This movie single handedly saved the ferret trade in the 80’s. Who else convinced the folks to get them one of those smelly bastards?
Posted by Sufficient_Focus4174@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 31 comments

God I loved my ferret a sable named Floyd, such a character so much fun and so smart. I'll always miss him and hope he's with me when I croak. He could've smelled like a rotting corpse and still would love him.
RIP Floyd
I miss my ferret too. Got into everything. Once found a tube of cellophane hair color, dragged it into my underbed box of pastel sweaters, and then chewed it open. Sneaky little dastardly.
RIP Lord Siegfried Montgomery Lizardo
No doubt , Floyd used to jump on my cat and ride her like he was in a rodeo.
Great little companions
I forgot about the ferrets. Whenever I think of this movie, I think of the glowing ear worms or that eyeball that was inside that ring.
Kodo and Podo, right?
There are two details that come to mind when I think of this movie which shows you what consumed my thoughts at that time.
One of my favorite movies but it didn't make me want to have a ferret. I already met people that had them before I saw this. Cute but they kind of suck as pets
Didn't have a ferret, but I did appreciate the flagrant nudity as a young man.
Sufficient_Focus4174@reddit (OP)
Just rewatched it today as a 46 year old. Still appreciate!
Anyone remember,_the_Hunter_from_the_Future? There have been a bunch of Beastmaster posts here lately. It was kind of a low rent Conan. But Yor was like a low rent Beastmaster.
All I'm remembering now is some old guy saying something like "Damn that talking box!" in reference to a radio or some other futuristic device that the medieval/fantasy/cave characters in the show couldn't wrap their heads around. . . yep, just googled it, that line was from Yor.
The Beastmaster was shitty, but Yor was even more shitty.
How about Krull ... that might be a low rent Yor
Haven't seen Krull but I can believe that the rents can keep getting lower. :)
Yor is fantastic, and the opening theme song ( Yor's world!) is. . . something Yor is played by Reb Brown, from the Captain America TV movies and Space Mutiny
And yeah, he gets really mad at a communicator thing and curses it
I don’t know anything about ferrets.
I do know Sir Mix-A-Lot would approve of this poster.
My grandad had a few, he used to take me out rabbiting with them. The movie was enough of an excuse for me to hassle my mum to get some of my own. Even managed to take them into school! :)
I had two but for some reason they would steal everything shinny and put them in my hood where they would like to be when taking them places.
Back in the 80s...
TBS: The Beastmaster Station
HBO: Hey Beastmaster's On
its free on yputube is anyone wants to watch.
I alternated between this and Clash of the Titans. Two of my favorites and I also got a ferret. That little creature got into everything
Kindergarten Cop too. I could swear that Arnold also had a ferret in one of his fantasy movies but I can't seem to Google it.
i never saw the movie but now i wonder if that’s why one of my friends had a ferret…
It didn't matter what day of the week it was or what time of the day or night... you could ALWAYS find Beastmaster playing on one cable station or another.
TBS baby, and it was about 4 minutes shorter than the original run time for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
This movie turned me gay🤷♂️
Sufficient_Focus4174@reddit (OP)
🤣 the boobs when the two women were frolicking in the lake confirmed my straightness.
Back in the nineties one of my friends had two ferrets in his TINY one bedroom apartment. It smelled like a straight up circus tent in there. Phwew.
Those bat women, though. Nightmare fuel.
I got 2 and they were even more cute than Kodo and Podo.
Sufficient_Focus4174@reddit (OP)
We had one named Thurston (brother was big into Sonic Youth). Our mom was into expensive parrots during this time. We quickly learned how opportunistic and agile a ferret could be. RIP Rosie.
Man. I watched that on Showtime at my Dad’s house repeatedly.
Feel like I've known an alarming amount of people with them but never had one myself.