every penny
If your child is into earbuds, apple earbuds or some iems from Amazon with a decent mic will do the job for just $30
Love my Astros
HD 560S for wired.
Audeze Maxwell for wireless, which comes with a mic.
HD 560S does not have a mic but there are cheap options, under $30, to fix that.
I use studio monitor headphones from Sennheiser and then use a yeti on a boom. It’s lasted longer than my last three gaming headsets combined. Over the past two years.
This is unpopular opinion, but you could really look into the true wireless gaming earbuds options, if your son is open to using earbuds.
I know there are people who just hate putting things in their ear, in which case regular wired headsets may be your only choice. But for people who don't mind stuff in their ears, true wireless gaming earbuds can be more comfortable (no dangling wire, no microphonics, no heatspots from the headbands, no fabric grinding on your face, no heating up your ear of close-backs), more immersive (naturally more isolation from outside noise) and more privacy (no sound leak of open-backs) while less interference with family (no sound leak).
I've been using the Sony InZone Buds for gaming almost exclusively since they came out. While I don't like their audible noise floor, it can be ignored when I'm really immersed in the games. The active noise reduction is pure unadultered garbage as it actually introduces more noise when turned on, but it has good enough passive isolation so it still performas as if it has good enough AND passively, capable of completely blocking out all fan noise from my PC, as well as all sound from my air conditioning.
But they are not that good for music listening, which might be just as important for your son, if he has maybe a 50-50 split between gaming and music.
Ultimately though comfort is a very personal matter, as our ears are all shaped differently, and we all feel differently to different kind of fabric or materials on earpads. Even our ear canals are often different significantly.
So the best bet is probably to go to shops and try them out. It would also be a good teaching experience for your son to invest time in trying out products before putting significant money into a purchase, to avoid just buying into reviewer and online random internet guy recommendations, especially for something that is known to be highly personal: headphones.
pro tip in general is to avoid anything advertised as something for "gamers" and get something for general use as it will likely be more cost effective.
Don't buy a "gaming" headset.
I see the Sennheiser PC38X mentioned, but I would also like to throw the Audio-Technica ATH-M50X into the ring as another great option.
They make a wired, wireless, integrated mic, and mic-less version of this headset if I remember correctly. Currently priced right at $200 but often on sale on amazon for $140-160.
I see some people saying wireless and imo in 2025 wired still outbeats all the wireless headphones. To each their own I guess
While I love my Logitech g pro headset I wouldn’t suggest it. Sennheiser or their gaming side EPOS probably have amazing deals on. And I wouldn’t steer anyone clear
My corsair HS80 is super comfy and sounds great
Beyerdynamic MMX 300
I’d recommend something like a RIG headset. Relatively cheap, good quality sound and a really long battery life, but no so much of an investment that a teenager destroying it on accident/purpose would be much of a bad thing.
Those or maybe an older set of Turtle Beach headphones. Clear audio etc without much of a pricetag depending on the versions you buy.
Personally some IEM’S they are way more comfortable then any headset ive ever used and they sounds great u can find some good ones for good price on amazin
Saving this
Talk to your son and ask him if he specifically wants a headset, or if he'd be okay with a nice USB dynamic microphone. He'd probably be down for that sweet sweet twitch streamer cred.
From there, a $50 fifine usb dynamic will give him comparatively podcast quality audio, and then you could get him a $150 real pair of headphones (which will give him some insane sound quality depending on what you decide to pick up and whether or not he's okay with in ears)
have you considered IEMs ?
Wired: PC38X
Wireless: Audeeze Maxwells
Get a pair of Sennheiser 560s (about 200 dollars or under), and get a separate mic he can put on his table for 4 dollars. He will get much better sound quality than most "gaming headsets", they will last him longer, and after some years he can just replace the pads on them, and they will be like brand new. My Sennheiser hd800 are from 2012, and sound like a dream with some tuning and new headband/earpads.
i think the razer blackshark v2 pro is nice. it’s what i have, my mom bought it for me a few christmasses ago :))
Razer Barracuda X. It supports 3 channels (wireless, wired, and bluetooth). It's on sale right now and usually sub-100 bucks with detachable microphone and mute button. I use it for gaming and for work
I would focus less on "gaming headsets" and buy him a nice pair of studio headphones and desk mic. They're usually cheaper or around the same price as "gaming headsets" with much better quality.
Hyperx Cloud 2 or 3
SteelSeries Arctis Nova Pro Wireless. Swappable always charging batteries is mandatory for me.
The best Headset is None. Buy a decent pair of Stereo Headphones, better than any Headset you can buy. Beyerdynamic, AKG, Sennheiser all are solid but most likely require some kind of Dac/Amp Combo.
If you want to give him the best quality I recommend separate headphones and a microphone.
You can get a very serviceable for under $80...
Or if you're down to invest more, quality and longevity increases significantly...
If that's not his speed you can go with the very simple Philips SHP9600/MB without breaking the bank.
For a bit more there's also the Sennheiser Game One, JBL Quantum One, DROP + Sennheiser/EPOS PC38X or Beyerdynamic MMX 300.
Iem’s + a decent external mic
In general things labeled "gamer-" are overpriced and not necessarily better quality.
Personally I've gone with Logitech Pro X, the wireless version.
I like my Logitech pair like you mentioned. I had the V1 but that has a huge design flaw where the screws keep the headband in place and it broke on any replacement they ever sent me.
The V2 fixed that issue with the rotating ear cups. Has good battery life and great wireless range.
The audio quality could be better...the v1 was better than the v2. The v1 has the ability for an EQ in the software, but the v2 does not.
I downloaded 3rd party software to tune the EQ and they sound great.
I have a Beyerdynamic DT990 with a ModMic and a Logitech Pro X. While the DT990 sounds great and have an open back, I prefer the Pro X for its wireless convenience. It still delivers good sound quality, and the mic is also quite solid. For gaming it’s all about comfort for me.
Philips SHP9500, a lot of people recommended it to me. Or IEMs like what i use now qkz x hbb.
I love my Steelseries Arctis. It's a touch out of your price range but the features are top notch.
I have the Logitech Pro wireless and you can add/remove the mic. Imo it’s really good, mic sounds great, it isnt crazy expensive.
Range on it is pretty good, but every now and again it will disconnect if I get too far (though I think the battery was low)
On the topic of the battery, I can use it for about a week and a half of fairly high use before it dies.
Gaming headsets are notoriously shit just an FYI.
Proper headphones with a mod mic is your best option.
SteelSeries artic nova pros. Had the Astros before that and they were nice too
Apple's EarPods (3.5mm Headphone Plug), 19.00 + shipping and tax.
Save your self from the skull dent.
A good pair of headphones and a $30 external mic
im using a Phillips fidelo X2hr with a seprate mic attachment
extremely immerisive and and i can accurately tell where enemy players are coming from just by sound queues
Plastic shit that will get broken by a teenager within a year.
Beyerdynamic at least is made of quality materials.
Had my pair of pc37x for probably 6 years, dropped countless times. Other than the padding on the ears wearing down they’re as good as the day i bought them.
I bought Baseus Bowie 30 Max directly their site for $20 cheaper than Amazon. $59 bucks delivered. Are they the best? No way. Are they fine for gaming, easy to use, reliable w/ long battery life and great for the price? Yup. I love them. I installed an open source equalizer for Windows 11 and they work great. Look up some YT reviews.
Not razer. Wow I've had a terrible expensive run with them
Get a quality iem and a mic with a boom arm. I am using simgot ew 200 and a budget mic from maono. Iems are much better to wear for a prolonged period of time
From what I’ve noticed, everyone has their own opinions on headphones. I would recommend finding a place with a good return policy (not GameStop) and purchase a few to test out. I did this with the Razer Kraken V3 Pro and the Turtle Beach Stealth 700 Gen 3. I used them both for about an hour and found things I hated that I wouldn’t have known if I had just stuck with one. I kept the Turtle Beaches since I play Xbox and PC, which it comes with two transmitters so it can switch simultaneously. The Swarm II software (on PC) is very easy to use and the EQ is very customizable. Build quality feels solid, but coming from the Razer Kraken V2 Pro (my previous headset I used for years), it has a little more plastic than my liking. Other then my personal preference of wanting a heavier metal headset, the 700 Gen 3 have been wonderful for my setup.
just buy a pair of IEMs
You’re a good Dad. I’m sure your son will love whatever you get him done you’re putting in the effort; personally I prefer Steelseries Arctis headsets for the sound quality and software experience. I’ve heard they are a bit more fragile, but I’ve never had a single issue with any of the pairs I’ve owned and I’m fairly rough on my electronics.
+1 for Arctis. I grabbed the Arctis nova pro this year after returning other premium headsets and love it. Grab the 3rd party cushion upgrades and he will be in heaven
Any particular brand or you have an Amazon link for the cushions? I’ve been happy with the stock pads so far, but maybe I don’t know what I’m missing.
Do you know why the steelseries application keeps changing my default audio device?
Beyerdynamics 990
I got myself HyperX Cloud 3 Wireless from sale for 90 euros. They're usually a bit more but should be less than 200.
They offer good sound quality and decent battery life (120 hours)
I'd recommend them.
Honestly after burning through several gaming headsets I just brought my low-end audiophile headphones home from work and I love them so much more.
Phillips, Audio-Technica, Shure, all decent brands
I got a hyperx cloud wireless. Thing has 300 hours of battery life! Practically never nees to recharge it
I love my Sennheiser PC360S, I've been using them daily for a decade now. The new model from them is the PC38X. But tbh I'd recommend headsets from commercial audio manufacturers like Sennheiser before "gaming" ones.
I bought lg pro for about $100 and love them. These are wired, which works for me, but mayne not your son. They have a version that is wireless, but its about $230. Great sound and mic. I would stay away from anything razer brand. My whole family games, so i bought us all razer headsets about a year ago. All of them have issues with internal wiring.
Look at gaming headsets. They do deep dives and offer good recommendations
Beyerdynamic mmx 330. Hifi sound with mic, best of both worlds. Ive had them for 2 years and they and phenomenal tho expensive.
Hey OP, as I'm sure you've seen at this point, a lot of people will have different opinions. The PC38X/PC37X is a great choice. But as someone in the audiophile community as well; everything sounds good until you hear something better.
I've been recommending audio gear at a variety of price points for years and if you want to DM me I can ask a few more questions to get a setup that will be more tailored to your son's situation.
If youd prefer a straight forward answer, the PC37X on drop.com is fantastic and works right out the box with no fuss.
I really like the Razer Blackshark V2, on sale on Amazon for @ $90 right now. Great sound and lightweight
I’m a big fan of steel series I like the audio presets for most of the popular games it really seems to be good.
the pc38x & audiophile headphones in general is the go-to if you want to transform your listening experience completely
it has superb audio quality since its practically studio headphones with a mic attached
only thing is its open back which boosts the sound quality a ton, but leaks audio by design. excellent for FPS games though since you can pinpoint footsteps & other stuff much better
„Excellent sound and comfort“ is something you won’t achieve for 100 bucks. Headsets in that price range are mostly all the same quality/sound wise tbh. If you wanna get more out of it, you’d need a sound card/DAC and something like a Beyerdynamic mmx 300 pro.
Jesus Christ it’s for a 17 year old kid playing games.
I know. Just want to point out that he can choose what he likes and quality doesn’t matter in that budget. :)
Ah ok fair enough! Yea pretty much almost everything in the $100 range is gonna be pretty similar you’re right.
Does he need a microphone?
If not, get him a pair of Philips SHP9500, they’re $60-$90 depending on sales.
If he does, the Drop+Epos H3X are fantastic for under $100.
If you want to spend more, get him the PC38x off of Drop.com as they’re cheaper than off Amazon.
My Xbox wireless headset is holding up extremely well over last 2 years. It’s a closed back design that he won’t be able to hear sounds around him when it’s on, and comfortable for my bigger head and wider ears. It can connect for just sound to the pc and sound great wirelessly. It u try to use it with a mic on pc the quality drops. The fix is to plug it in. So if hes prone to ripping out cords or won’t like that it might be an issue. It also can connect to a second device thru Bluetooth like a phone. Listen to music, while connected to pc with cable, and once set up auto connects well and intuitively. 1 second press to turn on or off. And a different button to mute mic or unmute. With a small light at the end of the flexible microphone that shows it’s now ON when bright. And when you turn it on it can just connect to pc and then phone automatically after setup in one easy shot (with my iPhone. And I can’t answer for android) leather ear cups that havnt worn much for me. But get a little warm. And headstrap that occasionally has to be pulled back up off of the head or moved an inch to relieve pressure. This may or may not be worse with a smaller head. It does adjust and I can’t try that. It’s heavy enough to feel quality but I havnt had problems with inertia when swinging my head. A hyperactive child may need a lighter style or it will bug them. Easy volume control with turning the entire ear cuff that always blows my mind even today. I’ve never dropped mine I do not know the durability of that aspect, it isn’t slippery and sticks to surfaces well without sliding when laying flat on a desk because of the leather. 100 dollars Amazon In the USA.
Any questions just ask. I would buy another if it broke today.
I really enjoy the Steel Series Arctis Nova Pro set I picked up on a open box deal from Amazon for under $200. The GG sonar program allows you to customize every app's sound quality along with a virtual mixer for different games. Batteries are cheap \~ $15 for a 2 pack to double or triple your mAh capactiy (longer play time). It's been awesome for the month i've had mine and is able to connect to xbox/ps5 at the same time as your PC and can have dual-channel audio going on at the same time.
I like Sennheiser quality as well. The GSP 600/601, GSP 300/301 are solid choices IMO within your budget.
My steelseries Arctis headset is still going strong after 7 years. I had a hyper x one that didn’t even last a month.
Best is relative.
One of the very best headphones you can get under $200 are, hands-down, the Audio Technica ATH-M50X. They don't come with a mic, though, so an Antlion Modmic is the perfect combo.
Antlion sells a bundle.
It is right at the edge of your budget, but they will last. I've had my Modmic and ATH-M50 (pre-X) headphones for 15 years and they're still fantastic.
All great recommendations from the people here, as much as I don't like Bluetooth(audio snob, I still use wired studio monitors audio technica athm50) I cant deny the convenience and versatility, so I would recommend a mid range Bluetooth headset. The audio snob in me has to recommend an audio brand and not a gaming brand, so I support the sennheiser recommendation and will add the audio technica athg1wl, which is on sale on Amazon at the moment.
I like my Corsair void RGB Elites. Nice pair of comfy wireless headsets that only cost $70 that ogfer good clear sound. The only complaint for me about them is the range doesn't seem to be very large and the included charging cable is very fragile and doesn't last very long in my experience.
If you're looking for a headset that isn't wireless, hyperx makes some decent headsets, but their good ones are kind of expensive. Right now, their HyperX III is on sale for $64.79 (usually $100) and their HyperX Alpha X is $70 (usually $130), and their HyperX Cloud Alpha is $77 (usually $100, only 22% off) on their official website. You can choose between wired and wireless ones. Obviously, the wireless ones will cost more.
Arctis steelseries is yet another really good brand, but iirc, all of their headsets are wireless, and they're pretty expensive ($100+ is the average cost for a pair).
If you want top of the line stuff, Logitech G Astro A50s. They're the best gaming headsets you can get without buying studio grade headsets like the Beyrdynamic DT 770s, but they're also $300-$380.
Audio Technika Ath-50x
My vote, 'Razer blackshark v2 pro' for the ~$200 mark. Its lightweight for a large over ear headset, its not exactly a "Pretty" headset, but the build quality is fantastic. It has a better mic than most & can be easily swapped between PC, Bluetooth & Xbox.
I cant speak for many other brands because I haven't personally had them. Ive had a 'Turtle Beach Stealth 700' V3, the speakers were incredible, but mic quality was genuinely garbage.
For the $100 range, 'Turtle Beach Stealth 600' series seems to be popular. I have a Razer Karia Pro & its good, but has a creaky noise from plastic & cheap-ish build quality, but my 7th grade nephew has been using it for like 2 years & its not broken yet, so.
Senheiser H6Pro has been phenomenal for me. I’ve had Turtle Beach and Astro both fail on me in <6 months, can’t really attest for Steel Series or Razor but I can say Senheiser quality really stands out over anything I’ve looked at